University Catholic Center July 27th, 2008 17th Sunday of OT

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University Catholic Center July 27th, 2008 17th Sunday of OT


effective through August 23rd
We are open during the summer
10 am to 4 pm Monday through Friday.
Daily Mass: 12:05 pm
Where’s Fr. Ed Koharchik?!
in the Mother Teresa Room.
Father Ed, Adam Shendelman,
Reconciliation after Mass newly baptized and fully initiated
on Mondays and Tuesdays (RCIA) student, Edward Alonzo,
Sunday Masses: 10:30 am and 8:00 pm former UCC member and student,
and Michelle Thibodeau will be
traveling to Calcutta, India on
Paulette Gravois’ Non-Birthday August 5 to work with Mother
Teresa's nuns, the Missionaries of Charity.
Richard Gravois from the morning Mass writes: July 30 is not
Please pray that they be kept safe in their travels, and that
Paulette's birthday because she is in Ottawa, Ontario which is
their work be fruitful as they minister to those who so need
out of the country which means her birthday does not
God's care.
count. You can send non-birthday greetings to
You can expect a report of their work when they return on
August 26!

Calling Future Catholic Longhorns!

Compass Bible Study During the Summer!
Do you know someone that has been accepted to The
Meeting on Tuesday nights from 7-8 pm in the St.
University of Texas at Austin? The UCC would like to invite
Francis Room during the Summer, Compass is a
them and their family to come and learn about our spiritual
fun and laid-back way to read scripture and get a little more
home! Current Students, alumni, and staff will be hosting a
out of Mass. Every week we spend an hour discussing the
casual reception from 3:00-4:30 PM on Sunday, August 10,
next Sunday’s readings and sharing our faith. We are student
2008 at the University Catholic Center. Incoming
run, student led, and totally low time commitment, so drop by
Longhorns can ask questions, meet other new students, and
whenever you can. Come hang out with us this Tuesday!
learn about their new UT Catholic community. For more
information, to register, or volunteer to help host, please visit or contact Vanessa Mena at Have an old PC laptop?
Stephanie Elliott, class of 2006 and former member of Mu Ep
READINGS FOR THE WEEK  Theta, is seeking donations of PC laptops that can run
  Microsoft Word. Stephanie, a teacher in Brooklyn, NY, is
Mon: Jer 13:1-11; Mt 13:31-35 helping to start a new public high school with the hope of
Tues: Jer 14:17-22; Jn 11:19-27 having a classroom set of laptops for student use. If you have
Wed: Jer 15:10,16-21; Mt 13:44-46 an older laptop that is still functional and would like to donate
Thurs: Jer 18:1-6; Mt 13:47-53 it, contact Brandon Kraft at
Fri: Jer 26:1-9; Mt 13:54-58
Sat: Jer 26:11-16, 24; Mt 14:1-12 Reminder: If you park in the alley on Sundays, please do not
Sun: Is 55:1-3; Rom 8:35,37-39; Mt 14:13-21 block our fire exit or access to the Central Parking lot used by
the University Christian Church.

The Numbers:
$5,000 $4,371 Week of July 28, 2008
10:30 am Mass: Monday July 28
$4,000 ∗ 12:05 pm—Mass Mother Teresa Room
$2,811 $1,101
$3,000 * 7 pm — RCIA Catacombs
$1,712 8:00 pm Mass:
$896.02 Tuesday July 29—Memorial: St. Martha
$1,000 ∗ 12:05 pm—Mass Mother Teresa Room
$0 Other Operating ∗ 7 pm — UGAP Mother Teresa Room
6/29 7/6 7/13 7/20 Income: ∗ 7 pm — Compass Bible Study St. Francis Room
Wednesday July 30—Opt Memorial: St. Peter Chrsologus
The summer has been quiet for many things at the UCC, but not ∗ 12:05 pm—Mass Mother Teresa Room
the Development Office. We’ve been working hard preparing for ∗ 2:00 pm — UT Project Mtg St. Thomas More Library
our 100th Anniversary Gala on November 1st—drafting
Thursday July 31—Memorial: St. Ignatius of Loyola
invitations, preparing programs and more. More information will
∗ 12:05 pm—Mass Mother Teresa Room
be in the bulletin soon, so start getting excited!
Friday August 1—Memorial: St. Alphonsus Liguori
Have you been thinking about signing up for ∗ 12:05 pm—Mass Mother Teresa Room
automated monthly giving?
Saturday Aug 2—Opt Memorial: St. Eusebius of Vercelli
You can now sign up on our web site: Sunday August 3—18th Sunday of Ordinary Time
∗ 10:30 am — Mass Holy Spirit Chapel
Please consider a recurring monthly gift for complete hassle- ∗ 8 pm — RCIA Dismissal Mother Teresa Room
free support and sustained investment in the mission of the ∗ 8 pm — Mass Holy Spirit Chapel
University Catholic Center.
Looking Ahead:
Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed ∗ We’ll return to four Mass Sundays on August 24
together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into ∗ Our Welcome Dinner is tentatively scheduled for Sept 12
your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in View the master calendar online at
return be measured out to you. - Luke 6:38

San Juan Diego High School is accepting applications

San Juan Diego Catholic High School is accepting applica-
tions for the fall 2008 semester. It’s an affordable private Weekly Reflection Question:
school that never rejects a student for financial reasons. At From your experience, complete the sentence "The
kingdom of heaven is like…"
San Juan Diego Catholic High School each student works in a
professional office environment one day a week to help pay
for his or her own tuition. That means you have the chance to
work for a major corporation and start building your résumé! University Graduate Students & Professionals-
For more information, call (512) 804-1935. UGAP is a group of post-college age people who
share and live the love of Christ in community
through worship, faith formation, social service,
Micah 6 Food Pantry spiritual development, and fellowship. We meet on Tuesdays
UCC participates in the ecumenical Micah 6 at 7 pm in the Mother Teresa Room throughout the Summer.
food pantry through donation and volunteering
on Thursdays and Saturdays. Many of the people Paulist Fun Fact of the Week:
we serve are homeless. Don’t forget our “neighbors” who
have nothing during the summer months. Please continue to Stories, pictures and more about the 150th
bring canned goods and packaged dry goods to Sunday Mass Anniversary convocation in Washington, DC are
for the baskets near the fountain. We ask that you continue to now online. Relive the experience, or discover it for the first
support the Micah 6 Food Pantry with your generous time at
donations. Thanks to all for your help.

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