Networks Summary

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Bus: Series of computers/systems (say, switches or nodes) connected by a link in a line. All computers n
links and end computers n/2 links. Fewer cables but disable if one node down
Ring: Computers connected in closed fashion – each system has n links. More Latency, Robust/ Reliable.
Star: All nodes are connected to a central point.
 Easier to design optical power budget/easy to implement/flexible – companies use star LAN.
 Lot of cables – not so reliable if hub fails.
Derived Topologies: Tree and Mesh. routing is complex. MAN/WAN – Mesh
Message: Complete File is a message.
Frame: A block of data suitable for transmission – min n max size depends on protocol.
Packet: Block of data sent over network. Generally < message.
Bitrate:No. of bits transmitted per unit time. Time=1 sec: transmission time.
Baud rate: no. of symbols transmitted per unit time, bitrate=baudrate iff 1 unit per symbol.
Bandwidth: Frequencies carried by a signal/system/medium.
Bitrate calculated near transmitter, baud rate is rate at which receiver receives data.
Synchrounous transmissionbitrate=baud rate.
RFC: request for comments || IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force
Protocol: set of rules that make communication more efficient.
How data transferred through net?: Circuit Switching and Packet Switching
ISDN: Integrated Service Digital Network ||ASDL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
HFC: Hybrid Fiber Coax ||CDPD: Cellular Digital Packet Data
4 sources of delay at each hop: Nodal Processing – Queuing – Transmission - Propagation

Application Layer:
 WWW – HTTP – FTP – email – DNS – Socket progm
Transport Layer:
 MUX and DEMUX Apps – UDP – TCP – Congestion Control
Network Layer:
 Routing principles – IP – whats in router?
Data Link Layer:
 ARP – hubs/bridges/switches/routers – wired/wireless LAN – Aloha – error detection/correction

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