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Rugged Coastlinne Books & Graphic Design LEGEND

G gas
8760 business fees, etc.
OE office expenses
8320 purchases in year
BL book launch
A advertising
M mailing
T travel
R rent


14-Sep-09 Denmark Productions Music Recording 8320 $ 310.69 $ 310.69
14-Sep-09 Denmark Productions Disc duplication & disc envelopes 8320 $ 870.10 $ 870.10
22-Sep-09 City Printers Books 8320 $ 1,065.00 $ 1,065.00
6-Oct-09 City Printers Books 8320 $ 2,662.50 $ 2,662.50
9-Oct-09 Maritime Campus Tshirts 8320 $ 179.40 $ 179.40
2-Nov-09 Denmark Productions Disc duplication & disc envelopes 8320 $ 870.10 $ 870.10
4-Nov-09 Denmark Productions Disc duplication & disc envelopes 8320 $ 49.16 $ 49.16
9-Nov-09 City Printers Books 8320 $ 3,727.50 $ 3,727.50
10-Nov-09 City Printers Christmas Cards 8320 $ 197.75 $ 197.75
7-Dec-09 Maritime Campus Tshirts 8320 $ 179.40 $ 179.40
25-Aug-09 Registry of Joint Stock Exchange Reserve Business Name 8760 $ 53.96 $ 53.96
2-Oct-09 Service Nova Scotia Register Business Name 8760 $ 61.66 $ 61.66
30-Sep-09 Fabricville Moose Costume supplies A $ 30.87 $ 30.87
30-Sep-09 Walmart Moose Costume supplies A $ 15.49 $ 15.49
6-Oct-09 City Printers Small Posters A $ 31.64 $ 31.64
6-Oct-09 Michaels Moose Costume supplies A $ 6.42 $ 6.42
3-Nov-09 City Printers Posters A $ 52.54 $ 52.54
12-Nov-09 City Printers Business Cards A $ 90.40 $ 90.40
22-Sep-09 Dollar Store Booklaunch (ballons) BL $ 6.78 $ 6.78
22-Sep-09 Dollarama Booklaunch (dice, baggies) BL $ 16.84 $ 16.84
30-Sep-09 Dollarama Booklaunch (dice, baggies, game markers) BL $ 48.87 $ 48.87
30-Sep-09 Dollarama Booklaunch (bags) BL $ 8.19 $ 8.19
6-Oct-09 Dollarama Booklaunch (dice) BL $ 2.26 $ 2.26
7-Oct-09 Cheticamp Dollarstore Booklaunch (ballons) BL $ 2.26 $ 2.26
7-Oct-09 Cheticamp Dollarstore Booklaunch (Game Markers) BL $ 30.51 $ 30.51
8-Oct-09 Walmart Booklaunch (crayons) BL $ 5.63 $ 5.63
8-Oct-09 Staples booklaunch (photocopying pictures) BL $ 7.00 $ 7.00
9-Oct-09 Cheticamp Dollarstore Book Launch (Dice) BL $ 43.51 $ 43.51
Jul-09 Gas Gas - Cheticamp to Sydney to printers G $ 30.00 $ 30.00
Jul-09 City Printers Books - printed 3 sample books G $ 48.00 $ 48.00
14-Sep-09 Gas Gas - Margaree to Halifax for music recording G $ 80.00 $ 80.00
22-Sep-09 XTR - Gas Gas - Margaree to Sydney to sign proof G $ 30.00 $ 30.00
29-Sep-09 Petro Canada - Gas Gas - Cheticamp to Sydney to pick up books G $ 40.00 $ 40.00
7-Oct-09 Irving - Gas Gas - Margaree to Inverness G $ 15.00 $ 15.00
15-Nov-09 Petro Canada - Gas Gas - Nicole, Margaree to Sydney G $ 55.21 $ 55.21
19-Nov-09 Irving - Gas Gas - Linsday, Margaree to Sydney G $ 30.00 $ 30.00
