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It was 11:59. That time of night, why did it have to be always that time?

I hated waking
up every night to those red numbers in my alarm clock. Why? Why did they haunt me so
much? I hated what they represented, the foul meaning inside them, that only I knew.
When 12:00 hit I knew I was not going to sleep anymore. This always happened; since
that day where all my hopes and dreams had vanished. I kept telling myself go back to
sleep, you have a new life now; he can’t come here but still my heart ache.
I left my bed undone leaving those numbers and the moonlight that was reflected by the
mirror, a left all of that behind me, and began reading that book again. I love the book
“The Silver Kiss,” because with all that had happened Zoe was just like me, she was
alone…in the dark. I resented her both happy, but matter-of-fact sad ending, but I had
mines as well, although it always seemed unending and tragic. The days seem longer and
it was six in the morning already. I had taken a bath already so I was ready to move on to
my life again; my life as Kate.
I had a lot of thing that I had to do. One of many was school and after I had my part-time
afterwards. Unknowingly, I hated all of that, all of this. It was so fake, fake like
everything; it was an illusion that I just couldn’t get out. I walk out the door like any
other day. There was nobody in my house so there was no need to say goodbye, but I still
always needed to say bye, for some reason as if there was something else there.
So I would always look at my father picture beside the stairs, and would close my eyes,
inhaled and said bye.
“Hey, Kate” said Guaren. She was my best friend.
Since the first time I had moved here she always treated me nice, she was always happy,
and for that reason I like being around her because as soon as I would see her I felt happy
as well, like magic. Her personality was great

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