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Unit 1
Getting started
Listen to Mike, talking about whales. While listening, complete the missing words
with the words you hear.
Whales are sea-livings mammals. They therefore breathe air but cannot survive on land.
Some species are very large indeed and the blue whale, which can exceed 30 meters in
length, is the largest animal to have lived on earth. Superficially, the whale looks rather
like a fish, but there are important differences in its external structure; its tail consists of a
pair of broad, flat horizontal paddles (the tail of a fish is vertical) and it has a single
nostril on top of its large, broad head. The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a
layer of fat (blubber). It can be up to 30 meters in thickness and serves heat and body

Moving Forward
Listen to Belle, talking about a spider. While listening, complete the missing words.
Then, answer the questions.
Uhmm....... do you know Arachnids? I mean, it is a spider. Spiders are not insects.
I mean spiders are Arachnids. Arachnids have four bite pairs of legs but they only have
two body parts but insects have three pairs of legs and three body parts. The most
surprising thing is that spiders have two to four pair of eyes. They can see extremely well.
Uhm .... spiders eat small insects such as flies and mosquitoes and you know
what ?They sometimes bite people. When a spider bites an insect, it doesn’t kill the insect
immediately but a special poison passes through its fangs, and this poison paralyzes the
body of the unlucky insect.
Most spiders make their own homes. They do this with a special substance produced
by their bodies. In the corner of some rooms it is possible to find a spider’s web where
the spider is waiting for its next dinner guest.
(Adapted from : Reading Practice, Unknown)
Unit 2
Getting Started
B Listen to Mike, talking about an old legend. Rearrange the pictures into the
correct order according to the story. Then, answer the questions.

Why do the Sun and the Moon live in the sky ?

( A Nigerian Folktale )

Here is the story. A long time ago, when the world was new, the Sun married the
Moon and they lived as happily as can be. They lived in a little cottage near the Ocean.
You know what? One day, the Sun and the Moon invited the Ocean to their house
for a visit. The Ocean liked it so much. He wanted to stay in a little cottage. The sun and

the Moon liked the Ocean and hoped the cottage would be big enough for all three of
So the Sun and the Moon invited the Ocean to stay with them. What happened
then? Then came the Ocean with all his friends; the whales, the fish, the porpoises, the
crabs and all the creatures that live in the sea.
Oh my….. The water rose higher and higher in the cottage. Soon, there was no
more room for the Sun and the Moon. Oh, how poor they were. They rose up into the sky
where they have lived ever since. Well, that’s the story.

C Listen to Belle telling another version of ‘Why do the Sun and the Moon live
in the sky? ( New Mexico Version ). Complete the text and answer the questions.

Why do the Sun and the Moon live in the sky ?

( New Mexico Version )

Long time ago, there was no day. It was always dark and always summer. This
was because the Kachina, a very powerful people had stolen the Sun and the Moon and
locked them away in a box. In the light, Coyote and Eagle, two friends wandered the
Coyote and Eagle had always hunted together, but Coyote could not hunt
anymore because he could not see at night. Coyote suggested that they go to find the Sun
and the Moon and make them light up the world. Eagle was worried. He reminded
Coyote that the Sun and the Moon were very strong and it was dangerous to try to trick
In the end, Eagle agreed to help Coyote. While the Kachina were sleeping, Coyote
and Eagle crept into their village , stole the Sun and the Moon, and headed into the hills.
Coyote told Eagle that he wanted to open the box containing the Sun and the
Moon. Eagle said no. They must wait until after their travels and open it with their eyes
closed. Coyote grumbled. He couldn’t wait to see what was in the box.
Finally he grew so curious that he threw it open. The light of the Sun was so
bright that it blinded Coyote’s eyes. The sun and the Moon laughed and flew far way, up
into the sky where they are today.

Listen to the following text. Do you know that sentence connectors are often used in
telling stories. The connectors used include first, first of all…to begin with.. then,
after that, so in the end…,finally
Why do mosquitoes buzz?
To begin with the story, let me tell you that long time ago, mosquitoes didn’t buzz,
they talked and talked. Then one day when one of them talked to Iguana and didn’t let
Iguana say one word. Iguana just grumbled and waved her tail until she forgot to say
hello to her friend snake. After that everything was in a mass. Snake was so angry
that he made rabbit, monkey, crow and owl get frightened. Finally the whole jungle
was mad at mosquitoes and cried for the sun to come up and when it did, mosquitoes
lost his voice.

