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Durham District School Board

Using Data Collection +


Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................3

Navigating the collection tool ........................................................................................................................................4

Selecting the Assessment ..............................................................................................................................................4

Entering CASI Data .........................................................................................................................................................5

CASI Story Identification Chart ......................................................................................................................................6

Results in Data Collection + ...........................................................................................................................................7

DATA WALL: ...................................................................................................................................................................8

Entering PM Benchmark data ........................................................................................................................................9

entering gb+ data ........................................................................................................................................................10

Entering Observation Survey Data...............................................................................................................................11

Support ........................................................................................................................................................................11

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To access the Data Collection Tool, go to:


Find the Data Collection Tool link on the DDSB Intranet drop down menu.


Log into your DATA COLLECTION TOOL (DCT) account using the same username/password

you would use for your regular classroom computer.

Your login is in the form: LASTFIRS####

(first four letters of your last name, first four letters of your first name, last four digits of your employee number)

Your password is the same password used with the above login.

Click the LOGIN button.

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It is easiest to
enter data in
class view.

Use the toolbar on the left hand side to navigate the Collection Tool.


Before entering data, the appropriate assessment type must be

selected from the left hand navigation menu.

Note: if you receive this error, the incorrect assessment type has
been selected according to the homeroom/grade you teach.
Reselect a different homeroom or assessment type.

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These are the 8 CASI question categories; enter one of the following
Columns 4 to 11
scores: NE1, 1, 2, 3 or 4
Enter the grade level of the assessment given; accepts 4-8 (i.e. a
grade seven student is given a grade five assessment, then a 5
LEVEL (new!)
would be entered)
FICTION Enter F for fiction or NF for non-fiction
Enter the book code from “CASI STORY IDENTIFICATION CHART” (see
below) that corresponds to the story title the student read
If assistive technology was utilized to complete the assessment,
answer Y for yes or N for no
If an alternate assessment was provided, answer Y for yes or N for
Use this box to leave additional information. For example, if an
alternative assessment was administered, provide detailed
information outlining what assessment was given and the
scores/results from that assessment

When all data for a student has been entered, click the COMPLETE check box.

The COMPLETE checkbox tells the database that the assessment for that specific
student has been completed – even if you have not entered in all of the data for that
student. The COMPLETE check box informs the system that data for all students in a
class has been entered.

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Grade DCT ID Title of Story Grade DCT ID Title of Story

4 DA Joe's Junk 7 GA Back to School

4 DB Meet a Model Scientist 7 GB Paper
4 DC Islands 7 GC Students Get the Message
4 DD Tell Me About It 7 GD Duncan's Way
4 DE The Trial of the Stone 7 GE Rats: The Folklore and the Facts
4 DF Cybersurfer 7 GF Papa's Parrot
4 DG The Camel Dances 7 GG Ice Capades in Antarctica
4 DH Growing Up 7 GH Stray
4 DI Fossils, Big and Small 7 GI The Polar Bear Express
4 DJ The Day Gogo Went to Vote 7 GJ A Wish Named Arnold

5 EA The Living Town 8 HA Retired

5 EB Why the Sky is Far Away 8 HB Spirit of the West
5 EC The Wild Horses of Sable Island 8 HC Jean Little: Mine for Keeps
5 ED Shonar Arches 8 HD Roses Sing on New Snow
5 EE Birds: Grounded 8 HE Should Uniforms be Mandatory in Public
5 EF Granpa is Missing on the Mars Tranship 8 HF Tennis Champion
5 EG Where Black Meets White 8 HG Homemade Sound Effects
5 EH The Island That Took Care of Itself 8 HH Shells
5 EI Albert Einstein 8 HI Interview with the Potato
5 EJ Elizabeth's Wish 8 HJ The Tunnel

6 FA The History of Numbers

6 FB Owls in the Family
6 FC Trash Attack!
6 FD Morning Girl
6 FE The Gift of a Microscope
6 FF The Visitor
6 FG Tomb Decorations
6 FH Peacocks and Bandaids
6 FI Building for the Environment
6 FJ Letters from the Future

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To create charts using Data Collection +:

Clicking the Data Charts tab displays a basic chart of the data
entered. There are charts available for some assessments.

More specific charts are available for some assessments:

Shows the percentage of students who received a level 1-4 on each of the questions
Student scores
Shows the percentage of students by gender who received a level 1-4 on each of the
Gender comparison
questions answered
FNMI Status Shows comparative results for students based on First Nations, Metis, and Inuit status

IEP comparison Shows comparative results for both identified and non-identified students

Average level Shows the average achievement for each individual question
Percent meeting
Shows the percentage of students achieving at least a level 3 on each question
Count by mark Shows the percentage of students achieving at one of 3 levels: below standard,
range meeting standard, exceeding standard for each question

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Clicking on DATA WALL will bring up a colour-coded data wall of an entire class. To
print this data, click the PRINT button. Remember that unless the data is printed on a
colour printer, the information will be printed in gray-scale.

Note: To print the data wall in black and white, scroll to the bottom of the page and
uncheck the box below.

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Enter the student scores in the PMB column.

Looking at MSV, comment on the type of error, the cueing system used to self-
correct, and
fluency. Record this data in the COMMENT column.
Click the COMPLETE checkbox when each student’s assessment has been completed.

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Enter the student scores in the GB+ column.

Record each student’s Information using S.ST.V.

(sense, structure, information visual) and comment on any.

Click the COMPLETE checkbox when each student’s assessment has been completed.

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Notice the different assessments within the Observation Survey are represented as tabs across the top of the

Fill in the RAW score for each assessment and check the complete box.

Note: some assessments ask for the stanine as well as the raw assessment score – please enter the stanine before
checking complete.

To determine the age of the child when determining the stanine, you can scroll to the bottom of the assessment
page and click “Show Age”. A column will appear showing you the exact age of the child:


Support videos are available at

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