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P i1otog raphs b~ CONm~ L:'d.


[Every serlo MI$;j3J ma~eUlr wUi wa ntte d evehl[p his ow~ fi i ma n d p'lii 11i1I~ hi i sown IP i etu res, "fin ~ s I~S In'ot very d iffh:ulm~

it sl rn [ peq IU i res a. I iitUe IP raeUce, a nd ago od dlea I ·of p,ati en Cie .. lin deve,1 0 p~ n 91 tumd pr1i n tii n g y'O,lllI r 'OWIi1I p'iic:~ u res

!('(HJI be alb I e to pro d uce very m uch betliter res u I t:,stha iii can be expected ~Im m com me rcia i, mass

preoess i IiIIg. .

Whe n1I yo u develop, Y(Hlil r fi I m ~ yo ua re co m ph~ti WiI'ga very Irem a rkalb I e p rocess UlIa:t: ,be,g i Ins ins i de~NJ'ru r ca rnera, wheln 'Y'o, U pressthes h utter re lease, W hat hap pens :is!hr i s, T he U'Q ht-sen sm ve coatl IIi1II 9 ·o,f: YOliljl r fll m ls mad e up oiT elli1l'O,rmous numbers o~ min utle cty.stalUne glraiWlls ofa che'mica~ ca[~ledsUv'll:!rr brt'lmid,e. They are so tiny a 111 d so c I ose ~og el[her they ~co,k. U[ke· 0 n e co ml:ii n IUO us sheet, b U'~ iiT yo U1 p U'~ a P'! eC'9 ,of filii m ~I n a pow,ariu I miiclr:osCOp6!~ you wou~d s,ee it was madie up o~ qlui.te siepa.ra~e glrai~nsl' nfl().S:~~y trianglu~alr or hexaQ,olnlia~. Whenll Ught reaches thlis [~ight~s,ensitiive cloaUrng., thrnlll'gh the! lens 0111 your camere, a. chernieal acttorrtakss place - somreoi ~ltju1l: silver bromlde gr,amns unrder'!Jo a (:omrpH(:a~€d change .. But, i,f you co~',~d bike the fUm out of Y'CHJ r ca m era.a n d exam i ne i~ti yo uwo u [~d s eie n othl n QI d ~i1li,e re lilt a.bollJl t it~· iiitwo u ~[d co n~a.i nil a p,iicH,W9 b IMlt i'~ wo,uld be invisilJ[[le, and thls imrisibl'e plcture hi c,ail[h~ld a "latent i magle~" ~. Wh~ICI&1I mealnsa. ull~ldd€~1 i.magle'l. -

To precess your ~I[~m you must make a sij,~lufi:,owru o~ chermi,cals that wiill udev, jl the latent by ma,ldlnl,g

the ,changled sUver Ibr,omiide Qlrawns iin~o UN9il metamcs,ii[llIiEMr, dark and vlsl e grains that did not receiv's

an~i' Ught have lfIo·t clmlalmll'gedtheili c~alia.cteli',e deve[I[(I'p'9Ir does ImllOiU 'ch,uilge' .. Ilm~ ii n the darkroom, thei f~lm w8.sor:lly IPU~ into develop,j:IiIQ sol'lll1tion, when yOI~ putthe light on, the !"ulrll"chang'edl'~ ,grainls would ve'lry' Ira.piid ~[ycha n 919 and the w h Q ~'e fi'[llmr wo u I d tu rn b[[lac:k - ~ 111 is ~ S call~ed j~Wogg~ n gl ", T a fix the fi hn~a n d p'f€Vielrilr~ ~o,g g i milI'Q1IW he nthe fi I m is dev,e lop ed it m ust be' rill1lisedl andt he n IP u~ ii ntea '" ~Iy P()" s ol~ ut ii'O'lniIO'lr Uri xer" ~ aseletlen om sodtum ilnlYIP cs U [Ip,hlime - which dlsselves ,away al ~ ~he !lUInchang.ed si~[ver brmmridle" ~eavi rngl "thinner' I sometl me!s 'q'ui~e tr.ansp'a.l'ien~ areas. - No'w yOlu wi~mlllll1ndl,elr~s~and why a. dev,e:~o'lP,edmml gives you a !~ne'gla:~~ive'''~ ~. wher,e ~jhe pletu re w·as very briglht, s u e h as <::10 u ds:~ nealr~yai1 ~ h e· sUveli b rO'iM i de g fali n s wH I be e he n gl,edi a r1Id~.her$io re develop lnte areas of den sa! dalr[k: s i [~ver - wh,e rle t:h e pl~,d:u re wa.s dark. sllu::has a deep shad ow, vie ry 'fiew 'g ra i inIr S W in be chan 9 ed andso, whenflx'9Id" the fillim wm be ,a[[lm,os~bi'