C Listen to the story of Anthony and Cleopatra. Then, rearrange these
sentences according to their sequence in the story and answer the questions.

Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, was known throughout the ancient world for her
beauty and intelligence. Every man would fall in love with her. Antony, who with two
others ruled Rome after the death of Julius Caesar, went to the East to meet Cleopatra and
discover she was plotting against Rome.
When Antony reached Egypt and saw Cleopatra for the first time, he was
fascinated with her beauty and fell in love with her; he completely forgot his purpose
Antony stayed in Egypt enjoying the lazy and luxurious life with Cleopatra.
Moreover, she wanted him to live in Egypt forever.
Meanwhile, Anthony’s fellow ruler in Rome, Octavius was angry to hear that
Antony spent his time in merry-making in Egypt while Rome was threatened by its
enemy, Pompey. So, he arranged a marriage between her sister, Octavia and Anthony for
political reasons and restored the friendship.
Although Antony treated his wife with great kindness and respect, he longed for
Cleopatra in Egypt. In fact, he knew that Octavius was ambitious and wanted to be a
single ruler in Rome. At last Antony went back to Egypt and joined with Cleopatra
against Rome.
This time Octavius could not tolerate with Antony so he sent his army to actium
to fight Antony’s and Cleopatra army. The battle was so fierce that Antony and Cleopatra
lost their armies.
Feeling ashamed of being dishonoured, Antony took his own life using his own
sword. Cleopatra was speechless with grief. She couldn’t go on living without Antony.
She told her servants to bring her two poisonous snakes. And so, dressed in a queen, she
prepared for death. On her throat and her arm she placed two snakes which bite her killed
her instantly.

D Listen to the following story. Complete the text and answer the questions.

Why Do Hawks Hunt Chicks ?

Situation : Ita saw a mother hen quickly gathering its chicks under its wings. Then, Ita
looked up and saw a hawk flying up in the sky.

Ita : Mother, why don’t hawks leave chickens alone ?

Mother: Hm….. It’s a long story, Ita.
Ita : Oh, please, mum, tell me. I’m curious.
Mother: All right….all right. Don’t behave like a five-year old child, okay ?
Ita : Okay. Now, what’s the story ?
Mother: Well, this is the story. Long, long time ago, a hawk fell in love with a hen. The
Hawk flew down from the sky and asked the hen,”Will you marry me?”

You know what? The hen loved the brave, strong hawk in return and wished to
marry him. But she said,” I cannot fly as high as you can. If you give me time, I
may learn to fly as high as you. Then, we can fly together.”

The hawk agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring. ”This is to show
that you have promised to marry me,” said the hawk.
It so happened that the hen already promised to marry a rooster. So, when the
Rooster saw the ring, he became very angry. “ Throw that ring away at once!”
shouted the rooster. The hen was so frightened at the rooster’s anger that she
threw away the ring immediately.
When the hawk came a few months later, the hen told him that the truth. The
hawk was so furious that he cursed the hen. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?
Now, you’ll always be scratching the earth, and I’ll be always be flying above
to catch your children.” said the hawk.
Ita : The curse seems to have come true, doesn’t it? Thanks for the story, mum.

G Listen to the story of Anne Boleyn. While listening, fill in the blanks with the
words you hear. Then, do the following task.

