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Name: ________________ Class: ____ ( )

1. How much do you need to pay if you forget to return your book?

__________ per day

2. Which class borrowed the most number of books in

June-July 2010?

Class _______

3. Where can you find the answers for Q.1 & 2?


4. How long can you keep a book?

__________ days

5. Name 4 English Magazines.

_____________________ ____________________

_____________________ ____________________

6. Where can you find the previous issues of the magazines?


7. Where can you find the Dictionary?


8. Name 3 English reference books that you can find other than Dictionary.

_____________________ ____________________


9. Can you borrow the books on the “New Books of the Month” shelf?

Yes No (circle the correct answer)

10. Name the 2 “Recommended Books” by the library.



11. What do these call numbers of the books stand for?

12. Find the following books on the “ERS/SBA Fiction” shelf and put down the name
920 950 340 400 636.7

of the books.

i) F BLY 2007 ____________________________________________________

ii) F SCH 2001


13. Find the following books on the “ERS/SBA Non-fiction” shelf and put down the

name of the books.

i) 920.72 YEN 1999


ii) 158 MGU 2007 _________________________________________________

“Today a reader, tomorrow a

- W. Fusselman

Marks: _______ /25

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