Dllevel (11 pi I1Ilg y,otllrfi I m

FO'I! yO~H dar:kroom~ use a r,oom, iif you calfill, that has a sink and rrullllniingl wa~er.. 111 II'runnil~lg wa.ter ~s IrrI,Oit avail~alble" 8. [o,oiw[[1 ,o,r bucket fm,eCil with clean.freeh 'wa.ter wO'lllIl!d be usefu],

Your room liTIus:t. be lie:ainy dark. Ifany UglM comes from a window., or 11lIndleir the deer or in ,any o~hell' way, m u s~ f nd \I\!",ays o~ P 1iE!'ven ti Ini'gitTo testthe daJklil else pre perl y yOllJl m u s'~stay ~ n the re 0 m mora.t I E!a:s~ or ten mlinutes to. give' YCHJr ei.1/,€!stij]me to adjust lit ~~i$,tlIrpd!1iiing how Uglht at Udalrl~n room can become

after a few mlrrutes :!- - .

[0 us~. is alfil(l,the r erne m!lf t m aka: su f,e yo U r dalr~ro,o,rm is as '~ree ·of dust es possii b[~,e. ~1Il an y pia rtl eles g,et 0.1111 to y,o,llIr 61~[m ~ at.anystaglel, dev'elopi,ni'QJ·dryijingl or p,rinthil'g -you may finld unsligMlly '1Ipin-hole·s"I'jln youli p~,c~ures. G jive yo u rs,e[[[f em) urg h wo rkii n 91 s pace an d ijf necessary IP rotect th etabl eo r Ib e n c h top with lPapEl r 0 r oU~I,elr material to prelv,ern~ the risk OT stainiing.

Now' [~ay out~he, dishes in [PQ:s:wtions, yo,u Wl~n e1aJ:smy 'filnd when you ,are ln darlkn'es,s. One ,o,tlhs,r usef:u~ pr'ovi's,ion

i s '~O have a na i lor S,C r,9WO n a, wa~111 fro m wh lc h yo u can h al!1ll'g 'Yo U It' fllm, ,

N,ow you must prepare th,e chemicals. Have- aQ'u,ant'it!l oic,l,earn watiell' r,ead:y a~ a '~empe'li,a,iure of 08,of, 1(20°,c:)1,. ,AU YOdur d,evelopmng" rin,sing and fj,xing should be done at thii,s temperature, Take the Ipa,c!ket of ulM.Q. devleloperlll (packet ,! A II) pul r t[h,e small pack,et frcm it, cut a small corner <Cliff this small packet and IPut it ca.refull'y en the, table.

CUlt th,e [larger packet open alOIilI!;) the I[inal, and p'OUlrsC),me of the Wi:l!ter iinto the ba:g" keepilllig the leve,1 a 1iH:I[e below the, red iii ne, Shaketh,e bag, until the ehemleals are dlssolved, Add thecontente of the small paek,et and s ha[keolr' s~i r th eo S(j,[I[ u tlo 11'1 IlJ nli I aU th,e ehe mli,ca~s,a re d i ss,a,l[ved. [N lOwe h ec k t:h e' tern perature and if; n eess sary COl rreet wt wiit:h elth er warlOO 0 r co I d wai,er I' and fill tit! e bag to the I,eve~l olf: th a! red H n B',. Y (I,U ca n now pour the, solutlen into dish NI,OI" 2"

Takethe p,ac~et '1811 (fixer) ,and disslo,llve the c'olntents in UI'e same w,ay.The' fllxe,1I" crystalls v'ery ,quickly 00'01: 'tihe 'wate r so you 'can ltJI,se wa t.eli Up "tOB bo IUt: " COP F 1(38QC).. Po IU r the i IfiI~O dI ish [N e, 3.

As you will first need the dish with 'plain water iin Wt. pillacle i't first in the Irla'';\\' - well ,away .from tbe fixer! [I[nto~ dish No" '11 po'ur some clean, 168°F w.ab!lf. Fiinally check thal the ,co,nt~n'ts of aU i[hn:!l€!i dishes alre at ,aplproxiimat,ely 68·QF"

