Labor II

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Part I : Definitions and Policies

Labor Relations

Part I : Definitions and Policy entered between them was only one for lease of

1.01 DEFINITIONS EMPLOYEES: one who is engaged in the service of

another, who performs service for another, who
works for salary or wages.
NYK International Knitwear V. NLRC (2003)
EMPLOYER Anent petitioners’ assertion that they cannot
be solidarily liable in this case as there was no
Art. 212 (e) malice or bad faith on their part has no leg to
 “Employer INCLUDES any person acting in stand on. What the Court finds apropos is our
the interest of an employer, directly or disquisition in A.C. Ransom Labor Union-CCLU v.
indirectly.” NLRC, which held that since a corporation is an
 “The term shall NOT include any labor artificial person, it must have an officer who can be
organization or any of its officer or agents presumed to be the employer, being the “person
EXCEPT when acting as an employer.” acting in the interest of the employer.” In other
words the corporation, in the technical sense only,
Note: By using the word “includes” and not is the employer. In a subsequent case, we ordered
“mean”, Congress did not intend to give a the corporate officers of the employer corporation
complete definition of “employer”. But rather to pay jointly and solidarily the private
such definition should be complementary to respondents’ monetary award. More recently, a
what is commonly understood as employers. corporation and its president were directed by this
Court to jointly and severally reinstate the illegally
 The Statutory Definition: dismissed employees to their former positions and
» Not only includes a principal employer, to pay the monetary awards.
» BUT ALSO a person acting in behalf of an In this case Cathy Ng, admittedly, is the manager
employer. of NYK. Conformably with our ruling in A. C.
 IMPLICATION: the employer may NOT Ransom, she falls within the meaning of an
necessarily be the owner of the business. “employer” as contemplated by the Labor Code,
 The Statutory Definition EXCLUDES the who may be held jointly and severally liable for the
following: obligations of the corporation to its dismissed
» A labor organization, and employees. Pursuant to prevailing jurisprudence,
» One acting in behalf of a labor Cathy Ng, in her capacity as manager and
organization. responsible officer of NYK, cannot be exonerated
 Can a Labor Organization be considered an from her joint and several liability in the payment
employer? of monetary award to private respondent.
» Yes, but the only instance wherein a labor
organization becomes an employer is Great Southern Etc. V. Acuña (2005)
when it is acting as an employer in A thorough scrutiny of the purported
relation to its own employees and not as resignation letters reveals the true nature of these
a labor organization. documents. In reality, they are waivers or
» Significance of this is that a Labor quitclaims which are not sufficient to show valid
Organization can possibly commit an separation from work or bar respondents from
Unfair Labor Practice in two ways: assailing their termination. The burden of proving
▪ As an Employer, if in relation to its that quitclaims were voluntarily entered into falls
own employees (Art. 248); or upon the employer. The reason for this rule was
▪ As a Labor Organization, in relation to laid down in the landmark case of Cariño vs.
the company(Art. 249). ACCFA.
Acceptance of those benefits would not
EMPLOYEE amount to estoppel. The reason is plain.
Employer and employee, obviously, do not stand
Art. 212 (f) on the same footing. The employer drove the
 “Employee INCLUDES any person in the employee to the wall. The latter must have to get
employ1 of an employer. “ hold of money. Because, out of job, he had to face
 “The term shall NOT be limited to the the harsh necessities of life. He thus found himself
employees of a particular employer, UNLESS in no position to resist money proffered. His, then,
this code so explicitly states.” is a case of adherence, not of choice. One thing
 “It shall include any individual whose work sure, however, is that petitioners did not relent
HAS CEASED as a result of or in connection their claim. They pressed it. They are deemed not
with -- a) Any current labor dispute; or b) to have waived any of their rights.
Because of any unfair labor practice -- If he

Feati University v. Bautista (1966) LABOR ORGANIZATION

Feati University claims that teachers are not
employees of the university and that the contract Art. 212 (g)
 Labor organization means any:
a) Union or Association of employees
b) which exists in whole or in part…
Employ: To make use of, the use the service of.


1 of 139
Part I : Definitions and Policies
Labor Relations
c) for the purpose of: In this case the SC ruled that the infirmity in
i. Collective bargaining concerning terms the membership of the respondent union cannot be
and conditions of employment, or remedied in "the pre-election conference thru the
ii. of Dealing with employers concerning exclusion-inclusion proceedings wherein those
terms and conditions of employment. employees who are occupying rank-and-file
positions will be excluded from the list of eligible
COMPOSITION : Employees The Secretary of Labor in this case gravely
PURPOSE : Collective Bargaining or of misappreciated the basic antipathy between the
dealing with employers concerning terms and interest of supervisors and the interest of rank-
conditions of employment. and-file employees when he ordered to proceed
with the certification election despite the presence
LEGITIMATE LABOR ORGANIZATION of both supervisors and rank and file employees in
one union.
Art. 212 (h)
 Legitimate Labor Organization means any 3. LABOR DISPUTES
labor organization DULY REGISTERED with
DOLE and includes any branch or local Art. 212 (l)
thereof.  LABOR DISPUTES: includes—
 Is the local or branch required to be a 1. Any controversy or matter…
legitimate labor organization, even though 2. Concerning
the national union or federation to which its a. Terms or conditions of employment
is affiliated is already a legitimate labor or
organization? -- Yes. b. The association or representation of
persons in negotiating, fixing,
Lopez Sugar Corporation v. Secretary of maintaining, changing or arranging
Labor (1995) the terms and conditions of
It is not enough that the national union or employment, …
federation, but the local or branch should also be a 3. regardless of whether the disputants
legitimate labor union either by stand in proximate relation of employer
1. Direct (independent) registration or and employee.
2. By submitting requirements as a local
affiliate of a legitimate labor organization.  Can a dispute between contractual employees
(who are not regular employees of the
company) and the company be considered a
REASON: In relation to the employer, the local is
labor dispute, despite the absence of
the principal and the national union is the agent.
employee-employer relationship? – Yes.
So if the principal is not legitimate, it does not
matter whether the agent is legitimate or not
San Miguel Corp. Employees Union-PTGWO v.
because as agent it acts as an extension of the
Bersamira (1990)
personality of the principal and not as itself.
A labor dispute can nevertheless exist
“regardless of whether the disputants stand in the
 Can a legitimate labor organization be proximate relationship of employer and employee,”
composed of both rank and file employees provided the controversy concerns, among others,
and supervisory employees? -- No. the terms and conditions of employment or a
change or arrangement thereof.
Toyota Motor Philippines v. Toyota Motors The existence of a labor dispute is not
Philippines Corporation Labor Union negatived by the fact that the plaintiffs and
Clearly, based on this provision [Article 245, defendants do not stand in the proximate relation
Labor Code], a labor organization composed of of an employer and employee.
both rank-and-file and supervisory employees is
no labor organization at all. It cannot, for any Nestle Philippines, Inc. v. NLRC (1991)
guise or purpose, be a legitimate labor Nestle’s demand for payment of the private
organization. respondents’ amortizations on their car loans, or,
Not being one, an organization which carries a in the alternative, the return of the cars to the
mixture of rank-and-file and supervisory company, is NOT A LABOR DISPUTE, but a civil
employees cannot possess any of the rights of a dispute. It involves debtor-creditor relations,
legitimate labor organization, including the right to rather than employee-employer relations.
file apetition for certification election for the
purpose of collective bargaining. Gold City Integrated Port Service, Inc. v.
It becomes necessary, therefore, anterior to NLRC (1995)
the granting of an order allowing a certification Note: A strike can only happen when there is a
election, to inquire into the composition of any labor dispute.
labor organization whenever the status of the labor In this case a strike occurred. It was an illegal
organization is challenged on the basis of Article strike for not complying with formal requisites.
245 of the Labor Code. a. A STRIKE, considered as the most effective
weapon of labor is defined as any
 Can a union composed of supervisors and temporary stoppage of work by the
rank and file employees of one company call concerted action of employees as a
for a certification election? – No. result of an industrial or labor dispute.
Dunlop v. Secrtary of Labor (1998)


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Part I : Definitions and Policies
Labor Relations
b. A labor dispute includes any controversy or ARTICLE 211. LABOR CODE.
matter concerning terms or conditions of Declaration of policy. —
employment of the association or A. It is the policy of the State:
representation of persons in negotiating, a. To promote and emphasize the primacy of
fixing, maintaining, changing or arranging free collective bargaining and
the terms and conditions of employment, negotiations, including voluntary
regardless of whether or not the disputants arbitration, mediation and conciliation, as
stand in the proximate relation of modes of settling labor or industrial
employers and employees. disputes;
c. Private respondents and their co-workers b. To promote free trade unionism as an
stopped working and held the mass action instrument for the enhancement of
to press for their wages and other benefits. democracy and the promotion of social
What transpired then was clearly a strike, justice and development;
for the cessation of work by concerted c. To foster the free and voluntary
action resulted from a labor dispute. organization of a strong and united labor
1.02 LABOR RELATIONS POLICY d. To promote the enlightenment of workers
concerning their rights and obligations as
union members and as employees;
SOURCES FOR THE POLICY e. To provide an adequate administrative
 Art. XIII Sec. 3 1987 Constitution machinery for the expeditious settlement
 Art. III Sec. 8 1987 Constitution of labor or industrial disputes;
 Art. 211 Labor Code f. To ensure a stable but dynamic and just
industrial peace; and
Art. XIII Sec. 3 (Labor) CONSTITUTION g. To ensure the participation of workers in
The STATE shall: decision and policy-making processes
1. Afford FULL PROTECTION to labor, affecting their rights, duties and welfare.
▪ Local and overseas* B. To encourage a truly democratic method of
▪ Organized and unorganized,* regulating the relations between the employers
2. And PROMOTE FULL EMPLOYMENT and and employees by means of agreements freely
EQUALITY of employment opportunities entered into through collective bargaining,
for all.  no court or administrative agency or official
3. It shall guarantee the RIGHTS OF ALL shall have the power to set or fix wages,
WORKERS to (7): rates of pay, hours of work or other terms
(Labor relations) and conditions of employment, except as
▪ Self-organization, otherwise provided under this Code.
▪ Collective bargaining and negotiations Exception to this is Article 263 g which
▪ And peaceful concerted activities, discusses compulsory arbitration.
They shall be entitled to: KEY CONCEPT: Voluntary and Free
(Labor standards)
▪ Security of Tenure ART. 211 (a)
▪ Humane Conditions of Work, To promote and emphasize the PRIMACY of free
▪ And a Living Wage.* collective bargaining and negotiations, including
They shall also: voluntary arbitration, mediation and conciliation,
▪ Participate in policy and decision- as modes of settling labor or industrial disputes;
making processes affecting their (1)
rights and (2) benefits as may be ART 3
provided by law.* Declaration of basic policy. — The State shall
4. The State promote: the principle of afford protection to labor, promote full
shared responsibility between workers employment, ensure equal work opportunities
and employers.* regardless of sex, race or creed, and regulate the
5. The State shall promote the preferential relations between workers and employers. The
use of VOLUNTARY modes in settling State shall assure the rights of workers to self-
disputes, including conciliation, organization, collective bargaining, security of
▪ And shall enforce their mutual tenure and just and humane conditions of work.
compliance therewith to foster
INDUSTRIAL PEACE.* Kiok Loy v. NLRC (1986)
6. The State shall regulate the relations COLLECTIVE BARGAINING which is defined as
between workersand employers, negotiations towards a collective agreement is one
recognizing the right of labor to its just of the democratic frameworks under the New Labor
share in the fruits of production and the Code, designed:
right of enterprises to reasonable returns 1. To stabilize the relation between labor and
on investments, and to expansion and management and
growth. 2. To create a climate of sound and stable
industrial peace.
TAKE NOTE: Those with (*) are the new amendments in It is a mutual responsibility of the employer and
the 1987 Constitution, they were not the Union and is characterized as a LEGAL
included in the 1973 Constitution.


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Part I : Definitions and Policies
Labor Relations

2. TRADE UNIONISM Section 1. Labor education of workers and

employees. - The Department shall develop,
ART. 211 promote and implement appropriate labor
b. To promote free trade unionism as an education and research programs on the rights and
instrument responsibilities of workers and employers. It shall
» For the enhancement of democracy and be the duty of every legitimate labor organization
» The promotion of social justice and to implement a labor education program for its
development; members on their rights and obligations as
c. To foster the free and voluntary organization unionists and as employees.
» a strong and united labor movement; Section 2. Mandatory conduct of seminars. -
Subject to the provisions of Article 241, it shall be
3. WORKER ENLIGHTENMENT mandatory for every legitimate labor organization
to conduct seminars and similar activities on
ART. 211 (d) existing labor laws, collective agreements,
To promote the enlightenment of workers company rules and regulations and other relevant
 concerning their rights and obligations matters. The union seminars and similar activities
 As union members and may be conducted independently of or in
 As employees; cooperation with the Department and other labor
education institutions.
ART 277
Miscellaneous provisions. — (a) All unions are Section 3. Special fund for labor education
authorized to collect reasonable membership fees, and research. - Every legitimate labor
union dues, assessments and fines and other organization shall, for the above purpose, maintain
contributions for labor education and research, a special fund for labor education and research.
mutual death and hospitalization benefits, welfare Existing strike funds may, in whole or in part, be
fund, strike fund and credit and cooperative transformed into labor education and research
undertakings. (As amended by RA 6715) funds. The labor organization may also periodically
assess and collect reasonable amounts from its
Victoria V. Inciong (1988) members for such funds.
This is a matter of responsibility and of
answerability. Petitioner as a union leader, must 4. MACHINERY DISPUTE SETTLEMENT
see to it that the policies and activities of the union
in the conduct of labor relations are within the Art. 211e
precepts of law and any deviation from the legal “To provide an adequate administrative machinery
boundaries shall be imputable to the leader. He for the expeditious settlement of labor or industrial
bears the responsibility of guiding the union along disputes;”
the path of law and to cause the union to demand
what is not legally demandable, would foment St. Martin Funeral Homes V. NLRC (1998)
anarchy which is a prelude to chaos. The Court is, therefore, of the considered
Petitioner should have known and it was his opinion that ever since appeals from the NLRC to
duty to impart this imputed knowledge to the the Supreme Court were eliminated, the legislative
members of the union that ernployees and intendment was that the special civil action of
laborers in non-profit organizations are not certiorari was and still is the proper vehicle for
covered by the provisions of the Industrial Peace judicial review of decisions of the NLRC. The use of
Act and the Court of Industrial Relations [in the the word "appeal" in relation thereto and in the
case at bar, the CFI] has no jurisdiction to instances we have noted could have been a lapsus
entertain petitions of labor unions or organizations plumae because appeals by certiorari and the
of said non-profit organizations for certification as original action for certiorari are both modes of
the exclusive bargaining representatives of said judicial review addressed to the appellate courts.
employees and laborers. The important distinction between them, however,
As a strike is an economic weapon at war with and with which the Court is particularly concerned
the policy of the Constitution and the law at that here is that the special civil action of certiorari is
time, a resort thereto by laborers shall be deemed within the concurrent original jurisdiction of this
to be a choice of remedy peculiarly their own, and Court and the Court of Appeals; 23 whereas to
outside of the statute, and as such, the strikers indulge in the assumption that appeals by
must accept all the risks attendant upon their certiorari to the Supreme Court are allowed would
choice. If they succeed and the employer not subserve, but would subvert, the intention of
succumbs, the law will not stand in their way in Congress as expressed in the sponsorship speech
the enjoyment of the lawful fruits of their victory. on Senate Bill No. 1495.
But if they fail, they cannot thereafter invoke the Incidentally, it was noted by the sponsor
protection of the law for the consequences of their therein that some quarters were of the opinion that
conduct unless the right they wished vindicated is recourse from the NLRC to the Court of Appeals as
one which the law will, by all means, protect and an initial step in the process of judicial review
enforce. would be circuitous and would prolong the
proceedings. On the contrary, as he commendably
DO No. 40-03 and realistically emphasized, that procedure would
RULE XX be advantageous to the aggrieved party on this


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Part I : Definitions and Policies
Labor Relations
On the other hand, Mr. President, to allow
these cases to be appealed to the Court of Appeals 6. WORKERS PARTICIPATION IN DECISION
would give litigants the advantage to have all the MAKING
evidence on record be reexamined and reweighed
after which the findings of facts and conclusions of Art. 211 (g)
said bodies are correspondingly affirmed, modified “To ensure the participation of workers in decision
or reversed. and policy-making processes affecting their rights,
Under such guarantee, the Supreme Court can duties, and welfare.
then apply strictly the axiom that factual findings
of the Court of Appeals are final and may not be Art. 277 (g)
reversed on appeal to the Supreme Court. A “The ministry shall help promote and gradually
perusal of the records will reveal appeals which are develop, with the agreement of labor organizations
factual in nature and may, therefore, be dismissed and employers, labor-management cooperation
outright by minute resolutions. 24 programs at appropriate levels of the enterprise
Therefore, all references in the amended based on shared responsibility and mutual respect
Section 9 of B.P. No. 129 to supposed appeals in order to ensure industrial peace and
from the NLRC to the Supreme Court are improvement in productivity, working conditions,
interpreted and hereby declared to mean and refer and the quality of working life.”
to petitions for certiorari under Rule 65.
Consequently, all such petitions should henceforth DO No. 40-03
be initially filed in the Court of Appeals in strict RULE XXI
observance of the doctrine on the hierarchy of LABOR-MANAGEMENT AND OTHER COUNCILS
courts as the appropriate forum for the relief
desired. Section 1. Creation of labor-management and
other councils. - The Department shall promote
the formation of labor-management councils in
5. INDUSTRIAL PEACE organized and unorganized establishments to
enable the workers to participate in policy and
Art. 211 (f) decision-making processes in the establishment,
“To ensure a stable but dynamic and just industrial insofar as said processes will directly affect their
peace;” rights, benefits and welfare, except those which
are covered by collective bargaining agreements or
Art 273 are traditional areas of bargaining.
STUDY OF LABOR MANAGEMENT RELATIONS.— The Department shall promote other labor-
The Secretary of Labor shall have the power and it management cooperation schemes and, upon its
shall be his duty to inquire into: own initiative or upon the request of both parties,
a. The existing relations between employers may assist in the formulation and development of
and employees in the Philippines; programs and projects on productivity,
b. The growth of associations of employees occupational safety and health, improvement of
and the effect of such associations upon quality of work life, product quality improvement,
employer-employee relations; and other similar scheme.
c. The extent and results of the methods of In line with the foregoing, the Department
collective bargaining in the determination shall render, among others, the following services:
of terms and conditions of employment; a. Conduct awareness campaigns;
d. The methods which have been tried by b. Assist the parties in setting up labor-
employers and associations of employees management structures, functions and
for maintaining mutually satisfactorily procedures;
relations; c. Provide process facilitators upon request of
e. Desirable industrial practices which have the parties; and
been developed through collective d. Monitor the activities of labor-management
bargaining for settling differences; structures as may be necessary and
f. The possibilities for the adoption of conduct studies on best practices aimed at
practical and effective methods of labor- promoting harmonious labor-management
management cooperation; relations.
g. The possibilities for the adoption of
practical and effective methods of labor- Section 2. Selection of representatives. - In
management cooperation; organized establishments, the workers'
h. Any other aspects of employer-employee representatives to the council shall be nominated
relations concerning the promotion of by the exclusive bargaining representative. In
harmony and understanding between the establishments where no legitimate labor
parties; and organization exists, the workers representative
i. The relevance of labor laws and labor shall be elected directly by the employees at large.
relations to national development.
The Secretary of Labor shall also inquire into PAL V. NLRC (1993)
the causes of industrial unrest and take all the Verily, a line must be drawn between
necessary steps within his power as may be management prerogatives regarding business
prescribed by law to alleviate the same, and shall operations per se and those which affect the rights
from time to time recommend the enactment of of the employees. In treating the latter,
such remedial legislation as in his judgment may management should see to it that its employees
be desirable for the maintenance and promotion of are at least properly informed of its decisions or
industrial peace. modes of action. PAL asserts that all its


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Part I : Definitions and Policies
Labor Relations
employees have been furnished copies of the Code Sec. 2 Ra 6727
(Company Personnel Policies), Public respondents It is hereby declared the policy of the State to
found to the contrary, which finding, to say the rationalize the fixing of minimum wages and to
least is entitled to great respect. promote productivity-improvement and gain-
Indeed, industrial peace cannot be achieved if sharing measures to ensure a decent standard of
the employees are denied their just participation in living for workers and their families: to guarantee
the discussion of matters affecting their rights. the rights of labor to its just share in the fruits of
Thus, even before Article 211 was amended by RA. production: to enhance employment generation in
6715, it was already declared a policy of the State the countryside through industry dispersal: and to
to promote the enlightenment of workers allow business and industry reasonable returns on
concerning their rights and obligations . . . as investments, expansion and growth.
employees. This was, of course, amplified by RA The State shall promote collective bargaining
6715 when it decreed the "participation of workers as the primary mode of settling wages and other
in decision and policy making processes affecting terms and conditions of employment; and
their rights, duties and welfare." whenever necessary, the minimum wage rates
PAL's position that it cannot be saddled with shall be adjusted in fair and equitable manner,
the "obligation" of sharing management considering existing regional disparities in the cost
prerogatives as during the formulation of the of living and their socio-economic factors and the
Code, RA 6715 had not yet been enacted, cannot national economic and social development plans.
thus be sustained. While such "obligation" was not
yet founded in law when the Code was formulated, 8. LABOR INJUNCTION
the attainment of a harmonious labor-
management relationship and the then already Art. 254
existing state policy of enlightening workers INJUNCTION PROHIBITED – “No temporary or
concerning their rights as employees demand no permanent injunction or restraining order in any
less than the observance of transparency in case involving or growing out of labor disputes
managerial moves affecting employees' rights. shall be issued by any court or other entity, except
as otherwise provided in Article 218 and 264 of
Manila Electric Co. V. Quisumbing (2000) this Code.”
A line must be drawn between management EXCEPTIONS:
prerogatives regarding business operations per se  Art. 218 e – This article talks about the
and those which affect the rights of employees, substantial and procedural rights from issuing
and in treating the latter, the employer should see an injunction. An injunction may be issued by
to it that its employees are at least properly the NLRC, not against the strike
informed of its decision or modes of action in order » BUT it may be issued against an illegal act
to attain a harmonious labor-management in a strike which may cause substantial
relationship and enlighten the workers concerning and irreparable damage to the property of
their rights. a person. (See Code)
Contracting out of services is an exercise of  Art. 264 – This provision talks about the
business judgment or management prerogative. prohibited activities in a strike, lock-out or
Absent proof that management acted in a picket which may be enjoined by an
malicious or arbitrary manner, the Court will not injunction. (See Code)
interfere with the exercise of judgment by an  RA8791. Section 22. Strikes and Lockouts. -
employer. The banking industry is hereby declared as
indispensable to the national interest and,
7. WAGE FIXING » notwithstanding the provisions of any law
to the contrary, any strike or lockout
Art. 211B involving banks,
“To encourage a truly democratic method of » if unsettled after seven (7) calendar days
regulating the relations between the employers shall be reported by the Bangko Sentral to
and employees by means of agreements freely the secretary of Labor
entered into through collective bargaining, ▪ who may assume jurisdiction over the
No court or administrative agency or official dispute or decide it or
shall have the power to set or fix wages, rates of ▪ certify the sane to the NLRC for
pay, hours of work or other terms and conditions compulsory arbitration.
of employment, except as otherwise provided by » However, the President of the Philippines
this Code.” may at any time intervene and assume
jurisdiction over such labor dispute in
Example of “otherwise provided by this Code”: order to settle or terminate the same.
i) Strikes in industries indispensable to the
national interest—Compulsory Arbitration. Rationale for prohibition:
Art. 263g – this article refers to strikes in
industries indispensable to the national Caltex Filipino Mgrs & Supervisors Assoc. v.
interest and compulsory arbitration. This CIR (1972)
provision allows the Secretary of Labor or 1) It is well known that the scheme in Republic
the President to interfere by assuming Act No. 875 for achieving industrial peace rests
jurisdiction or certifying the case to the essentially on a FREE AND PRIVATE AGREEMENT
NLRC. (See Code) between the employer and his employees as to the
ii) Fixing of minimum wage terms and conditions under which the employer
is to give work and the employees are to furnish
labor, unhampered as far as possible by judicial


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Part I : Definitions and Policies
Labor Relations
or administrative intervention. On this premise the
lawmaking body has virtually prohibited the
Part II :
issuance of injunctive relief involving or growing RIGHT TO SELF-ORGANIZATION
out of labor disputes.
2) The prohibition to issue labor injunctions is
designed to give labor a comparable bargaining 2.01 BASIS OF RIGHT
power with capital and must be liberally construed
to that end.
The right to self-organization is granted to the
employee by both the Constitution and by the
Labor Code. Thus, it is both constitutionally
guaranteed as well as statutorily guaranteed.
Art. 275 a, b
Being a primordial Constitutional Right, it prevails
Tripartism in labor relations is hereby declared
most of the time over the right to property of the
a state policy. Towards this end, workers and
employees shall, as far as practicable, be
represented in decision and policy-making bodies
of the government.
Art. III Sec. 8
 The RIGHT of the people including the PUBLIC
and PRIVATE sectors,
» For purposes NOT contrary to LAW2
 Shall NOT be abridged.

IMPLICATION of the phrase “for purposes not

contrary to law”: The right is subject to legislative
discretion, and may thus be regulated.

1935 Constitution Art. III sec. 6

The right to form associations or societies for
purposes not contrary to law shall not be abridged.

1973 Constitution Art. IV Sec. 7

The right to form associations for purposes not
contrary to law shall not be abridged.

Notice that the word “union” is already included

under the 1987 Constitution. The scope of the right
has also been recognized to include everyone from
the private and public sector.

Art. XIII Sec. 3 (Labor)

The STATE shall guarantee the RIGHTS OF ALL
WORKERS to Self-organization…


Art. 243
Coverage and Employees Right to Self-
Organization –
ALL persons employed in:
 Commercial, industrial and agricultural
enterprises and In religious, charitable,
medical, or educational institution whether
operating for profit or not, shall have the
join, or assist labor organizations of their own
choosing for purposes of COLLECTIVE
 Ambulant, intermittent and itinerant workers,
self-employed people, rural workers and
those without any definite employers may
form labor organizations for their MUTUAL

Take note: this freedom is subject to legislative


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Part II : Right to Self -Organization
Labor Relations
educational institutions whether operating
for profit or not, shall have the right to
self-organization and to form, join, or
Art. 243 is a grant of general right. It is divided assist labor organizations of their own
into two groups. choosing for purposes of collective
bargaining. Ambulant, intermittent and
1st group: ALL persons employed in: commercial, itinerant workers, self-employed people,
industrial and agricultural enterprises and in rural workers and those without any
religious, charitable, medical, or educational definite employers may form labor
organizations for their mutual aid and
institution whether operating for profit or not;
granted the right to self-organize for the purpose
of collective bargaining. and Articles 248 and 249 respecting ULP of
employers and labor organizations.
2nd group: Ambulant, intermittent and itinerant The said ILO Conventions were ratified on
workers, self-employed people, rural workers and December 29, 1953. However, even as early as the
those without any definite employers . The second 1935 Constitution, the State had already expressly
group is granted the right to form labor bestowed protection to labor as part of the general
organizations for their MUTUAL AID and provisions. The 1973 Constitution, on the other
PROTECTION. hand, declared it as a policy of the state to afford
protection to labor, specifying that the workers’
Nat’l Union of Bank Employees v. Minister of rights to self-organization, collective bargaining,
Labor (1981) security of tenure, and just and humane conditions
of work would be assured. For its part, the 1987
A healthy respect for the freedom of
Constitution, aside from making it a policy to
association demands that acts imputable to
“protect the rights of workers and promote their
officers or members be not easily visited with
welfare,” devotes an entire section, emphasizing
capital punishments against the association itself.
its mandate to afford protection to labor, and
highlights “the principle of shared responsibility”
between workers and employers to promote
industrial peace.
Standard Chartered Bank Employees Union
(Nube) V. Confesor (2004)
Under the International Labor Organization 2.02 EXTENT AND SCOPE OF RIGHT
Convention (ILO) No. 87 FREEDOM OF
TO ORGANIZE to which the Philippines is a Non-abridgment of right to self-organization –
signatory, “workers and employers, without It shall be UNLAWFUL for any person
distinction whatsoever, shall have the right to  To restrain, coerce, discriminate against or
establish and, subject only to the rules of the unduly interfere with employees and workers
organization concerned, to job organizations of in their exercise of the right to self-
their own choosing without previous organization.
authorization.” Workers’ and employers’ Such right shall include the right:
organizations shall have the right to draw up their  To form, join or assist labor organizations
constitutions and rules, to elect their » For the purpose of collective bargaining
representatives in full freedom to organize their » Through representatives of their own
administration and activities and to formulate their choosing3 and
programs. Article 2 of ILO Convention No. 98  To engage in lawful concerted activities
pertaining to the Right to Organize and Collective » For the same purpose or for their mutual
Bargaining, provides: aid and protection,
Article 2 » Subject to the provisions of Art 264 of
1. Workers’ and employers’ organizations
this Code.
shall enjoy adequate protection against
any acts or interference by each other or
each other’s agents or members in their EXAMPLES OF APPLICATION/ EXERCISE OF THE
establishment, functioning or RIGHT TO SELF-ORGANIZATION:
2. In particular, acts which are designed to The right of Self-Organization includes the right
promote the establishment of workers’ not to exercise it.
organizations under the domination of
employers or employers’ organizations or
to support workers’ organizations by  BAR QUESTION (2000): Do workers have
financial or other means, with the object a right not to join a labor organization?
of placing such organizations under the  MIDTERMS/ FINALS QUESTION: Is there a
control of employers or employers’ negative right of self-organization? - Yes
organizations within the meaning of this
The aforcited ILO Conventions are Reyes v. Trajano (92)
incorporated in our Labor Code, particularly in Logically, the right NOT to join, affiliate with,
Article 243 thereof, which provides: or assist any union, and to disaffiliate or resign
from a labor organization, is subsumed in the right
persons employed in commercial, Take note: the italicized phrase is the policy behind
industrial and agricultural enterprises and certification of election
in religious, charitable, medical or


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Part II : Right to Self -Organization
Labor Relations
to join, affiliate with, or assist any union, and to the purpose of collective bargaining and other
maintain membership therein. mutual aid and protection . . ."
The right to form or join a labor organization This is so because Luna's membership in the PF
necessarily includes the right to refuse or refrain Board of Trustees was by virtue of his being
from exercising said right. president of the RB Union of Supervisors.
It is self-evident that just as no one should be The Provident Fund was itself created as a result of
denied the exercise of a right granted by law, so the union's collective bargaining agreement with
also, no one should be compelled to exercise such the bank.
a conferred right. The fact that a person has opted His actuations as such should therefore be
to acquire membership in a labor union does not considered as legitimate exercise of the employees'
preclude his subsequently opting to renounce such right to self-organization and as an activity for
membership. their mutual aid and protection, aside from being
A right comprehends at least two broad notions, privileged communication protected by the
namely: constitutional guarantee on free speech. His
1. First, liberty or freedom, i.e., the absence of remarks were in defense of the interest of the
legal restraint, whereby an employee may Provident Fund, part of which comes from the
act for himself without being prevented by contribution of the rank and file employees.
2. Second, power, whereby an employee may, The Certification Election is an example of the
as he pleases, join or refrain from joining an exercise of the right to self-organization.
It is therefore the employee who should decide 2.03 WORKERS WITH RIGHT OF SELF-
for himself whether he should join or not an
association; and should he choose to join, he
himself makes up his mind as to which association
he would join; and even after he has joined, he Constitution, Art. III, Sec 8.
still retains the liberty and the power to leave and The right of the people, including those employed
cancel his membership with said organization at in the public and private sectors, to form unions,
any time. It is clear, therefore, that the right to associations, or societies for purposes not contrary
join a union includes the right to abstain from to law shall not be abridged.
joining any union
The exercise of the right to self-organization
includes the right to withdraw from the Art. 243
organization. Coverage and Employees Right to Self-
Organization –
Central Negros Electric Cooperative vs Sec of All persons
Labor (1991) Employed in
In addition, membership in the cooperative is  Commercial, industrial and agricultural
on a voluntary basis. Hence, withdrawal therefrom enterprises and
cannot be restricted unnecessarily. The right to  In religious, charitable, medical, or
join an organization necessarily includes the educational institution
equivalent right not to join the same.  Whether operating for profit or not, shall
The right of the employees to self-organization is a have the right
compelling reason why their withdrawal from the » To self-organization and
cooperative must be allowed. As pointed out by » To form, join, or assist labor organizations
CURE, the resignation of the member-employees is ▪ Of their own choosing
an expression of their preference for union ▪ For purposes of collective bargaining.
membership over that of membership in the Ambulant, intermittent and itinerant workers,
cooperative. self-employed people, rural workers and those
without any definite employers may form labor
The right of self-organization includes the right to organizations for their mutual aid and protection.
raise issues in behalf of the organization.
Take note:
Union of Supervisors v. Sec. Of Labor (1991) Ambulant -> Moving about, “palipat-lipat”
Moreover, Luna's remarks at the meeting of an Intermittent -> Temporary
official board are privileged in nature as a valid Itinerant -> Travels from place to place
exercise of his constitutional freedom of
FEU-Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation,
He addressed his remarks to the body that has
Inc. v FEU-DNRMF Alliance of Fil Workers
jurisdiction over the question of management of
the assets of the Provident Fund.
Under the Art. 244 LC, there is no doubt that
Luna's remarks were intended to protect the
rank and file employees of non-profit medical
interests of the members of the Provident Fund
institutions are now permitted to form, organize or
from what he honestly believed was a risky
join labor unions of their choice for purposes of
venture on the part of management.
collective bargaining.
His protests could even be treated as union
activity by the Industrial Peace Act, which assures
the employees' right "to self-organization and to
form, join or assist labor organizations of their own
Kapatiran sa Meat and Canning Division v
choosing and to engage in concerted activities for
Calleja (1988)


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Part II : Right to Self -Organization
Labor Relations
HELD: In Victoriano v Elizalde Rope Workers Supervisory employees are those who, in the
Union, the refusal of the members of the INC sect interest of the employer,
not to join a labor union for being contrary to their  Effectively RECOMMENDS such managerial
religious beliefs does not bar the members of the actions
sect from forming their own union.  If the exercise of such authority is not merely
The recognition of the tenets of the sect should not routinary or clerical in nature
infringe on the basic right of self-organization  But requires the use of INDEPENDENT
granted by the Constitution to workers, regardless JUDGMENT.
of religious affiliation.
All employees not falling within any of the above
definitions are considered rank and file employees
for purposes of this book (Book 5: Labor

Paper Industries Corp v. Laguesma (2000)

HELD: United Pepsi cola ruling was adopted
here: “Managerial employees are ranked as Top
Art 244
managers, Middle managers and First Line
Right of Employees in the Public Service
Managers. Top and Middle Managers have the
 Employees of government corporations
authority to devise, implement and control
strategic and operational policies while the task of
First-Line Managers is simply to ensure that such
» shall have the right to organize and to
policies are carried out by the rank-and-file
bargain collectively with their respective
employees of an organization.
Under this distinction, “managerial employees”
 All other employees in the civil service shall
therefore fall in two (2) categories, namely,
have the right to form associations for
1. The “managers” per se composed of Top
purposes not contrary to law. and Middle Managers, and the
 The labor code is silent as to the right to 2. “supervisors” composed of First-Line
strike of employees of GOCC’s established Managers.
under the corporation code. But it expressly Thus, the mere fact that an employee is
grants the right to collectively bargain and to designated “manager” does not ipso facto make
organize. him one. Designation should be reconciled with the
 The labor code is silent as to right to strike actual job description of the employee.
and bargain collectively of employees in the “In this case, a thorough dissection of the job
civil service. Anyway, the civil service description of the concerned supervisory
employees are not under the coverage of the employees and section heads indisputably show
Labor Code. that they are NOT actually managerial employees
BUT ONLY supervisory employees SINCE THEY DO
“PICOP’s contention that the subject section
Art 245 heads and managers exercise the authority to hire
Ineligibility of managerial employees to join any and fire is ambiguous and quiet misleading for the
labor organization; right of supervisory employees reason that any authority they exercise is NOT
– SUPREME but merely ADVISORY in character.
Managerial employees are not eligible to join, Theirs is not a FINAL DETERMINATION of the
assist or form any labor organization. company policies inasmuch as any action taken by
them on matters relative to hiring, promotion,
Take note: “labor organization” is a term that is transfer, suspension and termination of employees
strictly defined – it should be for the purpose of is still subject to confirmation and approval by
collective bargaining concerning terms and their respective superior.”
conditions or dealing with employment concerning “Thus, where such power, which is in effect
terms and condition of employment. Take note the RECOMMENDATORY in character, is SUBJECT TO
law did not say that they cannot form an EVALUATION, REVIEW, and FINAL ACTION by
association, what the law said is that they cannot department heads and other higher executives of
form a “labor organization” the company. The same, although present, is not
effective and not an exercise of INDEPENDENT
Supervisory employees shall: JUDGMENT as required by law.”
 NOT be eligible for membership in a labor
organization of the rank and file employees Samson v. NLRC (2000)
but may join, assist or form SEPARATE labor Given the environmental circumstances of this
organizations of their OWN. case, the acts of petitioner clearly do not constitute
serious misconduct as to justify dismissal. Neither
Art 212 m is his dismissal justified o the ground of loss of
“Managerial employee” is one who is vested with confidence. As a ground for dismissal, the term
powers or prerogatives: “trust and confidence” is restricted to managerial
 To lay down and execute management policies employees. Petitioner is not a managerial
and/ or employee.”
 To hire , transfer, suspend, layoff, recall, “It is the nature of the employee’s function and
discharge, assign, or discipline employees. not the nomenclature or title given to his job,
which determines whether he has rank-and-file,


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Part II : Right to Self -Organization
Labor Relations
supervisory or managerial status. Petitioner’s for membership in a labor organization of the rank-
describes of his functions as District Sales and-file employees . . . ."
Manager does not mention that petitioner
possesses the power “to lay down policies nor to The TEST of supervisory status as we have
hire, transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall, discharge. repeatedly ruled is:
Etc.” Absent this crucial element, petitioner cannot  Whether an employee possesses authority to
be considered a managerial employee despite his act in the interest of his employer,
designation as District Sales Manager.  Which authority should not be merely routinary
or clerical in nature

CRUCIAL ELEMENT for one to be a managerial But requires the use of independent judgment.

employee: “To lay down policies or to hire, Corollary, what determines the nature of
transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall, discharge. Etc.” employment is not the employee's title, but his
job description.
Fil-oil Refinery Corporation v. Fil-oil
Supervisory & Confidential Employees It is not decisive that these employees are
Associaton (1972) monthly paid employees. Their mode of
compensation is usually a matter of convenience
ISSUE: WON supervisors form part of and does not necessarily determine the nature and
management and are not considered as employees character of their job.
entitled to bargain collectively? Public respondent gravely misappreciates the
Indeed, it is well settled that ‘IN RELATION TO basic antipathy between the interest of supervisors
HIS EMPLOYER,' a foreman or supervisor 'is an and the interest of rank-and-file employees. Due to
employee within the meaning of the Act' . . . For the irreconcilability of their interests, a labor
this reason, supervisors are entitled to engage in organization composed of both rank-and-file and
union activities and any discrimination against supervisory employees is no labor organization at
them by reason thereof constitutes an unfair labor all.
practice." Not being one, an organization which carries a
Supervisory Employees are managerial mixture of rank-and-file and supervisory
employees for the sake of Labor Standards, but employees cannot possess any of the rights of a
they are a distinct breed from managerial legitimate labor organization, including the right to
employees in relation to Labor Relations. file a petition for certification election for the
purpose of collective bargaining. It becomes
National Sugar Refineries Corp v NLRC (1993) necessary, therefore, anterior to the granting of an
It is the submission of petitioner that while the order allowing a certification election, to inquire
members of respondent union, as supervisors, into the composition of any labor organization
may not be occupying managerial positions, they whenever the status of the labor organization is
are clearly officers or members of the managerial challenged on the basis of Article 245 of the Labor
staff because they meet all the conditions Code.
prescribed by law and, hence, they are not entitled
to overtime, rest day and supervisory employees.  Why can’t supervisors join a union of rank-
Article 212 (m) should be made to apply only to and-file?
the provisions on Labor Relations, while the right » The intent of the law is to avoid a
of said employees to the questioned benefits situation where supervisors would merge
should be considered in the light of the meaning of with the rank and file, or where the
a managerial employee and of the officers or supervisors' labor organization would
members of the managerial staff, as contemplated represent conflicting interests, especially
under Article 82 of the Code and Section 2, Rule I where, as in the case at bar, the
Book III of the implementing rules. supervisors will be commingling with
 In other words, for purposes of forming and those employees whom they directly
joining unions, certification elections, supervise in their own bargaining unit.
collective bargaining, and so forth, the union Members of the supervisory union might
members are supervisory employees. refuse to carry out disciplinary measures
 In terms of working conditions and rest against their co-member rank and file
periods and entitlement to the questioned employees.
benefits, however, they are officers or » Supervisors have the right to form their
members of the managerial staff, hence they own union or labor organization. What the
are not entitled thereto. law prohibits is a union whose
membership comprises of supervisors
Dunlop vs. Secretary of Labor (1998) merging with the rank and file employees
Supervisors can be an appropriate bargaining because this is where conflict of interests
unit. The critical issue, however, is whether or not may arise in the areas of discipline,
the respondent union can file a petition for collective bargaining and strikes.
certification election to represent the supervisory
employees of the petitioner company. The United Pepsi Cola v. Laguesma (1998)
resolution of this issue depends on whether the Is Art, 245 Constitutional?
respondent union is composed solely of When read in relation to this definition in Art.
supervisory employees or of both supervisory and 212(m), it will be seen that Art. 245 faithfully
rank-and-file employees. carries out the intent of the Constitutional
Article 245 of the Labor Code clearly provides Commission in framing Art. III, §8 of the
that "supervisory employees shall not be eligible fundamental law. Nor is the guarantee of
organizational right in Art. III, §8 infringed by a


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Part II : Right to Self -Organization
Labor Relations
ban against managerial employees forming a WITH EMPLOYERS REGARDING TERMS
union. The right guaranteed in Art. III, §8 is AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT
subject to the condition that its exercise should be
for purposes "not contrary to law."
In the case of Art. 245, there is a rational basis for
prohibiting managerial employees from forming or
joining labor organizations. As Justice Davide, Jr.,
Managerial employees are NOT eligible to join,
himself a constitutional commissioner, said " the
assist or form any labor organization.
rationale for this inhibition has been stated to be,
because if these managerial employees would
Note: The manager’s right to self-organize is NOT
belong to or be affiliated with a Union,
removed, but only limited. It cannot be a labor
 The latter might not be assured of their
organization which has a technical meaning of its
loyalty to the Union in view of evident conflict
own, being composed of employees (which
of interests.
excludes managers, as managers are considered
 The Union can also become company-
employers under labor relations) and for the
dominated with the presence of managerial
purpose of collective bargaining. At the pain of
employees in Union membership."
being repetitive, it should be emphasized that the
Managerial Employees may for any organization in
NOTE: Art. 245 prohibit managerial employees to accordance with law; however they are expressly
organize for purpose of collective bargaining. BUT prohibited from forming a “labor organization”.
it does not prevent them for organizing for other
purpose such as for mutual aid and protection.
Is Art. 245 a violation of the right to self-
The basis of this is the fiduciary and confidential
organization of managerial employees?
relationship between manager and employer.
No, they are not deprived of the right to
organize. Just like any right, the right to SO is not
4. ALIENS an absolute right. It is subject to the police power
of the State, as well as to certain limitations. And
Art 269 in any case, the mangers are not deprived of the
Prohibition Against Aliens; exceptions – right to organize and form associations for their
 All aliens, natural or juridical, as well as mutual aid and protection, as long as such is not a
foreign organizations are strictly PROHIBITED “labor organization”, as defined by law.
from engaging directly or indirectly in all Remember that the right to join, form,
forms of trade union activities assist organization and associations should be
 Without prejudice to normal contacts exercised for purposes not contrary to law. Such
between Philippine labor unions and right is subject to legislative discretion as to the
recognized international labor centers; imposition of a limitation.
» Provided, however, that aliens working in
the country with VALID PERMITS issued Art. 245 LC Ineligibility of managerial employees to
the DOLE may exercise the right to self- join any labor organization; right of supervisory
organization and join or assist labor employees—
organizations of their own choosing for  Managerial employees are not eligible to join
purposes of collective bargaining ; assist or form any labor organization.
» Provided, further, That said aliens are  Supervisory employees shall not be eligible for
nationals of a country which grants the membership in a labor organization of the rank
same or similar rights to Filipino workers. and file employees but may join, assist or form
separate labor organizations of their own.
Note: Aliens, generally, have no right to self
organize for purpose of collective bargaining unless
(the following must concur): Take note: As stated in National Sugar Refineries
a. They have valid permits Corp v NLRC, The definition of a managerial
b. Reciprocity: That said aliens are nationals employee in Labor relations (Art. 212) is NOT
of a country which grants the same or exactly the same as the definition under labor
similar rights to Filipino workers standards (Art. 82). Art. 82 is much broader in
scope, while Art. 212 is much narrower in scope
5. SECURITY GUARDS and much more strictly construed.

Manila Electric vs. Secretary of Labor (1991) Sugbuanon Rural Bank vs. Laguesma (2000)
EO 111 has eliminated the disqualification of In Tabacalera, we sustained the classification
security guards from forming labor unions. They of a credit and collection supervisor by
may now join a rank and file organization. The management as a managerial/supervisory
disqualification in article 245 with regards to personnel. But in that case, the credit and
supervisory employees does not include security collection supervisor "had the power to recommend
guards. The implementing rules which disqualify the hiring and appointment of his subordinates, as
security guards from joining rank and file well as the power to recommend any promotion
organization are null and void for being not and/or increase." For this reason he was deemed
germane to the object and purposes of EO 111. to be a managerial employee.
In the present case, however, petitioner failed
to show that the employees in question were
vested with similar powers. At best they only
SELF-ORGANIZATION FOR PURPOSE OF had recommendatory powers subject to


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Part II : Right to Self -Organization
Labor Relations
evaluation, review, and final decision by the bank's Thus, in determining the confidentiality of
management. certain employees, a key question frequently
The job description forms submitted by considered is the employee’s necessary access to
petitioner clearly show that the union members in confidential labor relations information.”
question may not transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall, “It is evident that whatever confidential data
discharge, assign, or discipline employees. the questioned employees may handle will have to
Moreover, the forms also do not show that the relate to their functions. From the foregoing
Cashiers, Accountants, and Acting Chiefs of the functions, it can be gleaned that the confidential
Loans Department formulate and execute information said employees have access to
management policies which are normally expected concern’s the employer’s internal business
of management officers. operations.”
Now may the said bank personnel be deemed
confidential employees? NOTE: “An employee may not be excluded
Confidential employees are those who from appropriate bargaining unit merely
a. Assist or act in a confidential capacity, in because he has access to confidential
regard information concerning employer’s internal
b. To persons who formulate, determine, and business operations and which is NOT RELATED
effectuate management policies [specifically to the field of labor relations.”
in the field of labor relations]. If access is merely incidental, you cannot
The two criteria are cumulative, and both classify them as confidential employees. Thus a
must be met if an employee is to be considered a phone operator or driver cannot be classified as
confidential employee — that is, the confidential a confidential employee for the purpose of
relationship must exist between the employee and excluding them from joining a union.
his superior officer; and that officer must handle It is the policy of the law to encourage self-
the prescribed responsibilities relating to labor organization, thus the coverage of its
relations. application and scope must necessarily be
Art. 245 of the Labor Code does not directly broad. Thus if you have to limit it, the limitation
prohibit confidential employees from engaging in must strictly be construed and well justified.
union activities. However, under the doctrine of
necessary implication, the disqualification of PROHIBITION AND RATIONALE
managerial employees equally applies to
confidential employees. The confidential-employee Pier 8 Arrastre & Stevedoring Services Vs.
rule justifies exclusion of confidential employees Roldan-Confesor (1995)
because in the normal course of their duties they As to the Foremen:
become aware of management policies relating to Foremen are chief and often especially-trained
labor relations. workmen who work with and commonly are in
charge of a group of employees in an industrial
SMC Supervisors & Exempt Employees Union plant or in construction work. They are the persons
v. Laguesma (1997) designated by the employer-management to direct
“Criteria to determine who are Confidential the work of employees and to superintend and
Employees:-- oversee them.
1. Assist or act in a confidential capacity, (this They are representatives of the employer-
means that the confidential nature of his job is management with authority over particular groups
not only incidental) of workers, processes, operations, or sections of a
2. To persons who formulate, determine, and plant or an entire organization. In the modern
effectuate management policies in the field of industrial plant, they are at once a link in the chain
labor relations. of command and the bridge between the
The two criteria are cumulative, and both management and labor.
must be met if an employee is to be considered a In the performance their work, foremen
confidential employee. definitely use their independent judgment and are
RATIONALE: “The exclusion from bargaining empowered to make recommendations for
units of employees who, in the normal course of managerial action with respect to those employees
their duties, become aware of management under their control. Foremen fall squarely under
policies relating to labor relations is a principal the category of supervisory employees, and cannot
objective sought to be accomplished by the be part of rank-and-file unions.
“confidential employee rule.” The broad rationale
behind this rule is that employees should not be As to legal secretaries:
placed in a position involving a potential conflict of Legal secretaries are neither managers nor
interests. supervisors.
“Management should not be required to Their work is basically routinary and clerical.
handle labor matters through employees who are However, they should be differentiated from
represented by the union with which the company rank-and-file employees because they, are tasked
is required to deliver and who in the performance with, among others, the typing of legal documents,
of their duties may obtain advance information of memoranda and correspondence, the keeping of
the company’s position with regard to contract records and files, the giving of and receiving
negotiations, the disposition of grievances, or notices and such other duties as required by the
other labor relations matter.” legal personnel of the corporation.
“An important element of the “confidential Legal secretaries therefore fall under the
employee rule” is --- the employee’s need to use category of confidential employees.
labor relations information. The rationale: Because if these managerial
employees would belong to or be affiliated with


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Part II : Right to Self -Organization
Labor Relations
Union the latter might not, be assured of their Cooperative Rural Bank of Davao vs Ferrer-
loyalty to the Union in view of evident conflict of Calleja (1988)
interests. The Union can also become company- Under PD 175, a COOPERATIVE is an
dominated with the presence of managerial organization composed of small producers and of
employees in Union membership. This rationale consumers who voluntarily join together to form
holds true also for confidential employees who business enterprises which they themselves, own,
having access to confidential information, may control and patronize. A cooperative is different
become the source of undue advantage. Said from an ordinary business concern. Its owners or
employees may act as a spy or spies of either members are the ones who run and operate the
party to a collective bargaining agreement. . . business while the others are its employees.

As for the timekeepers and assitant timekeepers: An employee of such a cooperative who is a
They are, neither managerial nor supervisory member AND CO-OWNER cannot invoke the
employees. right to collective bargaining for certainly an
They are merely tasked to report those who owner cannot bargain with himself or his co-
commit infractions against company rules and owners.
This reportorial function is routinary and However, insofar as it involves cooperatives
clerical. with employees who are NOT members or co-
They do not determine the fate of those who owners thereof, certainly such employees are
violate company policy rules and regulations entitled to exercise the rights of all workers to
function. organization, collective bargaining negotiations,
It follows that they cannot be excluded from and others as are enshrined in the Constitution and
the subject bargaining unit. existing laws of the country.

Metrolab Industries, Inc. v. Roldan-Confesor Benguet Electric Cooperative, Inc. v Calleja

(1996) (1989)
Employees involved in the controversy include HELD: The employees of a cooperative may
Executive Secretaries of the company’s officers. not join or form a labor organization for purposes
Can they join the labor union? NO, they are of collective bargaining. As members of the
confidential employees. cooperative, they are co-owners. An owner cannot
By the very nature of their functions, they bargain with himself or his co-owners. The fact the
assist and act in a confidential capacity to, or have members-employees do not participate in the
access to confidential matters of, persons who actual management of the cooperative does not
exercise managerial functions in the field of labor make them eligible to form, assist or join a labor
relations. As such, the rationale behind the organization for the purposes of collective
ineligibility of managerial employees to form, bargaining. It is the fact of ownership of the
assist or join a labor union equally applies to cooperative, not involvement in the management
them.” thereof, which disqualifies a member from joining
In the collective bargaining process, any labor organization within the cooperative.
managerial employees are supposed to be on the
side of the employer, to act as its representative, 3. NON-EMPLOYEE
and to see to it that its interest are well protected.
The employer is not assured of such protection if Rep. Planters Bank General Services
these employees themselves are union members. Employees Union v. Laguesma (1996)
Collective bargaining in such a situation can HELD: If union members are not employees, no
become one-sided.” right to organize for the purpose of bargaining
“Moreover, unionization of confidential and to be certified as bargaining agent can be
employees for the purpose of collective bargaining recognized4. Since the persons involved are not
would mean the extension of the law to persons or employees of the company, they are not entitled
individuals who are supposed to act ‘in the interest to the constitutional right to join or form a labor
of the employers.’ It is not far fetched that in the organization for purposes of collective bargaining.
course of collective bargaining, they might
jeopardize that interest which they are duty-bound
to protect.”
“Finally, confidential employees cannot be 2.05 PARTY PROTECTED
classified as rank and file. As previously discussed,
the nature of employment is quite distinct from the Mactan Workers Union vs Aboitiz (1972)
rank and file, thus warranting a separate category. The labor union who won as sole bargaining
Therefore it is not discrimination to exclude them agent of the employees does not act for its
from bargaining unit of rank and file.” members alone. It represents all the employees in
such a bargaining unit. Furthermore, what is
Pepsi-Cola Proucts Phil. Inc. v. Sec. of Labor entitled to protection is labor, not the labor
(1999) organization. The latter are merely
The confidential employees involved in this instrumentalities through which their welfare may
case are Credit & Collection Managers and be promoted and fostered.
Accounting Managers.

Even if not employees, they still have the right to
organize BUT not for the purpose of collective bargaining.
Since the right to organize is constitutionally protected.


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Part II : Right to Self -Organization
Labor Relations
to the non-members of the recognized
2.06 SANCTIONS FOR VIOLATION OF collective bargaining agent;
f. To dismiss, discharge, or otherwise
prejudice or discriminate against an
Art. 246 employee for having given or being about
Non-abridgment of the right to self-organization— to give testimony under this Code;
It shall be unlawful for any person to restrain, g. To violate the duty to bargain collectively
coerce, discriminate against or unduly interfere as prescribed by this Code;
with employees and workers in their exercise of h. To pay negotiation or attorneys fees to the
the right to self-organization. union or its officers or agents as part of the
settlement of any issue in collective
Such right shall include the right to form, join or bargaining or any other dispute; or
assist labor organizations for the purposes of i. To violate a collective bargaining
collective bargaining through representatives of agreement.
their own choosing and to engage in lawful
concerted activities for the same purpose or for The provisions of the preceding paragraph
their mutual aid and protection, subject to the notwithstanding, only the officers and agents of
provisions of Art. 265 of this Code. corporations, associations or partnerships who
have actually participated in, authorized or ratified
unfair labor practices shall be held criminally liable.
Art. 248
Unfair labor practices of employers--It shall be
unlawful for an employer to commit any of the Art. 249
following unfair labor practice: Unfair labor practices of labor organization--It shall
a. To interfere with, restrain or coerce be unfair labor practice for a labor organization, its
employees in the exercise of their right to officers, agents or representatives:
b. To require as a condition of employment a. to restrain or coerce employees in the exercise
that a person or an employee shall not join of their rights to self-organization. However, a
a labor organization or shall withdraw from labor organization shall have the right to
one to which he belongs;5 prescribe its own rules with respect to the
c. To contract out services or functions being acquisition or retention of membership;
performed by union members when such b. to cause or attempt to cause and employer to
will interfere with, restrain or coerce discriminate against an employee, including
employees in the exercise of their rights to - discrimination against an employee with
self-organization; respect to whom membership in such
d. To initiate, dominate, assist or otherwise organization has been denied or
interfere with the formation or - to terminate an employee on any ground
administration of any labor organization other that the usual terms and conditions
including giving of financial or other under which membership or continuation of
support to it or its organizers or membership is made available to other
supporters;6 members;
e. To discriminate in regard to wages, hours
of work and other terms and conditions of c. to violate the duty, or refuse to bargain
employment in order to encourage or collectively with the employer, provided it is
discourage membership in any labor the representative of the employees;
organization. d. to cause or attempt to cause an employer to
pay or deliver or agree to pay or deliver any
Nothing in this Code or in any other law shall money or other things of value, I the nature of
stop the parties from requiring membership in a an exaction, for services which are not
recognized collective bargaining agent as a performed or not to be performed, including
condition for employment, except those the demand for fee for union negotiations
employees who are already members of e. to ask for or accept negotiations or attorneys
another union at the time of the signing of the fees from employers as part of the settlement
collective bargaining agreement. of any issue in collective bargaining or any
other dispute; or
Employees of an appropriate collective f. to violate a collective bargaining agreement.
bargaining unit who are not members of the
recognized collective bargaining agent may be The provisions of the preceding paragraph
assessed a reasonable fee equivalent to the notwithstanding, ONLY the officers, members of
dues and other fees paid by members of the governing boards representatives or agents or
recognized collective bargaining agent, if such members of labor organizations who have actually
non-union members accept the benefits under participated in, authorized or ratified unfair labor
the collective agreement: practices shall be held criminally liable.
- Provided, that the individual
authorization required under Art. 242
paragraph (o) of this Code shall not apply Art. 288
Except as otherwise provided in this Code, or
Yellow-dog contracting unless the acts complained of hinges on a
Company unionism


15 of 139
Part II : Right to Self -Organization
Labor Relations
question of interpretation or implementation of
ambiguous provision of an existing collective
bargaining agreement,
 any violation of the provisions of this Code 3.01 POLICY AND CONTEXT
declared to be unlawful or penal in nature
shall be punished with a fine of not less that
P1,000.00 nor more than P10,000.00, or Art 211
imprisonment of not less that three months Declaration of policy—It is the policy of the State:
nor more than three years, or both such fine (b) To promote FREE Trade Unionism as an
and imprisonment at the discretion of the instrument for
court.  The enhancement of DEMOCRACY and
 In addition to such penalty, any alien found  The promotion of SOCIAL JUSTICE and
guilty shall be summarily deported upon development.
completion of service of sentence. (c) To foster the FREE and VOLUNTARY
organization of a STRONG and UNITED labor
Any provision of law to the contrary movement
notwithstanding any criminal offense punished in
this Code shall be under the current jurisdiction of  If labor unions are to serve and protect the
the Municipal or City Courts and the Courts of First interest of the workers, then the unions
Instance. themselves must be sufficiently strong and
stable to be able to fulfill effectively their
Art. 289 assigned role in society. It is also
Who are liable when committed by other than incontrovertible that in such a regime of
natural person--If the offense is committed by a collective bargaining it is essential that the
corporation, trust, firm, partnership, association or negotiations be conducted between parties of
any other entity the penalty shall be imposed upon relatively equal strength.
the GUILTY officer or officers of such corporation,
trust, firm, partnership, association or entity.

Art. 211
Declaration of policy---It is the policy of the State:
(g) To ensure the participation of workers in
decision and policy-making processes affecting
their rights, duties and welfare.

Art. 212 (g)

“LABOR ORGANIZATION” –Means any union or
association of employees which exists in whole or
in part for the purpose of:
 Collective bargaining
 or of dealing with employers concerning
terms and conditions of employment.



Composition: Composition:
Employees Employees

Purpose: collective Purpose: organized for

bargaining or of dealing mutual aid and
with employers protection of its
concerning terms and members or for any
conditions of other legitimate
employment. purpose other than
collective bargaining

 “Labor Organization” is a technical definition; it

is composed of two parts:


Art. 212 (f)

Employee includes any person in the employ of
an employer.


16 of 139
Part III : Labor Organizations
Labor Relations
 The term shall not be limited to the employees Cebu Seamen’s Assoc., Inc v Ferrer-Calleja
of a particular employer, unless this Code (1992)
explicitly states so. The union’s registration with the bureau and
 It shall include any individual whose work has not the SEC makes it a legitimate labor
ceased as a result of or in connection with any organization, with the rights and privileges granted
current labor dispute or because of any unfair by the Labor Code including the release or custody
labor practice if he has not obtained any other of union dues.
substantially equivalent and regular

Progressive Dev’t v Sec. of Labor (1992)
Collective bargaining or of dealing with employers Art 212 defines a legitimate labor organization
concerning terms and conditions of employment. as any labor organization duly registered with the
DOLE and includes any branch or local thereof.
Airline Pilots Association of the Philippines v. Ordinarily, a labor organization acquires legitimacy
CIR ONLY upon registration with the BLR. The
RA 875 defines labor organization as any requirements for registration are in Article 234.
union or association which exists, in whole or in a. “The applicant labor organization shall
acquire legal personality and shall be
part, for the purpose of collective bargaining. entitled to the rights and privileges granted
There is no condition to the statutory concept of a by law to a legitimate labor organization
labor organization as being limited to the UPON issuance of the certificate of
employees. registration based on the requirements in
Article 234.”
i. P50 registration fee
Disini: Do not misinterpret the ruling in this case.
ii. The names of its officers their addresses,
In the case at bar the said employees were the principal address of the labor org, the
dismissed and were challenging their dismissal. minutes of the organizational meetings
The right to self-organization is still limited to and the list of the workers who
employees. participated in such meetings
iii. The names of all its members comprising
at least 20% of all the Ees of the
MIXED MEMBERSHIP bargaining unit it seeks to operate
iv. If the applicant union has been in
Dunlop v. Sec. oF Labor (1998) existence for 1 or more years, copies of
A labor Organization composed of both rank its annual financial reports; and
and file and supervisory employees is no labor v. Four (4) copies of the constitution and by-
organization at all. It cannot posses the rights of a laws of the applicant union, minutes of its
adoption or ratification and the list of the
legitimate labor organization.
members participating in it.
b. Moreover, section 4 of Rule II, Book V of the
Art 212 Implementing Rules requires:
i. that the application should be signed by
(g) Labor organization means any union or
at least twenty percent (20%) of the
association of employees which exist in whole employees in the appropriate bargaining
or in part for the purpose of collective unit and
bargaining or of dealing with employers ii. be accompanied by a sworn statement of
concerning terms and conditions of the applicant union that there is no
employment. certified bargaining agent or, where there
(h) Legitimate labor union means any labor is an existing collective agreement duly
submitted to the DOLE, that the
organization duly registered with the Dept. Of
application is filed during the last sixty
Labor and Employment and includes any (60) days of the agreement.
branch or local thereof
 RATIONALE: What is the purpose of the
Disini: A “branch or local” of a Legitimate Labor Law for requiring so many requirements?
organization DOES NOT become a legitimate labor Registration is required to protect both labor
organization simply by affiliating itself. The rules and the public against abuses, fraud, or
require certain requirements to avoid fraud. impostors who pose as organizers, although
not truly accredited agents of the union they
(i) Company Union means any labor organization purport to represent.
whose formation function or administration
has been assisted by any act defined as unfair  Are these registration requirements a
labor practice by this code. curtailment of the freedom to associate?
NO. These requirements are not restrictions
Disini: A company union is not really a “union” on the freedom of assembly and of
contemplated by law since it violates the provisions association. Rather they are merely
of Article 248. conditions sine qua non for the acquisition of
legal personality by a labor org and the
DOLE REGISTRATION AS BASIS possession of rights and privileges granted by
law to a legit LO.

The Constitution does not guarantee these

rights and privileges much less personality,
which are mere statutory creations—for the


17 of 139
Part III : Labor Organizations
Labor Relations
possession and exercise of which, registration legitimacy to the local or chapter? YES. It
is required. Such requirement is valid is a fatal defect.
exercise of police power because the
activities in which Los are engaged in affect RATIONALE: The certification and attestation
public interest which should be protected. requirements are preventive measures against the
commission of fraud.
BUT when an UNREGISTERED union becomes
a branch, local or chapter of a federation, The rationale for requiring that the submitted
some of the aforementioned requirements for documents and papers be certified under oath
registration are no longer required. The by the secretary or treasurer, as the case may
provisions governing UNION AFFILIATION are be, and attested to by the president is
found in Rule II, Section 3, Book V. Relevant apparent. Upon the approval of the application
portions are as follows: (Take note this part of for registration, the LO acquires legal
the case is no longer seen in the amendments personality and thereby becomes entitled to all
in the rules by DO. No. 9 which was the rights and privileges granted by the law to a
promulgated on 1997, this case was decied on legit L.O. The employer would naturally need
1992) assurance that it is dealing with a bonafide
organization, one which has not submitted false
TAKE NOTE: statements and misrepresentation to the BLR.
Two types of union may become affiliated with a a. The inclusion of the certification and
federation or a national union: attestation requirements will in a
1) A local or chapter of a federation WHICH marked degree allay these
DID NOT undergo the rudiments of apprehensions of management.
registration. Because the issuance of a false
2) An independently registered union may statement and misrepresentation is a
also be an affiliate of a federation or ground for cancellation of registration
national union. and is also a ground for criminal
Implicit in the forgoing differentiation is the fact charges of perjury.
that a local or chapter need NOT BE b. The certification and attestation
independently registered. By force of law (Art. requirements are preventive measures
212 h) such local or chapter becomes a legitimate against the commission of fraud.
labor organization upon compliance with the c. They likewise afford a measure of
aforementioned provisions of Section 3 (Under protection to unsuspecting employees
DO. No. 9, its is now Rule IV Book V section 1 & who may be lured into joining
section 3) unscrupulous or fly-by-night unions
whose sole purpose is to control union
 What requirements imposed by Art. 234 funds or to use the union for dubious
for the registration of an independent ends.
union are OMTTED when it comes to
registration of a local or chapter? Since there are lesser requirements for a local or a
i) The requirement that the application for chapter, there is greater reason to exact
registration must be signed by at least compliance with the certification and attestation
20% of the employees in the appropriate requirements. The policy of the law in conferring
bargaining unit; greater bargaining power upon labor unions must
ii) The submission of officers’ addresses, be balanced with the policy of providing preventive
principal address of the labor organization measures against the commission of fraud.
the minutes of the organizational
meetings, list of the workers who MAIN QUESTION of the case: When does a
participated in such meetings branch, local or affiliate of a federation
iii) The submission of the minutes of the become a legitimate labor organization?7
adoption or ratification of the constitution A local or chapter therefore becomes a
and by laws and the list of the members legitimate LO only upon submission of the
who participated in it. following to the BLR:
1. charter certificate within 30 days from its
RATIONALE: Undoubtedly, the intent of the law is issuance by the national union; and
imposing lesser requirements in this case is to 2. constitution and By-laws, statement of the
encourage the affiliation of a local union in order to set of officers and books of accounts all of which
increase the local union’s bargaining powers must be certified under oath by the secretary
respecting term and conditions of labor. or treasurer of such local chapter and
attested by its president.
Although there are few requirements , the
requirements in A 235 regarding certification under Absent compliance with these mandatory
oath still has to be complied with. In the case at requirements, the local or chapter does not
bar, the constitution and by-laws and list of become a legitimate labor organization.
officers submitted to the BLR, while attested to by
the chapter’s president, were not certified under
oath by the secretary.

 Does such defect (the constitution and 7

Take note: This is not in the law, but only in the
by-laws were not certified under oath) implementing rules, these requirement were present in
warrant the withholding of the status of DO. No. 9, but the applicable rules now are DO No. 40-03
series of 2003. See footnotes for pertinent provisions.


