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Œ  ON, M  ON, ŒALUE AND OBJECT ŒE (Organization Culture)  

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Bharat Electronics Limited‘ is a state-owned electronics company
with about nine factories, and few regional offices in ndia. ts
Corporate Head Office is in Bangalore, ndia. t is owned by the
ndian Government & primarily manufactures advanced electronic
products for the ndian Armed Forces. BEL is 76 per cent owned
by the ndian government and 24 per cent owned by financial sectors through the ndian
stock exchange. BEL is one of the eight PUs under Ministry of Defence, Government of
ndia. BEL became a Mini Ratna Category company in February 2002. ubsequently BEL
has been got Navratna status in June 2007.
BEL has more than 360 products in its range from small components costing a rupee to
huge equipment costing about Rs.60 Crore. Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) is an ndia-
based multi-product company. The Company is engaged in manufacturing and supplying of
electronic products primarily to defence services. The Company provides products in three
categories: defence, non defence and system/turnkey solutions. Defence division offers
products in various areas, such as communications, radars, naval systems, opto-electronics,
electronic welfare system, tank electronics and simulators. Non Defence division offers
products in various areas, such as switching equipment, television and broadcast, direct to
home (DTH), telecom, simputer, electronic voting machine and electronic components.
ystem/Turnkey solutions division offers various services, such as command, control,
communications, computers and intelligence solutions (C4 ), satellite communications
(ATCOM) and vessel traffic management system (ŒTM). t also offers various services,
including contract manufacturing, and design and manufacturing services.
Mr. Ashwani Kumar Datt (57) took over as the Chairman and Managing Director of
Navratna Defence Public ector Undertaking Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), with effect
from May 1, 2009. He succeeded Mr ΠΠR astry, who retired on superannuation on April
30, 2009.


Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) was set up at Bangalore, ndia, by the Government of ndia
under the Ministry of Defence in 1954 to meet the specialised electronic needs of the ndian
defence services. Over the years, it has grown into a multi-product, multi-technology, multi-


unit company serving the needs of customers in diverse fields in ndia and abroad. BEL is
among an elite group of public sector undertakings which have been conferred the Navratna
status by the Government of ndia.

The growth and diversification of BEL over the years mirrors the advances in the electronics
technology, with which BEL has kept pace. tarting with the manufacture of a few
communication equipment in 1956, BEL went on to produce Receiving Œalves in 1961,
Germanium emiconductors in 1962 and Radio Transmitters for A R in 1964.

n 1966, BEL set up a Radar manufacturing facility for the Army and in-house R&D, which
has been nurtured over the years. Manufacture of Transmitting Tubes, ilicon Devices and
ntegrated Circuits started in 1967. The PCB manufacturing facility was established in 1968.

n 1970, manufacture of Black & White TΠPicture Tube, X-ray Tube and Microwave Tubes
started. The following year, facilities for manufacture of ntegrated Circuits and Hybrid
Micro Circuits were set up. 1972 saw BEL manufacturing TΠTransmitters for Doordarshan.

Under the government's policy of decentralization and due to strategic reasons, BEL ventured
to set up new Units at various places. The second Unit of BEL was set up at Ghaziabad in
1974 to manufacture Radars communication equipment for the ndian Air Force. The third
Unit was established at Pune in 1979 to manufacture mage Converter and mage ntensifier

n 1980, BEL's first overseas office was set up at New York for procurement of components
and materials. The pace Electronic Division was set up at Bangalore to support the satellite
programme in 1982. The same year saw BEL achieve a turnover of Rs.100 crores.

n 1983, an ailing Andhra cientific Company (ACO) was taken over by BEL as the fourth
manufacturing Unit at Machilipatnam. n 1985, the fifth Unit was set up in Chennai for
supply of Tank Electronics, with proximity to HŒF, Avadi. The sixth Unit was set up at
Panchkula the same year to manufacture Military Communication equipment. 1985 also saw
BEL manufacturing on a large scale Low Power TŒ Transmitters and TŒROs for the
expansion of Doordarshan's coverage.


