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Concerns>Approach>Success Factors*

CIO Advisory Solutions to Drive IT Excellence

* Things we need to get right

Concerns Approach Success Factors*

Project Intake and Management of Funds, Priorities
Projects and requests are not Categorized by Strategic, Enhancements EMC-Strategic plan aligns with category
categorized (Investments) Support

Requests are not prioritized, or Perform Priority process with Champion, Prioritization process is adopted,
scheduled (in Old ISR process) PM and IT Managers* – assign priority as a model- EMC Governs

Resources are neither assigned nor Track IT resources by month, ensure Resource matrix is shared across
tracked for availability roles/teams visible - project decisions IT/Prod/PCO- support 2011 Plan

Projects are not estimated/scoped Estimates are performed at Checkpoint Project estimates become budgets
properly resulting in delays 2, by role, by skill-set, by team* and compared to Funding categories

Project Management of projects

Missing Project Management, Defined PCO model, and role of the PM, Hire and train PM’s.
quality, assignment - not consistent communicate change to EMC PCO/Business/Product groups work
Roles and responsibilities are unclear

Roles/ skills are not aligned to IT teams are now aligned to support – Collaborative teaming will ensure
support the business interests, priorities or strategic, enhancements, support roles are performed by groups/with
maintenance Product and IT groups are aligned by accountable deliverables
application/product group

No reports show project issues, status, Active, status reports each week. Group Reports are produced weekly/ monthly-
pending requests, costs etc. portfolio reports show project, type, risk get read, follow-ups and risks are
No consistent tracking of project portfolio Implement, train PM’s and in use of managed in Issues logs
plan ChangePoint ChangePoint adoption critical

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