18 of 139
Part III : Labor Organizations
Labor Relations
In case at bar, the failure of the secretary of the BLR, as the case may be. The records of the
PDEU-Kilusan to certify the required documents case show that the respondent union submitted the
under oath is fatal to its acquisition of a legitimate said documents to Regional Office No. IV and was
status. subsequently issued the following certificate:
Such legal personality may not be subject to a
Difference of an oath from an attestation is that in collateral attack but only through a separate action
an oath, you are in effect saying that all that is instituted particularly for the purpose of assailing
contained therein is true and it makes you liable it. This is categorically prescribed by Section 5,
for perjury. While an attestation merely means Rule V of the Implementing Rules of Book V, which
that you have witnessed the fact of it. states as follows:
SEC. 5. Effect of registration.— The labor
organization or workers’ association shall be
San Miguel Foods, Inc. V. Laguesma (1997) deemed registered and vested with legal
It is important to determine whether or not a personality on the date of issuance of its
particular labor organization is legitimate since certificate of registration. Such legal
legitimate labor organizations have exclusive rights personality cannot thereafter be subject to
collateral attack but may be questioned only
under the law which cannot be exercised by non-
in an independent petition for cancellation in
legitimate unions. accordance with these Rules.[21]
ISSUE: Is a CHARTER CERTIFICATE Hence, to raise the issue of the respondent
defective if it NOT certified under oath and union’s legal personality is not proper in this case.
attested to by the organization’s secretary and The pronouncement of the Labor Relations Division
president? NO it is not defective. Chief, that the respondent union acquired a legal
A charter certificate need NOT be certified personality with the submission of the complete
under oath. What is required to be certified under documentary requirement, cannot be challenged in
oath by the secretary or treasurer and attested to a petition for certification election.
by the local’s president are:
1. the “constitution’s and by-laws 3.03 RATIONALE FOR RIGHT
2. Statement of the set of officers
3. The books of accounts United Seaman’s Union v Davao Shipowners
The charter certificate issued by the mother Assoc (1967)
union need not be certified under oath by the A labor organization is wholesome if it serves
secretary or treasurer and attested to by the its legitimate purpose of promoting the interests of
local’s president. labor without unnecessary labor disputes.
When does a labor organization acquire That is why it is given personality and recognition
legitimacy? in concluding CBAs. But if it is made use of as a
Ordinarily a labor organization attains the status of subterfuge, or as a means to subvert valid
legitimacy only upon the issuance in its name of a commitments, it defeats its own purpose, for it
Certificate of Registration by DOLE. tends to undermine the harmonious relations
between management and labor.
Furusawa v. Secretary of Labor(1997)
The presentation of the Xerox copy of the Guijarno v. CIR (1973)
certificate of registration to support its claim of The state has an obligation to “afford
being a duly registered labor organization instead protection to labor.” xxx That is to carry out the
of the submission of the original certificate is purpose implicit in one of the five declared
sufficient proof of its legitimacy, not a fatal defect. principles, namely the promotion of social justice
The issuance of the certificate of registration “to insure the well being and econmic security of
evidently shows that FEU-IND has complied with the people…”
the requirements of Art. 234 of the Labor Code. It is then the individual employee, as a
Certification proceeding is non-adversarial, separate, finite human being, with his problems
technical rules do not apply. and his needs, who must be attended to. He is the
beneficiary of the concerns thus made manifest by
Laguna Autoparts etc. v. DOLE Secretary the fundamental law.
(2005) RATIONALE: Where does that leave a labor
Indeed, a local or chapter need not be union? Correctly understood, it is nothing but the
independently registered to acquire legal means of assuring that such fundamental
personality. Sec3, Rule VI of the Implementing objectives would be achieved. It is the
Rules of Book V, as amended by D.O. No. 9 clearly instrumentality through which an individual laborer
states — who is helpless as against a powerful employer
SEC. 3. Acquisition of legal personality by may, through concerted effort and activity achieve
local/chapter.— A local/chapter constituted in the goal of economic well-being. Workers
accordance with Section 1 of this Rule shall unorganized are weak, workers organized are
acquire legal personality from the date of
filing of the complete documents enumerated
therein. Upon compliance with all Unions are merely instrumentalities through
documentary requirements, the Regional which their welfare may be protected and fostered.
Office or Bureau shall issue in favor of the That is the raison d’être of labor unions.It is the
local/chapter a certificate indicating that it is instrumentality by which the weak laborer up
included in the roster of legitimate labor against the strong employer, may, by concerted
organizations. effort, achieve economic well-being.
As gleaned from the said provision, the task of
determining whether the local or chapter has Heirs of Cruz v CIR (1969)
submitted the complete documentary In the case at bar, union officers entered
requirements is lodged with the Regional Office or into a compromise concerning backwages of


19 of 139
Part III : Labor Organizations
Labor Relations
member-employees with the employer. The union Action of application—The bureau shall act on all
is but an agent of the individual workers and it has applications for registration within 30 days from
the duty to inform the members of the labor filing.
matters entrusted to it. The employer may rely on
the authority of the union to bring the union All requisite documents and papers shall be
members especially in collective bargaining where certified under oath by the secretary or the
the matters to be discussed are still to be observed treasurer of the org as the case may be and
but this case is an exception. What is sought here attested to by its president.
are backwages and other benefits already earned.
Authority for the union to waive this right to (See Progressive case in preceding pages)
backwages must be express. In a compromise or
settlement, the individual union members are the Pagpalain Hauling Inc. v. Trajano (1999)
real judgment creditors and are the real parties in The Labor Code DOES NOT require the
interest. submission of books of account in order for a labor
organization to be registered as a legitimate labor
The requirement that books of account be
submitted as a requisite for registration can be
found only in Book V of the Omnibus Rules
1. UNION REGISTRATION AND PROCEDURE Implementing the Labor code, PRIOR to its
amendment by DO No. 9 Series of 1997.
REQUIREMENTS Specifically, the old Section 3(e, Rule II, of Book V
provided that “the local or chapter of a labor
Art. 234 federation or national union shall have and
Requirements of Registration.—Any applicant labor maintain a constitution and by-laws, set of officers
organization, association or group of unions or and BOOKS OF ACCOUNTS. For reporting
workers shall acquire legal personality and shall be purposes, the procedure governing the reporting of
entitled to the rights and privileges granted by law independently registered union, federations or
to legitimate labor organizations upon issuance of national unions shall be observed.”
certificate of registration based on the ff Since Department Order No. 9 has done away
requirements: with the submission of books of accounts as a
a. P50 registration fee requisite for registration, Pagpalain’s only recourse
b. The names of its officers their addresses, now is to have said order declared null and void.
the principal address of the labor org, The controlling intention in requiring the
the minutes of the organizational meetings submission of books of accounts is the protection
and of labor through the minimization of the risk of
the list of the workers who participated in fraud and diversion in the handling of union funds.
such meetings But this intention can still be realized through
c. The names of all its members comprising at other provisions of the Labor Code. (Example Art.
least 20% of all the Ees of the bargaining 241 b, g, h, I, j, l, m; Art. 274)
unit it seeks to operate Department Order No. 9 only dispenses with
d. If the applicant union has been in existence books of accounts as a requirement for registration
for 1 or more years, copies of its annual of a local or chapter of a national union or
financial reports; and federation. As provided by Article 241 h and 241 j,
e. Four (4) copies of the constitution and by- a labor organization must still maintain books of
laws of the applicant union, account, but it need not submit the same as a
minutes of its adoption or ratification and requirement for registration.
the list of the members participating in it.
Additional requirements for federations or national
unions—subject to Art 238, if the applicant for PAFLU v. Sec. Of LAbor
registration is a federation or a national union it The requirement of registration does NOT
shall, in addition to the requirements of the curtail the freedoms of assembly and association.
preceding articles submit the ff: Said freedoms may still be exercised with or
a. Proof of the affiliation of at least 10 locals without registration. The latter is merely a
or chapters condition sine qua non for the acquisition of legal
-- each of which must be a duly recognized personality by labor unions and the possessions of
collective bargaining agent in the rights and privileges granted by law. The
establishment or industry in which constitution does not guarantee these rights and
operates, supporting the registration of privileges, much less legal personality, which are
such applicant federation or national union; mere statutory creations.
b. the names and addresses of the companies 2. ACTIONS OR DENIAL OF APPLICATION
where the locals or chapters operate and AND REMEDY
the list o fall the members of each company
involved. Art 235
Action of application—The bureau shall act on all
Art 235 applications for registration within 30 days from


20 of 139
Part III : Labor Organizations
Labor Relations
All requisite documents and papers shall be bargaining agreement, or during the
certified under oath by the secretary or the collective bargaining negotiation;
treasurer of the org as the case may be and (d) To OWN PROPERTY, real or personal, for
attested to by its president. the use and benefit of the labor
organization and its members.
Art. 236 (e) To SUE AND BE SUED in its registered
Denial of registration; appeal---The decision of the name; and
Labor Relations Division in the regional office (f) To undertake ALL activities designed to
denying registration may be appealed by the benefit the organization and its members
applicant union to the Bureau within 10 days from including cooperative, housing welfare
receipt of notice thereof. and other projects not contrary to law.

Vassar Industries EEs Union v Estrella Notwithstanding any provision of a general or

(1951) special law to the contrary, the income and the
properties of a legitimate labor organization,
As long as an applicant union complies with all
including grants, endowments, gifts, donations and
of the legal requirements for registration, it
contributions they may receive from fraternal and
becomes the BLR’s ministerial duty to so register
similar organizations, local and foreign, which are
the union.
actually, directly and exclusively used for their
lawful purposes, shall be free from taxes, duties
Umali v Lovina (1978) and other assessments.
There is no lVawful reason for the respondent
labor official to refuse the registration of the The exemption provided herein may be withdrawn
application of the petitioner’s union and permission only by a special law expressly repealing this
to operate as a legitimate labor org. provision.
It is the duty of the respondent to register the
application and issue the permit upon payment of Acedera vs. Int’l Container Terminal Services,
required fee, provided for in sec 3 of CA 213, the Inc. (2003)
investigation to be conducted by him, as required A labor union is one such party authorized to
by law, having been conducted and completed, as represent its members under Article 242(a) of the
may be inferred from his official statements in Labor Code which provides that a union may act as
connection therewith. the representative of its members for the purpose
Purposes, aims, or objectives of Independent of collective bargaining. This authority includes the
union do not tend “to undermine and destroy the power to represent its members for the purpose of
constituted government or to violate any law or enforcing the provisions of the CBA. That APCWU
laws of the Philippines,” which is the only ground acted in a representative capacity "for and in
or reason for refusing the registration and behalf of its Union members and other employees
permission to operate as a legitimate labor similarly situated," the title of the case filed by it at
organization. the Labor Arbiter's Office so expressly states.
Secretary has neglected the performance of While a party acting in a representative
an act which the law specifically enjoins him to capacity, such as a union, may be permitted to
perform as a duty resulting from his office. intervene in a case, ordinarily, a person whose
interests are already represented will not be
3. RIGHTS OF LEGITIMATE LABOR permitted to do the same except when there is a
ORGANIZATION suggestion of fraud or collusion or that the
representative will not act in good faith for the
Art. 242 protection of all interests represented by him.
A legitimate labor organization shall have the
right: Protection Technology v. Sec. Of Labor
(a) To acts as the REPRESENTATIVE of its (1995)
members for the purpose of COLLECTIVE The statutory and regulatory provisions
BARGAINING.** defining the requirements of registration of
(b) To be certified as the EXCLUSIVE legitimate labor organizations are an exercise of
REPRESENTATIVE of ALL THE EMPLOYEES the overriding police power of the state designed
(whether union member or not) in an for the protection of workers against potential
appropriate collective bargaining unit for abuses by unions and federations of unions that
purposes of collective bargaining;** recruit them.
(c) (c) To be furnished by the employer, A union must comply with all the requirements
upon written request with the ANNUAL of registration as a legitimate labor organization
AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, before it may enjoy the fruits of its certification
including the balance sheets and the election victory and before it may exercise rights of
profit and loss statement, within thirty a legitimate labor organization.
(30) calendar days from the date of
receipt of the request, after the union has Sugbuanon Rural Bank,Inc. v. Laguesma
been duly recognized by the employer or (2000)
certified as the sole and exclusive One of the rights of a legitimate labor
bargaining representatives of the organization under Article 242(b) of the Labor
employees in the bargaining unit, or Code is the right to be certified as the exclusive
within 60 calendar days before the representative of all employees in an
expiration of the existing collective appropriate bargaining unit for purposes of
collective bargaining.


21 of 139
Part III : Labor Organizations
Labor Relations
Having complied with the requirements of Art. in the preparation of the financial report
234, it is our view that respondent union is a itself.
legitimate labor union. Article 257 of the Labor e. Acting as a labor contractor or engaging
Code mandates that a certification election shall in the Cabo system or otherwise engaging
AUTOMATICALLY be conducted by the Med-Arbiter in any activity prohibited by law/
upon the filing of a petition by a legitimate labor f. Entering into CBAs w/c provide terms and
organization. Nothing is said therein that prohibits conditions of employment below minimum
such automatic conduct of the certification election standards established by law.
if the management appeals on the issue of the g. Asking for or accepting atty.’s fees or
validity of the union's registration. negotiation fees from Ers.
Petitioner argues that giving due course to h. Other than for mandatory activities under
respondent union's petition for certification this code checking of special assessments
election would violate the separation of unions or any other fees without duly signed
doctrine. individual written authorizations of the
 Note that the petition was filed by members.
APSOTEU-TUCP, a legitimate labor i. Failure to submit list of individual
organization. members to the bureau once a year or
 It was not filed by ALU. whenever required by the bureau; and
 Nor was it filed by TUCP, which is a j. Failure to comply with requirements under
national labor federation of with which Art 237 & 238.
respondent union is affiliated.
Petitioner says that respondent union is a Art 241 (j)
mere alter ego of ALU. The records show nothing Every income or revenue of the org shall be
to this effect. What the records instead reveal is evidenced by a record showing its source, and
that respondent union was initially assisted by ALU every expenditure of its funds shall be evidenced
during its preliminary stages of organization. A by a receipt from the person to whom the payment
local union maintains its separate personality is made, which shall state the date, place and
despite affiliation with a larger national federation. purpose of such payment. Such record or receipt
shall form part of the financial records of the org.
(as amended by Sec 16, RA 6715)
DO No. 40-03 series of 2003
Art 238
The certificate of registration of any legitimate Rule I Sec. 1: (g) "Cancellation Proceedings" refer
labor org whether national or local shall be to the legal process leading to the revocation of
 Canceled by the bureau the legitimate status of a union or workers'
 If it has reason to believe after due hearing association.
that the said labor org no longer meets one
or more of the requirements herein RULE XIV: CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION

Art. 239 Section 1. Where to file. – Subject to the

Grounds for cancellation of union registration—the requirements of notice and due process, the
following shall constitute grounds for cancellation registration of:
of union registration: 1) Any legitimate independent labor union,
a. Misrepresentation, false statement or chartered local and workers' association may
fraud - in connection with the adoption or be cancelled by the Regional Director, or
ratification of the consti and by-laws or 2) In the case of federations, national or
amendments thereto, the minutes of industry unions and trade union centers, by
ratification, the list of members who took the Bureau Director,
part in the ratification of the const. and Upon the filing of an independent complaint or
by-laws or amendments thereto, the petition for cancellation.
minutes of ratification, the list of
members who took part in the ratification Section 2. Who may file. – Any party-in-interest
b. Failure to submit the documents may commence a petition for cancellation of
mentioned in the preceding paragraph registration,
within 30 days from adoption and  except in actions involving violations of Article
ratification of const. and by-laws or 241, which can only be commenced by
amendments thereto. members of the labor organization concerned.
c. Misrepresentation, false statements or
fraud - in connection w/ the election of Section 3. Grounds for cancellation.
officers, minutes of the election of The following shall constitute grounds for
officers, the list of voters or failure to cancellation of registration of labor organizations:
submit these documents together with/ (a) Misrepresentation, false statement or fraud in
the list of the newly elected/appointed connection with:
officers and their postal addresses within  The Adoption or ratification of the constitution
30 days from election. and by-laws or amendments thereto,
d. Failure to submit the annual financial  The minutes of ratification,
report to the bureau within 30 days after  The list of members, who took part in the
the closing of every fiscal year and ratification of the constitution and by-laws
misrepresentation, false entries or fraud or amendments thereto,


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Part III : Labor Organizations
Labor Relations
 The minutes of ratification, registration, upon its own initiative or upon
 The list of members who took part in the complaint filed by any party-in-interest.
(b) Failure to submit the documents mentioned in Section 5. Conditions for administrative
the preceding paragraph cancellation of certificate of registration. No
 Within thirty (30) days from adoption or registration of labor organization shall be cancelled
ratification of the constitution and by-laws or administratively by the Bureau due to non-
amendments thereto; compliance with the reportorial requirements
(c) Misrepresentation, false statements or fraud in unless:
connection with (a) Non-compliance is for a continuous period of
 The election of officers, five (5) years;
 Minutes of the election of officers, (b) The procedures laid down in this Rule were
 The list of voters, complied with; and
Failure to submit these documents together with (c) The labor organization concerned has not
the list of the newly elected or appointed officers responded to any of the notices sent by the
and their postal address within thirty (30) days Bureau, or its notices were returned unclaimed.
from election;
(d) Failure to submit the annual financial report to PAFLU V. Sec Of Labor (1969)
the Bureau within thirty (30) days after the close The obligation to submit FINANCIAL
of every fiscal year and misrepresentation, false STATEMENTS, as a condition for the non-
entries or fraud in the preparation of the financial cancellation of a certificate of registration is
report; reasonable regulation for the benefit of the
(e) Acting as a labor contractor or engaging in the members of the organization, considering that the
"cabo" system, or otherwise engaging in any same generally solicits funds or membership, as
activity prohibited by law; well as oftentimes collects on behalf of its
(f) Entering into collective bargaining agreements members, huge amounts of money due to them or
which provide for terms and conditions of to the organization.
 Below minimum standards established by law; Tablante V. Noriel 845 SCRA 738 (1978)
(g) Commission of any of the acts enumerated If the union is engaged in an illegal strike, is
under Article 241 of the Labor Code; this a ground for cancellation of registration?
 Provided that no petition for cancellation No it is not. The phrase “or otherwise engaged
based on this ground may be granted unless in any activity prohibited by law” should be
supported by at least 30% of all the members construed to mean such activity engaged into by a
of the respondent labor organization; union that partakes of the nature of a labor
(h) Asking for or accepting attorney's fees or contractor or Cabo system. Illegal strike per se is
negotiation fees from the employer; legal.
(i) Other than for mandatory activities under the
Labor Code, checking off special assessments or Alliance of Democratic Labor Organization v.
any other fees without duly signed individual Laguesma
written authorizations of the members; ADFLO filed an application for registration as a
(j) Failure to submit list of individual members to national federation alleging, among others that it
the Bureau once a year or whenever required by has 12 affiliates. Later, the Confederation of Labor
the Bureau; and Allied Social Services (CLASS) filed a petition
(k) Failure to comply with the requirements of for the cancellation of the Registration Certificate
registration prescribed under Rules III and IV. issued to ADFLO.

Section 4. Action on the petition. - The petition The First Issue: Due Process
shall be resolved by the Regional Director in The most basic tenet of due process is the
accordance with Rule XI, unless the petition is right to be heard, and as applied in administrative
based on paragraphs (d) and (j) of the foregoing proceedings, an opportunity to explain one's side.
section or non-compliance with the labor Such opportunity was denied petitioner in this
organization's reportorial obligations, in which case case.
the petition shall be acted upon pursuant to the After petitioner submitted its objections to the
following Rule. admission of the documentary evidence of CLASS,
the BLR director should have first ruled on their
RULE XV: CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION admissibility. However, without ruling on said offer
OF LABOR ORGANIZATIONS DUE TO NON- and without setting the case for reception of
COMPLIANCE WITH THE REPORTORIAL petitioner's evidence, the said official proceeded to
REQUIREMENTS render judgment affirming its earlier decision to
cancel the registration of ADFLO. This is a gross
Section 1. When proper– Where a registered violation of petitioner's right to due process.
labor organization in the private sector Under Section 1, Article II of our Constitution,
 Failed to submit the reports required under "no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or
Rule V property without due process of law . . ." and
 For five (5) consecutive years under Article 238 of the Labor Code, "the
 Despite notices for compliance sent by the certificate of registration of any legitimate labor
Labor Relations Division or the Bureau, organization, whether national or local, shall be
cancelled by the Bureau if it has reason to
The latter (LRD) may cause the institution of the believe, after due hearing, that the said labor
administrative process for cancellation of its


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Part III : Labor Organizations
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organization no longer meets one or more of the  Provided, however, That aliens working in the
requirements herein prescribed." country with valid PERMITS issued by the Dept
The cancellation of a certificate of registration of Labor and Employment,
is the equivalent of snuffing out the life of a labor o may exercise the right to self-org and join
organization. For without such registration, it loses or assist labor orgs of their own choosing
— as a rule — its rights under the Labor Code. A for purposes of collective bargaining;
decision rendered without any hearing is null and o Provided, further, That said aliens are
void. nationals of a country which grants the
same or similar rights to Filipino workers.
The Second Issue: Substantial Basis
It will be noted that the Director of the Bureau Art. 270
of Labor Relations never made any ruling on
whether the exhibits submitted by CLASS were
Regulation of foreign assistance.—
admissible in evidence. That being so, the said
exhibits cannot be made use of in deciding the (a) No foreign individual, org or entity may give
case. A decision with absolutely nothing to support any donations, grants or other forms of
it is a nullity. assistance, in cash or in kind, directly or
indirectly, to any labor org, group of workers
5. COLLATERAL ATTACK or any auxiliary thereof, such as cooperatives,
credit unions and institutions engaged in
research, education or communication, in
Tagaytay Highlands International Golf Club, relation to trade union activities,
Inc. vs. Tagaytay Highlands Employees  without prior permission by the Sec of
Union- (2003) Labor.
After a certificate of registration is issued to a “Trade union activities” shall mean:
union, its legal personality cannot be subject to 4. organization, formation and
collateral attack. It may be questioned only in an administration of labor orgs;
independent petition for cancellation in accordance 5. negotiation and admin of collective
with Section 5 of Rule V, Book IV of the "Rules to bargaining agreements;
Implement the Labor Code" (Implementing Rules) 6. all forms of concerted union action;
which section reads: 7. organizing, managing, or assisting
Sec. 5. Effect of registration. The labor union conventions, meetings, rallies,
organization or workers' association shall be
referenda, teach-ins, seminars,
deemed registered and vested with legal
personality on the date of issuance of its conferences and institutes;
certificate of registration. Such legal 8. any form of participation or involvement
personality cannot thereafter be subject to in representation proceedings,
collateral attack, but may be questioned only representation elections, consent
in an independent petition for cancellation in elections, union elections; and
accordance with these Rules. 9. other activities or actions analogous to
The inclusion in a union of disqualified foregoing.
employees is not among the grounds for (b) This prohibition shall equally apply to foreign
cancellation, unless such inclusion is due to donations, grants or other forms of assistance,
misrepresentation, false statement or fraud under in cash or in kind, given directly or indirectly
the circumstances enumerated in Sections (a) and to any Eer(s) org to support any activity or
(c) of Article 239 of above-quoted Article 239 of activities affecting trade unions.
the Labor Code. The union, having been validly
(c) The Sec of Labor shall promulgate rules and
issued a certificate of registration, should be
regulations to regulate and control the giving
considered to have already acquired juridical
and receiving of such donations, grants, or
personality which may not be assailed collaterally.
other forms of assistance, including the
mandatory reporting of the amounts of the
donations or grants the specific recipients
thereof, the projects or activities proposed to
be supported, and their duration.

Art. 271
Applicability to farm tenants and rural workers—
The provisions of this Title pertaining to foreign
3.05 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES OF orgs and activities shall be deemed applicable
UNION – PROHIBITION AND likewise to all orgs of farm tenants, rural workers,
REGULATION and the like:

Provided, That in appropriate cases the Sec of

Art. 269
Agrarian Reform shall exercise the powers and
Prohibition against aliens; exceptions—All aliens,
responsibilities vested by this Title in the Sec of
natural or juridical, as well as foreign orgs are
 strictly prohibited from engaging directly or
indirectly in all forms of trade union activities
without prejudice to normal contacts bet Phil 3.06 UNION-MEMBER RELATIONS
labor unions and recognized international
labor centers: Art. 241


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Part III : Labor Organizations
Labor Relations
Rights and conditions of membership in a labor J. Every income or revenue of the org shall be
org—The following are the rights and conditions of evidenced by a record showing its source,
membership in a labor org.: and every expenditure of its funds shall be
A. No arbitrary or excessive initiation fees evidenced by a receipt from the person to
shall be required of the members of a legit whom the payment is made, which shall
labor org nor shall arbitrary, excessive or state the date, place and purpose of such
oppressive fine and forfeiture be imposed; payment. Such record or receipt shall form
B. The members shall be entitled to full and part of the financial records of the org. (as
detailed reports from their officers and amended by Sec 16, RA 6715)
representatives of all financial transactions Any action involving the funds of the org
s provided for in the constitution and by- shall prescribe after three(3) years from the
laws of the org; date of submission of the annual financial
C. The members shall directly elect their report to the Dept of Labor and Employ’t or
officers, including those of the national from the date the same should have been
union or federation, to which they or their submitted as required by law, whichever
union is affiliated, by secret ballot at comes earlier:
intervals of five (5) years. Provided, That this provision shall apply only
No qualification requirements for to a legit labor org which has submitted the
candidacy to any position shall be financial report requirements under this
imposed other than membership in good Code;
standing in subject labor org. The Provided, further, that failure of any labor
secretary or any other responsible union org to comply with the periodic financial
officer shall furnish the Sec of Labor and reports required by law and such rules and
Employment with a list of the newly- regulations promulgated thereunder six (6)
elected officers, together with the months after the effectivity of this Act shall
appointive officers of agents who are automatically result in the cancellation of
entrusted with the handling of funds union registration of such labor org.
within thirty (30) calendar days after the K. The officers of any labor org shall not be
election of officers or from the occurrence paid any compensation other than the
of any change in the list of officers of the salaries and expenses due to their positions
labor org.( as amended by Sec 16, RA as specifically provided for in its const. and
6715) by-laws, or written resolution duly
D. The members shall determine by secret authorized by a majority of all the members
ballot, after due deliberation, any question at a general membership meeting duly
of major policy affecting the entire called for the purpose.
membership of the org, unless the nature The minutes of the meeting and the list of
of the org or force majeure renders such participants and ballots cast shall be subject
secret ballot impractical, in which case the to inspection by the Sec of Labor or his duly
board of dir of the org may make the authorized representatives. Any
decision in behalf of the general irregularities in the approval of the
membership; resolutions shall be a ground for
E. No labor org shall knowingly admit as impeachment or expulsion from the org;
members or continue in membership any L. The treasurer of any labor org and every
individual who belongs to a subversive org officer thereof who is responsible for the
or who is engaged directly or indirectly in account of such org or for the collection,
any subversive activity; management, disbursement, custody or
F. No person who has been convicted of a control of the funds, moneys and other
crime involving moral turpitude shall be properties of the org, shall render to the
eligible for election as a union officer or for org and to its members a true and correct
appointment to any position in the union; account of all moneys received and paid by
****(Isn’t this in conflict with second part him since he assumed office or since the
of letter C) last day on which he rendered such
G. No officer, agent or member of a labor org account, and of all bonds, securities and
shall collect any fees, dues, or other other properties of the org entrusted to his
contributions in its behalf or make any custody or under his control. The rendering
disbursement of its money or funds unless of such account shall be made:
he is duly authorized pursuant to its const. 1. At least once a year within thirty (30)
and by-laws; days after the close of its fiscal year;
H. Every payment of fees, dues or other 2. At such other times as may be
contributions by member shall be required by a resolution of the
evidenced by a receipt signed by the officer majority of the members of the org;
or agent making the collection and entered and
into the record of the org to be kept and 3. Upon vacating his office.
maintained for the purpose; The account shall be duly audited and
I. The funds of the org shall not be applied for verified by affidavit and a copy thereof shall be
any purpose or object other than those furnished the Sec of Labor.
expressly provided by its consti and by- M. The books of accounts and other records of
laws or those expressly authorized by the financial activities of any labor org shall
written resolution adopted by the majority be open to inspection by any officer or
of the members at a general meeting duly member thereof during office hours;
called for the purpose;


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Part III : Labor Organizations
Labor Relations
N. No special assessment or other
extraordinary fees may be levied upon the 2. ISSUES
members of a labor org
-- unless authorized by a written ADMISSION AND DISCIPLINE OF MEMBERS
resolution of a majority of all the
members of a
Art. 249 (a)
-- general membership meeting
To restrain or coerce EEs in the exercise of their
-- duly called for the purpose.
rights to self-org. However, a labor org shall have
-- The secretary of the org shall record
the right to prescribe its own rules with respect to
the minutes of the meeting
the acquisition or retention of membership;
-- including the list of all members
present, the votes cast, the purpose
Art. 277
of the special assessment or fees and
Any EE, whether employed for a definite period or
the recipient of such assessments or
not, shall, beginning on his first day of service, be
considered an EE for purposes of membership in
-- The record shall be attested to b the
any labor union.
O. Other than for mandatory activities under
UST Faculty Union v. Bitonio (1999)
the Code,
The point to be stressed is that the union’s
-- no special assessments, atty.’s fees,
CBL is the fundamental law that governs the
negotiation fees or any other
relationship between and among the members of
extraordinary fees may be checked
the union.
off from any amount due to an
It is where the rights, duties and obligations,
powers, functions and authority of the officers as
-- without an individual written
well as the members are defined. It is the organic
authorization duly signed by the Ee.
law that determines the validity of acts done by
- - The authorization should specifically
any officer or member of the union. Without
state the amount, purpose and
respect for the CBL, a union as a democratic
beneficiary of the deduction; and
institution degenerates into nothing more than a
P. It shall be the duty of any labor
group of individuals governed by mob rule.
organization and its officers to inform its
The importance of a union’s constitution and
members on the provisions of its consti and
by-laws cannot be overemphasized. They embody
by-laws, collective bargaining agreement,
a covenant between a union and its members and
the prevailing labor relations system and all
constitute the fundamental law governing
their rights and obligations under existing
members’ rights and obligations. As such, the
labor laws.
union’s constitution and by-laws should be upheld,
For this purpose, registered labor orgs may
as long as they are not contrary to law, good
assess reasonable dues to finance labor
morals, or public policy.
relations seminars and other labor
education activities.
Salunga v CIR (1967)
Any violation of the above rights and GENERAL RULE: Court cannot compel
conditions of membership shall be ground for voluntary associations to admit thereto a particular
cancellation of union registration or expulsion individual/s. Membership in such groups is a
of officer from office, whichever is appropriate. matter of privilege.
EXCEPTION: However, this general rule does
At least thirty (30%) of all members of a not apply to the case of LABOR UNIONS HOLDING
union or any member or members specially MONOPOLY IN THE SUPPLY LABOR whether in a
concerned may report such violation to the given locality, or as closed-shop agreement.
Bureau. The Bureau shall have the power to The closed-shop or maintenance of
hear and decide any reported violation to membership conditions cause the admission and
mete the appropriate penalty. discipline requirements of the Union to become
affected with public interest. Such unions are not
Criminal and civil liabilities arising from violations entitled to arbitrarily exclude qualified applicants.
of above rights and conditions of membership shall Furthermore, Salunga is not guilty of disloyalty.
continue to be under the jurisdiction of ordinary The anomalies he brought out were all true.
courts. Company is not guilty of unfair labor practice.
Salunga is entitled to reinstatement. If unions may
1. NATURE OF RELATIONSHIP be compelled to admit new members who have the
requisite qualifications, with more reason may the
Heirs of Cruz v CIR courts exercise their coercive power when the
employee involved is a long-standing union
The union is but an AGENT of the individual
member, who owing to provocations of union
workers and it has the duty to inform the members
officers, was impelled to tender his resignation,
of the labor matters entrusted to it. The employer
which he forthwith withdrew or revoked.
may rely on the authority of the union to bring the
union members especially in collective bargaining
where the matters to be discussed are still to be DISINI:
observed but this case is an exception. GENERAL RULE: Labor union is a PRIVATE and
voluntary organization.
EXCEPTION: When union has access to
employment, example: closed-shop agreement.


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Part III : Labor Organizations
Labor Relations
This converts union into one with a public character (f) No person who has been convicted of a crime
and thus the government will have a right to inquire involving moral turpitude shall be eligible for
into the rules or business of the union. election as a union officer or for appointment
to any position in the union;
RIGHT TO DISCIPLINE (k) The officers of any labor org shall not be paid
any compensation other than the salaries and
expenses due to their positions as specifically
Villar v Inciong (1983) provided for in its consti and by-laws, or
When a labor union affiliates with a mother written resolution duly authorized by a
union, it becomes bound by the laws and majority of all the members at a general
regulations of the parent organization. It becomes membership meeting duly called for the
subject to the laws of the superior body under purpose.
whose authority the local union functions. The
constitution, by-laws and rules of the parent body, The minutes of the meeting and the list of
together with the charter it issues pursuant thereto participants and ballots cast shall be subject to
to the subordinate union, constitute an enforceable inspection by the Sec of Labor or his duly
contract between the parent body and the authorized representatives. Any irregularities
subordinate union. in the approval of the resolutions shall be a
When members of a labor union sow the seeds ground for impeachment or expulsion from the
of dissension and strife within the union. When org;
they seek the disintegration and destruction of the
very union to which they belong. They forfeit their QUALIFICATON:
rights to remain as members. PAFLU acted when, Member in good standing
after proper investigation and finding of guilt, it Not convicted of crime of moral turpitude
decided to remove the oppositors from the list of MANNER OF ELECTION:
members of the Amigo Employees Union-PAFLU. Secret Ballot, Direct election, Interval of 5 years
Bugay v Kapisanan ng Manggagawa sa Manila Generally none. But allowed if the constitution or
Railrd (1962) by-laws allow it, or a written resolution by a
The union claims that he cannot claim such, majority of all the union members in a general
as the findings were based solely on procedural membership meeting called for that purpose.
defects, there being indication of bad faith on the
part of its officers. The Court rules otherwise, as VOTERS LIST
he was subject to humiliation and mental anguish
with the consequent loss of his good name and Tancinco vs Calleja (1988)
reputation. Such claims could not have been Submission of the employees names with the
included in the case before the CIR as it was not BLR as qualified members of the union is not a
within its jurisdiction. Case remanded. condition sine qua non to enable said members to
In this case, Bugay was charged by union vote in the election of union’s officers.
officers of disloyalty and was terminated from Under Article 242, only members of the union
union membership. Bugay was NOT present in ANY can participate in the election of union officers.
of the investigations. They failed to give notice or The question of eligibility to vote may be
to summons Bugay. And yet the investigations determined through the use of the applicable
pushed through. Case remanded. payroll period and employee’s status during the
applicable payroll period---the payroll of the month
ELECTION OF OFFICERS---QUALIFICATIONS, MANNER next preceding the labor dispute in case of regular
employees and the payroll period at or near the
peak of operations in case of employees in
Art 241 seasonal industries.
(c) The members shall directly elect their officers, Considering that none of the parties insisted
including those of the national union or on the use of the payroll period-list as voting list
federation, to which they or their union is and considering that the 51 remaining employees
affiliated, were correctly ruled to be qualified for
 by secret ballot membership, their act of joining the election by
 at intervals of five (5) years. casting their votes is a clear manifestation of their
No qualification requirements for candidacy to intention to join the union. They must be
any position shall be imposed other than considered ipso facto members.
membership in good standing in subject labor
org. UST Faculty v. Bitonio (1999)
The secretary or any other responsible union A union election is held pursuant to the union’s
officer shall furnish the Sec of Labor and constitution and by-laws and the right to vote in it
Employ’t with a list of the newly-elected is enjoyed ONLY BY UNION MEMBERS.
officers, together with the appointive officers A union election should be distinguished from
of agents who are entrusted with the handling a certification election, which is the process of
of funds within thirty (30) calendar days after determining, through secret ballot, the sole and
the election of officers or from the occurrence exclusive bargaining agent of the employees in the
of any change in the list of officers of the labor appropriate bargaining unit, for purpose of
org.( as amended by Sec 16, RA 6715) collective bargaining.


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Part III : Labor Organizations
Labor Relations
Specifically, the purpose of a certification elections. A record-breaking voter turnout of 73%,
election is to ascertain whether or not a majority cannot purge the elections of their grave
of the employees wish to be represented by a infirmities. The elections were closely contested.
labor organization and, in the affirmative case, by Results would obviously have been affected by the
which particular labor organization. In a ballots of the 2,056 voters who had been unable to
certification election, ALL employees belonging to cast their votes because of lack of notice of actual
the appropriate bargaining unit can vote. dates of the elections.
Therefore, a union member who likewise belongs Free and honest elections are indispensable to
to the appropriate bargaining unit is entitled to the enjoyment by employees and workers of their
vote in said election. constitutionally protected right to self-organization.
HOWEVER, the reverse is not always true; an
employee belonging to an appropriate unit but who MAJOR POLICY MATTERS
is not a member of the union cannot vote in the Art. 241 d
union election, UNLESS otherwise authorized by The members shall determine by secret ballot,
the constitution and by-laws. after due deliberation, any question of major policy
affecting the entire membership of the org,
DISQUALIFICATION CANDIDATE  Unless the nature of the org or force majeure
renders such secret ballot impractical,
 In which case the board of director of the org
Manalad vs Trajano (1989)
may make the decision in behalf of the general
Babula disqualified from running for certain membership;
reasons not mentioned in the case.
Court will respect the will of the majority of
Halili v CIR (1985)
the workers who voted Where the people have
elected a man to office, it must be assumed that Retainer’s contract was not a contract with the
they did this with knowledge of his life and general membership. This violates A242 (d) of the
character, and that they disregarded or forgave his Labor Code which provides: The members shall
faults or misconduct, if he had been guilty of any. determine by secret ballot, after due deliberation,
Lastly, even if the disqualification of Babula et al any question of major policy affecting the entire
could be justified, the candidates of Manalad membership of the organization, unless the nature
certainly cannot be declared as the winners in the of the organization or force majeure renders such
disputed election. The mere fact that they obtained secret ballot impractical, in which case the board of
the second highest number of votes does not directors of the organization may make the
mean that they will thereby be considered as the decision in behalf of the general membership.
elected officers. UNION FUNDS

EXPULSION REMEDY  How are union funds protected?

Kapisanan vs Trajano (1985) Art. 241

If herein union officers were guilty of the Rights and conditions of membership in a labor
alleged acts imputed, BLR pursuant to Article 242 org.—The following are the rights and conditions of
should have meted out the appropriate penalty on membership in a labor org.
them, i.e., to expel them from the Union, as
prayed for, and not call for a referendum to decide b. The members shall be entitled to full and
the issue. The allegations of falsification and detailed reports from their officers and
misrepresentation of union officers were not representatives of all financial transactions is
supported by substantial evidence. The provided for in the constitution and by-laws of
expenditures appeared to have been made in good the org;
faith. Furthermore, holding of the referendum has g . No officer, agent or member of a labor org
become moot and academic. shall collect any fees, dues, or other
Court should never remove a public officer for contributions in its behalf or make any
acts done prior to his present term of office. To do disbursement of its money or funds unless he
otherwise would be to deprive the people of their is duly authorized pursuant to its consti and
right to elect their officers. When the people have by-laws;
elected a man to office, it must be assumed that h. Every payment of fees, dues or other
they did this with knowledge of his life and contributions by member shall be evidenced
character, and that they disregarded or forgave his by a receipt signed by the officer or agent
faults or misconduct, if he had been guilty of any. making the collection and entered into the
record of the org to be kept and maintained
for the purpose;
i. The funds of the org shall not be applied for
any purpose or object other than those
Rodriguez vs Director (1988) expressly provided by its consti and by-laws or
General elections were attended by grave those expressly authorized by written
irregularities, rendering the elections invalid. The resolution adopted by the majority of the
dates for provincial elections were set but they members at a general meeting duly called for
were in fact held on another date without prior the purpose;
notice to all voting members, and without ground j. Every income or revenue of the org shall be
rules duly prescribed. evidenced by a record showing its source, and
Undue haste, lack of adequate safeguards to every expenditure of its funds shall be
ensure integrity of the voting, and absence of evidenced by a receipt from the person to
notice of the dates of balloting, thus attended the whom the payment is made, which shall


28 of 139
Part III : Labor Organizations
Labor Relations
state the date, place and purpose of such SOURCE – PAYMENT – ATTORNEY’S FEES
payment. Such record or receipt shall form
part of the financial records of the org. (as Art. 222
amended by Sec 16, RA 6715) Appearances and fees---a) Non-lawyers may
l. The treasurer of any labor organization and appear before he Commission or any Labor Arbiter
every officer thereof who is responsible for the only:
account of such organization for the collection, 1. If they represent themselves; or
management, disbursement, custody or 2. If they represent their organization or
control of the funds, moneys and other members thereof.
properties of the organization, shall render to b) No attorney’s fees, negotiation fees or similar
the organization and to its members a true charges of any kind arising from any collective
and correct account of all moneys received bargaining negotiations or conclusion of the
and paid by him since the last day on which collective agreement shall be imposed on any
he rendered such account, and of all bonds, individual member of the contracting union;
securities and other properties of the
organization entrusted to his custody or under Provided, however, That attorney’s fees may be
his control. The rendering of such account charged against union funds in an amount to be
shall be made: agreed upon by the parties. Any contract,
1. At least once a year within 30 days agreement or arrangement of any sort to the
after the close of its fiscal year.; contrary shall be null and void.
2. At such other times as may be
required by a resolution of the [Cf. Art. 241 (n)]
majority of the members of the
organization; and Pacific Banking v Clave (!984)
3. Upon vacating his office.
Art 222 guarantees the protection of the Ee
The account shall be duly audited and verified
against unwarranted practices that would diminish
by affidavit and a copy thereof shall be
his compensation without his knowledge and
furnished the Secretary of Labor.
consent. There is no doubt that the lawyer is
m. The books of accounts and other records of
entitled to his fees but Art 222 ordains that such
the financial activities of any labor org shall be
must come from the Union funds.
open to inspection by any officer or member
The P14M constitutes the money of the Ees; it
thereof during office hours;
is not union funds. Thus, the atty.’s fees should not
n. No special assessment or other extraordinary
be deducted from the P14M, but from the existing
fees may be levied upon the members of a
funds of the union. Furthermore, Presidential
labor org unless authorized by a written
executive assistant had no jurisdiction to make
resolution of a majority of all the members of
such adjudication on the attorney’s fees. Case was
a general membership meeting duly called for
appealed to the OPRES with respect to the CBA
the purpose. The secretary of the org shall
terms and conditions. Although the attorney’s fees
record the minutes of the meeting including
were a mere incident, fixing of the same was
the list of all members present, the votes cast,
outside Presidential executive assistant’s appellate
the purpose of the special assessment or fees
and the recipient of such assessments or fees.
The record shall be attested to b the
o. Other than for mandatory activities under the
Code, no special assessments, atty.’s fees, Duyag v Inciong (1980)
negotiation fees or any other extraordinary Membership of Manalad and Puerto in another
fees may be checked off from any amount due union is a sufficient ground for their removal under
to an employee without an individual written the constitution and by-laws of the union. His
authorization duly signed by the Ee. The organization of a family-owned corporation
authorization should specifically state the competing with the union headed by him renders it
amount, purpose and beneficiary of the untenable that he should remain as union
deduction; president.
Manalad, Puerto and Leaño violated the rights
Art 274 and conditions of membership in the union within
Visitorial Power. –The Sec of Labor and the meaning of article 242. Duyag et al are entitled
Employment or his duly authorized representative to the refund of the union dues illegally collected
is hereby empowered to inquire into the financial from them.
activities of legitimate labor orgs upon filing of a The Director of Labor Relations erred in holding
complaint under oath and duly supported by the that tenure of union officers, being a “political
written consent of at least twenty (20%) per cent question”, is a matter outside his Bureau’s
of the total membership of the labor org concerned jurisdiction and should be passed upon by the
an to examine their books of accounts and other union members themselves. After hearing and
records to determine compliance or non- even without submitting the matter to the union
compliance with the law and the union consti and members, erring union officials may be removed
by-laws; Provided, That such inquiry or by the Director of Labor Relations as clearly
examination shall not be conducted during the provided in article 242.
sixty (60)-day freedom period nor within the thirty The Director should apply the law and not
(30) days immediately preceding the date of make policy considerations. The labor officials
election of union officials. should not hesitate to enforce strictly the law
and regulations governing trade unions even if


29 of 139
Part III : Labor Organizations
Labor Relations
that course of action would curtail the so-called Palacol v. Calleja (1990)
union autonomy and freedom from government HELD: Deduction of the 10% special
interference. Labor officials should be vigilant and assessment by the Union was not made in
watchful in monitoring and checking the accordance with the requirements provided by law.
administration of union affairs. Director acted Substantial compliance is not enough.
correctly in ordering an examination of the books Employees’ express consent is required, and
and records of the union. must be obtained in accordance with the steps
outlined by law.
UNION DUES Under par (n), the Union must submit to the
Company a written resolution of a majority of all
the members at a general membership meeting
Rodriguez v Director, BIR (1989)
duly called for the purpose.
Old union officers increased union dues from
Secretary of the organization must record the
P21-P50. The resolution was presented to the
minutes of the meeting which, in turn, must
general membership for ratification at a
include the list of all the members present as well
referendum. Those who protested boycotted the
as the votes cast.
referendum but nevertheless union officers
Union held local membership meetings on
declared the increase ratified by the referendum.
separate occasions, on different dates and at
The resolution increasing the union dues must
various venues. It submitted only minutes of the
be struck down, as illegal and void, arbitrary and
local membership meetings when what is required
oppressive. It must be discontinued. Resolution of
is a written resolution adopted at the general
the union’s Legislative Council does not bear the
signature of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the
Minutes of 3 of those local meetings held were
members of the Council. Proof is wanting of proper
recorded by a union director and not by the union
ratification of the resolution by a majority of the
secretary. The minutes contained no list of the
general union membership at a plebiscite called
members present and no record of the votes cast.
and conducted for that purpose. The dues
Par. (o) requires an individual written authorization
improperly collected must be refunded.
duly signed by every employee in order that a
special assessment may be validly checked-off.
SOURCE – PAYMENT – SPECIAL ASSESSMENT There can be no valid check-off considering
that the majority of the union members had
Art. 241 already withdrawn their individual authorizations.
n. No special assessment or other extraordinary A withdrawal of individual authorizations is
fees may be levied upon the members of a equivalent to no authorization at all. Documents
labor org unless authorized by a written containing the disauthorizations have the
resolution of a majority of all the members of signatures of the union members. There is nothing
a general membership meeting duly called for in the law which requires that the disauthorization
the purpose. The secretary of the org shall must be in individual form.
record the minutes of the meeting including Only the collection of a special fund for labor
the list of all members present, the votes cast, and education research is mandated. The two
the purpose of the special assessment or fees other purposes, purchase of vehicles and other
and the recipient of such assessments or fees. items for the benefit of the union officers and the
The record shall be attested to b the general membership, and the payment of services
president. rendered by union officers should be supported by
o. Other than for mandatory activities under the the regular union dues, there being no showing
Code, no special assessments, atty.’s fees, that the latter are not sufficient to cover the same.
negotiation fees or any other extraordinary The last stated purpose fall under Art. 222(b).
fees may be checked off from any amount due Art. 222(b) prohibits attorney’s fees, negotiations
to an employee without an individual written fees and similar charges arising out of the
authorization duly signed by the Ee. The conclusion of a collective bargaining agreement
authorization should specifically state the from being imposed on any individual union
amount, purpose and beneficiary of the member. The collection of the special assessment
deduction; partly for the payment for services rendered by
union officers, consultants and others may not be
Art. 222 in the category of “attorney’s fees or negotiations
Appearances and Fees. fees.” It is an exaction which falls within the
a. Non-lawyers may appear before the category of a “similar charge,” and within the
Commission or any Labor Arbiter only: coverage of the prohibition.
1. If they represent themselves; or
2. If they represent their organization or Gabriel v. Sec. Of Labor (2000)
members thereof.
Art. 241 has three requisites for the validity of the
b. No attorney’s fees, negotiation fees or similar
special assessment for the unions incidental
charges of any kind arising from any collective
bargaining agreement shall be imposed on any
1) Authorization by written resolution of
individual member of the contracting union:
majority of ALL the members at the
Provided, However, that attorney’s fees may
general membership meeting called for
be charged against union funds in an amount
that purpose
to be agreed upon by the parties. Any
2) Secretary’s record of the minutes of the
contract, agreement or arrangement of any
meetings attested to by the president.
sort to the contrary shall be null and void.


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Part III : Labor Organizations
Labor Relations
3) Individual written authorization for check- authorization was declared invalid because
off duly signed by the employees majority of the Union members had withdrawn
concerned. their individual authorizations. In this case, the
majority of the Union members gave their
ABS-CBN Supervisors Employees Union individual written check-off authorizations for the
Members V. ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corp 10% special assessment. And they have never
(1999) withdraw their individual written authorizations for
After a thorough review of the records on check-off.
hand, we find that the 3 requisites for the validity Premises studiedly considered, we are of the
of the 10% special assessment for Union's irresistable conclusion and, so find, that the ruling
incidental expenses, attorney's fees and in BPIEU-ALU vs. NLRC that
representation expenses were met. 1) the prohibition against attorney's fees in
It can be gleaned that on July 14, 1989, the Art. 222, par (b) of the Labor Code
Union held its general meeting, whereat it was applies only when the payment of
agreed that a 10% special assessment from the attorney's fees is effected through forced
total economic package due to every member contributions from the workers; and
would be checked-off to cover expenses for 2) that no deductions must be taken from
negotiation, other miscellaneous expenses and the workers who did not sign the check-
attorney's fees. The minutes of the said meeting off authorization, applies to the case
were recorded by the Union's Secretary and noted under consideration.
by its President.
On May 24, 1991, said Union held its General MANDATORY ACTIVITY
Membership Meeting, wherein majority of the
members agreed that "in as much as the Union Art 241(o)
had already paid Atty. P. Pascual the amount of Other than for mandatory activities under the
P500,000.00, the same must be shared by all the Code, no special assessments, attys fees,
members until this is fully liquidated." negotiation fees or any other extraordinary fees
85 members of the same Union executed may be checked off from any amount due to an EE
individual written authorizations for check-off. w/o an individual written authorization duly signed
There is then, the presumption that such check-off by the EE. The authorization should specifically
authorizations were executed voluntarily by the state the amount, purpose and beneficiary of the
signatories thereto. deduction; and
Petitioners further contend that Article 241 (n)
of the Labor Code, as amended, on special
assessments, contemplates a general meeting DEFINITION OF MANDATORY ACTIVITIES:
after the conclusion of the CBA. Subject Article Judicial process of settling disputes laid down by
does not state that the general membership the law. Amicable settlements cannot be
meeting should be called after the conclusion of a considered as a mandatory activity.
In BPIEU-ALU, the petitioners, impugned the Vengco v Trajano (1989)
Order of the NLRC, holding that the validity of the HELD: Attorney’s fees may not be deducted or
five percent (5%) special assessment for checked off from any amount due to an employee
attorney's fees is contrary to Art. 222, par(b) of
without his written consent except for mandatory
the Labor Code, as amended. The court
activities under the Code.
ratiocinated, thus:
A mandatory activity has been defined as a
"The Court reads the aforecited provision
as prohibiting the payment of attorney's judicial process of settling dispute laid down by the
fees only when it is effected through law.
forced contributions from the workers Amicable settlement entered into by the
from their own funds a distinguished from management and the union can not be considered
the union funds. The purpose of the as a mandatory activity. Union filed a claim for
provision is to prevent imposition on the emergency cost of living allowance and other
workers of the duty to individually
benefits however, case never reached its
contribute their respective shares in the
fee to be paid the attorney for his services conclusion in view of the parties’ agreement. It is
on behalf of the union in its negotiations not also shown that Atty. Benjamin Sebastian was
with the management. instrumental in forging the said agreement on
However, the public respondent overlooked behalf of the union members.
the fact that in the said case, the deduction of the This provision envisions a situation where
stipulated 5% of the total economic benefits under there is a judicial or administrative proceedings for
the new CBA was applied only to workers who recovery of wages. Law allows a deduction for
gave their individual signed authorizations. The attorney’s fees of 10% from the total amount due
Court explained: to a winning party. Fringe benefits received by the
And significantly, the authorized deduction union members consist of back payments of their
affected only the workers who adopted unpaid emergency cost of living allowances which
and signed the resolution and who were are totally distinct from their wages. Allowances
the only ones from whose benefits the
are benefits over and above the basic salaries of
deductions were made by BPI. No similar
deductions were taken from the other the employees. Such allowances are excluded from
workers who did not sign the resolution the concept of salaries or wages. Penalty of
and so were not bound by it." expulsion from the union presidency imposed upon
The inapplicability of Palacol lies in the fact Timbungco is justified.
that it has a different factual milieu from the
present case. In Palacol, the check-off


31 of 139
Part III : Labor Organizations
Labor Relations
Galvadores v Trajano (1986)
HELD: No check-offs from any amounts due Art. 241, last paragraph
employees may be effected without individual Criminal and civil liabilities arising from violations
written authorizations duly signed by the of above rights and conditions of membership shall
employees specifically stating the amount, purpose continue to be under the jurisdiction of ordinary
and beneficiary of the deduction. The required courts.
individual authorizations are wanting. Employees
are vigorously objecting. Department Order No. 40-03
Benefits awarded to PLDT employees still Series of 2003
formed part of the collective bargaining RULE XIII
negotiations although placed already under ADMINISTRATION OF TRADE UNION FUNDS
compulsory arbitration. AND ACTIONS
This is not the “mandatory activity” under the ARISING THEREFROM
Code which dispenses with individual written
authorizations for check-offs. It is a judicial Section 2. Visitorial power under Article 274.
process of settling disputes laid down by law. - The Regional or Bureau Director may inquire into
Besides, Article 222 (b) does not except a  The financial activities of any legitimate
CBA, later placed under compulsory arbitration, labor organization and
from the ambit of its prohibition.  Examine their books of accounts and
 Other records
UNION INFORMATION To determine compliance with the law and the
organization's constitution and by-laws.
Art. 241(p)
It shall be the duty of any labor organization and Such examination shall be made upon the filing of
its officers to inform its members on the provisions a request or complaint for the conduct of an
of its constitution and by-laws, collective accounts examination by
bargaining agreement, the prevailing labor  Any member of the labor organization,
relations system and all their rights and obligations  Supported by the written consent of at
under existing labor laws. least twenty (20%) percent of its total
Continental Cement Corp Labor Union v.
Continental Cement Corp (1990) Section 3. Where to file. - A request for
Company was engaged in the manufacture of examination of books of accounts of independent
cement which is a vital industry in which a strike labor unions, chartered locals and workers
or lockout is prohibited. The union members associations pursuant to Article 274
engaged in a lock-out and strike. Even assuming  Shall be filed with the Regional Office that
not engaged in a vital industry, the strike was issued its certificate of registration or
illegal. It was not in connection with any certificate of creation of chartered local.
unresolved economic issue in collective bargaining
which is the only ground for which a lawful strike
can be held as found in Section 7 of the Rules and A request for examination of books of accounts of
Regulations implementing PD 823. The issue federations or national unions and trade union
concerned merely the implementation of an centers pursuant to Article 274
arbitration award of the NLRC. Union had a  Shall be filed with the Bureau.
remedy by applying for a writ of execution to
enforce that award. The strikers did violate the no- Such request or complaint, in the absence of
strike policy. They repeatedly defied the orders of allegations pertaining to a violation of Article 241,
the Director of Labor Relations.  Shall not be treated as an intra-union
Officers had the duty to guide their members dispute and
to respect the law. Instead, they urged them to  The appointment of an Audit Examiner by
violate the law and defy the duly constituted the Regional or Bureau Director shall not
authorities. Their responsibility is greater than that be appealable.
of the members.
Their (the officers) dismissal from the service Section 4. Actions arising from Article 241. -
is a just penalty. It is within the power of the NLRC Any complaint or petition with allegations of
to order the removal of the officers. mishandling, misappropriation or non-accounting
In Art. 242, it shall be the duty of any labor of funds in violation of Article 241
organization and its officers to inform its members  Shall be treated as an intra-union dispute.
on provisions of the constitution and by-laws,
collective bargaining agreement, the prevailing It shall be heard and resolved
labor relations system and all their rights and  By the Med-Arbiter pursuant to the
obligations under existing labor laws. provisions of Rule XI.
Any violation of the above rights and
conditions shall be a ground for cancellation of Section 5. Prescription. - The complaint or
union registration or expulsion of an officer from petition for audit or examination of funds and book
office. The officers misinformed the members and of accounts shall prescribe
led them into staging an illegal strike.  Within three (3) years from the date of
submission of the annual financial report
to the Department or


32 of 139
Part III : Labor Organizations
Labor Relations
 From the date the same should have been
submitted as required by law, whichever
comes earlier. 3.07 UNION AFFILIATION: LOCAL AND
DO No. 40-03
Villar v Inciong (1983) Series of 2003
PAFLU had the authority to investigate Villar et RULE III
al. When a labor union affiliates with a mother REGISTRATION OF LABOR ORGANIZATIONS
union, it becomes bound by the laws and
regulations of the parent organization. It becomes Section 7. Requirements of affiliation. - The
subject to the laws of the superior body under report of affiliation of independently registered
whose authority the local union functions. The labor unions with a federation or national union
constitution, by-laws and rules of the parent body, shall be accompanied by the following documents:
together with the charter it issues pursuant thereto (a) resolution of the labor union's board of
to the subordinate union, constitute an enforceable directors approving the affiliation;
contract between the parent body and the (b) minutes of the general membership
subordinate union. When members of a labor meeting approving the affiliation;
union sow the seeds of dissension and strife within (c) the total number of members comprising
the union. When they seek the disintegration and the labor union and the names of
destruction of the very union to which they belong. members who approved the affiliation;
They forfeit their rights to remain as members. (d) the certificate of affiliation issued by the
PAFLU acted when, after proper investigation and federation in favor of the independently
finding of guilt, it decided to remove the oppositors registered labor union; and
from the list of members of the Amigo Employees (e) written notice to the employer concerned if
Union-PAFLU. the affiliating union is the incumbent
bargaining agent.
Relief within the union8 PROVISIONS COMMON TO THE
Generally, redress must first be sought within the REGISTRATION OF LABOR ORGANIZATIONS
union itself in accordance with the constitution and AND WORKERS ASSOCIATION
by-laws. (Kapisanan ng mga Manggagawa sa MRR
v. Hernandez, 20 SCRA 109). Section 1. Attestation requirements. - The
Exception: application for registration of labor unions and
1) Futility of intra-union remedies workers' associations, notice for change of name,
2) Improper expulsion procedure merger, consolidation and affiliation including all
3) Undue delay in appeal as to constitute the accompanying documents,
substantial injutsice  shall be certified under oath by its Secretary
4) When the action is for damages or Treasurer, as the case may be, and attested
5) Lack of jurisdiction of investigatin body to by its President.
6) When the action of the administrative agency
is patently illegal, arbitrary and oppresive Section 2. Payment of registration fee. - A
7) When the issue involved is purely a question labor union and workers' association shall be
of law issued a certificate of registration upon payment of
8) Where the administrative agtency has already the prescribed registration fee.
prejudged the case
9) Where the administrative agency was Section 8. Effect of registration. - The labor
practically given the oppurtunity to act on the union or workers' association shall be deemed
case but did not. registered and vested with legal personality on the
date of issuance of its certificate of registration or
Kapisanan ng mga Manggagawa sa MRR v. certificate of creation of chartered local.
Hernandez (20 SCRA 109) Such legal personality may be questioned only
Where the exhaustion of remedies within the through an independent petition for cancellation of
union itslef would practically amount to a denial of union registration in accordance with Rule XIV of
justice, or would be illusory or vain, it will not be these Rules, and not by way of collateral attack in
insisted upon, as a condition to the right to invoke petition for certification election proceedings under
the aid of the court, aprticularly where the Rule VIII.
property rights of the members are involved.
In the case at bar, the complaint was filed 1. AFFILIATION: PURPOSE OF; NATURE OF
against the union and it incumbent officer, some of RELATIONS
who were members of the board of directors. The
constitution and by-laws of the union provide that Filipino Pipe & Foundry Corporation v. NLRC
charges for any violations thereof shall be filed (1999)
before the said board. Exhaustion of remedies here The mother union, acting for and in behalf of
would amount to denial of justice. its affiliate, had the status of an agent while the
local remained the basic unit of the association,
free to serve the common interest of all its
members subject only to restraints imposed by
the constitution and by the by-laws of the
From Azucena vol. II page 157


33 of 139
Part III : Labor Organizations
Labor Relations
The same is true even if the local is not a A local union of supervisory employees may be
legitimate labor organization. allowed to affiliate with a national federation of
labor organizations of rank and file employees.
Sugbuanon Rural Bank v. Laguesma (2000) What the law prohibits is that supervisory
Locals are separate and distinct units primarily employees join a rank and file union.
designed to secure and maintain an equality of
bargaining power between the employer and their The national federation would be representing the
employee-members in the economic struggle for respective interests of the 2 groups separately.
the fruits of the joint productive effort of labor and
capital. RATIONALE:
Association of the locals into the national
union was in furtherance of the same end. These De la Salle Med v. Laguesma (1998)
associations are consensual entities capable of The affiliation of 2 local unions in a company
entering into such legal relations with their with the same national federation is not by itself a
members. The essential purpose was the affiliation negation of their independence since in relation to
of the local unions into a common enterprise to an employer, the local unions are considered as
increase by collective action the common the principal, while the federation is deemed as the
bargaining power in respect of the terms and be merely an agent.
conditions of labor. Yet the locals remained the
basic units of association. Adamson v CIR (1984)
A local union maintains its separate Whether or not a supervisor's union may
personality despite affiliation with a larger national affiliate with a federation with which unions of
federation. rank-and-file employees of the same employer are
also affiliated?
Tropical Hut v. Tropical Hut (1990) Individuals employed as supervisors shall not
The right of a local union to disaffiliate from its be eligible for membership in a labor organization
mother federaton is well-settled. A local union, of employees under their supervision but may form
being a SEPARATE and VOLUNTARY association, is separate organizations of their own. The
free to serve the interest of all its mebers including supervisory employees of an employer cannot join
the freedom to disaffiliate when circumstances any labor organization of employees under their
warrant. The right is consistent with the supervision but may validly form a separate
constitutional guarantee of freedom of association. organization of their own.
It can’t be construed that personalities of the
Alliance v. Samahan (1996) 3 unions are so merged with the mother federation
A local labor union is a separate and distinct that for one difference or another they cannot
unit primarily designed to secure and maintain an pursue their own ways, independently of the
equality of bargaining power and their employee- federation.
members. A local union does not owe its existence Adamson and Adamson Supervisory Union and
to the federation with which it is affiliated. the Adamson and Adamson, Inc., Salesmen
It is a separate and distinct voluntary Association (FFW), have their own respective
association owing its creation to the will of its constitutions and by-laws. They are separately and
members. independently registered of each other. Both sent
The mere act of affiliation does not divest the local their separate proposals for collective bargaining
union of its own personality, neither does it give agreements with their employer.
the mother federation the license to act There is nothing in Industrial Peace Act which
independently of the local union. It only gives rise provides that a duly registered local union
to a contract fo agency where the former acts in affiliating with a national union loses its legal
representation of the latter. personality, or its independence. Locals are
separate and distinct units primarily designed to
secure and maintain an equality of bargaining
power between the employer and their employee-
2. SUPERVISOR – RANK AND FILE UNION Locals remain the basic units of association,
AFFILIATION free to serve their own and the common interest of
all. Inclusion of FFW in the registration is merely to
RULE-AFFILIATION stress that they are its affiliates at the time of
registrations. It does not mean that said local
Atlas Lithographic v Laguesma (1992) unions cannot stand on their own.
The definition of managerial employees is
limited to those having authority to hire and fire 3. LOCAL UNION DISAFFILIATION
while those who only recommend effectively the
hiring and firing or transfers of personnel would be NATURE RIGHT DISAFFILIATION
considered as closer to rank and file employees.
The exclusion, therefor, of middle level executives Volkschel Labor Union v BLR (1985)
from the category of management employees HELD: Right of a local union to disaffiliate from
brought about a third classification, supervisory its mother union is well-settled. A local union,
employees, who are allowed to form their own being a separate and voluntary association, is free
union but are not allowed to join the rank and file to serve the interest of all its members including
union due to conflicts in interest. the freedom to disaffiliate when circumstances
warrant. This right is consistent with the


34 of 139
Part III : Labor Organizations
Labor Relations
constitutional guarantee of freedom of association. obstacle that may possible thwart the desirable
objective of militancy in labor’s struggle for better
Valid reason for disaffiliation: terms and conditions is then to be placed on his
The disaffiliation was not due to any way.
opportunist’s motives but rather it was prompted Once the fact of disaffiliation has been
by the federation’s deliberate and habitual demonstrated beyond doubt, as in this case, a
dereliction of duties. Employees’ grievances were certification election is the most expeditious way of
allegedly left unattended to the detriment of the determining which labor organization is to be the
employees’ rights and interests. The clear policy is exclusive bargaining representative.
to conjoin workers and worker groups, not to Parenthetically, it should be stated that a
dismember them. certification election can still be held even if the
collective agreement were certified, considering
Effect of disaffiliaion on right of the federation to the peculiar facts of the case. Good policy and
receive dues: equity demand that when an agreement is
ALUMETAL is entitled to receive the dues from renegotiated before the appointed 60-day period,
companies as long as union is affiliated with it and its certification must still give way to any
companies are authorized by their employees to representation issue that may be raised within 60-
deduct union dues. Without said affiliation, the day period so that the right of employees to
employer has no link to the mother union. The choose a bargaining unit agent and the right of
obligation of an employee to pay union dues is unions to be chosen shall be preserved.”
coterminous with his affiliation or membership.
A contract between an employer and the parent Alex Ferrer vs NLRC (1993)
organization as bargaining agent for the SAMAHAN and Occidental Foundry Corporation
employees is terminated by the disaffiliation of the (OFC) entered into a CBA effective for 3 years.
local. The CBA contained a union security clause. Due to
union politics, a resolution was passed by
Malayang Samahan v. Ramos (2000) SAMAHAN expelling Ferrer, et al. from the
A local union has the right to disaffiliate from SAMAHAN. Pursuant to the union security clause,
its mother union or declare its autonomy. A local SAMAHAN asked OFC to expel Ferrer, et al.
union, being a separate and voluntary association, What actually happened in this case was that
is free to serve the interests of all its members some members, including petitioners, tried to
including the freedom to disaffiliate or declare its unseat the SAMAHAN leadership headed by Capitle
autonomy from the federation to which it belongs due to the latter’s alleged inattention to members’
when circumstances warrant, in accordance with demands. The intra-union controversy was such
the constitutional guarantee of freedom of that petitioners even requested the FFW to
association. intervene to facilitate the enforcement of the said
The purpose of affiliation by a local union with wage increase.
a mother union or a federation is to increase by Ferrer et al. sought the help of the FEDLU only
collective action the bargaining power in respect of after they had learned of the termination of their
the terms and conditions of labor. employment upon the recommendation of Capitle.
Yet the locals remained the basic units of Their alleged application with federations other
association, free to serve their own and the than the FFW can hardly be considered as
common interest of all, subject to the restraints disloyalty to the SAMAHAN, nor may the filing of
imposed by the Constitution and By-Laws of the such applications denote that Ferrer et al. failed to
Association, and free also to renounce the maintain in good standing their membership in the
affiliation for mutual welfare upon the terms laid SAMAHAN. The SAMAHAN is a different entity from
down in the agreement which brought it into FFW, the federation to which it belonged. Neither
existence. may it be inferred that Ferrer et al. sought
Thus, a local union which has affiliated itself disaffiliation from the FFW for petitioners had not
with a federation is free to sever such affiliation formed a union distinct from that of the SAMAHAN.
anytime and such disaffiliation cannot be Parenthetically, the right of a local union to
considered disloyalty. In the absence of specific disaffiliate from a federation in the absence of any
provisions in the federation's constitution provision in the federation’s constitution preventing
prohibiting disaffiliation or the declaration of disaffiliation of a local union is legal Such right is
autonomy of a local union, a local may dissociate consistent with the constitutional guarantee of
with its parent union. freedom of association.
Hence, while Ferrer’s act of holding a special
Phil. Labor Alliance Council v. BLR (1977) election to oust Capitle, et al. may be considered
HELD It is indisputable that the present as an act of sowing disunity among the SAMAHAN
controversy would not have arisen if there were no members, and, perhaps, disloyalty to the union
mass disaffiliation from petitioning union. Such a officials, which could have been dealt with by the
phenomenon is nothing new in the Philippine labor union as a disciplinary matter, it certainly cannot
movement. Nor is it open to any legal objection. It be considered as constituting disloyalty to the
is implicit in the freedom of association explicitly union.
ordained by the Constitution. There is then the Faced with a SAMAHAN leadership which they
incontrovertible right of any individual to join an had tried to remove as officials, it was but a
organization of his choice. That option belongs to natural act of self-preservation that Ferrer et al.
him. A workingman is not to be denied that liberty. fled to the arms of the FEDLU after the union and
He may be, as a matter of fact, more in need of it the OFC had tried to terminate their
if the institution of collective bargaining as an employment. Ferrer should not be made
aspect of industrial democracy is to succeed. No accountable for such an act.


35 of 139
Part III : Labor Organizations
Labor Relations
Agitated by PSI's recognition of PSEA-NCW, PAFLU
RULE – LEGALITY ACT – DISAFFILIATION through Serafin Ayroso filed a complaint for unfair
labor practice against PSI.
Villar vs Inciong (1983) May PSEA, which is an independent and
Although, as a matter of principle, an affiliate separate local union, validly disaffiliate from PAFLU
has the right to disaffiliate, this right must respect pending the settlement of an election protest
the terms of the affiliation agreement. questioning its status as the sole and exclusive
Had petitioners merely disaffiliated from bargaining agent of PSI's rank and file employees?
Amigo Employees Union-Paflu, there could be no Jurisdiction
legal objections thereto for it was there right to do At the outset, let it be noted that the issue of
so. (This means that individual employees may disaffiliation is an inter-union conflict the
disaffiliate from a union where they belong.) jurisdiction of which properly lies with the Bureau
But what petitioners did by the very clear of Labor Relations (BLR) and not with the Labor
terms of their “Sama-Samang Kapasiayahn” was Arbiter.
to dissafiliate Amigo-Employees Union-PAFLU Nonetheless, with due recognition of this fact, we
(local union) from PAFLU (federation or mother deem it proper to settle the controversy at this
union),an act they could NOT have done with any instance since to remand the case to the BLR
effective consequence because they constituted would only mean intolerable delay for the parties.
the MINORITY in the amigo employees-union
PAFLU. (By implication, this tells us that a local Right to disaffiliate
union can disaffiliate from its mother union if a In the landmark case of Liberty Cotton Mills
majority of the local union decides to do so.) Workers Union vs. Liberty Cotton Mills, Inc. we
upheld the right of local unions to separate from
Liberty Cotton Mills Workers Union vs. Liberty their mother federation on the ground that as
Cotton Mills (1975) separate and voluntary associations, local unions
Facts: A CBA was entered into by the do not owe their creation and existence to the
company and the union who was represented by national federation to which they are affiliated but,
PAFLU (mother union). In the CBA a union security instead, to the will of their members.
clause was agreed upon. 32 of the 36 members of There is nothing shown in the records nor is it
the union disaffiliated from PAFLU. PAFLU asked claimed by PAFLU that the local union was
the company to dismiss or terminate all 32 expressly forbidden to disaffiliate from the
employees. federation nor were there any conditions imposed
HELD: In the CBA PAFLU has been recognized for a valid breakaway.
as the sole bargaining agent for all the employees
of the Company. The PAFLU, acting for and in Effect of pendency of election protest
behalf of its affiliate, had the status of an agent As such, the pendency of an election protest
while the local union remained the basic unit of the involving both the mother federation and the local
association free to serve the common interest of union did not constitute a bar to a valid
all its members including the freedom to disaffiliation.
disaffiliate when the circumstances warrant. Neither was it disputed by PAFLU that 92.5%
This was clearly stated in its constitution and of the total union membership supported the claim
by-laws which provided that Liberty Cotton Mills of disaffiliation and had in fact disauthorized PAFLU
Workers Union-PAFLU shall remain an affiliate as from instituting any complaint in their behalf.
long as ten (10) or more of its members evidence It was entirely reasonable then for PSI to enter
their desire to continue the said local unions into a CBA with PSEA-NCW. As PSEA had validly
affiliation. Only 4 out of its members remained. severed itself from PAFLU, there would be no
The disaffiliation was valid under the local’s restrictions which could validly hinder it from
Constitution and By-Laws. Hence, the dismissal subsequently affiliating with NCW.
from employment was unjustified.
Legal personality
Philippine Skylanders, Inc. v. NLRC (2002) It stands unchallenged that PAFLU instituted
In November 1993 the PSEA, a local labor the complaint for unfair labor practice against the
union affiliated with the PAFLU. In September, wishes of workers whose interests it was
PAFLU won in the certification election conducted supposedly protecting. The mere act of
among the rank and file employees of PSI. Its rival disaffiliation did not divest PSEA of its own
union, Philippine Skylanders Employees personality; neither did it give PAFLU the license to
Association-WATU (PSEA-WATU) immediately act independently of the local union. PAFLU might
protested the result of the election before the have forgotten that as an agent it could only act in
Secretary of Labor. representation of and in accordance with the
Several months later, pending settlement of interests of the local union. The complaint then for
the controversy, PSEA sent PAFLU a notice of unfair labor practice lodged by PAFLU against PSI,
disaffiliation citing as reason PAFLU's supposed PSEA and their respective officers, having been
deliberate and habitual dereliction of duty toward filed by a party which has no legal personality to
its members. institute the complaint, should have been
PSEA subsequently affiliated itself with (NCW) dismissed at the first instance for failure to state a
and to maintain continuity within the organization, cause of action.
allowed the former officers of PSEA-PAFLU to Policy considerations dictate that in weighing
continue occupying their positions as elected the claims of a local union as against those of a
officers in the newly-forged PSEA-NCW. national federation, those of the former must be
On 17 March 1994 PSEA-NCW entered into a preferred.
collective bargaining agreement with PSI.


