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COURSE NAME: Managing Database


Q1.Consider the following schema:

(a). Retrieve the name and address of all employees who work for the 'Research'
(b) Retrieve the name of each employee who has a dependent with the same first
name as the employee.
(c) Retrieve the name of each employee who works on all the projects controlled by
department number 5.
(d) : Retrieve the names of all employees who do not have supervisors.
(e) Retrieve the name of each employee who has a dependent with the same first name
as the employee.
Q2.Illustrate the condition when a functional dependency implies a multivalued

Q3.Determine whether the following decomposition of SP(S#,Sname, Scity, Status,

T#, Pname, Price, Qty) is a lossless joined decomposition.

CS(Scity, Status)
SUPP(S#, Sname, Scity)
PART(P#, Pname, Price)
SPN(S#,P#, Qty)
FDS Holding on SP:

S# ->Sname, Scity
Scity -> Status
P# -> Pname, Price
{S#,P#} -> QTY
Hint:- S# ->Scity and Scity -> Status
,thus S# -> Status. Therefore, S# -> Sname, Scity, Status
Q4.Is BCNF stronger Normal Form than 3NF? Illustrate.

Q5.Consider the following Student_Result schema :

Student_Result (Univ_Roll_No, Class_Roll_No, Semester, Branch, Section,
S_Address, S_DOB, Fathers_Name, Sub_Code, Sub_Title, Sub_Cresits, Marks)
Make the following Assumptions:-
Each student has unique Univ_Roll_No.
A student can also be uniquely identified by Class_Roll_No, Semester, Branch and
Each subject is uniquely identified by Sub_Code.
Marks are determined by student identity and subject Identity.
Now determine the following for schema Student-Results:-

The set of FDs holding on the schema.

Its Candidate Keys
Normal form of the schema.Justify
Decompose it into BCNF Sub Scheme.
Is the decomposition dependency-Preserving?

Q6.What kind of Anomalies occur in 1NF? Why do these anomalies occur?

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