Take the, roll 0,1 fiIIm in one hand and turn out the [light. Unroll the paper unliilyou reaehthe fllm and then fasten oneof the plastic clips to lit. Hangl the eli p' on the, nall or hook you have prepared and ,earefull'y Ulil ml[:1 the fllm, Tear oft the paper ba,eking stripand fasten the' second p~as,tiic cillip to the, ether end ofthe filml. Nlo:w, h 0:1 d ~ n 91 both! el ~ PiS I' fo rm a I U 'I w,ifh th e f I rn I move ltover bJI tln~y Nlo. 1 a n d pass i~ Illm:;m 91 h t[h'9 wate r by' a~lta'mate,lY' [I OWlS ririllig 0 n e en dan dl Irail s,i n QI th e otih'9Ir:, abo u~: e'~lelry 'flv',e' secend S, fo ram i n ute, or 'tW'D. Thts wim soak the em ulalen, hel p to prevent: "air-bell" blemis,hes, and fled ucs the te,ndenc:y to curl when i,n th e deve,1 0 pier. Th:i s a,cUo'llil calH s 10 r a In~I'e s,kU[I., ~t ~,s a Ig 0 od i dea to! plraeti ce "Ii rst i In cilayilli 9 ht, 'Wi th a ron 01 pa pie r, ollftll m if it ts a va nab le

Che'c k t:he reco m m en died d,evel 0 pin '9 ti m €I 91 iV'Em b:!I ,t h e' rna kers of t h e pa rti eu ~a r fill m yo u are u s~ ng (i n the aesence ,of inl,sttw:;tioII1lS '~ry 1:2 mms.), [No'W start. y,a,ur timing device, if you ha've one, or ilfy'ou h,ave anonged for someone outslde tOI give you the timel, tell them Y'Oolua.r,e beginning. M,ove' to, tray No. 2!1 holding your film .s~'ead'ily in its 'U' form, Sind b-e'Q1in p,a,ssinQ itthrouqh the solution as you diiid t!hmu'gh the water. Keepl this adii,a'llil gOlin!!] untill the oorrect time, has elepsed, move back to tray N[o~ 1 to rinsI9 the fUm f't(Hi a feiw seconds and th elll begl i I!Ii pas si n g it th r'Qlug hthe f xa Ii i ntliay No.3 •

. llf :ymJ If' tam pflilra.UU re and so lutl 0 n mliix i lIiI'g ~s ICO rre ct you cam SarfE!JIly tu lillil on ~h e Ii: g' h~ aUell"tih lie e min utes i Wll th e 'fb:,ingl tray. Y'DU m.ayflll11d the fUml sho;ws, aome mnky whit:! arees, ~f so, ,co,nHII'I ue thefb::hlllQ process until Ihli s dii,sap pea rs and .heep it; g,oin,g for the same ~ength' of time ay·ain.

A.fter the 'Him isthorouglh[ly filxed it should be 'W,ashedl for at. least !hallf-almll-hou r" Thh~ may most easily be dO'r!l,e hill a bowll or basin - and canal must be ta[kenl to see thai the ti:[lm dOles no,'l curl ba,ek iinto, a 'tight r,oU. li'~ iils nOit nec,e:S;SiUll 1.0 ha.llle a Ul.P run,ningl f, ~ and if runningl 'Water ts net ava.i[l[alble" :sev:eral changlesil :slay six or sev,eo" of sta,ti:c fre,sih watlelf wU[1 do, prov,ided 'the fUm is agita:~ed 'fre,quentlly"

-~ ","""~'ir,,I'1 'Igo~ ...... - _.... ..... - ....






"-" - .... '


~ .oJ .....,..

11 W~,te'r

2 DevelQIPe:r

S Pb:elr

~ .. rn.·. ~;_- ... -

' ...... .,,_,..

~ - _- _


...... ' .._. ~ ¥ Y ~ _ . ¥


1 28

DC\leiIIOIPGr 'Wa'tllir Flix,e~


Whelllli washilng is compiete" halrD"9liihemim up by one ,of the clips, w~tha clip on '~I~e bettom end to. p'lreVIEmt clil!IlrUngl.,Wiipe off excess wa~er with a c~e:anso1fft spo,n'ge, o'ir co [t:O,lrill wool swab andleave the fiU 1'iIll ina dlust-firee rcom te dry., ,After dry! nglj,~he neg'a!tr]ves can becut apa:rt andstered i n ~ranslpeHlem~ elrrvle~,o''P,es.

IMa,k~,.li1tg youii' Print:s . . . .

Prepare the devehJj:J'E!lr a.nd~lxinig sol~tltiona,s !lefor,e. U is p.clssilble to use setutlons madea,nd used earilier" especia,ll~y~hrle fixer, but they!'d be keplt in coverf~rl ji8Jlu:s, 'ow bo~~~es. The d]IElvel:op,sr does, howeve:r, deteriol1"a,te fa,ilr,~y rapidlyal1lid iiit is wisl9rto use a freshsolutlon at each session or wh,enever it bscomeaet an d isco'hJ u red. A q tliranmy of 8: 0.2: s, of f xers ho u lid be d ~ sea rd edaf[~e!\r a,PIP ro xi Mlat1elll y 7S 1ft) ri nts have b€:€'11I1 fixed ln i~,.