36 of 139
Part III : Labor Organizations
Labor Relations
Alliance of Nationalist Union v. Samahang
Generally, a labor union may disaffiliate from Hiring Continued Ground for
Employment Termination
the mother union to form a local or independent
Union Employees After some If they
union ONLY during the 60 day freedom period Shop have time, employee
immediately preceding expiration of CBA. access to employee does not join
EXCEPTION: Shift of allegiance of majority. labor must become the union
market. a member after a
 When to disaffiliate? Can be reasonable
General rule: a labor union may disaffiliate from hired even time, it will
the mother union to form a local or independent if not be grounds
union ONLY during the 60-day freedom period union for
immediately preceding the expiration of the CBA. member. termination
(Tanduay Distillery Labor Union v. NLRC 149 SCRA
After due
470 (1987)) process is
Exception: observed
Closed Employee Must be a If not a
Shop must member all member at
But even before the onset of the freedom become a through-out anytime,
disaffiliation may still be carried out, but such member at grounds for
disaffiliation must be effected by a majority of the the time of termination
members of the bargaining unit. (AWU v. NLRC) hiring
After due
This happens when there is a substantial shift in process is
allegiance on the part of the majority of the observed
members of the union. Maintenan Already a Must If disaffiliates
ce shop member at maintain from union,
the time of membership, grounds for
In such a case, however, the CBA continues to
hiring otherwise it termination
bind members of the new or disaffiliated and shall be a
independent union up to the CBA’s expiration date ground for After due
termination process is
 What is the effect of disaffiliation on observed
union dues?

A local union which has validly withdrawn from its 4.01 STATUTORY BASIS
affiliation with the parent association and which
continues to represent the employees of an Art. 248(e)
employer is entitled to the check-off dues under a UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICE OF EMPLOYERS
collective bargaining contract.  to discriminate in regard to wages, hours of
work, and other terms and conditions of
Disini: A local union in a general sense acquires employment in order to encourage or
its legitimacy by affiliating with a registered discourage membership in any labor
federation or national union. Will such local lose its organization.
legitimate status when it disaffiliates from the  Nothing in this code or in any other law shall
mother union? stop the parties from requiring membership in
Suggested answer: No, as long as there is no a recognized collective bargaining agent as a
express prohibition in the charter certificate issued condition for employment, EXCEPT those
by the National union or Federation. Right to employees who are already members of
associate includes right to disassociate. ANOTHER UNION at the time of signing of the
collective bargaining agreement.

Art. 243
Coverage and employees’ right to self-
 All persons employed in commercial, industrial
and agricultural enterprises and in religious,
charitable, medical, or educational institutions,
whether operating for profit or not, shall have
the right to self-organization and to form, join,
or assist labor organizations of their own
choosing for purposes of collective bargaining.
Ambulant, intermittent and itinerant workers,
self-employed people, rural workers and those
without any definite employers may form labor
organizations for their mutual aid and


Juat v. CIR (1965)


37 of 139
Part IV : Union Security
Labor Relations
A closed shop agreement has been considered
as one form of union security whereby only union
members can be hired AND workers must remain
union members as a condition of continued
for employees or workers to
become members of a union as a Tanduay Distillery Labor Union V. NLRC
condition for employment (1987)
redounds to the benefit and This Court speaking thru Mr. Justice Labrador,
advantage of said employees in Victorias Milling Co., Inc., v. Victorias-Manapla
because by holding out to loyal Workers Organization ruled:
"Another reason for enforcing the closed-
members a promise of shop agreement is the principle of sanctity
employment in the closed-shop or inviolability of contracts guaranteed by
the union wields group solidarity. the Constitution. As a matter of principle the
In fact it is said that the closed- provision of the industrial Peace Act
shop contract is the most prized granting freedom to employees to organize
achievement of unionism. themselves and select their representative
for entering into bargaining agreements,
should be subordinated to the constitutional
 To whom is Closed-shop proviso of a CBA provision protecting the sanctity of
applicable? contracts. We can not conceive how
Closed-shop proviso of a collective bargaining freedom to contract, which should be
agreement entered into between an employer allowed to be exercised without limitation
and a duly authorized labor union is applicable may be subordinated to the freedom of
laborers to choose the organization they
not only to the employer and a duly
desire to represent them. And even if the
authorized labor union is applicable NOT ONLY legislature had intend ad to do so and made
to the such freedom of the laborer paramount to
(1) Employees or laborers that are the sanctity of obligation of contracts, such
employed AFTER the collective attempt to override the constitutional
bargaining agreement was entered provision would necessarily and ipso facto
into. be null and void
(2) BUT ALSO to old employees who ARE The action of the respondent company in
NOT members of any labor union at enforcing the terms of the closed-shop agreement
the time the said collective is a valid exercise of its rights and obligations
bargaining agreement was entered under the contract. The dismissal by virtue thereof
into. cannot constitute an unfair labor practice, as it was
in pursuance of an agreement that has been found
In other words, if an employee or laborer is to be regular and of a closed-shop agreement
already a member of a labor union different from which under our laws is valid and binding.
the union that entered into a collective bargaining
agreement with the employer providing for a 4.04 CONTRACT DRAFTING AND
closed-shop, said employee or worker cannot be INTERPRETATION OF PROVISION–
obliged to become a member of that union which UNION SECURITY
had entered into a CBA with the employer as a
condition for his continued employment.
Rizal Labor Union v. Rizal Cement Co. (1955)
Guijarno v. CIR (1973) In order for an employer to be bound under a
GENERALLY: a state may NOT compel ordinary union security clause in the CBA, to dismiss an
voluntary associations to admit thereto any given employer for lack of or loss of union membership,
individual, because membership therein may be the stipulation must be so clear and unequivocal as
accorded or withheld as a matter of privilege. to leave absolutely no room for doubt. There must
EXCEPTION: The rule is qualified in respect of be a provision that union members must be in
labor unions holding a monopoly in the supply of good standing to keep their job.
labor, either in a given locality, or as regards a
particular employer with which it has a closed- TAKE NOTE: Close shop and union shop
shop agreement. provisions are in principle valid and allowed by law.
Consequently, it is well settled that such BUT since their application necessarily involves the
unions are NOT entitled to arbitrarily excluded surrender of a portion of a worker’s individual
qualified applicants for membership, and a closed- freedom and could result in loss of his
shop provision would not justify the employer in employment. The terms of specific union clauses
discharging, or a union in insisting upon the should be construed strictly and doubts should be
discharge of, an employee whom he union thus resolved against their existence.
refuses to admit to membership, without any
reasonable ground thereof. Manila Cordage Co. v. CIR (1977)
To further increase the effectiveness of labor The CBA provides:
organizations, a closed-shop has been allowed. IV MAINTENANCE OF MEMBERSHIP
Both parties agree that all employees of the
COMPANY who are already members of the
UNION at the time of the signing of this
AGREEMENT shall continue to remain members


38 of 139
Part IV : Union Security
Labor Relations
of the UNION for the duration of this accept the benefits under the
AGREEMENT" collective bargaining agreement:
The foregoing stipulation, however, does not o Provided, that the individual
clearly state that maintenance of membership 'in authorization required under Article
the Manen Labor Union is a condition of continuous 242, paragraph (o) of this Code shall
employment in the Manila Labor Cordage not apply to the non-members of the
Company. recognized collective bargaining
In order that the Manila Cordage Company agent;
may be deemed bound to dismiss employees who
do not maintain their membership in the Union,
the stipulation to this effect must be so clear as to Guijarno v. CIR (1973)
leave no room for doubt thereon An undertaking of The authoritative doctrine that a closed-shop
this nature is so harsh that it must be strictly provision in a collective bargaining agreement is
construed and doubts must be resolved against the not to be given a retroactive effect so as to
existence of the right to dismiss. preclude its being applied to employees already in
Apparently aware of the deficiency of the the service is traceable to the leading case of
maintenance-of-membership clause, the petitioner Confederated Son of Labor vs. Anakan Lumber Co.
urges that the same should be construed together A year later, in Freeman Shirt Manufacturing Co.,
with the "Whereas" provision of the contract which Inc. vs. CIR, it was held that a closed-shop
reads: "WHEREAS, the parties hereto nave decided agreement applies only to persons to be hired or to
to enter into an agreement relating to the terms employees who are not yet members of any labor
and conditions of employment and reference to organization. It is inapplicable to those already in
those employees to whom the provisions of this the service who are members of another union.
AGREEMENT apply." There is nothing unusual in this Court's
The said whereas' proviso neither refers to adherence with remarkable consistency to the
tenure or duration of employment which is the basic doctrine that a closed-shop provision should
dispute in the case at bar but only to terms and not be applied retroactively. The obligation was
conditions of employment such as working hours, imposed on the State, under the 1935
wages, other benefits and privileges clearly Constitution, to "afford protection to labor,
specified therein. We need not stretch our especially to working women and minors.
imagination too far to know the difference between
or duration of employment from terms and
conditions of employment. Even with the 4.06 IMPLEMENTATION–OBLIGATION &
conjunctive interpretation, these two provisions LIABILITIES
can not supplant the omission of said maintenance
of membership clause, let alone cure the defect of Carino v. NLRC (1990)
the same. We believe that the Company should have
To construe the stipulations above-quoted as given petitioner Cariño an opportunity to explain
imposing as a condition to continued employment his side of the controversy with the Union.
in the Manila Cordage Company the maintenance Notwithstanding the Union's Security Clause in
of membership in the Manco Labor Union is to the CBA, the Company should have reasonably
violate the natural and constitutional right of the satisfied itself by its own inquiry that the Union
laborer to organize freely. Such interpretation had not been merely acting arbitrarily and
would be inconsistent with the constitutional capriciously in impeaching and expelling petitioner
mandate that the State shall afford protection to Cariño.
labor. It is OUR considered view that respondent
company is equally liable for the payment of
4.05 COVERAGE – WORKER INCLUSION backwages for having acted in bad faith in
effecting the dismissal of the individual petitioners.
Bad faith on the part of respondent company may
be gleaned from the fact that the petitioner
Art. 248 (e) workers were dismissed hastily and summarily. At
 To discriminate in regard to wages, hours of best, it was guilty of a tortious act, for which it
work and other terms and conditions of must assume solidary liability, since it apparently
employment in order to encourage or chose to summarily dismiss the workers at the
discourage membership in any labor union's instance secure in the union's contractual
organization. undertaking that the union would hold it "free from
 Nothing in this Code or in any other law shall any liability" arising from such dismissal.
stop the parties from requiring membership in While respondent company, under the
a recognized collective bargaining agent as a Maintenance of Membership provision of the
condition for employment, except those Collective Bargaining Agreement, is bound to
employees who are already members of dismiss any employee expelled by PAFLU for
another union at the time of the signing of the disloyalty, upon its written request, this
collective bargaining agreement. undertaking should not be done hastily and
o Employees of an appropriate summarily. The company acted in bad faith in
bargaining unit who are not members dismissing petitioner workers without giving them
of the recognized collective the benefit of a hearing.
bargaining agent may be assessed a We conclude that the Company had failed to
reasonable fee equivalent to the dues accord to petitioner Cariño the latter's right to
and other fees paid by members of procedural due process. The right of an
the recognized collective bargaining employee to be informed of the charges against
agent, if such non-union members him and to reasonable opportunity to present his


39 of 139
Part IV : Union Security
Labor Relations
side in a controversy with either the Company or 2) Extraordinary Fees, but can only be
his own Union, is not wiped away by a Union made when authorized by individual
Security Clause or a Union Shop Clause in a CBA. written authorization, duly signed by
An employee is entitled to be protected not each employee concerned.
only from a company which disregards his rights
but also from his own Union the leadership of Art. 241 m,n,o
which could yield to the temptation of swift and m. The books of accounts and other records of the
arbitrary expulsion from membership and hence financial activities of any labor org shall be
dismissal from his job. open to inspection by any officer or member
thereof during office hours;
IMPLICATION: Even if may union security clause, n. No special assessment or other extraordinary
due process is still necessary. fees may be levied upon the members of a
Sanyo Phil. Workers Union v. Canizares labor org:
(1992)  unless authorized by a written
In the instant case, however, We hold that the resolution
Labor Arbiter and not the Grievance Machinery  of a majority of all the members
provided for in the CBA has the jurisdiction to hear of a general membership
and decide the complaints of the private meeting
respondents. While it appears that the dismissal of  duly called for the purpose.
the private respondents was made upon the The secretary of the org shall
recommendation of PSSLU pursuant to the union record:
security clause provided in the CBA, We are of the  the minutes of the meeting
opinion that these facts do not come within the  including the list of all members
phrase "grievances arising from the interpretation present,
or implementation of the CBA and those arising  the votes cast,
from the interpretation or enforcement of company  the purpose of the special
personnel policies," the jurisdiction of which assessment or fees and
pertains to the Grievance Machinery or thereafter,  the recipient of such
to a voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary assessments or fees.
arbitrators. The record shall be attested to by the
It need not be mentioned that the parties to a president. (No need to be under oath)
CBA are the union and the company. Hence, only o. Other than for mandatory activities under the
disputes involving the union and the company shall Code,
be referred to the grievance machinery or no special assessments, atty.’s fees,
voluntary arbitrators. negotiation fees or any other extraordinary
In the instant case, both the union and the fees may be checked off from any amount due
company are united or have come to an to an employee
agreement regarding the dismissal of private  without an individual written authorization
respondents. No grievance between them exists duly signed by the employee.
which could be brought to a grievance machinery.  The authorization should specifically state
The problem or dispute in the present case is the amount, purpose and beneficiary of
between the union and the company on the one the deduction
hand and some union and non-union members
who were dismissed, on the other hand. ABS-CBN Supervisors Employees Union V.
The dispute has to be settled before an ABS-CBN
impartial body. The grievance machinery with A check-off is a process or device whereby the
members designated by the union and the employer, on agreement with the Union,
company cannot be expected to be impartial recognized as the proper bargaining
against the dismissed employees. Due process representative, OR on PRIOR authorization from its
demands that the dismissed workers grievances be employees, deduct union dues or agency fees from
ventilated before an impartial body. Since there the latter’s wages and remit them directly to the
has already been an actual termination, the matter union. Its desirability in a labor organization is
falls within the jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter. quite evident. It is assured thereby of CONTINOUS
FUNDING. As this Court has acknowledge, the
system of check-off is primarily for the benefit of
4.07 FINANCIAL SECURITY the Union and only indirectly, for the individual
CHECK-OFF The legal basis of check-off is found in statutes
or in contracts. The statutory limitation on check-
Art. 113 b offs are found in Article 241 g : “No officer, agent,
No employer, in his own behalf or in behalf of any or member of a labor organization shall collect any
person, shall make any deduction from the wages fees, dues, or other contributions in its behalf or
of his employees except: for union dues, in cases make any disbursement of its money or funds
where the right of the worker of his union to unless he is duly authorized pursuant to its
check-off has been recognized by the employer OR constitution and by-laws. etc. See also 241 m,n,o.
authorized in writing by the individual worker
concerned. BAR QUESTION (1997 XI) 5%:
Atty. Facundo Veloso was retained by Welga
CHECK-OFF: Labor Union to represent it in the collective
1) Ordinary Union dues bargaining negotiations. It was agreed that Atty.
Veloso would be paid the sum of P20,000.00 as


40 of 139
Part IV : Union Security
Labor Relations
attorney’s fees for his assitance in the CBA non-union member accepts the benefit under the
negotiations. CBA…”
After the conclusion of the negotiations, Welga Take note: In the case of agency fee, individual
Labor Union collected from its individual members authorization not applied, or not required. This is
the sum of P100.00 each to pay for Atty. Veloso’s for practical reasons, because the law recognizes
fees and another sum of P100.00 each for services the extreme difficulty of imposing agency fee on
rendered by the union officers. Several members non-union members, more especially to members
of the Welga Labor Union approached you to seek of rival unions.
advice on the following matters: DO No.40-03 Series of 2003
(a) Whether or not the collection of the RULE XIII
amount assessed on the individual members ADMINISTRATION OF TRADE UNION FUNDS
to answer for the attorney’s fees was valid; AND ACTIONS
(b) Whether or not the assessment of
P100.00 from the individual members of the Section 1. Right of union to collect dues and
Welga Laborn Union for services rendered agency fees. - The incumbent bargaining agent
by the union officers in the CBA negotiations shall continue to be entitled to check-off and
was valid. collect dues and agency fees despite the pendency
Suggested Answer: of a representation case, other inter/intra-union
(a) The assessment of P100.00 from each union disputes or related labor relations disputes.
member as attorney’s fees – for union negotiation
is NOT valid. Basis Art. 222 b of the labor code.
(b) The assessment of P100.00 as negotiation
fees charged to each individual union member and
payable to union officers is also not valid, for the
same reason stated above.
Alternative Answer:
(a) The collection of the amount assessed on the
individual members to answer for attorney’s fees
would be valid if it was authorized by a written
resolution of a majority of all the members in a
general membership meeting called for the
(b) The assessment of P100.00 from the individual
members of the Welga Labor Union for services
rendered by the union officers in the CBA
negotiations would be valid if it was authorized by
a written resolution of a majority of all the
members in a general membership meeting duly
called for the purpose. (Art. 241n)
Requisites so that special assessment for
union’s incidental expenses is valid

Article 241 speaks of three (3) requisites that must

be complied with in order that the special
assessment for Union’s incidental expenses,
attorney’s fees and representation expenses be
valid and upheld:
1. Authorization by a written of the majority
of all the members at the general meeting for that
2. Secretary’s record of the meeting.
3. Individual written authorization for check-

National Brewery and Allied Industries Labor

Union v. San Miguel Corporation (1963)
In this case the SC cited different reasons why
non-union members cannot be compelled to pay
agency fees but this case is overturned by Art. 248

AGENCY FEE now has a statutory basis

Art. 248 e 2nd paragraph: “ …employees of an
appropriate bargaining unit who are not members
of the recognized collective bargaining agent mat
be assessed a reasonable fee equivalent to the
dues and other fees paid by members of a
recognized collective bargaining agent, if such


41 of 139
Part V : Appropriate Bargaining Unit
Labor Relations

Part V : APPROPRIATE serve reciprocal rights and duties of the

To determine proper bargaining unit,
a) will of the employees (Globe doctrine),
Art. 255 b) affinity and unity of employees’ interest such as
Exclusive bargaining representation and workers similarity of work, duties and salary,
participation in policy and decision-making [sec. c) prior collective bargaining history and d)
22 of RA 6715] – employment status.
The labor organization designated or selected by
the majority of the Employees in an appropriate The ultimate test of proper grouping is
collective bargaining unit substantiality of mutuality of interest.
 Shall be the exclusive representative of the
Employees in such unit It must be determined whether or not such
 For the purpose of collective bargaining. grouping will best assure to the employees the
exercise of their collective bargaining rights.
However, an individual EE or group of Employees
shall have the right at any time to present Thus, the employees of Belyca cannot be
grievances to their ER. grouped together in one single union. They differ in
working conditions, hours of work, rates of pay, ad
Any provision of law to the contrary employment status.
notwithstanding, workers shall have the right,
subject to such rules and regulations as the SOLE 5.02 DETERMINATION OF APPROPRIATE
may promulgate, BARGAINING UNIT
 to participate in policy and decision-making
processes of the establishment where they are
employed in so far as said processes will 1. FACTORS
directly affect their RIGHTS, BENEFITS and

For this purpose, workers and ERs may form UP v. Ferrer-Calleja (1992)
LABOR MGT COUNCILS; HELD: A bargaining unit is a group of
 Provided, that the representatives of the Employees, comprised of all or less than all of the
workers in such labor mgt councils shall be entire body of Employees, which the collective
elected by at least the majority of all interest of all the Employees, consistent w/ equity
Employees in said establishment. to the ER, indicate to be the best suited to serve
the reciprocal rights & duties of the parties under
the CB provisions of the law.
DO No. 40-03 series of 2003 Rule I In Democratic Labor Assoc v. Cebu
(d) "Bargaining Unit" refers to a group of Stevedoring Co., there are factors w/c must be
employees sharing mutual interests within a satisfied & considered in determining the PROPER
given employer unit, comprised of all or less UNIT.
than all of the entire body of employees in the Rothenberg mentions:
employer unit or any specific occupational or 1) Will of the Employees,
geographical grouping within such employer 2) Affinity & unity of Employees interest,
unit. such as substantial similarity of works and
duties or similarity of compensation &
working conditions,
DISINI: What is the function of an appropriate 3) Prior CB history and
bargaining unit? 4) Employment status i.e. temporary,
seasonal, & probationary Employees.
1. To act as a SOVEREIGN in relation to the CE and The TEST of grouping is COMMUNITY or
CBA MUTUALITY of INTERESTS because the basic test
2. It is an ELECTORAL DISTRICT. It marks the of an asserted bargaining unit’s ACCEPTABILITY is
boundaries of those who may participate in a won it is fundamentally the combination w/c will
certification election. best assure to all Employees the exercise of their
3. It is an Economic Unit. CB rights.
From the reading of article 255: its function is to
Note: This is related to the policy of the law in
select or designate a labor organization to represent
ensuring the right to collective bargain.
them in collective bargaining.

Belyca Corp. vs Calleja (1988) DISINI:The law is looking only for what is
A proper bargaining unit: PROPER OR APPROPRIATE. The law is NOT looking
 is a group of employees of a given for the best.
employer comprised of all or less than all
of the entire body of employees, RATIONALE OF THE COMMUNITY OR
 which the collective interests of all the MUTUALITY OF INTEREST TEST:
employees, consistent with equity to the Greater chance of success for the collective
employer, indicate to be best suited to bargaining process.


42 of 139
Part V : Appropriate Bargaining Unit
Labor Relations

Illustration of Prof.: A group of rank and file of old 2. EQUITY

employees can be separated from a rank and file * Of employees: A.k.a = “Collective interest of
of young employees, especially if the issues employees” consistent with the equity of the
involve in the collective bargaining would be to employer.
choose between salary raise or a pension plan.
The two groups do not have the same interest, 3. PURPOSE
thus it will be harder for them to bargain. * “to serve the reciprocal rights & duties of the
parties under the CB provisions of the law.”
An enlightening appraisal of the problem of HISTORY
defining an appropriate bargaining unit is given in
the 10th Annual Report of the National Labor San Miguel Corp. v. Laguesma (1994)
Relations Board wherein it is emphasized that the HELD: Prior collective bargaining history is not
factors which said board may consider and weigh conclusive or determinative of what constitutes the
in fixing appropriate units are: appropriate bargaining unit.
1. The history , extent and type of The test of grouping is mutuality or
organization of employees. commonality of interest.
2. The history of their collective bargaining The Employees sought to be represented by
3. The history, extent and type of CB agent must have substantial mutual interests in
organization of employees in other plants terms of employment and working conditions as
of the same employer, or other employers evinced by the type of work they perform.
in the same industry; There is similarity of employment status for all
4. The skill, wages, work and working sales personnel. They have the same duties,
conditions of the employees; responsibilities, compensation and working
5. The desires of the employees; conditions.
6. The eligibility of the employees for SMA can’t insist that each sales office should
membership in the union or unions constitute one bargaining unit. There is meager
involved number of sales personnel in each sales office.
7. The relationship between the units or Even the whole bargaining unit sought to be
units proposed and the employer’s represented only consists of 55 employees. It
organization, management, and would not be for the best interest to fractionalize
operation. them further. It is not the convenience of the
In said report, it is likewise emphasized that employer that constitutes the determinative factor
the basic test in determining the appropriate in forming the bargaining unit.
bargaining unit is that a unit, to be appropriate
must affect a grouping of employees who have DISINI:
substantial, mutual interests in wages, hours, Ratio of historical theory: if it worked well
working conditions and other subjects of collective before in the past it will work well again now.
Can you have a permanent bargaining unit?
Example of application of community of mutual
interest test: No. An appropriate bargaining unit depends on the
Casual employees were barred from joining union factors that are influenced by the market place.
of the permanent and regular employees. The bargaining unit is designed to maintain the
mutuality of interest among the employees in such
“Certainly, there is mutuality of interest unit. Thus a reason to dissolve, change or expand
among the employees of the sawmill division and a certain bargaining unit is when THE INTEREST
the Logging Division. Their functions mesh with BETWEEN GROUPS HAS CHANGED OVER TIME.
one another. One group needs the other in the
same way that the company needs them both. GEOGRAPHY – LOCATION
There may be DIFFERENCE as to the nature of
their individual assignments but the distinctions Benguet Consolidated Inc. and Balatok Mining
are not enough to warrant the formation of a Co. v. Bobok Lumberjack Assn. (1958)
separate bargaining unit.” HELD: The court below is correct in concluding
In CAB, the university Employees may be that the system of having one collective bargaining
categorized into 2 GEN CLASSES: non-academic unit for each camp should be maintained and
and academic Employees. Thus, there is an continued for the following reasons: Such system
absence of community of interests w/c justifies the had operated satisfactorily.
formation of a single CB unit. Teachers would find The prime element in determining whether a
very little in common w/ the non-academic given group of employees constitute a proper
Employees as regards the responsibilities & bargaining unit is whether it will, without inequity
functions, working conditions, compensation rates, to the employer, best serve all employees in the
social life and interests, the dissimilarity in the exercise of their bargaining rights.
nature of the works & duties. Thus, SEPARATION In the present case the separation between
of these 2 categories is needed for CB purposes. the camps and the different kinds of work in each
all militate in favor of the present system of
ELEMENTS OF AN APPROPRIATE separate bargaining units since the problems and
BARGAINING UNIT: interest of the workers are peculiar in each
1. COMPOSITION camp or department.
* All or less than all of the entire body of


43 of 139
Part V : Appropriate Bargaining Unit
Labor Relations
7. Lastly it is grave abuse of discretion to treat
Indophil Textile Mills Workers Union v. Calica 2 companies as a single bargaining unit
(1992) when these 2 companies are indubitably
FACTS: The Indophil Textile Mills Workers distinct entities with separate juridical
Union and Indophil Textile executed a CBA which personalities.
provided that the CBA shall apply to the company’s
extensions and expansions. Indophil Acrylic San Miguel ..Union v. Confesor (1996)
San Miguel Corporation was originally one
workers unionized and another CBA was executed.
company composed of four operating divisions
Indophil Textile Mills Workers Union claimed that
namely: 1. beer, 2. packaging, 3. magnolia, 4.
Acrylic should be considered an extension of
feeds and livestock. San Miguel Corporation
Indophil textile and therefore the CBA executed by
employees for ALL DIVSIONS were represented by
Indophil textile and the Union should cover
San Miguel Corp employees union-PTGWO. San
Indophil Acrylic.
Miguel underwent a restructuring. As a
ISSUE: WON the operation in INDOPHIL
consequence of this Magnolia and Feeds &
ACRYLIC are extension or expansion of Indophil
livestock Division were spun-off and became two
Textile Mills.
separate and distinct corporation.
HELD: Indophil ACRYLIC is NOT an extension of
ISSUE: WON the employees of the two new
INDOPHIL TEXTILE. Thus the CBA of Indophil
corporations (Magnolia Corp & San Miguel Foods)
textile, cannot apply to Indophil Acrylic.
should still remain in the same bargaining unit and
1. The existence of a bonafide business
be included I the old bargaining unit of the old
relationship between Acrylic and Indophil
Textile is not a proof of being a single
HELD: No. Employees in the Magnolia
corporate entity because the services which
Corporation and San Miguel Foods may form a
are supposedly provided by Textile to
separate bargaining unit.
1. The transformation of the companies was a
activities which are NOT ESSENTIAL in the
management prerogative and business
actual production of Acrylic. The essential
judgment which the courts cannot look
services are discharged exclusively by
into unless it is contrary to law, public
Acrylic personnel under the control and
policy or morals. Neither can we impute
supervision of Acrylic managers and
any bad faith on the part of SMC to justify
the application of the doctrine of piercing
2. Diatagon Labor Federation v. Ople GR L-
the corporate veil.
44493-94 (1980) :” two corporations cannot
2. Each of the companies are run by,
be treated as single bargaining units even if
supervised and controlled by different
their businesses are related. It submits that
management terms including separate
the fact that there are as many bargaining
human resource/personnel managers.
units as there are companies in a
Each company enforces its own
conglomeration of companies is a positive
administrative and operational rules. Each
proof that a corporation is endowed with a
entity maintains separate financial
legal personality DISTINCTLY ITS OWN,
statements and are audited separately
independent and separate from other
from each other.
3. No mutuality of interest anymore between
3. Unlike Indophil Textile, Indophil Acrylic
corporations: Considering the spin-offs,
cannot manufacture textile while Indophil
the companies would consequently have
Textile Cannot buy or import yarn. Thus this
their respective and distinctive concerns
shows that Indophil Acrylic is not an alter
in terms of the nature of work, wages,
ego or an adjunct or business conduit of
hours of work and other conditions of
Indophil Textile because it has a separate
employment. Interests of employees in
legitimate purpose.
the different companies perforce differ.
4. Under the doctrine of piercing the corporate
SMC is engaged in the business of beer
veil, when valid grounds exist, the legal
manufacturing. Magnolia is involved in the
fiction that a corporation is an entity with a
manufacturing and processing of dairy
juridical personality separate and distinct
products while SMFI is involved in the
from another may be disregarded. Doctrine
production of feeds and processing
applies when the fiction defeats public
convenience,, justifies wrong, protects fraud
4. The nature of their products and scales of
or defends crime.
business may require different skills which
5. The fact that the businesses are related,
must necessarily be commensurate by
that some of the employees are the same
different compensation packages. The
persons working in the other company and
different companies may have different
the physical plants, offices and facilities are
volumes of work and different working
in the same compound aren’t sufficient to
conditions. For such reason, the
pierce the corporate veil of Acrylic.
employees of the different companies see
6. In Umali vs CA, legal corporate entity is
the need to group themselves together
disregarded only if it is sought to hold the
and organized themselves into distinctive
officers and stockholders directly liable for a
and different groups.
corporate debt or obligation. The union in
this case does not seek to impose a claim
on the members of Acrylic. Take note: “The fact that their businesses are
related and that the 236 employees of Georgia
Pacific International Corporation were originally


44 of 139
Part V : Appropriate Bargaining Unit
Labor Relations
employees of Lianga Bay Logging Co. Inc. is not a employment and working conditions as evinced by
justification for disregarding their separate the type of work they perform. There is similarity
personalities. Hence, the 236 employees, who are of employment status for all sales personnel. They
now attached to Georgia Pacific International have the same duties, responsibilities,
Corporation, should not be allowed to vote in the compensation and working conditions.
certification election at the Lianga Bay Logging
Corporation, Inc. They should vote at a separate 2. UNIT SEVERANCE AND THE GLOBE
certification election to determine the collective DOCTRINE
bargaining representative of the employees of
Georgia Pacific International Corporation.”
Kapisanan ng mga Manggagawa sa Manila
Road Co. v. Yard Crew Union (1960)
Phil. Scouts Veterans v. Torres (1993)
HELD: Because of modern complexities of
This case involved three companies (PSVSIA,
relations b/w employer & union structure, it
GVM, & ASDA) and only one union (UFW).
becomes difficult to determine from the evidence
ISSUE: Whether or not a SINGLE petition for
alone which of the several claimant groups forms
certification election or for recognition as the SOLE
proper bargaining unit. It becomes necessary to
and EXCLUSIVE bargaining agent can validly or
give considerations of the express desire or will of
legally be filed by a labor union in three (3)
the Employees. called the GLOBE DOCTRINE.
corporations each of which has a separate and
This is the practice of the courts to hold a
distinct legal personality instead of filing three (3)
series of elections not for the purpose of granting
separate petitions?
the right of representation to the group garnering
HELD: Yes.
the majority vote but to let employees select on
1. The securities agencies concerned (PSVSIA,
several units to represent them. (Remember: this
GVM, & ASDA) do not exist and operate
is different from a certification election) Factors
separately and distinctly from each other with
which may be considered are history, extent and
different corporate directions and goals. All
type of organization of employees, the history of
the cross-linking of the three agencies’
CB, etc.. This is keeping with the court’s right to
command, control and communication
investigate fully in matters concerning certification
systems indicate their unitary corporate
Plebiscite is not to be conducted by the DOLE
a. The security agencies are managed
but by the Court itself. Since this is an
through the Utilities Management
interlocutory order, certiorari is not proper. The
Corporation with all of their employees
claim raised by Kapisanan would only be
drawing their salaries and wages from
entertained on appeal and only after the CIR has
said entity.
ruled on the matter.
b. Agencies have common and interlocking
incorporators and officers.
Mechanical Dep’t Labor Union v CIR (1968)
c. PSVSIA, GVM and ASDA employees have
In view of its findings and the history of union
a single Mutual Benefit System and
representation in the railway company, indicating
followed a single system of compulsory
that bargaining units had been formed through
separation of new units from existing ones
d. No explanation was given why the
whenever plebiscites had shown the workers’
security guards of one agency could
desires to have their own representatives, and
easily transfer from one agency to
relying on the “globe doctrine” the employees in
another and then back again by simply
the Caloocan shop should be given a chance to
filling-up a common pro forma slip called
vote on whether their group should be separated
"Request for Transfer".
from that represented by the mechanical
e. PSVSIA, GVM and ASDA always hold
department labor union, and ordered a plebiscite
joint yearly ceremonies such as the "PGA
held for that purpose.
Annual Awards Ceremony".
Technically, the appeal was premature since
f. In emergencies, all PSVSIA Detachment
the result of the ordered plebiscite may be
Commanders were instructed in a
adverse to the creation of a separate bargaining
memorandum to get in touch with the
unit-- however, MDLU seems to have conceded
officers not only of PSVSIA but also of
that the results would favor separation.
Plebiscite may be held to determine WON the
2. Veil of corporate fiction should be lifted for the
Employees w/in the dept do want a separate
purpose of allowing the employees of the
bargaining agent. The CIR found basic differences
three agencies to form a single labor union.
b/w those in the Rolling Stocks (i.e. Caloocan
Employees need not file three separate
shops) and those of the others. Those in the
petitions for certification election. All of these
Caloocan shops have a community of interests
could be covered in a single petition.
and working conditions. They also perform major
repairs of railway rolling stock; the other units do
San Miguel Corp. v. Laguesma (1994)
only minor repairs. Also, the workers in Caloocan
HELD: Prior collective bargaining history is not
require special skills in the operation of heavy
conclusive or determinative of what constitutes the
equipment, the others do not. Hence, the GLOBE
appropriate bargaining unit. The test of grouping is
DOCTRINE properly applies.
mutuality or commonality of interest. The
Bargaining units had been formed through
Employees sought to be represented by CB agent
separation of new units from existing ones
must have substantial mutual interests in terms of


45 of 139
Part V : Appropriate Bargaining Unit
Labor Relations
whenever plebiscites had shown the worker’s association’s membership were to be broken up
desire to have their own representatives. into five separate ineffective tiny units.
Creating fragmentary units would not serve
DISINI: A brief explanation of the GLOBE the interest of industrial peace. The breaking up of
DOCTRINE bargaining units into tiny units will greatly impair
their organizational value.
It is best explained in the context of a market Since the confidential employees are very few
place and the demand of employment on such and are identified with the supervisors in their role
market place. The GLOBE DOCTRINE usually as representatives of management vis-a-vis the
applies to employees with rare skills or highly rank and file employees, such identity of interest
technical ones. has allowed their inclusion in the bargaining unit of
supervisors-managers for purposes of collective
Example given: Case of Pilots and Stewardess. bargaining. Industrial court enjoys a wide
If ,originally, pilots and stewardesses discretion in determining the procedure necessary
belong to ONE bargaining unit (unit A) for the to insure the fair and free choice of bargaining
purpose of collective bargaining, with the use of representations by employees. Action in deciding
the GLOBE DOCTRINE a plebiscite can be held to upon an appropriate unit for collective bargaining
determine if the pilot employees would want to purposes is discretionary. Its judgment is entitled
form a separate bargaining unit (unit B). to finality, unless its action is arbitrary or
Unit A (original bargaining unit) : 100 Pilots + 200
Stewardesses = 300 employees Dunlop Slazenger v. NLRC (1998)
Unit B (proposed new unit): Pilots = 100 Supervisors can be an appropriate bargaining
employees. unit.

Those in unit B (100 pilots) will vote in a

plebiscite. Their choices will be
(1) To vote for Unit A: this would mean
that they do not wish to separate from the original 4. EFFECT OF PRIOR AGREEMENT
bargaining unit.
(2) To vote for Unit B: This would mean General Rubber & Footwear Corp. v BLR,
that they would want to form their OWN (1987)
bargaining unit, composed of pilots only. HELD: Monthly paid Employees are not
(3) Neither: They do not want the choices managerial. The supervisory power of such
Employees consists merely in recommending as to
If you have one BIG bargaining unit, most what managerial actions to take in disciplinary
probably you are grouping together DIFFERENT cases.
SKILLED workers. They DO NOT FIT into the definition of
Rationale of the Globe Doctrine: highly skilled managerial Employees laid down in Bulletin
workers have to separate to increase their market Publishing Corp v. Sanchez. Thus, they are NOT
value. PROHIBITED from forming a union. It hasn’t been
Under the Globe Doctrine, will of the employees is shown that their responsibilities require the
the determinative factor. exercise of discretion and independent judgment or
that they possess power and authority to lay down
3. SIZE OF UNIT AND EFFECT ON RIGHT TO or exercise management policies.
SELF-ORGANIZATION The proliferation of unions in an employer unit
is discouraged as a matter of policy unless there
Filoil Refinery Corp. v Filoil Supervisory and are compelling reasons which would deny a certain
Confidential Employees Union (1972) class of employees the right to self-organization for
ISSUE: The right of supervisors and purposes of collective bargaining. This case does
confidential employees to organize a labor not fall squarely within the exception.
association and to bargain collectively with their Monthlies who are rank-and-file have been
employer. historically excluded from the bargaining unit
HELD: Since the confidential employees are composed of daily-paid rank-and-filers. It is
very few in number and are by practice and unusual to have to deal with 2 collective bargaining
tradition identified with the supervisors in their unions but there is no one to blame for creating
role as representatives of management vis-à-vis the situation. General had sought to
the rank and file employees, such identity of indiscriminately suppress the members right to
interest has allowed their inclusion in the self-organization. Exclusion of the members from
bargaining of supervisors for purposes of collective the bargaining union of the rank-and-file or from
bargaining in turn as employees in relation to the forming their own union was agreed upon by
company as their employer. corporation with the previous bargaining
This identity of interest logically calls for their representatives.
inclusion in the same bargaining unit and at the However, it can never bind subsequent
same time fulfills the law’s objective of insuring to federations and unions because it is a curtailment
them the full benefit of their right to self- of the right to self-organization guaranteed by the
organization and to collective bargaining, which labor laws. Monthly-paid rank-and-file
could hardly be accomplished if the respondent employees should be allowed to join the union
of the daily-paid-rank-and-file employees so


46 of 139
Part V : Appropriate Bargaining Unit
Labor Relations
that they can also avail of the CBA benefits or to judgment is entitled to finality, unless its action is
form their own rank-and-file union, without arbitrary or capricious.
prejudice to the certification election that has been
DLSU v. DLSUEA (2000)
The University's arguments on the first issue
fail to impress us. The Court agrees with the UNION MEMBER
Solicitor General that the express exclusion of the
computer operators and discipline officers from the Art. 255
bargaining unit of rank-and-file employees in the Exclusive bargaining representation and workers’
1986 collective bargaining agreement does not bar participation in policy and decision-making. The
any re-negotiation for the future inclusion of the labor organization designated or selected by the
said employees in the bargaining unit. During the majority of the employees in an appropriate
freedom period, the parties may not only renew collective bargaining unit shall be the exclusive
the existing collective bargaining agreement but representative of the employees in such unit for
may also propose and discuss modifications or the purpose of collective bargaining. However, an
amendments thereto. individual employee or group of employees shall
With regard to the alleged confidential nature have the right at any time to present grievances to
of the said employees' functions, after a careful their employer.
consideration of the pleadings filed before this
Court, we rule that the said computer operators Any provision of law to the contrary
and discipline officers are not confidential notwithstanding, workers shall have the right,
employees. As carefully examined by the Solicitor subject to such rules and regulations as the
General, the service record of a computer operator Secretary of Labor and Employment may
reveals that his duties are basically clerical and promulgate, to participate in policy and decision-
non-confidential in nature. As to the discipline making processes of the establishment where they
officers, we agree with the voluntary arbitrator are employed insofar as said processes will directly
that based on the nature of their duties, they are affect their rights, benefits and welfare. For this
not confidential employees and should therefore be purpose, workers and employers may form labor-
included in the bargaining unit of rank-and-file management councils: Provided, That the
employees. representatives of the workers in such labor-
The Court also affirms the findings of the management councils shall be elected by at least
voluntary arbitrator that the employees of the the majority of all employees in said
College of St. Benilde should be excluded from establishment.
the bargaining unit of the rank-and-file employees
of Dela Salle University, because the two
educational institutions have their own separate
juridical personality and no sufficient evidence was
shown to justify the piercing of the veil of
corporate fiction.


Art. 232
Prohibition on Certification Election
[sec. 15 of RA 6715]
The Bureau shall not entertain any petition for
certification election or any other action which
may disturb the administration of duly registered
existing collective bargaining agreements
affecting the parties EXCEPT under Art. 253, 253-
A and 256 of this Code (60 day freedom period)


Filoil Refinery Corp. v Filoil Supervisory and

Confidential Employees Union (1972)
Industrial court enjoys a wide discretion in
determining the procedure necessary to insure the
fair and free choice of bargaining representations
by employees, and that its action in deciding upon
an appropriate unit for collective bargaining
purpose is discretionary and that its judgment in
this respect is entitled to almost complete finality,
unless its action is arbitrary or capricious and that
absent any grave abuse of discretion as to justify
the Court’s intervention.
Action in deciding upon an appropriate unit for
collective bargaining purposes is discretionary. Its


47 of 139
Part VI : Union Representation Establishing Union Majority Status
Labor Relations

Part VI : UNION REPRESENTATION  It is a separate and distinct process and

has nothing to do with the import and
ESTABLISHING UNION MAJORITY effect of a certification election.
 Neither does it shorten the terms of an
STATUS existing CBA nor entitle the participants
thereof to immediately renegotiate an
existing CBA although it does not preclude
 What are the difference between consent the workers from exercising their right to
election, certification election and run-off choose their sole and exclusive bargaining
election? representative after the expiration of the
sixty (60) day freedom period.
Department Order No. 40-03
Series of 2003 It is clearly understood that the certified union
Rule I in the said projected election shall respect and
administer the existing CBA at the company until
(h) "Certification Election" or "Consent Election" its expiry date on July 31, 1986.
refers to the process of determining through secret It is, therefore, unmistakable that the election
ballot the sole and exclusive representative of the thus held on August 25, 1985 was not for the
employees in an appropriate bargaining unit for purpose of determining which labor union should
purposes of collective bargaining or negotiation. be the bargaining representative in the negotiation
for a collective contract, there being an existing
A certification election collective bargaining agreement yet to expire on
 Is ordered by the Department, July 31, 1986; but only to determine which labor
While a consent election union shag administer the said existing contract.
 Is voluntarily agreed upon by the parties,
with or without the intervention by the CERTIFICATION ELECTION
 What is the PURPOSE of a certification
(ss) "Run-off Election" refers to election?
 An election between the labor unions
receiving the two (2) highest number of It is a means of determining the worker’s choice
votes in a certification or consent election of:
with three (3) or more choices, 1) Whether the want a union to represent
 Where such a certified or consent results them for collective bargaining OR they
in none of the three (3) or more choices want NO union to represent them at all.
receiving the majority of the valid votes 2) And if they choose to have a union
cast; represent them, they will choose WHICH
 Provided that the total number of votes among the contending union will be the
for all contending unions is at least fifty SOLE and EXCLUSIVE bargaining
percent (50%) of the number of votes representative of the employees in the
cast. appropriate bargaining unit.
Warren Manufacturing Workers Union vs. The
Bureau Of Labor Relations (1988) 1st Level of Choice: Yes Union or No Union
Petitioner: The holding of a certification 2nd Level of Choice: If “Yes Union” wins,
election at the bargaining unit is patently WHICH union.
premature and illegal because of the one-year no
certification election rule and the principle of the UST Faculty Union v. Bitonio (1999)
Contract Bar Rule. “Specifically, the purpose of a certification
This contention is untenable. election is to ascertain whether or not a majority of
The records show that petitioner admitted that the employees (1) wish to be represented by a
what was held on August 25,1985 at the labor organization and (2) by which particular labor
Company's premises and which became the root of organization.”
this controversy, was a consent election and not a
Distinguish Consent Election and Certification
Election 1. It is not litigation, but a mere investigation of
As correctly distinguished by private a non-adversary character
respondent, a consent election: 2. It is most DEMOCRATIC and most efficacious/
 Is an agreed one, effective way (Samahang manggagawa sa
 Its purpose being merely to determine the permex case) and it is a STATUTORY POLICY
issue of majority representation of all the (Belyca Corp. v. Ferrer-Calleja)
workers in the appropriate collective 3. There can be no direct certification
bargaining unit 4. There can be no voluntary recognition
While a certification election
 Is aimed at determining the sole and It is NOT a litigation, but a mere investigation
exclusive bargaining agent of all the of a non-adversary character
employees in an appropriate bargaining
unit for the purpose of collective  No determination of rights violated or
bargaining. asserted.
From the very nature of consent election,


48 of 139
Part VI : Union Representation Establishing Union Majority Status
Labor Relations
 Determination of worker’s choice only. The BLR cannot certify a union as the exclusive
collective bargaining representative after showing
IMPLICATION: “Technical rules and objections proof of majority representation thru union
should not hamper the correct membership cards without conducting a
ascertainment of the labor union certification election.
that has the support and
confidence of the majority of the The Labor Code (in Arts. 256, 257 and 258)
workers and is thus entitled to provides only for a certification election as the
represent them in bargaining for mode for determining the exclusive collective
the terms and conditions of their bargaining representative if there is a question of
employment.” (Port Workers representation in an appropriate bargaining unit.
Union v. DOLE)
Another Suggested Answer:
It is most DEMOCRATIC and most efficacious/ No, the bureau of labor relations CANNOT certify a
effective way and it is a STATUTORY POLICY union as the exclusive bargaining representative
without conducting a certification election. (Refer
IMPLICATION: Thus it should not be to doctrine of Colgate Palmolive)
circumvented (George & Peter
Lines, Inc. v. Associated Labor There can be NO VOLUNTARY RECOGNITION
Union, 134 SCRA 82, 1985).
There should be no obstacle in  This has been a debatable topic. Even after
conducting the Certificate the Supreme Court made the ruling, the DOLE
election. still included provisions o Voluntary
Recoginition in DO No. 40-03 series of 2003.
There can be NO DIRECT certification So the issue now is which should prevail?
 Azucena in his book recognizes Voluntary
Colgate Palmolive Philippines v. Ople(1988) Recognition as valid and welcomes it as a new
ISSUE: WON the secretary of labor can development to the law.
directly certify a union as the sole and exclusive
bargaining agent? Rule I: (bbb) "Voluntary Recognition" refers to
HELD: NO! He cannot directly certify. the process by which a legitimate labor union is
The main purpose of the procedure in Art. 257 recognized by the employer as the exclusive
- 260 is to aid in ascertaining the majority bargaining representative or agent in a bargaining
representation. The implementing rules pertinent unit, reported with the Regional Office in
to these provision are all calculated to ensure that accordance with Rule VII, Section 2 of these Rules.
the certified bargaining rep is the TRUE CHOICE OF
THE EMPLOYEES against all contender. Rule VI Section 2. Determination of
The constitutional mandate that the State representation status; modes. - The
shall assure the rights of the workers to self- determination of an exclusive bargaining agent
organization, collective bargaining, security of shall be through voluntary recognition in cases
tenure and just and humane conditions of work, where there is only one legitimate labor
should be achieved under a system of law such as organization operating within the bargaining unit,
the aforementioned provisions of the pertinent or through certification, run-off or consent election
statute. as provided in these Rules.
When an overzealous official by-passes the
law on the pre-text of retaining a laudable RULE VII
objective, the intendment or purpose of the law VOLUNTARY RECOGNITION
will lose its meaning as the law itself is
disregarded. Section 1. When and where to file. - In
When respondent minister (Sec. Of Labor) unorganized establishments with only one
DIRECTLY certified the union, he in fact legitimate labor organization, the employer may
DISREGARDED THE PROCEDURE AND ITS LEGAL voluntarily recognize the representation status of
REQUIREMENT. There was therefore FAILURE TO such a union. Within thirty (30) days from such
DETERMINE with legal certainty whether the union recognition, the employer and union shall submit a
indeed enjoyed majority representation. notice of voluntary recognition with the Regional
The holding of a certification election at the Office which issued the recognized labor union's
proper time IS NOT NECESSARILY A MERE certificate of registration or certificate of creation
FORMALITY. Even in a case where a union has filed of a chartered local.
a petition for certification elections, the mere fact
that no opposition is made does NOT warrant a Section 2. Requirements for voluntary
certification election. recognition. - The notice of voluntary recognition
shall be accompanied by the original copy and two
BAR QUESTION (1998, XVIII) (2) duplicate copies of the following documents:
Can the Bureau of Labor Relations certify a union (a) a joint statement under oath of voluntary
as the exclusive bargaining representative after recognition attesting to the fact of voluntary
showing proof of majority representation thru recognition;
union membership cards without conducting an (b) certificate of posting of the joint statement of
election? voluntary recognition for fifteen (15) consecutive
days in at least two (2) conspicuous places in
SUGGESTED ANSWER: the establishment or bargaining unit where the
union seeks to operate;


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Part VI : Union Representation Establishing Union Majority Status
Labor Relations
(c) the approximate number of employees in the of the workers for the purpose of collective
bargaining unit, accompanied by the names of bargaining.
those who support the voluntary recognition Certification election is the most effective and
comprising at least a majority of the members of the most democratic way of determining which
the bargaining unit; and labor organization can truly represent the working
(d) a statement that the labor union is the only force in the ABU of the company.
legitimate labor organization operating within the What is the effect if in a certificate election, there
bargaining unit. is only one union and that there are no contending
All accompanying documents of the notice for union?
voluntary recognition shall be certified under oath  “Certification election is the best and most
by the employer representative and president of appropriate means of ascertaining the will
the recognized labor union. of the employees as to their choice of an
exclusive bargaining representative.”
Section 3. Action on the Notice. - Where the  “That there are no competing unions
notice of voluntary recognition is sufficient in form, involved should not alter that principle,
number and substance and where there is no other the freedom of choice by the employer
registered labor union operating within the being the primordial consideration,
bargaining unit concerned, the Regional Office, besides the fact that the employees can
through the Labor Relations Division shall, within choose between ALU, the union, and NO
ten (10) days from receipt of the notice, record the union.” (George & Peter Lines, Inc. v.
fact of voluntary recognition in its roster of ALU, L-51602, 1985; 134 SCRA 82 @
legitimate labor unions and notify the labor union page 86)
Where the notice of voluntary recognition is  Why is an employer-employee
insufficient in form, number and substance, the relationship a PRE-CONDITION before a
Regional Office shall, within the same period, petition for certification election can be
notify the labor union of its findings and advise it entertained?
to comply with the necessary requirements. Where
neither the employer nor the labor union failed to An employer employee relationship is a pre-
complete the requirements for voluntary condition since without such relationship,
recognition under Section 2 of this Rule within there will be no duty to bargain on the part of
thirty (30) days from receipt of the advisory, the either the employer or employee.
Regional Office shall return the notice for voluntary
recognition together with all its accompanying Thus it will be senseless to go on with a
documents without prejudice to its re-submission. certification election to choose their bargaining
representative when there is no duty to
Section 4. Effect of recording of fact of collectively bargain anyway. (Allied Free
voluntary recognition. - From the time of Workers Union v. Cia Maritima, 19 SCRA 258,
recording of voluntary recognition, the recognized 1967)
labor union shall enjoy the rights, privileges and
obligations of an existing bargaining agent of all Reyes v. Trajano (1992)
the employees in the bargaining unit. First issue: Voting No Union
The right of self-organization includes the right
Entry of voluntary recognition shall bar the filing of to …. determine which of two or more unions in an
a petition for certification election by any labor establishment to join, and to engage in concerted
organization for a period of one (1) year from the activities with co-workers for purposes of collective
date of entry of voluntary recognition. Upon bargaining through representatives of their own
expiration of this one-year period, any legitimate choosing, or for their mutual aid and protection,
labor organization may file a petition for i.e., the protection, promotion, or enhancement of
certification election in the same bargaining unit their rights and interests.
represented by the voluntarily recognized union, Logically, the right NOT to join, affiliate with,
unless a collective bargaining agreement between or assist any union, and to disaffiliate or resign
the employer and voluntarily recognized labor from a labor organization, is subsumed in the right
union was executed and registered with the to join, affiliate with, or assist any union, and to
Regional Office in accordance with Rule XVII of maintain membership therein. The right to refuse
these Rules. to join or be represented by any labor
organization is recognized not only by law but also
Samahang Manggagawa sa Permex v. Sec of in the rules drawn up for implementation thereof.
Labor (1998) The original Rules on Certification promulgated
Can an employer voluntarily recognize a union by the defunct Court of Industrial Relations
as the bargaining representative of the required that the ballots to be used at a
employees? certification election to determine which of two or
HELD: NO! It cannot. more competing labor unions would represent the
The employer (permex) should not have given employees in the appropriate bargaining unit
its voluntary recognition to the union when the should contain:
latter asked for recognition as exclusive collective  Aside from the names of each union,
bargaining agent of the employees of the  An alternative choice of the employee voting,
company. to the effect that he desires not to be
The company did not have the power to represented by any union. (A vote for
declare the union as the exclusive representative none, NO UNION)


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Part VI : Union Representation Establishing Union Majority Status
Labor Relations

The purpose of a certification election is precisely employees. It is not equivalent to and does not
the ascertainment of the wishes of the majority of compensate for the denial of the right of the
the employees in the appropriate bargaining unit: excluded employees to self-organization and
To be or not to be represented by a labor collective bargaining.
organization, The Supreme Court in previous cases ruled
And in the affirmative case, by which that the employees excluded from the coverage of
particular labor organization. the CBA, who not being excluded by law, have the
right to bargain collectively.
If the results of the election should disclose The allegation that some benefits under the
that the majority of the workers do not wish to be existing CBA were extended to the monthly paid
represented by any union, then their wishes must employees, even if true will not preclude them
be respected, and no union may properly be from entering into a CBA of their own. Neither is
certified as the exclusive representative of the the inconvenience that may befall petitioner for
workers in the bargaining unit in dealing with the having to administer two CBAs an excuse for
employer regarding wages, hours and other terms depriving the monthly paid employees of their
and conditions of employment. constitutionally guaranteed right to collective
That the INK employees, as employees in the bargaining.
same bargaining unit in the true sense of the term,
do have the right of self-organization, is also in VENUE OF PETITION: WHERE TO FILE?
truth beyond question, as well as the fact that
when they voted that the employees in their Cruz Valle Inc. v. Laguesma (1994)
bargaining unit should be represented by "NO Petitioner: the petition for certification election
UNION," they were simply exercising that right of should have been filed with the regional office
self-organization, albeit in its negative aspect. which has jurisdiction over the principal office of
the employer in accordance with the IRR of the
Second issue: Non-union members are not Labor Code.
excluded from voting in CE Where to file. A petition for certification
On argument that the petitioners are election shall be filed with the Regional Office
disqualified to vote because they "are not which has jurisdiction over the principal office of
constituted into a duly organized labor union" — the Employer. The petition shall be in writing and
"but members of the INK which prohibits its under oath.
followers, on religious grounds, from joining or The word "jurisdiction" as used in said
forming any labor organization" — and "hence, not provision refers to the venue where the petition for
one of the unions which vied for certification as certification must be filed. Unlike jurisdiction,
sole and exclusive bargaining representative," is which implies the power of the court to decide a
specious. case, venue merely refers to the place where the
Neither law, administrative rule nor action shall be brought. Venue touches more the
jurisprudence requires that only employees convenience of the parties rather than the
affiliated with any labor organization may take part substance of the case
in a certification election. On the contrary, the Section 1, Rule V, Book V of the Omnibus
plainly discernible intendment of the law is to Rules Implementing the Labor Code refers only to
grant the right to vote to all bona fide employees cases where the place of work of the employees
in the bargaining unit, whether they are members and the place of the principal office of the
of a labor organization or not. employer are within the same territorial jurisdiction
of the Regional Office where the petition for
certification election is filed. It does not apply to
From the above case it can be derived that in
the filing of petitions for certification election where
a certification election there are two stages
the place of work of the employees and the place
of voting:
of principal office of the employer are located
within the territorial jurisdictions of different
First stage:
regional offices.
Whether or not the employees wants to be
We assume that in the drafting of the Omnibus
represented by a labor organization?
Rules, the Secretary of Labor and Employment
Answerable by Yes or No.
took into consideration the fact that there are
many companies with factories located in places
If No wins , then the Certification Election ends.
different from places where the corporate offices
If Yes wins, then proceed to the Second Stage.
are located.
The worker, being the economically-disadvantaged
Second Stage:
party whether as complainant, petitioner or
Which particular labor organization would you like
respondent, as the case may be, the nearest
to represent the bargaining unit?
governmental machinery to settle a labor dispute
must be placed at his immediate disposal and the
 What is effect of Receipt of Benefits of employer must in no case be allowed a choice in
people outside the bargaining unit to the favor of another competent agency sitting in
petition for CE? another place to the inconvenience of the worker
For purposes of venue, workplace shall be
Barbizon v. Nagkakaisang Supervisor (1996) understood as the place or locality where the
The receipt by petitioner's "supervisor" employee is regularly assigned when the cause of
employees of certain benefits under the CBA action arose. It shall include the place where the
between BUKLOD and petitioner is not sufficient to employee is supposed to report back after a
deny the petition for certification election filed by temporary detail, assignment or travel. . . .
the labor organization formed by the excluded


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Part VI : Union Representation Establishing Union Majority Status
Labor Relations
Art. 256
Department Order No. 40-03 ORGANIZED ESTABLISHMENT:
Series of 2003
RULE VIII It is an establishment with:
b. Duly certified bargaining agent.
Section 2. Where to file. - A petition for
certification election shall be filed with the Regional Take note: In relation to the one-year bar rule,
Office which issued the petitioning union's a duly certified bargaining agent is allowed one-
certificate of registration/certificate of creation of year to negotiate for the signing of a CBA, that is
chartered local. why no CE can be filed at this time.
The petition shall be heard and resolved by the
Med-Arbiter. An organized establishment is best distinguished
Where two or more petitions involving the same from an unorganized establishment by the
bargaining unit are filed in one Regional Office, the presence of a bargaining representative since
same shall be automatically consolidated with the according to Art. 257, an unorganized
Med-Arbiter who first acquired jurisdiction. Where establishment is an establishment without a
the petitions are filed in different Regional Offices, bargaining representative.
the Regional Office in which the petition was first
filed shall exclude all others; in which case, the Organized Establishment v. Unorganized
latter shall indorse the petition to the former for Establishment
consolidation. (The distinctions are important because the
requirements are different.)

Art. 256: Art. 257:


STATUTORY FRAME-WORK AND POLICY Bargaining Existing, has one None

Petition filed Has to be a No need to be
TAKE NOTE: Certification election implements the VERFIED petition verified
policy of right to self-organization and collective Freedom No petition for Not applicable.
bargaining. The right of self-organization includes Period Certification
election EXCEPT No freedom period.
the right of the workers to have a bargaining
within 60 days Can file petition
representative OF THEIR OWN CHOOSING for the before the anytime.
purpose of collective bargaining. expiration of the
Statutory Frame-work agreement (See
Art. 253 & 253-A)

Take note how SC

The different entry points to a certification interpreted the
election term “WITHIN”.
Art. 256: Organized Establishments
What is the
Art. 257: Unorganized Establishments
rationale of
Art. 258: Employer-Initiated Certificate freedom period in
Election organized
Note: The mechanics of the three why is there none
entry-points are similar and the in unorganized
same. establishments?

It has something
The BARS to a CE: Prevents the happening of to do with
a CE. industrial peace
a. Contract bar rule (Art. 232)
b. Deadlock-bar rule
c. One year bar rule

Note: among all the bar rules, only the contract

bar is actually in the labor code, the other two
are in the implementing rules.

Suspension of CE: Prejudicial question rule

Detailed Discussion of the Framework

Different Entry Points To A Certification Election


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Part VI : Union Representation Establishing Union Majority Status
Labor Relations
Substantial Must be duly NO substantial concluded in defiance of the order of the med-
support rule supported by 25% support rule. arbiter enjoining the parties from entering into a
of ALL THE CBA until the issue on representation is finally
APPROPRIATE Intention of law is
BARGAINING to bring in the Article 256 is clear and leaves no room for
UNIT. union, to interpretation. The mere filing of a petition for
implement policy certification election within the freedom period is
Percentage behind Art. 211a. sufficient basis for the respondent Director to order
base: all the holding of a certification election.
members of an The petition for certification election in this
case was filed within the freedom period but the
bargaining unit.
petitioner and PASAR hastily concluded a CBA
What is intent and despite the order of the Med-Arbiter enjoining
purpose of law for them from doing so until the issue of
requiring the representation is finally resolved. As pointed out by
substantial public respondent in its comment, the parties were
support rule? in bad faith when they concluded the CBA. Their
Law wants to
act was clearly intended to bar the petition for
know the intention
of the employees. certification election filed by NAFLU.
If they really want A CBA which was prematurely renewed is not
a CE, since they a bar to the holding of a certification election. Such
already have a indecent haste in renewing the CBA despite an
bargaining agent. order enjoining them from doing so is designed to
frustrate the constitutional right of the employees
DISCUSSIONS ON THE FREEDOM PERIOD to self-organization. Moreover, We cannot
countenance the actuation of the petitioner and the
Atlantic Gulf and Pacific Co. Manila, Inc. v. management in this case which is not conducive to
Laguesma (1992) industrial peace.
The Labor Code provides: The renewed CBA cannot constitute a bar to
Art. 232. Prohibition on Certification Election. the instant petition for certification election for the
— The Bureau shall not entertain any petition
very reason that the same was not yet in existence
for certification election or any other action
which may disturb the administration of duly when the said petition was filed. The holding of a
registered existing collective bargaining certification election is a statutory policy that
agreements affecting the parties except under should not be circumvented.
Articles 253, 253-A and 256 of this Code.
Consequently, the existence of a duly DISCUSSION ON THE SUBSTANTIAL SUPPORT
registered Collective Bargaining Agreement RULE IN ORGANIZED ESTABLISHMENTS
between the petitioner and URFA, which is the sole
and exclusive bargaining representative of all the TAKE NOTE: A union that is merely filing a MOTION
regular rank-and-file employees of the petitioner FOR INTERVENTION in a CE filed by another union
including the regular project employees with more need NOT present substantial support. The
than one year of service, bars any other labor substantial support is only needed when filing for a
organization from filing a petition for certification petition for certification election.
election except within the 60-day period prior to
the expiration of the CBA.
 When should the substantial support be
To rule otherwise would negate the legislative
shown or complied with?
intent in the enactment of Article 232 of the Labor
Code which was designed to ensure industrial
It need not be shown at the time of filing of
peace between the employer and its employees
the petition, may be shown within a
during the existence of the collective bargaining
reasonable time thereafter but should be
before the election.
Republic Planters Bank Unionv. Laguesma
Port Worker’s Union of the Philippines v.
We start with the restatement of the rule that
The holding of a certification election is a
no petition for certification election may be
statutory policy that should not be circumvented.
entertained if filed outside the sixty-day period
In line with this policy the SC holds that the
immediately before the expiration of the collective
administrative rule requiring the SIMULTANEOUS
bargaining agreement.
submission of the 25% consent signatures UPON
the filing of petition for CE should NOT BE
PURPOSE: The purpose of the prohibition
STRICTLY applied to frustrate the determination of
against the filing of a petition for
the legitimate representatives of the workers.
certification election outside the so-
Significantly the rule is not found in article
called freedom period is to ensure
256, the law it seeks to implement.
industrial peace between the
Accordingly, the SC holds that the MERE filing
employer and its employees during
of a petition for certification election within the
the existence of the CBA.
freedom period is sufficient basis for the holding of
a certification election, subject to the submission of
Associated Labor Union v. Calleja (1989)
the consent signatures WITHIN A REASONABLE
Is the contract bar rule applicable where a
collective bargaining agreement was hastily


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Part VI : Union Representation Establishing Union Majority Status
Labor Relations
 Is the substantial support rule a
mandatory requirement? When an establishments is unorganized,
If you strictly follow the letter of the law it meaning that it has no existing bargaining
would seem to be mandatory. agent.

If the petition for certification of election  Who shall file the petition under Art. 257?
complied with the requirements of the law
including the substantial support requirement, A LEGITIMATE labor organization. It cannot be
then it becomes the ministerial duty of the BLR an unregistered labor organization. This is best
to conduct a certification election. However, if read in relation to Art. 242 which enumerates
the petition does not comply with the the rights granted to a legitimate labor
substantial support requirement, the BLR may organization and one of those rights is the
exercise its discretion in determining whether right to be chosen as the exclusive bargaining
or not a certification election must be representative. This is one way the law
conducted. encourages union registration.

Scout Albano Memorial College v. Noriel  VENUE: Where to file?

(1978) BLR region where union is. The one nearer to
The BLR in the exercise of sound discretion, the employees.
may order a certification election notwithstanding
the failure to meet the 30% requirement. Once Art. 258
that requisite is complied with, however, the Code EMPLOYER-INITIATED PETITION
makes clear that "it shall be mandatory for the
Bureau to conduct a certification election for the
 When can an employer file a petition?
purpose of determining the representative of the
Only when it is requested to bargain
employees in the appropriate bargaining unit and
certify the winner as the exclusive collective
bargaining representative of all the employees in
the unit. TAKE NOTE: Employer is a TOTAL STRANGER in
the process of Certification Election.
 Does a RIVAL union have authority to
VERIFY the signatures in the substantial Employer has NO STANDING to file a MOTION TO
support requirement? DISMISS (Phil. Telephone Telegraph v. SOL)

No a rival union may not. Only the department A company’s interference in the CE creates a
of labor has authority to verify. suspicion that it intends to establish a company
“There is no basis for the contention that a union (Oriental Tin Can Labor Union v. Secretary of
duty is cast on respondent director (secretary Labor).
of labor) to allow a rival labor organization to
verify the authenticity of such signatures. The CONDUCTING AGENCY
duty to ascertain whether there was
compliance was on the director of labor.” Art. 226
(Today’s Knitting Free Workers Union v. Noriel, Bureau of Labor Relations- The BLR and the Labor
75 SCRA 450, 1977) Rels Div in the regional offices of the DOLE shall
have original and exclusive authority to act at
 What is the effect on a petition of their own initiative and upon request of either or
certification election of the withdrawal both parties in all intra-union and inter-union
from union membership filed by that conflicts, and all disputes grievances or problems
union? arising from or affecting labor management rels in
all workplaces whether agricultural or non- agri,
Once the required percentage requirement has except those arising from the implementation or
been reached, the employees’ withdrawal from interpretation of CBAs which shall be the subject
union membership taking place after the filing of grievance procedure and voluntary arbitration.
of the petition for certification election will not
affect the petition. The bureau shall have 15 working days to act on
On the contrary the presumption arises that labor cases before it subject to extension by
the withdrawal was not free but was procured agreement of the parties.
through duress, coercion, or for a valuable
consideration. Hence, the subsequent Art. 232
disaffiliation of the six (6) employees from the Prohibition on CE - The Bureau shall not entertain
union will not be counted against or deducted any petition on CE or any other action which may
from the previous number who had signed up disturb the administration of duly existing CBAs
for the CE. (Oriental Tin Can Labor Union v. affecting the parties except under 253, 253-A and
Secretary of Labor and Employment 294 SCRA 256 of this Code.
640, 1998)
Art. 258
Art. 257 When the ER may file a petition - When requested
UNORGANIZED ESTABLISHMENTS to bargain collectively, an ER may petition the
Bureau for an election. If there is no existing
 When will Art. 257 apply or come into certified CBA in the unit, the Bureau shall, after
operation? hearing, order a certification election.


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Part VI : Union Representation Establishing Union Majority Status
Labor Relations
certified as the exclusive bargaining agent of
All certification cases shall be decided within 20 all the workers in the unit.
days.  When an election which provides for 3 or more
choices results in no choice receiving a
The Bureau shall conduct a certification election majority of the valid votes cast, a run-off
within 20 days in accordance with the rules and election shall be conducted between the labor
regulations prescribed by Sec. of Labor. unions receiving the 2 highest number of
votes. Provided, that total number of votes for
Art. 259 all contending unions is at least 50% of the
Appeal from CE orders - any party to an election number of votes cast.
may appeal the order or results of the election as
determined by the med arbiter directly to the TEST
SOLE on the ground that the rules and regulations
or parts thereof established by the SOLE for the Benguet Electric Cooperative, Inc. v
conduct of the election have been violated. Such Calleja(1989)
appeal shall be decided within 15 calendar days. The employees of a cooperative may not join
or form a labor organization for purposes of
Ilaw at Buklod ng Manggagawa v. Dir. Of collective bargaining. As members of the
Labor Relations. 91 SCRA 482 cooperative, they are co-owners. An owner cannot
HELD: Referral of the appeal to the Trade bargain with himself or his co-owners. The fact the
Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP), a members-employees do not participate in the
federation of labor unions is glaringly illegal and actual management of the cooperative does not
void. The Labor Code never intended that the make them eligible to form, assist or join a labor
Director of Labor Relations should abdicate, organization for the purposes of collective
delegate and relinquish his arbitrational bargaining. It is the fact of ownership of the
prerogatives in favor of a private person or entity cooperative, not involvement in the management
or to a federation of trade unions. Article 226, 259, thereof, which disqualifies a member from joining
260 are mandatory and should be strictly adhered any labor organization within the cooperative.
to. They are part and parcel of the adequate Only 37 employees are not members of the
administrative machinery established by the Labor cooperative and who are the only employees
Code for the expeditious settlement of labor eligible to form or join a labor union. However, the
disputes. minutes of the certification election show that a
The Director's act of referring the appeal is total of 83 employees were allowed to vote. The
patent nullification of the policy of the Labor Code certification election is still null and void.
to avoid delay in the adjudication of labor It cannot be determined whether or not union
controversies. was duly elected by the eligible voters of the
Labor Code never intended that the original bargaining unit since even employees who are
record of a labor case, an official public record, ineligible to join a labor union within the
should be removed from the legitimate custodian cooperative because of their membership therein
and entrusted to a private person. Delivery of an were allowed to vote in the certification election.
official public record to a private person is fraught
with mischievous consequences. Director placed NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS
himself in ridiculous situation of having to beg the
TUCP for the return of the record. Director could 1. Non-adversalrial
have reconstituted the record and the Director 2. Not a litigation
could have decided the appeal on the basis of the 3. Administrative proceedings to
reconstituted record. determine worker’s choice.

Plum v. Noriel (1982) Young Men Labor Union Stevedores v CIR

HELD: Employees are deprived of the benefits (1965)
of a CBA, for management refused to bargain with Certification proceedings are investigatory in
the union. A certification election is warranted. nature. Object of the proceedings is not the
Workers' welfare can be promoted through the decision of any alleged commission of wrong nor
bargaining process. Certification election is the asserted deprivation of right, but is merely the
fairest and most effective way of determining determination of proper bargaining units and the
which labor organization can truly represent the ascertainment of the will and choice and choice of
working force. Will of the majority is controlling. the employees in respect of the selection of the
Director is still empowered to call for a certification bargaining representative. The determination of
election. Instead of ordering an election, Director the proceeding does not entail the entry of
dismissed the appeal of PLUM based on the remedial orders or redress of rights, but
decision of the TUCP. This is frowned upon by the culmination solely in an official designation of
Court. bargaining units and an affirmation of the
employees expressed choice of bargaining agent.
Port Workers Union of the Phils. v Laguesma
Art. 256 (1992)
Representation issue in organized establishments - HELD: There has been substantial compliance
 To have a valid election, at least a majority of with the requirements of law when they submitted
all eligible voters in the unit must have cast the required consent signatures several days
their votes. The labor union receiving the after the filing of petition. Article 256 should be
majority of the valid votes cast shall be liberally interpreted.


