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The Treaty of Hudaibiya

Asim Ahmad

• [48:28] Surely has Allah in truth fulfilled for His Messenger the Vision. You
will certainly enter the Sacred Mosque, if Allah will, in security, some having
their heads shaven, and others having their hair cut short; and you will
have no fear. But He knew what you knew not. He has in fact ordained for
you, besides that, a victory near at hand.

The Prophecy in Verse 48:28

• Allah will let the Muslims enter the Kaba

without fear.
• Allah also promises a great victory.
The reaction of the Holy Prophet saw

• Hadhrat Mohammad saw interpreted this to

mean that he should go tot the Kaba
• They will only perform a circuit around the
Journey to Mecca

• The Meccan Army was ready to fight the

Muslim caravan.
• The holy Prophet wanted peace
• They took an alternative route
• They stopped in Hudaibiya
In Hudaibiya

• The Meccan Army was on the main road.

• The Muslims could have easily taken the
• The Holy Prophet wanted to go to the
Kaba peacefully
• When the Meccans come back they send a
chief and a general to the Muslim camp

• The Meccans debated among themselves

whether to allow the Muslims the Kaba or
• The Prophet hears that the Meccans want
a treaty.
• The Prophet sends Hadrat Uthman ra as an
ambassador into Mecca.

• Their was a Rumor that the Meccans had

murdered Hadrat Uthman ra
• Hadrat Muhammad saw took an oath with
the 1500 muslims present at the time.
• They all promised that if Hadrat Uthman
ra was murdered then they would take
Mecca before dusk, or die fighting
The treaty

• Before the Holy Prophet saw finished the

oath Hadrat Uthman ra returned.
• Soon after Suhail, a chief of Mecca, came
to the prophet and a settlement was
In the name of God. These are the conditions of peace
between Muhammad, son of Abdullah and Suhail ibn Amr
the envoy of Mecca. There will be no fighting for ten
years. Anyone who wishes to join Muhammad and to
enter into any agreement with him is free to do so.
Anyone who wishes to join the Quraish and to enter into
any agreement with them is free to do so. A young man,
or one whose father is alive, if he goes to Muhammad
without permission from his father or guardian, will be
returned to his father or guardian. But if anyone goes to
the Quraish, he will not be returned. This year
Muhammad will go back without entering Mecca. But
next year he and his followers can enter Mecca, spend
three days, perform the circuit. During these three days
the Quraish will withdraw to the surrounding hills. When
Muhammad and his followers enter into Mecca, they will
be unarmed except for sheathed swords which wayfarers
in Arabia always have with them.
After the Treaty
• A son of Suhail, the Meccan chief, wanted to go the Holy
Prophet saw
• Hadrat Muhammad saw told Abu Jandal, the son, to
have patience.
• The Holy Prophet saw also sent back Abu Basir who
managed to escape on his way back to Medina.
• A few days later a women escaped to Medina.
• The Holy Prophet saw did not return her because the
treaty laid down an exception on men not women
The Letters to Various Leaders
• After the trip to
Hudaibiya, the
Prophet saw instituted
another plan for the
spread of Islam
• He sent letters to
leaders around the
Middle East.
• His companions told
him to make a seal.
The Letters
• The letters went to leaders such as the King of
Iran, King Negus, the Roman Emperor, King of
Bahrain, the Ruler of Egypt and many more.
• The King of Bahrain accepted Islam
• King Negus, the Roman Emperor, and the ruler
of Egypt showed great regard for the letters
• The King of Iran ripped the letter into many
The Umrah

• In the year of 629 C.E. the Prophet, with

2000 men went to Mecca
• He along with his followers performed
Umrah, according to the terms of the
Treaty of Hudaibiya
• This fulfilled the prophecy in 48:28
The Breaking of the Treaty
• Banu Bakr was a tribe aligned with the Arabs.
• Khuza’a was a tribe aligned with the Muslims.
• Banu Bakr attacked Khuza’a, which broke the
treaty of Hudaibiya.
• The Holy Prophet had no choice but to fight the
• He advanced with 10,000 men to Mecca

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