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The human skeleton has 206 bones. Which is the longest?


Search engine used: Bing__________________________

Search terms used to find the answer: Largest bone in body
1. longest bone in the body________ 4.      ____________________________
2.      ______________________ 5.      
3.      ______________________ 6.      

The smallest bones are those in our ears. What are their names? (There are three,
and each has a plain and a fancy name.)
1. hammer_______________________/ __malleus_________________________
2. anvil______________________ / __Incus_________________________
3. stirrup________________________ / _stapes_________________________________
Search engine used: __dogpile________________________
Search terms used to find the answer:
1. small ear bones________________4. ____________________________
2. smallest human bones___________5. _____________________________
3. smallest ear bones_______________ 6. _____________________________

What makes up the inside portion of our bones? __bone marrow_______________

What is its purpose? Its job is to make blood cells

Search engine used: web crawler__________________________

Search terms used to find the answer:
1. what makes up the inside portion of our bone? 4. ________________________
2.      ______________________ 5.      
3.      ______________________ 6.      
Joints are what hold our bones together. There are two types: movable and immovable.
A hinge joint is a type of movable joint found in:

1. The elbow___________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________

Why do you think they are called hinge joints? Because they’re like door hinges they
allow you to move your elbow.

Search engine used: metacrawler

Search terms used to find the answer:
1. A hinge joint is a type of movable joint found in what?
2.      ______________________ 5.      
3.      ______________________ 6.      

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