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Part VI : Union Representation Establishing Union Majority Status
Labor Relations
Furthermore, CE is a statutory policy that agreement between the employer and a
should not be circumvented and that the CE is the duly recognized or certified bargaining
most democratic and expeditious method by which agent has been registered in accordance
with Article 231 of the Labor Code.
the laborers can freely determine the union that
shall act as their representative: The Where such collective bargaining
administrative rule in Bk V, Rule V, Section 6 agreement is registered, the petition may
requiring the simultaneous submission of the 25 % be filed only within sixty (60) days prior
consent signatures should not be strictly applied so to its expiry.
as to frustrate the determination of the workers’
legit representative. Article 256 is merely
directory. Filing of the petition for CE within the  What is a forced intervenor?
freedom period is sufficient for the issuance of an
order to conduct the CE. As to the petition for Section 7. Forced Intervenor. - The incumbent
intervention filed, the percentage requirement bargaining agent shall automatically be one of the
does not apply. It was viable considering that the choices in the certification election as forced
principal petitions for CE were valid. intervenor.
Certification Election–Process and Procedure
DO No. 40-03 Jisscor Independent Union v Torres (1993)
WHO may 1) Any legitimate labor organization may Grounds of a protest may be filed on the spot
file? file a petition for certification election. or in writing with the representation officer and
Sec. 1 2) When requested to bargain shall be contained in the minutes of the
collectively, an employer may file a proceedings. Protests not so raised are deemed
petition for certification election with the
waived. The minutes of the certification election
Regional Office.
show that JIU only protested against the use of
3) If there is no existing registered emblem, visor, pin. Other protests not so raised
collective bargaining agreement in the are deemed waived.
bargaining unit, the Regional Office shall, There is no merit in the argument that the
after hearing, order the conduct of a non-posting of the notice of the certification
certification election. election as prescribed misled and confused the
WHERE to A petition for certification election shall
workers regarding the mechanics of the election.
file? be filed with the Regional Office which
Sec. 2 issued the petitioning union's certificate
JIU is estopped from raising that issue for it signed
of registration/certificate of creation of an agreement with JISSCOR to waive the
chartered local. mandatory 5 days posting of election notices. The
The petition shall be heard and resolved doctrine of estoppel is based on grounds of public
by the Med-Arbiter. policy, fair dealing, good faith and justice, and its
Where two or more petitions involving the purpose is to forbid one to speak against his own
same bargaining unit are filed in one
act, representations, or commitments to the injury
Regional Office, the same shall be
automatically consolidated with the Med-
of one to whom they were directed and who
Arbiter who first acquired jurisdiction. reasonably relied thereon. The results of the
certification election belie the allegation that the
Where the petitions are filed in different workers were misinformed about the election out
Regional Offices, the Regional Office in of 104 eligible voters, 99 were able to cast their
which the petition was first filed shall votes and only 3 were spoiled ballots. Nothing in
exclude all others; in which case, the
the records shows that the alleged wearing of
latter shall indorse the petition to the
former for consolidation.
sunvisors and pins, the posting of huge streamers,
WHEN to A petition for certification election may be as well as the alleged escorting of voters by SMJ-
file? filed anytime, ALU have unduly pressured, influenced, vitiated, or
Sec. 3 except: in any manner affected the choice of the workers.
(a) when a fact of voluntary recognition VOTING LIST AND VOTERS
has been entered or a valid certification,
consent or run-off election has been Acoje Workers Union v NAMAWU (1963)
conducted within the bargaining unit
within one (1) year prior to the filing of Labor unions concerned agreed, not only to
the petition for certification election. the holding of election, but also to the use of the
Where an appeal has been filed from the
Company payroll as the basis for determining who
order of the Med-Arbiter certifying the
results of the election, the running of the are qualified to vote subject to the approval of the
one year period shall be suspended until lower court. Company presented payroll to said
the decision on the appeal has become court. Said labor unions were given an opportunity
final and executory; to make their comments and observations on the
(b) when the duly certified union has list of workers contained in the payroll. Court
commenced and sustained negotiations in issued order for the holding of the election and
good faith with the employer in
made its ruling on the question as to who were
accordance with Article 250 of the Labor
Code within the one year period referred qualified to vote. Acoje did not move for a
to in the immediately preceding reconsideration.
(c) when a bargaining deadlock to which EFFECT NON-PARTICIPATION PREVIOUS ELECTION
an incumbent or certified bargaining
agent is a party had been submitted to Reyes v. Trajano (1992)
conciliation or arbitration or had become
Furthermore, failure to take part in previous
the subject of a valid notice of strike or
lockout; elections is no bar to the right to participate in
(d) when a collective bargaining future elections. No law, administrative rule or


56 of 139
Part VI : Union Representation Establishing Union Majority Status
Labor Relations
precedent prescribes forfeiture of the right to vote
by reason of neglect to exercise the right in past R. Transport Corp. v Laguesma (227 SCRA
cases. 827)
Company argues that the employment status
ALL EMPLOYEES ENTITLED TO VOTE of the members of CLOP who joined the strike
must first be resolved before a certification election
Airtime Specialists, Inc. v Director of BLR can be conducted. This is untenable. In Philippine
(1990) Fruits v. Torres, employees who have been
In a certification election, all rank and file improperly laid off but who have a present,
employees in the appropriate bargaining unit are unabandoned right to or expectation of re-
entitled to vote. Collective bargaining covers all employment, are eligible to vote in certification
aspects of the employment relation and the elections. Employees who participated in the strike,
resultant CBA binds all employees in the legally remain as such, until either the motion to
bargaining unit. All rank and file employees, declare their employment status legally terminated
probationary or permanent, have a substantial or their complaint for illegal dismissal is resolved
interest in the selection of the bargaining by the NLRC.
representative. The code makes no distinction as
to their employment status. The law refers to all CHALLENGE VOTER
the employees in the bargaining unit. All they need
to be eligible to support the petition is to belong to Phil. Telephone & Telegraph Co. v Laguesma
the bargaining unit. (1993)

Barerra v. CIR (1981) PT&T did not possess the legal personality to
If it were a labor organization objecting to the file a motion to dismiss. An employer has no
participation in a certification election of a standing to question a certification election since
company-dominated union, as a result of which a this is the sole concern of the workers. What PT&T
complaint for an unfair labor practice case against should have done was to question the inclusion of
the employer was filed, the status of the latter any disqualified employee in the certification
union must be first cleared in such a proceeding election during the exclusion-inclusion proceedings
before such voting could take place. The reason before the representation officer.
that justifies the postponement of a certification Indeed, this is precisely the purpose of the
election pending an inquiry, as to the bona fides of exclusion-inclusion proceedings, to determine who
a labor union does not apply in this case. among the employees are entitled to vote and be
If management is allowed to have its way, the part of the bargaining unit sought to be certified.
result might be to dilute strength of an Evidence presented failed to sufficiently show that
organization bent on a more zealous defense of the supervisory employees were in fact performing
labor's prerogatives. This is not to say that managerial functions. While these supervisory
management is to be precluded from filing an employees did exercise independent judgment
unfair labor practice case. It is merely to stress which is not routinary or clerical, their authority
that such a suit should not be allowed to lend itself was merely recommendatory in character.
as a means, whether intended or not, to prevent a
truly free expression of the will of the labor group VOTING DAY
as to the organization that will represent it.
It is not only the loss of time involved but also Asian Design & Manufacturing Corp v. Calleja
the fear engendered in the mind of an ordinary (1989)
employee that management has many weapons in Question involving the legality of the strike
its arsenal to bring the full force of its undeniable which was conducted against ADMACOR is an
power against those of its employees dissatisfied independent issue, the resolution of which pertains
with things as they are. This is one instance that to the Labor Arbiter. Issue of the validity of the
calls for the application of the maxim, lex certification election pertains solely to BLR.
dilationes semper exhorret. Even on the Resolutions of Director confined itself to the issue
assumption that the vigorous condemnation of the of the validity of the certification election. There
strike and the picketing were attended by violence, was nothing in the resolutions which contain any
it does not automatically follow that thereby the conclusion or ruling by the Bureau that the alleged
strikers are no longer entitled to participate in the strike was legal or illegal. What was resolved was
certification election for having automatically lost whether or not there was compliance with the
their jobs. procedural requirement set by Section 2, Rule VI,
Book VI of the Rules to Implement the Labor Code
Philippine Fruits v Torres (211 SCRA 95) that the election shall be set during a regular
Employees who have been improperly laid off business day. The contending parties agreed that
but who have a present, unabandoned right to or the election should be conducted on that time, a
expectation of reemployment, are eligible to vote determined regular business day. This was in
in certification elections. If the dismissal is under accordance with Section 2, Rule VI Book V, of the
question, employees concerned could still qualify Implementing Rules.
to vote in the elections. Certification election is the The alleged strike and/or picketing of some
sole concern of the workers and the employer is employees at the company's premises which
regarded as nothing more than a bystander with coincided with the actual conduct of certification
no right to interfere at all in the election. The only election might, perhaps have affected the actual
exception here is where the employer has to file a performance of works by some employees, but
petition for certification election pursuant to Article did not necessarily make said date an irregular
258. business day of the company.


57 of 139
Part VI : Union Representation Establishing Union Majority Status
Labor Relations
ELECTION CONDUCT spoiled ballots. Nothing in the records shows that
the alleged wearing of sunvisors and pins, the
Hercules Industries Inc. v Secretary (1992) posting of huge streamers, as well as the alleged
Notice of the certification election had been escorting of voters by SMJ-ALU have unduly
issued. Copies of said notice were given and pressured, influenced, vitiated, or in any manner
posted in conspicuous places. Payroll was used as affected the choice of the workers.
the basis of the voters' list. Only 15 out of the 98
voters signed their names showing that they APPEAL
actually voted. These were shown by the minutes
of the pre-election conference. Neither the records Philippine Fruits and Vegetables Industries v.
of the case nor the minutes of the certification Torres (1992)
election show that Hercules protested the conduct Requirements in order that a protest filed
of the certification election. Protests not so raised would prosper:
are deemed waived. (1) The protest must be filed with the
representation officer and made of record
PROTEST in the minutes of the proceedings before
the close of election proceedings, and
Timbungco v. Castro (1990) (2) The protest must be formalized before the
Pajares was arguing that the elections where Med-Arbiter within five (5) days after the
Timbungco won was invalid because there was no close of the election proceedings. Phil.
COMELEC and no tally sheet was prepared which Fruits after filing a manifestation of protest
set out the number of votes that each candidate on election day, only formalized more than
got. However, it does not appear that the two months after the close of election
dispensing by the membership of the Kapisanan proceedings.
with certain technical requirements or formalities
in relation to the election had resulted in the ANNULMENT
deprivation of any substantial right or prerogative
of anyone, or caused the perpetration of a fraud or United Employees Union of Gelmart Inv. v.
other serious anomaly, or precluded the Noriel (1975)
expression and ascertainment of the popular will in General allegation of duress is not sufficient to
the choice of officers. Objections to the elections invalidate a certification election; it must be shown
have come too late, and they must be deemed in by competent and credible proof. Slightest doubt
the premises to have forfeited their right to cannot be entertained that what possesses
impugn. significance in a petition for certification is that
Protests against elections should be formalized through such a device the employees are given the
before the med-arbiter within (5) days from the opportunity to make known who shall have the
close of the election proceedings. Protest was right to represent them.
presented only after the lapse of 2 years after it
was held. No informal protest, oral or written, was Confederation of Citizens Labor Union v.
ever presented against the election. There was Noriel (1982)
tacit acceptance of the regularity of the elections Certification election is invalid because of
and the results for during that period of 2 years, certain irregularities. Workers on the night shift
certain significant events took place without demur and some of those in the afternoon shift were not
or objection of any sort. Timbungco officially made able to vote. Out of 1,010 voters only 692 voted
known to the BLR the Kapisanan's disaffiliation and about 318 failed to vote. Secrecy of the ballot
from the Federacion FOITAF and obtained a new was not safeguarded. Election supervisors were
certificate of registration for the union. He and the remiss in their duties and were apparently
other officers of the Kapisanan negotiated with the "intimidated" by a union representative.
AAATC management and succeeded in bringing Participating unions were overzealous in wooing
about the execution of a new CBA. the employees to vote in their favor by resorting to
such tactics as giving free tricycle rides and T-
Jisscor Independent Union v Torres (1993) shirts. Certification election give the employees
Grounds of a protest may be filed on the spot "true representation in their collective bargaining
or in writing with the representation officer and with an employer". ALU's written protest was
shall be contained in the minutes of the based on the same founds invoked by CCLU in its
proceedings. Protests not so raised are deemed protest. That fact alone should have alerted Noriel
waived. The minutes of the certification election to disregard the technicality that CCLU's protest
show that JIU only protested against the use of was not filed on time.
emblem, visor, pin. Other protests not so raised
are deemed waived. There is no merit in the
argument that the non-posting of the notice of the
certification election as prescribed misled and
confused the workers regarding the mechanics of
the election. JIU is estopped from raising that CERTIFICATION OF DESIGNATED MAJORITY UNION
issue for it signed an agreement with JISSCOR to
waive the mandatory 5 days posting of election Art. 255
notices. Exclusive bargaining representation and workers
The results of the certification election belie participation in policy and decision-making [sec. 22
the allegation that the workers were misinformed of RA 6715] -- The labor organization
about the election out of 104 eligible voters, 99 designated or selected by the majority of the
were able to cast their votes and only 3 were EEs in an appropriate collective bargaining unit


58 of 139
Part VI : Union Representation Establishing Union Majority Status
Labor Relations
shall be the exclusive representative of the EEs in membership therein were allowed to vote in the
such unit for the purpose of collective bargaining. certification election.
However, an individual EE or group of EEs shall
have the right at any time to present grievances to BARS TO THE CERTIFICATION ELECTION
their ER.
 Any provision of law to the contrary 1) Contract bar rule (Art. 253-A/ Art. 233)
notwithstanding, workers shall have the right, 2) Deadlock Bar-Rule
subject to such rules and regulations as the 3) One-Year Bar rule
Secretary of Labor and Employment may
promulgate, to participate in policy and Bars to a certification election: PREVENTS a
decision-making processes of the Certification Election
establishment where they are employed in so Suspension Rule: merely POSTPONES a
far as said processes will directly affect their Certification Election
purpose, workers and ERs may form Labor THE CONTRACT BAR RULE (Art. 232)
Management Councils; Provided, that the
representatives of the workers in such labor GENERAL RULE: The bureau shall NOT entertain
mgt councils shall be elected by at least the any petition for certification
majority of all EEs in said establishment. election.

Art. 256 Representation issue in organized EXCEPT: (Freedom period)Art. 253,

establishments - In organized establishments, 253-A, 256: Within 60 days
when a verified petition questioning the majority before expiration of the five
status of the incumbent bargaining agent is filed year term of the CBA.
before the DOLE within the 60 day period before
the expiration of the CBA, the Med-Arbiter shall TAKE NOTE: The contract bar rule can be
automatically order an election by secret ballot validly invoked only if the
when the verified petition is supported by the existing CBA contains
written consent of at least 25% of all the substantially those materials
employees in the bargaining unit to ascertain the that should be included in the
will of the employees in the appropriate bargaining CBA.
 To have a valid election, at least a majority of Buklod ng Saulog Transit v. Casalla (1956)
all eligible voters in the unit must have cast The provisions of the law contemplates a
their votes. The labor union receiving the situation:
majority of the valid votes cast shall be 1) NOT ONLY when there had been NO
certified as the exclusive bargaining agent of AGREEMENT entered into by and between
all the workers in the unit. When an election employees or laborers and employer or
which provides for 3 or more choices results in management as to the terms and
no choice receiving a majority of the valid condition of employment.
votes cast, a run-off election shall be 2) BUT ALSO where there had been an
conducted between the labor unions receiving agreement that leaves out many or the
the 2 highest number of votes. Provided, that same matters on which the parties should
total number of votes for all contending unions have stipulated.
is at least 50% of the number of votes cast. In the present case, the collective bargaining
 At the expiration of the freedom period, the agreement entered into by and between the
ER shall continue to recognize the majority petitioners and company “does not touch in
status of the incumbent bargaining agent substantial terms, the rate of pay, wages, hours of
where no petition for certification election has employment and other conditions of employment
been filed. of all the employees in the company but seeks to
establish merely a grievance procedure for drivers,
Benguet Electric Cooperative, Inc. v Calleja conductors, and inspectors who are members of
(1989) the Buklod Saulog. The agreement being
To have a valid certification elecdtion, at least incomplete is no bar to a certification election.
a majority of all eligible voters in the unit must
have cast their votes. The labor union receiving
TAKE NOTE: CBA should be complete AT THE
the majority of the valid votes cast shall be
TIME OF FILING of petition for certification
certified as the exclusive bargaining agent of all
election, even if amended CBA is submitted
the workers in the unit. In this case, the election is
wherein the terms and conditions are complete, it
will not bar a petition for CE already filed.
Only 37 employees are not members of the
cooperative and who are the only employees
eligible to form or join a labor union. However, the  What if a CBA is not registered but validly
minutes of the certification election show that a entered into by the parties, will it bar a
total of 83 employees were allowed to vote. The petition for CE?
certification election is still null and void. It cannot My opinion is it will, but I am not sure. I am
be determined whether or not union was duly only applying by analogy Trade Union of
elected by the eligible voters of the bargaining unit Philippines v. Laguesma which says that none
since even employees who are ineligible to join a compliance with a procedural requirement
labor union within the cooperative because of their (in this case it was a late filing of the CBA)
should not adversely affect the substantive
validity of the CBA.


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Part VI : Union Representation Establishing Union Majority Status
Labor Relations
Such charge of company domination is a
 What is the effect of an expired CBA on prejudicial question that until decided, shall
the contract bar rule? suspend or bar proceedings for certification
election. If it were a labor organization objecting to
No petition for CE may be filed after the lapse the participation in a certification election of a
of the 60 day freedom period. The old CBA is company-dominated union, as a result of which a
extended until a new one is filed. The purpose complaint for an unfair labor practice case against
is to ensure stability in the relationship of the the employer was filed, the status of the latter
workers and the company by preventing union must be first cleared in such a proceeding
frequent modifications of any CBA earlier before such voting could take place.
entered into by them in good faith and for the The reason is that the certification election
stipulated original period. may lead to the selection of an employer-
dominated or company union as the employees'
 What if the CBA was suspended? bargaining representative, and when the court
finds that said union is employer-dominated in the
Under Art. 253-A the representation limit for unfair labor practice case, the union selected would
the exclusive bargaining agent applies only be decertified and the whole election proceedings
when there is an extant CBA in full force and would be rendered useless and nugatory.'
effect. In the instant case, the parties agreed There would be an impairment of the integrity
to suspend the CBA and put in abeyance the of the collective bargaining process if a company-
limit on the representation period. (Rivera v. dominated union were allowed to participate in a
Espiritu GR no. 135547 January 23, 2002) certification election. The timid, the timorous, and
the faint-hearted in the ranks of labor could easily
DEADLOCK-BAR RULE be tempted to cast their votes in favor of the
choice of management. Should it emerge
1) Parties must have negotiated in good victorious, and it becomes the exclusive
faith. representative of labor at the conference table,
2) Deadlock must have been submitted to there is a frustration of the statutory scheme. It
voluntary arbitration or a valid subject of takes two to bargain. There would be instead a
a valid notice of strike or lock-out. unilateral imposition by the employer. There is
need therefore to inquire as to whether a labor
ONE-YEAR BAR RULE organization that aspires to be the exclusive
bargaining representative is company-dominated
From time of valid certification election. Not from before the certification election."
time of final resolution of appeal.
WHAT SUSPENDS: Formal charge of ULP against
DATE OF ELECTION -- DATE ELECTION IS the employer for establishing a company union.
RESOLVED union. CE cannot be suspended based on a
pendency of a formal charge of ULP against a labor

Should be read in relation to Art. 248d: ULP:

“It shall be unlawful for an employer to commit
any of the following unfair labor practice. (d) To
initiate, dominate, assist or otherwise interfere
with the formation or administration of any labor
organization, including the giving of financial or
other support to it or its organizers or supporters.

United CMC Textile Worker’s Union v. BLR

The ULP Case herein was filed on August 31,
1978, or anterior to the Certification Case, which
was presented on September 5, 1978. The
pendency of the charge was known to respondent
public official by virtue of the Motion to Dismiss
filed by petitioner as intervenor in the Certification
Case. No allegation has been made that said ULP
Case was instituted in bad faith to forestall the
Certification Case.
RATIONALE for suspension
the reason being, in the words of Mr. Justice
Montemayor, `if there is a union dominated by the
company, to which some of the workers belong, an
election among workers and employees of the
company would not reflect the true sentiment and
wishes of the said workers and employees because
the votes of the members of the dominated union
would not be free.


60 of 139
Part VII : Collective Bargaining
Labor Relations

Part VII : COLLECTIVE of employment including proposals for adjusting

any grievance or question arising under such an
BARGAINING agreement and executing a contract incorporating
such agreement, if requested by either party. "


United Employees Union of Gelmart
1. PROCEDURE Art. 250 Industries v. Noriel (1975)
Art. 251 The institution of collective bargaining is a
Cf. Art. 233 prime manifestation of industrial democracy at
work. The two parties to the relationship, labor and
2. DUTY TO BARGAIN Art. 252 management, make their own rules by coming to
COLLECTIVELY Art. 253 terms. That is to govern themselves in matters
that really count. As labor, however, is composed
of a number of individuals, it is indispensable that
3. TERMS Art. 253-A
they be represented by a labor organization of
their choice. Thus may be discerned how crucial is
a certification election.
Rivera v. Espiritu (2000)
1987 Constitution. Art. XIII, Sec. 3 A CBA is “a contract executed upon request of
The State shall afford full protection to labor, local either the employer or the exclusive bargaining
and overseas, organized and unorganized, and representative incorporating the agreement
promote full employment and equality of reached after negotiations with respect to wages,
employment opportunities for all. hours of work and all other terms and conditions of
It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to self- employment, including proposals for adjusting any
organizations, COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AND grievances or questions arising under such
NEGOTIATIONS, and peaceful concerted activities, agreement.” The primary purpose of a CBA is the
including the right to strike in accordance with law. stabilization of labor-management relations in
They shall be entitled to security of tenure, order to create a climate of a sound and stable
humane conditions of work, and a living wage. industrial peace. In construing a CBA, the courts
They shall also participate in policy and decision- must be practical and realistic and give due
making processes affecting their rights and consideration to the context in which it is
benefits as may be provided by law. negotiated and the purpose which it is intended to
The State shall promote the PRINCIPLE OF serve.
SHARED RESPONSIBILITIES between workers and The assailed PAL-PALEA agreement was the
employers and the preferential use of voluntary result of voluntary collective bargaining
modes in settling disputes, including conciliation, negotiations undertaken in the light of the severe
and shall enforce their mutual compliance financial situation faced by the employer, with the
therewith to foster industrial peace. peculiar and unique intention of not merely
The State shall regulate the relations between promoting industrial peace at PAL, but preventing
workers and employers, recognizing the right of the latter’s closure. We find no conflict between
labor to its just share in the fruits of production said agreement and Article 253-A of the Labor
and the right of enterprises to reasonable returns Code. Article 253-A has a two-fold purpose. One
on investments, and to expansion and growth. is to promote industrial stability and predictability.
Inasmuch as the agreement sought to promote
Labor Code, Art 211 (a) industrial peace at PAL during its rehabilitation,
To promote and emphasize the primacy of FREE said agreement satisfies the first purpose of Article
COLLECTIVE BARGAINING and negotiations, 253-A. The other is to assign specific timetables
including voluntary arbitration, mediation and wherein negotiations become a matter of right and
conciliation, as modes of setting labor or industrial requirement. Nothing in Article 253-A, prohibits
disputes; the parties from waiving or suspending the
mandatory timetables and agreeing on the
Kiok Loy v. NLRC (1986) remedies to enforce the same.
Collective bargaining which is defined as In the instant case, it was PALEA, as the
negotiations towards a collective agreement,6 is exclusive bargaining agent of PAL’s ground
one of the democratic frameworks under the New employees, that voluntarily entered into the CBA
Labor Code, designed to stabilize the relation with PAL. It was also PALEA that voluntarily opted
between labor and management and to create a for the 10-year suspension of the CBA. Either case
climate of sound and stable industrial peace. It is a was the union’s exercise of its right to collective
mutual responsibility of the employer and the bargaining. The right to free collective bargaining,
Union and is characterized as a legal obligation. So after all, includes the right to suspend it.
much so that Article 249, par. (g) of the Labor The acts of public respondents in sanctioning
Code makes it an unfair labor practice for an the 10-year suspension of the PAL-PALEA CBA did
employer to refuse "to meet and convene promptly not contravene the “protection to labor” policy of
and expeditiously in good faith for the purpose of the Constitution. The agreement afforded full
negotiating an agreement with respect to wages, protection to labor; promoted the shared
hours of work, and all other terms and conditions responsibility between workers and employers;


61 of 139
Part VII : Collective Bargaining
Labor Relations
and the exercised voluntary modes in settling e. The Board shall exert all efforts to settle
disputes, including conciliation to foster industrial disputes amicably and encourage the parties
peace." to submit their case to a voluntary

Art. 251
Duty to bargain collectively in the absence of
collective bargaining agreements---In the absence
7.02 BARGAINING PROCEDURE of an agreement or other voluntary arrangement
providing for a more expeditious manner of
collective bargaining, it shall be the duty of the
1. PRIVATE PROCEDURE employer and the representatives of the
employees to bargain collectively in accordance
Art. 251 with the provisions of this Code.

Duty to bargain collectively in the absence of Nat’l Union of Restaurant Workers v. CIR
collective bargaining agreements. — In the (1964)
ABSCENCE of an agreement or other VOLUNTARY In a letter sent by the union containing its
ARRANGEMENT providing for a MORE demands, there appears marks, opposite each
EXPEDITIOUS manner of collective bargaining, demand, such as a check for those demands to
 it shall be the duty of the employer and the which Mrs. Felisa Herrera was agreeable, a cross
representatives of the employees to bargain signifying the disapproval of Mrs. Herrera, and a
collectively in accordance with the provisions of circle regarding those demands which were left
this Code. open for discussion on some future occasion that
the parties may deem convenient. Such markings
were made during the discussion of the demands
IMPLICATION: Provisions of this code are only
in the meeting. That Herrera had agreed to some
supplementary not mandatory with regards to the
of the demands shows that she did not refuse to
process of collective bargaining. Because it is the
bargain collectively. Tres did not refuse to bargain
policy of the state to promote the primacy of FREE
collectively because they accepted some of the
collective bargaining. (211a).
demands while they refused the others even
 The Labor Code authorizes parties to provide
leaving open other demands for future discussion.
for their own procedures in Collective
Those demands were discussed at a meeting.
Bargaining but it must be more EXPEDITIOUS
Under Section 14 of Republic Act 875
that that provided in Art. 250.
whenever a party serves a written notice upon the
 If they are unable to agree they must follow
employer making some demands the latter shall
procedure in the labor code (Art. 250).
reply not later than 10 days from receipt, but this
condition is merely procedural. Its non- compliance
cannot be deemed to be an act of unfair labor
Art. 250
Tres did not ignore the letter. While Tres
Procedure in collective bargaining. — The following
denied the capacity of the complaining union to
procedures shall be observed in collective
bargain collectively, this is because they were of
the impression that before a union could have that
a. When a party desires to negotiate an
capacity it must first be certified by CIR. This is
agreement, it shall serve a written notice
what they stated in their answer to the petition for
upon the other party with a statement of its
certification filed by said union. Furthermore,
another union also claimed to represent the
The other party shall make a reply thereto
majority of the employees of restaurant.
not later than ten (10) calendar days from
receipt of such notice;
Art. 250 in summary:
b. Should differences arise on the basis of such 1) All proposal and counter-proposal must be in
notice and reply, either party may request writing. No verbal proposal or counter-
for a conference which shall begin not later proposal.
than ten (10) calendar days from the date 2) Time periods are provided for by law.
of request; Reply: not later than 10 calendar days from
c. If the dispute is not settled, the Board shall receipt of notice.
intervene upon request of either or both Request for a conference shall begin 10 days
parties or at its own initiative and after making such request.
immediately call the parties to conciliation
TAKE NOTE: These procedures are DIRECTORY in
The Board shall have the power to issue
nature and not mandatory, failure to comply with
subpoenas requiring the attendance of the
the prescribed time periods will not amount to an
parties to such meetings.
unfair labor practice.
It shall be the duty of the parties to
participate fully and promptly in the 3. CONCILIATION PROCEDURE
conciliation meetings the Board may call;
d. During the conciliation proceedings in the Art. 250
Board, the parties are prohibited from doing Procedure in collective bargaining.
any act which may disrupt or impede the c. If the dispute is not settled, the Board shall
early settlement of the disputes; and intervene upon request of either or both


62 of 139
Part VII : Collective Bargaining
Labor Relations
parties or at its own initiative and immediately Meaning of duty to bargain collectively. — The duty
call the parties to conciliation meetings. to bargain collectively means the performance of a
The Board shall have the power to issue mutual obligation to meet and convene promptly
subpoenas requiring the attendance of the and expeditiously in good faith for the purpose of
parties to such meetings. negotiating an agreement with respect to wages,
hours of work and all other terms and conditions of
It shall be the duty of the parties to employment including proposals for adjusting any
participate fully and promptly in the grievances or questions arising under such
conciliation meetings the Board may call; agreement and executing a contract incorporating
d. During the conciliation proceedings in the such agreements if requested by either party, but
Board, the parties are prohibited from doing such duty does not compel any party to agree to a
any act which may disrupt or impede the proposal or to make any concession.
early settlement of the disputes; and
e. The Board shall exert all efforts to settle
disputes amicably and encourage the parties
to submit their case to a voluntary arbitrator. Duty to bargain in good faith (Art. 252):
Art. 233
Can be broken down into two components: The
Privileged communication. Information and
positive statement and the Negative Statement.
statements made at conciliation proceedings shall
be treated as privileged communication and shall
not be used as evidence in the Commission.
Conciliators and similar officials shall not testify in
NATURE of duty to bargain: Mutual
any court or body regarding any matters taken up
at conciliation proceedings conducted by them.
HOW: to meet and convene
Art. 250e says that : “The Board shall exert all
promptly and
efforts to settle disputes amicably and encourage
expeditiously in good
the parties to submit their case to a voluntary
arbitrator.” How does the law encourage the
parties to go into conciliation?
PURPOSE: for the purpose of
negotiating an
Privileged Communication (Art. 233)
a. Information and statements made at
NEGOTIABLE ISSUES: with respect to wages,
conciliation proceedings shall be
hours of work and all
treated as privileged communication
other terms and
and shall not be used as evidence in
conditions of
the Commission.
employment including
b. Conciliators and similar officials shall
proposals for adjusting
not testify in any court or body
any grievances or
regarding any matters taken up at
questions arising under
conciliation proceedings conducted by
such agreement
The Board shall have the power to issue
“…but such duty does not compel any party to
subpoenas requiring the attendance of the parties
agree to a proposal or to make any concession. “
to such meetings. It shall be the duty of the
parties to participate fully and promptly in the
conciliation meetings the Board may call; (Art. 250
states that it is part of the duty to bargain to
c). This power to subpoenas merely to force the
“execute a contract incorporating such
parties to participate.
agreements if requested by either party.”

During the conciliation proceedings in the Board,

the parties are prohibited from doing any act which Art. 253
may disrupt or impede the early settlement of the Duty to bargain collectively when there exists a
disputes; (Art. 250d) collective bargaining agreement. —
1. When there is a collective bargaining
7.03 DUTY TO BARGAIN agreement, the duty to bargain
collectively shall also mean that neither
party shall terminate or modify such
Art. 251
agreement during its lifetime.
Duty to bargain collectively in the absence of
collective bargaining agreements. — In the
2. However, either party can serve a written
absence of an agreement or other voluntary
notice to terminate or modify the
arrangement providing for a more expeditious
agreement at least sixty (60) days prior
manner of collective bargaining, it shall be the
to its expiration date.
duty of the employer and the representatives of
the employees to bargain collectively in
3. It shall be the duty of both parties to
accordance with the provisions of this Code.
keep the status quo and to continue in
full force and effect the term and
Art. 252


63 of 139
Part VII : Collective Bargaining
Labor Relations
conditions of the existing agreement Art. 250. Procedure in collective bargaining. -
during the 60-day period and/or until a The following procedures shall be observed in
collective bargaining:
new agreement is reached by the parties.
(b) When a party desires to negotiate an
agreement, it shall serve a written notice
Art. 242 upon the other party with a statement of
Rights of legitimate labor organizations. — A its proposals. The other party shall make
legitimate labor organization shall have the right: a reply thereto not later than ten (10)
c. To be furnished by the employer, upon calendar days from receipt of such
written request, with his annual audited notice.
financial statements, including the balance
sheet and the profit and loss statement, Kiok Loy v NLRC (1986)
within thirty (30) calendar days from the Collective bargaining are negotiations towards
date of receipt of the request, after the a collective agreement designed to stabilize the
union has been duly recognized by the relation between labor and management and to
employer or certified as the sole and create a climate of sound and stable industrial
exclusive bargaining representative of the peace. It is a MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY of the
employees in the bargaining unit, or within employer and the Union and is characterized as a
sixty (60) calendar days before the LEGAL OBLIGATION.
expiration of the existing collective Article 249, par. (g) makes it an unfair labor
bargaining agreement, or during the practice for an employer to refuse "to meet and
collective bargaining negotiation; convene promptly and expeditiously in good faith
for the purpose of negotiating an agreement with
DO No.40-03 respect to wages, hours of work, and all other
Seriies of 2003 terms and conditions of employment including
RULE XVI proposals for adjusting any grievance or question
COLLECTIVE BARGAINING arising under such an agreement and executing a
contract incorporating such agreement.
Section 2. Disclosure of information. - In While it is a mutual obligation, the employer is
collective bargaining, the parties shall, at the not under any legal duty to initiate contract
request of either of them, make available such up- negotiation.
to-date financial information on the economic The mechanics of collective bargaining is set in
situation of the undertaking, which is normally motion when the following are present: (1)
submitted to relevant government agencies, as is possession of the status of majority representation
material and necessary for meaningful of the employees' representative in accordance
negotiations. Where the disclosure of some of this with any of the means of selection or designation
information could be prejudicial to the provided for by the Labor Code, (2) proof of
undertaking, its communication may be made majority representation and (3) a demand to
condition upon a commitment that it would be bargain under Article 251, par. (a) of the New
regarded as confidential to the extent required. Labor Code.
The information to be made available may be In this case, Union has a valid cause to
agreed upon between the parties to collective complain against its Company's attitude. Union
bargaining. made a definite request to bargain, accompanied
with a copy of the proposed CBA to the Company
MEANING OF DUTY not only once but twice. Company made no
counter proposal. Even during the period of
Colegio de San Juan de Letran v. Assn. of compulsory arbitration before the NLRC, Company
Employees (2000) stalled the negotiation. Unfair labor practice is
Noteworthy in Art. 252 of the Labor Code is committed when it is shown that employer, after
the requirement on both parties of the having been served with a written bargaining
performance of the mutual obligation to meet and proposal by Union, did not even bother to submit
convene promptly and expeditiously in good faith an answer or reply to the said proposal.
for the purpose of negotiating an agreement.
Undoubtedly, the union lived up to this requisite Republic Savings Bank v. CIR (1967)
when it presented its proposals for the CBA to Collective bargaining does not end with the
petitioner on February 7, 1996. On the other hand, execution of an agreement. It is a continuous
petitioner devised ways and means in order to process. The duty to bargain imposes on the
prevent the negotiation. parties during the term of their agreement the
Petitioner's utter lack of interest in bargaining mutual obligation "to meet and confer promptly
with the union is obvious in its failure to make a and expeditiously and in good faith . . . for the
timely reply to the proposals presented by the purpose of adjusting any grievances or question
latter. More than a month after the proposals were arising under such agreement" and a violation of
submitted by the union, petitioner still had not this obligation is an unfair labor practice.
made any counter-proposals. This inaction on the
part of petitioner prompted the union to file its DEADLOCK
second notice of strike on March 13, 1996.
Petitioner could only offer a feeble explanation that San Miguel Corporation v. NLRC (1999)
the Board of Trustees had not yet convened to Rule XXII, Section I, of the Rules and
discuss the matter as its excuse for failing to file Regulations Implementing Book V the Labor
its reply. This is a clear violation of Article 250 of Code,10 reads:
the Labor Code governing the procedure in "Section 1. Grounds for strike and lockout. -- A
collective bargaining, to wit: strike or lockout may be declared in cases of


64 of 139
Part VII : Collective Bargaining
Labor Relations
bargaining deadlocks and unfair labor redeployed. In AOC, out of the 17 original excess,
practices. Violations of the collective 15 were redeployed. In the Magnolia - Manila
bargaining agreements, except flagrant
Buying Station, out of 18 employees, 6 were
and/or malicious refusal to comply with
its economic provisions, shall not be
redeployed and only 12 were terminated.
considered unfair labor practice and shall
not be strikeable. No strike or lockout MINUTES OF NEGOTIATION
may be declared on grounds involving
inter-union and intra-union disputes or on Samahang Manggagawa sa Top Form v. NLRC
issues brought to voluntary or compulsory (1998)
The CBA is the law between the contracting
In the case under consideration, the grounds parties the collective bargaining representative and
relied upon by the private respondent union are the employer-company. Compliance with a CBA is
non-strikeable. The issues which may lend mandated by the expressed policy to give
substance to the notice of strike filed by the protection to labor. In the same vein, CBA
private respondent union are: collective bargaining provisions should be “construed liberally rather
deadlock and petitioner's alleged violation of the than narrowly and technically, and the courts must
collective bargaining agreement. These grounds, place a practical and realistic construction upon it,
however, appear more illusory than real. giving due consideration to the context in which it
Collective Bargaining Deadlock is defined as is negotiated and purpose which it is intended to
"the situation between the labor and the serve. This is founded on the dictum that a CBA is
management of the company where there is failure not an ordinary contract but one impressed with
in the collective bargaining negotiations resulting public interest. It goes without saying, however,
in a stalemate" This situation, is non-existent in that only provisions embodied in the CBA should
the present case since there is a Board assigned be so interpreted and complied with. Where a
on the third level (Step 3) of the grievance proposal raised by a contracting party does not
machinery to resolve the conflicting views of the find print in the CBA, it is not a part thereof and
parties. Instead of asking the Conciliation Board the proponent has no claim whatsoever to its
composed of five representatives each from the implementation.
company and the union, to decide the conflict, Hence, petitioner union’s contention that the
petitioner declared a deadlock, and thereafter, Minutes of the collective bargaining negotiation
filed a notice of strike. For failing to exhaust all the meeting forms part of the entire agreement is
steps in the grievance machinery and arbitration pointless. The Minutes reflects the proceedings
proceedings provided in the Collective Bargaining and discussions undertaken in the process of
Agreement, the notice of strike should have been bargaining for worker benefits in the same way
dismissed by the NLRC and private respondent that the minutes of court proceedings show what
union ordered to proceed with the grievance and transpired therein. At the negotiations, it is but
arbitration proceedings. natural for both management and labor to adopt
In the case of Liberal Labor Union vs. Phil. Can positions or make demands and offer proposals
Co., the court declared as illegal the strike staged and counter-proposals. However, nothing is
by the union for not complying with the grievance considered final until the parties have reached an
procedure provided in the collective bargaining agreement. In fact, one of management’s usual
agreement, ruling that: negotiation strategies is to “x x x agree tentatively
"x x x the main purpose of the parties in
adopting a procedure in the settlement of
as you go along with the understanding that
their disputes is to prevent a strike. This nothing is binding until the entire agreement is
procedure must be followed in its entirety reached.” If indeed private respondent promised to
if it is to achieve its objective. x x x continue with the practice of granting across-the-
strikes held in violation of the terms board salary increases ordered by the government,
contained in the collective bargaining such promise could only be demandable in law if
agreement are illegal, specially when they
incorporated in the CBA.
provide for conclusive arbitration clauses.
These agreements must be strictly
adhered to and respected if their ends SUSPENSION OF BARGAINING
have to be achieved. x x x"
As regards the alleged violation of the CBA, Colegio de San Juan de Letran v. Assn. of
we hold that such a violation is chargeable against Employees (2000)
the private respondent union. In abandoning the Petitioner, likewise, claims that the suspension
grievance proceedings and stubbornly refusing to of negotiation was proper since by the filing of the
avail of the remedies under the CBA, private petition for certification election the issue on
respondent violated the mandatory provisions of majority representation of the employees has
the collective bargaining agreement. arose. According to petitioner, the authority of the
Abolition of departments or positions in the union to negotiate on behalf of the employees was
company is one of the recognized management challenged when a rival union filed a petition for
prerogatives. Noteworthy is the fact that the certification election. Citing the case of Lakas Ng
private respondent does not question the validity Manggagawang Makabayan v. Marcelo Enterprises,
of the business move of petitioner. In the absence petitioner asserts that in view of the pendency of
of proof that the act of petitioner was ill- the petition for certification election, it had no duty
motivated, it is presumed that petitioner San to bargain collectively with the union.
Miguel Corporation acted in good faith. In fact, We disagree. In order to allow the employer to
petitioner acceded to the demands of the private validly suspend the bargaining process there must
respondent union by redeploying most of the be a valid petition for certification election
employees involved; such that from an original 17 raising a legitimate representation issue. Hence,
excess employees in BLD, 15 were successfully the mere filing of a petition for certification


65 of 139
Part VII : Collective Bargaining
Labor Relations
election does not ipso facto justify the suspension o The consequences are different for the
of negotiation by the employer. The petition must refusal to bargain.
first comply with the provisions of the Labor Code o If mandatory issue, refusal to bargain could
and its Implementing Rules. Foremost is that a lead to:
petition for certification election must be filed A case of Unfair Labor Practice
during the sixty-day freedom period. May be a valid ground for a strike or lock-
The "Contract Bar Rule" under Section 3, Rule out
XI, Book V, of the Omnibus Rules Implementing o If permissive issue, refusal to bargain will
the Labor Code, provides that: " .… If a collective NOT produce a case for ULP, NOR will it
bargaining agreement has been duly registered in allow that economic weapons be used.
accordance with Article 231 of the Code, a petition Cannot strike or lock-out.
for certification election or a motion for
intervention can only be entertained within sixty Phil American Mgt Co. v. Phil. American Mgt
(60) days prior to the expiry date of such Employees (1973)
agreement." The rule is based on Article 232, in
Even then, there is an area placed beyond the
relation to Articles 253, 253-A and 256 of the
sphere of bargaining between the parties. Included
Labor Code. No petition for certification election for
therein is the question of minimum wages. It is
any representation issue may be filed after the
understandable why it should be so. For legislation
lapse of the sixty-day freedom period. The old CBA
of that character proceeds on the premise that
is extended until a new one is signed. The rule is
there is a floor below which the amount paid labor
that despite the lapse of the formal effectivity of
should not fall. That is to assure decent living
the CBA the law still considers the same as
conditions. Such an enactment is compulsory in
continuing in force and effect until a new CBA shall
nature; not even the consent of the employees
have been validly executed. Hence, the contract
themselves suffices to defeat its operation. More
bar rule still applies. The purpose is to ensure
plainly put, the question of minimum wage is not
stability in the relationship of the workers and the
negotiable. What the law decrees must be obeyed.
company by preventing frequent modifications of
It is as simple as that.
any CBA earlier entered into by them in good faith
There is to be sure no thought of deviating
and for the stipulated original period.
from the basic concept that the area of free play of
In the case at bar, the lifetime of the previous
bargaining between management and labor is not
CBA was from 1989-1994. The petition for
to be constricted. What cannot be denied,
certification election by ACEC, allegedly a
however, is that neither party in this particular
legitimate labor organization, was filed with the
case is at liberty to agree to an amount lower than
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) only
that the law requires as to the wages to be paid.
on May 26, 1996. Clearly, the petition was filed
To that extent, there is no room for offer and
outside the sixty-day freedom period. Hence, the
counter offer. The employer has an obligation to
filing thereof was barred by the existence of a valid
meet. His duty is plain. He must pay what he has
and existing collective bargaining agreement.
Consequently, there is no legitimate
representation issue and, as such, the filing of the
petition for certification election did not constitute Nestle Phil. V NLRC (1991)
a bar to the ongoing negotiation. Reliance, Retirement plan is negotiable. Inclusion of the
therefore, by petitioner of the ruling in Lakas Ng retirement plan in the CBA as part of the package
Manggagawang Makabayan v. Marcelo Enterprises of economic benefits extended by the company to
is misplaced since that case involved a legitimate its employees to provide them a measure of
representation issue which is not present in the financial security after they shall have ceased to be
case at bar. employed in the company, reward their loyalty,
boost their morale and efficiency and promote
7.04 BARGAINABLE ISSUES industrial peace, gives "a consensual character" to
the plan so that it may not be terminated or
modified at will by either party.
BARGAINABLE ISSUES: wages, hours of work and
The fact that the retirement plan is non-
all other terms and conditions of employment
contributory does not make it a non-issue in the
including proposals for adjusting any grievances or
CBA negotiations. Almost all of the benefits
questions arising under such agreement
granted to its employees under the CBA are non-
contributory benefits. Since the retirement plan
 What do we mean by “all other terms and
has been an integral part of the CBA since 1972,
conditions of employment”?
demand to increase the benefits due the
employees is a valid CBA issue. Employees have a
The “other terms and conditions of employment”
vested or demandable right to a non-contributory
to become a mandatory bargainable issue must
retirement plan. It is an existing benefit voluntarily
have a connection between the proposal and the
granted to them by their employer.
nature of the work.
Example of what falls under this statement:
Samahang Manggagawa sa Top Form v. NLRC
Stewardess bargains for better uniforms.
Example of what does not fall under this
Indeed, the adamant insistence on a
statement: A company janitor asks for a car.
bargaining position to the point where the
negotiations reach an impasse does not establish
 Importance of determining whether an issue
bad faith. Neither can bad faith be inferred from
is a mandatory bargaining issue or only a
a party's insistence on the inclusion of a
permissive bargaining issue:
particular substantive provision unless it


66 of 139
Part VII : Collective Bargaining
Labor Relations
concerns trivial matters or is obviously intolerable. Section 7. Term of representation status;
"The question as to what are mandatory and contract bar rule. - The representation status of
what are merely permissive subjects of collective the incumbent exclusive bargaining agent which is
bargaining is of significance on the right of a party a party to a duly registered collective bargaining
to insist on his position to the point of stalemate. A agreement
party may refuse to enter into a collective  Shall be for a term of five (5) years from the
bargaining contract unless it includes a desired date of the effectivity of the collective
provision as to a matter which is a mandatory bargaining agreement.
subject of collective bargaining; but a refusal to No petition questioning the majority status of
contract unless the agreement covers a matter the incumbent exclusive bargaining agent or
which is not a mandatory subject is in substance a petition for certification election filed outside of
refusal to bargain about matters which are the sixty-day period immediately preceding the
mandatory subjects of collective bargaining; and it expiry date of such five-year term shall be
is no answer to the charge of refusal to bargain in entertained by the Department.
good faith that the insistence on the disputed The five-year representation status acquired
clause was not the sole cause of the failure to by an incumbent bargaining agent either
agree or that agreement was not reached with through single enterprise collective bargaining
respect to other disputed clauses." or multi-employer bargaining
On account of the importance of the economic  Shall not be affected by a subsequent
issue proposed by petitioner union, it could have collective bargaining agreement executed
refused to bargain and to enter into a CBA with between the same bargaining agent and the
private respondent. On the other hand, private employer during the same five-year period.
respondent's firm stand against the proposal did
not mean that it was bargaining in bad faith. It Section 8. Re-negotiation of collective
had the right "to insist on (its) position to the point bargaining agreements. - All provisions of a
of stalemate." On the part of petitioner union, the collective bargaining agreement, except the
importance of its proposal dawned on it only after representation status of the incumbent bargaining
the wage orders were issued after the CBA had agent shall,
been entered into.  As a matter of right, be renegotiated not later
than three (3) years after its execution.
The re-negotiated collective bargaining
agreement shall be ratified and registered with
the same Regional Office where the preceding
agreement was registered. The same
requirements and procedure in the registration
7.05 THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING of collective bargaining agreements prescribed
in the preceding rules shall be applied.
Art. 253-A
Terms of a collective bargaining agreement. Davao Integrated Port Stevedoring Services
v. Abrquez (93)
POLITICAL ASPECT: Any Collective Bargaining A CBA as used in Art. 252 of the Labor Code,
Agreement that the parties may enter into shall, refers to a contract executed upon request of
insofar as the representation aspect is concerned, either the employer or the exclusive bargaining
be for a term of five (5) years. representative incorporating the agreement
No petition questioning the majority reached after negotiations with respect to wages,
status of the incumbent bargaining agent shall be hours of work and all other terms and conditions of
entertained and no certification election shall be employment, including proposals for adjusting any
conducted by the DOLE outside of the sixty-day grievances or questions arising under such
period immediately before the date of the expiry of agreement.
such five year term of the Collective Bargaining While the terms and conditions of a CBA
Agreement. constitute the law between the parties, it is not,
however, an ordinary contract to which is applied
ECONOMIC ASPECT: All other provisions of the the principles of law governing ordinary contracts.
CBA shall be renegotiated not later than three (3) A CBA, as a labor contract within the
years after its execution. contemplation of Article 1700 Civil Code which
Any agreement on such other provisions governs the relations between labor and capital, is
of the CBA entered into within six months from the not merely contractual in nature but impressed
expiry of the term of such other provisions as fixed with public interest, thus, it must yield to the
in such CBA, shall retroact to the day immediately common good. As such, it must be construed
following such date. liberally rather than narrowly and technically, and
If any such agreement is entered into the courts must place a practical and realistic
beyond six months, the parties shall agree on the construction upon it, giving due consideration to
duration of the retroactivity thereof, In case of a the context in which it is negotiated and purpose
deadlock in the renegotiation of the CBA, the which it is intended to serve.
parties may exercise their rights under this Code.
University of the Immaculate Concepcion v.
DO No. 40-03 series of 2003 Sec. of Labor (2002)
Book V Rule XVII A CBA refers to the negotiated contract
between a legitimate labor organization and the


67 of 139
Part VII : Collective Bargaining
Labor Relations
employer concerning wages, hours of work and all of violation of any provision of this Agreement
other terms and conditions of employment in a or any complaint that any employee may have
against the COMPANY shall constitute a
bargaining unit, including mandatory provisions for
grievances and arbitration machineries. As in all
The instant case is not a grievance that must
other contracts, there must be clear indications
be submitted to the grievance machinery. What
that the parties reached a meeting of the minds.
are subject of the grievance procedure for
In this case, no CBA could be concluded
adjustment and resolution are grievances arising
because of what the union perceived as illegal
from the interpretation or implementation of the
deductions from the 70% employees' share in the
collective bargaining agreement.
tuition fee increase from which the salary
The acts of petitioner involved a violation of
increases shall be charged. Also, the manner of
the Code of Employee Discipline, particularly the
computing the net incremental proceeds was yet
provision penalizing the immoral conduct of
to be agreed upon by the parties.
employees. Consequently, there was no
Petitioner insisted that a new CBA was
justification for petitioner to invoke the grievance
concluded through the conciliation proceeding
machinery provisions of the Collective Bargaining
before the NCMB on all issues specified in the
notice of strike. Although it is true that the
university and the union may have reached an
agreement on the issues raised during the
collective bargaining negotiations, still no
agreement was concluded by them because,
Art. 231. Registry of unions and file of collective
among other reasons, the DOLE Secretary, who
bargaining agreements.
assumed jurisdiction on January 23, 1995 only was
 The Bureau shall keep a registry of legitimate
set to resolve the distribution of the salary
labor organizations. The Bureau shall also
increase of the covered employees. The Court of
maintain a file of all collective bargaining
Appeals found that "there are many items in the
agreements and other related agreements and
draft-CBA that were not even mentioned in the
records of settlement of labor disputes and
minutes of the July 20, 1994 conference."
copies of orders and decisions of voluntary
Considering the parties failed to reach an
agreement regarding certain items of the CBA,
o The file shall be open and accessible to
they still have the duty to negotiate a new
interested parties under conditions
collective bargaining agreement in good faith,
prescribed by the Secretary of Labor and
pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Labor
- provided that no specific information
submitted in confidence shall be disclosed
unless authorized by the Secretary,
- or when it is at issue in any judicial
litigation, or when public interest or
national security so requires.
 Within 30 days from the execution of a CBA,
the parties shall submit copies of the same
directly to the Bureau or the Regional
Offices of the DOLE for registration,
Effect Sub-standard Contract
accompanied with verified proofs of its
posting in two conspicuous places in the
Art. 239
place of work and ratification by the
Grounds for cancellation of union registration. The
majority of all the workers in the bargaining
following shall constitute grounds for cancellation
of union registration:
o The Bureau or Regional Offices shall act
(f) Entering into collective bargaining
upon the application for registration of
agreements which provide terms and
such Collective Bargaining Agreement
conditions of employment below minimum
within 5 calendar days from receipt
standards established by law;
o The Regional Offices shall furnish the
Duration and Re-negotiation
Bureau with a copy of the CBA within 5
days from its submission.
Grievance Procedure
 The Bureau or Regional Office shall assess the
employer for every CBA a registration fee of
Navarro III v. Damasco (1995)
not less than P1,000.00 or in any other
Petitioner was dismissed by the company for
amount as may be deemed appropriate and
violating the Company Code of Conduct. Petitioner
necessary by the Secretary of Labor and
contends that the grievance procedure provided
Employment for the effective and efficient
for in the CBA was not followed; hence, the
administration of the Voluntary Arbitration
Voluntary Arbitrator exceeded his authority when
he took cognizance of the labor case.
Section 2, Article X of the CBA specifies
o Any amount collected under this
the instances when the grievance machinery provision shall accrue to the Special
may be availed of, thus: Voluntary Arbitration Fund.
Any protest or misunderstanding  The Bureau shall also maintain a file and shall
concerning any ruling, practice or working undertake or assist in the publication of all
conditions in the Company, or any dispute final decisions, orders and awards of the
arising as to the meaning, application or claim


68 of 139
Part VII : Collective Bargaining
Labor Relations
Secretary of Labor and Employment, Regional month for employees who will be transferred
Directors and the Commission. from Bauan to Makati. For employees who
will be transferred from Makati to Bauan, the
relocation assistance shall be ONE THOUSAND
Section 2. Employees can avail this provision
 Who are the beneficiaries to a CBA? provided their transfer is on a permanent
All workers in an appropriate bargaining unit basis or for a duration exceeding one (1)
New Pacific Timber and Supply v. NLRC The above provisions state that employees
(2000) transferred from Makati City to Bauan, Batangas
Petitioner Company insists that the rank-and- are entitled to a monthly relocation allowance of
file employees hired after the term of the CBA P1,500.00, provided their transfer is permanent or
inspite of their subsequent membership in the for a period exceeding one month. Such provisions
bargaining unit, are not parties to the agreement, need no interpretation for they are clear. Contracts
and certainly may not claim the benefits which are not ambiguous are to be interpreted
thereunder. according to their literal meaning and not beyond
We do not agree. In a long line of cases, this their obvious intendment.
Court has held that when a collective bargaining In Mactan Workers Union vs. Aboitiz, we held
contract is entered into by the union representing that “the terms and conditions of a collective
the employees and the employer, even the non- bargaining contract constitute the law between the
member employees are entitled to the benefits of parties. Those who are entitled to its benefits can
the contract. To accord its benefits only to invoke its provisions. In the event that an
members of the union without any valid reason obligation therein imposed is not fulfilled, the
would constitute undue discrimination against aggrieved party has the right to go to court for
nonmembers. It is even conceded, that a laborer redress.”
can claim benefits from a CBA entered into
between the company and the union of which he is Kimberly Clark Phils. V. Lorredo (1993)
a member at the time of the conclusion of the A collective bargaining agreement, just like
agreement, after he has resigned from said union. any other contract, is respected as the law
In the same vein, the benefits under the CBA between the contracting parties and compliance
in the instant case should be extended to those therewith in good faith is mandated. Similarly, the
employees who only became such after the year rules embodied in the Civil Code on the proper
1984. To exclude them would constitute undue interpretation of contracts can very well govern.
discrimination and deprive them of monetary The intention of the parties is primodial; if the
benefits they would otherwise be entitled to under terms of the contract are clear, the literal meaning
a new collective bargaining contract to which they of the stipulations shall control, but if the words
would have been parties. Since in this particular appear to be contrary to the evident intention of
case, no new agreement had been entered into the parties, the latter shall prevail over the former.
after the CBA's stipulated term, it is only fair and
just that the employees hired thereafter be GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE; Dispute issues and
included in the existing CBA. This is in consonance Individual Grievance
with our ruling that the terms and conditions of a
collective bargaining agreement continue to have Art. 260
force and effect beyond the stipulated term when Grievance Machinery and Voluntary Arbitration. –
no new agreement is executed by and between the The parties to a CBA shall include therein
parties to avoid or prevent the situation where no provisions that will ensure the mutual observance
collective bargaining agreement at all would of its terms and conditions.
govern between the employer company and its
They shall establish a machinery for the
CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT adjustment and resolution of grievances arising
Nature of the Contract (1) the interpretation or implementation of
their CBA and
Babcock-Hitachi (Phils.) V. Babcock-Hitachi (2) those arising from the interpretation or
(2005) enforcement of company personnel
The basic issue for our resolution is whether policies.
union members are entitled to relocation allowance
in light of the CBA between the parties. All grievances submitted to the grievance
To begin with, any doubt or ambiguity in the machinery which are not settled within 7 calendar
contract between management and the union days from the date of its submission shall
members should be resolved in favor of the latter. automatically be referred to voluntary arbitration
This is pursuant to Article 1702 of the Civil Code prescribed in the CBA.
which provides: “(I)n case of doubt, all labor For this purpose, parties to a CBA shall
legislation and all labor contracts shall be 1) name and designate in advance a
construed in favor of the safety and decent living Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary
for the laborer.” Arbitrators, or include in the agreement a
Pertinent are Sections 1 and 2, Article XXI of procedure for the selection of such
the CBA which provide: Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of
“Section 1. The COMPANY shall provide a
Voluntary Arbitrators preferably from
relocation allowance of ONE THOUSAND
EIGHT HUNDRED PESOS (P1,800.00) per the listing of qualified Voluntary


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Part VII : Collective Bargaining
Labor Relations
Arbitrators duly accredited by the Board. demonstrated its lack of intent to abide by the
2) In case the parties fail to select a terms of the CBA.
Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary
Arbitrators, the Board shall designate the Caltex Refinery Employees Association v.
Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Brilliantes (1997)
Arbitrators, as may be necessary, No particular setup for a grievance machinery
pursuant to the selection procedure is mandated by law. Rather, Article 260 of the
agreed upon in the CBA, which shall act Labor Code, as incorporated by RA 6715, provides
with the same force and effect as if the for only a single grievance machinery in the
Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of company to settle problems arising from
Arbitrators has been selected by the "interpretation or implementation of their collective
parties as described above. bargaining agreement and those arising from the
interpretation or enforcement of company
Art. 255 personnel policies.".
Exclusive bargaining representation and workers’ We believe that the procedure described by
participation in policy and decision-making. public respondent sufficiently complies with the
 The labor organization designated or selected minimum requirement of the law. Public
by the majority of the employees in an respondent even provided for two steps in hearing
appropriate collective bargaining unit shall be grievances prior to their referral to arbitration. The
the exclusive representative of the employees parties will decide on the number of arbitrators
in such unit for the purpose of collective who may hear a dispute only when the need for it
bargaining. arises. Even the law itself does not specify the
o However, an individual employee or group number of arbitrators. Their alternatives —
of employees shall have the right at any whether to have one or three arbitrators — have
time to present grievances to their their respective advantages and disadvantages. In
employer. this matter, cost is not the only consideration; full
deliberation on the issues is another, and it is best
Republic Savings Bank v. CIR accomplished in a hearing conducted by three
Grievance procedure is a part of the arbitrators. In effect, the parties are afforded the
continuous process of collective bargaining. It is latitude to decide for themselves the composition
intended to promote a friendly dialogue. of the grievance machinery as they find
appropriate to a particular situation. At bottom, we
Master Iron Labor Union v. NLRC (1993) cannot really impute grave abuse of discretion to
The Corporation's insistence that the hiring of public respondent on this issue.
casual employees is a management prerogative
betrays its attempt to coat with legality the illicit PAL v. Santos (1993)
curtailment of its employees' rights to work under It is clear that the grievance was filed with Mr.
the terms of the contract of employment and to a Abad's secretary during his absence. Under Section
fair implementation of the CBA. 2 of the CBA aforequoted, the division head shall
While it is true that an employer's exercise of act on the grievance within five (5) days from the
management prerogatives, with or without reason, date of presentation thereof, otherwise "the
does not per se constitute unjust discrimination, grievance must be resolved in favor of the
such exercise, if clearly shown to be in grave aggrieved party."
abuse of discretion, may be looked into by the It is not disputed that the grievants knew that
courts. Indeed, the hiring, firing, transfer, division head Abad was then "on leave" when they
demotion, and promotion of employees are filed their grievance which was received by Abad's
traditionally identified as management secretary. This knowledge, however, should not
prerogatives. However, they are not absolute prevent the application of the CBA.
prerogatives. They are subject to limitations found Contrary to petitioner's submission, the
in law, a collective bargaining agreement, or grievance of employees is not a matter which
general principles of fair play and justice requires the personal act of Mr. Abad and thus
The Corporation's assertion that it was could not be delegated. Petitioner could at least
exercising a management prerogative in hiring have assigned an officer-in-charge to look into the
outside workers being contrary to the contract of grievance and possibly make his recommendation
employment which, of necessity, states the to Mr. Abad. It is of no moment that Mr. Abad
expected wages of the workers, as well as the immediately looked into the grievance upon
CBA, is therefore untenable. returning to work, for it must be remembered that
Private respondent's failure to traverse the grievants are workingmen who suffered salary
petitioners' allegations that the NLRC abused its deductions and who rely so much on their meager
discretion in holding that the provision on income for their daily subsistence and survival.
grievance procedure had not been exhausted As respondent NLRC has pointed out, Abad's
clearly sustains such allegation and upholds the failure to act on the matter may have been due to
petitioners' contention that the Corporation petitioner's inadvertence, but it is clearly too
refused to undergo said procedure. much of an injustice if the employees be made to
It should be remembered that a grievance bear the dire effects thereof. Much as the latter
procedure is part of the continuous process of were willing to discuss their grievance with their
collective bargaining It is intended to promote a employer, the latter closed the door to this
friendly dialogue between labor and management possibility by not assigning someone else to look
as a means of maintaining industrial peace. The into the matter during Abad's absence. Thus,
Corporation's refusal to heed petitioners' request private respondents should not be faulted for
to undergo the grievance procedure clearly


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Part VII : Collective Bargaining
Labor Relations
believing that the effects of the CBA in their favor the remainder of the parties' 1992-1997 CBA cycle,
had already stepped into the controversy. and to incorporate in this new CBA the Secretary's
dispositions on the disputed economic and non-
Contract Infirmity economic issues.
The court reviewed the Secretary’s order and
Associated Labor Unions v. Calleja (1989) made the following list of economic and non-
Petitioner, however, contends that since the economic issues.
new CBA had already been ratified overwhelmingly a) ECONOMIC ISSUES:
by the members of the bargaining unit and that 1) CHRISTMAS BONUS
said CBA had already been consummated and the 2) RICE SUBSIDY and RETIREMENT
members of the bargaining unit have been BENEFITS for RETIREES
continuously enjoying the benefits under the said - The question squarely brought in this
CBA, no certification election may be conducted. petition is whether the Secretary can
The reliance on Foamtex case weakens rather issue an order that binds the retirement
than strengthens petitioner's stand. In Foamtex fund. The company alleges that a
the SC affirmed the order of the Med-Arbiter separate and independent trust fund is
calling for a certification election on the ground the source of retirement benefits for
that although a new CBA was concluded between MERALCO retirees, while the union
the petitioner and the management, only a maintains that MERALCO controls these
certified CBA would serve as a bar to the holding funds and may therefore be compelled to
of a certification election, citing Article 232 of the improve this benefit in an arbitral award.
Labor Code. - The issue requires a finding of fact on the
Here, as in Foamtex the CBA was not yet legal personality of the retirement fund.
certified and yet the Court affirmed the order of In the absence of any evidence on record
the Director of the BLR which dismissed the indicating the nature of the retirement
petition for certification election filed by the labor fund's legal personality, we rule that the
union. The petition for certification election in this issue should be remanded to the
case was filed within the freedom period but the Secretary for reception of evidence as
petitioner and PASAR hastily concluded a CBA whether or not the MERALCO retirement
despite the order of the Med-Arbiter enjoining fund is a 4separate and independent trust
them from doing so until the issue of fund.
representation is finally resolved. The parties were - The existence of a separate and
in bad faith when they concluded the CBA. A CBA independent juridical entity which controls
which was prematurely renewed is not a bar to the an irrevocable retirement trust fund
holding of a certification election. means that these retirement funds are
beyond the scope of collective bargaining:
Contract Duration And Renewals they are administered by an entity not a
party to the collective bargaining and the
Art. 253-A funds may not be touched without the
Terms of a collective bargaining agreement. trustee's conformity.
 Any CBA that the parties may enter into shall, - On the other hand, MERALCO control over
insofar as the representation aspect is these funds means that MERALCO may be
concerned, be for a term of 5 years. compelled in the compulsory arbitration of
 No petition questioning the majority status of a CBA deadlock where it is the employer,
the incumbent bargaining agent shall be to improve retirement benefits since
entertained and no certification election shall retirement is a term or condition of
be conducted by the Department of Labor and employment that is a mandatory subject
Employment outside of the sixty-day period of bargaining.
immediately before the date of expiry of such 3) GHSIP, HMP BENEFITS FOR
five-year term of the Collective Bargaining DEPENDENTS and HOUSING EQUITY
Agreement. LOAN
 All other provisions of the Collective - Moreover, MERALCO have long been
Bargaining Agreement shall be renegotiated extending these benefits to the employees
not later than 3 years after its execution. Any and their dependents that they now
agreement on such other provisions of the CBA become part of the terms and conditions
entered into within 6 months from the date of of employment. In fact, MERALCO even
expiry of the term of such other provisions as pledged to continue giving these benefits.
fixed in such CBA shall retroact to the day Hence, these benefits should be
immediately following such date. incorporated in the new CBA.
 If any such agreement is entered into beyond
six months, the parties shall agree on the 4) SIGNING BONUS
duration of retroactivity thereof. - In contractual terms, a signing bonus is
 In case of a deadlock in the renegotiation of justified by and is the consideration paid
the CBA, the parties may exercise their rights for the goodwill that existed in the
under this Code. negotiations that culminated in the
signing of a CBA. Without the goodwill,
Manila Electric Co. V. Quisumbing (1999) the payment of a signing bonus cannot be
In this petition for certiorari, the MERALCO justified and any order for such payment,
seeks to annul the orders of the Secretary of Labor to our mind, constitutes grave abuse of
wherein the Secretary required MERALCO and its discretion.
rank and file union (MEWA) to execute a CBA for 5) SICK LEAVE RESERVE OF 15 DAYS


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Part VII : Collective Bargaining
Labor Relations
6) 40-DAY UNION LEAVE anybody else — the discretion to fix the
effectivity of the agreement.
b) NON-ECONOMIC ISSUES - Significantly, the law does not specifically
1) SCOPE OF THE BARGAINING UNIT cover the situation where 6 months have
2) ISSUE OF UNION SECURITY elapsed but no agreement has been
3) THE CONTRACTING OUT ISSUE reached with respect to effectivity. In this
- This issue is limited to the validity of the eventuality, we hold that any provision of
requirement that the union be consulted law should then apply for the law abhors a
before the implementation of any vacuum.
contracting out that would last for 6 - One such provision is the principle of hold
months or more. Court declared that such over, i.e., that in the absence of a new
consultation requirement will go against CBA, the parties must maintain the status
principle of mgt prerogative. quo and must continue in full force and
4) UNION REPRESENTATION IN effect the terms and conditions of the
COMMITTEES existing agreement until a new agreement
- is worthwhile to note that all the Union is reached. In this manner, the law
demands and what the Secretary's order prevents the existence of a gap in the
granted is that the Union be allowed to relationship between the collective
participate in policy formulation and bargaining parties. Another legal principle
decision-making process on matters that should apply is that in the absence of
affecting the Union members' rights, an agreement between the parties, then,
duties and welfare as required in Article an arbitrated CBA takes on the nature of
211 (A) (g) of the Labor Code. And this any judicial or quasi-judicial award; it
can only be done when the Union is operates and may be executed only
allowed to have representatives in the respectively unless there are legal
Safety Committee, Uniform Committee justifications for its retroactive
and other committees of a similar nature. application.
Certainly, such participation by the Union
in the said committees is not in the Manila Central Line Corp. v. Manila Central
nature of a co-management control of the Line Free Workers Union (1998)
business of MERALCO. What is granted by Facts: This case arose out of a collective
the Secretary is participation and bargaining deadlock between petitioner and private
representation. Thus, there is no respondent union. The parties’ CBA had expired
impairment of management prerogatives. on March 15, 1989. As the parties failed to reach
5) INCLUSION OF ALL TERMS AND new agreement, private respondent sought the aid
CONDITIONS IN THE CBA of the NCMB on October 30, 1989, but the
6) RETROACTIVITY OF THE CBA deadlock remained unresolved.
- Art. 253-A serves as the guide in On February 9, 1990, private respondent filed
determining when the effectivity of the a “Petition for Compulsory Arbitration” in the
CBA at bar is to take effect. It provides Arbitration Branch for the National Capital Region
that the representation aspect of the CBA of the National Labor Relations Commission. A. On
is to be for a term of 5 years, while September 28, 1990, the labor arbiter rendered a
. . . [A]ll other provisions of the decision embodying provisions for a new CBA.
Collective Bargaining Agreement Petitioner also contends that in ordering a new
shall be re-negotiated not later CBA to be effective on March 15, 1989, the expiry
than 3 years after its execution. date of the old CBA, the labor arbiter acted
Any agreement on such other contrary to Art. 253-A of the Labor Code.
provision of the Collective Held: Art. 253-A refers to CBA’s entered into
Bargaining Agreement entered by the parties as a result of their mutual
into within 6 months from the agreement. The CBA in this case, on the other
date of expiry of the term of hand, is part of an arbitral award. As such, it may
such other provisions as fixed in be made retroactive to the date of expiration of the
such Collective Bargaining previous agreement.
Agreement shall retroact to the Therefore, in the absence of a specific
day immediately following such provision of law prohibiting retroactivity of the
date. If such agreement is effectivity of arbitral awards issued by the
entered into beyond 6 months, Secretary of Labor pursuant to Article 263(g) of
the parties shall agree on the the Labor Code, such as herein involved, public
duration of the effectivity respondent is deemed vested with plenary and
thereof. . . . . discretionary powers to determine the effectivity
- Under these terms, it is clear that the 5- thereof.
year term requirement is specific to the Indeed, petitioner has not shown that the
representation aspect. What the law question of effectivity was not included in the
additionally requires is that a CBA must general agreement of the parties to submit their
be re-negotiated within 3 years "after its dispute for arbitration. To the contrary, as to the
execution." It is in this re-negotiation that order of the labor arbiter states, this question was
gives rise to the present CBA deadlock. among those submitted for arbitration by the
- If no agreement is reached within 6 parties:
months from the expiry date of the 3 Rivera v. Espiritu (2002)
years that follow the CBA execution, the Petitioners further allege that the 10-year
law expressly gives the parties — not suspension of the CBA under the PAL-PALEA


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Part VII : Collective Bargaining
Labor Relations
agreement virtually installed PALEA as a company - simply refers to the rest of the CBA,
union for said period, amounting to unfair labor economic as well as non-economic
practice, in violation of Article 253-A of the Labor provisions, except representation.
Code mandating that an exclusive bargaining Obviously, the framers of the law wanted to
agent serves for five years only. maintain INDUSTRIAL PEACE and stability by
The questioned proviso of the agreement reads: having both management and labor work
a. PAL shall continue recognizing PALEA as the harmoniously together without any disturbance.
duly certified-bargaining agent of the regular Thus, no outside union can enter the establishment
rank-and-file ground employees of the
within five (5) years and challenge the status of
the incumbent union as the exclusive bargaining
Said proviso cannot be construed alone. In
construing an instrument with several provisions, a
Likewise, the terms and conditions of
construction must be adopted as will give effect to
employment (economic and non-economic) can not
all. The aforesaid provision must be read within
be questioned by the employers or employees
the context of the next clause, which provides:
b. The ‘union shop/maintenance of
during the period of effectivity of the CBA. The CBA
membership’ provision under the PAL-PALEA is a contract between the parties and the parties
CBA shall be respected. must respect the terms and conditions of the
The aforesaid provisions, taken together, agreement.
clearly show the intent of the parties to maintain Notably, the framers of the law did not give a
“union security” during the period of the fixed term as to the effectivity of the terms and
suspension of the CBA. Its objective is to assure conditions of employment. It can be gleaned from
the continued existence of PALEA during the said their discussions that it was left to the parties to fix
period. We are unable to declare the objective of the period.
union security an unfair labor practice. It is State In the instant case, it is not difficult to
policy to promote unionism to enable workers to determine the period of effectivity for the non-
negotiate with management on an even playing representation provisions of the CBA. Taking it
field and with more persuasiveness than if they from the history of their CBAs, SMC intended to
were to individually and separately bargain with have the terms of the CBA effective for three (3)
the employer. For this reason, the law has allowed years reckoned from the expiration of the old or
stipulations for “union shop” and “closed shop” as previous CBA which was on June 30, 1989.
means of encouraging workers to join and support
the union of their choice in the protection of their CBA and 3rd Party Applicability Rule
rights and interests vis-à-vis the employer.
Petitioners’ contention that the agreement Sundowner Dev’t. Corp. v Drilon (1989)
installs PALEA as a virtual company union is also HELD: Labor contracts such as employment
untenable. Under Article 248 (d) of the Labor contracts and CBAs are not enforceable against a
Code, a company union exists when the employer transferee of an enterprise, labor contracts being
acts “[t]o initiate, dominate, assist or otherwise in personam, thus binding only between the
interfere with the formation or administration of parties.
any labor organization, including the giving of A labor contract merely creates and action in
financial or other support to it or its organizers or personam and does not create any real right
supporters.” The case records are bare of any which should be respected by third parties. This
showing of such acts by PAL. conclusion draws its force from the rights of an
We also do not agree that the agreement employer to select his employees and to decide
violates the five-year representation limit when to engage them.
mandated by Article 253-A. Under said article, the The same can only be restricted by law
representation limit for the exclusive bargaining through the exercise of police power. There is no
agent applies only when there is an extant CBA in law requiring a bona fide purchaser of assets of an
full force and effect. In the instant case, the on-going concern to absorb in its employ the
parties agreed to suspend the CBA and put in employees of the latter.
abeyance the limit on the representation period. However, although the purchaser of the assets
or enterprise is not legally bound to absorb in its
San Miguel Corp Employees Union v. Confesor employ the employers of the seller of such assets
(1996) or enterprise, the parties are liable to the
Article 253-A is a new provision. This was employees if the transaction between the parties is
incorporated by Section 21 of Republic Act No. colored or clothed with bad faith. In the CAB, it is
6715 (the Herrera-Veloso Law) which took effect undisputed that when Mabuhay surrendered the
on March 21, 1989. This new provision states that leased premises to Syjuco and asked Syjuco to
the CBA has a term of five (5) years instead of offer same to other lessees it was Syjuco who
three years, before the amendment of the law as found Sundowner and persuaded to lease said
far as the representation aspect is concerned. All premises. Mabuhay had nothing to do with the
other provisions of the CBA shall be negotiated not negotiations and consummation of the lease
later than three (3) years after its execution. contract bet Sundowner and Syjuco.
The "representation aspect":
- refers to the identity and majority status Manlimos v. NLRC (1995)
of the union that negotiated the CBA as A change of ownership in a business concern is
the exclusive bargaining representative of not proscribed by law. In Central Azaucarera del
the appropriate bargaining unit Danao vs. Court of Appeals, this court stated:
concerned. There can be no controversy for it is a principle
well-recognized, that it is within the employer's
"All other provisions"
legitimate sphere of management control of the
business to adopt economic policies or make


73 of 139
Part VII : Collective Bargaining
Labor Relations
some changes or adjustments in their capital. Association of the locals into the national
organization or operations that would insure union was in furtherance of the same end. These
profit to itself or protect the investment of its
associations are consensual entities capable of
stockholders. As in the exercise of such
management prerogative, the employer may
entering into such legal relations with their
merge or consolidate its business with members. The essential purpose was the affiliation
another, or sell or dispose all or substantially of the local unions into a common enterprise to
all of its assets and properties which may increase by collective action the common
bring about the dismissal or termination of its bargaining power in respect of the terms and
employees in the process. Such dismissal or conditions of labor.
termination should not however be
Yet the locals remained the basic units of
interpreted in such a manner as to permit the
employer to escape payment of termination
association. Union to whom the employees owe
pay. For such a situation is not envisioned in their allegiance has from the beginning expressly
the law. It strikes at the very concept of avowed that it "does not intend to change and/or
social justice. amend the provisions of the present collective
In a number of cases on this point, the rule bargaining agreement but only to be given the
has been laid down that the sale or disposition chance to enforce the same since there is a shift of
must be motivated by good faith as an element of allegiance in the majority of the employees at
exemption from liability. Indeed, an innocent respondent company. During the effectivity of a
transferee of a business establishment has no collective bargaining agreement executed between
liability to the employees of the transferor to employer and employees thru their agent, the
continue employing them. Nor is the transferee employees can change said agent but the contract
liable for past unfair labor practices of the previous continues to bind them up to its expiration date.
owner, except, when the liability therefor is
assumed by the new employer under the contract Effect f Expiry
of sale, or when liability arises because of the new
owner's participation in thwarting or defeating the New Pacific Timber and Supply Co. Inc v.
rights of the employees. NLRC (2000)
Where such transfer of ownership is in good WON the terms of an existing CBA particularly
faith, the transferee is under no legal duty to as to the economic provisions, can be extended
absorb the transferor's employees as there is no beyond the three year period prescribed by law in
law compelling such absorption. the absence of a new agreement?
The most that the transferee may do, for Until a new CBA has been executed by and
reasons of public policy and social justice, is to between the parties, they are duty bound to keep
give preference to the qualified separated the status quo and to continue in full force and
employees in the filling of vacancies in the facilities effect the terms and conditions of the existing
of the purchaser. agreements.
The law does not provide for an exception nor
Disaffiliation: Doctrine of Substitution qualification as to which of the economic provisions
of the existing agreements are to retain force and
Benguet Consolidated, Inc. v BCI Employees effect, therefore it encompasses all provisions.
and Workers Union—PAFLU (1968) The New CBA is given PROSPECTIVE effect
It is unquestionable that the seeking of the generally since 253 and 253-A provides for an
union's help by one of its members in connection automatic renewal clause in existing CBAs.
with the latter's correct wages constitutes proper PURPOSE: To avoid creating a gap during
union activity. Consequently, the refusal of the which no agreement would govern. Better for
employer to implement the proper salary scale to industrial peace if effectivity of the CBA is longer.
respondent Andrada because he sought the help of
his union in pursuing what he believed was his
right to a salary adjustment, is unfair labor
Where there occurs a shift in employee’s
union allegiance after the execution of a collective
bargaining contract with their employer, the
employees can change their agent – the labor
union, but the CBA continues to exist.

