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The key benefit from the application of computers is to be able to be

programmed to perform a specific task. The sequence of instructions to the CPU of a
computer that causes it to solve a problem is called a program. The art of designing
this sequence is called programming. A computer may be applied to solve a problem
by designing the program and interfaces, the rest of the computer system remains the
same. Since the main computer components are common, they can be mass
produced with corresponding economies of scale. The changes are basically in the
program which can be altered at a small cost. Designing the program is a major part of
designing a microcomputer system.

The primary task of a computer is to execute programs. The program is stored

in the memory and it instructs the computer to perform a particular task. It consists of a
sequence of instructions which the computer understands. The computer keeps
fetching instructions from the memory and executing it in a sequential manner, unless
an instruction causes it to change the execution sequence, or causes the computer to

The computer fetches and executes instructions. The complete set of

instructions which of a computer can interpret and execute is known as the
INSTRUCTION SET of that particular type of computer. The program is written using
instructions from this instruction set.

The next question is what are these instructions like? A computer can only
understand binary numbers. Therefore, an instruction is simply a binary bit pattern, ie,
a binary number. The computer interprets this binary bit pattern as an instruction to a
particular task. For example, the bit pattern 0010 1111 instructs the 8085
microprocessor to complement the contents of register A. The entire program is a
sequence of binary numbers. This is called machine language program or object

But there are some basic difficulties in working with machine language. Such
programs are not in a format which the humans, ie, the programmer can easily
understand and debug. For a computer 01111010B may be easy to understand, but
not so for the programmer. They may find it tiresome and confusing.
The situation is improved if the program is written in hexadecimal rather than
binary numbers. For example 7AH is easier to understand and remember than
01111010B. Writing and debugging of programs becomes easier. It is for this reason
programming is done with hexadecimal numbers. The program in hexadecimal is
converted to binary through a program called the hexadecimal loader. The
hexadecimal loader converts hexadecimal numbers and loads it into the computer.
This is a common program and is usually a part of the monitor.


The purpose of developing a software model is to aid the programmer in

understanding the operation of a microprocessor system from the software point of
view. In order to program a microprocessor, we need not know all its hardware
features. The functions of the various pins of the microprocessor and their electrical
characteristics are not of importance to the programmer, nor is the knowledge of the
working of its internal circuits needed. He is only interested in the software resources
of the microprocessor system and how they are organized.

A programmer must know the various internal registers and flags within the
microprocessor, understand their purpose, capabilities and their limitations. In other
words he must understand the programming model of the microprocessor.
Furthermore, he must also know how the memory and the I/O are organized and how
it is addressed by the microprocessor to obtain instructions and data.

5.2.1 Programming Model of 8085.

The programming model is the diagram of the internal registers and the flags
within the microprocessor, which are of importance to the programmer. The
programming model of 8085 is shown in Figure 5.1. The 8085 contains several
registers which can be used by the programmer. Some of these registers are general
purpose and can be used by the programmer in any manner. Others are special
purpose registers and are used for a specific purpose.

The registers B, C, D, E, H, L are 8-bit general purpose registers. They can be

used either individually as 8-bit registers or as 16-bit register pairs. The valid register
pairs are BC, DE, and HL. These register pairs are used to hold addresses or 16-bit
numbers by some instructions.
The register pair HL has a special significance. One is it can be used as a
pointer to a memory location. Second, it acts as the accumulator for double byte

addition. The register pair BC and DE can also be used as pointers by a very
limited instructions.

Amongst the special purpose registers, the Accumulator and the Flags together
are known as the Processor Status Word. They give complete information of the result
of a particular arithmetic or logical instruction.

The Accumulator, also known as register A is an 8-bit special purpose register.

It is the primary source and destination for arithmetic and logical instructions. Almost
every arithmetic and boolean instructions take one of the operands from the
accumulator and the result is placed in the accumulator. The other operand can be
either in the memory or any of the other registers. Also all data transfers between CPU
and I/O take place through the accumulator.

The Flag register (F) contains five bits that are used as flags. Each of these
record processor status information and may control the processor operation. On the
execution of certain instructions the flags change. More over certain instructions such
as conditional calls and jumps use these flags for their execution.
The Sign Flag bit (S) indicates whether the results of an operation is
positive or negative. If the most significant bit of the result of an operation is '1',
then this flag is set, otherwise it is reset.
The Zero Flag bit (Z) indicates whether the result of an operation is zero
or non-zero. It is set if the result is zero, else it is reset.
The Auxiliary Carry Flag bit (AC) holds the carry between the least
significant and most significant halves (nibbles) of the result. If there is a carry
from the 3rd bit to the fourth bit, AC is set, else it is reset.
The Parity Flag bit (P) indicates the parity of the result. If the parity is
even then P is set , otherwise it is reset. ( Parity is the number of '1' in the result
expressed as even or odd.)
The Carry Flag bit (C) indicates a carry out of the most significant bit of
the result. If the instruction results in a carry (from addition) or a borrow (from
subtraction or comparison) out of the most significant bit, this flag is set,
otherwise it is reset.

The Program Counter (PC) keeps track of the address of the memory location
containing the next instruction to be executed in the program memory. This is a 16-bit

Figure 5.1. The Programming Model Of 8085

Figure 5.2. Busses and Control Signals of 8085

The Stack Pointer (SP) keeps a track of the stack. The stack is a last-in, first out
data structure the 8085 maintains in the memory. The stack pointer contains the
address of (points to) the last memory location filled on the stack. The stack grows
towards decreasing memory locations. With each addition to the stack the stack
pointer is decreased by two and vice-versa. All stack operations are 16-bit.

5.2.2 Data and Address Busses of 8085

In order to understand how the memory and the I/O is organized, we shall
review the bus organization of 8085. The 8085 has a 8-bit data bus. Therefore 8-bits
of data can be transferred to and fro from the microprocessor in parallel. The 8085 has
16 address lines. The address lines are divided into two groups of 8 lines, ie, the
Lower Address Bus and the Upper Address Bus. The Lower Address Bus and the
Data Bus are multiplexed and they can be demultiplexed by using the ALE signal and
a latch. The main control signals are RD 1, WR 2, IO/ M 3. The address lines address
the memory when IO/ M 4 signal is '0'. It addresses the I/O when IO/ M 5 signal is
'1'. These busses and control signals are shown in Figure 5.2.

