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SEC Registration No. A 200200833-2002 as amended Art. II & III
Non-Government Organization




There is an ever-increasing number of homeless people. Try to deny it,

and you’ll murder the great truths and hopes of the nation. STOP…LOOK… AND
BE NOT BE FOOLED! If you didn’t, corruption of the mind and heart will rule.

I am here, not to create grudges or any rancor to everyone who’ll be

afflicted. But this is a call…a grieve for the betterment of this country.

LAND GRABS MAKE MORE HOMELESS- - - This is a statement and

realization coming from an Indian writer. This is in the view that many are still
begging, clamoring or worse, working for the lands that in fact must just be
distributed and allocated to and for the people. This land is ours! Certificates
are just papers for formality sake, but what’s the weight of those papers
versus the cries and the precarious conditions homeless people are

A homeless person is the one who lacks “fixed, regular and adequate
day&nighttime residence,” as was defined by the US Department of Housing
and Urban Development. Across the globe, homelessness is spreading
alarmingly and distressingly and the number of homeless people is legitimately
stated as 1.6 million or could probably be even more. Now it is not just an
urban phenomenon. It has spread to rural and suburban areas also. In this
sense, are we, or should I say, YOU, the authorities, can’t see the happening

In September 2010 the United Nations plans to review progress towards

Millennium Development Goals at a high-level convention. Only five years
remain before the 2015 deadline. So far, progress, or EVOLUTION towards the
declared goals is very pathetic, again re-considering the fact earlier. How can
we stop this problem of having slum-dwelling population?

Reasonable allocation of land or even affordable housing is still a distant

dream for the poor. Enumerate all the housing projects of several government
agencies. We can never help but wonder whether these projects have served
their purpose. Were the REAL homeless given the chance for a HOME?!

Ozamiz Satellite Office: 129 Bito-on, Ozamiz City 7200, Misamis Occidental, Philippines
Mobile phone number: +63 926 423 4313 (GLOBE) | +63 908 997 8835 (SMART)
Web: ·
SEC Registration No. A 200200833-2002 as amended Art. II & III
Non-Government Organization

Governments of many countries are lagging behind in terms of providing

basic housing laws and services. Instead of undertaking speedy action to
provide housing to their subjects, they pursue policies that uproot working
people from their land. Give this up! This is too much… Yes, this is part of your
service for nation building but very unlikely for true sharing.

Chief Justice Reynato Puno once stated, "Law is the most historically
oriented, or if you like the most backward-looking, the most 'past-dependent,'
of the professions. It venerates tradition, precedent, pedigree, ritual,
custom, ancient practices, ancient texts, archaic terminology, maturity,
wisdom, seniority, gerontocracy, and interpretation conceived of as a method
of recovering history. It is suspicious of innovation, discontinuities, 'paradigm
shifts,' and the energy and brashness of youth. These ingrained attitudes are
obstacles to anyone who wants to re-orient law in a more pragmatic
direction. But, by the same token, pragmatic jurisprudence must come to
terms with history.”

When Torrens System is introduces and existed, it introduced radical

concepts into the Philippine legal system which appear to collide with settled
constitutional and jural precepts on state ownership of land and other natural
resources. The sense and subtleties of this law cannot be appreciated without
considering its distinct sociology and the labyrinths of its history. After all, the
TS was endorsed not only to fulfill the constitutional mandate of protecting
the indigenous cultural communities' right to their ancestral land but more
importantly, to correct a grave historical and even prospect injustice to our
indigenous people.

My dear countrymen… so long have we heard our leaders’ battle cry

against poverty and corruption! Who now, has ever ended the same?! So long
have we hoped for a better nation… administration after administration! Who
now, can ever rightfully claim such betterment?! Promises have been heard by
our parents… our parents’ parents and so on… Are you yet decided to just let it
be this way… and let those promises to be heard by your children, and your
children’s children at so forth?!

We have elected our leaders… Hoping every decision, every choice is one
way towards the glory of the nation! The leaders whom we also call public
servants…Are they considering our common good or the good of the chosen
few? Are they serving the nation or their self inflicted interest?!

Ozamiz Satellite Office: 129 Bito-on, Ozamiz City 7200, Misamis Occidental, Philippines
Mobile phone number: +63 926 423 4313 (GLOBE) | +63 908 997 8835 (SMART)
Web: ·
SEC Registration No. A 200200833-2002 as amended Art. II & III
Non-Government Organization

None of them, in the history of our great nation, have ever been
successful in humbly serving the Filipino people! None of us, in our sincerest
interest of giving the true development in our country will so do it, without
finding the proper move, the right solution which will perfectly work for our
dearest country.

