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More than a Game.

By: Marquez Canery

What Ball Means to Me.
• A lot of people see Basketball as just a sport that
involves players trying to get an orange ball into a red
basket, when in reality there is a lot more to the game
then the average person would think.
• More than half of the game of basketball is more mental
then physical.
• The game of Basketball can really change the way
people look at life, and can also change the way they live
Lancer Pride #33

• I played Basketball for Lawrence High School Lancers.

• To be a Lancer you needed more than just a nice jump shot and
quick feet, you needed to have an open mind and most
importantly you needed Determination.
• Basketball has made me
more of an over all team
player. When I first T.E.A.M.W.O.R.K
started playing the game I
was worried about me and
how much I was going to
score a night.
• It doesn’t matter how good
an individual is in the game
because no matter how
good you are, its unlikely
that you will be better than
5 other people working
together to beat you.
• There's no “I” in team and
Lawrence Lancers 09-10
there is also no “I” in (I'm in the Middle)
Why so Selfish?
• Basketball took one of my bad traits, which was selfishness.
• I was a pretty selfish person when it came to the court and also when it
came to life.
• I didn’t like doing things that wouldn’t benefit me in the end and because
of that people would act selfish toward me even if they weren't selfish
people in reality.
• There was this one game that really changed the way I looked at things.
• I was suspended for the first game of the year last year due to
something that happened in school that I had no business being involved
with, but it ended with me being suspended for one game.
• Going into this game I was mad because I was going to be on the bench
the whole game so I acted as if I didn’t care what the outcome of the
game would be. But as the game went on I noticed that the team had no
energy so I started cheering for them and the pace of the game quickly
changed and we ended up with the win. That’s when I noticed that even
without being in the actual game, I could still help my team win.
• In the game of
Patience Basketball you cant
rush anything
because when things
are rushed then you
leave more room for
• I like to do things
quick, and that
never helped me
when it came to the
court. When I
learned to slow down
my game and wait
for opportunities to
show themselves,
that’s when I
started getting easy
shots and seeing the
court more.
(My coach trying to show some Patience.)

• Basketball I can say was one of my Biggest motivations to do good in High

• The main reason was because we needed to keep our grades up in order
to stay on the team but also I believe that if we never had that rule I
would of done good because I knew that Basketball isn't just a game, it’s a
test and if I were to slack off and not take it as serious as I did, who's to
say that I would of took anything else that I did in my life serious?
• Its funny how some people see Basketball as just a sport,
when other people like myself see it as something that
helped them mature and become successful in life.
• Just how basketball helped me, there are other things
that helped people grow and live life easier, that’s why
things shouldn’t be taken for granted and taken a lot
more serious because you never know what can open your
eyes to the world.

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