5.2.3 Memory Addressing and Memory Map.

When IO/ M 6 is low, the 16 address lines can address 216= 65,536 memory
locations. This is also referred to as 64K, where 1K = 2 10= 1024. In other words the 16-
bit address on the address bus selects one of the 64K memory locations which the
8085 microprocessor can address. Once the memory location is selected the data
transfer between the selected memory location and microprocessor can take place.

A memory location has therefore an address and a content. The memory

address is the 16-bit address on the address bus which selects a memory location.
The content is the data contained at that particular memory location. A memory
location contains 8 bits of data. Therefore in short:

i) The memory can be considered to be an array of 64K memory locations,

each with an unique address.
ii) Each memory location is 8-bit wide, ie, it can contain 8 bits of data.

A memory map can be drawn showing the memory organization of a computer
system. Various functions assigned to these memory locations, eg, program storage,
data storage, temporary storage, stacks etc can be depicted on it. Furthermore the
type of memory interfaced and at what locations can also be shown on it. The latter will
be dealt with in a separate module. A memory map is shown in Figure 5.3.

5.2.4 I/O Addressing and I/O Map.

When IO/ M is high, the address on the address lines is for the I/O. Similar to
memory addressing, the address on the address bus selects one unique I/O port
location and then data transfers between the I/O port and the 8085 can take place.
Each I/O port location is also 8 bits wide.

But there is one difference. The address is duplicated on the Lower Address
Bus A0-A7 and the Upper Address Bus A8-A15. Therefore there are 8 bits of unique
address. Therefore the 8085 can address only 28= 256 I/O ports.

An I/O map can be drawn showing the I/O organization of a computer system.
The various functions assigned to the I/O can be depicted on it. An I/O map is shown
in Figure 5.4

5.2.5 The Software Model of 8085.

The software model of 8085 is shown in Figure 5.5. It shows the internal
registers of 8085 as well as the memory and the I/O space. This model gives a clear
indication of the various resources available to the programmer. In other words it
becomes his play field. This is an invaluable conceptual aid in programming. It gives a
clear picture of how instructions work and how they affect the registers, flags, memory
and the I/O.

The Interrupts are also shown in the figure. They can be disabled or enabled
through software.

The SID and SOD lines are also shown as they can be programmed through

Figure 5.3.
The Memory

Figure 5.4. The Memory Map.

Figure 5.4. The I/O Map.

Figure 5.5. The Software Model of 8085


The instruction set of 8085 was introduced in module on the 8085 CPU. The
detailed instruction set is given the Appendix. In this section some of the aspects of the
instruction set will be highlighted. It is recommended that the student goes thoroughly
through the instruction set given in the Appendix.

5.3.1 Instruction Format.

There are three different instruction formats ( Figure 5.6), namely, one byte, two
byte and three byte instructions. The first byte of all instructions is the op-code
(operation code). The op-code tells the 8085 CPU which operation is to be performed.
The other bytes, if present, contain the operands to be used by the instruction.
Multibyte instructions must be stored in successive memory locations. The address of
the first byte is the address of the instruction.

a) Single Byte Instructions: These instructions contain only the op-code.

Most of the instructions of 8085 are single byte instructions.
b) Two Byte Instructions: In these instructions the first byte is the op-code and the
second byte contains an 8-bit operand. This operand can be a 8-bit data or an
I/O address.
c) Three Byte Instructions: In these instructions the first byte is the op-code and
the second and third bytes contain a 16-bit operand. This may be a 16-bit data
or a memory address. The method of encoding this 16-bit operand in the
instruction is a bit unusual. The second byte contains the least significant byte
(LSB) and the third byte contains the most significant byte (MSB) of the two
byte data or address. For example if the 16-bit data is 1234H it is coded as 34
12 in the 2nd and 3rd bytes respectively of the instruction. Always remember
that a 16-bit data is coded as LSB first and then MSB.

Op-codes and Mnemonics.

The op-codes are basically binary numbers. For example, if register A is to be

complemented the op-code is 0010 1111B or 2FH. A programmer will find it difficult to
remember which op-code 2FH corresponds to. Therefore the op-codes are described
in terms of MNEMONICS. Mnemonics are abbreviations of the instruction. In other
words the op-codes are described in terms of mnemonics for the benefit of the
programmer. The mnemonics are usually written in upper case.
5.3.2 Addressing Modes of 8085.

When 8085 executes an instruction it performs specified functions on data.
These data are called its operands. These may be a part of the instruction, reside in
one of the internal registers, stored in the memory or held in the I/O. The various
methods the 8085 uses to access the operands are called its addressing modes. The
8085 has four addressing modes, namely direct addressing, register addressing,
register indirect addressing and immediate addressing.

Direct Addressing.

In direct addressing the instruction contains the actual address of the operand
in the memory. A 16-bit memory address follows the op-code of the instruction.

Consider the instruction LDA 1234H. LDA is the mnemonic for the instruction
Load Direct Accumulator and 1234H is the 16-bit address which contains the data to
be loaded. Assume the data is 10H. The op-code for LDA is 3AH. Therefore the
instruction which is 3 bytes long is 3A 34 12. Notice that the address is coded LSB first
and then MSB, in the second and third bytes of the instruction.

Register A Memory Location 1234

10 10

Register Addressing.

In register addressing the instruction specifies the register or register pair in

which the operand is located. They can be the registers B, C, D, E, H, L, or A, or the
register pairs BC, DE, HL or SP. For example, consider MOV B,A instruction. This is a
one byte instruction whose op-code is 47H. The mnemonic MOV stands for move.
The instruction is read as move destination register B, source register A, or as move A
to B. The instruction causes contents of register A to be copied to register B.

Register Indirect Addressing.