Anne Boleyn

During the reign of King Henry VII of England in 1522, Anne Boleyn, the
daughter of Sir Thomas Boleyn and a niece of the Duke of Norfolk, returned to England
from France where she spent her childhood. She became the Lady-in waiting into the
service of Catherine of Aragon, King Henry VIII’s first wife.
She soon caught the eyes of the King. The King tried to make Anne his mistress
but Anne refused it. Her sister, Mary Boleyn had been the king’s mistress and gained
little from it but a scandal. She demanded that the King marry her. She waited nearly
seven years for Henry to obtain an annulment of his marriage with Catherine of Aragon.
In 1532 Henry VIII and Catherine divorced. It finally took an unavoidable breaking with
the Pope in Rome before they wed in the mid of September in 1533.
A year later Anne was pregnant, but she was unable to give the King the son he
desperately needed for an heir. The King was so disappointed. Their marriage ended
tragically for Anne. She was accused of witchcraft, incest and adultery. On May 19 th ,
1536 she was beheaded at the Tower of London. Ten days after her death, King Henry
married to Lady Jane Seymour who was able to give the king a son, Prince Edward. But
this didn’t last long. The young prince died young. Elisabeth, the daughter of Anne and
Henry VIII became England’s greatest queen.

Unit 3
Getting Started
B Listen to the following text. Fill in the blank spaces with the words you hear.
Then, answer the questions.

Cars Should be Banned from Cities

Cars should be banned from the city. As we all know, cars create pollution, and
cause a lot of road deaths and other accidents.
Firstly, cars, as well as we know, contribute to most of the pollution in the world.
Cars emit a deadly gas that causes illness such as bronchitis, lung cancers and “triggers”
of asthma. Some of these illnesses are so bad that people can die from them.
Secondly, a city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly
hit pedestrians in the city, which causes them to die. Today cars are the biggest killers on
In conclusion cars should be banned from a city for the reasons listed above.

Moving Forward
G Listen to the following interview. While listening, complete the blanks. Then,
answer the questions.
Interviewer : Hey guys! Nice to see you again. Welcome back in the “Young
Learners” Program. I’m Lala, your host. Guys, this time I’d like to
interview a high school student, named Melissa. Good morning, Melissa.
Melissa : Good morning, Lala. Morning guys. Nice to see you.
Interviewer : Well, guys. In this occasion we’d talk about an interesting topic. Guess
what it is…..uhuh…….it’s HOMEWORK! Okay, Melissa do your
teachers always give you homework to do at home ?
Melissa : Most of the time.
Interviewer : Hm….really ? And what do you feel about that? Is it effective or
ineffective ?
Melissa : Well, I personally think that homework is ineffective in developing
student’s skills.
Interviewer : Oh, that surprises me. Tell me about that.
Melissa : Well, in the first place, homework is a waste of time, because you’re just
forced to complete tasks that you already know how to do.
Interviewer : Wow, that’s an interesting point. And then?
Melissa : Hmm….secondly, homework is ineffective because the tasks you do
involve more memory than discovery. Most of the tasks you do are just
repetition and therefore you don’t discover or learn anything
Interviewer : Really?
Melissa : Moreover, I would say that homework is inefficient because when most
kids come home from school they’re usually tired from all the work that
they have done during the day and they probably won’t produce their best
work for the tasks.
Interviewer : Okay, Melissa. So, what is your conclusion then?
Melissa : My conclusion is that homework is ineffective and is not the best way to
develop students’ skills.
Interviewer : Guys, those are Melissa’s opinion about homework. Now, let’s see what
others say about homework. Well, thank you Melissa. See you.

Getting Started

B Situ bagendit

Read and listen to the following conversation. Pay attention to the intonation used in the
conversation. Then, answer the questions
Situation : Putri was looking for an idea to make a summary of a folk tale.
She met Pingkan in the library.

Pingkan : Hey, What’s up ? Why are you looking so sad ?