If or IP ri n~~j n '91 ~s:hce you calli1l se'e what you a r,ed 0 in 91, th e~rays can be arra n gl,ed \IV lthth e we. tie r ri iii 1318 i n the eentre,

Th,e U,gh'~~sensniV'e coa~,iin~g 01111 prilmti,rnQI papers ls not so "fast" (so s,ensitiy,e)'as mihat usedfor 'filims· - so you can W'Q'lrkiWllr8 specialamber I~iglht. Therrefore, take OU~ the ,Qrrdin.ary liiig h~ bul b and substltuts the amber bulb

fro m~l'0 u r kit, . ~

T herra a reva ri 0 U ,o:f p ri ntii n 9 mlasks ~i n yOI u r id~~ mo r malkiii n '9 pllW i fa ts om ttl e wtnr,o'l~e, (lro n l~y parts of tii1le neglativ,es, and glivingl them wM~e borders. To usethem, ta,ks! o'ff the back. ,of Hie prirl:1ll~ing frame" insert the ,ch osen maslk, an dl the n pos ilti 0 n th 8· 11iil1,81g a.'~i va 0'1,8 r th 19 mask h~l'i:I.v i rmg th a d,ull sii d,e ,oef th,s n eglati VEl I~i p,wa rd s, NI·Q,w turn ,olAf a.ny wh i~e I!iglht, !Iea:vingl ,o,nly the amber. Op,e'l1la packet of IPrin~~:n,g p·aper and laya piece on the negative .. IReplace tllhl,€: p'.ul~nU~lg frame back and clese tlhjl8:spr~ng clips.

SeTar,a you p,roces.sirngl fll me or prints, be sure you r handsere s.IDotlessJ~l clean. Your should .nev,er touch a. pho'~og raplillic. emulsion lf YOlill can hal Pi it. Always bandle film.s and paper h,rthe edges .. l,f~l'oU 01'0 touch a s u rtace w~rth a d~r rty Ol!' 9 re·asy fln glerr., yo u are sure to ru i nt h e pi ctu re ...

.I3e·fore you do anything wrap up the' r~mai.ruier of the printing paper"

Nk)w j iifi yo UI h a vaa w h i~te li!!]l h t i, n yo Ii!J r da rk~roo'm,yo u can u s,eit to make yo u rr f nst Pc ri nt, Ilf you h ~M, yO'l!! rma.yifUlnd it possib.le to I~eave yourii' daliboom and plrrintiliil anotllhil,er mom. but keep your printiin,g frame covered I!UI p wh i ~ sf: 'Yo u alu@ m ovi n 91 a be ut,

Sri ill ce iIfII,e;g a~~viSs vary so m u eh i 111 d,e n sirt:y iii! irs 'j rm iP,os,si bll,e to '9 iP"'€: a sbllfM:ilard e:x.poIS!l.!I1 re 'thus but ~fi yo 1lI th ink you r 1~le,gaHve ~.s om "aveliagl;ei" dI9ns~ity, Y'ou could begi n by pla.cingl yoltllir p;r.intingl frame ttl F,(i;!€: fle,et from an

,e I ectr~c lam p. of 100 wa:ttsa n d co u nt! n ,gfi ve seeered s, .

Never try prinling the pit'p!ri}" intlliskii.t i:iJ daylign'.t.,. D ayl'iig, h tis, ve!lry ~ very m u ehstro n '9 er tha n ellle,ctri e il i 91 ht an d yo!ur p'IiWnts WlU be mogge,di. If you want to use da.y~ighit ~ow p,ri nUng yc.n.!11 Should ask ymn d,eailer :f.c,r su~tab'le paper.

A 111erre.x p,@silng )lIe) Il r pri ntj, take th e pap elf 0' ut 'Clf the prli r1I~~ n gf:ra m e almlr d s I ii de ited,g ew i sew n to the devehllP er in Hay N,o.1. Ml alke sure th,e deve lope rfl,ows aU aver tih e pia per" Em eli kee Pi thesel uti orm m ev in 91 by ro c ki rnll 9 UnllE!

tray gent!ly" lf the plri~nt was f.:orrectty exposed it wilill dev,s~,op'f:IlLiIUy ln appnl'x.ims,tely (I'lr'Ie~am.jJ~a~ha~~ to two ml~ n utes, P ri IIiiI1ttSS h (I U'1~d al ways be dev€!,1 0 p,sdfo r at I east' on,'9 m m n ute'", lin tlml,e ~ i 9 ht o~ yo U t da rk reo m I a.m p a gloo d pd n t wi:n look a little darker 1tt ilia n you wOI~1 d want ,i~~o,ap p,ea rl $'1Ith,a no rmall Uig ht.

