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2, MAY 2003

Classification of Publications and Models on

Transmission Expansion Planning
Gerardo Latorre, Rubén Darío Cruz, Student Member, IEEE, Jorge Mauricio Areiza, and Andrés Villegas

Abstract—In this paper, the transmission planning planning models, the interpretation of their results, and it pro-
state-of-the-art, which was obtained from the review of the vides relevant information that allows us to understand the effect
most interesting models found in the international technical of the deregulation on the transmission planning function. This
literature, is presented. The classification of publications was
made, keeping in mind the solution methods, the treatment of the paper also tries to provide a starting point for an open exchange
planning horizon, and the consideration of the new competitive of information among transmission planning experts.
schemes in the power sector. A discussion about the available tools Due mostly to space constraints, mainly technical papers
for development of transmission planning models is also included. about synthesis transmission planning models were considered
Index Terms—Bibliography review, deregulation, heuristic op- for inclusion in this work. Only a few doctoral and master theses
timization, mathematical programming, modeling tools, synthesis were included, since the task of searching for a representative
algorithms, transmission planning state-of-the-art. list was beyond the available resources. The paper also does not
include all of the topics related to transmission planning. Some
I. INTRODUCTION readers may feel that citations within this paper do not include
analysis models, transmission pricing, transmission access,

I N a few words, a synthesis transmission planning model is

any calculation tool that, taking some input information as
a starting point, combines by itself different predefined trans-
merchant transmission, transmission regulatory schemes, input
data issues (e.g., databases) and other important issues closely
related to transmission planning models. However, it was the
mission expansion options in order to provide one or more qua-
decision of the authors to exclude all of this material because it
sioptimal transmission plans. These models can interact with the
is far too numerous to exhaustively document in a single paper.
planner, but usually this interaction is limited to settings adjust-
Although this paper was designed to be as complete as possible,
ments while the model is running.
the authors welcome discussion about providing missing items.
In the last few years, research in the area of synthesis trans-
The paper is organized as follows. Section II deals with pub-
mission planning models experienced an expansion. Many
lications that propose different synthesis algorithms to solve the
papers and reports about new models have been published in
transmission planning problem. Section III reviews the models
the technical literature due mostly to the improvement of the
according to the handling of the planning horizon (multiyear
computer power availability, new optimization algorithms, and
planning). Section IV presents the works that consider the elec-
the greater uncertainty level introduced by the power sector
tric sector deregulation on the transmission planning problem.
deregulation. Several publications skillfully describe the gen-
Later on, some of the features of the available tools for devel-
eral planning problem, see [1]–[3]. The classical transmission
opment of transmission planning models are discussed. Final
planning problem has been also studied in detail, for example,
remarks about the bibliography review and the transmission
[4] shows an overview and comprehensive qualitative anal-
planning state-of-the-art close the paper.
ysis of the major publications on transmission planning using
mathematical optimization models and sensitivity analysis. In
this paper, an updated review is presented of the most relevant II. SOLUTION METHODS
publications concerning transmission planning considering the According to the procedure that was followed to obtain the
solution method, and the considerations of both the planning expansion plan, the synthesis planning models can be classified
horizon and the new competitive schemes in the power sector. into two types: heuristic and mathematical optimization. How-
The analysis and discussion about those publications con- ever, there are tools that have characteristics of both types of
tributes significantly in the data preparation for the synthesis models, and they are termed meta-heuristic.

Manuscript received May 16, 2002; revised December 14, 2002. This work A. Mathematical Optimization Models
was supported in part by COLCIENCIAS, Inter-American Development Bank,
and ISA under Contracts COLCIENCIAS-ISA-UPB \CF -261-2002, ISA-UPB The mathematical optimization models find an optimum
4500013513, and ISA-UPB-UIS 4500015340. expansion plan by using a calculation procedure that solves a
G. Latorre is with Grupo de Investigación en Sistemas de Energía Eléctrica, mathematical formulation of the problem. Due to the impos-
Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia (e-mail: sibility of considering all aspects of the transmission planning
R. D. Cruz is with Instituto de Energía y Termodinámica, Universidad Ponti- problem, the plan obtained is the optimum only under large
ficia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia (e-mail: simplifications and should be technically, financially, and
J. M. Areiza and A. Villegas are with Interconexión Eléctrica S.A., Medellín,
Colombia (e-mail:; environmentally verified, among other examinations, before
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2003.811168 the planner makes a decision.
0885-8950/03$17.00 © 2003 IEEE

