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A terrible disese which affected all the ages.

they are leading a horrbile life.

Is there any one who has been there to help and serve them.

He came to kakinada at 1976 as a medical student in rangaraya medical clg..

He used to see some leprasy patients begging around his clg and felt very sorrow
as he dont know or seen any leprasy patients.
he is a man who bought up with silverspoon and after seeing this he felt very sa
d seeing there problems.
So From that day onwards while comig to clg he ussed to bring tiffins to the pat

at the time of 1977 i kn ow Dr K.I Jacob as my senior.I used to stay in aroom an
d my houseowners relatioves has leprosy disease which is kept as secret
He used to come to their house as a relative very often but nobody knows for wha
t purpose is he coming.
After so many days my house owner told me abt the disease and Dr.Jacob as helped
me a lot and used to give medicines etc.
At that time he was third year medical student.
Theprincipal of the college felt very happy by seeing Dr Jacob's service to the
people and gave lot of suuport to him

I was astonished by this thing but inspite of this one day he came to my rom,m w
ith a bag and asked to give if i have any old clothes or shoes which will be a v
ery helpful to the patients.
During the period of 1977-78 he started VIMUKTI org where he provided food,clot
hing,and minimum basic needs.
The college principal gave him a lot of support as he is a student who migrated
fromkerla and doing service here.At that collector U.V.Raghavendra rao also gave
support on his behalf.
It was really suprising the service motto he has at that age itself.
After doing service like that he went back to kerla and borrowed 20000 thousand
from his father and started the vimukti org in a graveyard,so people used to cal
l him as graveyard doctor
He made some tent like arrangements there and used to provide food to the patien
ts which was made there itself.
Slowly it has reached to around 150 families, Dr Jacob has decided to provide th
em livelihood so he started maggam units,candle makig and printing press
During 1976 Dr jacob sir has bought all those people who were on roadside provid
ed them shelter,food
He is a great man,because of him only we were like this now,he had done a great
ervice to the leprosy patients up to a great extent
By seeing his service so many donars came forward and helped for construction of
permanant houses
For children a seperate hostel was constructed where from just born baby to upto
age of 15yrs were taken care and it was named as jyoti children home
In a rented house with around 150 children the children home has started.
it was visited by goverenor kcr abraham and chief ministermadhi chenna reddy
he established the maggam units and also toprovide the rehablitation centre wher
e candle making,chockpices manufacturing,primnting press
artficial lib set also established if any body legs to be replaced
also sarkar express daily newspaper at those time used to ditributed from here i
The children who were accomidated at hostel were now settled in good jobs and no
w taking care of theirfamilies

Our uncle used to stay in kakinada and he is tenant of my unles house,they used
to be very friendly he used to share all his feelings with my uncle,
our relation started as friendship slowly used to meet regularly and one day he
asked me will u marry me ,i said ok
As we both belong to different castes and religions without saying at home with
support of friends we married in the presence of father paul at kakinada
Both sides of parents dont know abt our marriage after knowing his parents stopp
ed sending him money too,we used to run the livelihood with the stayfund
As he as jeal of doing something so around 1981 he started St.pauls trust at kak
We used to face lot of problem as there is no money sometimes we sold fans,watch
es not for our sake we have to do something to the patients show them a path
In that way we started our life in st pauls we both used to work very hard with
a staff of 15 mem
We started a MCR Chappals unit and also mggam unit with around 15 maggams
we also under taken some govt activities like basket weaving ,soft toys making,t
ailoring like that for aroun 400 peopl during period of 84-85 gave machines.

During those days there are less number of NGO's which work effectively among th
em St pauls trust is one.
during those days many students thought After completing mBBS joining in private
hospital and settel in life but somethought of joining in NGO's and do service
among them we both are there.
We are lucky that we worked with great people among them K.V Desikan Who used to
stay in Vagdha,Sri R.s MAni garu in Chennai, Dr.ganapthi in mumbay
tharaya garu vagdha persident of Hindu kusht nivar sang,kondal rao in visakhapat
nam,Dr jai raj devdas in madras,Dr Loboin madras
We used to be a strong team and worked for leprosy patients

16 42
fromm 1991 Dr.Jacob started working on HIV
While taking casually there arised topic Of HIV,as it is spreading all over coun
try so we thought to bring awarness about it we both thought and conducted a ral
ly at samlkot
on worlds HIV day we both conducted joiintly after that we conducted a meetiing
at railway station which was the starting stage of our work towards HIV.
Dr jacob due to interest started aids control of india and worked alot on AIDs
We started this programme with a post office,we used to send msgs to every one a
bt the awarness so many laughed on us
a person from miltary was our first patient now it has incresed to 9000 families
in west godavari

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