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By: Group IV

IV-7 (Deuteronomy
Fire Prevention
 Aside From crimes, the
community has other problems to
prepare for and solve.

 We Have become dependent on

the benefits fire brings to our
lives. Nevertheless, it also causes
harm and death if treated
Fire  A Good Friend
, A Dangerous Enemy
When people discovered how to start and tend fire
for their own use, this natural element became their
friend and helped them survive the harsh climates.

Fire can and does get out of control every now and
then. Forest fires either natural or manmade in origin,
still occur in many parts of the world.

To address this social menace the country holds The

Fire Prevention Month in March of every year. Initiated
by the bureau of fire protection(BFP)
To bring about these
objectives, the bureau has
come up with guidelines on
the proper measures to follow
to prevent fires. Indeed, as
common sense would dictate,
it is always better to prevent
the occurrence of a fire than
to stop it once it starts to rage.
Proper Electrical
 One of the most common origin of
fire is faulty electrical connection. It is
therefore critical to understand the
importance of having proper
electrical installations that conform
with the requirements for homes and
business establishments.
Poor Electrical connections and loose wires
may lead to serious accidents. Sockets are
likewise in danger of being overloaded
when electrical appliances are used all at
the same time. Electrical lines must never
exceed their capacity since overloading this
can result in permanent damage to area
transformers. Worst yet, area transformers
can explode and cause hours, and even days,
of brownouts that would greatly disrupt the
community life.
Proper Wiring
 Proper house wiring plays a critical
role in preventing fires. The best type of
electrical wiring is copper. It should
have a thin coat of tin (tinning), Which
improves corrosion resistance
dramatically. The additional cost of
tinned wire is not much but it is so safe
to use that tinned wire should be
preferred at all times.
Most after-construction wiring requires
two wires and the duplex wire is more
convenient and provides the added safety
of a second layer of insulation. The best
choice for the most 12-volt wiring projects
is the duplex safety wire where the twin
conductors are red (positive) and yellow
(ground). Making the ground wire yellow
rather than black reduces the likelihood of
confusing a DC ground wire with an AC hot
wire, also black.
Proper Care
 Some families may have grown
careless about the maintenance of
electrical facilities. Failing to
maintain electrical wirings,
outlets, and other facilities is
 Fires can also start in the kitchen when people
become too careless about loose valves in
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) tanks. Gas that
escape and comes in contact with flame or sparks
may result in sudden, uncontrollable explosions.

 Other causes of fire are overheated appliances

and failure to switch off the water heater or
unplug the electrical iron after use.

 The Threat of fire has doubled greatly since

there is a wide use of candles, gas and kerosene
Fire Prevention
 The Bureau of Fire Prevention aims to develop
among Filipinos a culture of safety consciousness
especially concerning fire. It includes reorienting
the attitude and values of the people to care for the
safety of individuals, families and communities as
well as for the safety of properties.
When the BFP was created as a
civilian agency under republic act
6975, it was tasked not only to
inform the people of the hazards of
fire but also to come up with
concrete actions to bring down its
occurrence. For these reasons, the
Fire Prevention Month is observed
every March to push this agenda to
the hilt.
A series of activities is lined up by the
bureau regularly to attain these goals.
These activities include fire prevention
lectures in public and private schools and
barangays, and fire safety inspection of
hotels condominiums, restaurants, high-
rise buildings, government offices,
industrial establishments and places of
public assembly such as department
stores, supermarkets and movie house.
The Fire Code of the Philippines
continues to be strictly implemented and
an operating agency under the
department of interior and local
government (DILG) conducts fire
preparedness activities and drills. The
Fire Bureau also intensifies its
investigation of all causes of fires and the
filing of proper complaints with the city
or provincial prosecutor when found

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