Elisco-Elirol Labor Union v. Noriel (1977)

HELD: Union-NAFLU, consisting of employees
and members of the local union was the principal
party to the agreement.
NAFLU as the mother union" in participating in
the execution of the bargaining agreement acted
merely as agent of the local union freely to serve
the common interest of all its members, including
the freedom to disaffiliate when the circumstances
so warranted.
Locals are separate and distinct units primarily
designed to secure and maintain an equality of
bargaining power between the employer and their
employee-members in the economic struggle for
the fruits of the joint productive effort of labor and


74 of 139
Part VIII : Unfair Labor Practice
Labor Relations

Part VIII : UNFAIR LABOR The next point at issue is whether or not the
petitioners herein are guilty of unfair labor
PRACTICE practice. Petitioners claim that as respondent Sol
was merely an employee and was not connected
8.01 INTRODUCTORY CONCEPTS with any labor union, the company cannot be
considered as having committed acts constituting
1. DEFINITION AND GENERAL CONCEPT unfair labor practice as defined in the Industrial
Peace Act, Rep. Act 875.
Art. 212 (k) We find this contention to be well-founded.
Unfair labor practice" means any unfair labor The term unfair labor practice has been defined as
practice as expressly defined by the Code. any of those acts listed in Sec. 4 of the Act. The
respondent Sol has never been found to commit
Art. 247 any of the acts mentioned in paragraph (a) of Sec.
Concept of unfair labor practice and procedure for 4. Respondent Sol was not connected with any
prosecution thereof. labor organization, nor has she ever attempted to
 Unfair labor practices violate the constitutional join a labor organization, or to assist, or contribute
right of workers and employees to self- to a labor organization. The company, cannot
organization, are inimical to the legitimate therefore, be considered as having committed an
interests of both labor and management, unfair labor practice.
including their right to bargain collectively and
otherwise deal with each other in an
atmosphere of freedom and mutual respect, DISINI:
disrupt industrial peace and hinder the  Purpose of the rules on unfair labor
promotion of healthy and stable labor- practice: protection of right to self-
management relations. organization and/or collective bargaining
 Consequently, unfair labor practices are not  The employee is not only protected
only violations of the civil rights of both labor from the employer but also from labor
and management organization
 Employer is also protected from ULP
o but are also criminal offenses against the committed by a labor organization
State which shall be subject to  The public is also protected because it
prosecution and punishment as herein has an interest in continuing industrial
provided. peace.
 Subject to the exercise by the President or by  Note the difference between the wordings of
the Secretary of Labor and Employment of the Art. 248(a) and Art. 249(a).
powers vested in them by Articles 263 and Art. 248 (a) – “interfere,
restraint, coerce”
264 of this Code, Art. 249(a) – “restraint, coerce”
o the civil aspects of all cases involving  “interfere” not included in Art. 249
unfair labor practices, which may include because any act of a labor
claims for actual, moral, exemplary and organization amounts to
other forms of damages, attorney’s fees interference to a right to self-
and other affirmative relief, shall be under organization
the jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiters.  Art. 248(a) and Art. 249(a) are the general
grant of protection.
o The Labor Arbiters shall give utmost  all other cases of ULP enumerated
priority to the hearing and resolution of under the said provisions are
all cases involving unfair labor practices. derivatives of Art. 248(a) and Art.
They shall resolve such cases within thirty 249(a)
(30) calendar days from the time they are
submitted for decision.
 Recovery of civil liability in the administrative
proceedings shall bar recovery under the Civil
HSBC Employee Union V. NLRC (1997)
Necessarily, a determination of the validity of
 No criminal prosecution under this Title may
the Batik's unilateral Implementation of the JE
be instituted without a final judgment finding
Program or the Union's act of engaging in
that an unfair labor practice was committed,
concerted activities involves all appraisal of their
having been first obtained in the preceding
motives. In cases of this nature, motivations are
seldom expressly avowed, and avowals are not
o During the pendency of such
always candid.
administrative proceeding, the running of
There must thus he a measure of reliance in
the period of prescription of the criminal
the administrative agency. It was incumbent upon
offense herein penalized shall be
the labor arbiter, in the first instance, to weigh
considered interrupted:
such expressed motives in determining the effect
o Provided, however, that the final
of an otherwise equivocal act.
judgment in the administrative
The Labor Code does not undertake the
proceedings shall not be binding in the
impossible task of specifying in precise and
criminal case nor be considered as
unmistakable language each incident which
evidence of guilt but merely as proof of
constitute, an unfair labor practice. Rather, it
compliance of the requirements therein
leaves to the court the work of applying the law's
set forth.
general prohibitory language in light of infinite
combinations of events which may be charged
Sterling Products Inc. v. Sol (1963)
as violative of its terms.


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Part VIII : Unfair Labor Practice
Labor Relations
3. LAW NOMENCLATURE AND INTER- The aforecited ILO Conventions are
RELATIONS OF ACTS OF ULP incorporated in our Labor Code, particularly in
Article 243 thereof, which provides:
Unfair labor practice" means any unfair labor TO SELF-ORGANIZATION. – All persons
employed in commercial, industrial and
practice as expressly defined by the Code.
agricultural enterprises and in religious,
Art. 248 charitable, medical or educational institutions
Unfair labor practices of employers. It shall be whether operating for profit or not, shall have
unlawful for an employer to commit any of the the right to self-organization and to form, join,
following unfair labor practice: or assist labor organizations of their own
choosing for purposes of collective bargaining.
a. To interfere with, restrain or coerce employees Ambulant, intermittent and itinerant workers,
self-employed people, rural workers and those
in the exercise of their right to self-
without any definite employers may form labor
organization; organizations for their mutual aid and
Art. 249 and Articles 248 and 249 respecting ULP of
Unfair labor practices of labor organizations. It employers and labor organizations.
shall be unfair labor practice for a labor Article 248(a) of the Labor Code, considers it
organization, its officers, agents or an unfair labor practice when an employer
representatives: interferes, restrains or coerces employees in
the exercise of their right to self-organization
or the right to form association. The right to
a. To restrain or coerce employees in the
self-organization necessarily includes the right
exercise of their right to self-organization. to collective bargaining.
However, a labor organization shall have the Parenthetically, if an employer interferes in
right to prescribe its own rules with respect the selection of its negotiators or coerces the Union
to the acquisition or retention of to exclude from its panel of negotiators a
membership; representative of the Union, and if it can be
inferred that the employer adopted the said act to
Standard Chartered Bank, etc. v. Confessor yield adverse effects on the free exercise to right
(2004) to self-organization or on the right to collective
"Interference" under Article 248 (a) of the bargaining of the employees, ULP under Article
Labor Code 248(a) in connection with Article 243 of the Labor
The petitioner asserts that the private Code is committed.
respondent committed ULP, i.e., interference in the In order to show that the employer committed
selection of the Union’s negotiating panel, when ULP under the Labor Code, substantial evidence is
Diokno, the Bank’s HR Manager, suggested to the required to support the claim. In the case at bar,
Union President that Umali, Jr., President of the the Union bases its claim of interference on the
NUBE, be excluded from the Union’s negotiating alleged suggestions of Diokno to exclude Umali
panel. from the Union’s negotiating panel.
The Union claims that interference in the The circumstances that occurred during the
choice of the Union’s bargaining panel is negotiation do not show that the suggestion made
tantamount to ULP. by Diokno to Divinagracia is an anti-union conduct
Under the International Labor Organization from which it can be inferred that the Bank
Convention (ILO) No. 87 FREEDOM OF consciously adopted such act to yield adverse
ASSOCIATION AND PROTECTION OF THE RIGHT effects on the free exercise of the right to self-
TO ORGANIZE to which the Philippines is a organization and collective bargaining of the
signatory, "workers and employers, without employees, especially considering that such was
distinction whatsoever, shall have the right to undertaken previous to the commencement of the
establish and, subject only to the rules of the negotiation and simultaneously with Divinagracia’s
organization concerned, to job organizations of suggestion that the bank lawyers be excluded from
their own choosing without previous its negotiating panel.
authorization." The records show that after the initiation of
Workers’ and employers’ organizations shall the collective bargaining process, with the inclusion
have the right to draw up their constitutions and of Umali in the Union’s negotiating panel, the
rules, to elect their representatives in full freedom negotiations pushed through. The complaint was
to organize their administration and activities and made only on August 16, 1993 after a deadlock
to formulate their programs.43 Article 2 of ILO was declared by the Union.
Convention No. 98 pertaining to the Right to It is clear that such ULP charge was merely an
Organize and Collective Bargaining, provides: afterthought. The accusation occurred after the
Article 2 (1) Workers’ and employers’
organizations shall enjoy adequate protection
arguments and differences over the economic
against any acts or interference by each other provisions became heated and the parties had
or each other’s agents or members in their become frustrated. It happened after the parties
establishment, functioning or administration. started to involve personalities.
(2) In particular, acts which are designed to
promote the establishment of workers’
organizations under the domination of 8.02 UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICE:
employers or employers’ organizations or to EMPLOYER AND LABOR ORGANIZATION
support workers’ organizations by financial or ACTS VIOLATING RIGHT OF SELF-
other means, with the object of placing such
organizations under the control of employers
or employers’ organizations within the
meaning of this Article. ULP AND MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS


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Part VIII : Unfair Labor Practice
Labor Relations
management cooperation programs at
Royal InterOcean Lines v. CIR (1960) appropriate levels of the enterprise based on
"The statute goes no further than to safeguard the shared responsibility and mutual respect in
the right of employees to self-organization and to order to ensure industrial peace and
select representatives of their own choosing for improvement in productivity, working
collective bargaining or other mutual protection conditions and the quality of working life.
without restraint or coercion by their employer. In establishments where no legitimate labor
"The protection of workers' right to self- organization exists, labor-management
organization in no way interfere with employer's committees may be formed voluntarily by
freedom to enforce such rules and orders as are workers and employers for the purpose of
necessary to proper conduct of his business, so promoting industrial peace. The Department of
long as employer's supervision is not for the Labor and Employment shall endeavor to
purpose of intimidating or coercing his employees enlighten and educate the workers and
with respect to their self-organization and employers on their rights and responsibilities
representation. through labor education with emphasis on the
"It is the function of the court to see that the policy thrusts of this Code.
rights of self- organization and collective
bargaining guaranteed by the Act are amply c.f. Art. 249
secured to the employee, but in its effort to Unfair labor practices of labor organizations. It
prevent the prescribed unfair labor practices, the shall be unfair labor practice for a labor
court must be mindful of the welfare of the honest organization, its officers, agents or
employer. representatives:
Despite the employees' right to self- a. To restrain or coerce employees in the exercise
organization, the employer therefore still retains of their right to self-organization. However, a
his inherent right to discipline his employees, his labor organization shall have the right to
normal prerogative to hire or dismiss them. The prescribe its own rules with respect to the
prohibition is directed only against the use of the acquisition or retention of membership;
right to employ or discharge as an instrument of
discrimination, interference or oppression because 2. NON-UNION MEMBERSHIP OR
of one's labor or union activities. WITHDRAWAL FROM MEMBERSHIP AS
Great Pacific Life Employees Union v. Great
Pacific Life Assurance Corp. (1999) Art. 248
While an act or decision of an employer may Unfair labor practices of employers.
be unfair, certainly not every unfair act or decision (b) To require as a condition of employment that a
constitutes unfair labor practice (ULP) as defined person or an employee shall not join a labor
and enumerated under Art. 248 of the Labor organization or shall withdraw from one to which
Code.18 he belongs;
There should be no dispute that all the
prohibited acts constituting unfair labor practice in 3. CONTRACTING OUT TO DISCOURAGE
essence relate to the workers' right to self- UNIONISM
organization. Thus, an employer may be held liable
under this provision if his conduct affects in Art. 248
whatever manner the right of an employee to self- Unfair labor practices of employers.
organize. The decision of respondent GREPALIFE to (c) To contract out services or functions being
consider the top officers of petitioner UNION as performed by union members when such will
unfit for reinstatement is not essentially interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in the
discriminatory and constitutive of an unlawful labor exercise of their rights to self-organization;
practice of employers under the above-cited
provision. Discriminating in the context of the 4. COMPANY DOMINATION UNION
Code involves either encouraging membership in
any labor organization or is made on account of Art. 248
the employee's having given or being about to give Unfair labor practices of employers.
testimony under the Labor Code. These have not (d) To initiate, dominate, assist or otherwise
been proved in the case at bar. interfere with the formation or administration of
any labor organization, including the giving of
1. INTERFERENCE, RESTRAINT AND financial or other support to it or its organizers or
COERCION supporters;


Unfair labor practices of employers. It shall be ENCOURAGE/DISCOURAGE UNIONISM
unlawful for an employer to commit any of the
following unfair labor practice: Art. 248
a. To interfere with, restrain or coerce employees Unfair labor practices of employers.
in the exercise of their right to self- (e) To discriminate in regard to wages, hours of
organization; work and other terms and conditions of
employment in order to encourage or discourage
Art. 277 membership in any labor organization.
g. The Ministry shall help promote and gradually - Nothing in this Code or in any other law
develop, with the agreement of labor shall stop the parties from requiring
organizations and employers, labor- membership in a recognized collective


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Part VIII : Unfair Labor Practice
Labor Relations
bargaining agent as a condition for cases that may be resorted to where been found
employment, except those employees who guilty of unfair labor practice under similar
are already members of another union at circumstances and was given the corresponding
the time of the signing of the collective sanction. One of such cases, which in our opinion
bargaining agreement. is on all fours with the present, is NLRB vs. Harris-
- Employees of an appropriate bargaining unit Woodson Co. where the following was held:
who are not members of the recognized As to the Board's finding of interference, there is
collective bargaining agent may be assessed abundant evidence of the questioning of employees as
to membership in the union and of anti-union
a reasonable fee equivalent to the dues and
expressions by the company's superintendent made in
other fees paid by members of the such away as to discourage union membership. The rule
recognized collective bargaining agent, if with respect thereto is well settled and was stated by us
such non-union members accept the recently in the case of NLRB vs. Norfolf-Southern Bus
benefits under the collective bargaining Corpn. 159 Fed 2d 518, where we said:
agreement: Provided, that the individual "Questioning of employees concerning union
authorization required under Article 242, membership and activities and disparaging remarks
by supervisory employees made in such away as to
paragraph (o) of this Code shall not apply to
hamper the exercise of free choice on the part of the
the non-members of the recognized employees, have been uniformly condemned as a
collective bargaining agent; violation of the Act.
As to the discharge of the president of the union, it
Art. 249 appears that she was discharged in the Spring of
Unfair labor practices of labor organizations. 1945 at the time when question of union
(b) To cause or attempt to cause an employer to representation was becoming acute. The Company
contends that the ground of the discharge was
discriminate against an employee, including
insubordinate language and conduct, and evidence of
discrimination against an employee with respect to a controversy between the employer and the
whom membership in such organization has been superintendent was not the true reason for the
denied or to terminate an employee on any ground discharge, but only a pretext. It was shown that Mrs.
other than the usual terms and conditions under Edler was a competent and efficient employee with a
which membership or continuation of membership long record of faithful service, and by the
is made available to other members; controversies and even quarrels between the
employees and the superintendent had not therefore
led to discharge. According to Mrs. Edler's testimony,
6. RETALIATION TESTIMONY AGAINST which was accepted by the Board, the controversy
EMPLOYER was a very minor character and furnished to
sufficient justification for the peremptory discharge of
Art. 248 an efficient employee with a long record of service.
Unfair labor practices of employers. Under such circumstances, the Board may very well
(f) To dismiss, discharge or otherwise prejudice or have concluded that the true reason for the
discharge was other than the union and her activity
discriminate against an employee for having given
in its behalf.
or being about to give testimony under this Code;
This is all the more reasonable in view of the
manifest anti-union bias of the company's officers
and superintendent and for the controversy with
regard to the recognition of the union which had
Art. 249
just been revived…
Unfair labor practices of labor organizations.
(b) To cause or attempt to cause an employer to
Phil. Steam Navigation Co. v. Phil. Marine
discriminate against an employee, including
Officer’s Guild (1965)
discrimination against an employee with respect to
The acts found by respondent court
whom membership in such organization has been
constituting the foregoing ULP are (1) the
denied or to terminate an employee on any ground
interrogation and investigation by PHILSTEAM's
other than the usual terms and conditions under
supervisory officials of its captains, deck officers
which membership or continuation of membership
and engineers, to determine whether they had
is made available to other members;
authorized PMOG to act as their bargaining agent;
(2) the subjection of PMOG to vilification; and (3)
the participation of PHILSTEAM's pier
superintendent in soliciting membership for a
competing union.
PHILSTEAM admits that it initiated and carried
Scoty’s Department Store v. Micaller (1956)
out an investigation of its officers as to their
We are afraid that we cannot now look into
membership in PMOG and whether they had given
points 1 and 2 for they involve questions of fact.
PMOG authority to represent them in collective
The industrial court has made a careful analysis of
the evidence and has found the petitioners have
o Reason for this according to PHILSTEAM,
really subjected complaint and her co-employees
was merely to ascertain for itself the
to a series of questioning regarding their
existence of a duty to bargain collectively
membership in the union or their union activities
with PMOG, a step allegedly justified by
which in contemplation of law are deemed acts
PMOG's refusal to furnish proof of
constituting unfair labor practice
majority representation.
Our law on this point is of recent enactment
The asserted reason for the investigation
and so we may find difficulty in determining what
cannot be sustained. The record discloses that
acts or circumstances may institute unfair labor
such investigation was started even before it
practice within its purview for lack of appropriate
received PMOG's reply stating a refusal to
precedents. However, there are many American
submit proof of majority representation.


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Part VIII : Unfair Labor Practice
Labor Relations
An employer is not denied the privilege of on terms inconsistent with their union
interrogating its employees as to their union membership, was adjudged as constituting
affiliation, provided the same is for a legitimate interference with the exercise of his employees'
purpose and assurance is given by the employer right to collective bargaining (Lighter Publishing,
that no reprisals would be taken against unionists. CCA 7th, 133 F2d 621).
Nonetheless, any employer who engages in Moreover, since exhibit A is a letter containing
interrogation does so with notice that he risks a promises of benefits to the employees in order to
finding of unfair labor practice if the circumstances entice them to return to work, it is not protected
are such that his interrogation restrains or by the free speech provisions of the Constitution
interferes with employees in the exercise of their (NLRB v. Clearfield Cheese Co., Inc., 213 F2d 70).
rights to self-organization. (Blue Flash Express The letters, exhibits A and B, should not be
Co., Inc., 109 NLRB 591.)  BLUE FLASH considered by themselves alone but should be read
DOCTRINE in the light of the preceding and subsequent
The respondent court had found that circumstances surrounding them. The letters
PHILSTEAM's interrogation of its employees had in should be interpreted according to the "totality of
fact interfered with, restrained and coerced the conduct doctrine,"
employees in the exercise of their rights to self- o whereby the culpability of an employer's
organization Such finding being upon questions of remarks were to be evaluated not only on
fact, the same cannot be reversed herein, because the basis of their implicit implications, but
it is fully supported by substantial evidence. were to be appraised against the
The rule in this jurisdiction is that subjection background of and in conjunction with
by the company of its employees to a series of collateral circumstances.
questioning regarding their membership in the o Under this 'doctrine' expressions of
union or their union activities, in such a way as to opinion by an employer which, though
hamper the exercise of free choice on their part, innocent in themselves, frequently were
constitutes unfair labor practice (Scoty's held to be culpable because of the
Department Store vs. Micaller). PHILSTEAM's circumstances under which they were
afore-stated interrogation squarely falls under this uttered, the history of the particular
rule. employer's labor relations or anti-union
bias or because of their connection with
Polling an established collateral plan of coercion
or interference." (Rothenberg on
Speech Relations, p. 374, and cases cited
Insular Life Assurance Co. Employees Assn.
v. Insular Life Assurance Co. Ltd (1971) Espionage
The respondents contend that the sending of
the letters, exhibits A and B, constituted a Insular Life Assurance Co. Employees Assn.
legitimate exercise of their freedom of speech. v. Insular Life Assurance Co. Ltd (1971)
We do not agree. The said letters were The lower Court justified the constructive
directed to the striking employees individually - by dismissal of Ibarra allegedly because he committed
registered special delivery mail at that - without acts inimical to the interest of the respondents
being coursed through the Unions which were when, as president of the union, he advised the
representing the employees in the collective strikers that they could use force and violence to
bargaining. have a successful picket and that picketing was
"The act of an employer in notifying absent precisely intended to prevent the non-strikers and
employees individually during a strike following company clients and customers from entering the
unproductive efforts at collective bargaining that Companies' buildings.
the plant would be operated the next day and that Even if this were true, the record discloses
their jobs were open for them should they want to that the picket line had been generally peaceful,
come in has been held to be an unfair labor and that incidents happened only when
practice, as an active interference with the right of management men made incursions into and tried
collective bargaining through dealing with the to break the picket line. At any rate, with or
employees individually instead of through their without the advice of Ibarra, picketing is inherently
collective bargaining representatives." (31 Am. explosive.
Jur. 563, citing NLRB v. Montgomery Ward & Co. The picket line being the natural result of the
[CA 9th] 133 F2d 676, 146 ALR 1045) respondents' ULP, Ibarra's misconduct is at most a
Indeed, it is an unfair labor practice for an misdemeanor which is not a bar to reinstatement.
employer operating under a collective bargaining Besides, the only evidence presented by the
agreement to negotiate or to attempt to negotiate Companies regarding Ibarra's participation in the
with his employees individually in connection with strike was the testimony of one Rodolfo
changes in the agreement. And the basis of the Encarnacion, a former member of the board of
prohibition regarding individual bargaining with the directors of the petitioner union, who became a
strikers is that although the union is on strike, the "turncoat" and who likewise testified as to the
employer is still under obligation to bargain with union activities of Atty. Lacsina, Ricardo Villaruel
the union as the employees' bargaining and others - another matter which emphasizes the
representative respondents' unfair labor practice.
Indeed, some such similar actions are illegal o For under the circumstances, there is
as constituting unwarranted acts of interference. good ground to believe that
Thus, the act of a company president in writing Encarnacion was made to spy on the
letters to the strikers, urging their return to work activities of the union members. This


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Part VIII : Unfair Labor Practice
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act of the respondents is considered employer has engaged in conduct which it may
unjustifiable interference in the union reasonably be said tends to interfere with the free
activities of the petitioners and is unfair exercise of employees' rights under section 3 of
labor practice. the Act, and it is not necessary that there be direct
"It has been held in a great number of evidence that any employee was in fact intimidated
decisions that espionage by an employer of union or coerced by statements of threats of the
activities, or surveillance thereof, are such employer if there is a reasonable inference that
instances of interference, restraint or coercion of anti-union conduct of the employer does have an
employees in connection with their right to adverse effect on self-organization and collective
organize, form and join unions as to constitute bargaining."
unfair labor practice . . .
o 'Nothing is more calculated to interfere
with, restrain and coerce employees in Union Solicitation And Distribution Of Literature
the exercise of their right to self- And Materials
organization than such activity even
where no discharges result. The Lechmere, Inc. v. NLRB L. Ed. 2d 79 (1992)
information obtained by means of Lechmere did not commit an unfair labor
espionage is invaluable to the employer practice by barring nonemployee union organizers
and can be used in a variety of cases to from its property.
break a union.' (a) By its plain terms, the NLRA confers rights
o The unfair labor practice is committed only on employees, not on unions or their
whether the espionage is carried on by a nonemployee organizers. Thus, as a rule, an
professional labor spy or detective, by employer cannot be compelled to allow
officials or supervisory employees of the nonemployee organizers onto his property.
employer, or by fellow employees acting (b) At least as applied to nonemployee union
at the request or direction of the organizers, Jean Country is inconsistent with
employer, or an ex-employee . . ." this Court's past interpretation of 7.
Babcock's teaching is straightforward: 7
Economic Coercion And Inducement simply does not protect nonemployee union
organizers except in the rare case where "the
Insular Life Assurance Co. Employees Assn. inaccessibility of employees makes
v. Insular Life Assurance Co. Ltd (1971) ineffective the reasonable attempts by
Indeed, when the respondents offered nonemployees to communicate with them
reinstatement and attempted to "bribe" the through the usual channels." It is only when
strikers with "comfortable cots," "free coffee and reasonable access to employees is infeasible
occasional movies," "overtime" pay for "work that it becomes appropriate to balance 7 and
performed in excess of eight hours," and private property rights.
"arrangements" for their families, so they would (c) The facts in this case do not justify
abandon the strike and return to work, they were application of Babcock's inaccessibility
guilty of strike-breaking and/or union-busting and, exception. Because Lechmere's employees
consequently, of unfair labor practice. do not reside on its property, they are
It is equivalent to an attempt to break a strike presumptively not "beyond the reach" of the
for an employer to offer reinstatement to striking union's message. Nor does the fact that they
employees individually, when they are represented live in a large metropolitan area render them
by a union, since the employees thus offered "inaccessible." Because the union failed to
reinstatement are unable to determine what the establish the existence of any "unique
consequences of returning to work would be. obstacles" that frustrated access to
Likewise violative of the right to organize, Lechmere's employees, the Board erred in
form and join labor organizations are the following concluding that Lechmere committed an
acts: unfair labor practice by barring the non-
o the offer of a Christmas bonus to all employee organizers from its property.
"loyal" employees of a company shortly
after the making of a request by the Republic Aviation Corp. v. NLRB 324 US 793
union to bargain; wage increases given (1945)
for the purpose of mollifying employees The employer, military aircraft manufacturer,
after the employer has refused to bargain adopted, well before any union activity at the
with the union, or for the purpose of plant, a general rule against soliciting which read
inducing striking employees to return to as follows: 'Soliciting of any type cannot be
work; the employer's promises of benefits permitted in the factory or offices.'
in return for the strikers' abandonment of An employee persisted after being warned of
their strike in support of their union; and the rule in soliciting union membership in the plant
the employer's statement, made about 6 by passing out application cards to employees on
weeks after the strike started, to a group his own time during lunch periods. The employee
of strikers in a restaurant to the effect was discharged.
that if the strikers returned to work, they 3 other employees were discharged for
would receive new benefits in the form of wearing union steward buttons in the plant after
hospitalization, accident insurance, profit- being requested to remove the insignia. The union
sharing, and a new building to work in. was at that time active in seeking to organize the
"The test of whether an employer has plant.
interfered with and coerced employees within the Held: the Supreme Court held that it was
meaning of subsection (a) (1) is whether the permissible for the Board to strike the balance in


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favor of employees challenging an employer's no- sharing benefits to its non-union member
solicitation policy. The Court affirmed the Board's employees is discriminatory against its workers
conclusion that employees have a presumptive who are union members?
right to wear union insignia, a right that cannot be a. Respondent union can not claim that there is
abridged unless the employer is able to establish grave abuse of discretion by the petitioner in
that a special circumstance exists, which justifies extending the benefits of profit sharing to the
banning such insignia. non-union employees as they are two (2)
groups not similarly situated. These nonunion
NLRB v. Babcock & Wilcox Co., 351 U.S. 105 employees are not covered by the CBA. They
(1956). do not derive and enjoy the benefits under the
The Babcock & Wilcox Co. operated a CBA.
manufacturing plant on a 100-acre tract about one b. The Court holds that it is the prerogative of
mile from a community of 21,000 people. The management to regulate, according to its
plant buildings were enclosed within a fence, discretion and judgment, all aspects of
employee access being through several gates. employment. This flows from the established
Approximately 90% of the employees drove to rule that labor law does not authorize the
work in private cars, and the company maintained substitution of the judgment of the employer
a parking lot for the employees. in the conduct of its business.
Only employees and deliverymen normally c. The grant by petitioner of profit sharing
used the parking lot. benefits to the employees outside the
The company had a rule forbidding the "bargaining unit" falls under the ambit of its
distribution of literature on company property. managerial prerogative. It appears to have
The Board found that the company's parking been done hi good faith and without ulterior
lot and the walkway leading from it to the plant motive. More so when as in this case there is a
entrance were the only "safe and practicable" clause in the CBA where the employees are
places in the vicinity of the plant for distribution of classified into those who are members of the
union literature, and held the company guilty of an union and those who are not. In the case of
unfair labor practice for enforcing the no- the union members, they derive their benefits
distribution rule and thereby denying union from the terms and conditions of the CBA
organizers limited access to company property. contract which constitute the law between the
The Board ordered the company to rescind its no- contracting parties. Both the employer and the
distribution rule insofar as it related to non- union members are bound by such agreement.
employee union representatives seeking to d. However, the court serves notice that it will
distribute union literature on the parking lot and not hesitate to strike down any act of the
walk-way area. employer that tends to be discriminatory
The CA refused enforcement of the Board's against union members. It is only because of
order on the ground that the Act did not authorize the peculiar circumstances of this case
the Board to impose a servitude on an employer's showing there is no such intention that this
property where no employee was involved. court ruled otherwise.
SC affirmed on the ground that the availability
of alternative channels of communication made the Run-Away Shop
intrusion on the employer's property rights ordered
by the Board unwarranted. Complex Electronics Employees Association v.
Guiding principle for adjusting conflicts NLRC (1999)
between Sec. 7 rights and property rights: The Union anchors its position on the fact that
 "Organization rights are granted to Lawrence Qua is both the president of Complex
workers by the same authority, the and Ionics and that both companies have the same
National Government, that preserves set of Board of Directors. It claims that business
property rights. Accommodation between has not ceased at Complex but was merely
the two must be obtained with as little transferred to Ionics, a runaway shop.
destruction of one as is consistent with Held: The Union's contentions are untenable.
the maintenance of the other. A “runaway shop” is defined as one wherein
 The employer may not affirmatively the employer moves its business to another
interfere with organization; the union may location or it temporarily closes its business for
not always insist that the employer aid anti-union purposes. A “runaway shop” in this
organization. sense, is a relocation motivated by anti-union
 But when the inaccessibility of employees animus rather than for business reasons.
makes ineffective the reasonable In this case, however, Ionics was not set up
attempts by non-employees to merely for the purpose of transferring the business
communicate with them through the of Complex. At the time the labor dispute arose at
usual channels, the right to exclude from Complex, Ionics was already existing as an
property has been required to yield to the independent company.
extent needed to permit communication The mere fact that one or more corporations
of information on the right to organize." are owned or controlled by the same or single
stockholder is not a sufficient ground for
Discrimination disregarding separate corporate personalities.
Ionics may be engaged in the same business
Wise and Co. Inc. v. Wise and Co. inc. as that of Complex, but this fact alone is not
Employees Union, NATU (1989) enough reason to pierce the veil of corporate
The center of controversy in this petition is fiction of the corporation.
whether the grant by management of profit


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Well-settled is the rule that a corporation has d. During the conciliation proceedings in the
a personality separate and distinct from that of its Board, the parties are prohibited from doing
officers and stockholders. This fiction of corporate any act which may disrupt or impede the early
entity can only be disregarded in certain cases settlement of the disputes; and
such as when it is used to defeat public e. The Board shall exert all efforts to settle
convenience, justify wrong, protect fraud, or disputes amicably and encourage the parties
defend crime. to submit their case to a voluntary arbitrator.
As very clearly established, the closure was
triggered by the customers' pull-out of their Art. 251
equipment, machinery and materials, who were Duty to bargain collectively in the absence of
alarmed by the pending labor dispute and the collective bargaining agreements.
imminent strike by the union, and as a protection  In the absence of an agreement or other
to their interest pulled-out of business from voluntary arrangement providing for a more
Complex who had no recourse but to cease expeditious manner of collective bargaining, it
operation to prevent further losses. shall be the duty of employer and the
The indiscretion committed by the Union in representatives of the employees to bargain
filing the notice of strike, which to our mind is not collectively in accordance with the provisions
the proper remedy to question the amount of of this Code.
benefits due the complainants who will be
retrenched at the closure of the Lite-On Line, gave Art. 252
a wrong signal to customers of Complex, which Meaning of duty to bargain collectively.
consequently resulted in the loss of employment of  The duty to bargain collectively means the
not only a few but to all the of the workers. It performance of a mutual obligation
may be worth saying that the right to strike should o to meet and convene promptly and
only be a remedy of last resort and must not be expeditiously in good faith for the purpose
used as a show of force against the employer. of negotiating an agreement with respect
o to wages, hours of work and all other
8.03 UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICE; terms and conditions of employment
including proposals for adjusting any
grievances or questions arising under
ACTS VIOLATIVE OF RIGHT TO such agreement and executing a contract
COLLECTIVE BARGAINING incorporating such agreements if
requested by either party but such duty
1. VIOLATE DUTY TO BARGAIN does not compel any party to agree to a
proposal or to make any concession.
Art. 248
Unfair labor practices of employers. Art. 253
(g) To violate the duty to bargain collectively as Duty to bargain collectively when there exists a
prescribed by this Code; collective bargaining agreement.
 When there is a collective bargaining
Art. 249 agreement,
Unfair labor practices of labor organizations o the duty to bargain collectively shall also
(c) To violate the duty, or refuse to bargain mean that neither party shall terminate
collectively with the employer, provided it is nor modify such agreement during its
the representative of the employees; lifetime.
o However, either party can serve a written
Art. 250 notice to terminate or modify the
Procedure in collective bargaining. The following agreement at least sixty (60) days prior
procedures shall be observed in collective to its expiration date.
bargaining: o It shall be the duty of both parties to keep
a. When a party desires to negotiate an the status quo and to continue in full force
agreement, it shall serve a written notice upon and effect the terms and conditions of the
the other party with a statement of its existing agreement during the 60-day
proposals. The other party shall make a reply period and/or until a new agreement is
thereto not later than ten (10) calendar days reached by the parties.
from receipt of such notice;
b. Should differences arise on the basis of such General Milling Corp. v. Court of Appeals
notice and reply, either party may request for (2004)
a conference which shall begin not later than GMC’s failure to make a timely reply to the
ten (10) calendar days from the date of proposals presented by the union is indicative of its
request. utter lack of interest in bargaining with the union.
c. If the dispute is not settled, the Board shall Its excuse that it felt the union no longer
intervene upon request of either or both represented the workers, was mainly dilatory as it
parties or at its own initiative and immediately turned out to be utterly baseless.
call the parties to conciliation meetings. The We hold that GMC’s refusal to make a counter-
Board shall have the power to issue proposal to the union’s proposal for CBA
subpoenas requiring the attendance of the negotiation is an indication of its bad faith. Where
parties to such meetings. It shall be the duty the employer did not even bother to submit an
of the parties to participate fully and promptly answer to the bargaining proposals of the union,
in the conciliation meetings the Board may there is a clear evasion of the duty to bargain
call; collectively.


82 of 139
Part VIII : Unfair Labor Practice
Labor Relations
Failing to comply with the mandatory Jurisdiction over such violations was
obligation to submit a reply to the union’s withdrawn from the Labor Arbiters and vested in
proposals, GMC violated its duty to bargain the voluntary arbitrator, the former (including the
collectively, making it liable for unfair labor Commission itself, its Regional Offices, and the
practice. Perforce, the Court of Appeals did not Regional Directors of the Department of Labor and
commit grave abuse of discretion amounting to Employment) being in fact enjoined not to
lack or excess of jurisdiction in finding that GMC is, "entertain disputes, grievances or matters under
under the circumstances, guilty of unfair labor the exclusive and original jurisdiction of the
practice. Voluntary Arbitrators or panel of Voluntary
Arbitrators and *** (instead) immediately dispose
2. NEGOTIATION OR ATTORNEY’S FEES and refer the same to the Grievance Machinery or
Voluntary Arbitration provided in the Collective
Art. 248 Bargaining Agreement."
Unfair labor practices of employers. PAL may not be regarded as precluded from
(h) To pay negotiation or attorney’s fees to the impugning the jurisdiction of the Arbiter and the
union or its officers or agents as part of the Commission because, at the time that the
settlement of any issue in collective proceedings were initiated before the former,
bargaining or any other dispute; or adjudged by him, and thereafter appealed to and
resolved by the latter adversely to PAL, the law
3. VIOLATE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING amending their jurisdiction (R.A. 6715) had not
AGREEMENT come into effect.
As already observed, it was only after PAL's
Art. 248 motion for reconsideration of November 21,1988
Unfair labor practices of employers had been filed and was awaiting resolution before
(g) To violate the duty to bargain collectively as the NLRC that said law became effective, on March
prescribed by this Code; 21, 1989. Under the circumstances, no estoppel of
the right to question jurisdiction can be ascribed to
Art. 249 PAL.
Unfair labor practices of labor organizations
(f) To violate a collective bargaining agreement 8.04 EMPLOYER FUNCTIONS AND ULP
Art. 261
Jurisdiction of Voluntary Arbitrators or panel of San Miguel Corp. Employees Union v.
Voluntary Arbitrators. Bersamira (1990)
 x x x. Accordingly, violations of a Collective A "labor dispute" as defined in Article 212 (1)
Bargaining Agreement, except those which are of the Labor Code includes "any controversy or
gross in character, shall no longer be treated matter concerning terms and conditions of
as unfair labor practice and shall be resolved employment or the association or representation of
as grievances under the Collective Bargaining persons in negotiating, fixing, maintaining,
Agreement. changing, or arranging the terms and conditions of
 For purposes of this article, gross violations of employment, regardless of whether the disputants
Collective Bargaining Agreement shall mean stand in the proximate relation of employer and
flagrant and/or malicious refusal to comply employee."
with the economic provisions of such While it is SanMig's submission that no
agreement. x x x employer-employee relationship exists between
itself, on the one hand, and the contractual
Singapore Airlines Employees Association v. workers of Lipercon and D'Rite on the other,
NLRC (1984) o a labor dispute can nevertheless exist
Despite a finding of petitioner's entitlement to "regardless of whether the disputants
her claim for reimbursement, we are not prepared stand in the proximate relationship of
to pronounce respondent SIA guilty of unfair labor employer and employee" (Article 212 [1],
practice. Labor Code, supra) provided the
SIA's refusal to grant benefits was not a willful controversy concerns, among others, the
evasion of its obligations under the CBA but was terms and conditions of employment or a
due to an honest mistake in the belief that the "change" or "arrangement" thereof (ibid).
same is not covered by the aforementioned CBA o Put differently, and as defined by law, the
provision. An error in interpretation without malice existence of a labor dispute is not
or bad faith does not constitute unfair labor negatived by the fact that the plaintiffs
practice. We take judicial notice of the fact that and defendants do not stand in the
honest differences in construction may arise in the proximate relation of employer and
actual application of contractual provisions. employee.
That a labor dispute, as defined by the law,
PAL V. NLRC (1997) does exist herein is evident. At bottom, what the
Thus, as of March 21, 1989, violations of Union seeks is to regularize the status of the
collective bargaining agreements were no longer employees contracted by Lipercon and D'Rite and,
deemed unfair labor practices - except those gross in effect, that they be absorbed into the working
in character - and were considered mere unit of SanMig. This matter definitely dwells on the
grievances resolvable through the appropriate working relationship between said employees vis-
grievance machinery, or voluntary arbitration a-vis SanMig.
provided in the CBA. o Terms, tenure and conditions of their
employment and the arrangement of
those terms are thus involved bringing


83 of 139
Part VIII : Unfair Labor Practice
Labor Relations
the matter within the purview of a labor weigh the employer's expressed motive in
dispute. determining the effect on the employees of
o Further, the Union also seeks to represent management's otherwise equivocal act" (NLRB vs.
those workers, who have signed up for Stowe Spinning Co., 336 U.S. 226).
Union membership, for the purpose of For the Industrial Peace Act does not
collective bargaining. undertake the impossible task of specifying in
Obvious then is that representation and precise and unmistakable language each incident
association, for the purpose of negotiating the which constitutes an unfair labor practice, rather, it
conditions of employment are also involved. In leaves to the court the work of applying the Act's
fact, the injunction sought by SanMig was precisely general prohibitory language in the light of infinite
also to prevent such representation. combinations of events which may be charged as
o Again, the matter of representation falls violative of its terms
within the scope of a labor dispute.
Neither can it be denied that the 8.05 MOTIVE, CONDUCT AND PROOF
controversy below is directly connected
with the labor dispute already taken
NCR-NS-O1-021-89; NCMB NCR NS-01-
093-83). Visayan Bicycle Manuf. Co. v. National Labor
As the case is indisputably linked with a labor Union (1965)
dispute, jurisdiction belongs to the labor tribunals. The findings of the CIR to the foregoing effect
As explicitly provided for in Article 217 of the Labor are supported by substantial evidence. No reason
Code, prior to its amendment by R.A. No. 6715 on obtains to alter the conclusion that Besana and
21 March 1989, since the suit below was instituted Rodiel were in reality dismissed because of their
on 6 March 1989, union activities and not because of their violation
o Labor Arbiters have original and exclusive of a company rule against fight in the premises or
jurisdiction to hear and decide the during working hours.
following cases involving all workers Furthermore, the so-called violation of
including " company rules having been brought about by the
1. unfair labor practice cases; company itself, thru the recent employment of
2. those that workers may file Saturnino Reyes and Silvestre Pacia who provoked
involving wages, hours of work and the fight as above indicated, the same cannot be
other terms and conditions of regarded as a ground to punish the
employment; and aforementioned employees.
3. cases arising from any violation of Such being the case, the dismissal of Besana
Article 265 of this Code, including and Rodiel constituted unfair labor practice under
questions involving the legality of Section 4(a) (1) and (4) of Republic Act 875:
Sec. 4. Unfair Labor Practices.-
striker and lockouts. (a) It shall be unfair labor practice for an
The claim of SanMig that the action below is employer:
for damages under Articles 19, 20 and 21 of the 1) To interfere with, restrain ,or coerce
Civil Code would not suffice to keep the case employees in the exercise of their rights
within the jurisdictional boundaries of regular guaranteed in section three;"
Courts. 4) To discriminate in regard to hire or
o That claim for damages is interwoven with tenure of employment or any term or
condition of employment to encourage or
a labor dispute existing between the discourage membership in any labor
parties and would have to be ventilated organization: . . ."
before the administrative machinery Rothenberg has this to say:
established for the expeditious settlement
of those disputes. ". . . it can be established that the true and
o To allow the action filed below to prosper basic inspiration for the employer's act is
would bring about "split jurisdiction" derived from the employee's union affiliations
which is obnoxious to the orderly or activities, the assignment by the employer of
administration of justice another reason, whatever its semblance or
validity, is unavailing.
We recognize the proprietary right of SanMig
to exercise an inherent management prerogative Thus, it has been held that the facts disclosed
and its best business judgment to determine that the employer's acts in discharging employees
whether it should contract out the performance of were actually prompted by the employer's
some of its work to independent contractors, improper interest in the affected employee's union
o However, the rights of all workers to self- affiliations and activities, even though the
organization, collective bargaining and employer urged that his acts were predicated on
negotiations, and peaceful concerted economic necessity, desire to give employment to
activities, including the right to strike in more needy persons, lack of work, cessation of
accordance with law (Section 3, Article operations, refusal to work overtime, refusal of
XIII, 1987 Constitution) equally call for non-union employees to work with union
recognition and protection. Those employees, seasonal lay-off, libelous remarks
contending interests must be placed in against management, violation of company rules."
proper perspective and equilibrium. Since the only reason or basis for Besana and
Rodiel's dismissal was in fact their actuation as
Republic Savings Bank v. CIR (1967) officers of VIBEMWU, the dismissal is clearly
It is for the Court of Industrial Relations, in discriminatory.
the first instance, to make the determination, "to


84 of 139
Part VIII : Unfair Labor Practice
Labor Relations
It is this inconsiderate act of power that or interference." (Rothenberg on Relations, p.
makes a subordinate a rebel, it is this malicious 374, and cases cited therein.)
tactic that forces labor to dislike management; this
unjustifiable conduct that creates a gap between Effect of Failure of the Act
management and labor; and this attitude that Interference constituting unfair labor practice
makes the laborer hate the officials of the will not cease to be such simply because it was
company to the detriment of all efforts to susceptible of being thwarted or resisted, or that it
harmonize management and labor for the benefit did not proximately cause the result intended.
of both as envisioned by the Industrial Peace Act. For success of purpose is not, and should not, be
So plain from the record is the bad faith that the criterion in determining whether or not a
attended the company's deliberate and calculated prohibited act constitutes unfair labor practice.
act of unfair labor practice that we find in the "The test of whether an employer has
present appeal an obvious attempt to delay and interfered with and coerced employees within the
carry on a pretense which this Court can ill afford meaning of subsection (a) (1) is
to let go without stern disapproval. o whether the employer has engaged in
conduct which it may reasonably be said
Me-Shurn Corp. v. Me-Shurn Workers Union tends to interfere with the free exercise of
(2005) employees' rights under section 3 of the
All these factors strongly give credence to the Act,
contention of respondent’s that the real reason o and it is not necessary that there be direct
behind the shutdown of the corporation was the evidence that any employee was in fact
formation of their union. Note that, to constitute intimidated or coerced by statements of
an unfair labor practice, the dismissal need not threats of the employer if there is a
entirely and exclusively be motivated by the reasonable inference that anti-union
union’s activities or affiliations. It is enough that conduct of the employer does have an
the discrimination was a contributing factor. adverse effect on self-organization and
If the basic inspiration for the act of the collective bargaining." (Francisco, Labor
employer is derived from the affiliation or activities Laws 1956, Vol. II, p. 323, citing NLRB v.
of the union, the former’s assignment of another Ford, C.A., 1948, 170 F2d 735).
reason, no matter how seemingly valid, is
Concededly, the determination to cease SANCTIONS
operations is a management prerogative that the
State does not usually interfere in. Indeed, no
business can be required to continue operating at
a loss, simply to maintain the workers in
employment. That would be a taking of property
Art. 212
without due process of law.
(e) "Employer" includes any person acting in the
But where it is manifest that the closure is
interest of an employer, directly or indirectly.
motivated not by a desire to avoid further losses,
The term shall not include any labor
but to discourage the workers from organizing
organization or any of its officers or agents
themselves into a union for more effective
except when acting as employer.
negotiations with management, the State is bound
(f) "Employee" includes any person in the employ
to intervene.
of an employer. The term shall not be limited
to the employees of a particular employer,
unless the Code so explicitly states. It shall
include any individual whose work has ceased
as a result of or in connection with any current
Insular Life Assurance Co. Ltd. Employees v.
labor dispute or because of any unfair labor
Insular Life Assurance Co. (1971)
practice if he has not obtained any other
Totality of Conduct Rule
substantially equivalent and regular
The letters, exhibits A and B, should not be
considered by themselves alone but should be read
(g) "Labor organization" means any union or
in the light of the preceding and subsequent
association of employees which exists in whole
circumstances surrounding them. The letters
or in part for the purpose of collective
should be interpreted according to the "totality of
bargaining or of dealing with employers
conduct doctrine,
concerning terms and conditions of
"...whereby the culpability of an employer's
remarks were to be evaluated not only on
the basis of their implicit implications, but 2. PARTIES LIABLE FOR ACTS
were to be appraised against the background
of and in conjunction with collateral EMPLOYER
Under this 'doctrine' expressions of opinion
Art. 248
by an employer which, though innocent in
themselves, frequently were held to be
Unfair labor practices of employers.
culpable because of the circumstances under The provisions of the preceding paragraph
which they were uttered, the history of the notwithstanding, only the officers and agents of
particular employer's labor relations or anti- corporations, associations or partnerships who
union bias or because of their connection have actually participated in, authorized or
with an established collateral plan of coercion ratified unfair labor practices shall be held
criminally liable.


85 of 139
Part VIII : Unfair Labor Practice
Labor Relations
o Provided, however, that the final
LABOR ORGANIZATION judgment in the administrative
proceedings shall not be binding in
Art. 249 the criminal case nor be considered
Unfair labor practices of labor organizations. as evidence of guilt but merely as
The provisions of the preceding paragraph proof of compliance of the
notwithstanding, only the officers, members of requirements therein set forth.
governing boards, representatives or agents or
members of labor associations or organizations Gochangco Workers Union v. NLRC (1988)
who have actually participated in, authorized or Before Batas Blg. 7029 was enacted into law,
ratified unfair labor practices shall be held unfair labor practices were considered
criminally liable. administrative offenses, and have been held akin
to tort, wherein damages are payable.
3. PROSECUTION AND PRESCRIPTIVE We therefore not only order herein the
PERIOD reinstatement of the petitioner and the payment of
backwages (including cost-of-living allowances) to
CIVIL ASPECT them, but impose as well moral and exemplary
Art. 247 With respect to backwages, we hold the
Concept of unfair labor practice and procedure for respondent E.G. Gochangco, Inc. liable, in line with
prosecution the recommendation of the Solicitor General and in
 xxx accordance with accepted practice, for backwages
 Consequently, unfair labor practices are not equivalent to 3 years without qualification or
only violations of the civil rights of both labor deduction.
and management but are also criminal
offenses against the State which shall be 4. COMPROMISE
subject to prosecution and punishment as
herein provided. Gochangco Workers Union v. NLRC (1988)
 Subject to the exercise by the President or by In any event, we have held that unfair labor
the Secretary of Labor and Employment of the practice cases are not, in view of the public
powers vested in them by Articles 263 and interest involved, subject to compromises.
264 of this Code,
o the civil aspects of all cases AFP Mutual Benefit Association Inc. v. FP
involving unfair labor practices, MBAI-EU (1980)
which may include claims for In labor jurisprudence, it is well-established
actual, moral, exemplary and other that quitclaims and/or complete releases executed
forms of damages, attorney’s fees by the employees do not estop them from pursuing
and other affirmative relief, their claims arising from the unfair labor practice of
- shall be under the jurisdiction of the employer. The basic reason for this is that such
the Labor Arbiters. quitclaims and/or complete releases are against
o The Labor Arbiters shall give public policy and, therefore, null and void.
utmost priority to the hearing and The acceptance of termination pay does not
resolution of all cases involving divest a laborer of the right to prosecute his
unfair labor practices. employer for unfair labor practice acts.
- They shall resolve such cases In the Cariño case, supra, the Supreme Court,
within thirty (30) calendar days speaking thru Justice Sanchez, said:
from the time they are submitted "Acceptance of those benefits would not
for decision. amount to estoppel. The reason is plain.
Employer and employee, obviously, do not
stand on the same footing. The employer
 Recovery of civil liability in the administrative drove the employee to the wall. The latter
proceedings shall bar recovery under the Civil must have to get hold of money Because,
Code. out of job, he had to face the harsh
necessities of life. He thus found himself in
CRIMINAL ASPECT no position to resist money proffered. His
then, is a case of adherence, not of choice.
One thing sure, however, is that petitioners
Art. 247
did not relent their claim. They pressed it.
Concept of unfair labor practice and procedure for They are deemed not to have waived any of
prosecution their rights. Renuntiatio non praesumitur."
 xxx
 No criminal prosecution under this Title may Reformist Union of R.B. Liner, Inc. v. NLRC
be instituted without a final judgment finding (1997)
that an unfair labor practice was committed, The agreement entered into by the company
having been first obtained in the preceding and the union, was in the nature of a compromise
paragraph. agreement, i.e., "an agreement between two or
o During the pendency of such more persons, who, for preventing or putting an
administrative proceeding, the end to a lawsuit, adjust their difficulties by mutual
running of the period of consent in the manner which they agree on, and
prescription of the criminal offense which everyone of them prefers to the hope of
herein penalized shall be gaining, balanced by the danger of losing."
considered interrupted:


86 of 139
Part VIII : Unfair Labor Practice
Labor Relations
Thus, in the agreement, each party made We relaxed the requirement of posting a
concessions in favor of the other to avoid a supersedeas bond for the perfection of an appeal,
protracted litigation. when there was substantial compliance with the
While we do not abandon the rule that "unfair rule, so that on balance, we made technical
labor practice acts are beyond and outside the considerations to give way to equity and justice.
sphere of compromises," the agreement herein Unfair labor practices violate the constitutional
was voluntarily entered into and represents a rights of workers and employees to self-
reasonable settlement, thus it binds the parties. organization, are inimical to the legitimate
On this score, the Labor Code bestows finality interests of both labor and management, including
to unvitiated compromise agreements. The private their right to bargain collectively and otherwise
respondents' cause likewise fails in light of Article deal with each other in an atmosphere of freedom
2037 of the Civil Code, which gives compromise and mutual respect; and disrupt industrial peace
agreements "the effect and authority of res and hinder the promotion of healthy and stable
judicata" upon the parties to the same, even when labor-management relations.
effected without judicial approval. For this reason, we find it proper in this case
The Labor Arbiter and the NLRC therefore to impose moral and exemplary damages on
erroneously reviewed an issue which had already private respondent.
been laid to rest by the parties themselves and However, the damages awarded by the labor
which, applying the principle of res judicata, they arbiter, to our mind, are excessive.
could no longer relitigate. In determining the amount of damages
recoverable, the business, social and financial
DISINI: Did the Reformist case abandon the position of the offended parties and the business
doctrine laid down by the court in Gochanco and and financial position of the offender are taken into
AFP Mutual Benefit Association? Note that the account.
Reformist case involved a compulsory arbitration. It is our view that herein private respondents
Implication: One may argue that it is only had not fully acted in good faith.
applicable to a case where the issue on ULP was to However, we are cognizant that a cooperative
be resolved in a compulsory arbitration and the promotes the welfare of its own members. The
parties entered into a compromise agreement. economic benefits filter to the cooperative
members. Either equally or proportionally, they are
5. REMEDIES AND SANCTIONS distributed among members in correlation with the
resources of the association utilized. Cooperatives
CIVIL REMEDIES help promote economic democracy and support
community development.
Art. 247
Concept of unfair labor practice and procedure for PENAL REMEDIES
 xxx Art. 247
 Recovery of civil liability in the administrative Concept of unfair labor practice and procedure for
proceedings shall bar recovery under the Civil prosecution
Code.  xxx
 xx  Recovery of civil liability in the administrative
proceedings shall bar recovery under the Civil
Nueva Ecija I. Electric Coop. Inc. v. NLRC Code.
(2000)  No criminal prosecution under this Title may
Indisputable is the legal doctrine that the be instituted without a final judgment finding
appeal of a decision involving a monetary award in that an unfair labor practice was committed,
labor cases may be perfected "only upon the having been first obtained in the preceding
posting of a cash or surety bond." paragraph.
The Labor Code, as amended by Republic Act
No. 6715, clearly provides:
"Art. 223. Appeal - Decisions, awards or orders
of the Labor Arbiter are final and executory
unless appealed to the Commission by any or
both parties within ten (10) calendar days from
receipt of such decisions, awards, or orders. . .
In case of a judgment involving a monetary
award, an appeal by the employer may be
perfected only upon the posting of a cash or
surety bond issued by a reputable bonding
company duly accredited by the Commission in
the amount equivalent to the monetary award
in the judgment appealed from.x x x
Also, the perfection of an appeal within the
reglementary period and in the manner prescribed
by law is jurisdictional, and noncompliance with
such legal requirement is fatal and effectively
renders the judgment final and executory.
However, in a number of cases, this Court
relaxed the rule to resolve controversies on the
merits, specifically, when there are special
meritorious circumstances and issues.


87 of 139
Part IX : Concerted Activities
Labor Relations

Part IX : CONCERTED ACTIVITIES - The more common of these concerted

activities as far as employees are concerned
are: strikes-the temporary stoppage of work
9.01 BASIS OF RIGHT TO ENGAGE IN as a result of an industrial or labor dispute;
picketing-the marching to and fro at the
employer's premises, usually accompanied by
the display of placards and other signs making
1. CONSTITUTION known the facts involved in a labor dispute;
and boycotts-the concerted refusal to
Art. XIII. Section 3 patronize an employer's goods or services and
 It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to to persuade others to a like refusal.
self- organization, collective bargaining and - On the other hand, the counterpart activity
negotiations, that management may licitly undertake is the
o and peaceful concerted activities, lockout-the temporary refusal to furnish work
- including the RIGHT TO STRIKE on account of a labor dispute. In this
- in accordance with law. connection, the same Article 263 provides that
the "right of legitimate labor organizations to
PURPOSE AND MEANS TEST strike and picket and of employer to lockout,
consistent with the national interest, shall
 Purpose: For purpose of enforcing right to: continue to be recognized and respected."
1. Self-Organization (Strikes - The legality of these activities is usually
against ULP) and dependent on the legality of the purposes
2. Collective bargaining and sought to be attained and the means
negotiations (economic strikes employed therefor.
based on bargaining deadlock) - It goes without saying that these joint or
 Means: Peaceful and in accordance with law coordinated activities may be forbidden or
restricted by law or contract.
Luzon Marine Dept. Union v. Roldan (1950)
The law does not look with favor upon strikes 2. STATUTORY
and lockouts because of their disturbing and
pernicious effects upon the social order and the Art. 263
public interests; to prevent or avert them and to Strikes, picketing and lockouts.
implement section 6, Article XIV of the (b) Workers shall have the right to engage in
Constitution, the law has created several agencies, concerted activities
namely: the Bureau of Labor, the Department of o for purposes of collective bargaining or for
Labor, the Labor-Management Advisory Board, and their mutual benefit and protection.
the Court of Industrial Relations.  The right of legitimate labor organizations to
strike and picket and of employers to lockout,
Stamford Marketing Corp v. Julian (2004) o consistent with the national interest, shall
Indeed, the right to strike, while continue to be recognized and respected.
constitutionally recognized, is not without legal  However, no labor union may strike and no
restrictions. The Labor Code regulates the exercise employer may declare a lockout
of said right by balancing the interests of labor and o on grounds involving inter-union and
management in the light of the overarching public intra-union disputes.
interest. Thus, paragraphs (c) and (f) of Article  The Constitution and the law set limitation for
263 mandate the following procedural steps to be the exercise of the right to strike or lock-out.
followed before a strike may be staged: It is the most regulated activity.
 filing of notice of strike, taking of strike vote,
and reporting of the strike vote result to the Constitution In accordance with law
Department of Labor and Employment. Labor Code Consistent with National Interest
 It bears stressing that these requirements are
mandatory, meaning, non-compliance 3. INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON
therewith makes the strike illegal. The evident ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL
intention of the law in requiring the strike RIGHTS
notice and strike-vote report is to reasonably
regulate the right to strike, which is essential Article 8
to the attainment of legitimate policy 1. The States Parties to the present Covenant
objectives embodied in the law. undertake to ensure:
(d) The right to strike, provided that it is
Ilaw at Buklod ng Manggagawa (IBM) v. exercised in conformity with the laws of the
NLRC (1991) particular country.
Article 263 of the Labor Code, as amended,
declares that in line with "the policy of the State to 4. LIMITATIONS
encourage free trade unionism and free collective
bargaining, xx Workers shall have the right to Bisig ng Manggagawa, etc. v. NLRC (1993)
engage in concerted activities for purposes of For the first time in our constitutional history,
collective bargaining or for their mutual benefit the fundamental law of our land mandated the
and protection." A similar right to engage in State to ". . . guarantee the rights of all workers to
concerted activities for mutual benefit and self-organization, collective bargaining and
protection is tacitly and traditionally recognized in negotiations, and peaceful concerted activities,
respect of employers.


