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WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined that one or more economic development areas, as defined in Chapter 403, Code ofIowa, exist within the County and the rehabilitation, conservation, redevelopment, development, or combination thereof, of the area is necessary in the interest of the public health, safety, or welfare of the residents of the County; and

WHEREAS, this Board has reasonable cause to believe that the area described below satisfies the eligibility criteria for designation as an urban renewal area under Iowa law and has caused there to be prepared a proposed Pottawattamie County Wind Farm Urban Renewal Plan for the area described therein, which proposed Plan is attached hereto as Exhibit I; and

WHEREAS, this proposed Urban Renewal Area includes and consists of:
The Pottawattamie Wind Farm Urban Renewal Area includes the following wind energy conversion properties, as
described in Section B of the Plan, all located in Pottawattamie County, Iowa:
Number Count ParcelID # TurbineID # Township Range Section
1 7738-01-000-801 1 77 38 5
2 7738-01-000-801 2 77 38 5
3 7738-01-000-801 3 77 38 5
4 7738-01-000-801 4 77 38 3
5 7738-01-000-801 5 77 38 3
6 7738-01-000-801 8 77 38 6
7 773 $-0 1-000-80 1 9 77 38 6
8 7738-01-000-801 10 77 38 5
9 7738-01-000-801 11 77 38 5
10 7738-01-000-801 12 77 38 2
11 7738-01-000-801 13 77 38 2
12 7738-01-000-801 14 77 38 2
13 7738-01-000-801 15 77 38
14 7738-01-000-801 16 77 38
15 7738-01-000-801 21 77 38 7
16 7738-01-000-801 22 77 38 7
17 7738-01-000-801 25 77 38 11
18 7738-01-000-801 26 77 38 11
19 7738-01-000-801 27 77 38 11
20 7738-01-000-801 28 77 38 11
21 7738-01-000-801 29 77 38 11
22 7738-01-000-801 30 77 38 12
23 7738-01-000-801 31 77 38 12
24 7738-01-000-801 32 77 38 12
25 7738-01-000-801 33 77 38 8
26 7738-01-000-801 34 77 38 8
27 7738-01-000-801 35 77 38 18
28 7738-01-000-801 36 77 38 18
29 7738-01-000-801 37 77 38 17
30 7738-01-000-801 38 77 38 17
31 7738-01-000-801 39 77 38 17
32 7738-01-000-801 40 77 38 17
33 7738-01-000-801 41 77 38 17
34 7738-01-000-801 42 77 38 16
35 7738-01-000-801 43 77 38 15 ----~-~---~~~~---

36 7738-01-000-801 44 77 38 15
37 7738-01-000-801 45 77 38 15
38 7738-01-000-801 46 77 38 15
39 7738-01-000-801 47 77 38 14
Number Count Parcel Il) # TurbineID # Township Range Section
40 7738-01-000-801 48 77 38 14
41 7738-01-000-801 49 77 38 14
42 7738-01-000-801 50 77 38 13
43 7738-01-000-801 51 77 38 13
44 7738-01-000-801 52 77 38 20
45 7738-01-000-801 53 77 38 20
46 7738-01-000-801 54 77 38 21
47 7738-01-000-801 55 77 38 21
48 7738-01-000-801 56 77 38 22
49 7738-01-000-801 57 77 38 22
50 7738-01-000-801 58 77 38 23
51 7738-01-000-801 59 77 38 24
52 7738-01-000-801 60 77 38 24
53 7738-01-000-801 69 77 38 30
54 7738-01-000-801 70 77 38 30
55 7738-01-000-801 71 77 38 30
56 7738-01-000-801 72 77 38 30
57 7738-01-000-801 73 77 38 29
58 7738-01-000-801 74 77 38 29
58 7738-01-000-801 75 77 38 29
60 7738-01-000-801 77 77 38 30
61 7738-01-000-801 78 77 38 30
62 7738-01-000-801 79 77 38 29
63 7738-01-000-801 80 77 38 29
64 7738-01-000-801 82 77 38 28
65 7738-01-000-801 83 77 38 28
66 7738-01-000-801 84 77 38 28
67 7738-01-000-801 85 77 38 28
68 7738-01-000-801 90 77 38 32
69 7738-01-000-801 91 77 38 32
70 7738-01-000-801 92 77 38 32
71 7738-01-000-801 93 77 38 33
72 7738-01-000-801 94 77 38 33
73 7738-01-000-801 95 77 38 33
74 7738-01-000-801 96 77 38 33
75 7738-01-000-801 97 77 38 33
76 7738-01-000-801 98 77 38 33
77 7738-01-000-801 99 77 38 34
78 7738-01-000-801 100 77 38 34
79 7738-01-000-801 101 77 38 34
80 7738-0 1-000-801 102 77 38 34
81 7738-01-000-801 103 77 38 27
82 7738-01-000-801 104 77 38 30
83 7738-01-000-801 106 77 38 23
84 7738-01-000-801 109 77 38 27
7738-0 1-000-801 Meteorological Tower 77 38 16
Number Count Parcel Il) # TurbineID # Township Range Section
7738-16-300-006 Electrical Substation 77 38 16
Number Count ParceIID # TurbineID # Township Range Section
1 7739-0 1-000-801 6 77 39
2 7739-0 1-000-801 7 77 39 3 7739-01-000-801 17 77 39 12
4 7739-01-000-801 18 77 39 12
5 7739-01-000-801 20 77 39 12
6 7739-01-000-801 61 77 39 26
7 7739-01-000-801 62 77 39 26
8 7739-01-000-801 63 77 39 26
9 7739-01-000-801 64 77 39 26
10 7739-01-000-801 65 77 39 25
11 7739-01-000-801 66 77 39 25
12 7739-01-000-801 67 77 39 25
13 7739-01-000-801 68 77 39 25
14 7739-01-000-801 105 77 39 25
IS 7739-01-000-801 86 77 39 36
16 7739-01-000-801 87 77 39 36
17 7739-01-000-801 88 77 39 36
18 7739-01-000-801 89 77 39 36
AND The Area also includes the right-of-way and traveled portion, including shoulders, bridge approaches and culvert locations, of the following public roads:

