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In the name of Allah the Most Beneficial, The Most Merciful and may His best blessings be

upon our Unlettered Prophet Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam.

The great miracle of all times that was given to our Prophet SAW was the Glories Quran, the
blessings that are contained with it are numerous and beyond human comprehension, its
recitation is virtues and beneficial, its listening is virtues and beneficial, its writing is virtues and
beneficial, its learning is virtues and beneficial, even looking at it has been proved beneficial,
MashaAllah. We would like to highlight a few virtues and benefits related to ‘Listening of
Quran’ on the context of this article.
The greatest benefit of ‘Listening of Quran’ has been highlighted in the Quran itself in which our
Rabb says “When the Qur’an is read, listen to it with attention, and hold your peace: that you
may receive Mercy.” [Al-Araf 7:204], furthermore the virtues of ‘Listening of Quran’ are also
highlighted in the following hadith in which our Prophet SAW says “He who listens to even a
single aayat (being recited by another) obtains such a virtue which perpetually multiplies (it
increases in thawaab continuously). The one who recited the aayaat will on the Day of Qiyaamah
find the recited aayat in the form of a Noor (which will be of greater value and significance than
the virtue which accrued to the one who had listened to the recitation.)” (Ahmad)

Conclusion: One who listens to the recitation of Quran not only receives Allah’s Mercy and
Peace but also receives virtues that multiply.

The benefits of treating balckmagic and jinn influences by listening to the noble Quran have
been tried and tested by many people across the world, MashaAllah. These steps mentioned
below are to be followed by the victim of balckmagic or jinn possessions for ‘Self Treatment’ of
BlackMagic and Jinns…

Step 1: The victim(and/or exorcist or the person doing the exorcism) should purify and cleanse
his body and his house from all Sins. One should firstly clean and dispose all items/things in
their premises like – dog, bell, musical instruments, pictures/painting/dolls of living people and
animals; non-Islamic taweez or amulets hanging around anyone or in house etc, then offer 2 units
of ‘Salatul Tauba’ and sincerely repent for all his sins. One should also check the list of major
sins[like haram food and drink, adultery, disobedience to parents or husband, music and dancing,
zina of eyes i.e watching un-islamic videos, zina of tounge..etc, visiting astrologer/
fortuneteller /magician, living on unlawful earning…etc] that could block Allah’s mercy and
blessings and one needs to abstain from them and sincerely repent to ALlah and ask His

Step 2: Create Protective shield around the House through the recitation of Azaan and
Surah Baqara: This is amal is based in the following hadith:
Hadith 1 (Benefits of Azaan): AbuHuraira reported the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon
him) as saying: When Satan hears the call to prayer, he turns back and breaks the wind so as not
to bear the call being made, but when the call is finished he turns round and distracts (the minds
of those who pray), and when he bears the Iqama he again runs away so as not to hear its voice
and when it subsides, he comes back and distracts (the minds of those who stand for prayer)
Hadith 2 (Benefits of Azaan): Abu Sufyan reported it on the authority of Jabir that he had heard
the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) say: When Satan hears the call to prayer, he runs
away to a distance like that of Rauha. Sulaimin said: I asked him about Rauha. He replied: It is at
a distance of thirty-six miles from Medina.[Muslim]
Hadith 3 (Benefits of Surah Baqara): Abu Huraira reported that the Messenger of Allah
(salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, “Do not turn your houses into graves. Shaitan is barred from
any house in which Surat al-Baqara (2) is recited.” [Muslim]
Hadith 4 (Benefits of Surah Baqara): The Prophet SAW said, ‘Whoever recites 4 verses from the
first part of Surah al Baqara, the verse of the Throne, two verses after the verse of the Throne and
three verses from the last part of Surah al Baqara, Satan would never come near him or the
members of his family on that day, and nothing he despises would come near him or the
members of his family, and never are these verses recited over a madman without him regaining
his consciousness’[Darimi in the Book of Excellence of the Quran; an-Nasai in the Deeds during
the Day and Night; Ibn Hibban & Tabrani]
Hadith 5 (Benefits of Surah Baqara): Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (radiAllahu anhu) said, ‘Whoever
recited ten verses from al-Baqara in the night, Satan shall not have access to that house, during
the night till he wakes in the morning. These are: Four from the first part of the Surah, followed
by the verse of the Throne, two verses after the verse of the Throne and three from the last part
of the Surah’. [Darimi 3248/A]
Hadith 6 (Benefits of Surah Baqara): Abu Mas’ud al-Badri (radiAllahu anhu) reported that the
Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, “If anyone recites the two ayats at the end of Surat al-
Baqara (2) at night, they will be enough for him.” [Sahih al-Bukhari]

Therefore, the victim in-order to neutralize and banish all kinds of evil jinn’s and shayateen in
their premises, should play Azaan and Surah Baqara[2] on a computer or any audio or stereo
system or mobile as much as possible it will have devastating effect on the Jinn’s in the house
and will force them to leave, MashaAllah.

