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Submitted By
Anuj Malviya
Kriti Upadhyay
Megha Gambhir
Monika Agrawal
Neha Bansal
 Defining A System:
– A system is an interrelated set of business
procedures used within one business unit working
together for a purpose.

 Basic components of a system:

i. Input
ii. Processing
Introduction (contd.)
 System Analysis
 Analysis is a detailed study of various operations
performed by a system and their relationships within
and outside the system.

 System Analysis also includes sub-dividing of complex

process involving the entire system, identification of
data store and manual processes.
System Concept
 Decomposition
– Allows the systems analyst to:
• Break a system into small, manageable subsystems.
• Focus on one area at a time.
• Concentrate on component pertinent to one group
of users.
• Build different components at independent times.

 Modularity
– Process of dividing a system into modules of a
relatively uniform size.
System Concept (contd.)
 Coupling
– Dependent sub-systems are coupled.
 Cohesion
– Extent to which a subsystem performs a single
 Logical System Description
– Portrays the purpose & function of system.
– Does not tie description to specific physical
 Physical System Description
– Focuses on material construction.
System Analysis. What and Why?
 Resource Management
– Predicting resource usage.
– Tracking resource consumption and quality.
– Securing and relinquishing resources.

 Project Management
– Prevent projects from coming in late.
– Prevent projects from going over budget.
– Consists of several steps
• Decomposing project into independent tasks.
• Determining relationships between tasks.
• Assigning resources and personnel to tasks.
System Analysis contd….
 Risk Management
– Anticipate what might go wrong.
– Minimize risk.

 Change Management
– Ability to assist in making transition to new system.
– Ability to deal with technical issues related to change
• Obsolescence
• Reusability
Need of System Analysis
 Provides with blue prints.

 To know how to logically divide a complex job into

smaller manageable steps.

 Division of large jobs into logical steps will

– Enable one to assess progress at the end of each step.
– Steps can be assigned to persons with specialized
– Allocation of human and financial resources
appropriate for each step can be planned.
Steps Involved in Systems Analysis &
 Requirement Determination
 Requirement Specification
 Feasibility Analysis
 Final Specifications
 Hardware Study
 System Design
 System Implementation
 System Evaluation
 System Modification
Requirement Determination
 Arrived at by a consensus among managers.

 Priorities among applications determined.

 Pick high priority applications.

Requirement Specification
 Known System Requirement Specification (SRS).

 Understand the existing System.

 Applications where a system is required are


 Arrive at the specifications of the users’

requirements after discussions with the user.

 A system may encompass several applications.

Feasibility Analysis
 A preliminary study to determine & document a
project's viability.

 The results are used to make a decision whether

to proceed with the project, or table it.

 Done for possible alternative solutions and to

recommend best alternative.

 E.g.- can decide whether an order processing be

carried out by a new system more efficiently
than the previous one.
Feasibility Analysis
 Need of Feasibility Study
– The current system may no longer suit its purpose.
– Technological advancement may have rendered the
current system redundant.
– The business is expanding, allowing it to cope with
extra work load.
– Customers are complaining about the speed and quality
of work the business provides.
– Competitors are now winning a big enough market
share due to an effective integration of a
computerized system.
Types of Feasibility
 Economic Feasibility Study
 Technical Feasibility Study
 Schedule Feasibility Study
 Organizational Feasibility Study
 Cultural Feasibility Study
 Legal Feasibility Study
 Marketing Feasibility Study
Final Specification
 Can be a written document, a graphical model, a
formal mathematical model, a collection of usage
scenarios, a prototype, or any combination of

 Is the final work product produced by the

system and requirements of engineer.

 It describes the function and performance of a

system and the constraints that will govern its

 SRS written-given to user & agreement reached.

Final Specification contd..
 Like a legal contract, it place demands on both
parties, if any precondition client has

 Functional Specifications, which detail what basic

operations product will deliver.

 Non-functional Specifications deal with the

environment in which the product runs.
Hardware Study
 Determine Hardware and Software required to
execute the application.