None of our efforts for a change will ever be rewarded… Unless we find
in ourselves the courage to fight for what is just… Unless we are ready to be
an eye-openers. Let us be vigilant! Let us be true Filipinos! Let us take and
uphold the values of our race! Let us help our blinded fellow countrymen!
Let Filipino people know and understand a system that will truly make the

I take my stand. Let our countrymen know the true Torrens System! Let
them know, the authentic Torrens System of the Land; Above and apart from a
system which was fabricated by our leaders in their crave for wealth!

Let the people know of The Torrens System Law of Land which was
modeled and introduced in 1858 by Sir Robert Richard Torrens. It is originally
as ship registry system and was then spreaded out to English speaking nations
whereby it abides by a legal procedure and that the state guarantees the
owner’s title.

Reliability, simplicity, low cost, speed and suitability are five qualities of
the Torrens System Law that are still desirable and applicable at this time.
Yet this system has been remodeled; making it less effective, less efficient!

The REAL Torrens System law inhibits to mandate the execution of the
total reform system. Thus, it aims to revolutionize the existing land law of
conveyancing. Everyone, hoping for a better nation, for our brighter future,
of eradication poverty and corruption, must therefore, take time to
understand the heart of the Torrens System Law.

My fellow countrymen… It is then when we disentangle the web of our

confusions whether or not our beloved country can move forward as it has
been bounded to be. Let us take time to see the countless benefits underlying
in the use of the rightful Torrens System.

The Torrens System Law aims to save the laymen dealing with registered
proprietors from the problems and expenses of going behind the register, to

Ozamiz Satellite Office: 129 Bito-on, Ozamiz City 7200, Misamis Occidental, Philippines
Mobile phone number: +63 926 423 4313 (GLOBE) | +63 908 997 8835 (SMART)
Web: ·
SEC Registration No. A 200200833-2002 as amended Art. II & III
Non-Government Organization

investigate the validity of their title. It shall then provide a clean and honest
title of property acquisition of land(s).

My dear countrymen, we have suffered endlessly of the corruptions over

land registration. Our common practices today, have given the chance to the
evils of the government rule and manipulate the system. Who wouldn’t want
these corruptions stopped?! They are the evil wolves of our society! They are
swimming in abundance of their luxury, from money making in the land
registration process.

Let us be one and support a drastic change in our system! Let our
people hear and understand the long so hidden truth. Let initiate change and
impose that the REAL Torrens System Law be established. Let us spearhead
change and make our great country Philippines soar like any other neighboring
progressive and developed countries.

Torrens System Law will help us realize a country that can provide a
decent shelter and high standard of living to its citizens. Further, it can
answer our cry for land, and home for the homeless. It can assure us of a
decent place for our living.

My fellow countrymen, let us all take a stand to fight for what is

rightfully for us Filipinos! Take what is rightfully for the land tillers! Let the
Torrens System prevail. Put an end in land grabbing… Put an end to a never
ending land taxation. Put an end in the corruption concerning land distribution
and registration.

Walang ibang talo kundi ang maralita nating mga kababayan! The rich
becomes richer.. and the poor becomes poorer! “Walang nabubuhay para sa
sarili lamang”. Then let that sentence work for us all. Let us acknowledge
the responsibility that God has given us… regardless of our culture and

To our dear leaders, you are our guide for the betterment of the nation.

Acknowledge the Torrens System of Law. It will also help us STOP the
mandate of other countries and give chance for peace in the country. Only if
we can show the world that we can stand our ground.. then we can gain much
respect. The kind of respect we deserve. When we can decide by our own,
and not from what other countries’ leaders have told us so.

Ozamiz Satellite Office: 129 Bito-on, Ozamiz City 7200, Misamis Occidental, Philippines
Mobile phone number: +63 926 423 4313 (GLOBE) | +63 908 997 8835 (SMART)
Web: ·
SEC Registration No. A 200200833-2002 as amended Art. II & III
Non-Government Organization

Thus, when we have a law that implies the truthfulness in “No one is
above the Law”… we will have peace in our country. Public servants and
civilians should have equal rights under the Law. Under the TS, we must
adhere to everything that has been set. Under the same, will prevail the
equality among the Filipinos, and under the same we shall have no means to
think of anything that can deteriorate the peace among and between Filipinos.

Who among us, want a Philippines covered with fear and unsafety? The
rampant cases of murders, abductions, kidnapping, robberies and other
criminalities shall burden the country. Those shall impede in our strive for
progress and development! But a Torrens System Law can help eradicate those
criminalities that our nailing the country down…

It shall, in a major way restore our innate moral decency; to every

Filipino Citizen. Thus when we have uplift our spirits and morality, comes the
responsibility to encourage our fellow countrymen to do the same. Our
actions shall speak for us. Each of us shall bear the social responsibility to
exert the best and act in modesty.

Our country has been divided by the issues we face. The ideals we each
uphold! Communists have been a problem. All insurgencies threatened our
peace and security. But none of which we have suppressed. Are we up to the
right cure for these peace related issues?! Moreso, are people involved in
spearheading the insurgencies ready to embrace the right solution?