In the formulation of these models, the transmission planning Procedures based on the flow through fictitious lines of un-
is posed like an optimization problem with an objective function limited capacity have been also proposed. Those lines form the
(a criterion to measure in the same way the goodness of each ex- “overload network” used by Villasana et al. [7], Garver [8], and
pansion option), subject to a set of constraints. These constraints Levi et al. [30]. The flow through this network is penalized using
try to model great part of the technical, economic, and reliability the “guide numbers,” to assure that the mathematical model
criteria imposed to the power system expansion. uses all the real circuit capacity first. These procedures com-
Several methods have been proposed to obtain the optimum bine heuristic rules with mathematical optimization algorithms
solution for the transmission expansion problem, mostly using (linear programming) to solve the problem. They go forming
classical optimization techniques like linear programming step-by-step the transmission expansion plan, installing a single
[5]–[9], dynamic programming [10], nonlinear programming new circuit at a time. This new circuit is added in the corridor
[11], and mixed integer programming [12]–[18]. Optimization with the largest flow through the corresponding corridor of the
techniques like Benders [19]–[27] and hierarchical [28] de- overload network.
composition have been also used, as well as the combination of Latorre et al. [40] proposed a heuristic method that took
decomposition techniques with other approaches, solving the advantage of the natural decomposition of the transmission
problem with a “branch and bound” algorithm [31]. expansion problem in operation and investment subproblems.
Usually, big practical obstacles appear to obtain the “optimal” The investment subproblem is solved using a heuristic search
solution when mathematical optimization techniques are used procedure. The search was organized using a tree format and
for solving the transmission planning problem, which is non- started from an initial solution provided by the user. The
linear and nonconvex in nature. This is mostly due to the in- proposed model is very efficient computationally; this fact was
trinsic limitation of the optimization process itself, for example, verified on the planning of the Spanish transmission system.
convergence problems when dc load flow network model or a The use of heuristic algorithms is very attractive because
more detailed model is used, unreasonably large computational good feasible solutions can be found, that is, very competitive
times when discrete variables are used for modeling the invest- economically, with a small computational effort. However, they
ments and when stochastic modeling is used for planning under cannot guarantee in an absolute way, mathematically speaking,
uncertainty. the “optimal” transmission expansion.
Computer developments in the area of parallel processing
have originated a lot of interest in the researchers that work with
B. Heuristic Models
optimization algorithms to solve large scale problems. Parallel
The heuristic methods are the current alternative to the math- processing allows to solve complex problems in smaller com-
ematical optimization models. The term “heuristic” (to invent, putational times. There are a great variety of algorithms appro-
to create) is used to describe all those techniques that, instead priate for parallel processing (e.g., Rudnick et al. [41]) propose
of using a classical optimization approach, go step-by-step gen- a transmission planning model using genetic algorithms (GAs),
erating, evaluating, and selecting expansion options, with or suitable for parallel implementation. Other applications about
without the user’s help (interactive or noninteractive). To do GA applied in transmission expansion planning can be found in
this, the heuristic models perform local searches with the guid- [42]–[49].
ance of logical or empirical rules and/or sensitivities (heuristic The GA has been used to solve the transmission expansion
rules). These rules are used to generate and classify the options planning problem using both the probabilistic choice1 – PC
during the search. The heuristic process is carried out until the paradigm and the risk analysis (RA) paradigm2 [50]. These
plan generation algorithm is not able to find anymore a better paradigms are currently the two different tendencies for trans-
plan considering the assessment criteria that were settled down. mission expansion planning.
These criteria usually include investment-operation costs, over- The transmission expansion planning problem has been
loads, and unserved power. also solved using object-oriented models [51], game theory
One of the first heuristic approaches that tried to solve the [52]–[55], simulated annealing (SA) [56], [57], expert systems
transmission expansion problem was proposed by Fischl et al. [58]–[61], fuzzy set theory [62], and greedy randomized
[29]. Fischl introduced the “adjoin network” concept combined adaptive search procedure (GRASP) [63].
with dc power flow model to produce the necessary continuous Gallego et al. [64] compare the main features of three non-
susceptance change to minimize the investment cost. A pro- convex optimization methods for transmission planning: SA,
cedure called “nearest neighbor method” was used to find the GA, and TS algorithms [65]–[69] and presents an integrate view
closest discrete value of the susceptances. of these methodologies [70]. A hybrid approach was proposed
A common heuristic procedure is to allocate the additional to solve the transmission expansion planning problem that is ex-
circuits using a sensitivity analysis [31]–[39]. Some of these tended in Escobar [71].
models deal with purely electric sensitivities, see Bennon et al.
[36], with procedures to remove overloads. Others, use the sen- 1. The problem formulated by the probabilistic choice paradigm can be de-
sitivity with respect the load curtailment or other index of the scribed as follows: admit that one has defined a “welfare function” that measures
system behavior, for example, the “least effort” criterion used the goodness of a solution (we refer as “welfare” any criterion that may be trans-
by Monticelli et al. [35], with respect to susceptance reinforce- formed into an objective of optimization); given a set of futures, each one with
ment, when the dc load flow is used, see Pereira et al. [32], and a probability assigned, the optimal solution should be chosen among those that
maximize the expected welfare over the set of futures considered.
Dechamps et al. [38]. All of them start from an initial plan and 2The RA paradigm indicates a preferred solution as one that minimizes the
after successive evaluations, they improve it until obtain a qua- regret felt by the planner after verifying that the decisions they had made were
sioptimal plan. not optimal, given the future that in fact has occurred.

