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Format of questionnaire used in research methodology

Name: Muhammad Abu-Bakr Abdullah

Roll no: 31

Assignment: Format of questionnaire used in research methodology

With respect REF to: Sir Farooq Sb.
Subject: Sociology
Format of questionnaire used in research methodology

Sociology (code 31/2010 ) 3rd Semester

FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Interviewer Name

Interview Code
Back details Area
Quality Check Interview start time
Field report Interview end time
Total duration

Name of respondent: ______________________________ S/O_________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________


Profession_________________ Mobile No___________________ Email__________________________

Respected Sir / madam:

This questionnaire has been issued from a well name organization which is working on Human Rights. We are conducting a research
on “RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOCIALIZATION AND CRIMES”. According to our certain procedure of sample selection you have been
choose as respondent. We make you assure that all your information will be kept in secret. Thanks for your cooperation.

Part I
1- In your point of view is there any relationship between socialization and crime ??
(1) Yes (2) To some extent (3) No (4) Don’t know
2- Where is crime committed mostly ??
(1) Cities (2) Small Towns (3) Villages (4) Tribes
3- What prevents people to commit crimes??
1. Ethics (2) Social pressure (3)Punishment (4)Religion
4- Who is the more likely to be a criminal
(1)Elite (2)Rich (3) Average (4)Poor

5- Who is background responsible for crimes??

Format of questionnaire used in research methodology
(1)Less awareness (2) Economical problems (3) Negligence of Govt (4)Oppression

 Do grading the important factors in crime ??

For Example

1 Family bonding
1 Family bonding 3
2 Education
2 Education 5
3 Economics
3 Economics 1
4 Religion
4 Religion 2
5 Socialization
5 Socialization 4
6 Any Other 6

Part III

(1)Do you think A person can be criminal by born..??

 NO

(2)People lived in darkness are more criminal..??

 NO

(3) Has Media an impact on our crime rate..??

Format of questionnaire used in research methodology
 NO

(4) In your view Male are more criminal than Females..??

 NO

(5)Can Socialization pattern minimize the crime rate..??

 NO


(1) How can we minimize crime rate with the help of Education..??


(2)How economic can decrease the rate of crime..??


(3)Give your opinion about strong family bonds to check crimes..??


(4) Does social isolation also play any role in crime committing..??
Format of questionnaire used in research methodology

(5) Any more suggestion..??


Thanks for cooperation.

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