In the register indirect addressing, a register pair holds the address of the
memory location containing the operand. Thus the memory is addressed indirectly by
the register pair.

The register pair HL is a special register for register indirect addressing. It

defines a register M in the memory at the location, whose address is contained in the

register pair HL.

Consider the instruction MOV A,M. It is a one byte instruction. It is a one byte
instruction and the op-code for it is 7EH. Assume that at the time of execution of the
instruction the register pair HL contains 1234H. This instruction moves content of M
(located at memory address pointed by HL, namely 1234H) to register A. See Figure

Immediate Addressing.

In this mode of addressing the data is encoded in the instruction. The data is
placed immediately after the op-code. The data may be 8-bit or 16-bit, depending on
the type of instruction. For example, consider the instruction MVI A,30H. The
mnemonic MVI stands for move immediate. This is a two byte instruction whose op-
code (the first byte) is 3EH. This is followed by the data to be moved to register A. The
instruction is coded in machine language as 3E 30.

Implicit Addressing.

In certain instructions the operand is not specified, but is assumed to be in a

register usually the accumulator. Consider the CMA instruction. CMA stands for
complement the accumulator. Here the register A (the accumulator) is implied. This is
a one byte instruction whose machine code is 2FH.

5.3.3 Classification of Instructions.

In the previous sections we had encountered some of the instructions. Here we

shall go through the various groups of instructions. It is useful to refer to the software
model of 8085, while going through the instruction set.

The 8085 microprocessor has 74 different instructions, which total to 246

different op-codes. These op-codes are different for different variations of the
instructions. For example, the MOV reg1,reg2 has 63 variations and therefore 63
different op-codes.

Figure 5.6. Instruction Types.

Figure 5.7. HL points to Reg. M in Memory.

The instruction set of 8085 has been grouped under five different functional
headings, as follows:

1. Data Transfer Group - These instructions move data between registers

or between registers and memory.

2. Arithmetic Group - These instructions add, subtract, increment or

decrement data in registers or memory.

3. Logical Group - These instruction perform logical operations of ANDing,

ORing, XORing, comparing, rotating or complementing data in registers
or between memory and a register.

4. Branch Group - These instructions modify the program flow by

performing conditional or un-conditional jumps, calls or returns.

5. Stack, I/O, and Machine Control Group. These instructions perform stack
operations, reading and writing to I/O ports and interrupt control and
setting and clearing of flags.

5.3.4 Data Transfer Group.

The instructions in this group are used to transfer data around the registers and
the memory, as well as load them with immediate data specified in the instruction itself.
In data transfer instructions, the flags are not affected, ie, the values of the flags
remain the same before and after the data transfer instruction. In nearly all the data
transfer instructions although the data is copied from one place to the other and not
moved, as suggested by the mnemonics. The exception to this is the XCHG
instruction, where exchange of data takes place.

If one recalls the software model, these instructions transfer data between the
registers B, C, D, E, H, L and A and the memory. Direct memory to memory transfer is
not possible. These instructions can be subdivided into immediate, direct, indirect and
register transfer instructions. The registers

i) Immediate Data Transfer Instructions: These instructions load the registers or

register pairs of 8085 or a memory location M addressed indirectly by the HL register
with the immediate data supplied with the instruction itself. There are two forms of the
instruction. One form, the move immediate instruction is
MVI r,8-bit data

loads the 8-bit data into the register specified. The registers can be A, B, C, D, E, H, L
or M.

The other form is the load immediate register pair instruction is

LXI rp,16-bit data
LXI loads the specified register pair with the immediate 16-bit data supplied with the
instruction. The register pairs can be BC, DE, HL or SP. A mnemonic containing X as
a letter, usually refers to a register pair operation.

ii) Direct Data Transfer Instructions: In these instructions the data is transferred
to and from the memory. The address of the memory location is given in the instruction
itself. There are two forms of these instructions one dealing with 8-bit data and the
other with 16-bit data. In the first form, the data transfers takes place between the
accumulator, ie, register A and the content of memory location specified.
LDA memory address ; (Load Direct Accumulator for memory)
STA memory address ; (Store Direct Accumulator to memory)

In the other form a 16-bit data, the data transfer takes place between the HL
register pair and two consecutive memory locations, starting from the memory
address specified.
LHLD memory address ; (Load HL Direct),
SHLD memory address ; (Store HL Direct).
The LHLD xxxx instruction loads the register L with the content of the memory address
xxxx and register H with content of the memory location xxxx+1 as shown in Figure
5.8. In SHLD instruction the contents of the HL stored in the memory in a similay way.

iii) Indirect Data Transfer: Although data can be transferred indirectly through
the register M, there are other types of indirect data transfer instructions also. These
LDAX rp ; (Load Accumulator Indirect),
STAX rp ; (Store Accumulator Indirect).
The rp can be the B (register pair BC) or D (register pair DE). These instructions load
and store register A at a memory location whose address is contained in the specified
register pair.

The other method of defining a register M in memory does not have a particular
instruction. In this method the register M is like any other register of 8085.

Figure 5.8 The LHLD Instruction.

Figure 5.9 The XCHG Instruction.

iv) Register Transfer Data Instructions: This is the largest group of data transfer
instructions. These instructions transfer 8-bit data between the various registers. There
63 different MOV instructions. These have the form
MOV reg1, reg2 (Move reg2 to reg1)
where reg1 and reg2 are the registers A, B, C, D, E, H, L, A, M.

XCHG is a 16-bit instruction. This exchanges contents of DE and HL register

pairs. This is different from the other data transfer instructions as an exchange of data
takes place instead of a simple move. There are no operands specified as DE and HL
are implicitly addressed. See Figure 5.9.

5.3.5 Arithmetic Group.

The arithmetic group includes instructions for 8-bit addition and subtraction, 16-
bit addition, instructions for incrementing and decrementing registers and register

In all the arithmetic and logical instructions requiring two operands one of the
operands is assumed to be in the accumulator (register A) and the result of the
operation is also put in the accumulator. All arithmetic instructions affect the flags
according to the rules indicated earlier (discussion on the software model), unless
indicated otherwise.

