Pers Speech Rubric

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Persuasive Speech Rubric

0-4 unsatisfactory 8 okay 12 good 16 excellent

Hook grabs audience’s


Clearly states the

problem, giving
background information

Solution/position clearly
states what speaker
wants audience to do or
believe (circle which)
Reasons for position are
well-supported by
evidence (does not make
unwarranted claims)
Acknowledges and
addresses the

Clincher leaves an
effective lasting
impression on audience

Uses rhetorical devices

to make effective points

Uses logos, ethos, and

pathos to convince

Argument is clear and


Voice is conversational,
varied, clear, and

Speaker makes eye

contact frequently with

Speeches must be approximately 5-7 minutes and 2.5 pages long (double spaced) or 650 words

Speech total: ________/176

Works Cited: ________/44

Practice Evaluation: ________/30

TOTAL: _______/250

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