102 Arabic Syllabus

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King Saud University

College of Education
Arab 102 introduction to Arabic language
Instructor: Amal Ali Alsubki bh.
Office: RM 135
Office Hours: Wednesdays and Friday (2:00-4:00PM). Office Telephone: (909) 534-
E-mail: alsubkia@csusb.edu

Year/Quarter: 2011 summer Quarter

1 Blog is a place where you post your assignments.

The College of Education media technology:

King Saud University .(The department of Instruction Education Media Technology

supports rich learning environment throughout strategic planning for continues
evaluation and development of the department programs, research activities and
community services. The department emphasizes quality assurance by acquiring
faculty, staff, and students according to well accepted international standards to
reinforce the learning and instruction processes. The department is eager to prepare
scholarly leaders that are capable to participate in the development of the field and to
integrate information technology in the learning environment effectively).

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Course Overview
Arabic102 is one of the elective courses in Education Media Technology the
program. This course emphasizes creating work and develop it in the field of
Education Media Technology and language skills through different device. It is
designed to assist students in their teaching field and language skills. First,
develop an understanding of using one of internet elements, creating blogs related
to the use of technology in education .Second, understand how to use blog to post
their assignment and do research on the internet. finally they have to evaluate the
course and take the optional final quiz if they want to see how the subject were
useful for all of students .

Course Goals:

Make my freshmen student at university learn how to speak, write and read
Arabic. Also, master there on line skills. By asking and send e mail to his teacher
if they don’t understand any step.

Course Calendar

Date Assignment Project Due date

Week 1: 1-Student have to create an Due in 6
1/10 account in blog and skype
2-Log in the video link that I
will provide for them
3-Student Have to be there on
first class meeting on skype and
dim dim and they
4-The student have to send their
blog and skype account to
instructor by e mail and their
suggestions about the course
topic they want to learn

Week 2: 1-find more vocabulary Due in14

7/10 that related to the new
2-post it in their blog the
new vocabulary
3-reading part they have
to record their voice and
attach it
and send it by e mail to
the instructor

Week 3: 1-The student will take Due in28

21/10 another story as a home
work that has some
spilling and
vocabulary mistake error
and they have to re write
without any mistake and
post it in their blog

Week 4: 1- The student will Due in 12

5/11 communicate with the
instructor in Arabic about
any topic that
each student like to talk
about after they end from

this activity the student
will ask their
question they have before
they taking the quiz.

Week 5: 1-The student will have to Due in 20

13/11 send the evaluation paper
back to the instructor by e
 Course Requirements
All student will design and develop blog in creative style at online class.

1-After Choose a free blogging software that student think is easy to use
2- student have to Register for an account that I will provide to student
3-students have to create their blog and Skype account at the first day
4-the student have to post their home work in their blog
5- All student have to submit all home work before the due date.
6-The student have to comment in each other work.
7-Student have to prepare before each class start.

Assignments Points

Create their own blog 10

Submit their home work 10

Student communicate with each other 10

Evaluate the course 10

Total 40

Course Evaluation Plan

There are four home works requirement blogs each one worth 10 points

Grade Points
A 40
B 30

C 20
F 10

Course Policies

All students have to turn over their work before the due date
All students have to do their own work and sited everything that is not her/ his work.
Students have to participate and communicate with each other every week.

Commitment to Diversity
(To provide distinctive education, produce creative research, serve society and contribute
in building the knowledge economy and community through learning, creative thinking
environment, the optimal use of technology and effective international partnership).

Web information links:

blogger http://www.blogger.com/home

typepad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGPDh3s5iDg
typepad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tXLD8zQAGg
typepad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnCZGLDKZsQ

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