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Use Case Diagrams

Week 1 – Lab 1
What is a Use Case Diagram?
• Explains what the main functionality of the
system is
• Mainly cares for the system’s expected
behavior (what) rather that how it is done!
Use Case Diagram: Components
• 1) Actors
• An actor specifies a role that some external entity
adopts when interacting with the system directly.
• It may represent a role played by:
– a user
– another system
– a piece of hardware
• Actors may be both at input and output ends of a use
Use Case Diagram: Components
• 2)Use Case
• Describes all the services required or
performed by the actor.
Example 1
• Construct a use case diagram for a library
management system. The system is used by the
librarian, the assistant librarian and the clients.
• The librarian, can add books, delete books, add
clients, delete clients, list books, list clients, check
in/out books
• The assistant librarian has all the functionality of
the librarian except for add/delete for books and
• Clients may only check in/out books
Example 1 - Continued
• To find the actors  Look for nouns
• To find the user case  Look for verbs
Example 1
• Construct a use case diagram for a library
management system. The system is used by the
librarian, the assistant librarian and the clients.
• The librarian, can add books, delete books, add
clients, delete clients, list books, list clients, check
in/out books
• The assistant librarian has all the functionality of
the librarian except for add/delete for books and
• Clients may only check in/out books
Example 2
• Construct a use case diagram for an online
travel agency system. A new user can create a
new profile with a username and a password.
This profile can be changed at any time if the
user wants. The user logs to the system using
his/her username and password.
• After logging into the system, the user
inquires about different flights. The user can
book, change or cancel a flight reservation.
This includes choosing a payment method,
and making a payment.

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