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System Requirements:

Web server: Apache

Database server: MySQL

PHP: PHP 5.2.x

In order to install the Drupal CMS application, please follow the step-by-step instructions

Step 1: Download the installation file from by choosing the latest stable version and
clicking on the Download link next to the package.

Step 2: Once the files are extracted in the desired folder, you should create a MySQL database
for Drupal.

Step 3: Copy the drupal_installation_folder/sites/default/default.settings.php file to


Step 4: Navigate to the URL of your Drupal site and run the install.php file (for example

Step 5: Pick the default language for the Drupal web site. 
Step 6: Enter the database details for the database which you have created in Step 2. Click on
the "Save configuration" button to continue.

Step 7: The installation procedure is finished. You will see the following screen:

Enter the site name, site e-mail address. Here we need to enter the username, Email address,
Password of admin. Click on the Save and Continue button.
Step 8: The installation is completed and you can proceed to your web site.

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