Do You Have A Drinking Problem Listening Exercise

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1. 15% of 16-17 year-olds in the UK ________________________

_____________________________ according to a new survey from Drinkaware.

2. According to the programme it is less about alcohol and more about

__________________________your parents and ________________________ with
your mates and having fun.

3. Last year in England, more than 14,000 12 to 17-year-olds needed


4. It is illegal for shops or _____________ to sell alcohol to an adult if there is

any suspicion they might______________________________________________

5. Neala and Eddie’s mum grew up in a pub and is _______________________

about her daughters drinking, but, what about ______________________?

6. When Eddie got drunk for the first time, her father was OK and
__________________, but her mother got ________________ and
____________________ her for a month.

7. According to the two sisters if you turn alcohol down and don’t go along
with your friends you seem to be _______________________.

8. Eddie’s older sister does not drink because she


9. Half of under-15s like Jamie have never got drunk because


10.1.3 million under-16s have a parent with


11.Jack thinks he has a ___________________ mother because he has to care for


12.Jack wants to remain anonymous because


13.It has become ________________ to drink a bottle of wine. It might not sound
that much but it is ________________________.

14.Which drinks do the presenters have on their table and how much are


15.The Scottish government wants to change the law to


16.What does the bespectacled Scottish teenager suggest?


17.The boy with the scarf believes it is ______________ to think such a measure
will work and says that putting prices up is a way for people to
________________________________ to young people.

18.British teenagers drink more than any others in Europe, and their binge
drinking often ends up _________________________________.

For more information about the programme head to

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