All subtraction operations are performed through the two's complement

arithmetic and set the carry flag to indicate a borrow and clear it to indicate no borrow.

i) 8-bit binary addition instructions: The register A is assumed to contain one

operand. The second operand can be in any of the registers B, C, D, E, H, L, in the
memory register M, or supplied as an immediate operand with the instruction. The
result of the addition is put in the accumulator. The forms of instruction are
ADD register ; (A) <-- (A) + (register)
ADD 8-bit data ; (A) <-- (A) + 8-bit data)
The notation (A) <-- (A) + (register) implies that the content of register A is added to
that of the specified register and the result is put in register A.

As an example consider that A contains 40H and B contains EEH. The

instruction ADD B will cause the addition and the result 2EH will be put in register A.
The flags will be set as under.

0 0 - 0 - 1 - 1

ii) 8-bit binary addition with carry instructions: These instructions are similar to
the ADD instructions, except that the carry flag is also taken into account. If the carry
flag is set prior to this instruction, 1 will be added to the result. This is helpful in multi-
byte addition, where the overflow from previous bytes has to be considered. The forms
of instructions are:
ADC register ; (A) <-- (A) + (register) + (CY)
ADC 8-bit data ; (A) <-- (A) + 8-bit data + (CY)
where (CY) is the value (0 or 1) of the carry flag.

iv) BCD addition: In BCD addition the operands are BCD numbers and binary
addition is first done. Then the Decimal Adjust Accumulator instruction, DAA is
executed. The correct BCD addition results will be available in the accumulator.

v) Double byte addition instruction: The DAD instruction is a double byte

addition instruction. The register pair HL acts as the double byte accumulator. One of
the operands is in HL register pair and the other operand is in any of the register pairs,
namely BC, DE, HL or SP. The result is put in HL. This instruction only affects the carry
flag. The form of instruction is
DAD register pair ; (HL) <-- (HL) + ( register pair)

vi) 8-bit binary subtraction: In the subtract instructions the accumulator contains
one of the operands from which the other operand is subtracted. The result is put in
the accumulator. In case a borrow is generated, the carry flag is set. The forms of
instruction are
SUB reg ; (A) <-- (A) - (register)
SUI 8-bit data ; (A) <-- (A) - 8-bit data
Subtract instructions with borrow take care of the previous borrow generated. These
are used for multi-byte subtractions. The value of the carry flag is subtracted from the
result. The forms of the instructions are
SBB reg ; (A) <-- (A) - (register) - (CY)
SBI 8-bit data ; (A) <-- (A) - 8-bit data - (CY)

vii) Increment and decrement register instructions: These instructions increment

or decrement the specified register by one. These instructions affect all flags except
the CY flag. These are very useful instructions when a register is being used as a
counter, as we shall see later. The form of the instructions are

INR register ; (register) <-- (register) + 1
DCR register ; (register) <-- (register) - 1
The register can be a, B, C, D, E, H, L or M.

viii) Increment and decrement register pair instructions: These instructions

increment or decrement the specified register pairs. It effect none of the flags. The
register pair which can be incremented or decremented are BC, DE, HL, SP. The form
of instructions are
INX register pair ; (reg. pair) <-- (reg. pair) + 1
DCX register pair ; (reg. pair) <-- (reg. pair) - 1

5.3.6 Logical Group.

The logical group contain instructions for Comparing, ANDing, XORing, ORing,
Complementing and rotating the operands. The accumulator contains one of the
operands and also contains the results of the operation.

i) The basic logic functions: The instructions for basic logic functions of AND,
XOR and OR are given below.
ANA register ; (A) ∧ 7 (register)
ANI 8-bit data ; (A) ∧ 8 8-bit data
where ∧ 9 is the symbol for AND operation. In the ANDing instruction the CY flag is set
and the AC flag is cleared. Other flags are set according to the result.

XRA register ; (A) ⊕10 (register)

XRI 8-bit data ; (A) ⊕11 8-bit data
where ⊕12 is the symbol for XOR operation. In the XORing instruction the CY and
the AC flags are cleared. Other flags are set according to the result. The XRA A
instruction is frequently used to clear the flags as well as the accumulator.

ORA register ; (A) ∨ 13 (register)

ORI 8-bit data ; (A) ∨ 14 8-bit data
where ∨ 15 is the symbol for OR operation. In the ORing instruction the CY and the
AC flags are cleared. Other flags are set according to the result.

ii) The compare instructions: These instructions are similar to the SUB
instructions, except that the result in not put in the accumulator. Only the flags are set.
The forms of the instructions are

CMP register ; Flags for (A) - (register) are set.
CPI 8-bit data ; Flags for (A) - 8-bit data are set.

If the Z flag is set then the two operands are equal. If the CY flag is set then the
operand in the accumulator is smaller of the two.

iii) The rotate instructions: There are a set of four instructions that allow the
contents of the accumulator to be rotated left or right. Each rotate instruction affects
the contents of the accumulator and the carry flag. These instructions are the Rotate
Left Circular RLC, Rotate Right Circular RRC, Rotate A Left through Carry RAL, and
Rotate A Right through Carry RAR. In all these instructions only the carry flag is
affected. The details of these instructions are shown in Figure 5.10.

iv) Misc. logical instructions.

One of these instructions, the CMA, complements the accumulator. No flags are
The other two instructions, STC and CMC, set and complement the carry flag
respectively. There is no instruction for resetting the carry flag. No other flag except
the carry flag is affected.
CMC ; it complements the CY flag.
STC ; it sets the CY flag.

5.3.7 Branch Group.

The 8085 has a variety of instructions which alter the normal sequence of
program flow. These are known as the branching or program control instructions.
There are two basic forms of these instruction, namely the jump and the call
instructions. The jump instructions allow the program to jump to any location in the
memory and continue the program execution. The call instructions transfers control
temporarily to a sub-program. On encountering a return instruction in the sub-program
the control returns to the main program. The jump, call and return instructions can be
unconditional or conditional. The conditional instructions branch only when a condition
is met. The conditions are related to the state of a particular status flag. These
instructions do not alter the flags.

