Why Was The Shooting of The Mossad Agent Covered Up: Music

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The_Skunk Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ Post 1035889 ]

(freedom fighter)
11/16/03 07:09 PM

Category: News & Opinion Topic: Member Opinions & Questions

Source: Skunk
Published: November 11, 2003 Author: Skunk
For Education and Discussion Only. Not for Commercial Use.


Why was the shooting of the Mossad

agent covered up

Stewardesses call about Lewin shooting

A third stewardess aboard the nine-crew flight – Madeline Amy Sweeney – used her
cellphone, or possibly the plane phone, to alert Michael Woodward, her superviser back at
Logan International Airport, about the hijacking and murders. The terrorists were armed
with razor-tipped knives that looked like box cutters, she relayed.

The plane left the gate at about 7:45 a.m. and took off at about 7:55 a.m. Sweeney
made her call around 8:10 a.m. or 8:15 a.m., the source says. At about 8:25 a.m., the jet
turned sharply off its planned westbound flight path and headed south toward
Manhattan. The jet crashed into the north World Trade Center tower at about 8:45

Mossad cover up – Memos altered

WASHINGTON – An internal Federal Aviation Administration memo summarizing the

Sept. 11 hijackings says a passenger aboard American Airlines Flight 11 was shot to
death by a single bullet, WorldNetDaily has learned.

The FAA claims the memo, time-stamped Sept. 11 at 5:30 p.m., was written in error. "It was
a first draft," said FAA spokeswoman Laura Brown in a phone interview today.
"There was no gun."

The real truth is

The stewardess called and said -- " A passanger in 9-a is shooting the pilots - I show
him listed as a Daniel Lewin "


Post Extras:
The_Skunk Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: The_Skunk | Post 1035897, reply to 1035889 ] (Score: 1,
(freedom fighter) Interesting)
11/16/03 07:11 PM


Here is the setup for Fl 11

Four Arabs and a Capt in the Sayret Matkal ( Israel’s counter terror and assassin

So you have to believe a top Israeli agent walks into a jet - past these Arabs and
doesn’t notice four ‘ Camel Jockeys ‘ in first class ?

Figure the odds

A jew - Sayret Matkal ( Jew terror unit ) - on Fl 11 - with 4 arabs - getting shot -
etc. The odds are a billion to one.

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Nick Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: The_Skunk | Post 1035914, reply to 1035889 ] (Score: 1)
11/16/03 07:17 PM
This has more loose strings than an old sweater. Did paragraphs disappear in

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laconas Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: The_Skunk | Post 1035941, reply to 1035897 ] (Score: 2)
11/16/03 07:32 PM
Flag to: The_Skunk, Fletch, ansar

No doubt Lewin was one of the hijackers.

We also know of another Israeli agent, Alona Avraham, but that hijacking on the
other plane out of Boston appears to have gone more smoothly, so know even less
about her.

Of course the FBI knows exactly who hijacked the planes. There are thousands of
stills from the airport videos alone. Not to mention the 8 living suicide hijackers.

Atta more than likely is at the bottom of outer Boston harbor.

Nobody censors speech they agree with

Post Extras:

laconas Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: The_Skunk | Post 1035960, reply to 1035897 ] (Score: 2)
11/16/03 07:44 PM
Four Arabs and a Capt in the Sayret Matkal ( Israel’s counter terror and assassin

We don't have a single still, from the thousands, from the airport videos that one so
called Arab hijacker ever boarded any of the planes. If any pictures existed, for sure
it would be to the benefit of the FBI to show these pictures. Obviously, after 2 years,
none exist!

The so called 19 are Jew's patsies--they were framed by the Jews. They followed
them and recorded all thier moves before 9-11, for the final set-up. They even knew
Atta went to nudie bar, had 3 beers, and went to the men's room twice.

There's no evidence Atta even boarded the plane out of Boston. More than likely he's
at the bottom of outer Boston Harbor.

Nobody censors speech they agree with

Post Extras:

laconas Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: yummybear | Post 1036073, reply to 1036059 ] (Score: 2)
11/16/03 08:56 PM
Flag to: yummybear, The_Skunk

We're not saying he was shot, we're saying the stewardess said there's a hijacking
led by passenger Lewin.

I believe there are non-cell phones at a few locations of the plane.