III. TREATMENT OF THE PLANNING HORIZON problem is very large. So the use of heuristic procedures seems
to be the only way to obtain feasible solution for large-scale
Transmission planning can be classified as static or dynamic dynamic transmission expansion problems.
according the treatment of the study period [4]. The planning is
static if the planner seeks the optimal circuit additional set for IV. CONSIDERATION OF THE ELECTRIC SECTOR
a single year on the planning horizon, that is, the planner is not RESTRUCTURING
interested in determining when the circuits should be installed During the past ten years, there has been an increasing interest
but in finding the final optimal network state for a future single and investigation in the area of transmission planning. This in-
definite situation (static situation) [24]. terest is mostly due to the worldwide restructuring of the electric
On the other hand, if multiple years are considered and industry. The pioneering theoretical work of the National Grid
an optimal expansion strategy is outlined along the whole Company [80] and the experience obtained from both the Eng-
planning period, the planning is classified as dynamic. In this lish [81] and Chilean systems have promoted the interest about
case, the mathematical model has time restrictions to consider the transmission planning issues in a deregulated environment
the coupling among the years so that the net present value of and consequently the number of publication in the area have in-
the considered costs along the planning horizon is minimized creased, see [82]. Works like those presented in [83]–[89] have
while the imposed restrictions are observed [72]. The dynamic provided some key factors to understand how the electric sector
models are currently in an underdeveloped status and they have restructuring has affected the transmission planning function.
excessive limitations concerning the system size and the system As the new regulatory frameworks were established, the
modeling complexity level. The dynamic planning problem is necessity of reviewing the transmission planning function has
very complex and very large because it must take into account become notorious. This review must include both models and
not only sizing and placement, but also timing considerations. algorithms [90], as well as the emerging problems caused
This results in a large number of variables and restrictions by the very special characteristics of the power transmission
to consider, and requires an enormous computational effort activity in a competitive environment [91]–[99].
to get the optimal solution, especially in real power systems. Several countries have drawn up some guidelines and rules
Few works about dynamic models for real world transmission which seek to promote a harmonic development of the trans-
planning problems can be found in the technical literature. In mission system. These guidelines, like the “economic adapta-
[6], [9]–[11], [16], [17], and [72]–[75] are presented some of tion” concept in Chile and Peru and the “minimum network”
the dynamic models that have been developed. utilized until some time ago in Colombia [100], have been also
Considering the size of the dynamic problem, it has to be used for transmission pricing. All of this has been done due to
simplified to achieve reasonable computational times. One of the necessity to stimulate efficient investments and to optimize
the simplest ways to figure out the problem is solving a sequence the transmission system development so that the transmission
of static subproblems (pseudodynamic procedures) [27], [30], service can be provided at minimum social cost.
[35], [37]–[39], [61], [76] and [77]. However, not much has been said about specific models for
Two methods are very natural to be applied with the pseudo- transmission planning in a deregulated environment, as well as
dynamic transmission planning. The first one is the “forward” about the related software tools. You can affirm, without fear to
procedure, that consists in solving the static expansion problems be wrong, that the theory and tools for transmission planning are
sequentially for all years (starting from the first one) considering still below the practical requirements of the new power markets.
in the next years the additions implemented in the past [76]. The This is particularly true in aspects such as
second natural way is the “backward” procedure that consists in • The definition of the objective function or attribute used
solving the static planning problem for the last year first, and to measure the goodness of a solution for each considered
then tries to anticipate these additions to solve violations on in- scenario (e.g., minimum operation cost, maximum ben-
termediate years [78]. If the additions for the last year do not efit/cost ratio, maximum global welfare, etc.).
eliminate all operational violations on intermediate years, the • The definition of the decision criterion used to choose
procedure seeks additional circuits from all options. Since the a transmission expansion plan (maximax-minimim, max-
last year usually stresses most the network and it is solved first, imin-minimax, equally likely, minimax of regret, coeffi-
the solutions produced by “backward” procedure are generally cient of optimism, maximum probability, expected value,
better than those produced by “forward” procedure [79]. etc.).
By taking as a starting point, the above-mentioned proce- • The flexibility3 and dynamics requirements of the trans-
dures, Binato et al. [76] proposed the “backward-forward” mission planning process.
procedure to solve the multiyear transmission planning. This • The interrelationship between the transmission planning
method consists in a systematic use of the “backward” and and the generation expansion (who leads the way to who?).
“forward” procedures to produce a more consistent and eco- • The greatest uncertainty level (particularly with respect to
nomic transmission plan. The basic idea is to subdivide the generation expansion).
whole multiyear planning process in movements, on forward
or backward directions, besides, with comparison steps. 3Flexibility is the ability to adapt the planned development of the transmission
As previously mentioned, the computational effort to solve system, quickly and at a reasonable cost, to any change, foreseen or not, in the
the dynamic (or pseudodynamic) transmission expansion conditions that were considered at the time it was planned.