Figure 5.10 The Rotate Instructions.

i) The unconditional jump instructions: The jump instruction causes the next
instruction to be executed from the address specified in the instruction. The form of the
instruction is
JMP memory address
This instruction loads the program counter PC with the specified address, instead of
next address in the program sequence. Therefore the instructions are now fetched
sequentially from this new address. In other words the program jumps to the specified

The other unconditional jump instruction is PCHL. This uses indirect register
addressing. The HL register pair contains the address of the jump location. This
instruction causes contents of HL register pair to be copied to PC.

ii) The conditional jump instructions: In these instructions jump to the specified
memory address occurs if the condition specified in the instruction is met, else the no
operation occurs and the next instruction in sequence is executed. The format for the
instruction is
Jcondition memory address
The various conditions based on the status of the flags is given below. The
corresponding value of the flag as well as comments on the condition are given. For
example JZ address implies jump if zero, ie, if the z flag is 1.
Condition Condition flags Comment
Z Z=1 if zero
NZ Z=0 if not zero
C CY = 1 if carry set
NC CY = 0 if no carry
M S=1 if minus
P S=0 if plus
PE P=1 if parity even
PO P=0 if parity odd

iii) The call instructions: These instructions cause the program to branch to a
subroutine whose memory address is specified in the instruction. But before the
program jumps by loading the PC with the new address, this instruction causes the
current value of PC to be saved on the stack. The forms of instructions are
CALL memory address ; Unconditional call.
Ccondition memory address ; Conditional call.
The conditions are the same as described for the conditional jump instructions. The
following steps are performed by this instruction. It is useful to recall that stack pointer

SP points to the last filled memory location on the stack, and that the stack grows
towards decreasing memory addresses.
The stack pointer SP is decremented by 1 and MSB of PC is
stored in the memory location pointed to by the SP. The SP is again
decremented by 1 and the LSB of PC is stored in the memory location
pointed to by SP. The PC is now loaded with the specified address.

In the case of conditional call instruction, if the condition is not met, no action
takes place and the next sequential instruction is executed.

iv) The return instructions: This instruction are generally used together with the
call instruction. If the 8085 is executing a subroutine because of a call instruction, it
returns to the original program from this subroutine, when it encounters a return. This
instruction does not require an address, as the address is already saved on the stack
by the call instruction. The form of the instructions are
RET ; Unconditional return
Rcondition ; Conditional return
The conditions are the same as described for the conditional jump instructions. The
following steps are performed by this instruction.
The stack pointer SP is incremented by 1 and data in the memory
location pointed to by the SP is copied into the MSB of PC. The SP is
again incremented by 1 and the data in the memory location pointed to
by SP is copied into the LSB of PC. The PC is therefore now loaded with
the previously saved address on the stack by the call instruction.

In the case of conditional return instruction, if the condition is not met, no action
takes place and the next sequential instruction is executed.

v) The restart instructions: These are special unconditional call instructions. In

these instructions instead of an address, a number n between 0 and 7 is specified. The
address is fixed and is equal to n * 8. The form of instruction is
RST n ; where n lies between 0 and 7.
Therefore RST 1 is the same as CALL 0008H. In all other aspects it is similar to a
CALL instruction. The RST instruction is a single byte as compared to the three byte
CALL instruction.

5.3.8 Stack, I/O and Machine Control Group.

This group is a miscellaneous group. These instructions deal with manipulation

of the stack, the I/O, Interrupt control and serial I/O. Some of these instructions will be
dealt in detail in the next module.

i) The no operation instruction: This NOP instruction is a single byte instruction

and does nothing. But being an instruction it takes some time to execute. It is useful in
timing matching and providing delays. It can replace an instruction, if that instruction is
not needed. A series of NOP instructions can be put in a program to make space for
future additions to a program.

ii) The halt instruction: The HLT instruction is used to stop program execution.
The only way the microprocessor can restart is through a reset or an interrupt. Both
these must come through external hardware. This is useful in waiting for external

iii) The stack manipulation instructions: These instructions are used manipulate
the stack. The PUSH and the POP instructions save and restore the specified register
pairs on the stack respectively. During programming, if the registers are to be
saved,The format of the instructions are
PUSH register pair
POP register pair
The register pairs are BC, DE, HL and the PSW. The PUSH B instruction works in the
following manner. The SP is decremented to point to the next empty location on the
stack and the higher order register B is copied to the stack. The SP is again
decremented and the lower order register C is copied on to the stack. Figure 5.11
illustrates this instruction. The POP instruction works in the reverse way.

The other stack related instructions are SPHL and XTHL. The SPHL is an
instruction to load the stack pointer SP from the HL register pair. The content of HL is
copied to SP. This is an indirect way of loading the SP in order to initialize the stack.

The XTHL instruction exchanges the content of the HL register pair with the
most recent data on the stack. In other words. The content of register L is exchanged
with the content of memory location being pointed to by SP and the content of register
H is exchanged with the content of the memory location following it.

iv) The I/O instructions: There are only two instructions which are related to I/O

Figure 5.11. The PUSH Instruction.

operations. In both these instructions data movement takes between the specified port
and the accumulator. The form of these instructions is
IN port address
OUT port address
The port address is an 8-bit number. In the IN instruction the data from the specified
port is copied into the A register. In the OUT instruction the data present in the register
A is sent to the specified output port.

v) Interrupt control instructions: These are the EI, DI, RIM and SIM instructions.
The DI instruction masks all the interrupts except the unmaskable TRAP interrupt. If
the interrupts are masked they are not recognized. The EI instruction unmasks the
interrupts. When an interrupt occurs, future interrupts are automatically disabled. The
EI instruction is used to enable them. The DI instruction is very useful in programs
which require that no interrupt should occur during a particular program segment. The
interrupts are disabled by DI instruction in the beginning of the segment and then
enabled by the EI instruction at the end of the section.

