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“Educate to Eliminate”

Department of Human Rights
Department Mandate
 To process complaints of

 To issue certificates of
compliance to contractors doing
business with the state.

 To “Educate to Eliminate”

Minnesota Department of Huma 2

n Rights
Department Mission

To Make Minnesota
Discrimination Free

Minnesota Department of Huma 3

n Rights
“Educate to Eliminate”
 Community Forums
“The Right Focus on…”

 Public Service Announcements

“Don’t Go There”

 K-12 H u ma n R ig hts Le a r
rnnin g
Resourrcce Tool Kit
is is My Home”
Minnesota Department of Huma 4
n Rights
“The Right Focus on…”
 Statewide quarterly forums

 Focused on discrimination based on

the protected classes named in the
Minnesota Human Rights Act

 7 to date – next one scheduled for

March 24, in Rochester

Minnesota Department of Huma 5

n Rights
“Don’t Go There”
 Roundtable Discussion / Public Service
Announcement Campaign
 Celebrities from sports, entertainment and
business discuss discrimination
 Twins, Vikings, Timberwolves and Lynx
 Produced by Twin Cities Public Television

 Aired on Minnesota Channel

 Video Streamed
Minnesota Department of Huma 6
n Rights
“This is My Home”
• K-12 Learning Resource Kit

• U of M Human Rights Resource Center

• Video Documentary – Produced by TPT

Minnesota Department of Huma 7

n Rights

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