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October 26, 2010

U.S. and Korea Maintain a Balanced Trading Relationship

!"a$% '%()*)+ ,a- '%*"%a-%$ .n 01%"a2% 34 52 7)88)9n 0nn:a884 ;)n*% 2004

• During the first half of 2010, t#e %&'& #a) a *+&, -i//ion tra)e )efi4it 5it# 6orea in
goo)s an) ser9i4es& :ra)e -et5een 6orea an) t#e %&'& is 9irt;a//y -a/an4e)
4onsi)ering the total trade volume of D55 billion -et5een t#e t5o 4o;ntries );ring
t#e sa=e >erio)&

"As o& '(ne +,-,. /o(0ce2 34/4 5nte0national :0ansactions Acco(nt ;ata
<=0elimina0? +,-, @- anA @+BC DEAC 34/4 ;eFa0tment o& Gomme0ce

• 'in4e ?++,@ t#e %&'& tra)e )efi4it 5it# 6orea #as -een decreasing ann;a//y -y an
a9erage of D2 billion per year&

• :o >;t t#ese n;=-ers in >ers>e4ti9e@ to fo//o5 are Aan;ary B A;ne ?+C+ goo)s an)
ser9i4es tra)e )efi4it fig;res for =aDor %&'& tra)ing >artnersE

U.S. Trading Partner Trade Deficit (USD Billions)

F#ina *CCG&C
MeIi4o *J+&K
Aa>an *CL&+
Mer=any *CN&K
Korea D0.4

• :#e %&'& Onternationa/ :ra)e Fo==ission esti=ates t#at 5it# f;// i=>/e=entation of
t#e 6PQ%' F:A@ U.S. goods exports to Korea will likely increase by D9.7-D10.9 billion
an) %&'& i=>orts of goo)s fro= 6orea 5i// /iTe/y in4rease -y *U&,V*U&K -i//ion@
en#an4ing o;r a/rea)y -a/an4e) tra)e >artners#i>&

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