1986 witnessed the setting up of the seventh Unit at Kotdwara to manufacture witching
Equipment, the eighth Unit to manufacture TΠGlass hell at Taloja (Navi Mumbai) and the
ninth Unit at Hyderabad to manufacture Electronic Warfare Equipment.

n 1987, a separate Naval Equipment Division was set up at Bangalore to give greater focus
to Naval projects. The first Central Research Laboratory was established at Bangalore in
1988 to focus on futuristic R&D.

1989 saw the manufacture of Telecom witching and Transmission ystems as also the
setting up of the Mass Manufacturing Facility in Bangalore and the manufacture of the first
batch of 75,000 Electronic Œoting Machines.

The agreement for setting up BEL's first Joint Œenture Company, BE DELFT, with M/s Delft
of Holland was signed in 1990. Recently this became a subsidiary of BEL with the exit of the
foreign partner and has been renamed BEL Optronic Devices Limited.

BEL Units obtained O 9000 certification in 1993-94. The second disinvestment (4.14%)
took place in 1994. n 1996, BEL achieved Rs.1,000 crores turnover.

n 1997, GE BEL, the Joint Œenture Company with M/s GE, UA, was formed. n 1998,
BEL set up its second overseas office at ingapore to source components from outh East


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 ‘‘‘‘  +‘,‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ +‘'‘!

BANGALORE 1954 5927

GHAZ ABAD 1974 2596

PUNE 1979 411


PANCKULA 1985 625

CHENNA 1985 410

KOTDWARA 1986 720

HYDRABAD 1986 490

NAΠMUMBA 1986 500

 !‘‘ )' ()$‘*)#‘%‘‘)‘'‘!#+‘


The year 2000 saw the Bangalore Unit, which had grown very large, being reorganized into
trategic Business Units (BUs). There are seven BUs in Bangalore Unit. The same year,
BEL shares were listed in the National tock Exchange.

n 2002, BEL became the first defence PU to get operational Mini Ratna Category status.
n June 2007, BEL was conferred the prestigious Navratna status based on its consistent

During 2008-09, BEL recorded a turnover of Rs.4624 crores.


Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), a Navratna defence PU, has recorded a turnover of
Rs.5,235 crores (provisional) for the fiscal year 2009-10, registering a growth of 13.2 per cent
over the turnover of Rs.4,624.09 crores during 2008-09.

The estimated Profit Before Tax was Rs. 1,086 crores (provisional), as against last year¶s
figure of Rs. 1,096.84 crores. BEL achieved exports of U $23.65 million, which is an
increase of 33 per cent over last year¶s figure of U $17.77 million. The turnover per
employee during 2009-10 has shown a considerable growth to Rs. 45.3 lakhs from last year¶s
Rs. 38.6 lakhs. The value added per employee has increased to Rs. 19 lakhs from last year¶s
value of Rs. 18 lakhs. The order book as on today is estimated to be around Rs. 11,350

Head Mar-07 Mar-08 Mar-09 Mar-10

TOTAL EQU TY 26,698.50 33,207.80 38,985.90 --
AND EQU TY 59,811.20 70,895.00 86,736.80 --
TOTAL AET 59,811.20 70,895.00 86,736.80 --
TOTAL REŒENUE 41,205.00 42,296.40 47,676.40 53,774.40
NET NCOME 7,315.50 8,372.70 7,532.70 7,510.90


(#‘ )' (
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) designs, develops and manufactures state-of- the-art
products in the field of Radars, Defence Communications, Telecommunications, ound and
Œision Broadcasting, Opto-electronics, olar systems, T products and Electronic
components. BEL has the expertise in engineering Radar, Telecom and atcom networks,
providing network solutions to meet customer needs. These systems are supplied and
commissioned on turnkey basis.

With over four decades of manufacturing experience Bharat Electronics Limited has
pioneered the professional electronics movement in ndia. With continuous upgradation of
technology, commitment to quality and constant innovation, BEL has grown into a multi
product, multi unit, multi technology company.

Bharat Electronics manufactures and supplies Communication equipments for the Defence
forces - covering ground, air and ship borne equipments and systems.