Connecting Roads

York Road between 490 th Street and the northwest comer of the City of Walnut, Iowa York Road between 530th Street and the northeast comer of the City of Walnut, Iowa

th •

530 Street between York Road and Highway 83


Whippoorwill Road between 530 Street west to Walnut, Iowa, city limits, south Yo mile on Walnut Ridge

RoadiWhippoorwill Road to North Street, west on North Street to Antique City Drive, south on Antique City Drive to Pearl Street

Truman Avenue between 520th Street and 530th Street th

520 Street between Truman Avenue and Teakwood Road

Teakwood Road between 490th Street and 520th Street


Sycamore Road between SOS Street and Sherwood Lane

til th

Sumac Road between 490 Street and 515 Street (portion aka County Road M-47, which is approximately Yo mile of a

project road)

Rosewood Road between 470ili Street and the southeast comer of Section 36, Township 77N, Range 38W of the 5th


515 Street between Teakwood Road and Rosewood Road


Highway 83 between 480 Street, east to the Walnut City Limits, east on Pearl Street to Antique City Drive, south on

Antique City Drive to the Walnut City Limits and Highway 83, south on Highway 83 to SOSth Street

505'" Street between the intersection of Highway 83, Sycamore Road and 505'" Street and south to Sumac Road (portion aka County Road M-4 7, which is approximately 1 mile of a project road)


510 Street between Sumac Road and Mahogany Road (portion aka County Road M-47, which is approximately 2

miles of a project road and I mile of the connector road)

SOOth Street between Sumac Road and Rosewood Road


490 Street between Teakwood Road and Sumac Road th

480 Street between Sycamore Road and Sumac Road th

470 Street between Sycamore Road and Rosewood Road

490th Street between York Road and Highway 83

'" th

Whippoorwill Road between 490 Street and a point 8,400' west of 490 Street


Westem Avenue between 490 Street and the Walnut, Iowa City Limits


Project Roads

The entire Right of Way (ROW) of County Road M47 commencing at the intersection of Highway 83, Sycamore Road

and SOSth Street, south approximately I mile on SOSth Street to Sumac Road, east approximately Yo mile on Sumac Road to sio" Street and south approximately 2 miles on sio" Street to County Road G-30 aka Pinoak Road.