Nobody censors speech they agree with

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yummybear Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: The_Skunk | Post 1036111, reply to 1035889 ] (Score: 1)
11/16/03 09:13 PM
I looked at those two articles you posted and there's nothing in them about the
Mossad agent being the shooter. Both say that he was shot. And reports I've read
about cell phones claim that they don't work once the plane is aloft because they
can't make contact with a tower. So the cell calls were just a cover story although I
don't recall the govt. saying that guns were used. I thought it was all done using box

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laconas Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: yummybear | Post 1036145, reply to 1036111 ] (Score: 2)
11/16/03 09:37 PM

Agree, the cell phnoe story was BS. But the only way we know about box cutters
was from the so called Olson phone call, which I also believe was BS.

There were several stories about the shooting of Lewin, and then they were edited,
and then dropped out of sight. One of the first ones said Lewin was shot because he
was a Jew, blah, blah, blah. These stories had to be dropped because they conflicted
with the box cutter myth.

I believe the stewardess made a call ( from a plane phone) and identified Lewin as
one of the the hijackers, but then the story was changed to make him look like a
victim of anti-Semitism, and then it was dropped altogether.
If he wasn't one of the hijackers, then one has to stretch reality and believe a
trained Israeli agent is sitting with five Arab hijackers in 1st class and suspects
nothing. In a near empty plane.

Nobody censors speech they agree with

Post Extras:

Aryana Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: The_Skunk | Post 1036169, reply to 1035889 ] (Score: 1)
11/16/03 09:53 PM
Why would israeli agents go on a kamikaze mission? Are they really that selfless?

World Peace Now

Post Extras:

yummybear Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: Aryana | Post 1036207, reply to 1036169 ] (Score: 1)
11/16/03 10:14 PM
Israelis are typical of Jewish fanaticism. They've been that way through history.
They seem to be conditioned to be pawns on behalf of the tribe via genetics and
upbringing. What's sacrificing a few Israelis in comparison with an empire and the
lives of six million Jews? ( Funny how that number keeps coming up. ) But what I
don't understand is why they sacrificed this guy. If he was a billionaire, why him
instead of just some ordinary Israeli pilot? Did they need a duel citizen ?

Post Extras:

plummz Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: Aryana | Post 1036212, reply to 1036169 ] (Score: 2)
(freedom fighter)
11/16/03 10:16 PM
Why would israeli agents go on a kamikaze mission? Are they really that selfless?

No, they're not. The CIA-rabs thought they were doing some kind of hijacking op
they would survive, and the Israel intel people thought they were spying on a CIA-
rab operation and gathering blackmail material in the process. The Jew wasn't a
kamikaze, and neither were the 'religious' CIA-rabs who were heavily into porn,
strippers and cocaine. . .

* Constitutional anarcho-capitalist * abolitionist Confederate * agnostic
sedevacantist * rogue Illuminatus * objective Objectivist

Post Extras:

laconas Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: Aryana | Post 1036230, reply to 1036169 ] (Score: 2)
11/16/03 10:26 PM

Flag to: Aryana, Kudzu, AmericanWoman, Fletch, Heretic

There are several examples of Jews doing suicide bombings. The most famous is a
Jewish girl in a Jerusalem train station in the late 1940's, when Jews were under the

(Flag-- anyone have a copy of that famous bombing?)

Even though, not all the hijackers had to know it was a suicide mission, only the
pilot had to know. Another likely scenario is that some were terminally ill? 9-11
bought Israel time.
Nobody censors speech they agree with

Post Extras:

The_Skunk Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: yummybear | Post 1036666, reply to 1036111 ] (Score: 0)
(freedom fighter)
11/17/03 05:00 AM
The stewardesses have company phones on the airplane where they can call home
base. Remember in older jets they had airfones.

Post Extras:

Axle Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: The_Skunk | Post 1036667, reply to 1036666 ] (Score: 2)
(agent provocateur)
11/17/03 05:00 AM
I have found new evidence. I'm deadly serious this time.......

I'm a little wiry fella wearin overalls and a John Deere cap.

Post Extras:

(Son of Liberty) Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: laconas | Post 1036668, reply to 1036230 ]
11/17/03 05:02 AM
(Score: -1, Troll)

Flag to: laconas, the_skunk, axle, ansar, ratcat, kingkangaroo

I strongly feel that the Mossad used HIV-infected Arab queer boys for the hi-jacking

Do you think that is highly possible?


