Understanding, UNDERSTAND: You Got To Be Acquainted With The Proposal That It Launches Through

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Understanding, UNDERSTAND

You got to be acquainted with the proposal that it launches through

U yes, YOU precious, astonishing and beautiful you!

N ot that it comes with the promise to be always easy to admit

or appreciate.

D on’t let that bother you. You can never tell how and when or

where a door will swing open to help you to contract a sprig of

compassion for something far beyond your capacity to agree with.
E volving you must know takes time, patience and with well placed

energy the sky is the limit. Requiring you to take a stand, retire the sit
and walk the talk. Healthy thoughts bring with it the abundance of the

R evisit the days when pleasure of meeting and visiting and being

in the company of family and friends ruled life and nothing else
mattered. What lies in your hands is alone powerful. The rest are only
dust particles floating by.

S crambling one moment and then almost suddenly it will seem to

an outsider eye you reach, receive and rise from the ashes but you will
know what went into the whole deal and you will rejoice.
T otally awesome acceptance rules and brings with it the relief

from control which packs and whacks the inner being if you so let it.
The storm subsides and seems tangible that the breeze blowing is for
you alone.

A cknowledge and necessitate the need for preparation on a

larger scale of consciousness, in a broadened base of actions and the

unlimited scope of thoughts which heal, mend and revive come into a
welcoming existence.

N ever unaccompanied are thoughts so let your spirit soar to the

height of heights in them. It is here that the seeds of reality flourish in

availability, unhindered and unreserved from fear.
D odge the bullets in the form of cutting words and slicing deeds.

Dwell on the root reason and deal out no sentence for what only the
eye can see. Let the dimension other than your own opinion tell a tale
and strike a chord. As growth and peace, they need well rounded and
fully fledged dimensions to exist.

Love always


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