The entire Right of Way (ROW) of County Road G30 commencing at the intersection of 340 Street and Pinoak Road,

th th

east approximately 4 miles on Pinoak Road to 380 Street, south approximately I mile on 380 Street to Mahogany

Road, east approximately 5Y< miles on County Road G30 aka Mahogany RoadIW. Kimball Street to the intersection of HighwayS9.

th The entire Right of Way (ROW) of Coun% Road M16 commencing at the intersection of Mahogany Road and 380

Street, south approximately 5 miles on 380 Street to Honeysuckle Road. th

The entire Right of Way (ROW) of County Road G42 commencing at the intersection of Honeysuckle Road and 380 Street, east approximately 1 mile on Honeysuckle Road to 390th Street, south approximately vs mile on 390ili Street to Honeysuckle Road and east approximately 1]1, miles on Honeysuckle to the Oakland City, Iowa, City Limits.


Connector Roads

Commencing at the intersection of 5l0th Street and Pinoak Road, south approximately 1 mile on 5l0th Street to Mahogany Road, west approximately Ph miles on Mahogany Road to Hancock, Iowa, City Limits, west approximately Yo mile on Highway 59 to the intersection of Highway 59/E. Kimball Street and W. Kimball Street aka County Road G- 30.


The easement andJor leasehold interests belonging to the wind energy conversion property owners. These access roads for which the easement rights are included are shown on the map identified as "Exhibit B and B.l" to the Plan.

WHEREAS, this Area is within two miles of the Cities of Walnut, Hancock, and Oakland and the County will enter into a joint agreement with each City to allow the County to operate within the Area; and

WHEREAS, the proposed urban renewal area does not include land classified as agricultural land; and

WHEREAS, it is desirable that these areas be redeveloped as part of the overall redevelopment area covered by the Plan;

WHEREAS, the Iowa statutes require the Board of Supervisors to submit the proposed Pottawattamie County Wind Farm Urban Renewal Plan to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review and recommendation as to its conformity with the General Plan for development of the County as a whole prior to Board approval of such Plan, and further provides that the Planning and Zoning Commission shall submit its written recommendations thereon to this Board within thirty (30) days of its receipt of such proposed Pottawattamie County Wind Farm Urban Renewal Plan; and

WHEREAS, the Iowa statutes further require the Board of Supervisors to notify all affected taxing entities of the consideration being given to the proposed Pottawattamie County Wind Farm Urban Renewal Plan and to hold a consultation with such taxing entities with respect thereto, and further provides that the designated representative of each affected taxing entity may attend the consultation and make written recommendations for modifications to the proposed division of revenue included as a part thereof, to which the County shall submit written responses as provided in Section 403.5, as amended; and

WHEREAS, the Iowa statutes further require the Board of Supervisors to hold a public hearing on the proposed Pottawattamie County Wind Farm Urban Renewal Plan subsequent to notice thereof by publication in a newspaper having general circulation within the County, which notice shall describe the time, date, place and purpose of the hearing, shall generally identify the urban renewal area covered by the Plan and shall outline the general scope of the urban renewal project under consideration, with a copy of the notice also being mailed to each affected taxing entity.


Section L That the consultation on the proposed Pottawattamie County Wind Farm Urban Renewal Plan required by Section 403.5(2) of the Code of Iowa, as amended, shall be held on the 20th day of October, 2010, in the Community Services Building, 515 5th Avenue, Conference Room 101, Council Bluffs, Iowa 51501, at 7:00 o'clock p.m., and the Designated Representative is hereby appointed to be Kay E. Mocha, County Planning Director, to serve the County for purposes of conducting the consultation, receiving any recommendations that may be made with respect thereto and responding to the same in accordance with Section 403.5(2).

Section 2. That the County Auditor is authorized and directed to cause a notice of such consultation to be sent by regular mail to all affected taxing entities, as defined in Section 403.17(lA), along with a copy of the proposed Pottawattamie County Wind Farm Urban Renewal Plan, the notice to be in substantially the following form:


Pottawattamie County, State of Iowa will hold a consultation with all affected taxing entities, as defined in Section 403.17(1) of the Code ofIowa, as amended, commencing at 7:00 o'clock p.m, on October 20,2010, in the Community Services Building, 515 5th Avenue, Conference Room 101, Council Bluffs, Iowa 51501 concerning a proposed Pottawattamie County Wind Farm Urban Renewal Plan, a copy of which is attached hereto.

Each affected taxing entity may appoint a representative to attend the consultation. The consultation may include a discussion of the estimated growth in valuation of taxable property included in the proposed Urban Renewal Area, the fiscal impact of the division of revenue on the affected taxing entities, the estimated impact on the provision of services by each of the affected taxing entities in the proposed Urban Renewal Area, and the duration of any bond issuance included in the Plan.

