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Sales Management > Transactions > Sales Order > Header > Lines

Set up test Objectives

• Verify a new checkbox “is Fully Audited” introduced in AD tables window

Login with user having access to “System Admin” role

Navigate to Tables and Columns window in AD (Application Dictionary || Tables and Columns || Table)

Select “C_Order” Table

1. Single record history (Single Popup – Record History view)

• Verify user can able to view all the recorded audit information associated to a single record
using the “Record History View”
• Verify Admin user can able to switch to “Deleted Records View” from “Record History View”

2. Deleted records in a table (Single Popup – Deleted Records view)

• Verify Admin user can able to view all the deleted rows in a grid view using “Deleted Records
• Verify Admin user can able to navigate from a selected deleted record to the full history of this
record in the 'Record History view'

3. Table history for a concrete parent (Future request)

4. Table history –All the modifications performed in a table. A history of all the records in the same table.
– Generated window

• Verify Admin user can able to filter all the audit information related to modifications performed
in a table

5. User table modifications – Which modification where performed by a single user in a table. - Generated
• Verify Admin user can able to filter all the audit information related to modifications performed
by a user in a table.

6. User record modifications –Which modification where performed by a single user in a table. - Generated

• Verify Admin user can able to filter all the audit information related to modifications performed
by a user in a single record

7. Record snapshot – How a record was at a concrete time (Future request)

8. Table snapshot - How a record was at a concrete time (Future request)

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