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Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect is a process by which
radiative energy leaving a planetary surface is
absorbed by some atmospheric gases, called
greenhouse gases. They transfer this energy to
other components of the atmosphere, and it is
re-radiated in all directions, including back down
towards the surface. This transfers energy to the
surface and lower atmosphere, so the
temperature there is higher than it would be if
direct heating by solar radiation were the only
warming mechanism.
Greenhouse Gases

• water vapor, 36–70%

• carbon dioxide, 9–26%
• methane, 4–9%
• ozone, 3–7%
Emitters of green house gases
Global Warming
Global Warming is
defined as the
increase of the
average temperature
on Earth. As the Earth
is getting hotter,
disasters like
hurricanes, droughts
and floods are getting
more frequent.
Causes for Global Warming
10 ways to reduce Green house gases
Burning fossil fuels such as natural gas, coal, oil and
gasoline raises the level of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere, and carbon dioxide is a major contributor to
the greenhouse effect and global warming.
Continued . . .
• Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
• Use Less Heat and Air
• Replace Your Light Bulbs
• Drive Less and Drive Smart
• Buy Energy-Efficient Products
Continued . . .
• Use Less Hot Water
• Use the "Off" Switch
• Plant a Tree 
• Get a Report Card from Your Utility
• Encourage Others to Conserve

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