IMS Daily Word List

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CAT 2010


1] Im-mac-u-late (i-mak’yu-let) (adj.)

1] Completely clean: With two maids, her house was always immaculate.
2] Completely unsullied: without sin or blemish: an inmaculate life.
Syn.: 1] spotless, spick-and-span. 2] stainless, pure, untainted.
Ant.: 1] dirty, filthy. 2] stained, tainted, defiled.

2] Potpourri (n.)
A medley, miscellany or anthology. The Orchestra played a potpourri of Italian, French,
and Australian folksongs.

3] Zoomorphism (n.)
1] Attributing of animal forms or characteristics to deities (Indian god Ganesha)
2] The representation of animal forms in decorative art or symbolism.

4] Splurge (v.i.)
1] To spend lavishly; be extravagant: to splurge on a new coat.
2] To show off. Ant.: economise.

5] Flam-boy-ant (flam-boi’ant) (adj.)

1] Extravagantly ornate; showy: Flamboyant hair styles prevailed during the reign of
Louis XIV.
2] Brilliant in color; resplendent: a garden of flamboyant flowers, flam-boy’ance (n.),
flam-boy’ant-ly (adv.)
Syn.: 1] overelaborate, ostentatious, florid, rococo. 2] showy, gorgeous, flaming.
Ant.: 1] plain, simple, bare. 2] dull, dreary.

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