When d'9veilopme,rlIt is complete, rlnse the print for a f:ews,ecio'lnld;s, 11m bay No" 2: and tnerlilimmers,e ii'~ iin~he fixer tray Noel'. 3: - youcaWli switch an '~'he, whiite l~iQht after hal" a. minU'~~. Leave, the print in thefixer for ap P'IiC'.IX i Imate,1 yt~1r1I IIt1 II n utes, ag itat]] 111 g th e so I uUo n mlio m tl me to 'tii me.

llfa p ri nt loo ks to C!I dlad(~ re d W.:;09 th,s exlP OSU rIa thne; :i'f it is too Iii g h~, ln cr,easeihe' e.x po S u re,ti m e. li1ll yo u kJ5leip w r.i~~eiiill reeo rod sof y'o u r 'fil rstee rrect ,exp esure s YO'~ wi 11:1 sav~ 'JiG u rs'el~ trou bile and EWX pernlse I ater,

~f y,QU getfi.x,er en your fi~,gers, a~ways wash ,tililemthoroluQlhlly ~ e:v,en the sm,aU,est: amoent ofi hylP'o i n the' d elv,e~op e r ere n un d ,ev'e'l op ed pri ntts 'Wil i I cause tro uti'i e.

A,'fb3:r flxi~ng~ wash y,o~r prints mora,n hour in cool, run ni~flIgl wa1l:er .• If rrunn~,ng wate-r ws nQ~ avaUablle~ ri.n1Ise the:

prints tl&1lo,.rollJl],gl~lly ~n 12 eh e's om w,ater ~or five in each chang:e. IKeep the prints, sep.arated and

m'Dve 1I:IhIe m abo, ut 0 CCtlS i 0 _ d u ri n,g th i.s, was hi ng p reeess, - - .

P ri nts may be d ned .faee dI,ow.rnwa.rds; on p,iiec'es ,of ll nt-fn!!e ,el eth ~ SIll! c has Iii n e!li1I, 0 r on cl!,eailil b I o~~w n g pa p,e'f, A.ner d ryi IillI'Q they 'CiCI,1ill1 b enattie n ed by pi ac i lli1l,g them til n dew heavy wei g hts woOr a we'w Ii1 0 U'fS Olr'j with, greatcareJ th eycalli1l be stra i 91 ht!eln,ed i m m ed~ab:'!~y w inila ro U inl d ed ru ~Ie r as shawn i 1111 tih,e d i agl ra m 0 WI P a.g e 4,.

How to tJ]seyourFutl,!U'eS,ciern'ti~st (l:ame]li'a

Th i s eam e ra is, a vie ry s i m pil,e 0 III e: to u s,e a n d wi IIII p rov.~ d e YOM wah e.x,celll~ent pi~du re's ~if yo ltil Ill! se ilt ea refuUy .. fi,.rs~ 'examilne the froln 01 the: camera and learn how to use '~hefo,cl!ls~nlg Ining~ theaperture, the shutter and the "hul b" and ~!ilnJlstantam1!,ousj; controls,

When 11'0 u tul n d',ers~ali1 d ~IOiW the c)ontro I s wo ric, I oadt he fll m i nt)oth e camera. as 'fioUows:

1. s,et th e' 10 C kii n g screw to 011 0 p,en III and s Uod e the camera back ot"

2. Op,an the fll'm, spoo I glate:~ 'i tnt sed th e fll m s p,o,a,11 an d do,s,e the ,ga,te.

3" Thread the end of mh,s paper ~ n te th e' ~a.k"e-ofl S p ooil an dl 'Wi:n eli the SIP'OIO I k~I'o bun till th e pa per Ii s d IraWlrlI ti 91 h 'My acre as th e back.

4. Rep~a,cea n d 10 ck t:h e, ca m era back,

$,. W a~ch the' red wino o,wi n the: ca mera back. and wi nd the fll m a~,o,n,g sl,owl:, U Inlti I you see thefl 9 u re 1 a p'p,sa.r: s~o,P' '~h'9Ire ~, yo u r ca mera is ready fa r !!JIse .•

Setore yo utake a IP hoto'g c h €I elk .: ~. 1. lsthe lens c.a p ofif?'

2. 'is the ~o,cuss:e,t?

3. ~ s the! apelrtu r9se,r?

After e'very (il'xfJOSlJre wind ,on ,the fil'm.. . . . .

VOIUI can buy ftlms ,of: differe~lt uspeedsn .. There aile us,~low~' '1fi!lims, uSl!IlaUy us,sd for phota'QIr,ap,lliliIilliQ '~!s~iIU IU,e:n or COIPY i 1li11,g other phcm u res, ami dI very I"f,a:s~:' I '~I ms used ii n places w here the Ii 91 tlti s very Vi,eak.. A~II 1Im11 m s are ,giiven '~!spleed lI'atilimgsu .• Th'9 fUm wn your ~jtis r,ailed ,at AS.A. 1160 andi it g;liy'es YOlli 116 exp('1s:urres~ 11"" sqIWllaJlre:.



