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Advertising Programmes
The five M’s of advertising

 What are the objectives?
 Mission
 What is the key objective?
 How much is it worth to reach my
 Money objectives?
 How much can be spent?
 What message should be sent?
 Message  Is the message clear and easily
 What media vehicles are available?
 Media
 What media vehicles should be used?
 How should the results be measured?
 Measurement  How should the results be evaluated and
followed up?
Mission or Setting the Advertising
To inform: This aim of Ad is generally true during
the pioneering stage of a product
• Telling the market about a new product
• Suggesting new uses for a product
• Informing the market of a price change
• Informing how the product works
• Describing available services
• Correcting false impressions
This M deals with deciding on the Advertising Budget

There are five specific factors to be considered when setting

the Advertising budget.
• Stage in PLC

• Market Share and Consumer base

• Competition and clutter

• Advertising frequency

• Product substitutability
Message Generation
• What is the nature of product?
• For whom it is meant?
• Special charateristics?
• Who are competitors?
• How is product different from competitors
product? Is it technological breakthrough?
• What position would it take?
• What appeal will be most affective?
Media planning
• Media selection
what type of media should be used?
magzines, newspaper, tv, radio, outdoor etc.
• Media scheduling
steady pulse: (ex: 1 ad/week)
seasonal pulse: cold cream, vicksbalm .
Promotional pulse:
Period pulse: regular patttern in consumer durables
• Media reach/target
• Media cost and availabilty

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