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Here’s a slumber cap that will stay put as you sleep.

A it small for a cute bun net or make it large to fit tons of
curly hair. If you need it extra, extra large, use a needle
one size larger than those specified in pattern (ie: if a
section calls for a US 5, use a US 6 instead).
Yarn: fingering weight, 50 yds for bun net, 150 yds for slumber
cap, (shown here in Hazel Knits Artisan Sock in the Chocolatier

Needles: US 3, 5, & 7 for all sizes; also US 8 & 9 dpns for
slumber cap
Notions: yarn needle, stitch marker, one headband approx. 0.5

i cm wide for the slumber cap, one ponytail elastic band also
approx. 0.5 cm wide for the bun net – make sure the bands do
not have metal joins.

t BO – bind off
CO – cast on
k – knit
rep – repeat
rnd – round
RS – right side
SM – slip marker
sts – stitches
WS – wrong side
PM – place marker

l Using a long-tail cast on and size US 3 dpns, CO 9

stitches. Join for working in the round being careful not to
twist. Place marker to note the beginning of the round.

e Rnd 1: knit.
Rnd 2 (inc. rnd): [yo, k1] around. (18 sts)
Rnd 3: change to US 5 dpns; knit.
Rnd 4: [yo, k2tog] around.
Rnd 5: knit.
Rnd 6: rep. rnd. 2. (36 sts)

Rnds 7, 9, 11, 13: knit.
Rnds 8, 10, 12: [yo, k2tog] around.
Rnd 14: change to US 7 dpns; rep. rnd. 2. (72 sts).
Rnds 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27: knit.

i Rnds 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26: [yo, k2tog] around.
Stop here for bun net; proceed to Finishing.

g Rnd 28: change to US 8 dpns; rep. rnd. 2. (144 sts).

Rnds 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39: knit.
Rnds 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40: [yo, k2tog] around.

Rnd 41: change to US 9 dpns; knit.
Rnds 42, 44, 46, 48, 52: [yo, k2tog] around.
Copyright © Rosi Garmendia, 2009.
Rnds: 43, 45, 47, 51, 53: knit. All rights reserved.
For private, non-commercial use only.

t (For a larger cap, continue repeating last two rnds as


c For all sizes: change to US 5 dpns; work 7 rnds in st st.
Cut yarn leaving a 50” tail (smaller tail for bun net). Fold

a hem to the WS OVER the headband for slumber cap or the

ponytail elastic band for bun net. You will BO by sewing
one stitch from needle to its corresponding stitch on the

first rnd of st st of hem on the WS (see picture). Continue
in this manner, encasing headband or ponytail elastic
inside the hem, until you have bound off all sts. Weave in
all ends.

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