Vestibule Training

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Vestibule Training

Vestibule Training: This training method attempt to duplicate on-the-job-situation in a

company classroom. It is a classroom training that is often imported with the help of the
equipment and machines, which are identical with those in use in the place of work. This
technique enables the trainees to concentrate on learning new skill rather than on performing on
actual job. This type of training is efficient to train semi-skilled personnel, particularly when
many employees have to be trained for the same kind of work at the same time. Often used to
train – bank tellers, inspectors, machine operators, typists etc. In this, training is generally given
in the form of lectures, conferences, case studies, role-play etc.

Examples of vestibule training include airlines that use simulators to train pilots and cabin attendants,
astronauts who train in mock-up space capsules.

Often used to train – bank tellers, inspectors, machine operators, typists

It is very much useful for the semi-skilled, skilled and executives. With the help of this training process,
at a time so many trainees can be trained like trained clerks, bank tellers, machine operators, inspectors,
testers etc. In this, training is generally given in the form of lectures, conferences, case studies, role-play


The workers are trained as if on the job, but it did not interfere with the more vital task of
production. Transfer of skills and knowledge to the workplace was not required since the
classroom was a model of the working environment. Classes were small so that the learners
received immediate feedback and could ask questions more easily than in a large classroom.


Its main disadvantage is that it is quite expensive as it duplicates the production line and has a
small learner to trainer ratio.

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