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 OS-DOS-6.2

Windows allow you to open
& run more than one program run at a time. Each
program runs in its own window, & you can see
simultaneously see more than one windows on the
desktop. Managing these windows is handeled by the
program manager. You also use the program
manager to setup programs & programs group so
that you can run them by simply clicking on the
respective icons.

File management & disk management can be

handeled in a simplle way through a windows
program called the file manager. The file manager
shows the directory structure & content in a way
that is a simple & easy to understand file operation
such as copying, moving, deleting,& renaming are
easy to accomplish disk functions can also be
handled through the file manager.

All printer related work is

handeled in a uniform way, in windows you need to
setup your printer just once with the required
options & parameters all the programs running on
windows will use these setting print jobs from
various program windows are handeled through a
common facilities called the printer manager .

The environment is
setup/modified using control panel program wher you
can decide on your fonts, mouse characterstics, &
desktop look & feel.

A powerful feature of windows

is its ability to copy information across program.
This feature is in built to run on windows provide
the user with command to use these feature.

Windows application program

have similar approaches to the user interface and
toward the user of feature such as clipboard &
printing. A windows user that is familier with the
working of one program on window is therefore able
to quickly & intuitevely learn to use a new program.
This standardization goes a long way in marketing
life easier for the user saving on both time &

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