Teaching Plan Immunization NEW FORMAT

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Name: efuerzo,
Diagnosis: G1P1 (1 0 0 1) Delivered NSD to alive baby boy

Description of the Learner: The Learner is a 20 y/o mother G1P1 and currently living on Gilbraltar Baguio City. According to the mother it
was her first time to deliver a baby and she admitted that she is not aware on what are the ´do·s and don·tsµ in taking care of a child.
The mother also was young and yet not prepared for having a baby

I.? Learning needs Diagnoses: knowledge deficit :Immunization of a child, related to lack of information on immunization and first
time to experience having a child
J? According to the mother it was her first time to have a baby
J? The mother admitted that she is not aware of the ´do·s and don·tsµ in taking care of a child
J? The mother also is still young and probably not ready enough to have a baby

II.? º ective: After 15 minutes of client teaching, the client will be able to verbalize understanding on the immunization needed by
a child at its purpose
Content Time Methodology/Strategy
che importance of immunization
Immunization is one of the most important and cost-effective interventions that the government·s health 3 Lecture-discussion with
system can provide to the poor and most vulnerable populations. outine immunization of children and minutes pamphlet, student
women leads to the control and eventual eradication of preventable diseases. knowledge, patient time
and cooperation

What are the protection they can get on having immunization 3

minutes Lecture-discussion with
The recommended immunization schedule for child/ infants includes vaccination protection against all of the
pamphlet, student
following diseases:
knowledge, patient time
? Bacterial Meningitis
and cooperation
? Diphtheria
? Hepatitis A
? Hepatitis B
? Influenza
? Measles
? Mumps
? Pertussis (whooping cough)
? Pneumococcal disease
? Polio
? ubella (German measles)
? Tetanus (lockjaw)
? otavirus Varicella (chickenpox)
{eneral Principles in Infants/Children Immunization 3 Lecture-discussion with
minutes pamphlet, student
 knowledge, patient time
               and cooperation
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 Lecture-discussion with
7 pamphlet, student
 knowledge, patient time
and cooperation
che exact immunization given to a child and the right time of giving them and the reason why it is eing given

BCG given at
possible age
ight protects the
Bacillus Birth or
0.05 deltoid possibility of
Calmette- anytime 1 -- Intradermal
mL region of TB meningitis
Guérin after birth
the arm and other TB
infections in
which infants
are prone[3]
An early start
Diptheria- Upper with DPT
Pertussis- outer reduces the
6 weeks 3 0.5 mL 4 weeks Intramuscular
Tetanus portion of chance of
Vaccine the thigh severe
The extent of
against polio
is increased
Oral Polio 2-3
6 weeks 3 4 weeks Oral Mouth the earlier the
Vaccine drops
OPV is given.
Keeps the
An early start
of Hepatitis B
reduces the
chance of
infected and
becoming a
Prevents liver
6 weeks interval
cirrhosis and
liver cancer
1st dose to 2nd Upper
which are
Hepatitis B dose, outer
At birth 3 0.5 mL Intramuscular more likely to
Vaccine 8 weeks interval portion of
develop if
from the thigh
infected with
2nd dose to third
Hepatitis B
early in life[7]

About 9,000
die of
of Hepatits B.
10% of
Filipinos have
Hepatitis B
At least 85%
Measles Upper of measles
Vaccine outer can be
9 months 1 0.5 mL -- Subcutaneous
portion of prevented by
©  the arms immunization
at this age[10].

III.? Evaluation:
Instant oral feedback and Question and answer

IV.? eferences:
J? Potter and Perry; Fundamentals of Nursing 6th edition
J? Limone and Burke; Principles of Medical-Surgical Nursing Critical thinking in client care Fourth Edition
J? Pilletteri ; Maternal and Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing and Childrearing Family
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ight deltoid BCG given at earliest possible age protects the

Bacillus Calmette- Birth or anytime 0.05
1 -- Intradermal region of the possibility of TB meningitis and other TB
Guérin after birth mL
arm infections in which infants are prone[3]

Diptheria- Upper outer

An early start with DPT reduces the chance of
Pertussis-Tetanus 6 weeks 3 0.5 mL 4 weeks Intramuscular portion of the
severe pertussis[4].
Vaccine thigh

The extent of protection against polio is

Oral Polio 2-3
6 weeks 3 4 weeks Oral Mouth increased the earlier the OPV is given.
Vaccine drops
Keeps the Philippines polio-free[5].

An early start of Hepatitis B vaccine reduces

the chance of being infected and becoming
6 weeks interval from a carrier[6].
Upper outer
Hepatitis B 1st dose to 2nd dose, Prevents liver cirrhosis and liver cancer which
At birth 3 0.5 mL Intramuscular portion of the
Vaccine 8 weeks interval from are more likely to develop if infected with
2nd dose to third dose. Hepatitis B early in life[7] [8].
About 9,000 die of complications of Hepatits B.
10% of Filipinos have Hepatitis B infection[9]
Measles Vaccine Upper outer
At least 85% of measles can be prevented by
9 months 1 0.5 mL -- Subcutaneous portion of the
immunization at this age[10].
©  arms

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