The designated representative of any affected taxing entity may make written recommendations for modifications to the proposed division of revenue no later than seven days following the date of the consultation. The Designated Representative of Pottawattamie County, State of Iowa, shall submit a written response to the affected taxing entity, no later than seven days prior to the public hearing on the proposed Pottawattamie County Wind Farm Urban Renewal Plan, addressing any recommendations made by that entity for modification to the proposed division of revenue.

This notice is given by order of the Board of Supervisors of Pottawattamie County, State of Iowa, as provided by Section 403.5 of the Code ofIowa, as amended.

Dated this 14th day of October, 2010.

County Auditor,

Pottawattamie County, State ofIowa

Section 3. That a public hearing shall be held on the proposed Pottawattamie County Wind Farm Urban Renewal Plan before the Board of Supervisors at its meeting which commences at 10:00 o'clock a.m. on November 10, 2010, in the Board of Supervisors' Hearing Room, Second Floor, Courthouse,227 S. 6th Street, Council Bluffs, Iowa 51501.

Section 4. That the County Auditor is authorized and directed to publish notice of this public hearing in the Daily Nonpareil, once on a date not less than four (4) nor more than twenty (20) days before the date of the public hearing, and to mail a copy of the notice by ordinary mail to each affected taxing entity, such notice in each case to be in substantially the following form:


The Board of Supervisors of Pottawattamie County, State of Iowa, will hold a public hearing before itself at its meeting which commences at 10:00 o'clock a.m. on November 10, 2010 in the