88 of 139
Part IX : Concerted Activities
Labor Relations
including the right to strike in accordance with  In National Federation of Sugar Workers
law." (NFSW) vs. Overseas, et al., we ruled that
 This constitutional imprimatur given to the these steps are mandatory in character, thus:
right to strike constitutes signal victory for If only the filing of the strike notice and the
labor. Our Constitutions of 1935 and 1973 did strike-vote report would be deemed
not accord constitutional status to the right to mandatory, but not the waiting periods so
strike. Even the liberal US Federal specifically and emphatically prescribed by
Constitution did not elevate the right to strike law, the purposes for which the filing of the
to a constitutional level. strike notice and strike-vote report is required
 With a constitutional matrix, enactment of a cannot be achieved....
law implementing the right to strike was an
inevitability. RA 6715 came into being on 9.02 STRIKE ACTIVITY
March 21, 1989, an intentional replication of
RA 875.
 In light of the genesis of the right to strike, it 1. DEFINITION
ought to be obvious that the right should be
read with a libertarian latitude in favor of Art. 212(o)
labor. "Strike" means any temporary stoppage of
 Father Joaquin G. Bernas, S.J.: the work by the concerted action of employees as
constitutional recognition of the right to strike a result of an industrial or labor dispute.
does serve as a reminder that injunctions,
should be reduced to the barest minimum." Bukluran ng Manggagawa sa Clothman
Article 218 (e) of the Labor Code provides Knitting Corporation-Solidarity Unions in the
both the procedural and substantive requirements Phil v. CA (2005)
which must strictly be complied with before a A strike is any temporary stoppage of work by
temporary or permanent injunction can issue in a the concerted action of employees as a result of an
labor dispute. industrial or labor dispute.
To be sure, the issuance of an ex parte A labor dispute includes any controversy or
temporary restraining order in a labor dispute is matter concerning terms or conditions of
not per se prohibited. Its issuance, however, employment or the association or representation of
should be characterized by care and caution for persons in negotiating, fixing, maintaining,
the law requires that it be clearly justified by changing or arranging the terms and conditions of
considerations of extreme necessity, i.e., when the employment, regardless of whether the disputants
commission of unlawful acts is causing substantial stand in the proximate relation of employer and
and irreparable injury to company properties and employee.
the company is, for the moment, bereft of an The members and the supporters of the
adequate remedy at law. petitioner union, headed by petitioner Tomaroy,
This is as it ought to be, for imprudently thru concerted action, caused a temporary
issued temporary restraining orders can break the stoppage of work as a result of an industrial
back of employees engaged in a legal strike. dispute.
 Often times, they unduly tilt the balance of a The allegation that there can be no work
labor warfare in favor of capital. When that stoppage because the operation in the Dyeing and
happens, the deleterious effects of a Finishing Division had been shutdown is of no
wrongfully issued, ex parte temporary consequence.
restraining order on the rights of striking  It bears stressing that the other divisions were
employees can no longer be repaired for they fully operational. There is nothing on record
defy simple monetization. showing that the union members and the
 The immediate need to hear and resolve these supporters who formed a picket line in front of
ex parte applications does not provide any the respondent’s compound were assigned to
excuse to lower our vigilance in protecting the finishing department.
labor against the issuance of indiscriminate  As can be clearly inferred from the spot
injunctions. Stated otherwise, it behooves reports, employees from the knitting
hearing officer receiving evidence in support department also joined in picket. The
of ex parte injunctions against employees in blockade of the delivery of trucks and the
strike to take a more active stance in seeing attendance of employees from the other
to it that their right to social justice is in no departments of the respondent meant work
way violated despite their absence. This stoppage. The placards that the picketers
equalizing stance was not taken in the case caused to be displayed arose from matters
at bar by the public respondent. concerning terms or conditions of employment
as well as the association or representation of
Lapanday Workers Union v. NLRC (1995) persons in negotiating, fixing, maintaining,
Some of the limitations on the exercise of the changing or arranging the terms and
right of strike are provided for in paragraphs (c) conditions of employment.
and (f) of Article 263 of the Labor Code, as
amended, supra. Enriquez v. Zamora (1986)
 They provide for the procedural steps to be The pilots' mass action was not a strike
followed before staging a strike filing of notice because employees who go on strike do not quit
of strike, taking of strike vote, and reporting their employment.
of the strike vote result to the Department of Ordinarily, the relationship of employer and
Labor and Employment, employee continues until one or the other of the
parties acts to sever the relationship or they
mutually act to accomplish that purpose


89 of 139
Part IX : Concerted Activities
Labor Relations
 As they did not assume the status of strikers, abuses, denial of which was interference with or
their "protest retirement/resignation" was not restraint on the right of the employees to engage
a concerted activity which was protected by in such a common action to better shield
law [First National Bank of Omaha vs. themselves against such alleged police indignities.
N.L.R.B., 413 F. 2d 921]. The insistence on the part of the respondent
 Petitioners cannot, therefore, validly claim firm that the workers for the morning and regular
that PAL committed an unfair labor practice shifts should not participate in the mass
because, having voluntarily terminated their demonstration, under pain of dismissal, was as
employment relationship with PAL, they were heretofore stated, "a potent means of inhibiting
not dismissed. speech."
Moreover, the issue of whether the Such a concerted action for their mutual help
retirement/resignation of ALPAP members on and protection, deserves at least equal protection
December 12, 1970 was a concerted activity as the concerted action of employees in giving
protected by law was put to rest in Chavez vs. publicity to a letter complaint charging a bank
Martinez, L-35206 which was decided by this Court president with immorality, nepotism, favoritism
on April 15, 1977 together with Air Line Pilots and discrimination in the appointment and
Association of the Philippines vs. Court of promotion of bank employees.
Industrial Relations, L-33705. We pronounced We further ruled in the Republic Savings Bank
therein that: case, supra, that for the employees to come within
 "Parenthetically, contrary to ALPAP [Gaston's] the protective mantle of Section 3 in relation to
argument that the pilots' Section 4(a- 1) of Republic Act No. 875, "it is not
retirement/resignation was a legitimate necessary that union activity be involved or that
concerted activity, citing Section 2[1] of the collective bargaining be contemplated," as long as
Industrial Peace Act which defines 'Strike' as the concerted activity is for the furtherance of their
'any temporary stoppage of work by the interests.
concerted action of employees as a result of The collective bargaining agreement which
an industrial dispute', it is worthwhile to fixes the working shifts of the employees,
observe that as the law defines it, a strike according to the respondent CIR, in effect imposes
means only a `temporary stoppage of work'. on the workers the "duty x x x to observe regular
 What the mentioned pilots did, however, working hours."
cannot be considered in the opinion of this The strained construction of the CIR that such
Court, as mere 'temporary stoppage of work'. stipulated working shifts deny the workers the
 What they contemplated was evidently a right to stage a mass demonstration against police
permanent cut-off of employment relationship abuses during working hours, constitutes a virtual
with their erstwhile employer, the Philippine tyranny over the mind and life of the workers and
Air Lines. deserves severe condemnation.
 In any event, the dispute below having been Renunciation of the freedom should not be
certified as existing in an industry predicated on such a slender ground.
indispensable to the national interest, the said The respondent firm claims that there was no
pilots' rank disregard for the compulsory need for all its employees to participate in the
orders of the industrial court and their daring demonstration and that they suggested to the
and calculating venture to disengage Union that only the first and regular shift from
themselves from that court's jurisdiction, for 6:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. should report for work in
the obvious purpose of satisfying their narrow order that loss or damage to the firm will be
economic demands to the prejudice of the averted.
public interest, are evident badges of bad This stand failed to appreciate the sine qua
faith. non of an effective demonstration especially by a
 A legitimate concerted activity is a matter that labor union, namely the complete unity of the
cannot be used to circumvent judicial orders Union members as well as their total presence at
or be tossed around like a plaything. the demonstration site in order to generate the
 Definitely, neither employers nor employees maximum persuasive force that will gain for them
should be allowed to make of judicial authority not only public sympathy for the validity of their
a now-you've-got-it-now-you-don't affair. The cause but also immediate action on the part of the
courts cannot hopefully effectuate and corresponding government agencies with
vindicate the sound policies of the Industrial jurisdiction over the issues they raised against the
Peace Act and all our labor laws if employees, local police.
particularly those who on account of their The more the participants, the more persons
highly advanced technical background and can be apprised of the purpose of the rally.
relatively better life status are far above the Moreover, the absence of one-third of their
general working class spectrum, will be members will be regarded as a substantial
permitted to defy and invoke the jurisdiction indication of disunity in their ranks which will
of the courts whenever the alternative chosen enervate their position and abet continued alleged
will serve to feather their pure and simple police persecution.
economic demands."
Samahang Manggagawa v. Sulpicio Lines
Phil. Blooming Mills v. PBM Employees (2004)
Organization (1973) A strike, as defined in Article 212 (o) of the
We repeat that the obvious purpose of the Labor Code, as amended, means “any temporary
mass demonstration staged by the workers of the stoppage of work by the concerted action of
respondent firm on March 4, 1969, was for their employees as a result of an industrial or labor
mutual aid and protection against alleged police dispute.” The term “strike” shall comprise not


90 of 139
Part IX : Concerted Activities
Labor Relations
only concerted work stoppages, but also interests so require or when the court cannot
slowdowns, mass leaves, sitdowns, attempts to promptly decide the case, the strikers are
damage, destroy or sabotage plant equipment and ordered back to work.
facilities, and similar activities.
Basic Concepts:
Elizalde Rope Factory, Inc. v. SSS (1972)
1. Initiating Party: Although during a strike the worker renders no
Employer: Lock-out work or service and receives no compensation, yet
Union: Strike his relationship as an employee with his employer
is not severed or dissolved.
2. Cause: Labor dispute Strike is the workers' means of expressing
 An inter-union and intra-union dispute cannot their grievances to employers and enforcing
be a valid ground for a strike or lock-out since compliance with their demands made upon them.
a labor dispute is technically defined under And when laborers go on strike, it cannot be said
Art. 212. that, they intend to cut off or terminate their
 Welga ng Bayan (Political Strike) is not a valid relationship with their employer.
strike under the Labor Code since no labor On the contrary, a strike may improve the
dispute is involved. A welga ng bayan for employer-employee relationship by bringing about
purpose of lowering oil price is not a valid better working conditions and more efficient
strike under the Labor Code but it may be services. Hence, the petitioner's contention that
upheld as a valid exercise of right of speech. Edilberto Tupas ceased to be an employee from 17
However, the employee may suffer the September 1957 to the middle of February 1958
consequence of abandonment of work when he was on strike, cannot be sustained.
 Phil. Blooming Mills case does not involve a 4. TYPES, CHANGES AND CONVERSION
right to strike but freedom of
speech/expression. TYPES
 Wage distortion are not also a valid ground for
a strike since the law provides for a procedure a. Unfair Labor Practice
to settle wage distortion problems (see Ilaw at
Buklod case) Art. 263
Strikes, picketing and lockouts.
3. Temporary in Nature (c) In case of bargaining deadlocks, the duly
 Employee-Employer relationship continues to certified or recognized bargaining agent may file a
exist. Mere participation in a strike is not a notice of strike or the employer may file a notice of
ground for termination lockout with the Ministry at least 30 day before the
intended date thereof.
 In cases of unfair labor practice, the
2. NATURE AND PURPOSE period of notice shall be 15 days and in
the absence of a duly certified or
Phil. Can Co. v. CIR (1950) recognized bargaining agent, the notice
Ordinarily, a strike is a coercive measure of strike may be filed by any legitimate
resorted to by laborers to enforce their demands. labor organization in behalf of its
The idea behind a strike is that a company members.
engaged in a profitable business cannot afford to  However, in case of dismissal from
have its production or activities interrupted, much employment of union officers duly
less, paralyzed. elected in accordance with the union
Any interruption or stoppage of production constitution and by-laws, which may
spells loss, even disaster. The capital invested in constitute union busting, where the
machinery, factory and other properties connected existence of the union is threatened,
with the business would be unproductive during a the 15-day cooling-off period shall not
strike or the stoppage of the business. apply and the union may take action
On the other hand, the overhead expenses immediately.
consisting of salaries of its officials, including real
estate taxes and license fees continue. b. Bargaining Deadlock – Economic
 Knowing this, the strikers by going on strike
seek to interrupt and paralyze the business Consolidated Labor Assoc. of the Phil. V.
and production of the company. The employer Marsman and Co. (1984)
company is on the defensive. It almost An economic strike is defined as one which is
invariably wants the strike stopped and the to forge wage or other concessions from the
strikers back to work so as to resume and employer which he is not required by law to grant.
continue production.
 Because of this threat or danger of loss to the CHANGE IN TYPE
company, it not infrequently gives in to the
demands of the strikers, just so it can Consolidated Labor Assoc. of the Phil. V.
maintain the continuity of its production. Or, if Marsman and Co. (1984)
the strikers refuse to return to work, the Initially the strike staged by the Union was
employer company seeks permission from the meant to compel the Company to grant it certain
court to employ other laborers to take their economic benefits set forth in its proposal for
places. In such cases, pending determination collective bargaining. The strike was an
of the conflict, especially where public economic one, and the striking employees would


91 of 139
Part IX : Concerted Activities
Labor Relations
have a right to be reinstated if, in the interim, the employer to refuse to bargain collectively
employer had not hired other permanent workers with the representative of his employees, or
to declare a lockout without having first
to replace them.
bargained collectively with the
For it is recognized that during the pendency representative of its employees, in
of an economic strike an employer may take steps accordance with the provisions of this Act.
to continue and protect his business by supplying Any employee whose work has stopped as a
places left vacant by the strikers, and is not bound consequence of such lockout shall be
to discharge those hired for that purpose upon entitled to backpay. * * *"
election of the strikers to resume their It will thus be seen that under the above
employment. provision, the lock-out referred to is that which is
But the strike changed its character from the committed by the employer, if it refused to give
time the Company refused to reinstate work to its workers.
complainants because of their union activities after  No finding was made by the CIR on the
it had offered to admit all the strikers and in fact question of lockout.
did readmit the others. It was then converted into  That there was no lockout is clear from
an unfair labor practice strike. the observations of the respondent
The Union began the strike because it believed court, when it said: "the striking union
in good faith that settlement of their demands was decided on this question of strike which
at an impasse and that further negotiations would was carried out and maintained by
only come to naught. It stopped the strike upon picketing the respondent's cement plant
the belief they could go back to work. at Binañgonan, Rizal".
 Then it renewed the strike (or it started  The offer to return to work made by the
a new strike) as a protest against the members of the petitioner, did not
discrimination practiced by the make the refusal to accept the same, a
Company. lockout.
 Both are valid grounds for going on a  This is so because the case on the
strike. legality or not of the strike was then
In an economic strike, the strikers are not pending decision by the CIR and said
entitled to backpay, since the employer should get Court did not issue any order in
the equivalent day's work for what he pays his connection with said offer.
employees. During the time that the strike was an  The strike which was open and publicly
economic one, complainants had no right to back declared by the petitioner union on May
pay. 27, 1956, can riot be converted into a
 The Industrial Court could not have pure and simple lockout, by the mere
made a finding of unfair labor practice expedient of filing before the trial court
with respect to such time, as none had a notice of offer to return to work,
so far been committed. during the pendency of the labor
 This being an unfair labor practice case, dispute. Petitioner alleges that said
it cannot, therefore, order refusal to accept them, constituted a
reinstatement much less back pay for "virtual lockout". T
that period.  The law does not provide for a virtual
On the other hand, even after the court has lockout. But assuming, that the non-
made a finding of unfair labor practice, it still has acceptance of the unconditional offer to
the discretion to determine whether or not to grant return to work was virtual lockout, still
back pay. the circumstances of the case would not
 Such discretion was not abused when it justify the demand that the strikers are
denied back wages to complainants, entitled ipso, jure to back wages. This is
considering the climate of violence so because the respondent court found
which attended the strike and picket that the strike was attended by isolated
that the complainants conducted. acts of violence committed by the
 While the complainants ordered strikers, and stated, in the same
reinstated did not actively take part in breath, that certain degree of reason
the acts of violence, their minatory and fairness be accorded.
attitude towards the Company may be
gathered from the fact that from the 5. GROUNDS
very first day of the strike policemen
had to patrol the strike zone in order to ALLOWABLE STRIKES
preserve peace.
Art. 263
NON-CONVERSION – STRIKE TO LOCKOUT Strikes, picketing and lockouts.
(c) In case of bargaining deadlocks, the duly
Rizal Cement Workers Union v. CIR (1962) certified or recognized bargaining agent may file a
It becomes, therefore, manifest that the notice of strike or the employer may file a notice of
issues raised the by the petitioner center on lockout with the Ministry at least 30 day before the
whether or not its members, are entitled to back intended date thereof.
wages.  In cases of unfair labor practice, the
Petitioner principally based its claim for back period of notice shall be 15 days and in
wages on the theory that there was a lock-out or the absence of a duly certified or
"virtual lock-out", which prevented them to work. recognized bargaining agent, the notice
The law (Act No. 875), provides: of strike may be filed by any legitimate
"SEC.15. Violation of Duty to Bargain labor organization in behalf of its
Collectively.-It shall be unlawful for any members.


92 of 139
Part IX : Concerted Activities
Labor Relations
 However, in case of dismissal from  For this purpose, the contending parties
employment of union officers duly elected are strictly enjoined to comply with such
in accordance with the union constitution orders, prohibitions and/or injunctions as
and by-laws, which may constitute union are issued by the Secretary of Labor and
busting, where the existence of the union Employment or the Commission, under
is threatened, the 15-day cooling-off pain of immediate disciplinary action,
period shall not apply and the union may including dismissal or loss of employment
take action immediately. status or payment by the locking-out
employer of backwages, damages and
PROHIBITED STRIKES other affirmative relief, even criminal
prosecution against either or both of
Art. 263 (g) them.
When, in his opinion, there exists a labor dispute The foregoing notwithstanding, the President of the
causing or likely to cause a strike or lockout in an Philippines shall not be precluded from determining
industry indispensable to the national interest, the the industries that, in his opinion, are
Secretary of Labor and Employment may assume indispensable to the national interest, and from
jurisdiction over the dispute and decide it or certify intervening at any time and assuming jurisdiction
the same to the Commission for compulsory over any such labor dispute in order to settle or
arbitration. terminate the same.
 Such assumption or certification shall
have the effect of automatically enjoining Art. 264
the intended or impending strike or Prohibited activities.
lockout as specified in the assumption or (a)No labor organization or employer shall declare
certification order. If one has already a strike or lockout without first having bargained
taken place at the time of assumption or collectively in accordance with Title VII of this Book
certification, all striking or locked out or
employees shall immediately return-to-  without first having filed the notice
work and the employer shall immediately required in the preceding Article or
resume operations and readmit all  without the necessary strike or lockout
workers under the same terms and vote first having been obtained and
conditions prevailing before the strike or reported to the Ministry.
lockout. No strike or lockout shall be declared after
 The Secretary of Labor and Employment assumption of jurisdiction by the President or the
or the Commission may seek the Minister or after certification or submission of the
assistance of law enforcement agencies to dispute to compulsory or voluntary arbitration or
ensure compliance with this provision as during the pendency of cases involving the same
well as with such orders as he may issue grounds for the strike or lockout.
to enforce the same.
In line with the national concern for and the Any worker whose employment has been
highest respect accorded to the right of patients to terminated as a consequence of any unlawful
life and health, strikes and lockouts in hospitals, lockout shall be entitled to reinstatement with full
clinics and similar medical institutions shall, to backwages.
every extent possible, be avoided, and all serious  Any union officer who knowingly
efforts, not only by labor and management but participates in an illegal strike and any
government as well, be exhausted to substantially worker or union officer who knowingly
minimize, if not prevent, their adverse effects on participates in the commission of illegal
such life and health, through the exercise, acts during a strike may be declared to
however legitimate, by labor of its right to strike have lost his employment status:
and by management to lockout.  Provided, That mere participation of a
 In labor disputes adversely affecting the worker in a lawful strike shall not
continued operation of such hospitals, constitute sufficient ground for
clinics or medical institutions, it shall be termination of his employment, even if a
the duty of the striking union or locking- replacement had been hired by the
out employer to provide and maintain an employer during such lawful strike.
effective skeletal workforce of medical
and other health personnel, whose Art. 265
movement and services shall be Improved offer balloting.
unhampered and unrestricted, as are In an effort to settle a strike, the Department of
necessary to insure the proper and Labor and Employment shall conduct a referendum
adequate protection of the life and health by secret ballot on the improved offer of the
of its patients, most especially emergency employer on or before the 30th day of the strike.
cases, for the duration of the strike or When at least a majority of the union members
lockout. vote to accept the improved offer the striking
 In such cases, therefore, the Secretary of workers shall immediately return to work and the
Labor and Employment may immediately employer shall thereupon readmit them upon the
assume, within twenty four (24) hours signing of the agreement.
from knowledge of the occurrence of such
a strike or lockout, jurisdiction over the In case of a lockout, the Department of Labor and
same or certify it to the Commission for Employment shall also conduct a referendum by
compulsory arbitration. secret balloting on the reduced offer of the
union on or before the 30th day of the lockout.


93 of 139
Part IX : Concerted Activities
Labor Relations
 When at least a majority of the board of are enjoined or if one has already taken place, all
directors or trustees or the partners strikers shall immediately return to work:
holding the controlling interest in the case The respondents’ claim of good faith is not a
of a partnership vote to accept the valid excuse to dispense with the procedural steps
reduced offer, the workers shall for a lawful strike.
immediately return to work and the
employer shall thereupon readmit them NO STRIKE CLAUSE
upon the signing of the agreement.
Panay Electric Co. v. NLRC (1995)
Ilaw at Buklod ng Manggagawa (IBM) v. It has heretofore been held that a "no strike,
NLRC (1991) no lock-out" provision in the Collective Bargaining
WAGE DISTORTION cannot be a ground for strike. Agreement ("CBA") is a valid stipulation although
In the particular instance of "distortions of the the clause may be invoked by an employer only
wage structure within an establishment" resulting when the strike is economic in nature or one which
from "the application of any prescribed wage is conducted to force wage or other concessions
increase by virtue of a law or wage order," Section from the employer that are not mandated to be
3 of Republic Act No. 6727 prescribes a specific, granted by the law itself.
detailed and comprehensive procedure for the It would be inapplicable to prevent a strike
correction thereof, thereby implicitly excluding, which is grounded on unfair labor practice. In this
strikes, lockouts or other concerted activities as situation, it is not essential that the unfair labor
modes of settlement of the issue. practice act has, in fact, been committed; it
The legislative intent that solution of the suffices that the striking workers are shown to
problem of wage distortions shall be sought by have acted honestly on an impression that the
voluntary negotiation or abitration, and not by company has committed such unfair labor practice
strikes, lockouts, or other concerted activities of and the surrounding circumstances could wan-ant
the employees or management, is made clear in such a belief in good faith.
the rules implementing RA 6727 issued by the
Secretary of Labor and Employment" pursuant to Malayang Samahan ng mga Manggagawa sa
the authority granted by Section 13 of the Act. 13 Greenfield v. Ramos (2000)
Section 16, Chapter I of these implementing rules, Another reason why the Labor Arbiter declared
after reiterating the policy that wage distortions be the strike illegal is due to the existence of a no
first settled voluntarily by the parties and strike no lockout provision in the CBA. Again, such
eventually by compulsory arbitration, declares a ruling is erroneous. A no strike, no lock out
that, "Any issue involving wage distortion shall not provision can only be invoked when the strike is
be a ground for a strike /lockout. " economic in nature, i.e. to force wage or other
concessions from the employer which he is not
required by law to grant. Such a provision cannot
Grand Boulevard Hotel v. Grand Labor be used to assail the legality of a strike which is
Organization (2003) grounded on unfair labor practice, as was the
Under Art. 263, the requisites for a valid strike honest belief of herein petitioners. Again, whether
are as follows: (a) a notice of strike filed with the or not there was indeed unfair labor practice does
DOLE thirty days before the intended date thereof not affect the strike.
or fifteen days in case of ULP; (b) strike vote
approved by a majority of the total union 6. STRIKING PARTY
membership in the bargaining unit concerned
obtained by secret ballot in a meeting called for Art. 263. Strikes, picketing and lockouts.
that purpose; (c) notice given to the DOLE of the
results of the voting at least seven days before the (b) Workers shall have the right to engage in
intended strike. concerted activities for purposes of collective
The requisite seven-day period is intended to bargaining or for their mutual benefit and
give the DOLE an opportunity to verify whether the protection.
projected strike really carries the approval of the  The right of legitimate labor organizations
majority of the union members. to strike and picket and of employers to
The notice of strike and the cooling-off period lockout, consistent with the national
were intended to provide an opportunity for interest, shall continue to be recognized
mediation and conciliation. The requirements are and respected.
mandatory and failure of a union to comply  However, no labor union may strike and
therewith renders the strike illegal. no employer may declare a lockout on
A strike simultaneously with or immediately grounds involving inter-union and intra-
after a notice of strike will render the requisite union disputes.
periods nugatory.
Moreover, a strike that is undertaken, despite (c) In case of bargaining deadlocks, the duly
the issuance by the SOLE of an assumption or certified or recognized bargaining agent may file a
certification order, becomes a prohibited activity notice of strike or the employer may file a notice of
and, thus, illegal pursuant to Article 264 of the lockout with the Ministry at least 30 day before the
Labor Code of the Philippines, as amended. intended date thereof.
As this Court ruled in Union of Filipro  In cases of unfair labor practice, the
Employees v. Nestle Philippines, Inc., under Article period of notice shall be 15 days and in
264(a) of the said code, once an assumption the absence of a duly certified or
certification order is issued by the SOLE, strikes recognized bargaining agent, the notice
of strike may be filed by any legitimate


94 of 139
Part IX : Concerted Activities
Labor Relations
labor organization in behalf of its hours of work and all other terms and conditions of
members. employment including proposals for adjusting any
o However, in case of dismissal from grievances or questions arising under such
employment of union officers duly elected agreement and executing a contract incorporating
in accordance with the union constitution such agreements if requested by either party but
and by-laws, which may constitute union such duty does not compel any party to agree to a
busting, where the existence of the union proposal or to make any concession.
is threatened, the 15-day cooling-off
period shall not apply and the union may FILING OF NOTICE OF INTENTION
take action immediately.
Art. 263(c)
7. PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS In case of bargaining deadlocks, the duly certified
or recognized bargaining agent may file a notice of
EFFORT TO BARGAIN strike or the employer may file a notice of lockout
with the Ministry at least 30 day before the
Art. 264 intended date thereof.
Prohibited activities.
(a)No labor organization or employer shall declare In cases of unfair labor practice, the period of
a strike or lockout without first having bargained notice shall be 15 days and in the absence of a
collectively in accordance with Title VII of this duly certified or recognized bargaining agent, the
Book x x x. notice of strike may be filed by any legitimate
labor organization in behalf of its members.
Art. 250  However, in case of dismissal from
Procedure in collective bargaining. The following employment of union officers duly elected
procedures shall be observed in collective in accordance with the union constitution
bargaining: and by-laws, which may constitute union
f. When a party desires to negotiate an busting, where the existence of the union
agreement, it shall serve a written notice upon is threatened, the 15-day cooling-off
the other party with a statement of its period shall not apply and the union may
proposals. The other party shall make a reply take action immediately.
thereto not later than ten (10) calendar days
from receipt of such notice; (d) The notice must be in accordance with such
g. Should differences arise on the basis of such implementing rules and regulations as the Minister
notice and reply, either party may request for of Labor and Employment may promulgate.
a conference which shall begin not later than
ten (10) calendar days from the date of (e) During the cooling-off period, it shall be the
request. duty of the Ministry to exert all efforts at mediation
h. If the dispute is not settled, the Board shall and conciliation to effect a voluntary settlement.
intervene upon request of either or both Should the dispute remain unsettled until the lapse
parties or at its own initiative and immediately of the requisite number of days from the
call the parties to conciliation meetings. The mandatory filing of the notice, the labor union may
Board shall have the power to issue strike or the employer may declare a lockout.
subpoenas requiring the attendance of the
parties to such meetings. It shall be the duty OBSERVANCE COOLING-OFF PERIOD
of the parties to participate fully and promptly
in the conciliation meetings the Board may Art. 263(c)
call; In case of bargaining deadlocks, the duly certified
i. During the conciliation proceedings in the or recognized bargaining agent may file a notice of
Board, the parties are prohibited from doing strike or the employer may file a notice of lockout
any act which may disrupt or impede the early with the Ministry at least 30 day before the
settlement of the disputes; and intended date thereof.
j. The Board shall exert all efforts to settle
disputes amicably and encourage the parties In cases of unfair labor practice, the period of
to submit their case to a voluntary arbitrator. notice shall be 15 days and in the absence of a
duly certified or recognized bargaining agent, the
Art. 251 notice of strike may be filed by any legitimate
Duty to bargain collectively in the absence of labor organization in behalf of its members.
collective bargaining agreements. In the absence  However, in case of dismissal from
of an agreement or other voluntary arrangement employment of union officers duly elected
providing for a more expeditious manner of in accordance with the union constitution
collective bargaining, it shall be the duty of and by-laws, which may constitute union
employer and the representatives of the busting, where the existence of the union
employees to bargain collectively in accordance is threatened, the 15-day cooling-off
with the provisions of this Code. period shall not apply and the union may
take action immediately.
Art. 252
Meaning of duty to bargain collectively. The duty (e) During the cooling-off period,
to bargain collectively means the performance of a  it shall be the duty of the Ministry to exert
mutual obligation to meet and convene promptly all efforts at mediation and conciliation
and expeditiously in good faith for the purpose of to effect a voluntary settlement.
negotiating an agreement with respect to wages,


95 of 139
Part IX : Concerted Activities
Labor Relations
 Should the dispute remain unsettled until knowingly participates in the commission of illegal
the lapse of the requisite number of days acts during a strike may be declared to have lost
from the mandatory filing of the notice, his employment status.
o the labor union may strike or the The Court notes that petitioner Piñero turned
employer may declare a lockout. 60 years old and retired on March 1, 1996 after 29
years of service, rendering his dismissal from
VOTE, CONDUCT OF AND PERIOD OF VALIDITY service moot and academic. However, in view of
the propriety of his termination as a consequence
Art. 263 (f) of the illegal strike, he is no longer entitled to
A decision to declare a strike must be approved by payment of retirement benefits because he lost his
a majority of the total union membership in the employment status effective as of the date of the
bargaining unit concerned, decision of the Labor Arbiter – October 28, 1994.
 obtained by secret ballot in meetings or An employee who is dismissed for cause is
referenda called for that purpose. generally not entitled to any financial assistance.
A decision to declare a lockout must be approved - Equity considerations, however, provide
by a majority of the board of directors of the an exception.
corporation or association or of the partners in a Although meriting termination of employment,
partnership, Piñero’s infraction is not so reprehensible nor
 obtained by secret ballot in a meeting unscrupulous as to warrant complete disregard of
called for that purpose. his long years of service. Moreover, he has no
The decision shall be valid for the duration of the previous derogatory records.
dispute based on substantially the same grounds Under the circumstances, social and
considered when the strike or lockout vote was compassionate justice dictate that petitioner Piñero
taken. be awarded financial assistance equivalent to one-
half (1/2) month’s pay for every year of service
The Ministry may, at its own initiative or upon the computed from his date of employment up to
request of any affected party, supervise the October 28, 1994 when he was declared to have
conduct of the secret balloting. lost his employment status. Indeed, equities of
this case should be accorded due weight because
In every case, the union or the employer shall labor law determinations are not only secundum
furnish the Ministry the results of the voting at rationem but also secundum caritatem
least seven days before the intended strike or
lockout, subject to the cooling-off period herein Samahang Manggagawa etc. v. Sulpicio Lines,
provided. Inc. (2004)
The basic issue for our determination is
whether the strike staged by petitioner’s officers
Art. 264 and members is illegal. Articles 263 and 264 of
Prohibited activities. the Labor Code, as amended, provide:
(a)No labor organization or employer shall declare “ART. 263. STRIKES, PICKETING AND
a strike or lockout without first having bargained LOCKOUTS.
(c) In cases of bargaining deadlocks,
collectively in accordance with Title VII of this
the duly certified or recognized bargaining
Book or agent may file a notice of strike x x x with the
 without first having filed the notice Ministry (now Department) at least 30 days
required in the preceding Article or before the intended date thereof. In cases of
 without the necessary strike or lockout unfair labor practice, the period of notice shall
vote first having been obtained and be 15 days and in the absence of a duly
reported to the Ministry. x x x certified or recognized bargaining agent, the
notice of strike may be filed by any legitimate
labor organization in behalf of its members.
Piñero v. NLRC (2004) However, in case of dismissal from
There is no doubt that the strike staged by employment of union officers duly elected in
DUCACOFSA-NAFTEU is illegal for non-compliance accordance with the union constitution and
with the strike-vote requirements. by-laws, which may constitute union busting
Under Art. 263, the requisites for a valid strike where the existence of the union is
are as follows: threatened, the 15-day cooling-off period shall
not apply and the union may take action
a. a notice of strike filed with the DOLE
thirty days before the intended date xxx
thereof or fifteen days in case of unfair
labor practice (f) A decision to declare a strike must be
b. strike vote approved by a majority of the approved by a majority of the total union
total union membership in the bargaining membership in the bargaining unit concerned,
unit concerned obtained by secret ballot obtained by secret ballot in meetings or
referenda called for that purpose. x x x. The
in a meeting called for that purpose;
decision shall be valid for the duration of the
c. notice given to the DOLE of the results of dispute based on substantially the same
the voting at least seven days before the grounds considered when the strike or lockout
intended strike. vote was taken. The Ministry (now
- These requirements are mandatory and Department) may at its own initiative or upon
failure of a union to comply therewith the request of any affected party, supervise
renders the strike illegal. the conduct of the secret balloting. In every
case, the union x x x shall furnish the Ministry
Pursuant to Article 264 of the Labor Code, any
(now Department) the results of the voting at
union officer who knowingly participates in an least seven days before the intended strike or
illegal strike and any worker or union officer who lockout, subject to the cooling-off period herein


96 of 139
Part IX : Concerted Activities
Labor Relations
provided. of the Board and notice of meetings referred to
x x x. in the preceding paragraph at least twenty-four
ART. 264. PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES. (24) hours before such meetings as well as the
(a) No labor organization or employer shall results of the voting at least seven (7) days
declare a strike or lockout without first having before the intended strike or lockout, subject
bargained collectively in accordance with Title to the cooling-off period provided in this Rule.
VII of this Book or without first having filed Although the second paragraph of Section 10
the notice required in the preceding article or of the said Rule is not provided in the Labor Code
without the necessary strike or lockout vote
of the Philippines, nevertheless, the same was
first having been obtained and reported to the
Ministry (now Department).
incorporated in the Omnibus Rules Implementing
x x x.” the Labor Code and has the force and effect of law.
Following are the Implementing Guidelines of Aside from the mandatory notices embedded
the above provisions issued by the Department of in Article 263, paragraphs (c) and (f) of the Labor
Labor and Employment: Code, a union intending to stage a strike is
1. A strike shall be filed with the mandated to notify the NCMB of the meeting for
Department of Labor and the conduct of strike vote, at least twenty-four
Employment at least 15 days if the (24) hours prior to such meeting. Unless the
issues raised are unfair labor NCMB is notified of the date, place and time of the
practice or at least 30 days if the meeting of the union members for the conduct of a
issue involved bargaining deadlock. strike vote, the NCMB would be unable to
However, in case of dismissal from supervise the holding of the same, if and when it
employment of union officers duly decides to exercise its power of supervision.
elected in accordance with the union In National Federation of Labor v. NLRC, the
constitution and by-laws, which may Court enumerated the notices required by Article
constitute union busting where the 263 of the Labor Code and the Implementing
existence of the union is threatened, Rules, which include the 24-hour prior notice to the
the 15-day cooling-off period shall NCMB:
not apply and the union may take 1) A notice of strike, with the
action immediately; required contents, should be filed with
2. The strike shall be supported by a the DOLE, specifically the Regional
majority vote of the members of the Branch of the NCMB, copy furnished the
union obtained by secret ballot in a employer of the union;
meeting called for the purpose; and 2) A cooling-off period must be
3. A strike vote shall be reported to the observed between the filing of notice
Department of Labor and and the actual execution of the strike
Employment at least seven (7) days thirty (30) days in case of bargaining
before the intended strike. deadlock and fifteen (15) days in case of
There is no showing that the petitioner union unfair labor practice. However, in the
observed the 7-day strike ban; and that the results case of union busting where the union’s
of the strike vote were submitted by petitioners to existence is threatened, the cooling-off
the Department of Labor and Employment at least period need not be observed.
seven (7) days before the strike. …
We thus hold that for failing to comply with 4) Before a strike is actually
the mandatory requirements of Article 263 (c) and commenced, a strike vote should be
(f) of the Labor Code, the strike mounted by taken by secret balloting, with a 24-hour
petitioner union on May 20, 1994 is illegal. prior notice to NCMB. The decision to
In Gold City Integrated Port Service, Inc. vs. declare a strike requires the secret-
NLRC, we stressed that “the language of the law ballot approval of majority of the total
leaves no room for doubt that the cooling-off union membership in the bargaining unit
period and the seven-day strike ban after the concerned.
strike-vote report were intended to be 5) The result of the strike vote
mandatory.” should be reported to the NCMB at least
seven (7) days before the intended
Capitol Medical Center, Inc. v. NLRC (2005) strike or lockout, subject to the cooling-
We agree with the petitioner that the off period.
respondent Union failed to comply with the second A union is mandated to notify the NCMB of an
paragraph of Section 10, Rule XXII of the Omnibus impending dispute in a particular bargaining unit
Rules of the NLRC which reads: via a notice of strike. Thereafter, the NCMB,
Section 10. Strike or lockout vote. – A through its conciliator-mediators, shall call the
decision to declare a strike must be approved parties to a conference at the soonest possible
by a majority of the total union membership in time in order to actively assist them in exploring all
the bargaining unit concerned obtained by possibilities for amicable settlement. In the event
secret ballot in meetings or referenda called for
of the failure in the conciliation/mediation
the purpose. A decision to declare a lockout
must be approved by a majority of the Board
proceedings, the parties shall be encouraged to
of Directors of the employer, corporation or submit their dispute for voluntary arbitration.
association or the partners obtained by a However, if the parties refuse, the union may hold
secret ballot in a meeting called for the a strike vote, and if the requisite number of votes
purpose. is obtained, a strike may ensue.
The regional branch of the Board may, at  The purpose of the strike vote is to ensure
its own initiative or upon the request of any
that the decision to strike broadly rests
affected party, supervise the conduct of the
secret balloting. In every case, the union or
with the majority of the union members
the employer shall furnish the regional branch in general and not with a mere


97 of 139
Part IX : Concerted Activities
Labor Relations
minority, and at the same time, Bukluran ng Manggagawa sa Clothman
discourage wildcat strikes, union bossism Knitting Corporation- Solidarity Unions in the
and even corruption. Phil. For Employment and Reforms v. CA
 A strike vote report submitted to the (2005)
NCMB at least seven days prior to the Clearly, the petitioner union, its officers,
intended date of strike ensures that a members and supporters staged a strike. In order
strike vote was, indeed, taken. In the for a strike to be valid, the following requirements
event that the report is false, the seven- laid down in paragraphs (c) and (f) of Article 263
day period affords the members an of the Labor Code must be complied with: (a) a
opportunity to take the appropriate notice of strike must be filed; (b) a strike-vote
remedy before it is too late. must be taken; and (c) the results of the strike-
 The 15 to 30 day cooling-off period is vote must be reported to the DOLE.
designed to afford the parties the It bears stressing that these requirements are
opportunity to amicably resolve the mandatory, meaning, non-compliance therewith
dispute with the assistance of the NCMB makes the strike illegal. The evident intention of
conciliator/mediator, while the seven-day the law in requiring the strike notice and strike-
strike ban is intended to give the DOLE an vote report is to reasonably regulate the right to
opportunity to verify whether the strike, which is essential to the attainment of
projected strike really carries the legitimate policy objectives embodied in the law.
imprimatur of the majority of the union Considering that the petitioner union failed to
member. comply with the aforesaid requirements, the strike
The requirement of giving notice of the staged on June 11 to 18, 2001 is illegal.
conduct of a strike vote to the NCMB at least 24 Consequently, the officers of the union who
hours before the meeting for the said purpose is participated therein are deemed to have lost their
designed to (a) inform the NCMB of the intent of employment status.
the union to conduct a strike vote; (b) give the
NCMB ample time to decide on whether or not 8. TEST OF LEGALITY
there is a need to supervise the conduct of the
strike vote to prevent any acts of violence and/or LEGAL STRIKES
irregularities attendant thereto; and (c) should the
NCMB decide on its own initiative or upon the Purpose and Means Test
request of an interested party including the
employer, to supervise the strike vote, to give it Luzon Marine Dept Union v. Roldan (1950)
ample time to prepare for the deployment of the In the case of Rex Taxicab Company vs. Court
requisite personnel, including peace officers if need of Industrial Relations (70 Phil., 621), wherein this
be. Supreme Court held that "the employee, tenant or
 Unless and until the NCMB is notified at laborer is inhibited from striking or walking out of
least 24 hours of the union’s decision to his employment only when so enjoined by the
conduct a strike vote, and the date, place, Court of Industrial Relations,"
and time thereof, the NCMB cannot  it was also held that "in cases not falling
determine for itself whether to supervise within the prohibition, the legality or
a strike vote meeting or not and insure its illegality of a strike depends, first, upon
peaceful and regular conduct. The failure the purpose for which it is maintained,
of a union to comply with the requirement and, second, upon the means employed in
of the giving of notice to the NCMB at carrying it on."
least 24 hours prior to the holding of a  Thus, if the purpose which the laborers
strike vote meeting will render the intend to accomplish by means of a strike
subsequent strike staged by the union is trivial, unreasonable or unjust, or if in
illegal. carrying on the strike the strikers should
In this case, the respondent Union failed to commit violence or cause injuries to
comply with the 24-hour prior notice requirement persons or damage to property
to the NCMB before it conducted the alleged strike o the strike, although not prohibited by
vote meeting on November 10, 1997. As a result, injunction, may be declared by the
the petitioner complained that no strike vote court illegal, with the adverse
meeting ever took place and averred that the consequences to the strikers.
strike staged by the respondent union was illegal.
 Conformably to Article 264 of the Labor Caltex Phil. Inc. v. Phil Labor Org. Caltex
Code and Section 7, Rule XXII of the Chapter (1953)
Omnibus Rules Implementing the Labor Needless to say, Courts are not permitted to
Code, no labor organization shall declare render judgments solely upon the basis of
a strike unless supported by a majority sympathies and inclinations. Neither are they
vote of the members of the union authorized, in the guise of affording protection to
obtained by secret ballot in a meeting labor, to distribute charities at the expense of
called for that purpose. The requirement natural or juridicial persons, because our
is mandatory and the failure of a union to constitutional government assures the latter
comply therewith renders the strike against deprivation of their property except in
illegal. The union is thus mandated to accordance with the statutes or supplementary
allege and prove compliance with the equitable principles.
requirements of the law.


98 of 139
Part IX : Concerted Activities
Labor Relations
Philippine Marine Officers Guild v. Cia. strictly adhered to and respected if their ends have
Maritima (1968) to be achieved.
Acts of violence in this jurisdiction, when We cannot sanction the respondent-union’s
committed in carrying on a strike are not to be brazen disregard of legal requirements imposed
overlooked in determining its legality or illegality. purposely to carry out the state policy of
 To overlook these acts of violence would promoting voluntary modes of settling disputes.
encourage abuses and terrorism and The state’s commitment to enforce mutual
subvert the purpose of the law which compliance therewith to foster industrial peace is
provides for arbitration and peaceful affirmed by no less than our Constitution. Trade
settlement of disputes. unionism and strikes are legitimate weapons of
 If a strike is unjustified as when it is labor granted by our statutes. But misuse of these
declared for trivial, unjust or instruments can be the subject of judicial
unreasonable purpose, the employer may intervention to forestall grave injury to a business
not be compelled to reinstate the strikers enterprise.
to their employment. More so, when the
strike is carried on illegally. Malayang Samahan ng mga Manggagawa sa
Greenfield v. Ramos (2000)
San Miguel Corp. v. NLRC (2003) With regard to the issue of the legality or
Pursuant to Article 218 (e), the coercive illegality of the strike, the Labor Arbiter held that
measure of injunction may be used to restrain an the strike was illegal for the following reasons: (1)
actual or threatened unlawful strike. In the case at it was based on an intra-union dispute which
bar, petitioner sought a permanent injunction to cannot properly be the subject of a strike, the right
enjoin the respondent’s strike. A strike is to strike being limited to cases of bargaining
considered as the most effective weapon in deadlocks and unfair labor practice (2) it was made
protecting the rights of the employees to improve in violation of the "no strike, no lock-out" clause in
the terms and conditions of their employment. the CBA, and (3) it was attended with violence,
However, to be valid, a strike must be pursued force and intimidation upon the persons of the
within legal bounds. company officials, other employees reporting for
One of the procedural requisites that Article work and third persons having legitimate business
263 of the Labor Code and its Implementing Rules with the company, resulting to serious physical
prescribe is the filing of a valid notice of strike with injuries to several employees and damage to
the NCMB. Imposed for the purpose of company property.
encouraging the voluntary settlement of disputes, On the submission that the strike was illegal
this requirement has been held to be mandatory, for being grounded on a non-strikeable issue, that
the lack of which shall render a strike illegal. is, the intra-union conflict between the federation
Clearly, therefore, applying the aforecited and the local union, it bears reiterating that when
ruling to the case at bar, when the NCMB ordered respondent company dismissed the union officers,
the preventive mediation on May 2, 1994, the issue was transformed into a termination
respondent had thereupon lost the notices of strike dispute and brought respondent company into the
it had filed. Subsequently, however, it still picture.
defiantly proceeded with the strike while mediation Petitioners believed in good faith that in
was ongoing, and notwithstanding the letter- dismissing them upon request by the federation,
advisories of NCMB warning it of its lack of notice respondent company was guilty of unfair labor
of strike. pratice in that it violated the petitioner’s right to
Such disregard of the mediation proceedings self-organization. The strike was staged to protest
was a blatant violation of the Implementing Rules, respondent company’s act of dismissing the union
which explicitly oblige the parties to bargain officers.
collectively in good faith and prohibit them from  Even if the allegations of unfair labor
impeding or disrupting the proceedings. practice are subsequently found out to be
Moreover, it bears stressing that Article untrue, the presumption of legality of the
264(a) of the Labor Code explicitly states that a strike prevails.
declaration of strike without first having filed the
required notice is a prohibited activity, which may Guidelines and Balancing of Interest
be prevented through an injunction in accordance
with Article 254. Clearly, public respondent should Shell Oil Workers Union v. Shell Co. of the
have granted the injunctive relief to prevent the Phils (1971)
grave damage brought about by the unlawful A strike otherwise valid, if violent in character,
strike. maybe placed beyond the pale. Care is to be
Petitioner herein evinced its willingness to taken, however, especially where an unfair labor
negotiate with the union by seeking for an order practice is involved, to avoid stamping it with
from the NLRC to compel observance of the illegality just because it is tainted by such acts. To
grievance and arbitration proceedings. Respondent avoid rendering illusory the recognition of the right
however resorted to force without exhausting all to strike, responsibility in such a case should be
available means within its reach. Such individual and not collective. A different conclusion
infringement of the aforecited CBA provisions would be called for, of course, if the existence of
constitutes further justification for the issuance of force while the strike lasts is pervasive and
an injunction against the strike. As we said long widespread, consistently and deliberately resorted
ago: “Strikes held in violation of the terms to as a matter of policy. It could be reasonably
contained in a collective bargaining agreement are concluded then that even if justified as to ends,
illegal especially when they provide for conclusive it becomes illegal because of the means
arbitration clauses. These agreements must be employed'.


99 of 139
Part IX : Concerted Activities
Labor Relations
This is not by any means to condone the believes to be its rights, the advice of those
utilization of force by labor to attain its objectives. conversant with the requirements of legal norms
It is only to show awareness that in labor conflicts, should be sought and should not be ignored. It is
the tension that fills the air as well as the feeling even more important that reason and not violence
of frustration and bitterness could break out in should be its milieu.
sporadic acts of violence.
If there be in this case a weighing of interests
in the balance, the ban the law imposes on unfair
labor practices by management that could provoke
a strike and its requirement that it be conducted DEFENSES – GOOD FAITH - ULP
peaceably, it would be, to repeat, unjustified,
considering all the facts disclosed, to stamp the Interwood Employees Assoc. v. Int’l
strike with illegality. It is enough that individual Hardwood (1956)
liability be incurred by those guilty of such acts of Generally, a strike based on a "non-strikeable"
violence that call for loss of employee status. Such ground is an illegal strike: corollarily, a strike
an approach is reflected in our recent decisions. grounded on ULP is illegal if no such acts actually
exist. As an exception, even if no ULP acts are
Almira v. B.F. Goodrich, Phils, Inc. (1974) committed by the employer, if the employees
Due to the refusal of the management to believe in good faith that ULP acts exist so as to
consider petitioners' union as the exclusive constitute a valid ground to strike, then the strike
bargaining representative, petitioners staged a held pursuant to such belief may be legal.
strike and picketed the company's premises. In the As a general rule, therefore, where the union
course of the mass picketing, illegal and unlawful believed that the employer committed ULP and the
acts were committed by the petitioners. circumstances warranted such belief in good faith,
Respondent CIR declared petitioners to have the resulting strike may be considered legal
committed an illegal strike and dismissed the although, subsequently, such allegations of unfair
petitioners. labor practices were found to be groundless.
An established caveat, however, is that a mere
REASON FOR PENALTY LESS PUNITIVE THAN claim of good faith would not justify the holding of
DISMISSAL a strike under the aforesaid exception as, in
Where a penalty less punitive would suffice, addition thereto, the circumstances must have
whatever missteps may be committed by labor warranted such belief. It is, therefore, not enough
ought not to be visited with a consequence so that the union believed that the employer
severe. it is not only because of the law's concern committed acts of ULP when the circumstances
for the workingman. clearly negate even a prima facie showing to
There is, in addition, his family to consider. sustain such belief.
Unemployment brings untold hardships and
sorrows on those dependent on the wage-earner. PNOC Dockyard v. NLRC (1998)
The misery and pain attendant on the loss of jobs In resolving that the strike was legal, the labor
then could be avoided if there be acceptance of the tribunal took note of the following facts: (1) the
view that under all the circumstances of this case, notice of strike was filed only after the union
petitioners should not be deprived of their means members lost hope for the redress of their
of livelihood. Nor is this to condone what had been grievance arising from their exclusion from the
done by them, For all this while, since private P2,500 salary increase; (2) the union members
respondent considered them separated from the honestly believed that they were discriminated
service, they had not been paid. against, since the company practice in the past
was to grant salary increases to all employees
LABOR (managerial, professional, and technical
The conclusion that the dismissal of employees) or NMPTs (non-managerial,
petitioners in view of their unlawful acts during the professional, and technical employees); (3) such
strike is uncalled for is fortified by the stress on discriminatory grant appeared to be an unfair labor
the security of tenure that is a notable feature of practice intended to discourage union membership,
the present Constitution. since MPTs were non-union members; and (4) the
labor unions complied with the legal requirements
ATTENDANT RESPONSIBILITY ON THE WORKING before going on strike, such as the members' strike
FORCE AND MANAGEMENT vote by secret ballot, the submission of the results
The basic doctrine underlying the provisions of thereof to the National Conciliation and Meditation
the Constitution so solicitous of labor as well as Board (NCMB), the filing of a notice to strike and
the applicable statutory norms is that both the the observance of the 15-ay cooling-off period.
working force and management are necessary Respondent Commission opined that the
components of the economy. The rights of labor unions had a reason to regard the salary
have been expanded. Concern is evident for its discrimination, believed to discourage membership
welfare. The advantages thus conferred, however, in the labor organization, as an unfair labor
call for attendant responsibilities. The ways of the practice prohibited by Article 248 (e) of the Labor
law are not to be ignored. Those who seek comfort Code.
from the shelter that it affords should be the last Thus, although rejecting that PNOC and its
to engage in activities which negates the very subsidiaries were guilty of discrimination, the NLRC
concept of a legal order as antithetical to force and reiterated the policy enunciated in several labor
coercion. What is equally important is that in the cases "that a strike does not automatically carry
steps to be taken by it in the pursuit of what it the stigma of illegality even if no unfair labor


100 of 139
Part IX : Concerted Activities
Labor Relations
practice were committed by the employer. It Any worker whose employment has been
suffices if such a belief in good faith is entertained terminated as a consequence of any unlawful
by labor as the inducing factor for staging a lockout shall be entitled to reinstatement with full
strike." backwages.
 Indeed, the presumption of legality  Any union officer who knowingly
prevails even if the allegation of unfair participates in an illegal strike and any
labor practice is subsequently found to be worker or union officer who knowingly
untrue, provided that the union and its participates in the commission of illegal
members believed in good faith in the acts during a strike may be declared to
truth of such averment. have lost his employment status:
 Provided, That mere participation of a
worker in a lawful strike shall not
ILLEGAL STRIKES constitute sufficient ground for
termination of his employment, even if a
Basis – Illegality replacement had been hired by the
employer during such lawful strike.
Art. 263 Art. 265
Strikes, picketing and lockouts. Improved offer balloting.
(b) Workers shall have the right to engage in In an effort to settle a strike, the Department of
concerted activities for purposes of collective Labor and Employment shall conduct a referendum
bargaining or for their mutual benefit and by secret ballot on the improved offer of the
protection. employer on or before the 30th day of the strike.
 The right of legitimate labor organizations When at least a majority of the union members
to strike and picket and of employers to vote to accept the improved offer the striking
lockout, consistent with the national workers shall immediately return to work and the
interest, shall continue to be recognized employer shall thereupon readmit them upon the
and respected. signing of the agreement.
 However, no labor union may strike and
no employer may declare a lockout on In case of a lockout, the Department of Labor and
grounds involving inter-union and intra- Employment shall also conduct a referendum by
union disputes. secret balloting on the reduced offer of the union
(c) In case of bargaining deadlocks, the duly on or before the 30th day of the lockout.
certified or recognized bargaining agent may file a  When at least a majority of the board of
notice of strike or the employer may file a notice of directors or trustees or the partners
lockout with the Ministry at least 30 day before the holding the controlling interest in the case
intended date thereof. of a partnership vote to accept the
 In cases of unfair labor practice, the reduced offer, the workers shall
period of notice shall be 15 days and in immediately return to work and the
the absence of a duly certified or employer shall thereupon readmit them
recognized bargaining agent, the notice of upon the signing of the agreement.
strike may be filed by any legitimate labor
organization in behalf of its members. Effect of Illegality
o However, in case of dismissal from
employment of union officers duly elected Art. 264 (a)
in accordance with the union constitution Any worker whose employment has been
and by-laws, which may constitute union terminated as a consequence of any unlawful
busting, where the existence of the union lockout shall be entitled to reinstatement with full
is threatened, the 15-day cooling-off backwages.
period shall not apply and the union may
take action immediately. Any union officer who knowingly participates in an
illegal strike and any worker or union officer who
Art. 264 knowingly participates in the commission of illegal
Prohibited activities. acts during a strike may be declared to have lost
(a)No labor organization or employer shall declare his employment status:
a strike or lockout without first having bargained  Provided, That mere participation of a
collectively in accordance with Title VII of this worker in a lawful strike shall not
Book or constitute sufficient ground for
 without first having filed the notice termination of his employment, even if a
required in the preceding Article or replacement had been hired by the
 without the necessary strike or lockout employer during such lawful strike.
vote first having been obtained and
reported to the Ministry. San Juan de Dios etc. v. San Juan de Dios
No strike or lockout shall be declared after Despite the receipt of an order from then
assumption of jurisdiction by the President or the SOLE to return to their respective jobs, the Union
Minister or after certification or submission of the officers and members refused to do so and defied
dispute to compulsory or voluntary arbitration or the same. Consequently, then, the strike staged
during the pendency of cases involving the same by the Union is a prohibited activity under Article
grounds for the strike or lockout. 264 of the Labor Code. Hence, the dismissal of
its officers is in order. The respondent
Foundation was, thus, justified in terminating


101 of 139
Part IX : Concerted Activities
Labor Relations
the employment of the petitioner Union’s officers. sense, is a relocation motivated by anti-union
animus rather than for business reasons.
Stamford Marketing Corp. v. Julian (2004) In this case, however, Ionics was not set up
Article 264 of the Labor Code, in providing for merely for the purpose of transferring the business
the consequences of an illegal strike, makes a of Complex. At the time the labor dispute arose at
distinction between union officers and members Complex, Ionics was already existing as an
who participated thereon. Thus, knowingly independent company.
participating in an illegal strike is a valid ground The mere fact that one or more corporations
for termination from employment of a union are owned or controlled by the same or single
officer. The law, however, treats differently mere stockholder is not a sufficient ground for
union members. Mere participation in an illegal disregarding separate corporate personalities.
strike is not a sufficient ground for termination of Ionics may be engaged in the same business
the services of the union members. The Labor as that of Complex, but this fact alone is not
Code protects an ordinary, rank-and-file union enough reason to pierce the veil of corporate
member who participated in such a strike from fiction of the corporation.
losing his job, provided that he did not commit an  Well-settled is the rule that a corporation
illegal act during the strike. Thus, absent any has a personality separate and distinct
clear, substantial and convincing proof of illegal from that of its officers and stockholders.
acts committed during an illegal strike, an ordinary This fiction of corporate entity can only be
striking worker or employee may not be disregarded in certain cases such as when
terminated from work. it is used to defeat public convenience,
With respect to union officers, however, there justify wrong, protect fraud, or defend
is no dispute they could be dismissed for crime.
participating in an illegal strike. Union officers are As very clearly established, the closure was
duty- bound to guide their members to respect the triggered by the customers' pull-out of their
law. Nonetheless, as in other termination cases, equipment, machinery and materials, who were
union officers must be given the required notices alarmed by the pending labor dispute and the
for terminating an employment, i.e., notice of imminent strike by the union, and as a protection
hearing to enable them to present their side, and to their interest pulled-out of business from
notice of termination, should their explanation Complex who had no recourse but to cease
prove unsatisfactory. Nothing in Article 264 of the operation to prevent further losses.
Labor Code authorizes an immediate dismissal of a  The indiscretion committed by the Union
union officer for participating in an illegal strike. in filing the notice of strike, which to our
The act of dismissal is not intended to happen ipso mind is not the proper remedy to question
facto but rather as an option that can be exercised the amount of benefits due the
by the employer and after compliance with the complainants who will be retrenched at
notice requirements for terminating an employee. the closure of the Lite-On Line, gave a
In this case, petitioners did not give the required wrong signal to customers of Complex,
notices to the union officers. which consequently resulted in the loss of
employment of not only a few but to all
Employment of Strike Breakers the of the workers. It may be worth
saying that the right to strike should only
Art. 246 (c) be a remedy of last resort and must not
No employer shall use or employ any strike- be used as a show of force against the
breaker, nor shall any person be employed as a employer.
Burden of Economic Loss
Art. 212(r)
"Strike-breaker" means any person who obstructs, Crownwell Commercial Employees &
impedes, or interferes with by force, violence, Laborer’s Union v. CIR (1964)
coercion, threats, or intimidation any peaceful At the outset, two types of employees involved
picketing affecting wages, hours or conditions of in this case must be distinguished, namely, those
work or in the exercise of the right of self- who were discriminatorily dismissed for union
organization or collective bargaining. activities and those who voluntarily went on strike.
To the first class belong Francisco Gaddi and
Run-Away Shop Cresenciano Andrada, both of whom, as earlier
shown, had been dismissed for union activities,
Complex Electronics Employees Assoc v. and the five salesmen who were virtually locked
NLRC (1999) out by the company when they were ordered to
The Union anchors its position on the fact that put their trucks in the garage. To the second class
Lawrence Qua is both the president of Complex belong those who declared a strike on March 11,
and Ionics and that both companies have the same 1957, following the failure of the company-union
set of Board of Directors. It claims that business conference to settle their dispute.
has not ceased at Complex but was merely Both types of employees are entitled to
transferred to Ionics, a runaway shop. reinstatement. Indeed, it is said that striking
Held: The Union's contentions are untenable. employees are entitled to reinstatement whether
A “runaway shop” is defined as one wherein or not the strike was the consequence of the
the employer moves its business to another employer's unfair labor practice, unless, where the
location or it temporarily closes its business for strike was not due to any unfair labor practice,
anti-union purposes. A “runaway shop” in this the employer has hired others to take the place


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Part IX : Concerted Activities
Labor Relations
of the strikers and has promised them continued acceptance of new conditions that
employment, discriminate against them because of their
From this rule, however, must be excepted union membership or activities, the
those who, although discriminatorily discharged, strikers who refuse to accept the
must nevertheless be denied reinstatement conditions and are consequently refused
because of (1) unlawful conduct or (2) because of reinstatement are entitled to be made
violence. For while the Court of Industrial Relations whole for any losses of pay the suffered
has indeed discretion in determining the remedy in by reason of the respondent's
case of unfair labor practice, its discretion is not discriminatory acts."
unbounded. It cannot exercise its right beyond the  While it is true that the strikers in this
point which the object of "effectuation" of the Act case offered to return to work on March
requires. It can not order the reinstatement of 14, 1957, We find that their offer was
those convicted of violence upon the employer's conditional. Their offer was predicated on
property. the company's observance of the
The same thing may be said of the denial of provisions of the collective bargaining
reinstatement to those who might have found agreement-the very bone of contention
substantial employment elsewhere. We agree with between the parties by reason of which
the union that under the ruling of Phelps Dodge the union walked out To be effective so as
Corp. vs. NLRB, 313 U.S. 177, 85 L, ed. 1271 the to entitle the strikers to backpay, the offer
mere fact that strikers or dismissed employees must have been unconditional. The
have found such employment elsewhere is not strikers must have offered to return to
necessarily a bar to their reinstatement. work under the same conditions under
Coming now to the question of backpay, the which they worked just before their strike
decision under review directs the company "to so that the company's refusal would have
reinstate all the strikers listed in Annex 'A' of the placed on the latter the blame for their
complaint, without back wages, in view of the economic loss. But that is not the case
circumstances, as explained on the subject of the here. Indeed the offer of the company to
strike, unless they have found substantial accept the strikers under the conditions
employment elsewhere during the pendency of this obtaining before the strike (without
case." prejudice of course to taking up the
We believe that the denial of backpay may be grievances of the strikers) can be
justified, although on a different ground. For this considered in its favor in denying
purpose, We shall advert again to the distinction backwages to strikers.
earlier made between discriminatorily dismissed  Nor may it be said that the strikers could
employees and those who struck, albeit in protest not have offered to return to work
against the company's unfair labor practice. because the company dismissed them
Discriminatorily dismissed employees receive back upon their failure to return to work on
pay from the date of the act of discrimination, that March 14, 1957. For the notice given by
is from the day of their discharge. On this score, the company was merely a "tactical"
the pay from the date of the act of discrimination, threat designed to break the strike and
that is from the day of their discharge. On this not really to discharge the striking
score, the award of backpay to Gaddi, Andrada employees.
and the salesmen may be justified. The salesmen,
as already stated, were practically locked out when Consolidated Labor Assoc. v. Marsman & Co.
they were ordered to put their trucks in the (1964)
garage; they did not voluntarily strike. Hence, the We now come to the question of backpay. In
award of backwages. an economic strike, the strikers are not entitled to
In contrast, the rest of the employees struck backpay, since the employer should get the
as a voluntary act of protest against what they equivalent day's work for what he pays his
considered unfair labor practices of the company. employees. During the time that the strike was an
The stoppage of their work was not the direct economic one, complainants had no right to back
consequence of the company's unfair labor pay. The Industrial Court could not have made a
practice. Hence their economic loss should not be finding of unfair labor practice with respect to such
shifted to the employer. time, as none had so far been committed. This
As explained by the NLRB in the case of being an unfair labor practice case, it cannot,
American Manufacturing Co., 5 NLRB 443, "When therefore, order reinstatement much less back pay
employees voluntarily go on strike, even if in for that period.
protest against unfair labor practices, it has been On the other hand, even after the court has
our policy not to award them back pay during the made a finding of unfair labor practice, it still has
strike. the discretion to determine whether or not to grant
 However, when the strikers abandon the back pay. Such discretion was not abused when it
practices and the employer either refuses denied back wages to complainants, considering
to reinstate them or imposes upon their the climate of violence which attended the strike
reinstatement new conditions that and picket that the complainants conducted. While
constitute unfair labor practices, We are the complainants ordered reinstated did not
of the opinion that the considerations actively take part in the acts of violence, their
impelling our refusal to award back pay minatory attitude towards the Company may be
are no longer controlling. gathered from the fact that from the very first day
 Accordingly, We hold that where, as in of the strike policemen had to patrol the strike
this case, an employer refuses to zone in order to preserve peace.
reinstate strikers except upon their


103 of 139
Part IX : Concerted Activities
Labor Relations
SSS v. SSS Supervisors’ Union (1982) the date of such denial). More so, is the principle
We find for the petitioner based on the of "no work, no pay" applicable to the case at bar,
equitable tenet of a "fair day's wage for a fair day's in view of the undisputed finding of illegality of the
labor." strike.
"The age-old rule governing the relation
between labor and capital or management and Improved Offer Balloting and Strikes
employee is that of a 'fair day's age for a fair
day's labor.' If there is no work performed by the Art. 265
employee there can be no wage or pay, unless of Improved offer balloting.
course the laborer was able, willing and ready to In an effort to settle a strike, the Department of
work but "as illegally locked out, dismissed or Labor and Employment shall conduct a referendum
suspended. It is hardly fair or just for an employee by secret ballot on the improved offer of the
or laborer to fight or litigate against his employer employer on or before the 30th day of the strike.
on the employer's time."  When at least a majority of the union
In this case, the failure to work on the part of members vote to accept the improved
the members of respondent Union was due to offer the striking workers shall
circumstances not attributable to themselves. But immediately return to work and the
neither should the burden of the economic loss employer shall thereupon readmit them
suffered by them be shifted to their employer, the upon the signing of the agreement.
SSS, which was equally faultless, considering that In case of a lockout, the Department of Labor and
the situation was not a direct consequence of the Employment shall also conduct a referendum by
employer's lockout or unfair labor practice. Under secret balloting on the reduced offer of the union
the circumstances, it is but fair that each party on or before the 30th day of the lockout.
must bear his own loss.  When at least a majority of the board of
"Considering, therefore, that the parties had directors or trustees or the partners
no hand or participation in the situation they were holding the controlling interest in the case
in, and that the stoppage of the work was not the of a partnership vote to accept the
direct consequence of the company's lockout or reduced offer, the workers shall
unfair labor practice, 'the economic loss should not immediately return to work and the
be shifted to the employer.' Justice and equity employer shall thereupon readmit them
demand that each must have to bear its own loss, upon the signing of the agreement
thus placing the parties in equal footing where
none should profit front the other there being no
fault of either."
Phil. Interfashion v. NLRC (1982)
The finding of illegal strike was not disputed.
Therefore, the 114 strikers employees who 9.03 PICKETING
participated therein are liable for termination. On
the other hand, the finding of illegal lockout was 1. NATURE AND PURPOSE OF PICKET LINE
likewise not disputed. Therefore, the 114
employees affected by the lockout are also subject Insular Life Assurance Co. Ltd. Employees v.
to reinstatement. Insular Life Assurance Co. Ltd. (1971)
Petitioner, however, contends that the The heated altercations and occasional blows
application for readmission to work by the 150 exchanged on the picket line do not affect or
strikers constitutes condonation of the lockout diminish the right to strike. Persuasive on this
which should likewise bind the 114 remaining point is the following commentary:
strikers. Suffice it to say that the 150 strikers
"We think it must be conceded that some
acted for themselves, not in behalf of the 114 disorder is unfortunately quite usual in any
remaining strikers, and therefore the latter could extensive or long drawn out strike. A strike is
not be deemed to have condoned petitioner's essentially a battle waged with economic
lockout. weapons. Engaged in it are human beings
The findings show that both petitioner and the whose feelings are stirred to the depths. Rising
114 strikers are in pari delicto, a situation which passions call forth hot words. Hot words lead to
blows on the picket line.
warrants the maintenance of the status quo. This
The transformation from economic to physical
means that the contending parties must be combat by those engaged in the contest is
brought back to their respective positions before difficult to prevent even when cool heads direct
the controversy; that is, before the strike. the fight. Violence of this nature, however
Therefore, the order reinstating the 114 employees much it is to be regretted, must have been in
is proper." the contemplation of the Congress when it
With such restoration of the status quo ante it provided in Sec. 13 of Act 29 USCA Sec. 163,
that nothing therein should be construed so as
necessarily follows, as likewise submitted by the
to interfere with or impede or diminish in any
Solicitor General, that the petition must be granted way the right to strike. If this were not co, the
insofar as it seeks the setting aside of the award of rights afforded to employees by the Act would
three months' backwages to the 114 employees indeed be illusory. We accordingly recently held
ordered reinstated on the basis of the general rule that it was not intended by the Act that minor
that strikers are not entitled to backwages (with disorders of this nature would deprive a striker
some exceptions not herein applicable, such as of the possibility of reinstatement." Republic
where the employer is guilty of oppression and Steel Corp. v. N. L. R. B., 107 F2d 472, cited in
Mathews, Labor Relations and the Law, p. 378)
union-busting activities and strikers ordered
reinstated are denied such reinstatement and
Security Bank Employees Union v. Security
therefore are declared entitled to backwages from
Bank and Trust Co. (1968)


104 of 139
Part IX : Concerted Activities
Labor Relations
Moreover, this Court, in Caltex Refinery blocking the entrance to a feed mill located within
Association vs. Lucero, made explicit its the compound of a flour mill with which the union
disapproval of an injunction against strikes, had a dispute. Although sustained on a different
holding that "no Court can issue a restraining ground, no connection was found between the two
order against union members who plan to hold a mills owned by two different corporations other
strike even if the same may appear to be illegal." than their being situated in the same premises. It
That is so in view of the unmistakable language is to be noted that in the instances cited, peaceful
employed in the Industrial Peace Act, with picketing has not been totally banned but merely
reference to strikes. The statutory command on regulated.
picketing likewise calls for a similar declaration. And in one American case, a picket by a labor
The obstacle that bars respondent Bank from union in front of a motion picture theater with
attaining its objective to bar all picketing is indeed which the union had a labor dispute was enjoined
too formidable to surmount. Also, even without by the court from being extended in front of the
such a categorical mandate expressed in the Act, main entrance of the building housing the theater
the recognition of peaceful picketing as a wherein other stores operated by third persons
constitutional right embraced in the freedom of were located.
expression dating from the 1947 decision of The present case squarely fits into the
Mortera vs. Court of Industrial Relations, precludes foregoing legal setting. Wellington and Galang are
the issuance of such a blanket prohibition as that mere "innocent bystanders." They are entitled to
imposed in the challenged order of respondent seek protection of their rights from the courts and
Judge of January 3, 1968. the courts may, accordingly, legally extend the
This is not to say that picketing, like freedom same. Moreover, PAFLU's right to peacefully picket
of expression in general, has no limits. Certainly, METBANK is not curtailed by the injunctions issued
to the extent that it is an instrument of coercion by respondent judge. The picket is merely
rather than of persuasion, it cannot rightfully be regulated to protect the rights of third parties. And
entitled to the protection associated with free the reason for I his is not farfetched. If the law
speech. Equally so, there can be no indiscriminate fails to afford said protection, men will endeavor to
ban on the freedom to disseminate the facts of a safeguard their rights by their own might, take the
labor dispute and to appeal for public sympathy, law in their own hands, and commit acts which
which is the aim of peaceful picketing, without a lead to breaches of peace, bloodshed, and
transgression of the Constitution, sufficient to oust ultimately the final subversion of the law. This
a court of jurisdiction, even on the assumption should not be allowed to happen.
that it was originally possessed of such a
competence, which was not so in this case as had 2. PICKETING AND LIBEL LAWS
been earlier made clear.
PCIB V. Philnabank Employees (1981)
Mortera v. CIR (1947) There is a unique aspect to this action for libel
The prohibition in the order of February 21, against the Philippine National Bank Employees'
1947, against picketing in any guise or form, Association. It was filed by plaintiff PCIB as a result
should be understood to cover only illegal of placards and signboards along the PNB building
picketing, that is, picketing through the use of in Escolta, Manila, containing the following: "PCIB
illegal means. Peaceful picketing cannot be BAD ACCOUNTS TRANSFERRED TO PNB-NIDC?"
prohibited. It is part of the freedom of speech There was a labor controversy resulting in a
guaranteed by the Constitution. strike, fortunately lasting only for one day. The
labor union made use of its constitutional right to
PAFLU V. Cloribel (1969) picket.
The right to picket as a means of From the time of Mortera vs. CIR, a 1947
communicating the facts of a labor dispute is a decision this Court has been committed to the view
phase of the freedom of speech guaranteed by the that' peaceful picketing is part of the freedom of
constitution.6 If peacefully carried out, it can not speech guarantee of the Constitution. The latest
be curtailed even in the absence of employer- case in point where such a principle was reaffirmed
employee relationship. expressly is Associated Labor Union v. Gomez, a
The right is, however, not an absolute one. 1980 decision.
While peaceful picketing is entitled to protection as There is no mention of the other placards but
an exercise of free speech, we believe that courts it is not unlikely that to bolster its claim, mention
are not without power to confine or localize the was likewise made and in bold letters at that of
sphere of communication or the demonstration to such alleged failing of its management. That was
the parties to the labor dispute, including those the aim and intent as found by the lower court.
with related interest, and to insulate That could not very well be disputed by plaintiff-
establishments or persons with no industrial appellant. Unfortunately, the offending imputation,
connection or having interest totally foreign to the but in the form of a question, was included. It was
context of the dispute. due to a former official of plaintiff appellant's bank
Thus the right may be regulated at the who was thereafter named as President of the
instance of third parties or "innocent bystanders" if Philippine National Bank. Should there be an
it appears that the inevitable result of its exercise automatic attitude of condemnation for such
is to create an impression that a labor dispute with incident?
which they have no connection or interest exists If the realistic observation of Justice
between them and the picketing union or Frankfurter in Milk Wagon Drivers Union of Chicago
constitute an invasion of their rights. v. Meadowmoor Dairies be heeded that labor
In one case decided by this Court, we upheld disputes give rise to strong emotional response,
a trial court's injunction prohibiting the union from


105 of 139
Part IX : Concerted Activities
Labor Relations
then the decision reached by the lower court union and its officers, agents or symphatizers "are
becomes even more acceptable. hereby directed to call off the strike declared on
 It is a fact of industrial life, both in the July 17, 1965, and to lift the picket lines
Philippines as in the United States, that in established in and around the premises of
the continuing confrontation between respondent company's various offices and
labor and management, it is far from installations . . . . The persons manning the picket
likely that the language employed would lines in these places are hereby enjoined from
be both courteous and polite. Such being impeding and interfering with implementation of
the case, there is no affront either to this Order as well as from interfering in any
reason or to the law in the complaint for manner with the operations of respondent.
libel being dismissed. In placing reliance
on the constitutional right of freedom of Nagkakaisang Manggagawa sa Cuizon Hotel
expression, this Court once again makes v. Libron (1983)
manifest its adherence to the principle The above restraining order had to be issued
first announced by Justice Malcolm as because as contended in the petition, the order of
ponente in the leading case of United the labor arbiter certainly cannot be declared final
States v. Bustos. and executory upon the mere issuance thereof.
 In no uncertain terms, it made clear that That is manifestly in contravention of the law.
the judiciary, in deciding suits for libel, Article 223 of the Labor Code is quite explicit on
must ascertain whether or not the alleged the matter, a period of 10 days being granted
offending words may be embraced by the either or both to the parties involved from receipt
guarantees of free speech and free press. of any order to appeal to the National Labor
It cannot be too often said that Bustos Relations Commission.
was promulgated as far back as March 8, Moreover, the wholesale condemnation of
1918. A doctrine analogous in character. peaceful picketing is likewise clearly bereft of
support in law. As pointed out in a very recent
decision decided this year, PAFLU v. CFI of Rizal:
3. EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP "It need not be stressed that peaceful picketing is
embraced in freedom of expression. As
De Leon v. National Labor Union (1957) emphatically declared in Philippine Commercial &
PICKETING; ABSENCE OF EMPLOYER- Industrial Bank v. Philnabank Employees'
EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP DOES NOT MAKE Association: 'From the time of Mortera v. Court of
PICKETING ILLEGAL.-Picketing peacefully carried Industrial Relations, a 1947 decision this Court has
out is not illegal even in the absence of employer- been committed to the view that peaceful picketing
employee relationship, for peaceful picketing is a is part of the freedom of speech guarantee of the
part of the freedom of speech guaranteed by the Constitution.' Reference was made in such opinion
Constitution. to Associated Labor Union v. Gomez.
In the answer, reference was made to the
4. CURTAILMENT alleged commission of acts of violence against non-
striking employees and even against the eighty-
Free Telephone Workers Union v. PLDT Co. year old "sickly and paralytic President" of
(1982) respondent. It is to be understood, of course, that
However, with respect to the first error the peaceful picketing authorized cannot certainly
assigned, petitioner injects a constitutional issue in countenance acts of illegality. The interim
that the respondent CIR's order of July 16, 1965 Batasang Pambansa has spoken on the subject
violates the constitutional guarantee of freedom of thus: "(e) No person engaged in picketing shall
speech because it called for the lifting of peaceful commit any act of violence, coercion or
picket lines. intimidation or obstruct the free ingress to or
Indeed, it is now well-settled that peaceful egress from the employer's premises for lawful
picketing cannot be restrained because the same is purposes, or obstruct public thoroughfares.
part of the freedom of speech But petitioner fails
to realize that the questioned July 16, 1965 order 5. RESTRICTIONS, INNOCENT THIRD PARTY
of the Court of Industrial Relations did not refer to RULE AND LIABILITIES
peaceful picketing.
In Mortera, supra, where the therein Liwayway Publishing Co. v. Permanent
questioned order partly declared that ". . . Concrete Workers Union (1981)
picketing under any guise and form is hereby The first question that strikes Us to be of
prohibited . . .," this Court ruled that the "order of determinative significance is whether or not this
the Court of Industrial Relations prohibiting case involves or has arisen out of a labor dispute.
picketing must be understood to refer only to If it does, then with certainty, Section 9 of
illegal picketing, that is, picketing through the use Republic Act 875, the "Industrial Peace Act," would
of illegal means. Peaceful picketing cannot be apply. if it does not, then the Rules of Court will
prohibited. It is part of the freedom of speech govern the issuance of the writ of preliminary
guaranteed by the Constitution. Therefore, the injunction because it will not partake the nature of
order of the Court of Industrial Relations must be a labor injunction which the lower court has no
understood to refer only to illegal picketing, that jurisdiction to issue.
is, picketing through the use of illegal means" The record before Us reveals that appellant
In this case, the questioned order should also union and its members picketed the gate leading
be taken as limited to the lifting of the picket lines to appellee's bodega. This gate is about 200
which constituted illegal picketing especially so meters from the gate leading to the premises of
because it expressly stated that the petitioner the employer of the appellants.