Tell me your problem.
Putri : Well, my teacher gave me an assignment to make a summary of a folk
tale. But I didn’t get any idea at all. I’m confused.
Pingkan : Hey, cheer up ! I read a folk tale last week. It’s a legend from Java.
Putri : Oh, did you ? What’s the title ?
Pingkan : Uhm….. let me remember it for a moment.. Uhm … yeah, I remember it
now. It’s “Keong Mas”.
Putri : Is it ? Tell me the story, then.
Pingkan : Okey, the story is about Princess Galuh Candra Kirana of Daha
Kingdom who was engaged to Raden Inu Kertapati, the crown prince of
Kahuripan Kingdom. Their wedding almost failed because of Galuh
Ajeng’s jealousy. Galuh Ajeng was Galuh Candra Kirana’s sister.
Putri : I guess I know why she was jealous. She loved the prince and wanted to
marry him. Am I right ?
Pingkan : A hundred percent correct. You know what ? She, then planned to
jeopardize the wedding.
Putri : How did she do it ?
Pingkan : Well, she went to an evil witch. She ordered her to harm Galuh Candra
Kirana with her evil withcraft spells.
Putri : Did it work ?
Pingkan : Yes, it did. Galuh Candra Kirana suddenly fell ill and all her body
suffered from boils. She smelled very bad. Her father was very ashamed
of her and got rid of her from the palace.
Putri : How poor she was!
Pingkan : She was. So, she went into the forest and the spell worked out. She
suddenly changed into a golden snail (Keong Mas) and it stranded to
Dadapan forest.
There she met an old poor woman. The woman kept the snail in her big
earthen jar.
Putri : How lucky the snail was. Well, go on.
Pingkan : The next day, something happened. The woman found nothing in forest
for her dinner. So she went home sadly.You know what, to her surprise,
there were delicious meals on her dinning table. This happened for
several days.
Putri : She must have wondered where the food came from.
Pingkan : You bet ! So to cut a long story, the woman pretended to go into the
forest but on the way she returned home. And she found Princess Galuh

Candra Kirana preparing meals for her. She felt sorry for her and prayed
to God to help Galuh Candra Kirana.
Putri : Didn’t Raden Kerta Ibnu do something ?
Pingkan : Of course, he did. At the end of the story, he met again Galuh Candra
Kirana and they married and lived in Kahuripan Kingdom.
Putri : Well, at least the story has a happy ending. But thanks anyway. It
inspired me much.
Pingkan : That’s what friends are for.

Get it Right

B Listen to the following quotations. Then match the people to what they say
about love. Ga sama sama di buku


Aristotle said that love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies


Anonymous said that when you are in love never stop thinking someone
you love


Flavia Weedn said,” I truly love you endlessly. Everyday without you is like
a book without pages. I love you, I will always do for the rest of our earthly
and heavenly life.”


Sean Bawden said that love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of..

Moving Forward
Listen to the following story.Then,answer the questions. Choose True (T) or False
Situation : A teacher is telling her students a folk tale. She is showing a
picture on the textbook.

Teacher : Can anybody tell me this picture ? What’s this picture about ?
Student 1 : Yes, mam. The picture is about a strong man lifting uhm….

the door of a gate, if I’m not mistaken.
Teacher : Correct. Good student.
Student 2 : What a strong man he is. What’s his name, mam?
Teacher : His name was Joko Tole.
Student 1 : That sounds funny!
Teacher : Whatever. But have you heard the story of Joko Tole ?
Student 2 : Not yet, mam. Tell me the story, then.
Teacher : All right. Here is the story.
In the Kingdom of Majapahit, there was a young strong man. He
was from Madura. His name was Joko Tole. He was famous for
his strength so that the king admired him and often gave him a
lot of gifts. And this made several officials feel jealous of him.
So, they slandered Joko Tole. They told that Joko Tole planned
to rebel against the king.
Student 1 : Oh, did he ? And did the King believe that ?
Teacher : Fortunately, the king was a wise man. He made a test for Joko
Tole. He asked Joko Tole to marry his blind daughter. And Joko
Tole agreed to marry her. The King nodded and smiled happily.
Student 2 : He must have been faithful to the King
Teacher : In fact he was. Then, a few days later there was a great wedding
celebration in the kingdom. Joko Tole married Dewi Ratnadi, the
King’s daughter.
After the wedding was over, the new married couple asked the
King’s permission to go to Sumenep in Madura. The king
permitted them. So Joko Tole and his wife left Majapahit for
Madura. During the journey, Joko Tole cared for his wife very
much. He always guided her gently.
Student 1 : What a guy! I wish someday I met a man like him.
Teacher : In short, they arrived in Madura safely. Madura was a dry land.
Dewi Ratnadi wanted to take a bath after a long journey, but
there was no water.
Student 2 : Well, there must be some way.
Teacher : Yes, Joko Tole took his wife’s cane and stabbed it into the
ground. After a while, he pulled the cane out and suddenly, water
gushed out from the hole. The water splashed out onto Dewi
Ratnadi’s face. You know what happened then ?
Suddenly, Dewi Ratnadi can see again.
Student 1 : Wow, that’s a miracle !
Teacher : It’s true. You know, until now people call the place of the spring
“ Soca”. It means “eyes”.
Student 2 : So what’s the end ?
Teacher : Well, they lived in Sumenep. The people of Sumenep were very
Getting Started