Board of Supervisors' Hearing Room, Second Floor, Courthouse, 227 S. 6th Street, Council Bluffs,
Iowa 51501, to consider adoption of a proposed Pottawattamie County Wind Farm Urban Renewal
Plan (the "Plan") concerning a proposed Urban Renewal Area in Pottawattamie County, State of
Iowa, legally described as follows:
The Pottawattamie Wind Farm Urban Renewal Area includes the following wind energy conversion properties, as
described in Section B of the Plan, a11located in Pottawattamie County, Iowa:
Number Count ParcelID # TurbineID # Township Range Section
7738-01-000-801 1 77 38 5
2 7738-01-000-801 2 77 38 5
3 7738-01-000-801 3 77 38 5
4 7738-01-000-801 4 77 38 3
5 7738-01-000-801 5 77 38 3
6 7738-01-000-801 8 77 38 6
7 7738-01-000-801 9 77 38 6
8 7738-01-000-801 10 77 38 5
9 7738-01-000-801 11 77 38 5
10 7738-01-000-801 12 77 38 2
11 7738-01-000-801 13 77 38 2
12 7738-01-000-801 14 77 38 2
13 7738-01-000-801 15 77 38
14 7738-01-000-801 16 77 38 1
15 7738-01-000-801 21 77 38 7
16 7738-01-000-801 22 77 38 7
17 7738-01-000-801 25 77 38 11
18 773 S-O 1-000-S0 1 26 77 38 11
19 7738-01-000-801 27 77 38 11
20 7738-01-000-801 28 77 38 11
21 7738-01-000-801 29 77 38 11
22 7738-01-000-801 30 77 38 12
23 7738-01-000-801 31 77 38 12
24 7738-01-000-801 32 77 38 12
25 7738-01-000-801 33 77 38 8
Number Count ParcelID # TurbineID # Township Range Section
26 7738-01-000-801 34 77 38 8
27 7738-01-000-801 35 77 38 18
28 7738-01-000-801 36 77 38 18
29 7738-01-000-801 37 77 38 17
30 7738-01-000-801 38 77 38 17
31 7738-01-000-801 39 77 38 17
32 7738-01-000-801 40 77 38 17
33 7738-01-000-801 41 77 38 17
34 7738-01-000-801 42 77 38 16
35 7738-01-000-801 43 77 38 15
36 7738-01-000-801 44 77 38 15
37 7738-01-000-801 45 77 38 15
38 7738-01-000-801 46 77 38 15
39 7738-01-000-801 47 77 38 14
40 7738-01-000-801 48 77 38 14
41 7738-01-000-801 49 77 38 14
42 7738-01-000-801 50 77 38 13
43 7738-01-000-801 51 77 38 13
44 7738-01-000-801 52 77 38 20
45 7738-01-000-801 53 77 38 20
46 7738-01-000-801 54 77 38 21
47 7738-01-000-801 55 77 38 21
48 7738-01-000-801 56 77 38 22
49 7738-01-000-801 57 77 38 22
50 7738-01-000-801 58 77 38 23
~-~~---~~~ 51 7738-01-000-801 59 77 38 24
52 7738-01-000-801 60 77 38 24
53 7738-01-000-801 69 77 38 30
54 7738-01-000-801 70 77 38 30
55 7738-01-000-801 71 77 38 30
56 7738-01-000-801 72 77 38 30
57 7738-01-000-801 73 77 38 29
58 7738-01-000-801 74 77 38 29
58 7738-01-000-801 75 77 38 29
60 7738-01-000-801 77 77 38 30
61 7738-01-000-801 78 77 38 30
62 7738-01-000-801 79 77 38 29
63 7738-01-000-801 80 77 38 29
64 7738-01-000-801 82 77 38 28
65 7738-01-000-801 83 77 38 28
66 7738-01-000-801 84 77 38 28
67 7738-01-000-801 85 77 38 28
68 7738-01-000-801 90 77 38 32
69 7738-01-000-801 91 77 38 32
70 7738-01-000-801 92 77 38 32
71 7738-01-000-801 93 77 38 33
Number Count ParcelID# TurbineID # Township Range Section
72 7738-01-000-801 94 77 38 33
73 7738-01-000-801 95 77 38 33
74 7738-01-000-801 96 77 38 33
75 7738-01-000-801 97 77 38 33
76 7738-01-000-801 98 77 38 33
77 7738-01-000-801 99 77 38 34
78 7738-01-000-801 100 77 38 34
79 7738-01-000-801 101 77 38 34
80 7738-01-000-801 102 77 38 34
81 7738-01-000-801 103 77 38 27
82 7738-01-000-801 104 77 38 30
83 7738-01-000-801 106 77 38 23
84 7738-01-000-801 109 77 38 27
7738-01-000-801 Meteorological Tower 77 38 16
Number Count Parcel Il) # TurbineID # Township Range Section
7738-16-300-006 Electrical Substation 77 38 16
Number Count Parcel Il) # TurbineID # Township Range Section
7739-01-000-801 6 77 39
2 7739-01-000-801 7 77 39
3 7739-01-000-801 17 77 39 12
4 7739-01-000-801 18 77 39 12
5 7739-0 1-000-801 20 77 39 12
6 7739-01-000-801 61 77 39 26
7 7739-01-000-801 62 77 39 26
8 7739-01-000-801 63 77 39 26
9 7739-01-000-801 64 77 39 26
10 7739-01-000-801 65 77 39 25
11 7739-01-000-801 66 77 39 25
12 7739-01-000-801 67 77 39 25
13 7739-01-000-801 68 77 39 25
14 7739-01-000-801 105 77 39 25
15 7739-01-000-801 86 77 39 36
16 7739-01-000-801 87 77 39 36
17 7739-01-000-801 88 77 39 36 18

7739-01-000-801 89





The Area also includes the right-of-way and traveled portion, including shoulders, bridge approaches and culvert locations, of the following public roads:

Connecting Roads

York Road between 490th Street and the northwest comer of the City of Walnut, Iowa

th •

York Road between 530 Street and the northeast comer of the City of Walnut, Iowa

th •

530 Street between York Road and Highway 83


Whippoorwill Road between 530 Street west to Walnut, Iowa, city limits, south Y: mile on Walnut Ridge

RoadlWhippoorwill Road to North Street, west on North Street to Antique City Drive, south on Antique City Drive to Pearl Street

th th

Truman Avenue between 520 Street and 530 Street

520th Street between Truman Avenue and Teakwood Road

til th

Teakwood Road between 490 Street and 520 Street th

Sycamore Road between 505 Street and Sherwood Lane

til th

Sumac Road between 490 Street and 515 Street (portion aka County Road M-47, which is approximately Y: mile of a

project road)

Rosewood Road between 470th Street and the southeast comer of Section 36, Township 77N, Range 38W of the 5th


515 Street between Teakwood Road and Rosewood Road th

Highway 83 between 480 Street, east to the Walnut City Limits, east on Pearl Street to Antique City Drive, south on

th Antique City Drive to the Walnut City Limits and Highway 83, south on Highway 83 to 505 Street

505th Street between the intersection of Highway 83, Sycamore Road and 505th Street and south to Sumac Road (portion aka County Road M-47, which is approximately 1 mile of a project road)


510 Street between Sumac Road and Mahogany Road (portion aka County Road M-47, which is approximately 2

miles of a project road and 1 mile of the connector road)


500 Street between Sumac Road and Rosewood Road th

490 Street between Teakwood Road and Sumac Road th

480 Street between Sycamore Road and Sumac Road th

470 Street between Sycamore Road and Rosewood Road

th .

