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The third week is related with the teaching and classroom space. Using space
appropriately as a teacher has a huge impact on learning and students. A teacher should look
comfortable in the class and he\ she should be comfortable with the space he\ she covers.
Another important subject touched upon in the lesson is proxemics. It is related with the
distance between sudent and teacher. The teacher has to decide on his\ her place and distance
within students deliberately and according to the point that he\ she wants to convey. Never
touch your student if he\she is especially your opposite sex. It may cause misunderstanding
and also it can be misinterpreted by the student. As an activity,we discussed one minute about
our teachers’ space. We acted out on the stage. It was really funny. We learn from these act-
outs about what we would not do as a teacher. While we are teaching, students have to see
and hear us. If so, it is the most appropriate space. However, without a particular purpose,
there is no need to move.

The activity in the third week really impressed me. At first, I did not have and idea about
what we were doing. After some time, I felt as if I were in that scene and I had to be quite not
to disturb smurfs. The aim here is to encourage creativity, collaboration and to develop
observation. For, this activity can be used as a material in teaching colours, numbers, how
many-how much, direction, describing something, finish the story, adverbs, may-
might( guessing), past tense( maybe in teaching irregular verbs) and also adjectives. When I
consider this activity in teaching perspective, it is extremely creative and effective.

In addition to these, classroom seating has a huge impact on learning. It affects students’
attention and motivation. Maybe , some students will be energetic and talkative, they may
disturb you, your lesson and the other students. In this case, you may change the seating
again. It can be a solution.


To sum up, as a teacher, you should know how and where you are going to say

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