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4 dimension........

a whole new

dimension of creativity
Company profile
• Offers marketing services to companies that are
looking to employ outdoor advertising program as
there marketing program
• Deliver full services to meet out of home advertising
& merchandising needs of its various clients
• Capable young energetic & qualified professionals to
serve clients efficiently
• Good management control to derive maximum
Vision & Mission
• We strive to be the premier local advertising
agency producing work of supreme quality

• To grow client’s business as media owners as

well as a specialist agency with the
wherewithal to provide great planning and
timely execution
About outdoor advertising
• Outdoor advertising includes various types of
promotional displays from highway billboards
to transit posters & arena placement
• All geared towards communicating a message
to the public
• The message might be buy a product,take a
trip,property sale, vote for politician,charity,or
even public service announcement
Facts & Figures
• Outdoor advertising in india is extremely
fragmented and disorganised business

• No official figures available though out of

home comprising billboards,mounted vans&
airport media is estimated to Rs 2000 crore
industry & to be more in next three years
Why outdoor advertising?
• Traditonal media like tv,print,& radio to an extent are
designed for consumption at home
• But over the last decade people’s lifestyles are
experiencing gradual shift
• They are spending less time at home and more outside
• So thus some part of the advertising must move out
with them to their destinations that’s why outdoor
• Strategically placed outdoor advertising guarantees
exposure for very little investment & also cost effective
Operational strategy
• Key factor which drives the growth of outdoor advertising
agency is the media owned by company
• We will try to attract the new clients by acquiring
advertising rights on the key public properties
• We will try to offer the variety of media for the clients to
choose from
• Choices of media flyovers in mumbai,rooftops
groundlevel hoardings,unipoles,wallwraps,bus queue
shelters, mobile vans in cities
• Display boards inside and outside buses & railway stations
• Being the new entrant will carry out expansion
in mumbai by acquiring advertising rights at
public properties in mumbai

• Try and develop contacts with the commercial

department of MSRDC
Acquiring advertising rights
• Govt of maharashtra has authorised msrdc to
utilised space above & below flyovers to
generate revenue
• Mumbai region
• Mumbai pune express way
• Invited sales tender
• Contract for three years
• Participate in the bid
• Acquiring advertising rights for BEST , done by
winning the contract for displays of
• Contract gives the advertising rights on 32000
street lights pole kiosks across the cities for
the period of three years
• Advertising for local players
• Advertising rights on public transport system buses is
with bright & shree outdoor agency
• We will try to focus on NMMT
• Earnest money required is Rs 555,500
• Advertising in malls
• Agency will take care of different aspects starting from
conceptualising to leasing out space on behalf of their
• Putting up hoardings or conducting events in various

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