 Determine Response time, Volume of data to be

processed, Frequency of reports etc & then pick
the hardware.
System Design
 Logical Design of the system

 Objects Identified

 Database Designed

 Program Specification drawn up

 Implementation Plan Drawn up

 Test Plan
System Implementations

 Currently Existing System

– start with a systematic, diagnostic approach.
– Is this lack of performance important? If not, focus
on more important tasks.
– Do the workers have the right tools (manuals, job aids,
hardware) to use the system?
– Are there any consequences for not using the system
System Implementations

 Newly Installed System

– workers may lack the relevant skills and abilities.
– research into common implementation issues can be
– communication with users of the software can be
System Evaluation
 Find out from users whether the system meets
specified requirements.

 List areas of dissatisfaction and find reasons

 Suggest if there has to be any improvements to

the system.
System Modification
 Fix errors

 Add/Delete features as required by users

 Tune the System

 Continuously monitor system and assess

Role of System Analyst
 Defining Requirements
– Involves Interviewing Users

 Prioritizing Requirements
– Obtain Users Consensus

 Fact Gathering
– Data, Facts, Opinions of Managers
– Lower level Users should be consulted

 Analysis and evaluation

– Arrive at appropriate system
Role of System Analyst
 Solving problems
– Hazy requirements converted into specific
– Suggest many alternative solutions.
– Quantify cost and benefits.

 Drawing up specifications
– Functional specifications
• Understood by users and programmers.
• Accepted by users.
• Precise and detailed.
• Account for possible changes.
Role of System Analyst
 System design
– Logical design of system
• Objects identification
• Normalizing database
• Test plan
– Design must be modular to accommodate change

 Evaluating Systems
– Evaluation after use for sometime
– Plan periodicity for evaluation
– Modify as needed
Attributes of a System Analyst
 Knowledge of organization

 Knowledge of computers and software

 Good interpersonal relations

 Ability to communicate

 Analytical mind

 Breadth of knowledge
Tools used by System Analyst
 E-R Diagram
Tools for System Analysis
 Decision Tree
Tools for System Analysis
 Data flow diagram
– It is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data
– It can also be used for the visualization of data
– Should not confuse with flowchart.
– Only four symbols for representing data flow diagram.

Data Store Source/ Sink Data Flow

Tools for System Analysis
 Symbols
– Data store is data at rest
– Process is the work or actions performed on data
– Source/sink is origin and/ or destination of data
 Rules
– No process can have only outputs and inputs
– Data can not move directly from one data store to
– Movement of data is done by process
– Data flow to a data store means update
– Data flow from a data store means retrieve
– Bidirectional data flow is denoted by two separate
Tools for System Analysis
Level-0 DFD

Context diagram of Hoosier burger’s food ordering system

Testing of a System
 Validation of the program

 Ensures that the program performs correctly

the required task.

 Guidelines for testing

– Make the test plan part of the program design.
– Check all trivial and special cases.
– Test with extreme values.
– Use statistical methods in planning and evaluating
complex task.
– Select test data on a random basis.
Types of Testing
 White Box Testing
– Uses the internal perspective of the system to design
test cases.
– Requires technical skills to identify and test all paths
through the system.
– Exercise all logical decisions on their true and false

 Black Box Testing

– An external perspective of the test object to derive
test cases
– The test designer selects valid and invalid input and
determines the correct output
Types of Testing
 Black Box Testing contd….
– Attempt to find the error of the following type.
i) incorrect or missing functions,
ii) interface errors,
iii) errors in data structures or external database access
iv) performance errors,
v) Initialization and termination errors.
 Written text that accompanies software

 An important but often overlooked task

 Vital in debugging and testing, important in

maintenance and redesigning

 Done simultaneously with design, coding etc…

 Good documentation makes subsequent

programming tasks much simpler
Documentation Types
 Architecture/Design
– Overview of software.
– Includes relations to an environment and
construction principles to be used in design of
software components.
 Technical
– Documentation of code, algorithms, interfaces, and
 End User
– Manuals for the end-user, system administrators
and support staff.
 Marketing
– Product briefs and promotional collateral.
Maintenance of System

 Updating and Correcting of system for

changing conditions

 Newly discovered bugs

 Specification changes and expands

 New equipment

 2/3 of the work is maintenance

System Development Life Cycle
 The linear sequential model

 The prototyping model

 Incremental model

 Boehm’s spiral model

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