B. Listen to a story about a schoolboy, named Michael. Complete the missing words.
Then, answer the questions
Okay students. Listen to me. I have a good story. The story is about a boy named
Michael. He was ten years old. He was not a very good pupil. Why? Because he didn’t
like doing his homework. What did he like then ?Oh, he liked playing in his leisure time.
He liked football very much. Do you know why he didn’t like doing his homework?
Because he always made a lot of mistakes when he did it.
Well, one day, his mathematics teacher looked at Michael’s homework and found
that all his homework was correct. Wow, that’s a good job! Of course students, the
teacher was very pleased and surprised. So, he called Michael to his office and said to
him, Michael, you’ve got all your homework right this time. You’re doing great. Well
done, Michael. Did your father help you?
“No, sir” Michael said, “Usually my father did it for me. But last night he was
very busy. He had a meeting. So, he couldn’t do my homework. Then, I had to do it by

Get it right
C.Say whether these sentences have rising intonation (R) or falling (F) intonation.
1. Is Mr.Schmidt German?
2. Could you tell me your phone number?
3. Do you like swimming?
4. Is Ardian an engineer?
5. Where about in Indian do you live?
6. What do you do?
7. When were you born?
8. Linda is architect
9. The house is in front of the hospital
10. Are you talking on the phone?

Moving Forward
B. Listen to teh following monolog. While listening,complete the text.Then,answer
the question.
Green,Pink and Yellow
Can you name the colors in English?Yes, you’re right. Blue, red, yellow and so on. By
the way, I have a funny story about colors. Do you want to hear it? Okay,listen to me
One day,an English teacher was explaining about colors to his students. After he
had finished explaining,he asked his students “Who can make a sentence using the words
green, pink and yellow”.
James the smartest student in the class, quickly raised his hand and
answered,”When the yellow morning sun comes, I see a beaitiful,girl wearing a pink
blouse walking through the green grass”.
Excellent!James,you are a very good student.”praised the teacher.

“Me,me,Sir” Johny,the naughtiest student in the class said while raising his
hand.And then he said, I heard, “the telephone ringing”, then I pink the
receiver and I said, “Yello,who’s speaking there?”

Getting started
You will hear a radio presenter taking calls during a segment of ‘BEAUTIFUL
WORLD’. Two senior high school students,Sarah and Tuti call to talk about
‘Quitting litter-bug habits’
Program Presenter : It’s ten to three and time for our special program today ‘ Beautiful
World’ with me Thery. I will be your host for about 30 minutes. Well, listeners we have two
senior high school students, Sarah and Astari on the line ready to debate about ‘Quashing
litter-bug habits.’ So, if you’re interested, find a pen and paper. Then choose the best
suggestion of all by sending your SMS. Remember, at the end of the segment we will give you
a cool gift for the winner.
Okay Sarah and Astari and all listeners the problem of littering reflects a lack of
responsibility on all sides. Although heavy penalty has already been arranged under
government regulation, many people still drop broken bottles or empty cans in public places,
like parks or streets, even in the river. It’s always interesting to know how the youth are
concerned about social problems like littering.
First on the line is Sarah. Hello. Thank you for being part of our program. Tell me
what do you think of this bad habit?
Sarah : I am against this bad habit 100%.I personally believe that throwing litter on the
ground is a very bad habit.
Everybody knows. However many people do it. Why? Because they don’t care about
a clean and healthy environment. They are careless and thoughtless. That’s
disgusting, isn’t it?