BEL manufactures a comprehensive range of Radars for defence as well as civilian

applications. Radar systems offered from BEL are for applications like urveillance, Fire
Control, Tracking and Navigation. n the category of Land based Radars , BEL manufactures
systems for 3D urveillance, econdary surveillance, fire control and battle field
surveillance. For Naval applications Radars offered are in the Navigational, Fire control and
urveillance categories. n Civilian category BEL offers radars for Air Traffic Control. The
frequency bands covered extend from C band upto Ka band. BEL also offers Networking of

ONAR products from BEL cover the range of underwater applications for surface ships,
submarines and Naval aviation. BEL also offers Naval systems in user defined configurations
for different types and classes of ships, submarines and other platforms and applications.

Tank Fire Control ystem MK 1B AL 4421 is designed to reduce the engagement time
leading to an increase in kill rate and to improve the first round hit probability. The system is
capable of engaging static or moving targets with own tank stationary or static targets with
own tank moving.

During the year 2001-02, BEL earned the distinction of becoming the first Defence PU to
acquire operational M N RATNA CATEGORY- status. This enhanced status will provide


BEL certain operational autonomy in the areas of capital investment, establishment of Joint
Œentures etc.

A number of initiatives were taken to diversify the business of BEL and secure orders. n
eptember 2001, BEL won a tender of Rs 18 crore from Andhra Pradesh Government
towards establishing a network (APNET) for state-wide broadcast and communication upto
district/block level. The hub has been commissioned and the terminals are in various stages
of completion. The Andhra Pradesh Government has now invited BEL to give a proposal for
Phase of the project to cover the whole tate. The value of Phase will be around Rs.40

BEL has also been awarded a atellite Network tender by Andhra Pradesh Beverages
Corporation Limited (APBCL). APBCL negotiated the price with BEL for using the common
infrastructure of APNET at the Hub. The main application is for consolidating the sales
transactions on-line by 31 remote centres with the APBCL headquarters on the BOOT model.

BEL has been selected through competitive tendering by the Ministry of Home Affairs to
establish a countrywide network called POLNET on turnkey basis. The project includes 11 M
Hub at Delhi, 40 high capacity ŒAT terminals for the tate Headquarters and major cities,
833 low capacity ŒATs at District Headquarters and Block levels. The negotiations have
been completed and the order valued at Rs 97 crore, is in the final stages of processing.
POLNET will enable effective communication among Police Forces of various states,
exchange of police data files and fingerprints and Œideo Broadcast & Conferencing.

BEL secured a large number of orders for the LED based olar Traffic ignals in Bangalore,
Hyderabad and New Delhi etc.

BEL and ndian pace Research Organisation have entered into an understanding for
cooperative efforts to meet the growing demands of satellite manufacture in ndia. atellite
Electronics Payload (Transponders)- a major part of any satellite will be manufactured by
BEL for integration with the satellites to be launched by RO. BEL has also commenced
manufacture and supply of solar-based mini power plants, the first of which has been
installed in a technology foundation in New Delhi.


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À‘ To be a world class enterprise in professional electronics

À‘ To be a customer focussed, globally competitive company in defence electronics and
in other chosen areas of professional electronics, through quality, technology and
0* ‘
À‘ Putting customers first
À‘ Working with transparency, honesty and integrity
À‘ Trusting and respecting individuals
À‘ Fostering team work
À‘ triving to achieve high employee satisfaction
À‘ Encouraging flexibility and innovation


À‘ Endeavouring to fulfil social responsibilities
À‘ Proud to being a part of the organization
0 ‘
À‘ To be a customer focussed company providing state of the art products and solutions
at competitive prices, meeting the demands of quality, delivery and service.
À‘ To generate internal resources for profitable growth.
À‘ To attain technology leadership in defence electronics through in-house R&D,
partnership with defence/research laboratories and academic institutions.
À‘ To give thrust to exports.
À‘ To create a facilitating environment for people to realize their full potential through
continuous learning and team work.
À‘ To give value for money to customers and to create wealth for shareholders.
À‘ To constantly benchmark company¶s performance with best-in-class internationally.
À‘ To raise marketing abilities to global standards.
À‘ To strive for self-reliance through indigenisation.


We are committed to consistently deliver enhanced value to our customers, through continual
improvement of our products and processes.