Download the recitation of three different Azaan of Medina and Surah Baqara by Fares Abbad
(Recitation Duration: 2 hours)

Azaan and Surah baqarah could be played in the following manner:

1.1x during day and 1x during the night, without any gaps or delays continuously for 7x to 21x
days or more if necessary.
2.1x during the day or 1x during the night, without any gaps or delays continuously for 7x to 21x
days or more if necessary.
3.Continuous in a loop though out the day and night, as much as possible, if the influence of
Sihir and Jinn’s are to strong.

Note : If the influence of Jinn or blackmagic is too strong, play this recitation of Azaan and
Surah Baqara at low audible volume [without disturbing your neighbors] through the night, since
the Jinn’s have very strong senses of hearing, even if Quran is played at a low audible volume it
will have a devastating affect on them, InshaAllah.
Step 3: Listening to Ruqyah [Lawful Incantation’s]: The victim should listen to this Ruqyah
once, either during the day or the night according to his convince either on ear phones, head
phones or speakers by closing his eyes to obtain maximum concentration.

Download Ruqyah by Abu Aaliyah (Recitation Duration: 1 hour:5 Mins)


Download Azaan of Medina and Powerful Ruqyah Against Sihir and Jinns by Fares Abbad
(Recitation Duration: 28 minutes)

Step 4: Salt Water Treatment (To expel dark energies out the body): The benefits of salt has
been highlighted in the hadith, it has been reported that the Prophet SAW said, “Salt is the
master of your food. God sent down four blessings from the sky – fire, water, iron and salt” (Ibn
Maja). And also because of the healing properties that are contained in salt, Prophet SAW has
used it for treating poison’s, Tabarani in As-Saghir has related a tradition on the authority of
Hadrat Ali, saying: “One the Holy Prophet was stung by a scorpion during the Prayer. When the
Prayer was over, he remarked: God’s curse be on the scorpion: it neither spares a praying one,
nor any other. Then he called for water and salt, and started rubbing the place where the scorpion
had stung with salt water and reciting Qul ya ayyuhal-kafirun, Qul Huwa Allahu ahad, Qul
a’udhu bi-Rabbil-falaq and Qul a’udhu bi-Rabbin-nas, along with it.”

Steps :
1. Download the following MP3 file that includes Azaan from Madina, Verses of Surah Baqarah,
Surah Burooj, Surah Tariq, Falaq and Naas(Recitation Duration: 11 min) from
2. Take a large bucket and fill it with water (avoid hot water, lukewarm water i.e water a little
warmer than the room temperature would be the best) to the level sufficient enough to cover your
feet above the ankles.
3. Add two spoon full of rock or crystalline salt (not powdered iodized salt) to the bucket of
4. Sit on a chair and immerse your feet into the bucket of water, make sure there is some distance
between both the feet and also the edges of the bucket, InshaAllah this will facilitate good
absorption of the dark energies from the body.
5. Play the Azaan from Madina, Verses of Surah Baqarah, Surah Burooj, Surah Tariq, Falaq and
Naas downloaded above on a ear phone or head phone or speaker and remember to set the MP3
player or computer to play the MP3 file continuously.
6. In the same position, close you eyes completely to obtain maximum concentration and
patiently listen to Azaan from Madina, Verses of Surah Baqarah, Surah Burooj, Surah Tariq,
Falaq and Naas 1x or 3x times.
7. After listening remove your feet from the bucket and wipe them with a clean towel.
8. Throw the bucket water into the toilet and rinse the bucket with fresh water.
9. Sit down and place you hand on you chest and recite:
LAAH WAL LAAHU AKBAR [I seek refuge with Allah, I seek refuge with Allah, I seek refuge
with Allah, There is no God worthy of Worship but Allah and Allah is the Greatest] – 33x
Then blow it on your hands and sweep your hands all over the body from head to foot,
inshaAllah this will not only strengthen your faith but will also create a protective shield or
strengthen your protective shield around the body.
10.This procedure can be repeated once or twice daily and continue it for a few day till things get
Note: In some cases after the salt water treatment it has been observed that the bucket water may
emit foul smell or may turn blackish or dark or the temperature may increase due to the
absorption of the evil energy from the body.