Shlll.bll' ~Iil'Cl!ldi r'li~mul __ .:SG~!(lild.. . _ .

f·D~ul$lnlll Rlnlll

Jlu:dge ~lIe ,d:ls~i,"~

: !!et'll~n y(illi - : ,e!ldl1f()u~

I $u~Je~t "lilJiil ~:e'I.

Ihepolll'!er to !11~ ~or,re~·t r~gl,lre.

S,!llIltc~ :S'Citll:r:t9 If ~lIe GOIlI~ol 1'-.; ~~t at 1. wtle!rl 'tD'~ pml}~'~ ,t~,~ ShlJil1it

fl.ei1~a~Q y.ou 'wil! frI~e,a~ "'~n~tmntll~~.ou~~ ~~~p()$Ii~ - SJ ~Mp:snol',

Pf '!h:~ 'conh~r is ~,(It lit B w"'e~, ~ou p,rQss ~ih~, Sil1llJ1ttsr ,Itt:g!ltili~,e ,t~,~s~ ~'~:er ""'ill rel1Jl~~ml 'O!.p_~n ~=' lomg a'g, ~'OiJ1Ioo;fl;~' ~oulrf, nllerg.n i~. YO~I will

Qnl(j' n~~d~M~ ~b:i!!:!" $~1tlng ftlt pliotoOo~~,pl!r~g Mill ODj~t$ if!! ,~!~~tric ~i9.!~t orror), '/iMk d\1iyli;!ltU'.

.lI;,pe;dui~iiI' Ap(lr.!!~ S~Ir1.!n,g:s, !I$lng ~rllii'li - tsi)i!ledl

pro:>:.AS,j\~5~l' ~""""'-i-~.....I!I

IDl.l11 d~1 SiU!l~~'1ii~

~.IFU' I ~n~

Il!ri~M lI~it ,c:l.~gdly



rHow' to, fa,ke' go,odl pictures

PhotognlJlph infull sunshlne, jif Y'Oru can, and be sore th,e sun is behill'd' 0,,. to one siae aryou ~, n,ever tn (frOnt. HOrilid the camera stnlight 0111' Yr(nl wiiU have people and buUdlings f,alling ovelr!,

Hlo lid th €I cam era fi r m Iy an d stead y. If yo,u can rest ~t '0 nor ag,a lnst so math i n 9 so lid such as a waU 0 r tre €I,.

el WB'yS do so a iii d avo i d the ri elk {l,t S: h,alk,i ng~lhre 'cam €l'ra.. -

Choose SUI bmects, wi th p,llell1ltyofcro'llIItr,ast if yo ILl! can. Make, s U lie, wh,at it: is Y'O!lU wa,ll'IIta n d fill yo ur v irewfi n d ef

witih it iif you can. . ,

Tlroulble Shrootingl

He !rle's a b rl ef anaily:s~s of so m e co m me In pd nt an d ne 9 ati vel 1m u Ib I es with fhel r po ssi b~e ea u sea: and r,a med ie,s.

e olntrast.y' Prillilts

lNeg.atilve was t'QrO' r(:ontr,a.sty (toe man,!1' very bllack andiv,ery clear ,areas, without ,enough ,Qlfiey:s in be,twa'en)1 fo r grad e of pa.per u s,ed; not ,e iii 0 U 91 h eX.IP·(lrS IIJ re with to 0 lon 91 d eVr!ilOIP me nt,

IFlat P,rirn;t:s

Neglati ve is to 0 gi frey (n O~ en 0 Ulr!J hi re'alilly clear 0 II" deep b lack areas) too, :ShrOlli"t: deivello p,me nt tii rrI e'; (j]'eVehl,per

teo eeel: try shorter exposure: check de,vrellro'pelr tern'perature,. '


IDlr9veilopme.l1l1 time too 1:01111 9 ;; o,l,d devel:oprer; dI~rty '~rays; hands wet wi'th dleve!lloper or 'flx,er; no'~ elnllouglh 'fixierr; teo s I:l 0 r~ a. ·wa.s h. N,ext t:i me, reXIP ose longer; I!JISG: 1flres·h d,e'\r'Q 10 p e'f: kieep req u i p rnentartd han d s e I ea n i I~:se fres h fi xs r: 1111 ove plr ~ n ts 0 ccas i 0 III al! Iy in bat iii; was h pllI"i, nts 0 n e he uri n r U Iil n j,1IiII 9 w.atelr.

