Letter of Invitation

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Letter of Invitation

Dear Sir/Madam __________________________-

As the biggest developing country in the world, China, seen as the golden
beach of investment, has already drawn the attention of investors worldwide.
With the promising future, many fast-growing Chinese SMEs have gained
grand popularity in numerous investment institutions.
In order to enhance the cooperation between foreign investors and
Chinese fast-growing enterprises, World Chinese Business Promotion
Association (WCBPA) has decided to convene “1st Session of International
SMEs Investment and Financing Fair” in Beijing, on Oct. 27th – 29th, 2007.
This session is the unprecedented fully-enclosed business conference in
China, during which the press and any government officials will be denied.
The conference is focusing on helping professional investment institutions find
their target clients, and the secretariat of the fair will sign service agreement
with each private equity (PE) or venture capital (VC) investor present. The
conference will deliver professional services only for investment institutions
engaging in the following areas: infrastructure, property, energy, high tech,
bioengineering, manufacturing, medicine, chemical engineering, retailing,
tourism, agriculture, textile, and apparel.
We hereby sincerely invite you to this grand session. We’re committed
and dedicated to ensure that you can find the target clients you want during
the meeting.

Secretary-general of the organizing committee:

An introduction on the sponsor

World Chinese Business Promotion Association (WCBPA) is a worldwide

organization of Chinese people and Chinese businessmen, officially founded
in Hong Kong in 1992.
Ma Wanqi (vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee), Wang
Guangying( vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee) and Zhuang
Yanlin (former chairman of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas
Chinese), work as its honorary presidents.
Wu Jichuan (vice chairman of the NPC Education, Science, Culture and
Public Health Committee), Chen Hong (former executive deputy director of
the State Nationalities Affairs Commission), Liu Chengguo (former vice
Minister of Agriculture), Wang Zhaohua (former deputy director of the
Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee), Wang Xilu (former
Secretary-General of the Heilongjiang provincial government) and Mo
Wenchuan (vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee of Shandong
Province), and other leaders work as directors of the Experts Committee.
Mr. Cheng Wanqi, a famous overseas Chinese leader, holds the position
of president. And Mr. Shang Hongming, a senior economist and social activist,
holds the position of vice executive president and secretary-general of
The members of the association are all outstanding Chinese people from
different countries in the field of business and industry, trade and economy,
science and technology, etc., with enormous economic strength and energy.
WCBPA once mobilized more than 6 million Chinese overseas to sign up to
support Beijing hosting 2008 Olympic Games. WCBPA is one of the
promoters of The World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC), a
renowned economic activity in China and abroad. WCBPA has so far
invested more than a hundred billion dollars in the world economy and
become one of the largest organizations of Chinese people and Chinese
businessmen in the world.

Directly under WCBPA, Beijing International Exchange Center was

established in 2003, mainly arranging for the association economic activities
in China. It has accomplished the large-scale business activities for the
association as follows:
1. In April 2004, collaborated with US Department of Commerce (Los Angeles
office), Federation of Asian Commerce, Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles
Area, Asia Pacific USA Chamber of Commerce, WCBPA sponsored “1st US-
China Economic and Trade Cooperation Annual Convention”.

2. In Dec. 2004, WCBPA and the Chinese State Forestry Administration jointly
sponsored “Wood- Pulp- Paper Forum”.

3. In Jan. 2005, together with Chinese Ministry Of Commerce, WCBPA

organized the first session of New Year Gathering of patriotic Chinese

4.In Sep. 2005, WCBPA and All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce,
jointly organized “Touring Lectures by Outstanding people from China’s
Economic Activities”.

5. In Nov. 2005, WCBPA and the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas

Chinese jointly sponsored “Experience Exchange among Successful Chinese

6. In Jan. 2006, together with Chinese Ministry of Commerce, WCBPA

organized the second session of New Year Gathering of patriotic Chinese

7. In May 2006, together with US Promotion Association for SMEs, CEO

CLUBS USA, WCBPA sponsored “2nd US-China Economic and Trade
Cooperation Annual Convention”.

8. In Sep. 2006, WCBPA and All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce

jointly sponsored “2006 Chinese Economic Cooperation Forum”.
All the above-mentioned conferences involved one industry brought together
over 200 companies, and each New Year Gathering attracted 500-700
companies from dozens of countries. The Chinese Economic Cooperation
Forum had over 1000 businesses present. (Mr. Shang Hongming worked as
the secretary-general of all above-mentioned meetings.)


Instead of a mere conference, the “1st Session of International SMEs

Investment and Financing Fair” is supposed to be a business activity
aimed at facilitating and promoting matching and cooperation between
investors and fast-growing companies. It is a kind of revolution in
business conference due to its advantages as follows:
1. Privacy
No press, interviews or reports are permitted before, during and after the
conference, nor are there any reports of any kind from government
officials. It is designed solely for facilitating investment and bilateral
2. Professional
All participants of the meeting will be fast-growing companies and the
PE and VC investors from infrastructure, property, energy, high tech,
bioengineering, manufacturing, medicine, chemical engineering, retailing,
tourism, agriculture, textile, and apparel. Intermediary agents and those
who come from other industries not coved in this range will be denied
3. Guarantee system
Each investor who plans to attend the meeting will be given a
questionnaire, in strict accordance with which we will find eligible clients
for them. We will sign a service agreement with each investor present,
and we are committed to find 10 clients for you according to your
demand within 30 working days after your registration fee and the first
proportion of the service commission reach our account.
And we will send the material about your 10 would-be clients to you
within 20 working days before the conference, in the interest of giving
you ample time to connect your clients. We’ll give you an unconditional
refund of your commission if we fail to keep our promise.
4. Good services
From the exact date of your registration, the organizing committee will
arrange for a your-native-language-speaking staff to serve you all through
to the close of the conference.
5. Sufficient clientele
As one of the largest organizations of Chinese people and Chinese
businessmen in the world, WCBPA has its own feature of enjoying
favorite relationship with the local governments at different levels and
other government agencies including: the local investment introduction
bureaus, development and reform commissions at different levels,
department of commerce of different provinces etc. In addition, it is also
in close cooperative relationship with many Chinese commerce chambers
of various industries. At the same time, WCBPA has about 20, 000
company members.
6. Business tour
A business trip will be organized for all foreign participants.
Accompanied by our interpreter, together with your clients, you can have
a good look at the Forbidden City, the largest well-reserved imperial
palace in the world and the world-famous Great Wall.
The “1st Session of International SMEs Investment and Financing Fair”
consists of five sections including: the opening ceremony, specialized
forums, one-to-one negotiations, Interactive communication and Business
tour. So We are not only in hope of facilitating your business success
here, but are showing you a new China, a new Beijing--- the host of the
29th Olympic Games next year.

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