• The difficulty to assess the cost of the expansion options. eration of the uncertainty and risk in the transmission planning
• The interrelationship between transmission planning and in a competitive environment.
transmission pricing. Pereira et al. [103] describe in a comprehensive way how the
• The consideration of the special issues of developing sys- risk in the competitive and deregulated electric power business
tems or systems in transition to a deregulated scheme. can be measured and how it can be hedged or reduced (risk
• The optimization of the existent network use. management).
• The need for an integrated analysis of investment and fi- Cruz et al. [104] implemented a transmission planning
nancing decision in the context of transmission planning. method for the application in deregulated environments. This
• The introduction of flexible technologies (e.g., FACTS, methodology was developed by starting from a qualitative
etc.). analysis of the planning schemes implemented throughout the
• The review of the reliability, security, and quality criteria world [100]. By taking the most promising developments as a
imposed and their economic implications. starting point, a new planning tool was developed, which com-
The study of the issues mentioned before is very difficult be- bines powerfully a heuristic planning model, a pseudodynamic
cause of the following aspects: the development of transmis- investment scheduling scheme, and a decision-sensitivity
sion is seen in a different way by each of the market agents analysis module. This methodology allows us to determine
in a deregulated environment; the expansion decision are now the best expansion options and provide the planner all of the
taken by several market agents that can and will affect deci- necessary elements to identify and manage the risk in the new
sions taken by other agents; the difficulty to assess the influence competitive power markets.
of the transmission payment allocation rules on the generation [52]–[54], [86], [101]–[105] are practically the most relevant
expansion; the greatest uncertainty level in a competitive power works among the few researches that deal specifically with the
market; the necessity to take into consideration a great variety of modifications that should be made to adapt the transmission
scenarios (hydrological conditions, demand, fuel cost, unserved planning function for application in competitive environments.
power cost, entrance date of new facilities, availability of the
systems elements, power prices, etc).
Transmission planning in a competitive economic envi-
ronment is an emerging complex issue, which does not have The main options available nowadays to develop transmission
received the appropriate attention until now. planning models (optimization) are [107], [108]:
Pereira et al. [86] presented a glance at the generation-trans-
mission expansion problem in a competitive environment A. General Purpose Programming Languages
starting from the classic approach to optimal generation-trans-
In this case, the planning model is developed using a gen-
mission expansion in a regulated environment. That work
eral purpose programming language (like Fortran, C, etc.) and
proposes a methodology to evaluate transmission pricing
commonly the algorithm calls an optimization dynamic library
schemes by means of the analysis of the decentralized gener-
(*.dll). Using this option makes sense when the execution time
ation expansion results. However, the main objective of this
is critical, the model must run very often (multiple scenarios),
work was not to develop a transmission planning model.
when made-to-measure interfaces are needed or when the model
Styczynski [55] proposed a new approach for transmission has to be integrated to another application. That is usually the
planning using a multiple-objective optimization algorithm. The case of planning models for real world power systems.
main motivation of that development was the current electric Some of the generic features required for development of real
sector restructuring. Although it clarifies some issues related world transmission planning models are:
to the transmission planning in a deregulated environment, that
• highly optimized code, efficient mathematics, and robust-
work mostly deals with distribution expansion planning consid-
ness that allow maximal speed of execution;
ering the particular conditions of the European power systems
• easy interaction with optimization packages and other ex-
(usually, close to be optimal expanded and exploited, and with
ternal tools;
low demand growth rates).
• availability of comprehensive diagnostic messages.
Sun et al. [62] proposes another multiple-objective opti- As programmers who are equally comfortable working with
mization model for transmission planning in a competitive several computer languages and with no intention of depreci-
environment. By applying the fuzzy set theory, the above ating the features of C or any other language for numerical
model is converted into a regular single-objective optimiza- calculations, the authors want to clarify why Fortran is still a
tion problem. good option for high performance scientific and engineering
Contreras et al. [52]–[54] has developed a decentralized applications. Contrary to popular belief, Fortran is not a dead
framework using cooperative game theory to model strategic language yet. For instance, Fortran 95 is better suited for
interactions in a competitive environment and study the trans- numerical computation than most current programming lan-
mission expansion problem. guages and it is expected to further improve in this respect.
Several relevant works has been developed in the context of The current Fortran compilers allow Windows-based applica-
the SIEPAC project for the electric interconnection of Central tion development and include libraries to access databases and
America [101], [102]. These works deal mostly with the consid- easily take advantage of the features of the current Window’s