White S'IPots

Di.rt 0'1i" Ii lilt on negative or prll'in'tell"gia:ss 'j hypo, fixer 'om paper befiore dev,ellopment; bublbll,es of aillron surf,(l:ce of pllrw nts wh iIIe i IIiI deve~oIPrer.. Next 1m me ~ IP rinte'lI" 9 ~a$s an dI Imle~g,ati ve's c.I ea n: w,a,sh hand s th 0 110 U g hlly' a,ftell" beii n gl ii n f XEl r: avoi d s pl~a:s,1Il i n'Q 'ffbe'F :s~ i e p rl nts edg e,w'j,s9' ~ nto d eiw',el~rO'1P e r an dla.g iitate d u rii n g devel OIP~ ment,

Glr,ey Prinlts

f'.a.pler 10'9 g ed by 10 CiI m uch whit,e II i 91 hto r by s,af·ell i f;j11i1 t Vii h mch was too, cl ose to' pape r; dreve~o!IPred too lion gl or dev,e lop ed at tOro hi i 9 hi a te m p era"tu Ire; detslrmrorated paper, 0 utdated 0 r stolred a.t h'i 91 ht!€l m p,elrat.u res.. N ad Ii nne be' sure your work a. rea, me dalr:ke,xrce'pt fC)rIj' plro'perily' located sa!fieUglht; drQvelop erlnts for rre,commrendred time at 168°F' (20°C): be sure parpler nfre has not explred: store lP,aper' ina. cool place,

Thiiln N,eg,atiive

Nrergatilv9'S that are 'genera,ny tli1iin and lack deta.ill,. reslPrec~aUy in Ughter parts, are usuaHy caused by under 'exp as: L!J re W n the ca I1fI era; CQII dI 0 r exhau stad deve,1 0 per. N red '~~ mla U SiB I a,II'Q,er ~e!lIiI so p en ii n 19 s' 0 rio ng'9 r eil( plo s U lI"e times under sl mrillar lighting cendltlons; use fr'esh developre'f at 1i'9'C'Orm mended te,mpena!tUlre:s.

INlelgative SIP,otS. .. . . .

'!,A,i~r-beil:lsu. Bubli:1I19S of ai~r haveadhered to fll m" p.reventi ngl de:velo,pment and caiUsl~ng smaU area.s of l~iUle (JIm' no de'lnisirty. Next time disl~I~)dglle any a,ir bubblss whi~ch may haveedhersd tothe filllm; a,gitate rregll~larly dI u wii n g d,eve!1 OJ) rnent,

Dalll'k11 D'ell'il,s:e N'egar,l'iive's . . . .

Nlega:tiives that alue glsnerally dense-and req ulre lex~,remely liong p!t,inth~ gtimes are caused mostetten byovew exp~:)islli.!lre ln the camera. Next~~mle use smaller lens '0 pe 111 il1i',g or shorter exposure times under $~im llar Illi,g!htin'9 e,o,'nciiitions. If you cannot give ell sh(!m'tet e.xplOSUIlre wi'~h yo,ll!.lIlr camera, use a fUter. As wlelill as red:ucilillg the strength o~the II~g lilt lit wim lrnpreve ~h,e tone valul€:s hl your pictures .~ pro,vided yeH:! a;re w1iilingl a. pan(:ihromaiiie fllm,

Grey Nisigative M,BIi'!Qlims

I nco rr,ed dar k r~:lO m lll u min aMQ n; f I me> u~datied or stored at h I~ 9 htsm pera,~ u re; d eve I 0 perte m p e ratures too hig h: d'eve,i 0 pea toe ~I(~,n g. INext tl me dI!9vel'o!p p'an,c iii ro mati c fll rn i Inl tota I dawlkl~ ess ; use reco m men d,ed di'9velop,i n91 '~~Ime and ternpeeature ~ use fresh fUm, store fi:llm in cool pl~lacie.

Bla:clk Strea'l!c:;s on Negath"e

FU m, iVa g'g ed in ca m era:; fi ~ rn net ,t~ 9 ht~y ro ~11~,ed. NI,ex~:M me ch,eck cam erefer U g M leaks: load and llLiI n Ioad r~ I m, ~ n S'U bd u ed Ug h~: be sure backi IIiI gl p,a.pelr Ii s n eta I I~,o,wied M l!II nr.a,II! wh ii!e ~I,o,ad i ng an dun load in gl the earn era.

Ta'kiil1lQ flashligh,t PiicilUf9S. .. ..... . ~

YO,UII Futlllllr:e Scielrntis~ Camera is s:Yl1lchr(l~ised morfl,ash. To comp~lete~he eQu~p!lmellrnlt YOUI wiiil~' ne'edl~w()

s m all to rc h batteri esa n d I of 'CO u rse, fi,as·h Ib u~ bs, . .

