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Bram Pitoyo is an experience and information designer who works with founding member
agencies like Wild Alchemy, CoatesKokes and pmsi to help brands like
Cre8Camp, the first unconference
DoveLewis, Ski Washington, Stevens Pass, Tuality Healthcare and
for creative professionals
e. & j. Gallo Winery sing killer choruses with an equally beautiful opus.
Refresh Portland, a monthly meetup
experience on web design and usability

End Point Corporation brashCreative, the Art Institute of

May – June 2009 Portland’s student-run ad agency
Designed and developed a new MediaWiki skin for Bucardo, a set
of PostgreSQL database maintenance tools, from prototype to CSS organizer
files. The theme, BucardoGreen, was loosely based off MonoBook’s
CyborgCamp, an unconference
basic structure, and was designed to 1) encourage editing, 2) provide
on human–technology relationship
access to features commonly overlooked by beginner to intermediate
MediaWiki users, and 3) aid readability and legibility of code- Portland Tech Twitter, a wiki database
intensive, text heavy documentations. The theme also fit an existing of technology professionals
graphic and interaction standards that I developed for End Point's
Open Source Bridge, a platform
line of products, including SpreeCamps.
inclusive open source conference
Air New Zealand
February – April 2009 research
Planned a cross-platform “Digital Concierge” experience to promote
From Commons To City Hall, a manual
the airline’s LA – London route utilizing Adobe AIR, Facebook
for community managers and organizers
applications, microblogs and an iPhone application. Collaborated
to make citywide impact by planning,
with Small Society to research and build an RSS filter for the app’s
managing and measuring their events.
implementation using Yahoo!Pipes and Yahoo! Query Language.

DemocracyLab social intelligence dashboard

Q2 2008 and February 2009
An online intelligence system that eases
Worked closely with developers to design wireframes and interaction
research of technographics data, helps
pattern library for a web application that facilitates direct democracy.
collect informations about the industry,
The result was later developed into an application by Pinpoint
opinion leaders and trend, and simplifies
Logic. This year, developed online engagement strategy using social
brand management process.
networks and microblogs targetting high school-age student.

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