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1. Compare and contrast both animal and plant cell.


(b) Complete the blank below to name the part of the organelle.
2. Below show the cell organization in human.

(a) Name the process X and Y.

Above shows the liquid composition of the body.

(a) Name the fluid P,Q, and R.

(b) What is eventually form from P, Q, and R.

3. Table below show the relationship between the density of certain

organelles found in a specific cell.

(a) (i) Name organelles X and Y.

(ii) State the function of each organelle found in each specific type of

Figure below shows some cells from the stem in cross section.

(b) (i) What type of tissue is shown at X?

(ii) State the function of the tissue.
(iii)State one way in which this tissue are adapted to carry out the
(c) (i) In space, draw and label your diagram to show a mesophyll cell from
a leaf.
(ii) How does mesophyll cell adapted to carry out its functions.
(iii)Besides mesophyll cell, name 2 more cell that have the same
special organelle to carry out its function.

4. Below show the temperature of Richard during and after taking cold
bath at 22 degree Celsius.

(a) Based on the graph, for how long the person in the bath.
(b) Explain why the temperature of the body decrease.
(c) Explain how blood capillaries help to increase the body temperature to
(d) What is mean by homeosis?
(e) Give some explain that how homeosis happen when glucose level is


1. Below show the excretion and synthesis of extracellular enzymes in

anima cell.

(a) Explain the role of nucleus in

synthesis of
this enzymes.
(b) Name one extra cellular enzymes and
describe how different cellular
components are involve in the secretion
of this enzyme.

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