Lesson Plan-Contextualizing

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Teacher gives the text to the students and wants them to read it and answer the following questions.
1. What is the text about?
2. What did he talk about?
3. Did he get the job? Why, or why not?

After checking the answers, the teacher starts to elicit the unknown vocabulary items.

Vocabulary 1 :

Tremble (v) : to shake involuntarily, as with fear, cold, nervous or weakness.

Teacher reflects the word on the board through projector. First, teacher askes what kind of
word it is to elicit part of speech of the vocabulary. Then teacher elicits its meaning by using
demonstrating technique. Teacher trembles and wants students to tell what she is doing. And then
teacher asks some specific questions about the word and gives a model sentence. Lastly, she reflects
its pronunciation and wants students to repeat after her.

Blush (v) : to redden in the face from shame, excitement or embarrassment.

Teacher reflects the word on the board through projector. First, teacher askes what kind of
word it is to elicit part of speech of the vocabulary. Then teacher elicits its meaning by using the
technique of pictogram. Teacher reflects the picture on the board and wants students to tell what they
understand. And then teacher asks some specific questions about the word and gives a model sentence.
Lastly, she reflects its pronunciation and wants students to repeat after her.

Tongue-tied (adj.) : unable to express yourself clearly or fluently

Teacher reflects the word on the board through projector. First, teacher askes what kind of
word it is to elicit part of speech of the vocabulary. Then teacher elicits its meaning by using the
technique of guessing from the context. Teacher gives a situation to the students and wants them to
elicit the meaning from that situation. And then teacher asks some specific questions about the word
and gives a model sentence. Lastly, she reflects its pronunciation and wants students to repeat after
Stammer (v) : to speak with stops and difficulty

Teacher reflects the word on the board through projector. First, teacher askes what kind of
word it is to elicit part of speech of the vocabulary. Then teacher elicits its meaning by using the
technique of visual. Teacher shows a video in which a child is stammering and askes what the problem
is about the child’ speech. And then teacher asks some specific questions about the word and gives a
model sentence. Lastly, she reflects its pronunciation and wants students to repeat after her.

Tranquillizer (n) : drug that reduces feelings of anxiety, worry, or fear.

Teacher reflects the word on the board through projector. First, teacher askes what kind of
word it is to elicit part of speech of the vocabulary. Then teacher elicits its meaning by using the
technique of visual and realia and examples. Teacher shows a medicine chest to the students and tells
about an event she has lived. And then teacher asks some specific questions about the word and gives
a model sentence. Lastly, she reflects its pronunciation and wants students to repeat after her.


Teachers wants students to stand up, and she divides them in two groups. One lines up the left
of the classroom and the other group lines up the right. Teacher writes five new vocabularies on the
board and divides them into columns. Teacher puts cards in front of each group, and wants them take
one and stick to the correct column on the board. Music starts and game begins. After finishing the
game, teacher gives a gift for the group who wins.


Teacher wants them to work in pairs and write one of their days when they feel nervous. Thus,
they can use and practice the words they have just learned in different context.

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