"Stand Tall, Mississippi" - Jefferson Davis

Post Extras:

(Son of Liberty) Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: plummz | Post 1036669, reply to 1036212 ]
11/17/03 05:04 AM
(Score: -1)

So you don't believe that Mossad helped carry out 9/11?


"Stand Tall, Mississippi" - Jefferson Davis

Post Extras:

The_Skunk Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: yummybear | Post 1036670, reply to 1036207 ] (Score: 0)
(freedom fighter)
11/17/03 05:10 AM

Flag to: yummybear, laconas

But what I don't understand is why they sacrificed this guy. If he was a billionaire,
why him instead of just some ordinary Israeli pilot? Did they need a duel citizen ?
Sayret Matkals are killers without conscious - the jews pick a few that are truely
nuts - brainwash them and plant them on the jets. Next thing you READ is this
screwball was a genuis billionaire. It's call a cover story - written by a jew.

You read all this rubbish about 200 lb gunman in Gaza hiding behind 40 lb kids - But
does it make sense ?

Elie Wiesel says he saw German trucks dumping crying babies in ditches of gasoline
- But does it make sense ?

Post Extras:

Axle Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: The_Skunk | Post 1036671, reply to 1036670 ] (Score: 2)
(agent provocateur)
11/17/03 05:15 AM
My niece(middle) has been pondering our Jewishness. I told her about my Uncles
(died in Holocaust, etc), she asked why we don't have money....What can I say?

I'm a little wiry fella wearin overalls and a John Deere cap.

Edited by Axle on 11/17/03 05:17 AM.

Post Extras:

(Son of Liberty) Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: Aryana | Post 1036672, reply to 1036169 ] (Score:
11/17/03 05:16 AM

Flag to: Aryana, plummz, laconas, the_skunk, ridinshotgun, valis, wholetruth123,

ansar, cyte, axle, graybeard, madrussian, bluegrass, kudzu, amalgamy, edana,
drvincent, prevail

Suicide attacks have religiously high esteem in Judaism, going all the way back to
the Jewish defenders committing suicide rather than surrending at their Maasada
fortress in Roman-occupied Palestine.

In the Inquisition in Portugal and Spain, suicide attacks were common due to sheer
desperation among Jews during the hellish Inquisition.

Jewish suicide attacks against the British were very prevalent in the 1940's against
the British colonial government in Palestine.


"Stand Tall, Mississippi" - Jefferson Davis

Post Extras:

Axle Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: NewsWatcher | Post 1036678, reply to 1036672 ] (Score:
(agent provocateur) 2)
11/17/03 05:25 AM

Aren't suicides dumb?

I'm a little wiry fella wearin overalls and a John Deere cap.

Post Extras:

(Son of Liberty) Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: Axle | Post 1036680, reply to 1036678 ] (Score: -
11/17/03 05:32 AM

Flag to: Axle, plummz

Totally dumb

How do you feel about folks up here claiming Jews would never do suicide attacks,
even though history shows they have done them on many occasions?


"Stand Tall, Mississippi" - Jefferson Davis

Post Extras:

Axle Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: NewsWatcher | Post 1036683, reply to 1036680 ] (Score:
(agent provocateur) 2)
11/17/03 05:42 AM

Trippy vibes man, trippy vibes.

I put incense in my beard and run out in the crowd. Trippy vibes.

Post Extras:

(Son of Liberty) Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: Axle | Post 1036700, reply to 1036683 ] (Score: -
11/17/03 05:59 AM

what does that mean?


"Stand Tall, Mississippi" - Jefferson Davis

Post Extras:

The_Skunk Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: Axle | Post 1036704, reply to 1036667 ] (Score: 0)
(freedom fighter)
11/17/03 06:02 AM


Here is some real proof on the Pentagon jet -

This pilot is hot

Pilot never even scratched the lawn

Post Extras:

(Son of Liberty) Re: Mossad agents on 9/11 jets [ To: The_Skunk | Post 1036708, reply to 1036704 ]
11/17/03 06:05 AM
(Score: -1)

+100 insightful


"Stand Tall, Mississippi" - Jefferson Davis

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