106 of 139
Part IX : Concerted Activities
Labor Relations
Appellee is not in any way related to the their own hands, and commit acts which lead
striking union except for the fact that it is the to breaches of the law. This should not be
allowed to happen."
sublessee of a bodega in the company's
We cannot agree that the above rules cited by
The picketers belonging to the appellant
the appellants are controlling in the instant case
union had stopped and prohibited the truck of the
for as We said in Phil. Association of Free Labor
appellee from entering the compound to load
Unions (PAFLU), et al. vs. Tan, 99 Phil. 854, that
newsprint from its bodega, the union members
"with regard to activities that may be enjoined, in
intimidating and threatening with bodily harm the
order to ascertain what court has jurisdiction to
employees of the appellee who were in the truck.
issue the injunction, it is necessary to determine
 In such a factual situation, the query to
the nature of the controversy,"
be resolved is whether the appellee is a
 We find and hold that there is no
third party or an "innocent by-stander"
connection between the appellee
whose right has been invaded and,
Liwayway Publications, Inc. and the
therefore, entitled to protection by the
striking Union, nor with the company
regular courts.
against whom the strikers staged the
At this juncture, it is well to cite and stress the
strike, and neither are the acts of the
pronouncements of the Supreme Court on the
driver of the appellee, its general
right to picket. Thus, in the case of PAFLU vs.
manager, personnel manager, the man in-
Cloribel, the SC said:
charge of the bodega and other
"The right to picket as a means of
employees of the appellee in reaching the
communicating the facts of a labor dispute is a bodega to obtain newsprint therefrom to
phase of the freedom of speech guaranteed by feed and supply its publishing business
the constitution. If peacefully carried out, it interwoven with the labor dispute
cannot be curtailed even in the absence of between the striking Union and the
employer-employee relationship. Permanent Concrete Products company. If
The right is, however, not an absolute
there is a connection between appellee
one. While peaceful picketing is entitled to
protection as an exercise of free speech, we
publishing company and the Permanent
believe that courts are not without power to Concrete Products company, it is that
confine or localize the sphere of both are situated in the same premises,
communication or the demonstration to the which can hardly be considered as
parties to the labor dispute, including those interwoven with the labor dispute pending
with related interest, and to insulate in the Court of Industrial Relations
establishments or persons with no industrial
between the strikers and their employer.
connection or having interest totally foreign to
the context of the dispute.
The contention of appellants that the court
Thus, the right may be regulated at the erred in denying their motion to dismiss on the
instance of third parties or 'innocent ground that the complaint states no cause of
bystanders' if it appears that the inevitable action, is likewise without merit.
result of its exercise is to create an impression  Article 1654 of the New Civil Code cited
that a labor dispute with which they have no by the appellants in support of their
connection or interest exists between them
motion to dismiss, which obliges the
and the picketing union or constitute an
invasion of their rights.
lessor, among others, to maintain the
In one case decided by this Court, we lessee in the peaceful and adequate
upheld a trial court's injunction prohibiting the enjoyment of the lease for the entire
union from blocking the entrance to a feed mill duration of the contract, and therefore,
located within the compound of a flour mill the appellee publishing company should
with which the union had a dispute. Although have brought its complaint against the
sustained on a different ground, no connection
first sublessee, Don Ramon Roces, and
was found other than their being situated in
the same premises. It is to be noted that in the
not against the appellant Union, is not in
instances cited, peaceful picketing has not point. The acts complained of against the
been totally banned but merely regulated. And striking union members are properly
in one American case, a picket by a labor union called mere acts of trespass (perturbacion
in front of a motion picture theater with which de mero hecho) such that following the
the union had a labor dispute was enjoined by doctrine laid down in Goldstein vs. Roces,
the court from being extended in front of the
34 Phil. 562, the lessor shall not be
main entrance of the building housing the
theater wherein other stores operated by third
obliged to answer for the mere fact of a
persons were located." trespass (perturbacion de mero hecho)
The same case state clearly and succinctly the made by a third person in the use of the
rationalization for the court's regulation of the estate leased but the lessee shall have a
right to picket in the following wise and manner: direct action against the trespasser.
"Wellington and Galang are mere The instant case falls squarely under the
'innocent bystanders'. They are entitled to provisions of Article 1664of the New Civil Code
seek protection of their rights from the courts which provides as follows:
and the courts may, accordingly, legally extend  "Art. 1664. The lessor is not obliged to
the same. Moreover, PAFLU's right to
answer for a mere act of trespass which a
peacefully picket METBANK is not curtailed by
the injunctions issued by respondent judge.
third person may cause on the use of the
The picket is merely regulated to protect the thing leased; but the lessee shall have a
rights of third parties. And the reason for this direct action against the intruder. There is
is not farfetched. If the law fails to afford said a mere act of trespass when the third
protection, men will endeavor to safeguard person claims no right whatever.
their rights by their own might, take the law in


107 of 139
Part IX : Concerted Activities
Labor Relations
MSF Tire and Rubber Inc. v. CA (1999) bargaining, or shall aid or abet such obstruction or
Thus, an "innocent bystander," who seeks to interference.
enjoin a labor strike, must satisfy the court that
aside from the grounds specified in Rule 58 of the
Rules of Court, it is entirely different from, without 9.04 ROLE OF PEACE OFFICERS DURING
any connection whatsoever to, either party to the
dispute and, therefore, its interests are totally
foreign to the context thereof.
In the case at bar, petitioner cannot be said 1. ESCORTING
not to have such connection to the dispute. As
correctly observed by the appellate court: Art. 264 (d)
 Coming now to the case before us, we No public official or employee, including officers
find that the "negotiation, contract of and personnel of the New Armed Forces of the
sale, and the post transaction" between Philippines or the Integrated National Police, or
Philtread, as vendor, and Siam Tyre, as armed person,
vendee, reveals a legal relation between  shall bring in, introduce or escort in any
them which, in the interest of petitioner, manner,
we cannot ignore. To be sure, the  any individual who seeks to replace
transaction between Philtread and Siam strikers in entering or leaving the
Tyre, was not a simple sale whereby premises of a strike area, or work in place
Philtread ceased to have any proprietary of the strikers.
rights over its sold assets. On the The police force shall keep out of the picket lines
contrary, Philtread remains as 20% owner unless actual violence or other criminal acts occur
of private respondent and 60% owner of therein:
Sucat Land Corporation which was  Provided, That nothing herein shall be
likewise incorporated in accordance with interpreted to prevent any public officer
the terms of the Memorandum of from taking any measure necessary to
Agreement with Siam Tyre, and which maintain peace and order, protect life and
now owns the land were subject plant is property, and/or enforce the law and legal
located. This, together with the fact that order.
private respondent uses the same plant or
factory; similar or substantially the same 2. ARREST AND DETENTION OF LAW
working conditions; same machinery, VIOLATORS
tools, and equipment; and manufacture
the same products as Philtread, lead us to Art. 266
safely conclude that private respondent's Requirement for arrest and detention.
personality is so closely linked to Philtread Except on grounds of national security and public
as to bar its entitlement to an injunctive peace or in case of commission of a crime,
writ. Stated differently, given its close  no union members or union organizers
links with Philtread as to bar its may be arrested or detained for union
entitlement to an injunctive writ. Stated activities without previous consultations
differently, given its close links with with the Secretary of Labor.
Philtread, we find no clear and
unmistakable right on the part of private
respondent to entitle it to the writ of
preliminary injunction it prayed for below.
We stress that that in so ruling, we have not
touched on the issue of . . . whether or not private
respondent is a mere dummy or continuation of
 Although, as petitioner contends, the
corporate fiction may be disregarded
where it is used to defeat public
convenience, justify wrong, protect fraud,
defend crime, or where the corporation is
used as a mere alter-ego or business
conduit, it is not these standards but
those of the "innocent bystander" rule
which govern whether or not petitioner is
entitled to an injunctive writ.



Art. 264 (b)

No person shall obstruct, impede, or interfere with,
by force, violence, coercion, threats or
intimidation, any peaceful picketing by employees
during any labor controversy or in the exercise of
the right to self-organization or collective


108 of 139
Part X : Labor Injunction
Labor Relations

Part X : LABOR INJUNCTION  ONLY as an INCIDENT to the cases

pending before them in order to preserve
the rights of the parties during the
10.01 DEFINITION AND NATURE pendency of the case,
 BUT excluding labor disputes involving
strikes or lockout.
INJUNCTION: An injunction is available as a From the foregoing provisions of law, the
remedy for harm for which there is no adequate power of the NLRC to issue an injunctive writ
remedy at law. Thus it is used to prevent a future originates from "any labor dispute" upon
harmful action rather than to compensate for an application by a party thereof, which application if
injury that has already been occurred, or to not granted "may cause grave or irreparable
provide relief from harm for which an award of damage to any party or render ineffectual any
money damages is not a satisfactory solution or decision in favor of such party."
for which a monetary value is impossible to The term "LABOR DISPUTE" is defined as "any
calculate. A defendant who violates an injunction is controversy or matter concerning terms and
subject to penalty for contempt. (Webster) conditions of employment or the association or
representation of persons in negotiating, fixing,
Philippine Airlines, Inc. v. NLRC (1998) maintaining, changing, or arranging the terms and
GENERALLY, injunction is a preservative conditions of employment regardless of whether or
remedy for the protection of one's substantive not the disputants stand in the proximate relation
rights or interest. It is not a cause of action in of employers and employees."
itself but merely a provisional remedy, an adjunct The term "CONTROVERSY” is likewise defined
to a main suit. as "a litigated question; adversary proceeding in a
It is resorted to only when there is a pressing court of law; a civil action or suit, either at law or
necessity to avoid injurious consequences which in equity; a justiciable dispute."
cannot be remedied under any standard of A "justiciable controversy" is "one involving an
compensation. The application of the injunctive active antagonistic assertion of a legal right on one
writ rests upon the existence of an emergency or side and a denial thereof on the other concerning a
of a special reason before the main case be real, and not a mere theoretical question or issue."
regularly heard. Taking into account the foregoing definitions,
The essential conditions for granting such it is an ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENT that: there must
temporary injunctive relief are: first be a LABOR DISPUTE between the contending
1) that the complaint alleges facts which parties before the labor arbiter.
appear to be sufficient to constitute a
proper basis for injunction and Why does injunction not apply to the facts of
2) that on the entire showing from the this case?
contending parties, the injunction is In the present case, there is no labor dispute
reasonably necessary to protect the legal between the petitioner and private respondents as
rights of the plaintiff pending the there has yet been no complaint for illegal
litigation. dismissal filed with the labor arbiter by the private
Injunction is also a special equitable relief respondents against the petitioner.
granted only in cases where there is no plain, Furthermore, an examination of private
adequate and complete remedy at law. respondents' petition for injunction reveals that it
Article 218 of the Labor Code empowers the has no basis since there is no showing of any
NLRC: urgency or irreparable injury which the private
e. To enjoin or restrain any actual or
respondents might suffer.
threatened commission of any or all
prohibited or unlawful acts or to require
the performance of a particular act in any When is an injury considered irreparable?
labor dispute which, if not restrained or An injury is considered irreparable if it is of
performed forthwith, may cause grave or such constant and frequent recurrence that no fair
irreparable damage to any party or render and reasonable redress can be had therefor in a
ineffectual any decision in favor of such court of law, or where there is no standard by
which their amount can be measured with
Complementing the above-quoted provision,
reasonable accuracy, that is, it is not susceptible of
Sec. 1, Rule XI of the New Rules of Procedure of
mathematical computation.
the NLRC, pertinently provides as follows:
It is considered irreparable injury when it
cannot be adequately compensated in damages
Section 1. Injunction in Ordinary Labor Dispute.
- A preliminary injunction or a restraining order may due to the nature of the injury itself or the nature
be granted by the Commission through its divisions of the right or property injured or when there
pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (e) of Article exists no certain pecuniary standard for the
218 of the Labor Code, as amended, when it is measurement of damages.
established on the bases of the sworn allegations in In the case at bar, the alleged injury which private
the petition that the acts complained of, respondents stand to suffer by reason of their
a) involving or arising from any labor
dispute before the Commission, which,
alleged illegal dismissal can be adequately
b) if not restrained or performed compensated and therefore, there exists no
forthwith, may cause grave or irreparable "irreparable injury," as defined above which would
damage to any party or render ineffectual necessitate the issuance of the injunction sought
any decision in favor of such party. for.
 Article 279 of the Labor Code provides
The foregoing ancillary power may be that an employee who is unjustly
exercised by the Labor Arbiters: dismissed from employment shall be


109 of 139
Part X : Labor Injunction
Labor Relations
entitled to reinstatement, without loss of continued unless restrained but
seniority rights and other privileges, and no injunction or temporary
to the payment of full backwages, restraining order shall be issued
inclusive of allowances, and to other on account of any threat,
benefits or their monetary equivalent prohibited or unlawful act,
computed from the time his compensation except against the person or
was withheld from him up to the time of persons, association or
his actual reinstatement. organization making the threat
or committing the prohibited or
OF INJUNCTION: authorizing or ratifying the same
It has been the policy of the State to after actual knowledge thereof;
encourage the parties to use the non-judicial
process of negotiation and compromise, mediation 2) That substantial and irreparable
and arbitration. injury to complainants property
 Thus, injunctions may be issued only in cases will follow;
of extreme necessity based on legal grounds
clearly established, after due consultations or 3) That as to each item of relief to
hearing and when all efforts at conciliation are be granted, greater injury will
exhausted which factors, however, are clearly be inflicted upon complainant by
absent in the present case. the denial of relief than will be
inflicted upon defendants by the
granting of relief;
4) That complainant has no
adequate remedy at law; and"
Art. 254
No temporary or permanent injunction or (5) That the public officers charged
restraining order in any case involving or growing with the duty to protect
out of labor disputes shall be issued by any court complainants property are
or other entity, except as otherwise provided in unable or unwilling to furnish
Articles 218 and 264 of this code. adequate protection.
Art. 212 (l) "Such hearing shall be held after
‘LABOR DISPUTE’ includes any controversy or due and personal notice thereof
matters: has been served, in such
 concerning terms or conditions of manner as the Commission shall
employment or the association or direct, to all known persons
 representation of persons in negotiating, against whom relief is sought,
fixing, maintaining, changing or and also to the Chief Executive
arranging the terms and conditions of and other public officials of the
employment, province or city within which the
 regardless of whether the disputants unlawful have been threatened
stand in the proximate relation of or committed charged with the
employer and employee. duty to protect complainant's

Provided, however,
ART. 218
Powers of the Commission. — The Commission
shall have the power and authority: a) the complainant "shall also allege that,
(e) To enjoin or restrain any actual or threatened unless a temporary restraining order shall be
commission of any or all prohibited or unlawful issued without notice,
acts or to require the performance of a particular
act in any labor dispute a SUBSTANTIAL and
 which, if not restrained or performed IRREPARABLE INJURY to
forthwith, may cause grave or irreparable complainant's PROPERTY
damage to any party or render ineffectual will be unavoidable;"
any decision in favor of such party:
 Provided, That no temporary or b) there is "TESTIMONY under OATH,
permanent injunction in any case sufficient, if sustained, to justify the
involving or growing out of a labor dispute Commission in issuing a temporary injunction
as defined in this Code shall be issued upon hearing after notice;"
except after hearing the testimony of witnesses,
with opportunity for cross-examination, in support c) the "temporary restraining order shall be
of the allegations of a complaint made under oath, effective for no longer than twenty (20) days
and testimony in opposition thereto, if offered, and and shall become void at the expiration of said
only after a finding of fact by the commission, to twenty (20) days."
the effect:
(1) That prohibited or unlawful acts
have been threatened and will d) No such temporary restraining order or
be committed and will be temporary injunction shall be issued except


110 of 139
Part X : Labor Injunction
Labor Relations
on condition that "complainant shall first file the purpose of such an injunction is not to enjoin
an undertaking with adequate security in an the strike itself, but only unlawful activities.
amount to be fixed by the Commission In this case Judge Tabigne cautioned the
sufficient to recompense those enjoined for parties to “maintain the status quo”; he specifically
any loss, expense or damage caused by the advised the employees NOT TO GO ON strike.
improvident or erroneous issuance of such Will disobedience to the judge’s advice
order or injunction, including all reasonable constitute contempt of court? No. According to SC
costs, together with a reasonable attorney's what Judge Tabigne stated during said hearing
fee, and expense of defense against the order should be construed what actually it was — an
or against the granting of any injunctive relief advice. To say that it was an order would be to
sought in the same proceeding and concede that respondent court could validly enjoin
subsequently denied by the Commission;" a strike, especially one which is not certified in
accordance with Sec. 10 of Republic Act No. 875.
To adopt the view of respondent court would not
The UNDERTAKING herein mentioned shall be only set at naught the policy of the law as
understood to constitute an agreement into by the embodied in the said statute against issuance of
complainant and the surety upon which an order injunctions, but also remove from the hands of
may be rendered in the same suit or proceeding labor unions and aggrieved employees an effective
against said complainant and surety upon a lawful weapon to either secure favorable action on
hearing to assess damages, of which hearing their economic demands or to stop unfair labor
complainant and surety shall have reasonable practices on the part of their employer.
notice, the said complainant and surety submitting
themselves to the jurisdiction of the Commission National Mines and Allied Workers v. Vera
for that purpose. (1984)
An injunction is a proper remedy to prevent a
But nothing herein contained shall deprive any sheriff from selling the property of one person for
party having a claim or cause of action under or the purpose of paying the debts of another."
upon such undertaking from electing to pursue his Petitioners' reliance on the provision of Art. 254 of
ordinary remedy by suit at law or in equity: the New Labor Code which prohibits injunctions or
restraining orders in any case involving or growing
Provided, further, That the reception of evidence out of a 'labor dispute' is not well-taken.
for the application of a writ of injunction may be  This has no application to the case at bar.
delegated by the Commission to any of its Labor Civil Case No. 2749 is one which neither
Arbiters who shall conduct such hearings in such "involves" nor "grows out" of a labor
places as he may determine to be accessible to the dispute. What 'involves' or 'grow out' of a
parties and their witnesses and shall submit labor dispute is the NLRC case between
thereafter his recommendation to the Commission. petitioners and the judgment debtor,
Philippine Iron Mines.
Caltex Filipino Managers and Supervisors  The private respondents are not parties to
Assoc. v. CIR (72) the said NLRC case. Civil Case. No. 2749
RATIONALE for prohibition: does not put in issue either the fact or
1) It is well known that the scheme in validity of the proceeding in the NLRC
Republic Act No. 875 for achieving case nor the decision therein rendered,
industrial peace rests essentially on a much less the writ of execution issued
FREE AND PRIVATE AGREEMENT between thereunder. It does not seek to enjoin the
the employer and his employees as to the execution of the decision against the
terms and conditions under which the properties of the judgment debtor. What
employer is to give work and the is sought to be tried in Civil Case No.
employees are to furnish labor, 2749 is whether the NLRC's decision and
unhampered as far as possible by judicial writ of execution, above-mentioned, shall
or administrative intervention. On this be permitted to be satisfied against
premise the lawmaking body has virtually properties of private respondents, and not
prohibited the issuance of injunctive relief of the judgment debtor named in the
involving or growing out of labor disputes. NLRC decision and writ of execution. Such
2) The prohibition to issue labor injunctions a recourse is allowed under the provisions
is designed to give labor a comparable of Section 17, Rule 39 of the Rules of
bargaining power with capital and must Court.
be liberally construed to that end. To sustain petitioners' theory will inevitably
GENERAL RULE: there can be no injunction lead to disastrous consequences and lend judicial
issued against any strike. imprimatur to deprivation of property without due
EXCEPT in only one instance, that is, when a process of law.
labor dispute arises in an INDUSTRY Simply because a writ of execution was issued
INDISPENSABLE TO THE NATIONAL INTEREST and by the NLRC does not authorize the sheriff
such dispute is CERTIFIED BY THE PRESIDENT of implementing the same to levy on anybody's
the Philippines to the Court of Industrial Relations property. To deny the victim of the wrongful levy,
in compliance with Sec. 10 of Republic Act No. the recourse such as that availed of by the herein
875. private respondents, under the pretext that no
Purpose of an injunction in an UNCERTIFIED case: court of general jurisdiction can interfere with the
As a corollary to this, an injunction in an writ of execution issued in a labor dispute, will
uncertified case must be based on the strict be sanctioning a greater evil than that sought to
requirements of Sec. 9(d) of Republic Act No. 875; be avoided by the Labor Code provision in


111 of 139
Part X : Labor Injunction
Labor Relations
question. Certainly, that could not have been the It bears stressing that in the present case, the
intendment of the law creating the NLRC. For respondents’ petition contains facts sufficient to
wellsettled is the rule that the power of a court to warrant the issuance of an injunction under Article
execute its judgment extends only over properties 218, paragraph (e) of the Labor Code of the
unquestionably belonging to the judgment debtor. Philippines. Further, respondents had already
posted a surety bond more than adequate to cover
Ravago v. Eastern Marine Ltd (2005) the judgment award.
Facts: Petitioner is a seafarer who was hired
on a contractual basis. Shortly after the
termination of his latest contract, he was granted a 10.03 EXCEPTIONS – WHEN INJUCTION
vacation leave. During that time, he was hit by a
stray bullet on his left leg which caused permanent
injury. Eastern Marine refused to re-hire him.
Petitioner filed a case for illegal dismissal. See Arts. 254, 218(e); 264
The Labor Arbiter found that Petitioner was
not illegally dismissed. NLRC reversed. On appeal, Ilaw at Buklod ng Manggagawa v. NLRC
CA issued a preliminary injunction. (1991)
The petitioner asserts that the CA violated HELD: Also untenable is the Union's other
Article 254 of the Labor Code when it issued a argument that the respondent NLRC Division had
temporary restraining order, and thereafter a writ no jurisdiction to issue the temporary restraining
of preliminary injunction, to derail the enforcement order or otherwise grant the preliminary injunction
of the final and executory judgment of the Labor prayed for by SMC and that, even assuming the
Arbiter as affirmed by the NLRC. On the other contrary, the restraining order had been
hand, the respondents contend that the issue has improperly issued. The Court finds that the
become academic since the CA had already respondent Commission had acted entirely in
decided the case on its merits. accord with applicable provisions of the Labor
Held: The petitioner’s reliance on Article 25 [of Code.
the Labor Code is misplaced. The law proscribes GENERAL RULE:
the issuance of injunctive relief only in those cases Article 254 of the Code provides that:
involving or growing out of a labor dispute. "No temporary or permanent
 The case before the NLRC neither involves injunction or restraining order in
nor grows out of a labor dispute. It did any case involving or growing out
not involve the fixing of terms or of labor disputes shall be issued
conditions of employment or by any court or other entity,
representation of persons with respect except as otherwise provided in
thereto. Articles 218 and 264 . . .
 In fact, the petitioner’s complaint revolves EXCEPTIONS:
around the issue of his alleged dismissal Article 264 lists down specific "prohibited
from service and his claim for backwages, activities" which may be forbidden or stopped
damages and attorney’s fees. Moreover, by a restraining order or injunction.
Article 254 of the Labor Code specifically Article 218 inter alia enumerates the powers of
provides that the NLRC may grant the National Labor Relations Commission and lays
injunctive relief under Article 218 thereof. down the conditions under which a restraining
Besides, the anti-injunction policy of the Labor order or preliminary injunction may issue, and the
Code, basically, is freedom at the workplace. It is procedure to be followed in issuing the same.
more appropriate in the promotion of the primacy Among the powers expressly conferred on the
of free collective bargaining and negotiations, Commission by Article 218 is the power to "enjoin
including voluntary arbitration, mediation and or restrain any actual or threatened commission of
conciliation, as modes of settling labor and any or all prohibited or unlawful acts or to require
industrial disputes. the performance of a particular act in any labor
Generally, an injunction is a preservative dispute which,:
remedy for the protection of a person’s substantive  if not restrained or performed forthwith,
rights or interests. It is not a cause of action in may cause grave or irreparable damage to
itself but a mere provisional remedy, an any party or render ineffectual any
appendage to the main suit. Pressing necessity decision in favor of such party . . . ."
requires that it should be resorted to only to avoid
injurious consequences which cannot be remedied 10.04 ISSUING AGENCY
under any measure of consideration. The
application of an injunctive writ rests upon the 1. NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS
presence of an exigency or of an exceptional COMMISSION AND ROLE OF THE LABOR
reason before the main case can be regularly ARBITER
The indispensable conditions for granting such See Art. 218 (e) Above
temporary injunctive relief are:
(a) that the complaint alleges facts which ROLE OF THE LABOR ARBITER ( Book V Rule XXI
appear to be satisfactory to establish a proper sec. 13)—
basis for injunction, and …The reception of evidence for the application of
(b) that on the entire showing from the the writ of injunction may be delegated by the
contending parties, the injunction is Commission to any Labor Arbiter who shall
reasonably necessary to protect the legal submit his recommendations to the
rights of the plaintiff pending the litigation.


112 of 139
Part X : Labor Injunction
Labor Relations
Commissions for its consideration and resolution. threatened or committed charged with the
duty to protect complainant's property
Nestle Phils. Inc. V. NLRC (1991)
The power of the NLRC to issue writs of
injunction is found in Article 218 of the Labor b. reception at the hearing of "testimony of
Code, which provides: witnesses, with opportunity for cross-
 The Commission shall have the power and examination, in support of the allegations
authority: (e) To enjoin or restrain any of a complaint made under oath," as well
actual or threatened commission of any or as "testimony in opposition thereto, if
all prohibited or unlawful acts or to offered . . .;
require the performance of a particular c. "a finding of fact by the Commission, to
act in any labor dispute which, if not the effect:
restrained or performed forthwith, may 1) That prohibited or unlawful acts
cause grave or irreparable damage to any have been threatened and will be
party or render ineffectual any decision in committed and will be continued
favor of such party: . . ." unless restrained,
MAIN POINT OF THE CASE: That power, as the  but no injunction or
statute provides, can only be exercised in a LABOR temporary restraining order
DISPUTE. shall be issued on account of
Paragraph (1) of Article 212 of the Labor Code any threat, prohibited or
defines a labor dispute as follows: unlawful act,
"(1) ‘LABOR DISPUTE’ includes any  except against the person or
controversy or matters: persons, association or
- concerning terms or conditions of organization making the
employment or the association or threat or committing the
- representation of persons in prohibited or unlawful act or
negotiating, fixing, maintaining, actually authorizing or
changing or arranging the terms and ratifying the same after actual
conditions of employment, knowledge thereof;
- regardless of whether the disputants 2) That substantial and irreparable
stand in the proximate relation of injury to complainant's property
employer and employee." will follow;
Nestlés demand for payment of the private 3) That as to each item of relief to be
respondents' amortizations on their car loans, or, granted, greater injury will be
in the alternative, the return of the cars to the inflicted upon complainant by the
company, is not a labor, but a civil, dispute. It denial of relief than will be indicted
involves debtor-creditor relations, rather than upon defendants by the granting
employee-employer relations. of relief;
As noted, the options given to the private 4) That complainant has no adequate
respondents are civil in nature arising from remedy at law; and
contractual obligations. There is no labor aspect 5) That the public officers charged
involved in the enforcement of those obligations. with the duty to protect
The NLRC gravely abused its discretion and complainant's property are unable
exceeded its jurisdiction by issuing the writ of or unwilling to furnish adequate
injunction to stop the company from enforcing the protection."
civil obligation of the private respondents under
the car loan agreements and from protecting its EXCEPTION: When it can issue ex parte.
interest in the cars which, by the terms of those However, a temporary restraining order may
agreements, belong to it (the company) until their be issued ex parte under the following conditions:
purchase price shall have been fully paid by the a. the complainant "shall also allege that,
employee. The terms of the car loan agreements unless a temporary restraining order shall
are not in issue in the labor case. The rights and be issued without notice,
obligations of the parties under those contracts  a SUBSTANTIAL and IRREPARABLE
may be enforced by a separate civil action in the INJURY to complainant's PROPERTY
regular courts, not in the NLRC. will be unavoidable;"
b. there is "TESTIMONY under OATH,
Ilaw at Buklod ng Manggagawa (IBM) v. sufficient, if sustained, to justify the
NLRC (1991) Commission in issuing a temporary
GENERAL RULE: Cannot issue EX PARTE injunction upon hearing after notice;"
As a rule such restraining orders or injunctions c. the "complainant shall first file an
do not issue ex parte, but only after compliance undertaking with adequate security in an
with the following requisites, to wit: amount to be fixed by the Commission
a. a HEARING held "after due and sufficient to recompense those enjoined
PERSONAL NOTICE thereof has been for any loss, expense or damage caused
served, in such manner as the by the improvident or erroneous issuance
Commission shall direct, to all known of such order or injunction, including all
persons against whom relief is sought, reasonable costs, together with a
and also to the Chief Executive and other reasonable attorney's fee, and expense of
public officials of the province or city defense against the order or against
within which the unlawful acts have been the granting of any injunctive relief
sought in the same proceeding and


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Part X : Labor Injunction
Labor Relations
subsequently denied by the Commission;" In the Philippine milieu where social justice
and remains more as a rhetoric than a reality, labor
d. the "temporary restraining order shall be has vigilantly fought to safeguard the sanctity of
effective for no longer than twenty (20) the right to strike. Its struggle to gain the right to
days and shall become void at the strike has not been easy and effortless.
expiration of said twenty (20) days." Hence, on June 17, 1953, Congress gave
 The reception of evidence "for the statutory recognition to the right to strike when it
application of a writ of injunction may enacted RA 875, otherwise known as the Industrial
be delegated by the Commission to Peace Act.
any of its Labor Arbiters who shall For the first time in our constitutional history,
conduct such hearings in such places the fundamental law of our land (1987
as he may determine to be accessible Constitution) mandated the State to ".. guarantee
to the parties and their witnesses and the rights of all workers to self-organization,
shall submit thereafter his collective bargaining and negotiations, and
recommendation to the Commission." peaceful concerted activities, including the right to
The record reveals that the Commission strike in accordance with law." This constitutional
exercised the power directly and plainly granted to imprimatur given to the right to strike constitutes
it by sub-paragraph (e) Article 217 in relation to signal victory for labor. Our Constitutions of 1935
Article 254 of the Code, and that it faithfully and 1973 did not accord constitutional status to
observed the procedure and complied with the the right to strike
conditions for the exercise of that power RA 6715 came into being on March 21, 1989,
prescribed in said sub-paragraph (e). an intentional replication of RA 875. In light of
It acted on SMC's application for immediate the genesis of the right to strike, it ought to be
issuance of a temporary restraining order ex parte obvious that the right should be read with a
on the ground that substantial and irreparable libertarian latitude in favor of labor. In the wise
injury to its property would transpire before the words of Father Bernas, S.J.. . the constitutional
matter could be heard, on notice; it, however, first recognition of the right to strike does serve as a
direct SMC Labor Arbiter Carmen Talusan to reminder that injunctions, should be reduced to
receive SMC's testimonial evidence in support of the barest minimum".
the application and thereafter submit her In the case at bar, the records will show that
recommendation thereon; it found SMC's evidence the respondent NLRC failed to comply with the
adequate and issued the temporary restraining letter and spirit of Article 218 (e), (4) and (5) of
order upon bond. No irregularity may thus be the Labor Code in issuing its Order of May 5, 1992.
imputed to the respondent Commission in the
issuance of that order.  Article 218 (e) of the Labor Code provides
In any event, the temporary restraining order both the procedural and substantive
had a lifetime of only twenty (20) days and requirements which must strictly be
became void ipso facto at the expiration of that complied with before a temporary or
period. permanent injunction can issue in a labor
In view of the foregoing factual and legal dispute
considerations, all irresistibly leading to the basic  "Verily, the factual circumstances proven
conclusion that the concerted acts of the members by the evidence show that there was no
of petitioner Union in question are violative of the concurrence of the five (5) prerequisites
law and their formal agreement with the employer, mandated by Art. 218(e) of the Labor
the latter's submittal, in its counter-petition that Code. Thus there is no justification for the
there was, in the premises, a "legal duty and issuance of the questioned Order of
obligation" on the part of the respondent preliminary injunction."
Commission "to enjoin the unlawful and prohibited Moreover, the records reveal the continuing
acts and omissions of petitioner IBM and the misuse of unfair strategies to secure ex parte
workers complained of" 20 — a proposition with temporary restraining orders against striking
which, it must be said, the Office of the Solicitor employees.
General concurs, asserting that the "failure of the (a) Petitioner union did not receive any
respondent commission to resolve the application copy of private respondent's petition
for a writ of injunction is an abuse of discretion for injunction in Case No. 000249-92
especially in the light of the fact that the filed on April 8, 1992. Its address as
restraining order it earlier issued had already alleged by the private respondent
expired" — must perforce be conceded. turned out to be "erroneous".
(b) Consequently, the petitioner was
2. PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS AND RULES denied the right to attend the hearing
FOR THE ISSUANCE OF LABOR held on April 13, 1992 while the
INJUNCTIONS private respondent enjoyed a field
day presenting its evidence ex parte.
Bisig ng Manggagawa, etc. v. NLRC (1993) (c) On the basis of uncontested evidence,
Strike has been considered the most effective the public respondent, on the same
weapon of labor in protecting the rights of day April 13, 1992, temporarily
employees to improve the terms and conditions of enjoined the petitioner from
their employment. It may be that in highly committing certain alleged illegal
developed countries, the significance of strike as a acts. Again, a copy of the Order was
coercive weapon has shrunk in view of the sent to the wrong address of the
preference for more peaceful modes of settling petitioner. (d) Knowledge
labor disputes. of the Order came to the petitioner


114 of 139
Part X : Labor Injunction
Labor Relations
only when its striking members read 3. INJUNCTION AND MED-ARBITER
it after it was posted at the struck
areas of the private respondent. Dinio v. Laguesma (1997)
To be sure, the issuance of an ex parte In the performance of his duties, the public
temporary restraining order in a labor dispute is respondent should not be shackled by stringent
not per se prohibited. Its issuance, however, rules, if to do so would result in manifest injustice.
should be characterized by care and caution for Thus, he cannot, and correctly did not, turn a blind
the law requires that it be clearly justified by eye to the arbitrary and haphazard manner by
considerations of EXTREME NECESSITY, i.e., when which the Med-Arbiter issued the subject
the commission of unlawful acts is causing temporary restraining order, even though this
substantial and irreparable injury to company issue was not explicitly raised by private
properties and the company is, for the moment, respondents.
bereft of an adequate remedy at law. There is no question that the issuance of a
This is as it ought to be, for imprudently temporary restraining order is addressed to the
issued temporary restraining orders can break the sound discretion of the Med-Arbiter.
back of employees engaged in a legal strike.  However, "this discretion should be
 Often times, they unduly tilt the balance exercised based upon the grounds and in
of a labor warfare in favor of capital. the manner provided by law."
When that happens, the deleterious In the case of labor injunctions or temporary
effects of a wrongfully issued, ex parte restraining orders, one may issue only in instances
temporary restraining order on the rights where the complainant or applicant will suffer
of striking employees can no longer be grave or irreparable damages as provided in Sec.
repaired for they defy simple 5, Rule XVI, Book V of the Omnibus Rules
monetization. Moreover, experience Implementing the Labor Code:
shows that ex parte applications for Sec 5. Injunctions. — No temporary
restraining orders are often based on injunctions or restraining order in any case
involving or growing out of a labor dispute shall
fabricated facts and concealed truths. A
be issued by any court or other entity. On the
more becoming sense of fairness, other hand, the Office of the President, the
therefore, demands that such ex parte Secretary of Labor, the Commission, the Labor
applications should be more minutely Arbiter or med-arbiter may enjoin any or all
examined by hearing officers, lest, our acts involving or arising from any case pending
constitutional policy of protecting labor before any of said offices or officials which if
becomes nothing but a synthetic not restrained forthwith may cause grave or
irreparable damage to any of the parties to the
case or seriously affect social or economic
The immediate need to hear and resolve these stability.
ex parte applications does not provide any excuse In the instant controversy, the first petition for
to lower our vigilance in protecting labor against injunction and temporary restraining order filed by
the issuance of indiscriminate injunctions. Stated petitioners on 29 January 1992 was manifestly
otherwise, it behooves hearing officers receiving insufficient to show grave or irreparable injury and
evidence in support of ex parte injunctions against it puzzles us to no end how the Med-Arbiter could
employees in strike to take a more active stance in have issued the temporary restraining order on
seeing to it that their right to social justice is in no such flimsy basis. For instance, petitioners alleged
way violated despite their absence. This equalizing that the PCIBEU-Comelec was illegally constituted,
stance was not taken in the case at bar by the yet, they unhesitatingly participated in the pre-
public respondents. election process. They announced their candidates
Nor do we find baseless the allegation by and actively campaigned for them. In the petition
petitioner that the public respondents have for injunction itself, petitioners even stated that
neglected to resolve with reasonable dispatch its they filed their certificates of candidacy in
own Petition for Injunction with prayer for a compliance with the directives of the PCIBEU-
temporary restraining order dated April 25, 1992. Comelec. How can petitioners obey the orders of
The petition invoked Article 264 (d) of the the PCIBEU-Comelec and at the same time reject
Labor Code to enjoin the private respondent from its authority? This should have put the Med-Arbiter
using the military and police authorities to escort on guard.
scabs at the struck establishment. Sadly While it is true that the Med-Arbiter has the
contrasting is the haste with which public authority to issue a writ of preliminary injunction,
respondents heard and acted on a similar petition or a temporary restraining order against any act
for injunction filed by the private respondent. In arising from any case pending before him, the
the case of the private respondent, its prayer for exercise thereof shall always be subject to the test
an ex parte temporary restraining order was heard of reasonableness.
on April 13, 1992 and it was granted on the same The Med-Arbiter should ascertain that the act
day. Its petition for preliminary injunction was filed complained of, if not restrained forthwith, may
on April 30, 1992, and was granted on May 5, cause grave or irreparable damage to any of the
1992. parties to the case.
In the case of petitioner, its petition for Damage is considered "irreparable":
injunction was filed on April 24, 1992, and to date, a) if it is of such constant and frequent
the records do not reveal whether the public recurrence that no fair or reasonable
respondent has granted or denied the same. The redress can be had therefor in a court of
disparate treatment is inexplicable considering that law (Allendorf vs. Abalanson, 38 Phil.
the subject matters of their petition are of similar 585), or
importance to the parties and to the public. b) where there is no standard by which
their amount can be measured with


115 of 139
Part X : Labor Injunction
Labor Relations
reasonable accuracy, that is, it is not -- which, if not restrained or
susceptible of mathematical computation performed forthwith, may cause
(SSC vs. Bayona, et al., L-13555, May 30, grave or irreparable damage to
1962). any party or render ineffectual
Measured against such test, the act any decision in favor of such
complained of in the present case such as the party:
conduct of the election as originally set on 31
January 1992 may not be said to cause "grave or II. PROCEDURE for issuance of
irreparable" damage to the petitioner-appellee injunction (also the same for
considering that any complaint or question on the allegations under Art. 264)
conduct of the election maybe the subject of
protest, an administrative remedy available and -- Provided, That no temporary or
convenient to the parties in the case. permanent injunction in any case
On the contrary, considering that the petition involving or growing out of a
for issuance of a writ of injunction was filed barely labor dispute as defined in this
two days before the date set for the conduct of the Code shall be issued
election, when the election materials were already
readied and the other mechanics for election had A. except after hearing the
already been threshed out, to say the least, the testimony of witnesses,
damage that would result would substantially be B. with opportunity for cross-
more, should the election be postponed to another examination, in support of the
indefinite time. allegations of a complaint
It is well to remember that "injunctions or made under oath,
restraining orders are frowned upon as a matter of C. and testimony in opposition
labor relations policy," and as a general reminder: thereto, if offered, and
There is no power the exercise of which is D. only after a finding of fact by
more delicate which requires greater caution, the commission, to the effect:
deliberation, and sound discretion, or (which is)
more dangerous in a doubtful case than the (1) That prohibited or unlawful
issuing of an injunction; it is the strong arm of acts have been threatened
equity that never ought to be extended unless to and will be committed and
cases of great injury, where courts of law cannot will be continued unless
afford an adequate or commensurate remedy in restrained but no injunction
damages. The right must be clear, the injury or temporary restraining
impending or threatened, so as to be averted only order shall be issued on
by the protecting preventive process of injunction. account of any threat,
prohibited or unlawful act,
DISINI: except against the person or
persons, association or
1. Labor Injunction is not the same as the organization making the
injunction under the rules of court. threat or committing the
2. General rule is stated in Art. 254 prohibited or unlawful act or
- The exceptions are in Art. 218 and Art. 264 actually authorizing or
- If you are filing injunction under Art. 218, ratifying the same after
the allegations of the acts committed are actual knowledge thereof;
different from the allegations of acts
committed under Art. 264. BUT the procedure "(2) That substantial and
to follow is the same, Art. 218. irreparable injury to
3. Procedure for issuance of TRO is different from complainants property will
procedure of issuance of Injunction. follow;
- The similarity is in the testimony given.
- But TRO is different because it is valid only "(3) That as to each item of relief
for 20 days. to be granted, greater injury
4. It is important to take note of the BOND filed will be inflicted upon
and what other remedies there are just in complainant by the denial of
case the injunction or TRO is wrongfully relief than will be inflicted
issued. upon defendants by the
granting of relief;
ART. 218
Powers of the Commission. — The Commission "(4) That complainant has no
shall have the power and authority: adequate remedy at law;
(5) That the public officers
(e) To enjoin or restrain any actual charged with the duty to
or threatened commission of any protect complainants
or all prohibited or unlawful acts property are unable or
or to require the performance of unwilling to furnish adequate
a particular act in any labor protection.


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Part X : Labor Injunction
Labor Relations
E. PERSONAL NOTICE To whom shall have reasonable notice, the said
: "Such hearing shall be held complainant and surety submitting
after due and personal themselves to the jurisdiction of the
notice thereof has been Commission for that purpose.
served, in such manner as
the Commission shall direct, V. Other Remedies
- to all known persons But nothing herein contained shall
against whom relief is deprive any party having a claim or
sought, cause of action under or upon such
- and also to the Chief undertaking from electing to pursue his
Executive and ordinary remedy by suit at law or in
- other public officials of the equity:
province or city within which
the unlawful have been VI. Role of the Labor Arbiter
threatened or committed
charged with the duty to Provided, further, that the
protect complainant's (1) reception of evidence for the application of
property: a writ of injunction may be delegated by the
Commission to any of its Labor Arbiters who
III. PROCEDURE for issuance of shall conduct such hearings in such places as
Temporary Restraining Order he may determine to be accessible to the
parties and their witnesses and shall
 Provided, however, (2) submit thereafter his recommendation to
a) the complainant "shall also allege that, unless the Commission.
a temporary restraining order shall be issued
without notice,
to complainant's PROPERTY will be

b) there is "TESTIMONY under OATH, sufficient, if

sustained, to justify the Commission in issuing
a temporary injunction upon hearing after

c) the "temporary restraining order shall be

effective for no longer than twenty (20) days
and shall become void at the expiration of said
twenty (20) days."

d) No such temporary restraining order or

temporary injunction shall be issued except on
condition that
- "complainant shall first file an undertaking
with adequate security in an amount to be
fixed by the Commission sufficient to
recompense those enjoined for any loss,
expense or damage caused by the improvident
or erroneous issuance of such order or
injunction, including all reasonable costs,
together with a reasonable attorney's fee, and
expense of defense against the order or
against the granting of any injunctive relief
sought in the same proceeding and
subsequently denied by the Commission;"



A. The UNDERTAKING herein mentioned

shall be understood to constitute an
agreement into by the complainant and
the surety upon which an order may be
rendered in the same suit or proceeding
against said complainant and surety
upon a hearing to assess damages, of
which hearing complainant and surety


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Part XI : Alternatives to Use of Economic Force: Conciliation And Arbitration
Labor Relations


Chung Fu Industries v. CA (1992)
As early as the 1920's, this Court declared: "In
11.01 POLICY the Philippines fortunately, the attitude of the
courts toward arbitration agreements is slowly
Art. 211. crystallizing into definite and workable form ... The
Declaration of Policy. rule now is that unless the agreement is such as
(e)To provide an adequate administrative absolutely to close the doors of the courts against
machinery for the expeditious settlement of labor the parties, which agreement would be void, the
or industrial disputes; courts will look with favor upon such amicable
arrangements and will only with great reluctance
1987 Constitution. Art. XIII, Sec. 3 interfere to anticipate or nullify the action of the
x x x The State shall promote the principle of arbitrator.”
shared responsibility between workers and That there was a growing need for a law
employers and the preferential use of voluntary regulating arbitration in general was acknowledged
modes in settling disputes, including conciliation, when Republic Act No. 876 (1953), otherwise
and shall enforce their mutual compliance known as the Arbitration Law, was passed. "Said
therewith to foster industrial peace. Act was obviously adopted to supplement-not to
supplant-the New Civil Code on arbitration. It
expressly declares that' the provisions of chapters
11.02 CONCILIATION – AS PART OF one and two, Title XIV, Book IV of the Civil Code
In recognition of the pressing need for an
Art. 250 arbitral machinery for the early and expeditious
Procedure in collective bargaining. settlement of disputes in the construction industry,
c. If the dispute is not settled, the Board shall a Construction Industry Arbitration Commission
intervene upon request of either or both (CIAC) was created by Executive Order No. 1008,
parties or at its own initiative and immediately enacted on February 4, 1985.
call the parties to conciliation meetings. The In practice nowadays, absent an agreement of
Board shall have the power to issue the parties to resolve their disputes via a particular
subpoenas requiring the attendance of the mode, it is the regular courts that remain to
parties to such meetings. It shall be the duty resolve such matters. However, the parties may
of the parties to participate fully and promptly opt for recourse to third parties, exercising their
in the conciliation meetings the Board may basic freedom to "establish such stipulations,
call; clauses, terms and conditions as they may deem
d. During the conciliation proceedings in the convenient, provided they are not contrary to law,
Board, the parties are prohibited from doing morals, good customs, public order or public
any act which may disrupt or impede the early policy." In such a case, resort to the arbitration
settlement of the disputes; and process may be spelled out by them in a contract
e. The Board shall exert all efforts to settle in anticipation of disputes that may arise between
disputes amicably and encourage the parties them. Or this may be stipulated in a submission
to submit their case to a voluntary arbitrator. agreement when they are actually confronted by a
dispute. Whatever be the case, such recourse to an
Art. 233 extrajudicial means of settlement is not intended
Privileged communication. Information and to completely deprive the courts of jurisdiction. In
statements made at conciliation proceedings shall fact, the early cases on arbitration carefully spelled
be treated as privileged communication and shall out the prevailing doctrine at the time, thus: ". . .
not be used as evidence in the Commission. a clause in a contract providing that all matters in
Conciliators and similar officials shall not testify in dispute between the parties shall be referred to
any court or body regarding any matters taken up arbitrators and to them alone is contrary to public
at conciliation proceedings conducted by them. policy and cannot oust the courts of jurisdiction."
But certainly, the stipulation to refer all future
11.03 CONCILIATION AGENCY – disputes to an arbitrator or to submit an ongoing
dispute to one is valid. Being part of a contract
between the parties, it is binding and enforceable
MEDIATION BOARD in court in case one of them neglects, fails or
refuses to arbitrate. Going a step further, in the
Read: CONCILIATORS HANDBOOK, NCMB, DOLE event that they declare their intention to refer their
differences to arbitration first before taking
court action, this constitutes a condition
precedent, such that where a suit has been


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Part XI : Alternatives to Use of Economic Force: Conciliation And Arbitration
Labor Relations
instituted prematurely, the court shall suspend the to be equated with appellate jurisdiction.
same and the parties shall be directed forthwith to  In a special civil action of certiorari, the Court
proceed to arbitration. will not engage in a review of the facts found
A court action may likewise be proper where nor even of the law as interpreted or applied
the arbitrator has not been selected by the parties. by the arbitrator unless the supposed errors
Under present law, may the parties who agree to of fact or of law are so patent and gross and
submit their disputes to arbitration further provide prejudicial as to amount to a grave abuse of
that the arbitrators' award shall be final, discretion or an exces de pouvoir on the part
unappealable and executory? of the arbitrator."
Article 2044 of the Civil Code recognizes the Even decisions of administrative agencies
validity of such stipulation, thus: which are declared "final" by law are not exempt
 "Any stipulation that the arbitrator's award or from judicial review when so warranted.
decision shall be final is valid, without It should be stressed too, that voluntary
prejudice to Articles 2038, 2039 and 2040." arbitrators, by the nature of their functions, act in
 Similarly, the Construction Industry a quasi-judicial capacity. It stands to reason,
Arbitration Law provides that the arbitral therefore, that their decisions should not be
award "shall be final and inappealable except beyond the scope of the power of judicial review of
on questions of law which shall be appealable this Court.
to the Supreme Court."16
Under the original Labor Code, voluntary LM Power Engineering Corp. v. Capitol
arbitration awards or decisions were final, Industrial Construction Groups (2003)
unappealable and executory. "However, voluntary Held: Essentially, the dispute arose from the
arbitration awards or decisions on money claims, parties’ incongruent positions on whether certain
involving an amount exceeding One Hundred provisions of their Agreement could be applied to
Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00) or forty-percent the facts. The instant case involves technical
(40%) of the paid-up capital of the respondent discrepancies that are better left to an arbitral
employer, whichever is lower, may be appealed to body that has expertise in those areas.
the NLRC on any of the following grounds: (a)  In any event, the inclusion of an arbitration
abuse of discretion; and (b) gross incompetence." clause in a contract does not ipso facto divest
It is to be noted that the appeal in the instances the courts of jurisdiction to pass upon the
cited were to be made to the National Labor findings of arbitral bodies, because the
Relations Commission and not to the courts. awards are still judicially reviewable under
With the subsequent deletion of the above- certain conditions.
cited provision from the Labor Code, the voluntary The Subcontract of the parties contain an
arbitrator is now mandated to render an award or arbitration clause.
decision within 20 calendar days from the date of Being an inexpensive, speedy and amicable
submission of the dispute and such decision shall method of settling disputes, arbitration -- along
be final and executory after 10 calendar days from with mediation, conciliation and negotiation -- is
receipt of the copy of the award or decision by the encouraged by the Supreme Court. Aside from
parties. unclogging judicial dockets, arbitration also
Where the parties agree that the decision of hastens the resolution of disputes, especially of the
the arbitrator shall be final and unappealable as in commercial kind. It is thus regarded as the “wave
the instant case, the pivotal inquiry is whether of the future” in international civil and commercial
subject arbitration award is indeed beyond the disputes. Brushing aside a contractual agreement
ambit of the court's power of judicial review. calling for arbitration between the parties would be
We rule in the negative. It is stated explicitly a step backward.
under Art. 2044 of the Civil Code that the finality Consistent with the above-mentioned policy of
of the arbitrators' award is not absolute and encouraging alternative dispute resolution
without exceptions. methods, courts should liberally construe
 Where the conditions described in Articles arbitration clauses. Provided such clause is
2038, 2039 and 2040 applicable to both susceptible of an interpretation that covers the
compromises and arbitrations are obtaining, asserted dispute, an order to arbitrate should be
the arbitrators' award may be annulled or granted. Any doubt should be resolved in favor of
rescinded. arbitration.
 Additionally, under Sections 24 and 25 of the According to petitioner, assuming arguendo
Arbitration Law, there are grounds for that the dispute is arbitrable, the failure to file a
vacating, modifying or rescinding an formal request for arbitration with the Construction
arbitrator's award. Industry Arbitration Commission (CIAC) precluded
If courts refuse or neglect to inquire into the the latter from acquiring jurisdiction over the
factual milieu of an arbitrator's award to determine question.
whether it is in accordance with law or within the Held: Sec 1 of Article II of the old Rules of
scope of his authority? How may the power of Procedure Governing Construction Arbitration
judicial review be invoked? indeed required the submission of a request for
This is where the proper remedy is certiorari arbitration, as follows. However, the new Rules of
under Rule 65 the Revised Rules of Court. It is to Procedure Governing Construction Arbitration has
be borne in mind, however, that this action will lie dispensed with this requirement and recourse to
only where a grave abuse of discretion or an act the CIAC may now be availed of whenever a
without or in excess of jurisdiction on the part of contract “contains a clause for the submission of a
the voluntary arbitrator is clearly shown. future controversy to arbitration” .
 For "the writ of certiorari is an extraordinary  Clearly, there is no more need to file a
remedy and that certiorari jurisdiction is not request with the CIAC in order to vest it


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Part XI : Alternatives to Use of Economic Force: Conciliation And Arbitration
Labor Relations
with jurisdiction to decide a construction enforcement agencies to ensure the compliance
dispute. with this provision as well as with such orders as
The arbitral clause in the Agreement is a he may issue to enforce the same.
commitment on the part of the parties to submit to
arbitration the disputes covered therein. Because In line with the national concerns for and highest
that clause is binding, they are expected to abide respect accorder to the right of patients to life and
by it in good faith. And because it covers the health, strikes and lock-outs in HOSPITALS,
dispute between the parties in the present case, CLINICS, and SIMILAR MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS
either of them may compel the other to arbitrate. SHALL, to every extent possible, BE AVOIDED, and
all serious efforts, not only by labor and
management but government as well, be
exhausted to SUBSTANTIALLY MINIMIZE, if not
prevent, their adverse effects on such life and
health, through the exercise, however legitimate,
by labor of its right to strike and by management
to lockout.
In labor disputes adversely affecting the continued
operation of such hospitals, clinics or medical
SUBJECT TO COMPULSORY ARBITRATION 1. it shall be the DUTY of striking union or
locking out employer to provide and
Compulsory Arbitration is by mandate of law. maintain an EFFECTIVE SKELETAL
While voluntary arbitration is by agreement of WORKFORCE of medical and other health
parties. personnel,
2. Whose movement and services shall be
 What is the type of dispute subject to unhampered and unrestricted, as are
compulsory arbitration? Labor disputes in necessary to insure the proper and
industry indispensable to the national adequate protection of the life and health
interest. of its patients, most especially emergency
cases, for the duration of the strike or
 Who is initiating party? Initiated by the lockout.
Secretary of Labor or the President.
In such cases, therefore, the Secretary of Labor
Take note that the NLRC has no authority to and Employment may IMMEDIATELY assume,
initiate. The NLRC only comes into the picture within twenty four (24) hours from knowledge of
when the secretary of labor or the President the occurrence of such a strike or lockout,
certifies the case to them. jurisdiction over the same or certify it to the
Commission for compulsory arbitration.
Art. 263 (g)
Strikes, Picketing, and Lock-outs For this purpose the contending parties are
When, in his OPINION, STRICTLY ENJOINED to comply with such orders,
 there exists a LABOR DISPUTE prohibitions and/or injunctions as are issued by the
 causing or likely to cause a STRIKE OR LOCK- Secretary of Labor and Employment or the
OUT Commission, under pain of immediate disciplinary
 in an INDUSTRY INDISPENDSABLE TO THE action, including dismissal or loss of employment
NATIONAL INTERESTS, status or payment by the locking-out employer of
The Secretary of Labor and Employment MAY back wages, damages and other affirmative relief,
1. assume jurisdiction over the dispute and even criminal prosecution against either or both of
decide it OR them.
2. certify the same to the Commission
(NLRC) for COMPULSORY ARBITRATION. The foregoing notwithstanding, the President of the
Philippines shall not be precluded
Such assumption or certification shall have the 1. From DETERMINING THE INDUSTRIES
effect of: that, in HIS OPINION, are indispensable
AUTOMATICALLY enjoining the intended or to the national interest, and
impending strike or lock-out as specified in the 2. From intervening at any time and
assumption or certification order. assuming jurisdiction over such labor
dispute in order to settle or terminate the
If one has already taken place at the time of same.
assumption or certification,
1. All striking or locked-out employees shall Sec. 22 RA 8791
IMMEDIATELY RETURN TO WORK Banking institutions are industries indispensable to
2. AND the employer shall IMMEDIATELY the national interest.
resume operations and READMIT all
workers under the SAME terms and PAL v. NLRC (1989)
conditions prevailing before the strike or Neither can proceedings on appeal before the
lock-out. NLRC en banc be considered as part of the
arbitration proceeding.
The Secretary of Labor and Employment or the In its broad sense, arbitration is the
Commission may seek the assistance of law reference of a dispute to an impartial third


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Part XI : Alternatives to Use of Economic Force: Conciliation And Arbitration
Labor Relations
person, chosen by the parties or appointed by compelled to accept the resolution of their dispute
statutory authority to hear and decide the case in through arbitration by a third party.
controversy [Chan Linte v. Law Union and Rock, The essence of arbitration remains since a
Inc. Co., 42 Phil. 548 (1921)]. resolution of a dispute is arrived at by resort to a
When the consent of one of the parties is disinterested third party whose decision is final and
enforced by statutory provisions, the proceeding is binding on the parties, but in compulsory
referred to as compulsory arbitration. arbitration, such a third party is normally
In labor cases, compulsory arbitration is the appointed by the government.
process of settlement of labor disputes by a
government agency which has the authority to Trans-Asia Shipping Lines, Inc. v. CA (2004)
investigate and to make an award which is binding A cursory reading of the above provision
on all the parties shows that when the Secretary of Labor assumes
Under the Labor Code, it is the Labor Arbiter jurisdiction over a labor dispute in an industry
who is clothed with the authority to conduct indispensable to national interest or certifies the
compulsory arbitration on cases involving same to the NLRC for compulsory arbitration, such
termination disputes [Article 217, Pres. Decree No. assumption or certification shall have the effect of
442, as amended]. automatically enjoining the intended or impending
When the Labor Arbiter renders his decision, strike or lockout. Moreover, if one had already
compulsory arbitration is deemed terminated taken place, all striking workers shall immediately
because by then the hearing and determination of return to work and the employer shall immediately
the controversy has ended. resume operations and readmit all workers under
Any appeal raised by an aggrieved party from the same terms and conditions prevailing before
the Labor Arbiter's decision is already beyond the the strike or lockout.
scope of arbitration since in the appeal stage, the The powers granted to the Secretary of Labor
NLRC en banc merely reviews the Labor Arbiter's under Article 263 (g) of the Labor Code have been
decision for errors of fact or law and no longer characterized as an exercise of the police power of
duplicates the proceedings before the Labor the State, with the aim of promoting public good:
Arbiter. Thus, the clause "pending final resolution When the Secretary exercises these powers, he is
of the case by arbitration" should be understood to granted “great breadth of discretion” in order to
be limited only to the proceedings before the Labor find a solution to a labor dispute. The most obvious
Arbiter, such that when the latter rendered his of these powers is the automatic enjoining of an
decision, the case was finally resolved by impending strike or lockout or the lifting thereof if
arbitration. one has already taken place.
 Assumption of jurisdiction over a labor
GTE Directories Corp. v. GTE Directories Corp. dispute, or as in this case the certification of
Employees Union (1991) the same to the NLRC for compulsory
Minister Sanchez decided the dispute in the arbitration, always co-exists with an order for
exercise of the jurisdiction assumed by his workers to return to work immediately and
predecessor in accordance with Article 263 (g) of for employers to readmit all workers under
the Labor Code. the same terms and conditions prevailing
Even that assumption s is open to question. before the strike or lockout.
The production and publication of telephone That respondent’s business is of national
directories, which is the principal activity of GTE, interest is not disputed. It is engaged in coastwise
can scarcely be described as an industry affecting shipping services for the transportation of
the national interest. GTE is a publishing firm passengers and cargoes.
chiefly dependent on the marketing and sale of  The direct intervention of this Office becomes
advertising space for its not inconsiderable imperative on account of the magnitude of
revenues. the adverse effect of any work stoppage at
Its services, while of value, cannot be deemed the Company to the regional and national
to be in the same category of such essential economy. Under the present state of things,
activities as "the generation or distribution of the exercise of this Office’s power as
energy" or those undertaken by "banks, hospitals, embodied under Article 263 (g) of the Labor
and export-oriented industries." Code, as amended, is warranted.
 It cannot be regarded as playing as vital a The maritime industry is indubitably imbued
role in communication as other mass media. with national interest. Under the circumstances,
The small number of employees involved in the Labor Secretary correctly intervened in the
the dispute, the employer's payment of "P10 labor dispute between the parties to this case by
million in income tax alone to the Philippine certifying the same to the NLRC for compulsory
government," and the fact that the "top arbitration.
officers of the union were dismissed during
the conciliation process," obviously do not Manila Diamond Hotel Employees’ Union v. CA
suffice to make the dispute in the case at bar (2004)
one "adversely affecting the national The CA based its decision on this Court’s ruling
interest." in UST v. NLRC. There, the Secretary assumed
jurisdiction over the labor dispute between striking
Luzon Development Bank v. Association of teachers and the university. He ordered the
Development Bank Employees (1995) striking teachers to return to work and the
Compulsory arbitration is a system whereby university to accept them under the same terms
the parties to a dispute are compelled by the and conditions.
government to forego their right to strike and are  However, in a subsequent order, the NLRC
provided payroll reinstatement for the


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striking teachers as an alternative remedy to employees shall immediately return to work
actual reinstatement. and the employer shall immediately resume
operations and readmit all workers under the
 True, this Court held therein that the NLRC
same terms and conditions prevailing before
did not commit grave abuse of discretion in the strike or lockout. x x x
providing for the alternative remedy of This provision is viewed as an exercise of the
payroll reinstatement. This Court found that police power of the State. A prolonged strike or
it was merely an error of judgment, which is lockout can be inimical to the national economy
not correctible by a special civil action for and, therefore, the situation is imbued with public
certiorari. The NLRC was only trying its best necessity and involves the right of the State and
to work out a satisfactory ad hoc solution to a the public to self-protection.
festering and serious problem. Under Article 263(g), all workers must
However, this Court notes that the UST ruling immediately return to work and all employers must
was made in the light of one very important fact: readmit all of them under the same terms and
the teachers could not be given back their conditions prevailing before the strike or lockout.
academic assignments since the order of the  This Court must point out that the law uses
Secretary for them to return to work was given in the precise phrase of “under the same terms
the middle of the first semester of the academic and conditions,” revealing that it
year. contemplates only actual reinstatement.
 The NLRC was, therefore, faced with a  This is in keeping with the rationale that any
situation where the striking teachers were work stoppage or slowdown in that particular
entitled to a return to work order, but the industry can be inimical to the national
university could not immediately reinstate economy. It is clear that Article 263(g) was
them since it would be impracticable and not written to protect labor from the excesses
detrimental to the students to change of management, nor was it written to ease
teachers at that point in time. management from expenses, which it
In the present case, there is no showing that normally incurs during a work stoppage or
the facts called for payroll reinstatement as an slowdown.
alternative remedy. A strained relationship It is, therefore, evident from the foregoing
between the striking employees and management that the Secretary’s subsequent order for mere
is no reason for payroll reinstatement in lieu of payroll reinstatement constitutes grave abuse of
actual reinstatement. discretion amounting to lack or excess of
Petitioner correctly points out that labor jurisdiction.
disputes naturally involve strained relations Even in the exercise of his discretion under
between labor and management, and that in most Article 236(g), the Secretary must always keep in
strikes, the relations between the strikers and the mind the purpose of the law. Time and again, this
non-strikers will similarly be tense. Nevertheless, Court has held that when an official by-passes the
the government must still perform its function and law on the asserted ground of attaining a laudable
apply the law, especially if, as in this case, national objective, the same will not be maintained if the
interest is involved. intendment or purpose of the law would be
Whether the Court of Appeals erred in ruling defeated.
that the Secretary did not commit any grave abuse
of discretion in ordering payroll reinstatement in 2. RATIONALE FOR COMPULSORY
lieu of actual reinstatement? ARBITRATION
This question is answered by the nature of
Article 263(g). National Federation of Labor v. MOLE (1983)
As a general rule, the State encourages an "The very nature of a return-to-work order
environment wherein employers and employees issued in a certified case lends itself to no other
themselves must deal with their problems in a construction.
manner that mutually suits them best. This is the  The certification attests to the urgency of the
basic policy embodied in Article XIII, Section 3 of matter, affecting as it does an industry
the Constitution, which was further echoed in indispensable to the national interest. The
Article 211 of the Labor Code. order is issued in the exercise of the court's
 Hence, a voluntary, instead of compulsory, compulsory power of arbitration, and
mode of dispute settlement is the general therefore must be obeyed until set aside.
rule.  To say that its effectivity must await
However, Article 263(g), which allows the affirmance on a motion for reconsideration is
Secretary of Labor to assume jurisdiction over a not only to emasculate it but indeed to defeat
labor dispute involving an industry indispensable its import, for by then the deadline fixed for
to the national interest, provides an exception: the return to work would, in the ordinary
(g) When, in his opinion, there exists a
labor dispute causing or likely to cause a
course, have already passed and hence can
strike or lockout in an industry indispensable no longer be affirmed insofar as the time
to the national interest, the Secretary of element is concerned."
Labor and Employment may assume It is quite apparent, therefore, why this case
jurisdiction over the dispute and decide it or calls for prompt decision. After this long lapse of
certify the same to the Commission for time, respondent Zamboanga Wood Products, Inc.
compulsory arbitration. Such assumption or
had failed to abide by the clear and mandatory
certification shall have the effect of
automatically enjoining the intended or
requirement of the law.
impending strike or lockout as specified in the It would negate the very purpose of a
assumption or certification order. If one has compulsory arbitration, which precisely is
already taken place at the time of assumption intended to call a halt to a pending strike by
or certification, all striking or locked out requiring that the status quo prior to its


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declaration be preserved, if one of the parties fails allowable under the [1973] Constitution, and
to live up to such a norm. The inconsistencies quite understandable in labor disputes
between what was sought by private respondent, affected with a national interest, to be free
namely, compulsory arbitration, and the failure to from the taint of unconstitutionality, must be
admit the striking employees back to work in the exercised in accordance with the
meantime, cannot be countenanced. As noted constitutional mandate of protection to labor.
earlier, time is of the essence as far as the eighty- The arbiter then is called upon to take due
one petitioners are concerned. care that in the decision to be reached, there is no
violation of "the rights of workers to self-
Phil. School of Business Administration v. organization, collective bargaining, security of
Noriel(1988) tenure, and just and humane conditions of work."
In the opinion of Acting Secretary Noriel, the [Art. II, Sec. 9, 1973 Constitution.]
labor dispute adversely affected the national  It is of course manifest that there is such
interest, affecting as it did some 9,000 students. unconstitutional application if a law "fair on
He was authorized by law to assume jurisdiction its face and impartial in appearance is applied
over the labor dispute, after finding that it and administered by a public authority with
adversely affected the national interest. This power an evil eye and an unequal hand." [Yick Wo
is expressly granted by Art. 263(g) of the Labor v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356, 372 (1886).] It
Code. does not even have to go that far. An
 Acting Secretary Noriel did exactly what he instance of unconstitutional application would
was supposed to do under the Labor Code. be discernible if what is ordained by the
Petitioner contends that the Acting Secretary fundamental law, the protection of law, is
erred when he found that the strike staged by ignored or disregarded.
respondent union and its members, who had
already been restrained by the RTC from picketing Manila Cordage Company v. CIR (1971)
and barricading the main gate of the school, was a The purpose of a presidential certification is
fit subject of a return to work order. nothing more than to bring about soonest, thru
However, the Court finds that no error was made arbitration by the industrial court, a fair and just
by the Acting Secretary. solution of the differences between an employer
 The RTC had no jurisdiction over the subject and his workers regarding the terms and
matter of the case filed by some PSBA conditions of work in the industry concerned which
students, involving as it does a labor dispute in the opinion of the President involves the national
over which the labor agencies had exclusive interest, so that the damage such employer-worker
jurisdiction. That the regular courts have no dispute might cause upon the national interest
jurisdiction over labor disputes and to issue may be minimized as much as possible, if not
injunctions against strikes is well-settled. totally averted by avoiding the stoppage of work as
It may also be added that due to petitioner's a result of a strike or lock out or any lagging of the
intransigent refusal to attend the conciliation activities of the industry or the possibility of these
conferences called after the union struck, contingencies which might cause detriment to such
assumption of jurisdiction by the Secretary of national interest.
Labor and the issuance of a return-to-work order This is the foundation of that court's
had become the only way of breaking the deadlock jurisdiction in what may be termed as a
and maintaining the status quo ante pending certification case.
resolution of the dispute. Naturally, if the employer and the workers are
The Solicitor General was correct when he able to arrive at an amicable settlement by free
stated that by assuming jurisdiction over the labor and voluntary collective bargaining preferably thru
dispute, the Acting Secretary of Labor merely a labor union, before the court is able to use its
provided for a formal forum for the parties to good offices, it is but in consonance with the
ventilate their positions with the end in view of objective of the Industrial Peace Act to promote
settling the dispute. unionism and free collective bargaining that the
It is, therefore, error for the petitioners to court should step out of the picture and declare its
allege that by the mere act of certifying a labor function in the premises at an end, except as it
dispute for compulsory arbitration and issuing a may become necessary to determine whether or
return to work order, the Minister of Labor and not the agreement forged by the parties is not
Employment thereby "enters the picture on the contrary to law, morals or public policy.
side of the Company," and violates the freedom of
expression of workers engaged in picketing, "in 3. PROCESS INITIATION – CERTIFICATION
utter subversion of the constitutional rights of OF DISPUTE
workers." 1) Initiating Party
As contended by the SolGen, "there can be no a) Secretary DOLE
such unconstitutional application (of BP 227) b) President
because all that Minister has done is to certify the
labor dispute for arbitration and thereafter Union of Filipino Employees v. Nestle
personally assume jurisdiction over it. He has not Philippines (1990)
rendered any decision; he has not favored one The assumption of jurisdiction by the
party over the other. Secretary of Labor over labor disputes causing or
The exercise of the power, to be in full accord likely to cause a strike or lockout in an industry
with the Constitution, must be with a view to the indispensable to the national interest is in the
protection of labor: nature of a POLICE POWER measure.
 . . . It must be stressed anew, however, that It cannot be denied that the private
the power of compulsory arbitration, while respondent is engaged in an undertaking


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Labor Relations
affected with public interest being one of the As early as 1913, this Court laid down in
largest manufacturers of food products. Herrera vs. Baretto, et al. “the fundamental
The compelling consideration of the normative rule that jurisdiction is the authority to
Secretary's assumption of jurisdiction is the fact hear and determine a cause - the right to act in a
that case.
 a prolonged strike or lockout is inimical to the  However, this should be distinguished
national economy and from the exercise of jurisdiction. The
 thus, the need to implement some measures authority to decide a case at all and not
to suppress any act which will hinder the the decision rendered therein is what
company's essential productions is makes up jurisdiction. Where there is
indispensable for the promotion of the jurisdiction over the person and the
COMMON GOOD. subject matter, the decision of all other
Under this situation, the Secretary's questions arising in the case is but an
certification order for compulsory arbitration which exercise of that jurisdiction.
was intended for the immediate formulation of an In the present case, the Secretary was
already delayed CBA was proper. explicitly granted by Art. 263(g) of the Labor Code
Corollary, the NLRC was thereby charged with the authority to assume jurisdiction over a labor
the task of implementing the certification order for dispute causing or likely to cause a strike or
compulsory arbitration. lockout in an industry indispensable to the national
 As the implementing body, its authority did interest, and decide the same accordingly.
not include the power to amend the Necessarily, this authority to assume jurisdiction
Secretary's order. over the said labor dispute must include and
For the same reason, We rule that the prayer extend to
to declare the respondent company guilty of acts  all questions and controversies arising
of unfair labor practice when it allegedly resorted therefrom,
to practices designed to delay the collective  including cases over which the labor
bargaining negotiations cannot be subsumed in arbiter has exclusive jurisdiction.
this petition, it being beyond the scope of the Moreover, Art. 217 is not without, but
certification order. contemplates, exceptions thereto. This is evident
Petitioner argues that because of the public from the opening proviso therein reading "(e)xcept
respondent's actuation in this regard, it committed as otherwise provided under this Code . . ." Plainly,
grave abuse of discretion as it allowed multiplicity Article 263(g) was meant to make both the
of suits and splitting causes of action which are Secretary (or the various regional directors) and
barred by procedural rule. the labor arbiters share jurisdiction, subject to
certain conditions.
What is compulsory arbitration? Otherwise, the Secretary would not be able to
"When the consent of one of the parties is effectively and efficiently dispose of the primary
enforced by statutory provisions, the proceeding is dispute. To hold the contrary may even lead to the
referred to as compulsory arbitration In labor absurd and undesirable result wherein the
cases, compulsory arbitration is the process of Secretary and the labor arbiter concerned may
settlement of labor disputes by a government have diametrically opposed rulings.
agency which has the authority to investigate and  As we have said, "(i)t is fundamental that
to make an award which is binding on all the a statute is to be read in a manner that
parties. would breathe life into it, rather than
When sitting in a compulsory arbitration defeat it.
certified to by the Secretary of Labor, the NLRC is In fine, the issuance of the assailed orders is
 not sitting as a judicial court within the province of the Secretary as authorized
 but as an administrative body charged by Article 263(g) of the Labor Code and Article
with the duty to implement the order of 217(a) (1) and (5) of the same Code, taken
the Secretary. conjointly and rationally construed to subserve the
In this case, Its function only is to formulate objective of the jurisdiction vested in the
the terms and conditions of the CBA and cannot go Secretary.
beyond the scope of the order. Our pronouncement on this point should be
Moreover, the Commission is further tasked to distinguished from the situation which obtained
act within the earliest time possible and with the and our consequent ruling in Servando's, Inc. vs.
end in view that its action would not only serve the Sec of Labor wherein we referred to the
interests of the parties alone, but would also have appropriate labor arbiter a case previously decided
favorable implications to the community and to the by the Secretary.
economy as a whole.  The said case was declared to be within
In view of the avowed but limited purpose of the exclusive jurisdiction of the labor
respondent's assumption of jurisdiction over this arbiter since the aggregate claims of each
compulsory arbitration case, it cannot be faulted in of the employees involved exceeded
not taking cognizance of other matters that would P5,000.00.
defeat this purpose.  In Servando, the Secretary invoked his
visitorial and enforcement powers to
Int’l Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Secretary of assume jurisdiction over the ease, the
DOLE (1992) exclusive and original jurisdiction of which
The foregoing provisions persuade us that the belongs to the labor arbiter. We said that
Secretary did not gravely abuse his discretion to uphold the Secretary would empower
when he issued the questioned orders. him, under his visitorial powers, to hear
and decide an employee's claim of


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more than P5,000.00. We held that he necessary to make effective the exercise
could not do that and we, therefore, of its jurisdiction.
overruled him.  The parties involved in the case may
In the present case, however, by virtue of appeal to the Supreme Court from the
Article 263(g) of the Labor Code, the Secretary has order or orders thus issued by the CIR.
been conferred jurisdiction over cases which would And so, in the instant case, when the
otherwise be under the original and exclusive President took into consideration that the
jurisdiction of labor arbiters. University "has some 18,000 students and
There was an existing labor dispute as a result of a employed approximately 500 faculty members,"
deadlock in the negotiation for a CBA and the that "the continued disruption in the operation of
consequent strike, over which the Secretary the University will necessarily prejudice the
assumed jurisdiction pursuant to Article 263(g) of thousand of students", and that "the dispute
the Labor Code. affects the national interest", and certified the
 The three NLRC cases were just offshoots dispute to the CIR, it is not for the CIR nor this
of the stalemate in the negotiations and Court to pass upon the correctness of the reasons
the strike. of the President in certifying the labor dispute to
 We, therefore, uphold the Secretary's the CIR.
order to consolidate the NLRC cases with
the labor dispute pending before him and 4. ARBITRATION AGENCIES
his subsequent assumption of jurisdiction
over the said NLRC cases for him to be St. Scholastica’s College v. Torres (1992)
able to competently and efficiently An issue that is not part of the dispute may be
dispose of the dispute in its totality. ruled on a compulsory arbitration case if it was
submitted by the parties.
Feati University v. Bautista(1966) The issue on whether respondent SECRETARY
"It thus appears that when in the opinion of has the power to assume jurisdiction over a labor
the President a labor dispute exists in an industry dispute and its incidental controversies, causing or
indispensable to national interest and he certifies it likely to cause a strike or lockout in an industry
to the Court of Industrial Relations the latter indispensable to the national interest, was already
acquires jurisdiction to act thereon in the manner settled in International Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
provided by law. Secretary of Labor and Employment. Therein, We
Thus the court may take either of the ruled that:
following courses:
a. it may issue an order forbidding ". . . [T]he Secretary was explicitly granted
employees to strike or the employer to by Article 263 (g) of the Labor Code the
authority to assume jurisdiction over a labor
lockout its employees, or, failing in this,
dispute causing or likely to cause a strike or
b. it may issue an order fixing the terms and lockout in an industry indispensable to the
conditions of employment. It has no other national interest, and decide the same
alternative. It can throw the case out in accordingly. Necessarily, this authority to
the assumption that the certification was assume jurisdictional over the said labor
erroneous. dispute must include and extend to all
". . . The fact, however, is that because of the questions and controversies arising
therefrom, including cases over which the
strike declared by the members of the minority
Labor Arbiter has exclusive jurisdiction."
union which threatens a major industry the
President deemed it wise to certify the controversy At first glance, the rulings above stated seem
to the Court of Industrial Relations for to run counter to that of PAL v. Secretary or Labor
adjudication. and Employment, which was, cited by petitioner.
This is the power that the law gives to the But the conflict is only apparent, not real.
President the propriety of its exercise being a  To recall, We ruled in the latter case
matter that only devolves upon him. that the jurisdiction of the Secretary
The same is not the concern of the industrial of Labor and Employment in
court. What matters is that by virtue of the assumption and/or certification cases
certification made by the President the case was is limited to the issues that are
placed under the jurisdiction of said court." involved in the disputes or to those
To certify a labor dispute to the CIR is the that are submitted to him for
prerogative of the President under the law, and resolution.
this Court will not interfere in, much less curtail,  The seeming difference is, however,
the exercise of that prerogative. reconcilable. Since the matter on the
The jurisdiction of the CIR in a certified case is legality or illegality of the strike was
exclusive (Rizal Cement Co., Inc. vs. Rizal Cement never submitted to him for resolution,
Workers Union (FFW), et al., G. R. L-12747, July he was thus found to have exceeded
30, 1960). his jurisdiction when he restrained
 Once the jurisdiction is acquired pursuant the employer from taking disciplinary
to the presidential certification, the CIR action against employees who staged
may exercise its broad powers as an illegal strike.
provided in Commonwealth Act 103. All Before the Secretary of Labor and Employment
phases of the labor dispute and the may take cognizance of an issue which is merely
employer-employee relationship may be incidental to the labor dispute, therefore, the same
threshed out before the CIR, and the CIR must be involved in the labor dispute itself, or
may issue such order or orders as may be otherwise submitted to him for resolution.


