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Thriller Movies Survey

I am doing a Media project on making a thriller movie opening and have decided to conduct this
survey on thriller movies as a part of my research in order to help me choose my target audience
and learn about the popularity of the thriller genre. Please circle one of the chosen answers
provided. Thank you.

1. You are Male Female

2. Your age is 12-15 16-18 19+
3. You own 0 thriller movies 1-3 thriller movies More than 4 thriller movies
4. Your favourite thriller movie is
5. Why is this your favourite thriller
6. What do you think makes a thriller
7. How many movies do you watch in a week? 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7+
8. How many thrillers do you watch in a week? 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7+
9. Do you feel thrillers you have seen fulfil their objective to keep you on edge? YES NO
10. If NO explain
11. Are there any certain things you would like to see in a thriller movie? If yes please state

Thank you please return to the distributor a.s.a.p. without a name on it.

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