8-Oct-09 Canada Post Mailing M $ 3.11 $ 3.11
21-Oct-09 Canada Post Mailing M $ 57.61 $ 57.61
27-Oct-09 Canada Post Mailing M $ 29.00 $ 29.00
27-Oct-09 Canada Post Mailing M $ 12.88 $ 12.88
29-Oct-09 Canada Post Mailing M $ 0.65 $ 0.65
2-Nov-09 Canada Post Mailing M $ 8.84 $ 8.84
18-Nov-09 Canada Post Mailing M $ 14.20 $ 14.20
24-Nov-09 Canada Post Mailing M $ 9.93 $ 9.93
1-Dec-09 Acadian Lines Coaches Mailing M $ 20.34 $ 20.34
4-Dec-09 Canada Post Mailing M $ 13.39 $ 13.39
4-Dec-09 Canada Post Mailing M $ 8.86 $ 8.86
5-Dec-09 Acadian Lines Coaches Mailing M $ 13.28 $ 13.28
13-Dec-09 Canada Post Mailing M $ 16.86 $ 16.86
14-Dec-09 Canada Post Mailing M $ 2.21 $ 2.21
15-Dec-09 Canada Post Mailing M $ 2.83 $ 2.83
18-Dec-09 Canada Post Mailing M $ 5.78 $ 5.78
Aug-09 Personal Sale Pay portion of Lindsays' computer program OE $ 300.00 $ 300.00
12-Sep-09 Staples Office supplies OE $ 32.92 $ 32.92
19-Sep-09 Michaels Office Supplies (book easel) OE $ 13.55 $ 13.55
30-Sep-09 Staples Office supplies (computer paper) OE $ 7.33 $ 7.33
6-Oct-09 Staples Office supplies (printer cartilage & tape) OE $ 46.12 $ 46.12
7-Oct-09 Cheticamp Dollarstore Office supplies (tape) OE $ 8.47 $ 8.47
7-Oct-09 Shean Coop Office supplies (tape) OE $ 11.06 $ 11.06
8-Oct-09 Walmart Office supplies (tape) OE $ 6.66 $ 6.66
8-Oct-09 Canada Post Office supplies (envelopes) OE $ 2.81 $ 2.81
8-Oct-09 Staples Office supplies (pens & tape) OE $ 61.25 $ 61.25
9-Oct-09 Shean Coop Office supplies (tape) OE $ 11.06 $ 11.06
15-Oct-09 Staples Office supplies (tape & envelopes) OE $ 33.70 $ 33.70
15-Oct-09 Staples Office supplies (ink cartilage) OE $ 53.40 $ 53.40
21-Oct-09 Baddeck Home Hardware Office supplies (tape) OE $ 6.76 $ 6.76
23-Oct-09 Cheticamp Dollarstore Office supplies (tape) OE $ 6.78 $ 6.78
24-Oct-09 Staples Office supplies (for mailing) OE $ 26.91 $ 26.91
27-Oct-09 Canada Post Office supplies (envelope for mailing) OE $ 2.47 $ 2.47
3-Nov-09 Dollarama Office supplies (tape & envelopes) OE $ 15.17 $ 15.17
1-Dec-09 Lawtons Drugs Office supplies (envelope) OE $ 4.47 $ 4.47
1-Dec-09 Canada Post Office supplies (for mailing) OE $ 5.53 $ 5.53
1-Dec-09 Dalhousie University Office supplies (tape & envelopes) OE $ 13.73 $ 13.73
18-Dec-09 Canada Post Office supplies (envelope) OE $ 4.75 $ 4.75
26-Oct-09 Center 200 Christmas Craft Fair Table Fee for Weekend Craft Fair R $ 70.00 $ 70.00
8-Nov-09 Port Hood, Christmas Craft Fair Table Fee for Weekend Craft Fair R $ 20.00 $ 20.00
22-Nov-09 Elf Fair, Inverness Craft Fair Table Fee for Weekend Craft Fair R $ 20.00 $ 20.00
14-Nov-09 Martin Arms Hotel Accomodations T $ 158.08 $ 158.08
15-Nov-09 Smittys Meal (50% of $90.06 = $45.03) T $ 90.06 $ 45.03