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 If it was not, as was the case in PAL and involving academic institutions was already upheld
he nevertheless acted on it, that in Philippine School of Business Administration v.
assumption of jurisdiction is tantamount Noriel where We ruled thus:
to a grave abuse of discretion.  "There is no doubt that the on-going labor
 Otherwise, the ruling in International dispute at the school adversely affects the
Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Secretary of national interest.
Labor and Employment, supra, will apply. Respondent UNION's failure to immediately
The submission of an incidental issue of a comply with the return-to-work order of 5
labor dispute, in assumption and/or certification November 1990, therefore, cannot be condoned.
cases, to the Secretary of Labor and Employment The respective liabilities of striking union
for his resolution is thus one of the instances officers and members who failed to immediately
referred to whereby the latter may exercise comply with the return-to-work order is outlined in
concurrent jurisdiction together with the Labor Art. 264 of the Labor Code which provides that any
Arbiters. declaration of a strike or lockout after the
Secretary of Labor and Employment has assumed
Effect of non-compliance with return to work order jurisdiction over the labor dispute is considered an
Non-compliance with the certification order of illegal act. Any worker or union officer who
the Sec of Labor or a return to work order of the knowingly participates in a strike defying a return-
Commission shall be considered an illegal act to-work order may, consequently, "be declared to
committed in the course of the strike or lookout have lost his employment status."
and shall authorize the Sec of Labor or the  Thus, we held in Sarmiento v. Tuico,
Commission, as the case may be, to enforce the supra, that by insisting on staging the
same under pain or loss of employment status or restrained strike and defiantly picketing
entitlement to full employment benefits from the the company premises to prevent the
locking-out employer or backwages, damages resumption of operations, the strikers
and/or other positive and/or affirmative reliefs, have forfeited their right to be readmitted,
even to criminal prosecution against the liable having abandoned their positions, and so
parties . . ." could be validly replaced.
Private respondent UNION maintains that the The sympathy of the Court which, as a rule, is
reason they failed to immediately comply with the on the side of the laboring classes (Reliance Surety
return-to-work order was because they questioned & Insurance Co., Inc. v. NLRC), cannot be
the assumption of jurisdiction of respondent extended to the striking union officers and
SECRETARY. members in the instant petition. There was willful
 They were of the impression that being an disobedience not only to one but two return-to-
academic institution, the school could not work orders.
be considered an industry indispensable  Considering that the UNION consisted
to national interest, and that pending mainly of teachers, who are supposed to
resolution of the issue, they were under be well-lettered and well-informed, the
no obligation to immediately return to Court cannot overlook the plain arrogance
work. and pride displayed by the UNION in this
This position of the UNION is simply flawed. labor dispute.
Article 263 (g) provides that if a strike has already  It is clear from the provisions above
taken place at the time of assumption, "all striking quoted that from the moment a worker
. . . employees shall immediately return to work." defies a return-to-work order, he is
This means that by its very terms, a return-to- deemed to have abandoned his job. It is
work order is immediately effective and executory already in itself knowingly participating in
notwithstanding the filing of a motion for an illegal act. Otherwise, the worker will
reconsideration just simply refuse to return to his work
It must be strictly complied with even during and cause a standstill they refused to
the pendency of any petition questioning its discharge or allow the management to fill
validity (Union of Filipro Employees v. Nestle' (Sarmiento v. Tuico, supra).
Philippines, Inc., supra)  Suffice it to say, in Federation of Free
 After all, the assumption and/or Workers v. Inciong, supra, the workers
certification order is issued in the exercise were terminated from work after defying
of respondent SECRETARY's compulsive the return-to-work order for only nine (9)
power of arbitration and, until set aside, days. It is indeed inconceivable that an
must therefore be immediately complied employee, despite a return-to-work order,
with. will be allowed in the interim to stand
The rationale for this rule is explained in akimbo and wait until five (5) orders shall
University of Sto. Tomas v. NLRC, have been issued for their return before
 "To say that the return-to-work order they report back to work. This is absurd.
effectivity must wait affirmance in a
motion for reconsideration is not only to 5. EFFECT OF CERTIFICATION AND
emasculate it but indeed to defeat its VIOLATION OF ORDER
import, for by then the deadline fixed for
the return to work would, in the ordinary Sarmiento v. Tuico (1988)
course, have already passed and hence The law itself provides that "such assumption
can no longer be affirmed insofar as the or certification shall have the effect of
time element is concerned." automatically enjoining the intended or
Moreover, the assumption of jurisdiction by impending strike. If one has already taken place
the Secretary of Labor over labor disputes at the time of assumption or certification, all


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Labor Relations
striking or locked out employees shall immediately readmitted, having abandoned their
return to work and the employer shall immediately positions, and so could be validly
resume operations and readmit all workers under replaced.
the same terms and conditions prevailing before One other point that must be underscored is
the strike or lockout." that the return-to-work order is issued pending the
It must be stressed that while one purpose of determination of the legality or illegality of the
the return-to-work order is to protect the workers strike. It is not correct to say that it may be
who might otherwise be locked out by the enforced only if the strike is legal and may be
employer for threatening or waging the strike, the disregarded if the strike is illegal, for the purpose
more important reason is to prevent impairment of precisely is to maintain the status quo while the
the national interest in case the operations of the determination is being made.
company are disrupted by a refusal of the strikers  Otherwise, the workers who contend that
to return to work as directed. their strike is legal can refuse to return to
In the instant case, stoppage of work in the their work and cause a standstill in the
firm will be hurtful not only to both the employer company operations while retaining the
and the employees. More particularly, it is the positions they refuse to discharge or allow
national economy that will suffer because of the the management to fill. Worse, they will
resultant reduction in our export earnings and our also claim payment for work not done, on
dollar reserves, not to mention possible the ground that they are still legally
cancellation of the contracts of the company with employed although actually engaged in
foreign importers. It was particularly for the activities inimical to their employer's
purpose of avoiding such a development that the interest.
labor dispute was certified to the NLRC, with the Accordingly, the Court holds that the return-
return-to-work order following as a matter of to-work order should benefit only those workers
course under the law. who complied therewith and, regardless of the
It is also important to emphasize that the outcome of the compulsory arbitration
return-to-work order not so much confers a right proceedings, are entitled to be paid for work they
as it imposes a duty; and while as a right it may have actually performed.
be waived, it must be discharged as a duty even  Conversely, those workers who refused to
against the worker's will. obey the said order and instead waged
 Returning to work in this situation is not a the restrained strike are not entitled to be
matter of option or voluntariness but of paid for work not done or to
obligation. The worker must return to his reinstatement to the positions they have
job together with his co-workers so the abandoned by their refusal to return
operations of the company can be thereto as ordered.
resumed and it can continue serving the
public and promoting its interest. That is Telefunken Semi-Conductor Employees Union
the real reason such return can be v. CA (2000)
compelled. It is clear from Art. 263 that the moment the
Not a violation of right against involuntary Secretary of Labor assumes jurisdiction over a
servitude labor dispute in an industry indispensable to
So imperative is the order in fact that it is not national interest, such assumption shall have the
even considered violative of the right against effect of automatically enjoining the intended or
involuntary servitude, as this Court held in impending strike.
Kaisahan ng Mga Manggagawa sa Kahoy v.  It was not even necessary for the
Gotamco Sawmills. The worker can of course give Secretary of Labor to issue another order
up his work, thus severing his ties with the directing them to return to work. The
company, if he does not want to obey the order; mere issuance of an assumption order by
but the order must be obeyed if he wants to retain the Secretary of Labor automatically
his work even if his inclination is to strike. carries with it a return-to-work order,
If the worker refuses to obey the return-to- even if the directive to return to work is
work order, can it be said that he is just not expressly stated in the assumption
suspending the enjoyment of a right and he is order.
entitled to assert it later as and when he sees fit?  However, petitioners refused to
In the meantime, is the management required to acknowledge this directive of the
keep his position open, unable to employ Secretary of Labor on September 8, 1995
replacement to perform the work the reluctant thereby necessitating the issuance of
striker is unwilling to resume because he is still another order expressly directing the
manning the picket lines? striking workers to cease and desist from
While the ATC has manifested its willingness their actual strike, and to immediately
to accept most of the workers, and has in fact return to work but which directive the
already done so, it has balked at the demand of herein petitioners opted to ignore.
the remaining workers to be also allowed to return In this connection, Article 264(a) of the Labor
to work. Its reason is that these persons, instead Code clearly provides that:
of complying with the return-to-work order, as
most of the workers have done, insisted on staging
the restrained strike and defiantly picketed the Article 264. Prohibited Activities.
company premises to prevent the resumption of (a) x x x No strike or lock out shall be declared
after the assumption of jurisdiction by the
President or the Secretary or after certification or
 By so doing, the ATC submits, these submission of the dispute to compulsory or
strikers have forfeited their right to be voluntary arbitration or during the pendency of


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Part XI : Alternatives to Use of Economic Force: Conciliation And Arbitration
Labor Relations
cases involving the same grounds for the strike i. The Secretary of Labor and Employment, the
or lockout. Commission or the voluntary arbitrator shall decide
Any union officer who knowingly participates in
or resolve the dispute, as the case may be. The
illegal strike and any worker or union officer
who knowingly participates in the commission
decision of the President, the Secretary of Labor
of illegal acts during a strike may be declared to and Employment, the Commission or the voluntary
have lost his employment status: Provided, arbitrator shall be final and executory ten (10)
that mere participation of a worker in a lawful calendar days after receipt thereof by the parties.
strike shall not constitute sufficient ground for
termination of his employment even if a Art. 277
replacement had been hired by the employer
i. To ensure speedy labor justice, the periods
during such lawful strike.
provided in this Code within which decisions or
The rationale of this prohibition is that once resolutions of labor relations cases or matters
jurisdiction over the labor dispute has been should be rendered shall be mandatory. For this
properly acquired by the competent authority, that purpose, a case or matter shall be deemed
jurisdiction should not be interfered with by the submitted for decision or resolution upon the filing
application of the coercive processes of a strike. of the last pleading or memorandum required by
 We have held in a number of cases the rules of the Commission or by the Commission
that defiance to the assumption and itself, or the Labor Arbiter, or the Director of the
return-to-work orders of the Bureau of Labor Relations or Med-Arbiter, or the
Secretary of Labor after he has Regional Director.
assumed jurisdiction is a valid ground
for loss of the employment status of Upon expiration of the corresponding period, a
any striking union officer or member. certification stating why a decision or resolution
Having thus resolved the threshold issue as has not been rendered within the said period shall
hereinabove discussed, it necessarily follows that be issued forthwith by the Chairman of the
the strike of the Union cannot be viewed as Commission, the Executive Labor Arbiter, or the
anything but illegal for having been staged in open Director of the Bureau of Labor Relations or Med-
and knowing defiance of the assumption and Arbiter, or the Regional Director, as the case may
return-to-work orders. The necessary be, and a copy thereof served upon the parties.
consequence thereof are also detailed by the
Supreme Court in its various rulings. In Marcopper Despite the expiration of the applicable mandatory
Mining Corp. v. Brillantes (254 SCRA 595), the period, the aforesaid officials shall, without
High Tribunal stated in no uncertain terms that – prejudice to any liability which may have been
“by staging a strike after the assumption of incurred as a consequence thereof, see to it that
jurisdiction or certification for arbitration, workers the case or matter shall be decided or resolved
forfeited their right to; be readmitted to work, without any further delay.
having abandoned their employment, and so could
be validly replaced.” Telefunken Semi-Conductor Employees Union
v. CA (2000)
1) The moment there is Presidential (or by
Secretary of Labor) assumption of jurisdiction,
As regards the third assigned error, petitioners
whether a return to work order is issued or not,
contend that a resolution of a petition for certiorari
the return to work order is an integral part of the
under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court should include
assumption of jurisidiction. (Sarmiento v. Tuico)
the correction of the Secretary of Labor’s
evaluation of the evidence and factual findings
2) A return to work order does not violate the
thereon pursuant to the doctrine laid down in
Involuntary Servitude clause (Sarmiento v. Tuico)
Meralco v. The Honorable Secretary of Labor
Leonardo A. Quisumbing. That contention is
3) A return-to-work order must be complied with
misplaced. In that case, we ruled that:
as a matter of duty not just a right. “The extent of judicial review over the
Secretary of Labor’s arbitral award is not
4) A return-to-work order may be appealed but limited to a determination of grave abuse in
even pending appeal the return-to-work order the manner of the secretary’s exercise of his
must still be followed. statutory powers. This Court is entitled to,
and must – in the exercise of its judicial
power – review the substance of the
5) According to the Bagiou Colleges case: If there
Secretary’s award when grave abuse of
is doubt, take note of the duty to comply. One discretion is alleged to exist in the award,
merely has to file a motion for clarification. i.e., in the appreciation of and the
conclusions the Secretary drew from the
TAKE NOTE: The extent of authority of the evidence presented.”
compulsory arbitration are those that may be However, this Court’s “review of the
necessary to settle the dispute. substance” does not mean a re-calibration of the
evidence presented before the DOLE but only a
6. AWARDS AND ORDERS determination of whether the Secretary of Labor’s
award passed the test of reasonableness when he
Art. 263 arrived at his conclusions made thereon. Thus,
Strikes, picketing and lockouts. we declared in Meralco, that:


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“In this case we believe that the more paper and to attach thereto affidavits and
appropriate and available standard and one documentary evidence within 10 days.
does not require a constitutional
 Petitioners’ non-compliance with that
interpretation—is simply the standard of
reasonableness. In layman’s terms,
directive should not be ascribed as the
reasonableness implies the absence of fault of the Sec of Labor when he denied
arbitrariness; in legal parlance, this translates their demurrer to evidence and forthwith
into the exercise of proper discretion and to rendered decision on the illegality of the
the observance of due process. Thus, the strike.
question we have to answer in deciding this  A party who has availed of the
case is whether the Secretary’s actions have
opportunity to present his position paper
been reasonable in light of the parties positions
and the evidence they presented.”
cannot claim to have been denied due
The main thrust of a petition for certiorari  The requirements of due process are
under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court is only the satisfied when the parties to a labor case
correction of errors of jurisdiction including the are given the opportunity to submit
commission of grave abuse of discretion position papers wherein they are
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. supposed to attach all the documents that
would prove their claim in the event it will
 However, for this Court to properly be decided that no further hearing should
exercise the power of judicial review over be conducted or that hearing was not
a decision of an administrative agency, necessary.
such as the DOLE, it must first be shown The grant of plenary powers to the Secretary
that the tribunal, board or officer of Labor under Art. 263(g) makes it incumbent for
exercising judicial or quasi-judicial him to bring about soonest, a fair and just solution
functions has indeed acted without or in to the differences between the employer and the
excess of its or his jurisdiction, and that employees so that the damage such labor dispute
there is no appeal, or any plain, speedy might cause upon the national interest may be
and adequate remedy in the ordinary minimized as much as possible, if not totally
course of law. In the absence of any averted, by avoiding stoppage of work or any
showing of lack of jurisdiction or grave lagging of the activities of the industry or the
abuse tantamount to lack or excess of possibility of these contingencies which might
jurisdiction, judicial review may not be cause detriment to such national interest.
had over an administrative agency’s
decision. We have gone over the records NEGATING THE PETITIONERS’ VESTED RIGHT TO
of the case at bar and we see no cogent BACKWAGES
basis to hold that the Secretary of Labor Since, as correctly found by the Secretary of
has abused his discretion. Labor, the strikers were not illegally dismissed, the
COMPANY is under no obligation to pay backwages
“THAT TECHNICAL RULES OF EVIDENCE to them. It is simply inconsistent, nay, absurd, to
PREVAILING IN THE COURTS OF LAW AND EQUITY award backwages when there is no finding of
HAVE NO ROOM IN ADMINISTRATIVE AND/OR illegal dismissal (Filflex Industrial and
QUASI-JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS.” Manufacturing Corporation, 286 SCRA 245) when
The contention of petitioners that they should the record shows that the striking workers did not
have been allowed to present evidence when their comply with lawful orders for them to return to
demurrer to evidence was denied by the Secretary work during said periods of time.
of Labor, is untenable.  In fact, the Secretary of Labor observed
The record shows that in the hearing of that while “it was obligatory on the part of
September 22, 1998 attended by the parties, Atty. both parties to restore, in the meantime,
Lita V. Aglibut, Hearing Officer, of the public the status quo obtaining in the
respondent’s office, who presided over the hearing workplace”, the same “was not possible
directed the parties to submit their respective considering the strikers had defied the
position papers together with the affidavits and return-to-work Order of this Office”. With
documentary evidence within ten (10) days. such blatant disregard by the strikers of
 While the Company submitted its position official edicts ordering their “temporary
paper together with supporting evidence reinstatement”, there is no basis to award
and rested its case for resolution, herein them backwages corresponding to said
petitioners, however, submitted only its time frames. Otherwise, they will recover
position paper but without attaching something they have not or could not
thereto any supporting documentary have earned by their willful defiance of
evidence. the return-to-work order, a patently
 Petitioners chose to rely on the Rules of incongruous and unjust situation (Santos
Court by filing a demurrer to evidence in v. National Labor Relations Commission,
the hope of a favorable decision and 154 SCRA 166).
disregarded our resolution in G.R. No. The same view holds with respect to the
127215 ordering the Secretary of Labor award of financial assistance or separation pay.
to determine with dispatch the legality of The assumption for granting financial assistance or
the strike. separation pay, which is, that there is an illegally
 The fact that the Hearing Officer of DOLE dismissed employee and that illegally dismissed
admitted their demurrer to evidence is employee would otherwise have been entitled to
not a valid excuse for them not to comply reinstatement, is not present in the case at
with the directive to submit their position bench.


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Labor Relations
 We are of course aware that financial Necessarily, this authority to assume
assistance may be allowed as a measure jurisdiction over the said labor dispute
of social justice in exceptional must include and extend to all questions
circumstances and as an equitable and controversies arising therefrom,
concession. We are likewise mindful that including cases over which the labor
financial assistance is allowed only in arbiter has exclusive jurisdiction.
those instances where the employee is Petitioner union maintained that the Labor
validly dismissed for causes other than Arbiter and the appellate court disregarded the
serious misconduct or those reflecting on "parol evidence rule" when they upheld the
his moral character allegation of respondent company that the work
o However, the attendant facts schedule of its employees was from 6 a.m. to 6
show that such exceptional p.m. and from 6 pm to 6 am.
circumstances do not obtain in  The reliance on the parol evidence rule is
the instant cases to warrant the misplaced. In labor cases pending before
grant of financial assistance to the Commission or the Labor Arbiter, the
the striking workers. rules of evidence prevailing in courts of
o To our mind, the strikers’ open law or equity are not controlling.
and willful defiance of the  Rules of procedure and evidence are not
assumption order dated applied in a very rigid and technical sense
September 16, 1995 constitute in labor cases. Hence, the Labor Arbiter is
serious misconduct as well as not precluded from accepting and
reflective of their moral evaluating evidence other than, and even
character, hence, granting contrary to, what is stated in the CBA.
financial assistance to them is
not and cannot be justified 7. OPTION – SUBMIT CASE VOLUNTARY
Interphil Laboratories Union v. Interphil
Laboratories (2001) Art. 263
On the matter of the authority and jurisdiction Strikes, picketing and lockouts.
of the Secretary of Labor and Employment to rule (h) Before or at any stage of the compulsory
on the illegal strike committed by petitioner union, arbitration process, the parties may opt to submit
it is undisputed that the petition to declare the their dispute to voluntary arbitration.
strike illegal before Labor Arbiter was filed long
before the Secretary of Labor issued the 8. COMPULSORY ARBITRATION AND LABOR
assumption order on 14 February 1994. RIGHTS
 However, it cannot be denied that the
issues of "overtime boycott" and "work Philtread Workers Union v. Confessor (1997)
slowdown" amounting to illegal strike Petitioners contend that Article 263 (g) of the
before Labor Arbiter are intertwined with Labor Code violates the workers’ right to strike
the labor dispute before the Labor which is provided for by Section 3, Article XIII of
Secretary. the Constitution. The assailed order of the
 In fact, petitioner union even asked Labor Secretary of Labor, which enjoins the strike, is an
Arbiter to suspend the proceedings before utter interference of the workers’ right to self-
him and consolidate the same with the organization, to manage their own affairs, activities
case before the Secretary of Labor. When and programs, and therefore is illegal. The order
Acting Labor Secretary Brillantes ordered is likewise contrary to Article 3 of the International
Labor Arbiter Caday to continue with the Labor Organization Convention No. 87, which
hearing of the illegal strike case, the specifically prohibits public authorities from
parties acceded and participated in the interfering in purely union matters, viz.:
proceedings, knowing fully well that there “Article 3.
was also a directive for Labor Arbiter 1. Workers’ and Employers’
Caday to thereafter submit his report and organizations shall have the right to
recommendation to the Secretary. As the draw up their constitutions and rules, to
appellate court pointed out, the elect their representatives in full
subsequent participation of petitioner freedom, to organize their
union in the continuation of the hearing administration and activities and to
was in effect an affirmation of the formulate their programs.
jurisdiction of the Secretary of Labor. 2. The public authorities shall refrain
The appellate court also correctly held that the from any interference which would
question of the Secretary of Labor’s jurisdiction restrict this right or impede the lawful
over labor and labor-related disputes was already exercise thereof.
settled in International Pharmaceutical, Inc. vs. A cursory reading of Article 263 (g) allegedly
Hon. Secretary of Labor and ALU where the Court shows that the power of the Secretary of Labor to
declared: assume jurisdiction or to certify a dispute for
 In the present case, the Secretary was compulsory arbitration is strictly restricted to cases
explicitly granted by Article 263(g) of the involving industries that are indispensable to
Labor Code the authority to assume national interest.
jurisdiction over a labor dispute causing Petitioners posit that the instant labor dispute
or likely to cause a strike or lockout in an does not adversely affect the national interest.
industry indispensable to the national The tire industry has long ceased to be a
interest, and decide the same accordingly. government protected industry and, moreover,


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Labor Relations
Philtread Tire and Rubber Corporation is not dispute will certainly prejudice the
indispensable to the national interest. The strike employment and livelihood of its workers
in Philtread will not adversely affect the supply of and their dependents. Furthermore, the
tires in the market and the supply of imported labor dispute may lead to the possible
tires is more than sufficient to meet the market closure of the Company and loss of
requirements. employment to hundreds of its workers.
Held: The petition is devoid of merit. On the This will definitely aggravate the already
issue of the constitutionality of Article 263 (g), the worsening unemployment situation in the
same had already been resolved in Union of country and discourage foreign and
Filipino Employees vs. Nestle Philippines, Inc., to domestic investors from further investing
wit: in the country. There is no doubt,
 “In the case at bar, no law has ever been therefore, that the labor dispute in the
passed by Congress expressly repealing Country is imbued with national interest.
Articles 263 and 264 of the Labor Code.  At this point in time when all government
Neither may the 1987 Constitution be efforts are geared towards economic
considered to have impliedly repealed the recovery and development by encouraging
said Articles considering that there is no both foreign and domestic investments to
showing that said articles are inconsistent generate employment, we cannot afford
with the said Constitution. Moreover, no to derail the same as a result of a labor
court has ever declared that the said dispute considering that there are
articles are inconsistent with the 1987 alternative dispute resolution machineries
Constitution. available to address labor problems of this
 On the contrary, the continued validity nature.
and operation of Articles 263 and 264 of
the Labor Code has been recognized by 11.05 VOLUNTARY ARBITRATION
no less than the Congress of the
Philippines when the latter enacted into
law R.A. 6715, otherwise known as 1. DEFINED
Herrera law, Section 27 of which
amended paragraphs (g) and (l) of Article Manila Central Line Corp. v. manila Central
263 of the Labor Code. Line Free Workers Union (1998)
 At any rate, it must be noted that Articles Despite the fact that it agreed with the union
263 (g) and 264 of the Labor Code have to submit their dispute to the labor arbiter for
been enacted pursuant to the police arbitration, petitioner questions the jurisdiction of
power of the State, which has been the labor arbiter to render the decision in question.
defined as the power inherent in a Petitioner contends that the policy of the law now
government to enact laws, within is to encourage resort to conciliation and voluntary
constitutional limits, to promote the arbitration as Art 250(e) of the Labor Code
order, safety, health, morals and general provides.
welfare of society (People vs. Vera Reyes,  Indeed, the Labor Code formerly provided
67 Phil. 190). that if the parties in collective bargaining
Article 263 (g) of the Labor Code does not fail to reach an agreement, the BLR
violate the workers’ constitutional right to strike. should call them to conciliation meetings
The foregoing article clearly does not interfere with and, if its efforts were not successful,
the workers’ right to strike but merely regulates certify the dispute to a labor arbiter for
it, when in the exercise of such right, national compulsory arbitrarion.
interests will be affected. But this was changed by R.A.6715 which took
 The rights granted by the Constitution are effect on March 21, 1989.
not absolute.  Art 250(e) of the Labor Code now
 They are still subject to control and provides that if effects of conciliation fail,
limitation to ensure that they are not the Board shall “encourage the parties to
exercised arbitrarily. The interests of submit their case to a voluntary
both the employers and employees are arbitrator.” With specific reference to
intended to be protected and not one of cases involving deadlocks in collective
them is given undue preference. bargaining, Art. 262 provides:
The Secretary of Labor acts to maintain  Jurisdiction over other labor disputes
industrial peace. Thus, his certification for – The Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of
compulsory arbitration is not intended to impede Voluntary Arbitrators, upon
the workers’ right to strike but to obtain a speedy agreement of the parties, shall also
settlement of the dispute. hear and decide all other labor
We do not agree with the petitioners that the disputes including unfair labor
respondent company is not indispensable to practices and bargaining deadlocks.
national interest considering that the tire industry This is what the parties did in this case. After
has already been liberalized. Philtread supplies the Board failed to resolve the bargaining deadlock
22% of the tire products in the country. Moreover, between parties, the union filed a petition for
it employs about 700 people. As observed by the compulsory arbitration in the Arbitration Branch of
Secretary of Labor, viz.: the NLRC. Petitioner joined the petition and the
 “The Company is one of the tire case was submitted for decision.
manufacturers in the country employing  Although the union’s petition was for
more or less 700 workers. Any work “compulsory arbitration,” the
disruption thereat, as a result of a labor subsequent agreement of petitioner to
submit the matter for arbitration in


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Part XI : Alternatives to Use of Economic Force: Conciliation And Arbitration
Labor Relations
effect made the arbitration a voluntary personnel policies referred to in the immediately
one. preceding article.
 The essence of voluntary arbitration, after  Accordingly, violations of a CBA,
all is that it is by agreement of the except those which are gross in
parties, rather than compulsion of law, character, shall no longer be treated
that a matter is submitted for arbitration. as unfair labor practice and shall be
It does not matter that the person chosen resolved as grievances under the
as arbitrator is a labor arbiter who, under CBA.
Art 217 of the Labor Code, is charged  For purposes of this article, gross
with the compulsory arbitration of certain violations of CBA shall mean flagrant
labor cases. There is nothing in the law and/ or malicious refusal to comply
that prohibits these labor arbiters from with the economic provisions of such
also acting as voluntary arbitrators as agreement.
long as the parties agree to have him
hear and decide their dispute. The Commission, its Regional Offices and the
Moreover, petitioner must be deemed to be Regional Directors of the apartment of Labor and
estopped from questioning the authority of Labor employment shall not entertain disputes and
Arbiter, to act as voluntary arbitrator and render a grievances or matters under the exclusive and
decision in this case. Petitioner agreed together original jurisdiction of the Voluntary Arbitrators or
with the union, to refer their dispute for arbitration panel of Voluntary Arbitrators and shall
to him. It was only after the decision was immediately dispose and refer the same to the
rendered that petitioner raised the question of lack Grievance machinery or Voluntary Arbitration
of jurisdiction. provided in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.


AND RATIONALE Jurisdiction over other labor disputes.—
The Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary
1987 Constitution. Art. XIII, Sec. 3 Arbitrators, upon agreement of the parties,
x x x The State shall promote the principle of  shall also hear and decide all other
shared responsibility between workers and labor disputes including unfair labor
employers and the preferential use of voluntary practices and bargaining deadlocks.
modes in settling disputes, including conciliation,
and shall enforce their mutual compliance Rights Disputes v. Interest Disputes
therewith to foster industrial peace. Rights disputes: Claim for violation of a specific
right (Arising from a contract,
3. PROCESS ENCOURAGEMENT/PROMOTION ex: CBA or company policies).
Voluntary Arbitrator has original
Establishing Machinery Dispute Settlement – and exclusive jurisdiction over
Collective Bargaining Agreement and Time this matters.
Frame Interest Disputes: These ponders on the questions
“what should be included in the
Art. 260 CBA.” Strictly speaking, the
Grievance Machinery and Voluntary Arbitration.— parties may choose a voluntary
The parties to a Collective Bargaining Agreement arbitrator to decide on terms and
shall include therein provisions that will ensure the conditions of employment, but
mutual observance of its terms and conditions. that is impracticable because it
They shall establish a machinery for the will be a value judgment of the
adjustment and resolution of grievances arising arbitrator and not the parties.
from the interpretation of their Collective
Bargaining Agreement and those arising from the 5. ARBITRATOR
interpretation or enforcement of company
personnel policies. SELECTION

All grievances submitted to the grievance Art. 260

machinery which are not settled within 7 month x x x. For this purpose, parties to a Collective
calendar days from the date of its submission shall Bargaining Agreement shall name and designate in
automatically be referred to voluntary arbitration advance a Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of
prescribed in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Voluntary Arbitrators,
xxx  or include in the agreement the
procedure for the selection of such
4. ARBITRABLE ISSUES Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of
voluntary Arbitrators, preferably from
Art. 261 the listing of qualified Voluntary
Jurisdiction of Voluntary Arbitrators or panel of Arbitrators duly accredited by the
Voluntary Arbitrators.— Board.
The voluntary arbitrators shall have ORIGINAL  In case the parties fail to select a
AND EXCLUSIVE jurisdiction to hear and decide all Voluntary Arbitrators, the Board shall
unresolved grievances arising from the designate the Voluntary Arbitrators,
interpretation or implementation of the Collective as may be necessary, pursuant to
Bargaining Agreement and those arising from the the selection procedure agreed
interpretation and enforcement of company upon in the Collective Bargaining


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Part XI : Alternatives to Use of Economic Force: Conciliation And Arbitration
Labor Relations
Agreement, which shall act with the policies. Illegal termination disputes - not
same force and effect as if the falling within any of these categories -
Arbitrator or panel of Arbitrators has should then be considered as a special
been selected by the parties as area of interest governed by a specific
prescribed. provision of law.

JURISDICTION Ludo and Luym Corp v. Saornido (2003)

Petitioner contends that the appellate court
Viviero v. Court of appeals (2000) gravely erred when it upheld the award of benefits
Private respondents attempt to justify the which were beyond the terms of submission
conferment of jurisdiction over the case on the agreement. Petitioner asserts that the arbitrator
Voluntary Arbitrator on the ground that the issue must confine its adjudication to those issues
involves the proper interpretation and submitted by the parties for arbitration, which in
implementation of the Grievance Procedure found this case is the sole issue of the date of
in the CBA. regularization of the workers. Hence, the award of
They point out that when petitioner sought the benefits by the arbitrator was done in excess of
assistance of his Union to avail of the grievance jurisdiction.
machinery, he in effect submitted himself to the On the matter of the benefits, respondents
procedure set forth in the CBA regarding argue that the arbitrator is empowered to award
submission of unresolved grievances to a the assailed benefits because notwithstanding the
Voluntary Arbitrator. sole issue of the date of regularization, standard
Held: The argument is untenable. The case is companion issues on reliefs and remedies are
primarily a termination dispute. deemed incorporated. Otherwise, the whole
 It is clear from the claim/assistance arbitration process would be rendered purely
request form submitted by petitioner to academic and the law creating it inutile.
AMOSUP that he was challenging the The jurisdiction of Voluntary Arbitrator or
legality of his dismissal for lack of cause Panel of Voluntary Arbitrators and Labor Arbiters is
and lack of due process. clearly defined and specifically delineated in the
 The issue of whether there was proper Labor Code. The pertinent provisions of the Labor
interpretation and implementation of the Code, read:
CBA provisions comes into play only
because the grievance procedure provided
for in the CBA was not observed after he Art. 217. Jurisdiction of Labor Arbiters and
sought his Union’s assistance in the Commission. --- (a) Except as otherwise
provided under this Code the Labor Arbiters
contesting his termination.
shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction to
 Thus, the question to be resolved hear and decide, within thirty (30) calendar
necessarily springs from the primary issue days after the submission of the case by the
of whether there was a valid termination; parties for decision without extension, even in
without this, then there would be no the absence of stenographic notes, the
reason to invoke the need to interpret following cases involving all workers, whether
and implement the CBA provisions agricultural or non-agricultural:
1. Unfair labor practice cases:
2. Termination disputes;
In San Miguel Corp. v. National Labor 3. If accompanied with a claim for
Relations Commission this Court held that the reinstatement, those cases that
phrase "all other labor disputes" may include workers may file involving wage, rates
termination disputes provided that the agreement of pay, hours of work and other terms
between the Union and the Company states "in and conditions of employment;
unequivocal language that [the parties] conform to 4. Claims for actual, moral, exemplary
and other forms of damages arising
the submission of termination disputes and unfair
from the employer-employee relations;
labor practices to voluntary arbitration." xxx
 Ergo, it is not sufficient to merely say that Art. 261. Jurisdiction of Voluntary Arbitrators
parties to the CBA agree on the principle or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators. — The
that "all disputes" should first be Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary
submitted to a Voluntary Arbitrator. There Arbitrators shall have original and exclusive
is a need for an express stipulation in the jurisdiction to hear and decide all unresolved
grievances arising from the interpretation or
CBA that illegal termination disputes
implementation of the Collective Bargaining
should be resolved by a Voluntary Agreement and those arising from the
Arbitrator or Panel of Voluntary interpretation or enforcement of company
Arbitrators, since the same fall within a personnel policies referred to in the
special class of disputes that are generally immediately preceding article. Accordingly,
within the exclusive original jurisdiction of violations of a Collective Bargaining
Labor Arbiters by express provision of Agreement, except those which are gross in
character, shall no longer be treated as unfair
labor practice and shall be resolved as
 Absent such express stipulation, the grievances under the Collective Bargaining
phrase "all disputes" should be construed Agreement. For purposes of this article, gross
as limited to the areas of conflict violations of Collective Bargaining Agreement
traditionally within the jurisdiction of shall mean flagrant and/or malicious refusal to
Voluntary Arbitrators, i.e., disputes comply with the economic provisions of such
relating to contract-interpretation, agreement.
The Commission, its Regional Offices and the
contract-implementation, or interpretation
Regional Directors of the Department of Labor
or enforcement of company personnel and Employment shall not entertain disputes,


133 of 139
Part XI : Alternatives to Use of Economic Force: Conciliation And Arbitration
Labor Relations
grievances or matters under the exclusive and PROCEDURE
original jurisdiction of the Voluntary Arbitrator
or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators and shall
Art. 262-A
immediately dispose and refer the same to
the Grievance Machinery or Voluntary
Procedures -
Arbitration provided in the Collective The voluntary Arbitrators or panel of Voluntary
Bargaining Agreement. Arbitrators shall have the power to hold hearings,
Art. 262. Jurisdiction over other labor receive evidences and take whatever action is
disputes. — The Voluntary Arbitrator or panel necessary to resolve the issue or issues subject of
of Voluntary Arbitrators, upon agreement of dispute, including efforts to effect a voluntary
the parties, shall also hear and decide all
settlement between parties.
other labor disputes including unfair labor
practices and bargaining deadlocks.”
All parties to the dispute shall be entitled to attend
In construing the above provisions, we held in the arbitration proceedings. The attendance of any
San Jose vs. NLRC, that the jurisdiction of the third party or the exclusion of any witness from the
Labor Arbiter and the Voluntary Arbitrator or Panel proceedings shall be determined by the Voluntary
of Voluntary Arbitrators over the cases Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators.
enumerated in the Labor Code, Articles 217, 261 Hearing may be adjourned for a cause or upon
and 262, can possibly include money claims in one agreement by the parties.
form or another.
Comparatively, in Reformist Union of R.B. Liner, Unless the parties agreed otherwise, it shall be
Inc. vs. NLRC, compulsory arbitration has been mandatory for the Voluntary Arbitrators or panel of
defined both as “the process of settlement of labor Voluntary Arbitrators to render an award or
disputes by a government agency which has the decision within twenty ?(20) calendar days from
authority to investigate and to make an award the date of submission of the dispute to voluntary
which is binding on all the parties, and as a mode arbitration.
of arbitration where the parties are compelled to
accept the resolution of their dispute through The award or decision shall contain the facts and
arbitration by a third party .” the law on which it is based. It shall be final and
While a voluntary arbitrator is not part of the executory after ten (10) calendar days from receipt
governmental unit or labor department’s of the copy of the award or its decision by the
personnel, said arbitrator renders arbitration parties. Upon motion of any interested party, the
services provided for under labor laws. Generally, Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary
the arbitrator is expected to decide only those Arbitrators or the Labor Arbiter in the region where
questions expressly delineated by the submission the movant resides, in case of the absence or
agreement. incapacity of the voluntary arbitrator or panel of
 Nevertheless, the arbitrator can assume voluntary arbitrators for any reason, may issue a
that he has the necessary power to make writ of execution requiring wither the sheriff of the
a final settlement since arbitration is the Commission or regular Courts or any public official
final resort for the adjudication of whom the parties may designate in the submission
disputes. agreement to execute the final decision, order, or
 In one case, the SC stressed that “xxx the award.
Voluntary Arbitrator had plenary
jurisdiction and authority to interpret the NATURE OF OFFICE AND FUNCTION
agreement to arbitrate and to determine
the scope of his own authority subject Nippon Paint Employees Union v. CA (2004)
only, in a proper case, to the certiorari In the case of Luzon Development Bank vs.
jurisdiction of this Court. The Arbitrator, Association of Luzon Development Bank
as already indicated, viewed his authority Employees, this Court ruled that a voluntary
as embracing not merely the arbitrator partakes of the nature of a “quasi-
determination of the abstract question of judicial instrumentality” and is within the ambit of
whether or not a performance bonus was Section 9(3) of the Judiciary Reorganization Act, as
to be granted but also, in the affirmative amended, which provides:
case, the amount thereof.
(3) Exclusive appellate jurisdiction
By the same token, the issue of regularization
over all final judgments,
should be viewed as two-tiered issue. While the decisions, resolutions, orders or
submission agreement mentioned only the awards of Regional Trial Courts
determination of the date or regularization, law and quasi-judicial agencies,
and jurisprudence give the voluntary arbitrator instrumentalities, boards or
enough leeway of authority as well as adequate commissions, including the
prerogative to accomplish the reason for which the Securities and Exchange
Commission, the Employees’
law on voluntary arbitration was created – speedy
Compensation Commission and
labor justice. It bears stressing that the the Civil Service Commission,
underlying reason why this case arose is to settle, except those falling within the
once and for all, the ultimate question of whether appellate jurisdiction of the
respondent employees are entitled to higher Supreme Court in accordance
benefits. To require them to file another action for with the Constitution, the Labor
payment of such benefits would certainly Code of the Philippines under
Presidential Decree No. 442, as
undermine labor proceedings and contravene the
amended, the provisions of this Act,
constitutional mandate providing full protection to and of subparagraph (1) of the
labor. third paragraph and subparagraph
(4) of the fourth paragraph of


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Part XI : Alternatives to Use of Economic Force: Conciliation And Arbitration
Labor Relations
Section 17 of the Judiciary Act
As such, the decisions of a voluntary arbitrator Art. 262-A
fall within the exclusive appellate jurisdiction of the xxx
Court of Appeals. Indeed, this Court took this The award or decision shall contain the facts and
decision into consideration in approving the 1997 the law on which it is based. It shall be final and
Rules of Civil Procedure, the pertinent provision of executory after ten (10) calendar days from receipt
which states as follows: of the copy of the award or its decision by the
SECTION 1. Scope. — This Rule shall apply
to appeals from judgments or final orders of
Upon motion of any interested party,
the Court of Tax Appeals and from awards,  the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of
judgments, final orders or resolutions of or Voluntary Arbitrators or the Labor
authorized by any quasi-judicial agency in Arbiter in the region where the
the exercise of its quasi-judicial functions. movant resides, in case of the
Among these agencies are the Civil Service absence or incapacity of the voluntary
Commission, Central Board of Assessment
arbitrator or panel of voluntary
Appeals, Securities and Exchange
Commission, Office of the President, Land
arbitrators for any reason,
Registration Authority, Social Security  may issue a writ of execution
Commission, Civil Aeronautics Board, requiring the sheriff of the
Bureau of Patents, Trademarks and Commission or regular Courts or any
Technology Transfer, National Electrification public official whom the parties may
Administration, Energy Regulatory Board, designate in the submission
National Telecommunications Commission,
agreement to execute the final
Department of Agrarian Reform under
Republic Act No. 6657, Government Service
decision, order, or award.
Insurance System, Employees
Compensation Commission, Agricultural Davao Integrated v. Abarquez (1993)
Inventions Board, Insurance Commission, Moreover, petitioner-company's objection to
Philippine Atomic Energy Commission, Board the authority of the Voluntary Arbitrator to direct
of Investments, Construction Industry the commutation of the unenjoyed portion of the
Arbitration Commission, and voluntary
sick leave with pay benefits of intermittent workers
arbitrators authorized by law.
in his decision is misplaced. Article 261 of the
It is elementary in remedial law that the use Labor Code is clear.
of an erroneous mode of appeal is cause for  The questioned directive of the herein
dismissal of the petition for certiorari and it has public respondent is the necessary
been repeatedly stressed that a petition for consequence of the exercise of his arbitral
certiorari is not a substitute for a lost appeal. power as Voluntary Arbitrator under
 This is due to the nature of a Rule 65 Article 261 of the Labor Code "to hear and
petition for certiorari which lies only decide all unresolved grievances arising
where there is “no appeal,” and “no plain, from the interpretation or implementation
speedy and adequate remedy in the of the Collective Bargaining Agreement."
ordinary course of law.” As previously  We, therefore, find that no grave abuse of
ruled by this Court: discretion was committed by public
x x x We have time and again reminded respondent in issuing the award
members of the bench and bar that a (decision). Moreover, his interpretation of
special civil action for certiorari under Sections 1 and 3, Article VIII of the 1989
Rule 65 lies only when "there is no appeal CBA cannot be faulted with and is
nor plain, speedy and adequate remedy in absolutely correct.
the ordinary course of law." Certiorari can
not be allowed when a party to a case Citibank Employees Union v. MOLE (1980)
fails to appeal a judgment despite the The position of respondent Minister is that
availability of that remedy, certiorari not assuming the final and executory character of the
being a substitute for lost appeal. The award in question, the same could still be modified
remedies of appeal and certiorari are or set aside, as contended by the Solicitor General
mutually exclusive and not alternative or in his comment dated August 6, 1979, in
successive. consequence or by reason of the supervening acts
The fact that the NPEU used the Rule 65 modality of respondent Minister, citing, in support of such
as a substitute for a lost appeal is made plainly contention, the cases of Ocampo vs. Sanchez, in
manifest by: a) its filing the said petition 45 days which the SCruled that
after the expiration of the 15-day reglementary "when after judgment has been rendered
period for filing a Rule 43 appeal; and b) its and the latter has become final, facts and
petition which makes specious allegations of circumstances transpire which render its
“grave abuse of discretion” but asserts the failure execution impossible or unjust; the
of the voluntary arbitrator to properly appreciate interested party may ask to modify or later
facts and conclusions of law. judgment to harmonize the same with
This salutary rule has been disregarded on justice and the facts
occasion by this Court in instances where valid and Held: After mature deliberation, We have
compelling circumstances warrant. However, NPEU arrived at the conclusion that the respondent's
has not provided this Court any compelling reason position is not well taken.
why it must disregard the mandate of the Rules of The situation before Us in the instant case
Court. has no parity with those obtaining in the


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Part XI : Alternatives to Use of Economic Force: Conciliation And Arbitration
Labor Relations
instances where this Court sanctioned departure  In fact, even without this stipulation, the
from the terms of a final and executory judgment first decision had already become so by
by reason of supervening events that would make virtue of Article 263 of the Labor Code
literal execution in whole or in part of such making voluntary arbitration awards or
judgment unjust and inequitable. It should be decisions final and executory.
clear to anyone conversant with the elementary The philosophy underlying this rule was
principles of collective bargaining and the explained by Judge Freedman in the case of La
constitutional injunction assuring the rights of Vale Plaza, Inc., v. R.S. Noonan, Inc. thus:
workers thereto (Sec. 9, Article II, Constitution of  It is an equally fundamental common law
the Philippines) that the terms and conditions of a principle that once an arbitrator has made
collective bargaining agreement constitute the and published a final award, his authority
sacred law between the parties as long as they do is exhausted and he is functus officio and
not contravene public order, interest or policy. can do nothing more in regard to the
 We might say that the prohibition in the subject matter of the arbitration. The
Constitution's Bill of Rights against the policy which lies behind this is an
passage or promulgation of any law unwillingness to permit one who is not a
impairing the obligation of contracts judicial officer and who acts informally
applies with perhaps greater force to and sporadically, to re-examine a final
collective bargaining agreements, decision which he has already rendered,
considering that these deal with the rights because of the potential evil of outside
and interests of labor to which the charter communication and unilateral influence
explicitly affords protection. (Sec. 9. which might affect a new conclusion. The
Article 11.) continuity of judicial office and the
The award of the arbitrator in this case is not tradition which surround judicial conduct
to be equated with a judicial decision. is lacking in the isolated activity of an
In effect, when in relation to a controversy as arbitrator, although even here the vast
to working conditions, which necessarily include increase in the arbitration of labor
the amount of wages, allowances, bonuses, disputes has created the office of the
overtime pay, holiday pay, etc., the parties submit specialized provisional arbitrator.
their differences to arbitration, they do not seek (Washington-Baltimore N.G., Loc. 35 v.
any judicial pronouncement technically as such: Washington Post Co., 442 F. 2d 1234
 they are merely asking the arbitrator to (19711, pp. 1238-1239)
fix for them what would be the fair and The case of The Consolidated Bank & Trust
just condition or term regarding the Corporation (SOLIDBANK) v. Bureau of Labor
matter in dispute that should govern Relations, et al., this Court held that the Voluntary
further collective bargaining relations Arbitrator lost jurisdiction over the case submitted
between them. to him the moment he rendered his decision.
 Stated differently, the arbitrator's award Therefore, he could no longer entertain a motion
when stipulated by the parties to be for reconsideration of the decision for its reversal
conclusive becomes part and parcel of the or modification. Thus:
CBA. Viewed in this sense, which We are  By modifying the original award,
fully convinced is most consistent with the respondent arbitrator exceeded his
principles of collective bargaining, the authority as such, a fact he was well
subsequent or supervening facts referred aware of, as shown by his previous
to by the Solicitor General consisting of Resolution of Inhibition wherein he
acts of none other than the respondent refused to act on the Union's motion for
Minister may not be invoked to alter, reconsideration of the award or decision.
modify, reform, much less abrogate, the It is true that the present rule makes the
new terms, so to speak, of the collective voluntary arbitration award final and executory
bargaining inserted by virtue of the award after ten calendar days from receipt of the copy of
of the arbitrator. To do otherwise would the award or decision by the parties.
violate the prescription of the Constitution  Presumably, the decision may still be
against impairment of the obligation of reconsidered by the Voluntary Arbitrator
contracts. on the basis of a motion for
We hold that regardless of any law anterior or reconsideration duly filed during that
posterior to the Arbitrator's award, the collective period, Such a provision, being
bargaining agreement in this case has been procedural, may be applied retroactively
correspondingly amended in a manner that is to pending actions as have herein a
unalterable, immovable and immutable like the number cases.
rock of Gibraltar, during the lifetime of the said  However, it cannot b e applied to a case
collective bargaining agreement. in which the decision had become final
before the new provision took effect, as in
See: Ludo and Luym v. Saornido, supra the case at bar.
 RA 6715, which introduced amended
7. FINALITY AND EXECUTION OF AWARDS Article 262-A of the Labor Code became
effective on March 11, 1989. The first
Imperial Textile Miles, etc. Calica (1992) decision of the Voluntary Arbitrator was
When the parties submitted their grievance to rendered on July 12, 1988, when the law
arbitration, they expressly agreed that the decision in force was Article 263 of the Labor
of the Voluntary Arbitrator would be final, Code, which provided that: Voluntary
executory and unappealable.


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Part XI : Alternatives to Use of Economic Force: Conciliation And Arbitration
Labor Relations
arbitration awards or decisions shall be five thousand pesos (P5,000.00)
final, unappealable, and executory. regardless of whether accompanied with
a claim for reinstatement.
 The above-quoted provision did not
expressly fix the time when the Voluntary
It will thus be noted that the Jurisdiction
Arbitrator's decision or award would
conferred by law on a voluntary arbitrator or a
become final. We have held, however,
panel of such arbitrators is quite limited compared
that it would assume the attribute of
to the original jurisdiction of the labor arbiter and
finality upon its issuance, subject only to
the appellate jurisdiction of the NLRC for that
judicial review in appropriate cases.
 The public respondent exceeded his
The state of our present law relating to
authority when he acted on the Union's
voluntary arbitration provides that "the award or
motion for consideration and reversed his
decision of the Voluntary Arbitrator x x x shall be
original decision. Corollarily his second
final and executory after ten (10) calendar days
decision dated December 14, 1988,
from receipt of the copy of the award or decision
having been rendered in violation of law,
by the parties,"
must be considered null and void and of
 while the "decision, awards, or orders of
no force and effect whatsoever.
the Labor Arbiter are final and executory
unless appealed to the Commission by
any or both parties within ten (10)
calendar days from receipt of such
Luzon Development Bank v. Assoc of Luzon
decisions, awards, or orders."
Dev’t Employees (1995)
 Hence, while there is an express mode of
In the Philippine context, the parties to a CBA
appeal from the decision of a labor
are required to include therein provisions for a
arbiter, Republic Act No. 6715 is silent
machinery for the resolution of grievances arising
with respect to an appeal from the
from the interpretation or implementation of the
decision of a voluntary arbitrator.
CBA or company personnel policies.
Yet, past practice shows that a decision or
For this purpose, parties to a CBA shall name
award of a voluntary arbitrator is, more often than
and designate therein a voluntary arbitrator or a
not, elevated to the Supreme Court itself on a
panel of arbitrators, or include a procedure for
petition for certiorari, in effect equating the
their selection, preferably from those accredited by
voluntary arbitrator with the NLRC or the Court of
the National Conciliation and Mediation Board
 In the view of the Court, this is illogical
Article 261 of the Labor Code accordingly
and imposes an unnecessary burden upon
provides for exclusive original jurisdiction of such
voluntary arbitrator or panel of arbitrators over (1)
 In Volkschel Labor Union, et al. v. NLRC et
the interpretation or implementation of the CBA
al. on the settled premise that the
and (2) the interpretation or enforcement of
judgments of courts and awards of quasi-
company personnel policies. Article 262 authorizes
judicial agencies must become final at
them, but only upon agreement of the parties, to
some definite time, this Court ruled that
exercise jurisdiction over other labor disputes.
the awards of voluntary arbitrators
On the other hand, a labor arbiter under
determine the rights of parties; hence,
Article 217 of the Labor Code has jurisdiction over
their decisions have the same legal effect
the following enumerated cases:
as judgments of a court.
"x x x- (a) Except as otherwise provided
 In Oceanic Bic Division (FFW), et al. v.
under this Code the Labor Arbiters shall have Romero, et al., this Court ruled that "a
original and exclusive jurisdiction to hear voluntary arbitrator by the nature of her
and decide, within thirty (30) calendar days functions acts in a quasi-judicial capacity."
after the submission of the case by the  Under these rulings, it follows that the
parties for decision without extension, even voluntary arbitrator, whether acting solely
in the absence of stenographic notes, the
or in a panel, enjoys in law the status of a
following cases involving all workers,
whether agricultural or non-agricultural:
quasi-judicial agency but independent of,
1. Unfair labor practice cases; and apart from, the NLRC since his
2. Termination disputes; decisions are not appealable to the latter.
3. If accompanied with a claim for Sec. 9 of BP Blg. 129, as amended by RA
reinstatement, those cases that 7902, provides that the Court of Appeals shall
workers may file involving wages, rates exercise: (B) Exclusive appellate jurisdiction over
of pay, hours of work and other terms
all final judgments, decisions, resolutions, orders
and conditions of employment;
4. Claims for actual, moral, exemplary and
or awards of Regional Trial Courts and quasi-
other forms of damages arising from judicial agencies, instrumentalities, boards or
the employer-employee relations; commissions, including the Securities and
5. Cases arising from any violation of Exchange Commission, the Employees
Article 264 of this Code, including Compensation Commission and the Civil Service
questions involving the legality of Commission, except those falling within the
strikes and lockouts,
appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in
6. Except claims for Employees
Compensation, Social Security,
accordance with the Constitution, the Labor Code
Medicare and maternity benefits, all of the Philippines under Presidential Decree No.
other claims, arising from employer- 442, as amended, the provisions of this Act, and of
employee relations, including those of subparagraph (1) of the third paragraph and
persons in domestic or household subparagraph (4) of the fourth paragraph of
service, involving an amount exceeding Section 17 of the Judiciary Act of 1948.


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Part XI : Alternatives to Use of Economic Force: Conciliation And Arbitration
Labor Relations
Assuming arguendo that the voluntary 876, also known as the Arbitration Law,
arbitrator or the panel of voluntary arbitrators may arbitration is deemed a special proceeding
not strictly be considered as a quasi-judicial of which the court specified in the contract
agency, board or commission, still both he and the or submission, or if none be specified, the
panel are comprehended within the concept of a Regional Trial Court for the province or
"quasi-judicial instrumentality." city in which one of the parties resides or
 It may even be stated that it was to meet is doing business, or in which the
the very situation presented by the quasi arbitration is held, shall have jurisdiction,
judicial functions of the voluntary A party to the controversy may, at any
arbitrators here, as well as the time within one (1) month after an award
subsequent arbitrator/arbitral tribunal is made, apply to the court having
operating under the Construction Industry jurisdiction for an order confirming the
Arbitration Commission, that the broader award and the court must grant such
term "Instrumentalities" was purposely order unless the award is vacated,
included in the above-quoted provision. modified or corrected.19
 An "Instrumentality" is anything used as a In effect, this equates the award or decision of
means or agency. Thus, the terms the voluntary arbitrator with that of the regional
governmental "agency" or trial court. Consequently, in a petition for certiorari
instrumentality" are synonymous in the from that award or decision, the Court of Appeals
sense that either of them is a means by must be deemed to have concurrent jurisdiction
which a government acts, or by which a with the Supreme Court. As a matter of policy, this
certain government act or function is Court shall henceforth remand to the Court of
performed. Appeals petitions of this nature for proper
 The voluntary arbitrator no less performs disposition.
a state function pursuant to a
governmental power delegated to him Unicraft Industries Int’l v. CA (2001)
under the provisions therefor in the Labor More specifically, petitioners contend that the
Code and he falls, therefore, within the Court of Appeals committed grave abuse of
contemplation of the term discretion in affirming the award of separation pay
instrumentality" in Sec. 9 of BP 129. in favor of private respondent workers, considering
 The fact that his functions and powers are that the respondent court was not in possession of
provided for in the Labor Code does not the records and evidence that would support its
place him within the exceptions to said ruling.
Sec. 9 since he is a quasi-judicial It is at once clear from the records that
instrumentality as contemplated therein. petitioners were not able to present evidence
o It will be noted that, although the before the Voluntary Arbitrator. This is plainly
Employees Compensation evident from the Stipulation entered into by the
Commission is also provided for in parties and submitted to the Court of Appeals,
the Labor Code, Circular No. 1-9 1, which pertinently states:
which is the forerunner of the present
Revised Administrative Circular No. b) The case will be referred back to
1-95, laid down the procedure for the Voluntary Arbitrator Calipay so that
petitioners will be granted their day in court
appealability of its decisions to the
to prove their case, the hearing thereat to
Court of Appeals under the foregoing treat the following issues:
rationalization, and this was later (1) Whether or not the complainants
adopted by Republic Act No. 7902 in mentioned in Exhibit J of the
amending Sec. 9 of B.P. 129. Decision really filed their
A fortiori, the decision or award of the complaints before the NLRC;
voluntary arbitrator or panel of arbitrators should (2) Whether or not complainants were
dismissed; if so, whether or not
likewise be appealable to the Court of Appeals, in
their dismissals were valid;
line with the procedure outlined in Revised (3) Whether or not complainants are
Administrative Circular No. 1-95, just like those of entitled to separation pay, money
the quasijudicial agencies, boards and claims, attorney’s fees and
commissions enumerated therein. litigation costs specified in the
This would be in furtherance of, and decision, Annex A of the petition;
consistent with, the original purpose of Circular amd
(4) Whether or not Robert Dino, Cristina
No. 1-91 to provide a uniform procedure for the
Dino and Michael Dino can be held
appellate review of adjudications of all quasi- liable for the claims of
judicial entities18 not expressly excepted from the complainants.
coverage of Sec. 9 of B.P. 129 by either the
Constitution or another statute. The foregoing is an acknowledgment by both
 Nor will it run counter to the legislative parties that the proceedings before the Voluntary
intendment that decisions of the NLRC be Arbitrator have not been completed.
reviewable directly by the Supreme Court  Despite this, the Court of Appeals
since, precisely, the cases within the rendered the assailed resolution ordering
adjudicative competence of the voluntary the immediate execution of the award of
arbitrator are excluded from the separation pay and attorney’s fees.
jurisdiction of the NLRC or the labor  Prior to that, Voluntary Arbitrator Calipay
arbiter. filed a comment contending that he had
 In the same vein, it is worth mentioning lost jurisdiction over the case after he
that under Section 22 of Republic Act No. rendered judgment. While under the


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Part XI : Alternatives to Use of Economic Force: Conciliation And Arbitration
Labor Relations
law decisions of voluntary arbitrators are
accorded finality, the same may still be 9. COSTS
subject to review, such as here where
there was a violation of petitioners’ right Art. 262-B. Cost of Voluntary Arbitration and
to due process and to be heard. Voluntary Arbitrators fee.—
xxx The parties to a Collective Bargaining Agreement
Inspite of statutory provisions making “final” shall provide therein a proportionate sharing
the decisions of certain administrative agencies, scheme on the cost of the voluntary arbitration
we have taken cognizance of petitions questioning including the Voluntary Arbitrators fee.
these decisions where want of jurisdiction, grave
abuse of discretion, violation of due process, denial The fixing of the fee of the Voluntary Arbitrators,
of substantive justice, or erroneous interpretation whether shouldered wholly by the parties or
of the law where brought to our attention. subsidized by the special voluntary arbitration
The right of due process is fundamental in our fund, shall take into account the following factors:
legal system and we adhere to this principle not a. Nature of the case
for reasons of convenience or merely to comply b. Time consumed in hearing the case
with technical formalities but because of a strong c. Professional Standing of the Voluntary
conviction that every man must have his day in Arbitrator
court. Capacity to Pay of the parties.
Even the Procedural Guidelines in the Conduct of
Voluntary Arbitration Proceedings, in Rule VI,
Section 6 thereof, explicitly mandates voluntary
arbitrators to observe the requirements of
procedural due process:
 Section 6. Arbitration Hearing. --- In the
conduct of hearing, the arbitrator shall
provide the parties adequate
opportunities to be heard. He shall
control the proceedings and see to it that
proper decorum is observed. He must
render a ruling of the issue/s raised in the
course of the proceedings. He must treat
all significant aspects of the proceedings
as confidential in nature unless
confidentiality is waived by the parties.
At this juncture, it may not be amiss to
restate our previous reminder to labor tribunals in
the weighing of the rights and interest of
employers and employees, viz:

 While the intendment of our laws is

to favor the employee, it in no way
implies that the employer is not
entitled to due process. For a
tribunal such as the NLRC to
wantonly disregard the employer’s
constitutional right to be heard is a
matter that cause great concern to
the Court. Such an action can only
result in public mistrust of our entire
legal system, and we strongly remind
the NLRC of their duty to uphold an
inspire confidence in the same.

It bears stressing that the award of separation

pay carries with it the inevitable conclusion that
complainants were illegally dismissed. That
finding of the Voluntary Arbitrator, however, was
premature and null and void for the reasons
above-stated. Therefore, there is a need to
remand the case to the Voluntary Arbitrator, as
originally stipulated by the parties, to allow
petitioners to present evidence in their behalf.
The Court of Appeals, thus, committed grave
abuse of discretion amounting to lack of
jurisdiction when it ordered the immediate
execution of the Voluntary Arbitrator’s award of
separation pay and attorney’s fees,
notwithstanding that the same was null and void
for violation of petitioner’s right to due process of


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