Apart from the general masking of the interrupts individual interrupts can be
masked or unmasked. This is done using SIM, the set interrupt mask instruction. The
individual mask settings and whether there are any pending interrupts can be known
from RIM, read interrupt mask instructions. The RIM and SIM instructions are also
used for serial I/O on the SID and SOD pins of 8085. The RIM instruction is used to
read the serial data on the SID line and the SIM instruction is used to send serial data
on the SOD line.

The SIM instruction: In order to use the SIM instruction register A has to be
loaded with the data as indicated in Figure 5.12. The bits M5.5, M6.5, and M7.5 are
set to 1 to disable them or 0 to enable them. Also the mask set enable is set to 1. This
enables the mask to be set on executing SIM instruction. The R7.5 is used to reset the
RST7.5 flip flop. If instead of masking the interrupts the serial data is to be sent the
data 0 or 1 is put in SOD and sod enable SOE is made 1. This serial data is put on the
SOD line on executing the SIM instruction.

The RIM instruction: On execution of the RIM instruction the register A contains
the data as given in Figure 5.13. The bit labelled M5.5, M6.5 and M7.5 indicate the
individual masking of the interrupts RST5.5, RST6.5 and RST7.5, respectively. The
interrupt enable flag IE indicates whether the interrupts are enabled or disabled. The
bits I5.5, I6.5 and I7.5 indicate whether any of the RST5.5, RST6.5 and RST7.5 are
pending, ie, waiting to be processed. The SID bit gives the status of the SID serial line.

Figure 5.12. Register A prior to execution of SIM.

Figure 5.13. Register A after execution of RIM.

5.3.9 Time and Space Requirements of Instructions.

While writing a program the programmer has to know the space required by his
program. This will depend on the number of instructions the program has, as well as
the length of each instructions, ie, whether they are 1, 2 or 3 byte instructions.
This is the Program memory. Moreover the memory requirements for storing the data
has also to be considered. This is known as the Data Memory and is the amount of
memory required by the data.

The other consideration is the time that is required by the program. Each
instruction takes a finite amount of time, even if it is a NOP. This because the
instructions have to be fetched, decoded and executed. The execution time is referred
to as states, where a state is the time required for one system clock. The total time a
program required is the sum of all instruction execution times.

A complete description of the Instruction Set is given in the Appendix. This

also gives the number of bytes the instruction takes, as well as the time required for its


A few simple examples of programming are presented in this section. These

examples have been based on the various addressing modes covered in Section
5.3.2. The the method of writing assembly language programs has been introduced
here informally.

5.4.1 Example of Direct Addressing.

Transfer the contents of memory location 2345H to 2400H.

This example requires the transfer of data from one memory location to
another. Unfortunately there is no direct instruction to do this. Therefore data is first
transferred to register A from memory location 2345H and then it is transferred from
register A to memory location 2400H, as shown in Figure 5.14.

On going through the data movement group of instructions, the following time
instructions will do the needful.

LDA 2345H ; Loads register A with contents of memory location 2345H
STA 2400H ; Store register A at memory location 2400 H.

In the above program any thing after `;' is considered a comment. This is an aid
to understanding the program, but is not a part of a program.

This small program can also be written using symbolic addresses for these
memory location. If SOURCE stands for memory location 2345 H and DESTN stands
for memory location 2400, the above program can be written as
LDA SOURCE ; SOURCE stands for memory location 2345 H.
STA DESTN ; DESTN stands for memory location 2400 H.
SOURCE and DESTN are known as labels. These denote the symbolic address, i.e.,
stand for the address of a memory location.

A program written using MNEMONICS, hexadecimal numbers and labels in an

assembly language program. This cannot be understood by the computer. Therefore
as an intermediate step this program can be written in machine code in the
hexadecimal form. The op-codes corresponding to mnemonics, addresses and data
are expressed as hexadecimal numbers. This is of the form:
3A 45 23
32 00 24
On further converting it to binary machine code as
0011 1010 0100 0101 0010 0011
0011 0010 0000 0000 0010 0100

This binary form is what the computer understands. But to a programmer this is
practically impossible to work with. Therefore the machine codes are usually entered
into the computer memory in Hexadecimal form.

Programs can be developed more meaningfully in assembly language using

mnemonics. But this has to be translated in actual machine code. This can be done in
two ways:
a) Through a computer program known as an Assembler.
b) Manually using the instruction set. This is called hand assembly.

5.4.2 Example of Register Addressing

Registers D and E contain numbers which are to be added and the result is

Figure 5.14 Example of Direct Addressing.

Figure 5.15 Example of Indirect Register Addressing

stored in register C.
The assembly language program is given below:
MOV E,A ; moves content of reg E to reg A
ADD D ; reg D is added to Acc, result in Acc
MOV C,A ; result is moved to C.

5.4.3 Example of Indirect Register addressing.

Move the contents of memory location 2000 H to Register B.

In the example a register M is defined in the memory location 2000 H by loading

this address in the register pair HL, as shown in Figure 5.15.

LXI H,2000 H ; load HL with address 2000H

; this defines register M in memory
MOV B,M ; move contents of M to B.

5.4.4 Example of Immediate and Implicit addressing.

To store the number A5H in register B and its complement in register A. The
assembly program for this is given below.

MVI B,A5H ; store A5 in register B.

MOV A,B ; copy B to A
CMA ; complement A and store it in A itself

The first instruction is an example of immediate addressing. The 8-bit data

(A5H) is specified within the instruction itself. The third instruction is an example of
implicit addressing. Here CMA meaning `complement the accumulator' implies the
register A. It is not specified separately as an operand.


Problem: Three signed numbers P, Q and R are stored at memory locations

0800H, 0801H and 0802H. The expression (P + Q - R) is to be determined and the
result is to be put in register B. The result is also to be outputted to port address 02H,
to which a 8 LEDs are connected. Any carry generated is neglected.

In order to solve this example, we will first develop an algorithm in plain and
simple language. An algorithm is a procedure or a formula used to solve a problem.
We shall then write the program in assembly language using mnemonics and finally
code it in machine language using hand assembly. Finally we will go through the
program step by step and see what actions take place in the software model of 8085
during program execution.