TOTAL $ 12,207.45 $ 12,162.42

dues and Book
Gas fees Office expenses Cost of Sales Lauch Advertising Mailing Travel Rent
*no receipt
*no receipt $ 328.21 $ 115.62 $ 674.90 $ 10,111.60 $ 171.85 $ 227.36 $ 219.77 $ 248.14 $ 110.00
*no offical receipt

*no receipt
**Missing Receipt on CU Statement

**Missing Receipt on CU Statement

**no receipt
**no receipt

**no receipt
# Book # Tshirt
Oct-09 Library & Archives Canada 2 0
Oct-09 Breakfast Television 1 0
Oct-09 CBC Radio (Wendy Burgfelt) 1 0
Oct-09 Cape Breton Highlands Education Center Library 1 0
Oct-09 Dr. Coady & Tompkins Memorial Library 1 0
Oct-09 Booklaunch - colouring contest (Margaree School, Darc 1 0
Oct-09 Booklaunch - colouring contest (Cheticamp School, Kay 1 0
Oct-09 Booklaunch - colouring contest (Inverness School, Car 1 0
Oct-09 Booklaunch - door prizes 0 2
Oct-09 Nicole Shaw 1 1
Oct-09 Linsday Shaw 1 1
Oct-09 Rose & Kelly Shaw 1 0
Oct-09 Cyril & Pat LeBlanc 1 0
Oct-09 David Miller & Jill Campbell-Miller 1 0
Oct-09 Cape Breton Screaming Eagles 1 0
Nov-09 Christmas Craft Fair, Center 200, Sydney 1 1
Nov-09 St. Micheals Parish Fall Fair 1 0
Nov-09 Application for Graphic Design Award 3 0
4-Dec-09 Home & School Tea and Sale 1 0
6-Dec-09 Christmas Daddies 4 1
# Christmas Cards
0 $ 30.00
0 $ 15.00
0 $ 15.00
0 $ 15.00
0 $ 15.00
0 $ 15.00
0 $ 15.00
0 $ 15.00
0 $ 30.00
0 $ 30.00
0 $ 30.00
0 $ 15.00
0 $ 15.00
0 $ 15.00
0 $ 15.00
0 $ 30.00
0 $ 15.00
0 $ 45.00
3 $ 19.00
0 $ 75.00
3 $ 469.00
8-Sep-09 Pat & Cyril LeBlanc $ 500.00 22-Dec-09
14-Sep-09 Nicole Shaw $ 1,360.19 14-Oct-09
25-Sep-09 Phillip & Carolyne LeBlanc $ 1,500.00 22-Dec-09
5-Oct-09 Rose Shaw $ 627.64 19-Oct-09
5-Oct-09 Lindsay Shaw $ 200.00 19-Oct-09 repaid cash
6-Oct-09 Rose Shaw $ 300.00 19-Oct-09
7-Oct-09 Rose Shaw $ 4.00 19-Oct-09
8-Oct-09 Rose Shaw $ 1,328.36 25-Nov-09
2-Nov-09 Nicole Shaw $ 923.46 25-Nov-09

14-Oct-09 repay Nicole $ 1,360.19

19-Oct-09 repay Rose $ 1,000.00
19-Oct-09 repay Lindsay (cash) $ 200.00
25-Nov-09 repay Rose $ 1,260.00
25-Nov-09 repay Nicole $ 923.46
22-Dec-09 repay Phillip & Carolyne $ 1,500.00
22-Dec-09 repay Pat & Cyril $ 500.00
TOTAL REPAID $ 6,743.65

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