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Casting Defects and Design


ver. 1

ME 6222: Manufacturing Processes and Systems 1

Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009

• Processes
• Analysis
• Defects
• D i rules
Design l
• Economics

ME 6222: Manufacturing Processes and Systems 2

Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009
Issues in Casting

• Shrinkage
• Porosity
• Piping
• Mi
t t

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Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009

• Can amount to 5-10% by volume

• Gray cast iron expands upon
solidification due to phase changes
• Need to design part and mold to take
this amount into consideration

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Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009

Volumetric Volumetric
solidification solidification
Metal or alloy contraction (%) Metal or alloy contraction (%)
Aluminum 6.6 70%Cu–30%Zn 4.5
Al–4.5%Cu 6.3 90%Cu–10%Al 4
Al–12%Si 3.8 Gray iron Expansion to 2.5
Carbon steel 2.5–3 g
Magnesium 4.2
1% carbon steel 4 White iron 4–5.5
Copper 4.9 Zinc 6.5
Source: After R. A. Flinn.

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Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009
Casting Defects

ME 6222: Manufacturing Processes and Systems 6

Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009
Defects - Hot Tears

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Casting Defects - Porosity

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Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009
• Types
– due to gases – smooth bubbles
– due to shrinkage – rough voids
• Not a problem for ingots
–pparts that will be deformation p
– as long as it is not exposed to air
– can be healed

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Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009
Porosityy due to Gases
• Smooth bubbles
– result
lt ffrom entrapped
t d gases
– solubility in liquid is high, in solid is low, so
gas is rejected d during
ring cooling
• Sievert’s law
S = kpg0.5
– S = solubility
– k = constant
– pg = p
partial p
pressure of g
gas over melt
ME 6222: Manufacturing Processes and Systems 10
Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009
Remedies for Gas Bubbles

• Control atmosphere
– vacuum
– gases with less solubility
• Proper venting to let gases out
• Proper design of runners and gates to
avoid turbulence

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Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009
Remedies for Gas Bubbles
• Add metallic elements to react with
– killed steels - highly deoxidized (Al, Si)
• high shrinkage due to gas removal - piping
– semi-killed steels - less deoxidized
• less piping, porosity
– rimmed steels - little deoxidization
• blow holes in ring at rim (sometimes break
• little piping because gas doesn’t
doesn t escape
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Porosity due to Shrinkage

• Rough bubbles - voids

• Stages
– cooling
li liliquid
– rejects latent heat at melting point
• alloys
ll b
become slushy
l h - liquid
li id and
d solid
lid co-exist
i t
– cooling solid

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Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009
Differential Cooling

• Transition between thicker and thinner

sections can lead to porosity
p y

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Porosity / Shrinkage Solutions
• Risers allow molten metal to flow into
mold to make up for shrinkage
• Design
g flow so no ppart freezes earlyy
– large channels
• “Flexible”
Flexible molds
– allow metal to shrink, not hold metal

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Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009
Porosity / Shrinkage Solutions

• Heating or cooling
certain areas to maintain
uniform cooling (thermit
or chills))
• Uniform part thickness
– leads to uniform cooling
less residual stress

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ME 6222: Manufacturing Processes and Systems 17

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Pipe Defect

• D
Due tto shrinkage
hi k giving
i i rise
i tto
a funnel-like cavity
• Solutions
– insulate top (glass wool)
– heat top (exothermic mixture -

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ME 6222: Manufacturing Processes and Systems 19

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Grains on Willie B’s
B s head

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Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009
Microstructure - Dendrites

• Finer structure at
• Grains / dendrites
grow to center
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Microstructure - Dendrites

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• Post-treatment may be necessary to get

desired p
p -g
grain structure
– annealing
– tempering
– cold working

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Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009
Design Rules Summary
• Uniform wall thickness
• Flat parting lines
• Gradual thickness
• Draft
D ft for
f removall
– tapers: 0.5 to 2 degrees
• Surface of mold gives
surface of part
ME 6222: Manufacturing Processes and Systems 24
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Sand Casting Rules

ME 6222: Manufacturing Processes and Systems 25

Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009
Economics Example - Optical Bench

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Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009
• Casting
g of Al-Si alloy
• Number
– one-off
one off
– preliminary run (100)
– production run (10
• High precision required
– machining
hi i required
i d
– pick cheapest casting method

ME 6222: Manufacturing Processes and Systems 27

Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009
Alternative Processes
• Sand casting

• Low pressure casting

• Permanent mold casting

• Die casting

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Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009
Cost Equation
Cc C L
C = Cm + +
n n&
• C = cost/part
• Cm = material cost
• Cc = capital
i l cost
• CL = labor cost
• n = number produced
• n& = production rate
ME 6222: Manufacturing Processes and Systems 29
Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009
Process Costs

Process Sand Low Permanent Die Casting

Casting Pressure Mold
M t i l Cm ($)
Material, 1 1 1 1

Labor, CL ($/hr) 20 20 20 20

Capital, CC ($) 0.9 4.4 700 3000

Rate, n& (#/hr) 6.25 22 10 50

ME 6222: Manufacturing Processes and 30

Systems Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009
Process Economics

ME 6222: Manufacturing Processes and Systems 31

Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009
Process Selection

• Probably pick low pressure casting, as a

p y run of 100 is assured.
• If production run is needed, die casting
will probably be used

• Th
The ttough
h partt iis getting
tti the
th process
cost data.

ME 6222: Manufacturing Processes and Systems 32

Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009
Production of Aluminum Auto Parts
M ain C a stin g L o w -P re ssu re H igh -P re ssure S q ueeze
C h aracteristic G ravity D ie C a sting D ie C a sting C astin g
(P o re s F re e )
P o u ring/F illin g L a d le A ir p re ssure H ig h -sp e ed an d R ela tively low -
M eth od throu gh sta lk hig h-pressu re sp eed and
in jectio n by hig h-pressu re
hyd ra u lic piston in je ctio n
F illing T im e (s) 10 -3 0 1 0 -30 1 10
O p erating 1 1 + (0 .2 -0 .5 ) 1 0 0 -50 0 50 0 -1 ,0 00
P ressu re (a tm .)
C ycle T im e 5 -1 0 5 -1 0 1 -2 2
( iin.))
D ie/M o ld H ig h H ig h Low Lo w -m e d iu m
T e m pe ra tu re
D im en sion a l + ++ +++ +++
A ccu ra cy
D e sign
i +++ ++ + +
A vailab ility
P rod u ctivity + ++ +++ +++
Q u ality + ++ +-+ ++ +++
C o st + + +++ +++
M achin in g M an y M an y Few Few
R e qu ire d
M ain P a rts Inta ke m a nifo ld , C ylinder block, C ylind er blo ck, P isto n , d isk-
(o the r tha n cylin d e r b lo ck cylin d e r h ea d , oil pan, cylinder brake caliper,
w h ee ls) a n d h e ad , su sp en sion , he ad co ve r, po w e r stee rin g
p isto n m em b er tra nsaxle case toe con tro l huhub
kn uckle

ME 6222: Manufacturing Processes and 33

Systems Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009
Advantages of Casting

• Near- or net- shape

• Less scrap
• Intricate shapes
• L
Large h
ll shapes
• No limit to size

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Prof. J.S. Colton © GIT 2009
Disadvantages of Casting
• Shrinkage, porosity, cracks
• No
N strain
i h
d i
– can be brittle
• Tooling can be expensive
part shape
p depends
p on tool ((mold))
• Microstructure can be difficult to control
– non
uniform cooling
– faster on outside produces finer grain
structure there
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• Defects
• Design rules
• Economics

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