,‘ 2

À‘ Effective and efficient design and development process, considering the present and
future needs of customers.
À‘ Enhanced customer satisfaction by on-time delivery of defect free products and
effective life cycle support.
À‘ Continual upgradation and utilization of infrastructure and human resources.
À‘ Mutually beneficial alliances with suppliers.
À‘ Continual improvement of processes through innovation, technology and knowledge


Name Title Age

Chairman, Managing Director, Member of

#% )‘ Procurement Committee, Member of Appointments
4 ‘ ‘ Committee, Member of nvestment Committee and
Member of R&D Committee

Director of Finance, Wholetime Director, Member of

Procurement Committee, Member of nvestment 58
Committee and Member of R&D Committee

‘4 ‘
 ‘ Chief Œigilance Officer --


Director of Bangalore Complex, Whole Time

+‘ +‘
Director, Member of Audit Committee and Member 59
of Procurement Committee

5‘+‘ Chief cientist of CRL Bangalore and General

4 !$ $‘ Manager of CRL Bangalore

 ‘6‘ ‘

Name Primary Company Age

#% )‘
Bharat Electronics Limited 58
4 ‘ ‘

Bharat Electronics Limited 58

+‘ +‘
Bharat Electronics Limited 59


Name Primary Company Age

+‘ +‘
Bharat Electronics Limited 57
  &#) ‘

Bharat Electronics Limited 54

ñ      !

Bharat Electronics Limited currently employs 11545 employees across ndia. The
organization structure for BEL is given below:

The details of different Manufacturing Units and their tasks are given below:

( Mr. H.. Bhadoria
) !‘ ) $‘ ! ‘ Mr. Amol Newaskar
) !‘ ) $‘ ! ‘  # Mr. P C Jain
) !‘ ) $‘ " !‘ ## Mr. A A Mohanram,


Mr. Œijayaraghavan M
) !‘ ) $‘!()(‘.7 Mr.  K Acharya
) !‘ ) $‘7 ‘ ## Mr.  Ramachandran
) !‘ ) $‘!()( Mr. C Nageshwar Rao
) !‘ ) $‘8 Mr. Girish Kumar
(#‘ )‘0(#‘ # Communication equipments ± HF/ŒHF Man pack,
Mobile & static Trans-receiver/Transmitters

-+‘ 9
) !‘ ) $‘   Mr.  K harma
) !‘ ) $‘   Mr.  C Jain
(#‘ )‘0(#‘ # Antenna for primary & secondary radars

/+‘ * 
) !‘ ) $ Mr. Amarendra D.
(#‘ )‘0(#‘ # tatic 7 Rotating Anode x-ray cables, Magnesium
Manganese Dioxide, Battery packs


) !‘ ) $ Mr. Œijay Gundannavar
(#‘ )‘0(#‘ # Passive night vision devices- Goggles, Binoculars,

;+‘ 4 .

) !‘ ) $ Mr. R Chandra Kumar
(#‘ )‘0(#‘ # ULB, BET, MART, HART

<+‘  4*
) !‘ ) $ Mr. uresh N.
(#‘ )‘0(#‘ # ŒHF/UHF Ground to ground to air communication

=+‘ 0
‘ * 

) !‘ ) $ Mr. M M Handa

(#‘ )‘0(#‘ # Hydraulics for T- 72 Tank stabilizers, helters for
Electronic equipment.


) !‘ ) $ Mr. Mehrotra D K


(#‘ )‘0(#‘ # Gun control & Drive ystem for Armored Fighting

?+‘ ,  
) !‘ ) $ Mr. G Raghavendra Rao
(#‘ )‘0(#‘ # Electronic warfare equipment

Œarious takeholders for BEL are:
À‘ "))‘ BEL is a PU, under Ministry of Defense, Government of ndia
established on 1954. BEL is 76 per cent owned by the ndian government. ‘
À‘ 0) )( !‘ #(#‘ -:‘ ‘ ()‘ %)‘ ‘ ') )( !‘ #(#‘ $‘ ‘
) )‘
#(&‘8( )$+‘
À‘ ) $#‘ )‘ .&#‘ Bharat Electronics Limited currently employs 11545
employees across ndia.‘
À‘ ##‘

) )‘ &‘

Bharat Electronics Limited is a major supplier of products and turnkey systems to

the ndian Defence ervices. Over the years, BEL has diversified into
manufacturing many civilian products as well. Large turnkey telecommunication
solutions are also being offered to civilian market.