data-oriented technologies (e.g., open database connectivity optimization problems, but make easy to deal with matrices
(ODBC) 4 , ActiveX Database Objects – ADO5 ). or vectors. All of these alternatives can be used for prototype
There is a high quality vast body of existing Fortran quick development since they have great graphic visualization
code (most of which is publicly available). In particular, features but it is very hard to use them to solve very large
many commercial optimization packages have been im- optimization problems as transmission planning for real world
plemented in Fortran and distributed as source code (e.g., power systems.
MINOS –, CONOPT Despite MATLAB’s useful features for doing numerical cal-
– Some others can be acquired as Fortran culations and exchanging algorithms, programming languages
libraries (e.g., XPRESS – and using the as Fortran or C have not become obsolete because of MATLAB
current Fortran development systems that allow mixed-lan- yet. The computational speed of MATLAB is lower than using
guage programming (e.g., Compaq Visual Fortran V6.6 – Fortran or C because MATLAB has to pay for its great program-, Lahey-Fujitsu Fortran 95 V5.7 – ming features (see prologue of [109]). it is possible to use almost all the commercial
optimization packages as dynamic link libraries (*.dll). C. Modeling Systems
The design of Fortran allows maximal speed of execution and Modeling systems are designed to help modelers formulate
makes numerical computation robust and well-defined. In this optimization problems and analyze their solutions. A modeling
sense, the relative simplicity and rigidity of Fortran has been system takes as input a description of an optimization problem
one of its main assets. Besides, Fortran compilers usually emit in a form that modeler finds reasonably natural and convenient,
much better diagnostic messages. and allows the solution output to be viewed in similar terms;
In addition to Fortran and C, there are other powerful conversion to the forms required by optimization algorithms is
and free languages that could also be considered: func- done automatically.
tional programming languages as Haskell (; The modeling systems are especially useful with large,
concurrent programming languages as Erlang ( complex problems (usually a single scenario), which may; and constraint programming languages as Mozart require many revisions to establish an accurate model, because
( they allow the user to concentrate on the modeling problem by
making the setup simple. The modeler can change the formu-
B. Languages or Environments for Numerical/Symbolic lation quickly and easily, can pinpoint the location and type
Calculations of errors before a solution is attempted, can change from one
solver to another, and can even convert from linear to nonlinear
This option includes spreadsheets (e.g., Excel – www.mi-
with little trouble. Some of the most popular modeling systems,, or environments for technical computing
among others, are GAMS [110]), AMPL [111]), LINGO
(e.g., MATLAB, Scilab
(, AIMMS (,, etc.), or symbolic compu-
and XPRESS ( Most modeling
tation (e.g., MAPLE, Mathematica
systems support a variety of algorithmic optimization, Fermat
codes (solvers), while the more popular solvers can be
~lewis/, etc.).
used with many different modeling systems. Some of
Spreadsheets have several advantages for building optimiza-
the solvers provided by most of the modeling systems
tion models. All of its powerful facilities allow us to create,
are: CPLEX (, OSL (http://www-
modify, format, and audit models. It is easy to handle data al-, FORTMP
ready saved in this format and add charts and graphics to present
(, and LAMPS (http://www-
results. And since the spreadsheets are very common and well-
known applications, it is easier to communicate results to others
for linear programming and mixed integer programming;
and the learning curve is reduced to a minimum. When a model
becomes larger, however, the spreadsheet approach runs into
( for nonlinear programming; MILES
problems. When there are hundreds or thousands of formulas
( and
copied into different cells on a spreadsheet, it becomes increas-
PATH ( for
ingly difficult to track down errors. It is also hard for others to
mixed complementarity problems.
understand the model and extend it.
Although modeling systems are powerful tools, they are not
The environments for numerical or symbolic computation,
appropriate if it is necessary to solve many different variations
for instance MATLAB, were not specially designed to solve
of an optimization problem in the same run (e.g., multiple
4ODBC is a widely accepted application programming interface (API) for
scenarios) or solution time is a critical factor. Besides, they
database access. It is based on the call-level interface (CLI) specifications usually do not use heuristic solvers (appropriate for very hard
from X/Open and ISO/IEC for database API’s and uses structured query problems).
language (SQL) as its database access language. Additional information
about accessing databases using Fortran applications can be found on (F90SQL, F90ADO, and F90VB). VI. CONCLUSIONS
5ADO is a high level object oriented interface to all kinds of data in
native format and constitutes the latest standard for Microsoft Windows
In this paper, we have presented a classified list of major pub-
database connectivity. It allows access to ODBC and OLE-DB databases. lication on transmission expansion planning (synthesis models).