Program presenter : Phew! And then, what is your suggestion or advice for these bad
habits and people?
Sarah : Well, maybe we should just let them do whatever they want but when there are
disasters like floods or disease, don’t help them!
Program presenter : Great! Good listeners, are you going to support Sarah’s suggestion and
opinion? Don’t forget to send SMS to Sarah 3 double 5 6. Don’t go anywhere ! The
next participant is Astari. Hello Astari… sorry, you’ve been holding on very patiently.
Do you have any different opinion about this bad habit?
Astari : I always feel so bad every time I see people throwing litter on the ground instead of
into the litter bin. Don’t they understand that this bad habit is a dangerous thing? If we
step on a banana skin, for example, we can slip and fall down and get injured. And the
worst thing is our environment will get dirty and the air will full of bad odors. Really
isn’t good.

Program Presenter : Fantastic! Okay Astari, what’s your suggestion to overcome this bad

Astari : Simple. We must start it from our homes. We have to clean our gardens and also
keep our neighborhood clean.

Program presenter : Listeners, are you still with me? Are you going to support Astari’s or
Sarah’s opinion and suggestion? Mm, that’s a difficult question, isn’t it?Just send your
SMS to Astari 1 double 3 4 or to Sarah 3 double 5 6. We’ll give you 15 minutes from
now and the winner will be announced tomorrow at the same time and the same
program ‘Beautiful World’. So don’t miss it. All in all, time’s up. Well, thank you
Sarah and Astari. See you tomorrow and see who is the winner.
Astari : See you Thery, see you guys.

Adapted from The Jakarta Post, April 9,2006

C. Listen to the following conversation between daughter and her mother. While
listening, complete the text below. Then, answer the questions.
Daughter : Morning,mom, look here. Yes page 5, column 1. Read it carefully,
Mother : Morning dear. Good news ? Okay, let me see.You mean “ Tap water should
be free of charge.” It’s good news, isn’t it ?
Daughter : Read the issue more attentively mom.
Mother : Mm…The tap water rate increase, one of the automatic increases will take
place every six months for the next five years. The city administration says the
money collected from the increase will be used to pay an outstanding debt of
938 billion rupiahs to its foreign water company partner.
Oh dear. I can understand an increase in fuel and gas prices, but water is
supposed to be subsidized by the government.
Daughter : It annoys me too mom. I have been thinking about the impact of the water
rate hike. I realize it depends on who’s using it. But as far as I know most of
the users are low-income families mom, who are already suffering from the
recent fuel and gas price hike.
Mother : Maybe, it is because Jakartans are mostly business people, ranging from street
vendors to tycoons and you know dear, they use large amount of water.

Daughter : Well, you’re right but still I think that the government should provide water for
free because it is a public resource. If the tap water rate increase is a must, I
hope that the increase will improve service.
Mother : Oh, I think I can’t stand anymore. How can we manage our life with our same
amount of salary ?
Daughter : Okay mom, but don’t be so scared. You still own me.
Mother : Oh, thank you dear. Okay, let’s enjoy our breakfast.

Adapted from The Jakarta Post

Moving Forward

C Listen to the cassette. Fill in the blanks. Then, answer the questions.

Crime in Cities
Crime is a serious problem in big cities and it is getting worse every year. This
is what police departments around the country said in their reports last week. The
subways and the streets are more dangerous. You may not even be safe in your own
Why is the problem so serious now? This is not an easy question to answer.
There may not be a single answer. Many problems together seem to make cities so
One of the problems is money. To fight crime a city needs police officers, cars,
and guns. These cost a lot of money. But right now cities do not have much extra money.
So, there are not enough police officers, cars and guns for the cities.
Another problem is drugs. Crime studies show that many criminals use and sell
drugs. After they start taking drugs, they want to have more. However,drugs are very
expensive. So, these people may sell drugs to other people to make money or they may
steal money to get more drugs.
There is an even more important cause of crime. Critics have rich and poor
neighborhoods. In the poor neighborhoods, jobs are hard to find. Many young people
don’t have much hope for a better life. They only know one way to make a better living,
that way is to sell drugs or steal. So, some of these young people become criminals.
It is not going to be easy to change these crime problems. We must first change
many of the laws about drugs. We must change the way cities spend their money. Until
then, the crime problem will not go away and we will live our live in fear.

Adapted from Reading Power,Beatrice S.M

Addison-Wesley Publishing


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