490 Street between York Road and Highway 83

Whippoorwill Road between 490th Street and a point 8,400' west of 490th Street th

Western Avenue between 490 Street and the Walnut, Iowa City Limits


Project Roads

The entire Right of Way (ROW) of County Road M47 commencing at the intersection of Highway 83, Sycamore Road

th til

and 505 Street, south approximately 1 mile on 505 Street to Sumac Road, east approximately Y: mile on Sumac Road

thS d • 1 til

to 510 treet an south approxunately 2 mi es on 510 Street to County Road G-30 aka Pinoak Road.

The entire Right of Way (ROW) of County Road G30 commencing at the intersection of 340tll Street and Pinoak Road, east approximately 4 miles on Pinoak Road to 380th Street, south approximately 1 mile on 380th Street to Mahogany Road, east approximately 5% miles on County Road G30 aka Mahogany Road/W. Kimball Street to the intersection of Highway 59.

The entire Right of Way (ROW) of County Road MI6 commencing at the intersection of Mahogany Road and sso" Street, south approximately 5 miles on 380 th Street to Honeysuckle Road.

The entire Right of Way (ROW) of County Road G42 commencing at the intersection of Honeysuckle Road and 380th Street, east approximately 1 mile on Honeysuckle Road to 390th Street, south approximately Y: mile on 390th Street to Honeysuckle Road and east approximately 1 Y: miles on Honeysuckle to the Oakland City, Iowa, City Limits.


Connector Roads

Commencing at the intersection of SlOth Street and Pinoak Road, south approximately I mile on SlOth Street to Mahogany Road, west approximately 7)1: miles on Mahogany Road to Hancock, Iowa, City Limits, west approximately Y: mile on Highway 59 to the intersection of Highway 591E. Kimball Street and W. Kimball Street aka County Road G- 30.


The easement and/or leasehold interests belonging to the wind energy conversion property owners. These access roads for which the easement rights are included are shown on the map identified as "Exhibit B and B.l" to the Plan.

which land is to be included as part of this proposed Urban Renewal Area.

A copy of the Plan is on file for public inspection in the office of the County Auditor, Courthouse, Council Bluffs, Iowa

The general scope of the urban renewal activities under consideration in the Plan is to promote the growth and retention of qualified industries and businesses in the Urban Renewal Area through various public purpose and special fmancing activities outlined in the Plan. The County also may reimburse or directly undertake the installation, construction and reconstruction of substantial public improvements, including roadway reshaping and resurfacing, and bridge replacement projects. The Plan provides that the County may issue bonds or use available funds for such purposes and that tax increment reimbursement of such costs will be sought if and to the extent incurred by the County. The Plan initially proposes specific public infrastructure or site improvements to be Undertaken by the County, and provides that the Plan may be amended from time to time to respond to development opportunities.

Any person or organization desiring to be heard shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard at such hearing.

This notice is given by order of the Board of Supervisors of Pottawattamie County, State of Iowa, as provided by Section 403.5 of the City Code ofIowa.

Dated this 14th day of October, 2010.

County Auditor, Pottawattamie County, State of Iowa

Section 5. That the proposed Pottawattamie County Wind Farm Urban Renewal Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit I, for the proposed Urban Renewal Area described therein is hereby officially declared to be the proposed Pottawattamie County Wind Farm Urban Renewal Plan referred to in the notices for purposes of such consultation and hearing and that a copy of the Plan shall be placed on file in the office of the County Auditor.

Section 6. That the proposed Pottawattamie County Wind Farm Urban Renewal Plan be submitted to the Plarming and Zoning Commission for review and recommendation as to its conformity with the General Plan for the development of the County as a whole, with such recommendation to be submitted in writing to this Board within thirty (30) days of the date hereof.

PASSED AND APPROVED this 14th day of October, 2010.









Loren T. Kilauss








Roger R. Williams

ATTE~ Marilyn J 0 Drake


nnty Auditor ~

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