An alternative to ‘Salt water’ treatment would be to use non-alcoholic perfume of Rose (Attar),
that has to be rubbed on the soles of the feet and toes, before listening to the MP3 file above, this
will facilitate easy exit of the dark energies through the feet out of your body.

Step 5: Strengthen your shield and weaken the nesting Jinn: Its very important that the weak
victim of blackmagic or jinn should firstly, weaken the nesting jinns and secondly, strengthen
their protective shields around the body to resist future attacks from the Jinn’s or the magician.
One easy way to achieve this is that the victim after every obligatory salaat, should recite:
LAAHU WAL LAAHU AKBAR [I seek refuge with Allah, I seek refuge with Allah, I seek
refuge with Allah, There is no God worthy of Worship but Allah and Allah is the Greatest] – 33x
He should then blow it over his chest and over his hands and sweep them all over his body.

Step 6: Either during the day or the night the victim (or any pious muslim on the behalf of the
victim) should recite the following daily till the victim recovers completely
1. Recite Darood -3x – easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad
LAL-LAAHU WAL LAAHU AKBAR [I seek refuge with Allah, I seek refuge with Allah, I
seek refuge with Allah, There is no God worthy of Worship but Allah Allah is the Greatest] –
ALLAAHU [O The Destroyer O Allah;O The Compeller O Allah;O The Subduer O Allah] – 41x
4. Recite Darood -3x – easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad
5. Make Intention/Dua depending on the situation or symptoms as below:
WAL IKRAM YA ARHAMAR RAHEMEEN. O Allah By Your Power and Might, Plz destroy
and neutralize all the sihir, its items, its barries and its affects on me/MR XXX and O Allah,
Please Cure me/MR XXX completely from all Sickness, and all evil influences of sihir, jinn and
men and restore my/his health to normal and O Allah By Your Power and Might, plz protect
me/MR XXX with the strongest protection from all evil of your creation and setforth a powerful
barrier between us that cannot be transgressed. YA MUJEEBU YA MUJEEBU YA
Plz drive out the evil Jinns away from me /Mr XXX and O Allah By Your Power and Might, Plz
destroy and neutralize all the evil influences of Jinn and Men on me/MR XXX and O Allah,
Please Cure me/MR XXX completely from all Sickness, and all evil influences of Jinn and Men
and restore my/his health to normal and O Allah By Your Power and Might, plz protect me/MR
XXX with the strongest protection from all evil of your creation and setforth a powerful barrier
between us that cannot be transgressed. YA MUJEEBU YA MUJEEBU YA MUJEEBU !!
6. Take a deep breath and blow into a bottle of water and a bottle of vinegar and about 7 whole
black pepper seed.
The victim should drink one glass of recited water once or twice daily, rub the vinegar all over
his body or atleast areas of pain and sickness and deeply smell the recited black pepper seeds and
eat them daily. This can be done at different times like drink recited water in mornings, smell
and eat black pepper in evenings and rub the recited veniger all over the body before going to
bed at night.

Step 7: Spiritually strengthen yourself: We would highly recommend the victim to keep his
tongue busy by reciting the following zikar or wazifa -‘A-OO-ZO-BILLAAH, ‘A-OO-ZO-
much as possible, InshaAllah, the victim should notice several benefits of this Zikar in a short

While listening to the Ruqyah, in case there are negative reactions like burning, itching,
scratches, movements under the skin, then rub some vinegar[kitchen or apple cedar vinegar] over
that part of the body continuously reciting ‘A-OO-ZO-BILLAAH, ‘A-OO-ZO-BILLAAH, ‘A-

When Whispering or noises are heard or on seeing any strange dreams or vision or on seeing any
strange creatures and even at times of fear, anger, forgetfulness, depression, recite this
LAHA EL-LAL-LAAHU WAL LAAHU AKBAR, a few times say 7x to 33x and spite with full
force 3x towards the left side or the side from where noises are heard or strange creatures are

If the victim is to busy and doesn’t have sufficient time to listen the Ruqyah or for cases when
there is fear that the evil Jinn’s might attack during the night in the state of sleep, the Ruqyah
MP3’s or Surah Baqrah MP3 could be played throughout the night at a low audible volume such
that it doesn’t disturb the sleep of the victim and the people sleeping/neighbors nearby.

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