To fn~ihe ba:t~erwes" 'first f1Sm,(liVe the ,rI8lf1l,ector IPla~e .. Th~s ts held i~rn posltlon bya. p,~as~i~(; ~1!ocki.f1lg1 dm1Q whiich

must be tlllirned 4:5° amlti-cll,olckwis!5i untU the! "fu er [f;U11;lgsUare ina -

hcrlzontal Une ~as shown ~innlle i l'ltillstnl~~!oo.. off the reflector, I ., I h

g~lv~inQ as.traig ht, upward [puU.. lnsert the baiUelui~,es ,_ faciil'g them I ..... TIIP r

in (JP:po_rsitedirecUons - as i mid i~(:a tied by-' th es m'aM" mo u I~ d eel IP,a n el s •.

W h@1l1I1 fit.ti IUilQ th El! lbaUe ri es ,e h ecktha t: thlsy are in p ro per co ntaet with tlhes:tud s ill1l tl1l,e base :of the f1las:h 91 u n. So met,i m,es ttl Eli pa pier COVlef~ nlg ow a. bat~eryexte n d S so 'far be-yo n dth e m e'~a.1 ba se as: to I~ in iii c I e:a r of the stuld. You (ian elasi~ly'~es~ theflash :gtmckcuiit. Hold an ordlinary torch ibuUlI across t~H~.! metal~ contacts il n the (;en~n~' IQf tl~1Hi~ remlledo r 8JW d elm n ect t~e two co nta ct pins witt1a n y pll~'9ce o·f meta I ~ tl~e b u ~ b shaul d ~Iiglht: up. Snair> tt'~lle reil\lector baclk:! turn the locklnq r,~ng 4,50 c!o,eikw,h::,e and yourfla.slhl gMn ls r,eady to p:~ulg into the camera .. You willrequiire t~e smaHestj standard, ~apJess '~ashl bulbs, uSllllalllly known as type A.'G,~t. Se~ the aperture to "Sunshine" fOlr flash photog raphy .. The best: results should be obtained at dis[anlces. of 1,0= 15 ~e,et: fro m CO! me,ra to s [I bjec:t.



The Quadriga. IHyde Par~! Londolll.

,S)ubJec~ Is ~OO' hIlT '!i)'IiI. lhe monument did Il'wt .seem'110 be Jar ,EII'II''8Y.<lndliliie' Ofil'S·~ IJind tree'S., hi colOur were OIUil'~cIJlve,. 1111 mOliJo,cillirometh~

me aument is: PlOW ~nsiglilirtil(lalllt •

The most experlenesd p,li1,oi-oglrrapllhe'rs fInd that eometirnee they p'lrOducre:very go,od neglatives that still I do not ,give perfect prl~nts,. Sormet:im&s there are shadows that are too hla.ct or skyUlla~ is too w'h illi!!., Th'9s,s ext:reme,s ca n v'ery often be ,cone c~ed by Us had i n 9 'II duringl prriWllIt:ing.

The dlaurem s,hows ho,w s,lila:dhillg I~S. done. Supp,Qse, a n,eg'a~iv,e w~th a rather dense, sky area (but with g,oodi cIII,Qud formatton) is beingl printed .. The, correct 'ex.proS,llJIllfe' for the "thlrmer" Iland area has been given and nowa cerd, cut to foUoW' ilhe skyline, ls held over the land to aUow eX'tlra. exposure of the sky.

This r'ishadingl'll~echniqure r'equires praetlce but if y,QIIi.II CUlt your cerds,ely and ,keep them mO''IIing :sliglhtly duringl the extra 'ex.plos U Ire, yo u can often 91 reatfly ~ m p reve :!I'o U Ir prl nte and en! al"lg ements,

Fi:e'prod u cedi bellower,e seve ral pi ct u res, i 1111lJ s.~nJti n 91f"UJlllits to be avo i dedi.

Came'ra IPlot hel:dcOouectly - buildinrg:e· fO!lill~fI,g over!

,C!ln'HU!I m10't hold s,1cai:ly ,- gi'lol\l n'liI 'Ill ,double' I 1M <I_(ii iii •

Vie'iriilru:!er lused ca1r,elessly. If '~'Olil ,are' ol,ose '1:0 31'1 31f'11111'1.111 sllIb-jed at lellst '!ii:at '~h(l, head lin ~

. A,III the phi,o.fographis,! except those onthe cO'VS:Uj and the photomleroqraph, were taken with a Future Sc:iem tliis:t. camera.and sllightly enlarged.

Copyrirglht © 119M, by John Waddllilgton Ltd., Leeds &. L.ondon


I I I I I I I 'I I



a: 41




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