This list is by no means complete. They are, however, essential A transmission planning model can be developed used
guidelines and a succinct account for anyone entering this re- several different tools, from spreadsheets to custom-written
search field. programs. Transmission planning for real world power systems
Transmission planning researchers have worked and set their requires analyzing many different operation-contingency-
interest mostly on static planning models. The dynamic and uncertainty scenarios in the same run and as a consequence
pseudodynamic planning models are still in an undeveloped of this, solution time is a critical factor. Besides, a custom
status and they have some limitations for their application to user interface must be required in order to import/export data
real power systems. from/to other applications (e.g., hydrothermal coordination
In general, regardless of the approach used to solve the model, etc.). That is why using a general purpose programming
problem, the models developed until now have one or more of language (like Fortran, C, etc.) seems to be the best way to
these drawbacks. develop a transmission planning model for a real world power
• The network modeling does not consider the ohmic losses. system.
• The operation, reliability, security, and quality costs are
not taken into account by the planning algorithm (i.e., usu- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
ally these costs are calculated a posteriori considering a set The authors would like to thank the entire professional staff
of alternative plans that were selected minimizing only the of the Gerencia Servicio Transporte de Energía and the Direc-
investment and load curtailment costs). ción Desarrollo STE of Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P. –
• The demand change in each year in the planning horizon ISA (Medellín, Colombia). The technical contributions of R. A.
is neglected. Gallego and A. Escobar from the Universidad Tecnológica de
• Hydrological scenarios are not considered. Pereira are also gratefully acknowledged.
• Multiple contingencies are not considered (failure of more
than one system element). REFERENCES
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[84] H. Rudnick, “Transmission systems expansion in generation competi-
tive markets” (in Spanish), in Proc. 1st Int. Meeting G&T Comisión de Gerardo Latorre was born in Bucaramanga, Colombia, in 1958. He received
Integración Energética Regional, Bogotá, Colombia, 1999. the Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas,
[85] H. Rudnick and R. Quinteros, “Power system planning in the south Madrid, Spain, and the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the “Univer-
america electric market restructuring,” in Proc. VI Symp. Specialists sidad Industrial de Santander,” (UIS) Bucaramanga, Colombia.
Elect. Oper. and Expansion Planning, Bahia, Brazil, 1998. He joined UIS in 1985 and he is presently Titular Professor of Electrical En-
[86] M. V. F. Pereira and B. G. Gorenstin, “Transmission pricing methods” (in gineering, founder-member of the “Grupo de Investigación en Sistemas de En-
Spanish), in Seminar: Remuneration and Pricing of the Power Services, ergía Eléctrica” – GISEL, and Director of the “Escuela de Ingenierías Eléctrica,
Bogotá, Colombia, 1996.
Electrónica y de Telecomunicaciones” -E3T. He has participated in several con-
[87] G. Latorre and R. D. Cruz, “Toward a generation-transmission integrated
sultancy and research projects concerning transmission planning and pricing,
planning model in deregulated environments” (in Spanish), in Seminar:
Remuneration and Pricing of the Power Services, Bogotá, Colombia, ancillary services, generation feasibility, etc.
1996. Dr. Latorre is the author of several technical papers in the above mentioned
[88] P. H. Corredor, “Transmission planning in a competitive environment” areas.
(in Spanish), in Proc. 2nd Int. Seminar on Energy Planning, Bogotá,
Colombia, 1996.
[89] A. Villegas, “Transmission privatization” (in Spanish), in Proc. 2nd En-
Rubén Darío Cruz (S’98) was born in Bucaramanga, Colombia, in 1972. He
ergy and Telecommun. Sectors Nat. Forum, Bucaramanga, Colombia,
1998. received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering in 2000, and the B.Sc. degree
[90] R. E. Clayton and R. Mukerji, “System planning tools for the competi- in electrical engineering from the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS),
tive market,” IEEE Comput. Applicat. Power, pp. 50–55, July 1996. Bucaramanga, Colombia, in 1996.
[91] H. Singh, S. Hao, and A. Papalexopoulos, “Transmission congestion He was a Visiting Fellow at the Department of Electrical and Com-
management in competitive electricity markets,” IEEE Trans. Power puter Engineering (ECE) of the University of Texas at Austin. He held a
Syst., vol. 13, pp. 672–680, May 1998. teaching fellowship at the UIS as professor of electrical engineering. He
[92] F. A. Rahimi and A. Vojdani, “Meet the emerging transmission market was also Assistant Professor at the Unidades Tecnológicas de Santander
segments,” IEEE Comput. Applicat. Power, pp. 26–32, Jan. 1999. (TS), Bucaramanga, Colombia. His employment experience also includes
[93] D. Shirmohammandi, B. Wollemberg, A. Vodjani, P. Sandrin, M. the Empresa Colombiana de Petróleos (ECOPETROL), Barrancabermeja and
Pereira, F. Rahimi, T. Schneider, and B. Scott, “Transmission dispatch Cartagena, Colombia. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in elec-
and congestion management in the emerging energy market structures,” trical engineering at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB) Medellín,
IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 13, pp. 1466–1474, Nov. 1998. Colombia, sponsored by Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P. (ISA).

Jorge Mauricio Areiza was born in Medellín, Colombia, in 1968. He received Andrés Villegas received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering in 1987
the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering in 1991 from the Universidad Pontif- from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB), Medellín, Colombia, and
icia Bolivariana (UPB), Medellín, Colombia, and the M.Sc. degree in electrical the M.Sc. degree in electrical power engineering in 1997 from the University of
power system planning in 1997 from the Universidade Federal de Santa Cata- Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) Manchester, U.K.
rina (UFSC), Florianópolis, Brazil. He has been with Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P. (ISA) in Colombia since
He has been with Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P. (ISA) in Colombia since 1988 where he is currently the Director of Power Transmission Service Devel-
1993 where he is currently a specialist engineer at the Network Development- opment. His technical concerns include transmission expansion planning and
Optimization Team. He has published several technical papers in power systems pricing and also the public policy and regulatory issues associated with electric
planning methods. transmission under deregulation.

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