The algorithm can be described by stating the inputs, outputs and the method
of solving the problem. The input, P, Q and R are available in memory locations
0800H, 0801H and 0802H. The required output is a single byte integer equal to (P + Q
- R) to be stored in register B and also outputted to port address 02H.

The following method is used to solve the problem. This problem can be in
other possible ways also.

The register pair HL is loaded with 0801H (the address of Q). This defines the
register M at 0801H. The accumulator is then loaded with data (P) from 0800H. The
register M is added to the accumulator. Again the register pair HL is loaded with
0802H (address of R). The register M is now subtracted from the accumulator. The
result (P + Q - R) is now in register A. This is moved to register B. Register A is also
outputted to the I/O port 02H. After outputting the system halts.

The assembly language program for this can now easily be written using the
instruction set.

LXI H,0801H ; HL is loaded with 0801H (address of Q).

LDA 0800H ; Acc is loaded with P from 0800H.
ADD M ; M which contains Q is added to Acc.
LXI H,0802H ; HL is loaded with 0802H (address of R).
SUB M ; M which contains R is subtracted from Acc.
MOV B,A ; data of A is copied to B.
OUT 02H ; data in A is outputted to I/O port 02H.
HLT ; system is halted.

Once the program has been developed, the translation to machine language is
done. One of the decisions to be taken is about the location of the program in the
memory. In this example the origin of the program is placed at 0803H, immediately
following the data. The program consists of 8 instructions of varying lengths. The first
instruction starts from 0803H and is three byte long. The op-code is 21H and it

requires a 16 bit data, encoded as LSB first and then MSB. The machine code in
hexadecimal is therefore 21 01 08. Therefore, 21H, 01H and 08H are placed at
memory locations 0803H, 0804H and 0805H respectively. The next instruction
therefore starts at 0806H. The op-codes are found from the instruction set given in the
Appendix. The assembly level program, together with the address of the instruction
and machine code is given below. The first three locations contain data. In order to
indicate that they contain data, a pseudo-mnemonic DB is put against the address.
Details of how to write an assembly level program will be taken up in the next lecture.

Address M/c Code Label Mnemonic Operands

0800 09 P: DB 09
0801 FE Q: DB 0FEH
0802 05 R: DB 05
0803 210108 START: LXI H,0801H
0806 3A0008 LDA 0800H
0809 86 ADD M
080A 210208 LXI H,0802H
080D 96 SUB M
080E 47 MOV B,A
080F D302 OUT 02H
0811 76 HLT

Figure 5.16 shows the software model of 8085. Assume that data and program
have been entered in the memory of the microprocessor system and is lying at
address 0800H onwards. The program execution is to start from 0803H. The various
registers and flags of 8085 could contain any data, and have been indicated by a '--'.

In order to start the program execution, the program counter PC is loaded with
0803H the address of the first instruction. This step is done by the monitor of the
system. This is shown in Figure 5.17.

Figure 5.18 shows the software model after the execution of the first instruction.
The PC now points to the second instruction at 0806H. The HL register pair is loaded
with the address specified in the first instruction, i.e. 0801H. No flags are affected.

Figure 5.19 show the execution of the second instruction LDA 0800H. The
contents of memory location specified in the LDA instruction, i.e., 0800H is copied to

Figure 5.16. Detailed Example -Step 1.

Figure 5.17 Detailed Example - Step 2.

Figure 5.18. Detailed Example - Step 3.

Figure 5.19. Detailed Example - Step 4.

register A. The PC points to the next instruction to be executed. No flags are affected.

The next instruction to be executed is ADD M. The register M is defined in the

memory and its address is given by the current content of the HL register pair, i.e.,
0801H. The content of this memory location is added to the accumulator, and the
result is put in the accumulator. Flags are set according to the rules given in Section
5.2.1. The addition operation is explained below:

09H = 0000 1001

FEH = 1111 1110
Addition 1 ← 0000 ← 0111 = 07H.
Carry AC

The C and AC flags are set and the other flags are reset. The software model
after the execution of this instruction is shown in Figure 5.20.

Figure 5.21 shows the execution of the LXI H,0802H. The HL register pair is
loaded with the 16 bit data of the instruction. The PC points to the next instruction.

Figure 5.22 shows the software model after the execution of the SUB M
instruction. The register M is now located at 0802, which is the current content of HL
register pair. The operation (A - M) is carried out and the result 02H is put in A. The
status of flags are S = 0, Z = 0, AC = 1, P = 0 and C = 0. The PC points to the next
instruction to be executed.

Figure 5.23 depicts the results of the execution of MOV B,A instruction. The
content of A is copied to B. The flags are unaffected.

Figure 5.24 shows the execution of the OUT 02H instruction. The content of
register A is copied to I/O port address 02 H. The PC now points to the HLT
instruction. The flags are not affected.


In the previous lectures of this module we have already encountered assembly

language programs and we are familiar with some of its features. Let us recapitulate
some of the features. The assembly level program consists of a sequence of

Figure 5.20 Detailed Example - Step 6.

Figure 5.21
Example - Step 6.

Figure 5.22. Detailed Example - Step 7.

Example -
Step 8.

Figure 5.24. Detailed Example - Step 9.

instructions using symbolic op-codes, i.e., mnemonics, and symbolic or numeric data
and addresses, i.e., labels. This program cannot be executed directly and has to be
translated into machine code by hand (hand assembly) or through a program called
the assembler. It was also observed that some additional information is also required,
such as the address of the origin of the program in the memory and the address of the
data in the memory. This additional information is given to the assembler through
assembler directives or pseudo-operations.