Exports play a key role in BEL's strategic perspective. The ranges of products and
services exported have been increasing over the years. A number of international
companies are using the facilities at BEL for contract manufacturing. Œarious
products and services are exported to countries like ndonesia, Brazil, Russia,
Malaysia, Germany etc.

À‘ !#‘ various suppliers and distributors are linked directly or indirectly. They
want to charge as much as possible to earn more revenues.


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The turnover of GEBEL during 2004-2005 was over Rs. 450 Crores including an export of
over Rs. 430 Crores.
The company has been recognized for its outstanding export performance since 1998 by the
Export Promotion Councils. The facility conforms to the high standards of Environment,
Health & afety and is recognized as a GE Global tar site. Apart from manufacturing, a
dedicated engineering team is working on the development of new technologies & products
to meet various customer needs
‘ & )‘ )" # )
Managing Director
GE-BE Private Limited
‘6‘ !)‘‘
BEL and Multitone, UK, offers state- of- the- art Mobile Communication Products for the
workplace. Multitone invented paging in 1956 when it developed the world's first system to
serve the "life or death" environment of t.Thomas Hospital, London. With the strength of
Bharat Electronics in the Radio Communications field and the technology of Multitone in the
field of Radio Paging, the joint venture company is in a position to offer tailor made solutions
to the Mobile Communication needs at workplaces in various market segments.

The joint venture offers one of the most comprehensive on-site product ranges - from small,
easy to use pagers to practical, durable private Mobile Radios and the latest technology,
digital cordless communication systems. Brief details of the products are:
À‘ Access 700 one-way speech paging system which supports 100 pagers.
À‘ Access 1000/3000 Radio Paging system which supports 1500/5000 users.


À‘ Computer Radio ntegration units.
À‘ Digital Cordless Communication ystem


 $ #   
‘)(‘ "(#‘+ is a
subsidiary company of BEL. t is
established for conducting research,
development and manufacture of mage
ntensifier Tubes and associated high
voltage Power upply Units for use in
Military, security and Commercial
systems. The company is located in
Bhosari ndustrial Area, Pune.


‘ )‘)‘

‘!#, 18mm
mage ntensifier Tubes are high
gain,compact, proximity focused
devices developed to produce
high resolution intensified
images with Automatic
Brightness Control. These
devices are available in nverting
(XX1440- eries) and Non
inverting (XX1450- eries)
image types.

The product conforms to M L- -




))#'‘# are high
gain, Electro-statically focused device developed
to produce high resolution intensified images.
This device is available in nverting (XX1470-
eries) image type.

The product conforms to M L- - 49040E.

$‘"! $‘%‘#!‘
)#, P-12 for 18mm
. .Tubes and P-42 for 25mm
. .Tubes are also manufactured.
These are MD version high
voltage, low current power
supply units comprising of wrap
around type, hermetically sealed
DC-DC converter and can be
powered by low current 2 to 3.6
Πsource alkaline batteries.

The products conform to M L-

P-49146 (ER) and M L-P-
49090C (CR) respectively

‘ 0
‘%‘ !‘*)#
ANŒ  (Aviators Night Œision ystem) Power upply Units, P-52- , are used in
Gen Plus / uper Gen / Gen 18mm . .
Tubes for Aviation Night Œision ights e.g used by helicopter pilots for night


surveillance. The ANΠ Power upply Units
employ high density electronics for compactness and light weight. The product
conforms to M L standards.

!( )#‘
- Night Œision Goggles and Binoculars
- Night Œision Weapon ights
- Low Light Level input applications.

% &   !

 ‘#( !‘#)#!
n tune with BEL¶s cherished value of fulfilling social responsibilities, the Company is
committed to contribute for the socio-economic development of its stakeholders and the
business decisions of the Company will be in line with its corporate social obligations. BEL¶s
initiatives shall aim at earning the goodwill of the community and enhancing the image of the
Pursuing this objective, your Company has finalised a policy on Corporate ocial
Responsibility, under which areas like health care, education, rural development,
environment protection, conservation of resources, will be addressed.

