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Name What they are going to be doing

David Cameron Telling the public how he going to stop knife crime.
Mike Gapes Interview
member of a
parliament for
Ilford south
PC Stephen
Wills Local crime prevention officer in Redbridge interview or talk to.
PC John
PC Claire
Bridget Philipson Labour MP for Houghton and Sunderland South, send email ask for some
facts and information or advice or interview

Sir Paul Head of Scotland yard email him and ask some questions
Gus Singh Victim of knife crime known to me. I could interview him and find out his side of
the story.
Russ Boyce Victim of knife crime ask him questions
Ron Bhaker Vox-pop
David Vox-pop
JS A victim of knife crime question him and ask him how he felt
CJ A person who stabbed someone
Michael jones A member on public on what he thinks about knife crime
John Vox-pop
Yasin Vox-pop
Scott Kenny Ex gang member who got stabbed on the leg question him
Terry Vox-pop
Aaron Vox-pop
Knife inspector Asking him how many people hand in knife a week or month or year
Zara Vox-pop
Roy D Vox-pop
Research for Knife Crime

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