The assembly language program thus is a sequence of assembler directives

and instructions. These are written using mnemonics (symbolic op-codes) or
assembler pseudo-operations together with symbolic or numeric data and addresses.
The assembler directives provide necessary information to the assembler. The
assembler directives will be after the format for assembly language instruction is

5.6.1 The Assembly Language Statement

Each instructions in an assembly language program has four fields, namely, the
label, the mnemonic, the operand and the comment. These fields follow each other in
the sequence specified. An example is shown below:

Label Mnemonic Operand(s) Comment

START: LX1 H, 0345 H; HL loaded with pointer

Each of the fields is separated from the other by a special symbol known as a delimiter
for instance the comment field starts with a semicolon. These fields are discussed

The label field

A label field is the first field in an assembly language instruction. It may contain
a label, i.e., symbolic memory address that is used to refer to the address of the
statement in the program. In above example the label start is the symbolic address of
the LXI H,0345H instruction.

Labels are optional. If it is present it is separated from the next field by a colon
`:'. The labels are a string of alphanumeric characters, the first of which is an alphabet.
The string usually contains five or six characters depending on the assembler. The
label should not contain space or other special characters. Some assemblers do

permit some limited special characters in a label.
The label should not be mnemonic, pseudo-instruction or name of a register.
For instance SUB, ORG or PC should not be used as a label. The assembler will
otherwise signal an error.

The Mnemonic Field

This field must always contain a valid 8085 mnemonic or an assembler pseudo
operation. Any other entry in the field results in an error. The field is separated from
the label, if present by a colon and from, the operand field by a space.

The Operand Field

The operand field contains the name of registers, data or labels. The operands
are separated from the comment field by a semicolon `;'. If more than one operand is
required, the operands are separated by comma `,'. The data may be expressed in
binary, decimal or hexadecimal form. This is indicated by a B,D or H immediately
following the data. If this is not indicated, the data is assumed to be decimal. Most
assemblers expect a 0 to precede hexadecimal data if it starts with an alphabet. ASCII
data may be given if it is surrounded by a apostrophises, e.g. `K'.

Some assemblers permit limited arithmetic and logical operation on the operand
data. For example, LABEL+1 would evaluate to the value of LABEL plus 1. These
operations are usually of +, -, *, /, NOT, AND, OR, XOR and MOD. The manual of the
assembler being used should be consulted for details.

The Comment Field

The comment field begins with a semicolon. Whenever the assembler

encounters a semicolon, it assumes the rest of the line is a comment. If the entire line
is a comment, then it must start with a semicolon `;' or an asterisk *. In that case there
are no other field on that line. Comments have no effect on the object code and are
ignored by the assembler. But they are essential for understanding and documenting
a program. It is a good programming practise use comments freely in a program.
These comments should be brief and to the point and bring out what the program is

5.6.2 Assembler Directives

The assembler directives also known as assembler pseudo operations. They

may or may not lead to generation of machine code. For example, END does not lead
to any machine code generation, but DB does. Other pseudo operations which we
shall cover are DW, DS, ORG EQU, SET, TITLE, SPC. These pseudo operation are
placed in the mnemonic field of a statement.

End (END): This signals the end of the program. It is the last instruction in a program.

Define Byte (DB): This is used to define an 8-bit data in the memory.

X: DB 12H ; 12H is put in memory location X

Y: DB `D' ; ASCII code is put at memory location Y
Z: DB `H1' ; ASCII codes of H and I are put at two memory locations ;
starting at Z.
P: DB 1,2,19 ; 1,2 and 19 are put in memory locations starting from P.

Define Word (DW): This is used to store a 16-bit number in the memory, e.g.

K: DW 1234 ; Number 1234 is stored in the memory at K in the proper ;

format, i.e. LSB first and then MSB.

Define Storage (DS): This is used to reserve space in the program for data.

DATA: DS 5 ; reserves 5 bytes of memory starting from memory ;

location DATA

Origin (ORG): This informs the assembler about the starting location of the program.
When used in the middle of a program, the location of the start of segment of program
which follow it is changed to the value indicated.

ORG 1000 H ; informs assembler that the next statement ;

starts from 1000 H.
START: LX1 H, 200H

Equate (EQU) and Set (SET): These directives are similar but not the same. The
EQU directive is used to equal a label to another label or value. A label can be
equated only once during assembly. If the value of the label has to be changed later in

the program SET is used. SET is used only for special cases in a program.

SCORE: EQU 20 ; label SCORE has a value of 20

VALUE: SET 5 ; label VALUE has temporary value of 5.

Apart from these there are other assembler directives such as, IF and ENDIF
for conditional assembly, TITLE and SPC for listing control, GLB and EXT for use with
linker to link with other programs. Discussion on these is beyond the scope of the
present discussion.

5.6.3 Assemblers

As mentioned earlier an assembler converts the software written in assembly

language into machine language in the hexadecimal form. The assembly language
program is called a source program and the machine code is the object code. This
code can be loaded into the microprocessor using loader. The object code is usually
in a special object format, e.g. S-format or Intel Hex Format.

Apart from this object code, the assembler also generates a listing. This
contains the source code and the errors encountered during assembly. If there are no
errors it indicates the machine codes corresponding to each statement. It also gives a
label or symbol listing at the end. This symbol listing gives the symbol value
corrosponding to the symbol name.

Most assemblers are two pass assemblers. It scans the source code twice. In
the first pass it makes a table of labels found in the program. It also keeps track of
address of the labels. In this pass it determines the address of all labels in the
program. Some labels may have been referred in the operand field prior to its
definition in the label field (forward referencing). In the second pass, the object code is
determined using the generated label table. The single-pass or the one pass
assembler scans the source code only once. These assemblers cannot handle
forward references automatically, and seme method has to be used to handle them.

Macro assemblers are special types of assemblers. They permit the

programmer to define new op-codes termed as macros. They may be an often

repeated group of instructions which occur many times in a program. Whenever the
macro name appears, it is replaced by this group of instructions during the assembly

The other types of assemblers are the cross-assembler and the meta-
assembler. A cross assembler is an assembler that runs on a computer whose CPU is
different than the one for which it assembles the program. For example, an assembler
for generating code for 8085 may be run on a PC. A self assembler or a resident
assembler on the other hand generates code for the same computer system on which
it runs. A meta-assemblers an assembler which can handle many different instruction
sets. It is left to the user to define the instruction set used.


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