)"))‘ ) $) Environmental Management in BEL - n Pursuit of ustainable

Development Bharat Electronics Limited, in line with this global concern, has set out
several initiatives towards creating a cleaner environment and pays scrupulous attention to
controlling pollution. Development of suitable methods and effective management processes,
wherever they are susceptible to pollution, supported by a conscientious workforce, makes
BEL an environmentally responsible industry. The records indicate total compliance.
Even the quick view one registers while entering the factory premises of Bharat Electronics,
presents a green picture of the healthy environmental practices prevalent in the company.
Lush-green lawns and gardens, interspersed with trees, surround the well-maintained
)")) !‘ ) $)‘ #‘
Ever since the first accreditation to O 14001 Environmental Management ystem was
conferred in 2002, the enthusiasm to maintain a clean environment spread like wildfire. All


the six BUs of Bangalore Complex and the related ervices Groups are now certified.
Though different BUs and service groups have distinct focus in their manufacturing and
business operations, their common goal of maintaining cleaner surroundings has united them
in finding solutions to environmental issues.
! )‘ ‘
Even the inconspicuous emission to air is checked through stacks and chimneys. Gases
passing through these chimneys are treated and monitored within the limits specified by the
Karnataka tate Pollution Control Board (KPCB). To ensure compliance, the Quality
Assurance Division, independent of the operating centres, monitors the quality of air samples
once in 30 days. f variations are observed, prompt corrective actions put the system in order.
''!)‘ )‘
The domestic effluents are treated in two effluent treatment plants located in the factory
premises. Each day around 1,500 Kilolitres of domestic waste water undergoes biological
treatment, followed by clarification, filtration and chlorination. Domestic waste water is
treated and recycled for gardening purposes and is not discharged outside, thereby
eliminating pollution and saving water. We practice zero discharge.
!#‘)‘ #‘
By establishing a closed conduit pipeline system, at a cost of Rs.40 lakhs, for carrying
primary-treated process effluents from Plating hops and other Processing Centres to the
Centralised Effluent Treatment Plant, BEL has avoided flow of such effluents in open drains,
eliminating the related pollution and mixing with rain water.
!‘. #‘ ) $)
A system exists for collection of waste and disposal of the same in an orderly manner after
proper segregation. All metal scraps are segregated at the source itself. Hazardous wastes are
handled separately and stored in the well-protected central hazardous waste store constructed
exclusively for this purpose and disposed as per legal norms. A high level of awareness
exists on handling and disposing such materials to take care of the environmental
requirements and legislation


 3 #‘. #‘ ) $)‘ #
Management of hazardous waste is a key issue in environmental management. Bharat
Electronics has established an impeccable system by constructing an exclusive, well-
protected place for safe-keeping the hazardous waste with an enclosed area of 640 sq. meters.
ntermediate stores exist in each division wherein identified Hazardous Wastes are quantified
and stored. After these items are brought and stored in the central hazardous waste stores,
Engineering ervices Division disposes them as per the norms of Karnataka tate Pollution
Control Board. This avoids several kinds of pollution that would normally occur due to
spillage, mixing with rain water or inadvertent mixing with other materials, etc. This system
in practice effectively prevents pollution caused by hazardous wastes.
! )‘()!$
The real solution to environmental pollution lies, not merely in mitigating its adverse
impacts, but in preventing the generation of the pollutants proactively through application of
cleaner technology in our processes. Our assiduous search for environmentally-friendly
processes took us further in the prevention of pollution. The following initiatives present a
brief account of our attempts towards cleaner processes and environment-friendly
Change of process was made by switching over from hazardous metal odium treatment to
environment-friendly aqueous process for PTFE based Copper Clad Printed Circuit Boards
Copper is one of the important materials used in the manufacture of Printed Circuit Boards
but the process waste generated shall be free from copper. Many process changes were
effected to reduce such copper related pollution through the following actions
By introduction of auto-dosers and collection of the spent alkaline etchant in Carboys, by
laying drain pipelines, reduction of Copper content in the effluent entering the primary
treatment plant was effected.
By introduction of Red-ox potential based auto dosing units in acid etching plants and laying
of drain piping system from etchant chambers to collection chambers, reduction of Copper
content in effluent was also achieved.
The chemistry of Desmearing Process has been changed from HF to Permanganate Process,
which eliminates complete Fluoride content.