We showed efforts for peace talks and alike… Violence is never an

answer! It will only aggravate the situation. Give chance for the REAL Torrens
System Law, and let the law speak of peace. No gun smuggling will ever take
place. Efforts shall not only come from the peace keeping bodies, but to
anyone involved in even supplying the communists the arms. They who are
making profit over the issue of peace threats shall stop. This is a call for

Only then can we give our children a peaceful country. Only then can we
have better lives free of worries. Let us help realize a peaceful Philippines!
We have long been into wars and alike. TS, let the Filipino people enjoy their

Several political leaders have promised to focus on the education of the

people. Schools, of each administration have been built. Schools have been

Ozamiz Satellite Office: 129 Bito-on, Ozamiz City 7200, Misamis Occidental, Philippines
Mobile phone number: +63 926 423 4313 (GLOBE) | +63 908 997 8835 (SMART)
Web: ·
SEC Registration No. A 200200833-2002 as amended Art. II & III
Non-Government Organization

built everywhere. Our government has made the educational institutions

accessible to the people in terms distance.

Just the same, the TS is a system that will inculcate the importance of
education and health; that can be accessible to all.

Who wouldn’t want a government which can give a child and

unemployment support to its citizens? Who wouldn’t want to see and
experience a Philippines where taxes will be for all the people and not for the
government officials alone?

Let the taxes be beneficial to the Filipino people! An independent body

shall be assigned to safe-keep funds specifically for the education of the
children and aid for the unemployed. In this light, that we can say that
education is truly for ALL. In this sense, the establishments of schools can be
worth it.

In our present system, regardless of the schools we build… we can never

really give education for ALL… Kung ang pagpipilian ay ang KALAM ng sikmura
at ang UHAW para sa karunungan!? Apart from education we must be able to
sustain a means for living.

If we can give the REAL Torrens System Law a chance… It can provide
the rules and regulations of its labor code. Under the law, the government
shall provide full support of the child, as tax benefits until maturity (18 yrs.),
free education (fees and materials), unemployment support and adequate tax
percentage for those working will be refunded every year.

Who wouldn’t want the establishment of this system? Those people who
enjoy and lavish a life of corruption and immorality! Those people in fake
public service, who only wants to satisfy their personal interests! Those
people who have hidden the wellness of life with the Torrens System Law.
Kailangan nilang itago ang katotohanan para sa kanilang bulsa!

Funds that should have been rightfully allocated have went straight in
their pockets! Silang mga nabubulagan ng salapi! SILANG mga gahaman! They
who are expected to do their jobs well.. They who are considered learned…
SILA pa ang mga abusado sa TIWALA ng bayan! They are abusive of the trust
given to them.. They are abusive of the powers vested upon them!

Ozamiz Satellite Office: 129 Bito-on, Ozamiz City 7200, Misamis Occidental, Philippines
Mobile phone number: +63 926 423 4313 (GLOBE) | +63 908 997 8835 (SMART)
Web: ·
SEC Registration No. A 200200833-2002 as amended Art. II & III
Non-Government Organization

Comes with the education is our good health. TS knows the importance
of maintaining the good health of the people. It equally gives importance to

The TS can stop corruption. It has the eye of a lion over the People. It
is an eye expected of a Law, to be properly implemented. Such, that no one
will fear any other high end personality. Equality is entailed in each law.
Break the Law and you will be condemned! It shall convey discipline in its
highest sense.

Let us be awakened… I call on you now… I call on you for reform… Fear
not! Everything is well written and can be justified by all means… We just
need to break the ice, and let our voice be heard!

We must not be blinded. We can never just choose a path to take… We

must also be equipped of the right arm in our fight for total reform! Reform
may be drastic but will be worth it.. Our every action is inter-related and
interconnected with each others’. And our social responsibility is to ensure
the use of the rightful system…

History- wise, ano nang nangyari dito…nawala… ibinimbin at pinabayaan!

The deprived people cannot wait for the grace of anyone but YOU who are all
up there. The right to settlement or even to shelter is an important human
right. This right had already been enshrined in the constitutions of many

They have every right to demand their ruling establishments to reverse

the so-called structural adjustments policies, which forbid public spending for
the essential needs of the poor. And they must, united, ask the governments
for increased financial allocation for public spending on housing in rural and
urban areas. Or again better, give up the personal powers and offer for all the
unprivileged and all the people. This, by and large, would improve the
conditions of the poor.

“Ang bansang demokratiko na may disiplina at pagkakaisa and

siyang makapagbibigay dulot tibay sa ating pamumuhay na may kalayaan
at kasaganaan.”

Ozamiz Satellite Office: 129 Bito-on, Ozamiz City 7200, Misamis Occidental, Philippines
Mobile phone number: +63 926 423 4313 (GLOBE) | +63 908 997 8835 (SMART)
Web: ·

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