!$‘()‘$‘"!)‘'‘(! )‘()!$# ‘‘
An effective pollution control system targets reduction in hazardous waste generated. everal
processes were studied in detail and modifications implemented with a view to minimising
sludge generation, a hazardous waste.
n Components manufacturing Division, Calcium Chloride in place of lime, odium
Hypochlorate in place of Bleaching powder and odium Meta Bi-sulphide in place of Ferrous
ulphate are employed to reduce the sludge generation.
n our primary treatment plants for process effluent, change of chemical from Lime to
Caustic Lye (Liquid) reduced the ludge Quantity to less than 25 %.
n Zinc Plating process of Low Power Equipment Division, use of Cyanide compound was
eliminated by switching over to Cyanide-free Zinc plating process, which has not only done
away with cyanide effluent but also the sludge generated during its neutralization.

#$)‘'‘! )‘)"))‘
Our Research and Development Departments also look for environmentally friendly
components. Certain electronic components have been introduced in some of our design to
exclude the hazardous effects of materials such as Polybrominated compounds, Hexavalent
Chromium, Mercury, Beryllium Oxide, PŒC and Lead, during their disposal. Use of energy
efficient devices, introduced in the equipment designs, results in resource conservation in
addition to reducing the operating cost.
 !‘#(#‘ ) $)‘
The organization's prognosis of the looming dangers of indiscriminate use of natural
resources led to several conservation measures. The concerted efforts put forth in saving
energy, water and fuel are significant.

. ‘)#" )‘‘
Conservation of water is an environmental imperative for any responsible industry. We look
for every possible means to save water. Water conservation efforts, like any other material
conservation strategy, involve three approaches - reduce, reuse and recycle. We focus on each
of them.
(‘# $
The Company has concentrated on improving the process efficiency to reduce the water

consumption. The leakage in various processes were identified and prevented. Old
equipment, where the efficiency in usage of water has come down, were reconditioned to
improve the performance. mproved supervision and installation of sprinkler system resulted
in better utilization of Horticulture water.
(‘% # $‘
Reduction in wastage of water is an important aspect. Leakage in pipelines, leakage caused
by old valves and inadequate maintenance problems were solved. The measures taken in this
direction include replacement of the leaking pipelines and replacement of old valves with
new valves, which are also available with improved modern technology. The overhead tanks
are provided with auto level controllers to avoid manual errors. Many a time taps in common
facilities such as sinks and flushing system are kept open when the tank is empty and water
gushes out when the tank gets filled. Replacement of such taps with push cock taps and auto
flush for urinals have brought down such wastage.

#‘'‘. ‘
Reuse of water is to use the same water repeatedly in the process. The application is limited,
as in most of the applications the water becomes unfit for use. However, an attempt has been
made in the bus wash yards to reuse the water with minor treatment. An oil-water separation
plant has been set up to reduce the pollution due to oil and to conserve water. This saves
about 30 kiloliters of water everyday.

The effluent treatment plants treat both domestic and process effluents and recycle around
2500 Kilolitres per day to meet approximately 42% of the water requirement.

 )% ‘ "#)$‘#"

The Rainwater Harvesting reservoir inaugurated on April 17, 2003, mainly recharges ground
water and is expected to supply water for our own use in the future. uch a large-scale
rainwater harvesting system with a storage capacity of 170 Million Litres built at a cost of
Rs.57 Lakhs, is known to be the first of its kind by an industry in the country. This will help
not only our company but our neighbourhood as well.
We are moving towards creating greenery in every area, not covered by buildings or other
utility. Not to constrain this progress by shortage of water, the organization has entered into

an agreement with Bangalore Water upply and ewerage Board for supply of treated water
from their sewage treatment plant also, with an average supply of 1 million litres per day,
thereby ensuring the use of potable water only for potable purposes and non-potable water for
other purposes.

)$‘)#" )‘
The Company's persevering efforts to reduce the energy consumption brought down the
consumption of electrical energy from 48 million units in 1988-89 to 34 million units in
2004-05 even though production has increased several times.


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